Evolving Conscious Belief System: ECBS Spiritual Intuitive Faith SIF constructs our fourth category of beliefs. These beliefs are

Robert Elias Najemy - 145 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional depending on what our belief system tells us about what is happening or what we are thinking about.

10. This charge is then associated with that stimulus and when we think about it or confront

it, we feel indifferent, secure, relaxed and happy or fear, pain, guilt or anger depending on our interpretation.

11. This then creates a corresponding energy field associated with that specific stimulus.

12. Our emotional reality depends on our beliefs about that stimulus event, behavior, situation or

thought and the thought-energy-field created when we confront or think of the stimulus. We have Multiple Beliefs about the Same Stimulus

13. We have multiple beliefs about the same stimulus.

TFT will say, this person does not believe that he is in danger, but his energy field makes him feel that way. Or, Why doesn’t his fear go away when he changes his conscious belief? Obviously this person has multiple parallel beliefs, creating multiple thought-fields concerning the same stimulus. This is a major key. The thoughts we have about any stimulus are in fact energy fields concerning that issue, which create our resulting emotional reaction. However, we have various thoughts and as a consequence, many thought and energy fields concerning the same stimulus. Multiple Parallel Beliefs 14. I would like to hypothesize some different categories of beliefs.

a. Emotionally Charged Impressions - ECI - These are not so much beliefs as impressions,

which are imprinted on the mind during traumatic experiences. The mind then identifies this particular stimulus with this emotionally charged feeling, and when we think of it we feel fear or other emotions. We do not go through thinking processes here such as analyzing, evaluating and coming to conclusions. This kind of “belief” has a strong “emotional charge” but no actual inertia or mass, because it is not based on observations and facts, but rather on one or two intense experiences – which of course are not representative of reality.

b. Mistaken Childhood Conclusions - MCC - These are usually mistaken beliefs about a reality

in which we perceive ourselves as weak, wrong, unlovable and to blame for just about everything that happens around us such as our parents anger, absence, unhappiness, indifference, divorce, illness, death etc. We falsely interpret that we are not worthy or able and that others will always behave towards us in ways that we experienced in childhood. These first two categories are usually repressed in the subconscious mind shadow, inner child - whatever you prefer because of the pain and confusion they produce. We suppress them so that we can focus and function in our daily lives. They are encased in an energy membrane much as our body envelopes a sliver or cut in our skin in order to prevent it from poisoning the rest of the body. These beliefs are repressed so that we do not feel the unpleasant negative emotional-energy charge associated with them. They do, of course, exist in the subconscious and produce their corresponding energy field every time we come into contact with or think of the specific stimulus. As already mentioned, they also create psychosomatic illnesses. These Beliefs are Stagnant and do not Evolve as We Do Because of their repression and subsequent isolation from our conscious mind, these beliefs do not evolve as we do. They remain in their original state regardless of our evolving logic, reasoning, new experiences and spiritual faith. They receive no new data. The third category of beliefs is our:

c. Evolving Conscious Belief System: ECBS

This is our conscious system which, as it processes new data, reevaluates its perceptions of reality seeking to make the adjustments necessary in order to understand the truths behind the phenomena we observe. This is actually evolving in only some people. Many have stopped processing new data and thus have remained with the same conscious belief system for many years and will leave their bodies with it. Robert Elias Najemy - 146 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional For many, this belief system understands that we are safe, secure, good, worthy and capable. It also realizes that we are not in danger from heights, cars, insects, dogs, cats, elevators, airplanes etc. The facts available to it cause it to realize that its fears are unfounded. Yet we continue to experience fear and its resulting emotions due to our previous two categories of beliefs, Emotionally Charged I mpr essions and Mistak en Childhood Conclusions that are isolated from and usually stronger than our Evolving Conscious Belief System.

