Psychoanalysis works basically by seeking to uncover the Mistaken Childhood Conclusions and Cognitive Psychology does the same by encouraging us to investigate alternative Behavioral Therapy seeks to bring new experiences and thus new conclusions to the

Robert Elias Najemy - 147 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional Our experience is that fear, guilt, pain and all other emotions can be easily dissolved by tapping on the energy field in this way. However, general anxiety, depression, self-esteem and other issues often require more work on the various aspects which make up this more complex inter-linked system of beliefs in which our anxiety is also connected to fear, pain, guilt and anger towards ourselves. All emotions, however, can be dealt with extremely effectively as long as we are adept at dealing with their complexity. Thus, it is not the intensity panic - rage which obstructs immediate results with TFT but rather the complexity of the issue and how many different beliefs and emotions are involved. In other words, it is not the intensity of the belief, but its inertia, which complicates the healing. Multileveled Perception Thus, when we are experiencing or thinking of any stimulus, we perceive it through a series of at least four filters, each presenting its own interpretation of what is happening and how that relates to our basic needs of safety, self-worth, freedom and pleasure. If any one of those filters is creating a stronger charge, then although we usually are aware of how the other filters are interpreting this stimulus, our emotional reactions will usually be the result of that most strongly charged interpretation. By reducing the charge associated with the Emotionally Charged Impressions a n d Mistaken Childhood Experiences, and strengthening our Evolving Conscious Belief System and Spiritual Intuitive Faith, we become free from irrational emotional suffering. TFT, Self Knowledge and Belief Transformation

17. This is why when we remove or harmonize the disturbed energy field, not only do we experience

freedom from the physical or emotional disturbance but we also experience a new perception of that stimulus and reality. We are awakened to a more rational and objective interpretation which was always there as a parallel belief but could not be experienced because of the static created by the energy disturbances of emotionally charged memories in the subconscious. As a result, with TFT we have a positively changed belief system without even discussing beliefs, because our logic and wisdom were allowed to surface with the removal of the obstructing energy field, through tapping.

18. This is also why in many cases during the employment of TFT or EFT, the memory of the

original causal event itself is accessed - without actually seeking it. It comes to the person’s mind and is discharged and thus set free. This is made possible even though it has not been accessed throughout years of psychoanalysis because now, with the collapse of the energy field, there is no longer a need to repress in order to avoid pain. The pain is removed. Where the Techniques make Their Intervention 1 9 . Let us now look at the how the various psychological methods make their interventions.

a. Psychoanalysis works basically by seeking to uncover the Mistaken Childhood Conclusions and

other irrational beliefs allowing us to reevaluate them in the light of our Evolving Conscious Belief system, thus creating greater objectivity and a belief system more aligned with reality.

b. Cognitive Psychology does the same by encouraging us to investigate alternative

perceptions of reality. In some cases, the counselor might suggest new perceptions which we might not have found within. With this method, there is greater intellectual intervention than with psychoanalysis.

c. Behavioral Therapy seeks to bring new experiences and thus new conclusions to the

Evolving Conscious Belief System. This will work as long as the repressed Emotionally Charge Impressions and Mistaken Childhood Conclusions are not highly charged concerning the specific stimulus.

d. Healing the Inner Child seeks to bring to the surface not only the Mistaken Childhood

Conclusions but also the emotions associated with them so that they can be discharged, reevaluated and healed. In some cases, we are asked to reinterpret the event while in experiential mental contact with it. Here we might use regression techniques or rebirthing for more experiential contact. e. Catharsis Techniques bring us into contact with repressed emotions results of Emotionally Charged Impressions or Mistaken Childhood Robert Elias Najemy - 148 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional Conclusions either by coming into contact with old traumatic memories or by accessing them through an awareness of the energy body and emotions stored in the body Body Centered Psychology - Hendricks. These emotions and their energy fields are released through various forms of catharsis such as yawning, crying, shouting, beating a pillow or various movements. Such methods seek