d. Spiritual Intuitive Faith SIF constructs our fourth category of beliefs. These beliefs are

usually based on faith rather than proof. We feel that what we believe is true. In addition to being affected by others’ spiritual beliefs, we also experience inner awakenings or revelations in which we just know that something is true. The last two conscious categories of beliefs are usually weak when confronted with specific stimuli that awaken our first two repressed categories. We may have total faith in our immortality or in God’s wisdom and justice, but when confronted with stimuli, which awaken our Emotionally Charged Impressions and Mistaken Childhood Conclusions, the power of these later two often temporarily overshadow our faith and logic. Herein lies the answer as why we do not see that beliefs are the cause of our emotional reality, when we heal with TFT. We have simultaneous multiple beliefs working at different levels. We are addressing the energy fields, which have to do with the two suppressed beliefs and not the person’s conscious or spiritual belief system. Statistics and Inertia verses Charge 15. Man y “beliefs” are created by emotional charge rather than by statistics and thus have a high emotional charge but low inertia. The term inertia describes the tendency of an object to stay in the state that it exists or its resistance to changing its state. Thus if it is stationary it resists movement. If moving it resists stopping. The inertia of a belief is the measure of its resistance to change either because it is the product of many experiences and conclusions or deep faith or because we have an invested need to keep that belief for some reason. An example of the difference between charge and inertia would be the following. If we drive a car every day for 30 years and then have an accident one day, that one accident can affect the mind more than the other 10,950 days we have driven. Thus we are more affected by the emotional charge of one experience than by the weight of the evidence of having driven 10,950 days without any danger. If we have 30 years of a loving relationship with someone and then one day he or she leaves us for another, our 10,950 days of loving relationship is overshadowed by the emotional charge of the betrayal we feel due to one experience. Rather than feeling grateful for all those loving moments, we feel hurt and angry about the one experience. Such beliefs are actually of the category of Emotionally Charged Impressions. While highly charged they have little inertia because they are based on only a few experiences and can be easily healed by TFT. This is important. Other types of beliefs with a higher inertia, are not easily dissipated by TFT such as self-esteem, religious beliefs, political beliefs or our Evolving Conscious Belief System. Belief Inertia 16. Each belief has a specific inertia or resistance towards change, which has to do with: a. How many experiences have gone into its creation. b. How many different kinds of experiences have contributed to this conclusion. If we have only one experience, which is repeated then it does not create as much inertia as having different stimuli creating that belief. c. How much thought has gone into its creation. d. The degree to which it is linked to other beliefs - creating a web of beliefs. e. How much we depend on this belief for our sense of security, self worth or freedom. How much psychological reversal we have in relation to this belief such as being in the role of the victim or guilty one. In general, most phobias are not the product of processing various experiences and coming to a conclusion and thus have lower inertia and can be easily removed by TFT. Robert Elias Najemy - 147 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional Our experience is that fear, guilt, pain and all other emotions can be easily dissolved by tapping on the energy field in this way. However, general anxiety, depression, self-esteem and other issues often require more work on the various aspects which make up this more complex inter-linked system of beliefs in which our anxiety is also connected to fear, pain, guilt and anger towards ourselves. All emotions, however, can be dealt with extremely effectively as long as we are adept at dealing with their complexity. Thus, it is not the intensity panic - rage which obstructs immediate results with TFT but rather the complexity of the issue and how many different beliefs and emotions are involved. In other words, it is not the intensity of the belief, but its inertia, which complicates the healing. Multileveled Perception Thus, when we are experiencing or thinking of any stimulus, we perceive it through a series of at least four filters, each presenting its own interpretation of what is happening and how that relates to our basic needs of safety, self-worth, freedom and pleasure. If any one of those filters is creating a stronger charge, then although we usually are aware of how the other filters are interpreting this stimulus, our emotional reactions will usually be the result of that most strongly charged interpretation. By reducing the charge associated with the Emotionally Charged Impressions a n d Mistaken Childhood Experiences, and strengthening our Evolving Conscious Belief System and Spiritual Intuitive Faith, we become free from irrational emotional suffering. TFT, Self Knowledge and Belief Transformation

17. This is why when we remove or harmonize the disturbed energy field, not only do we experience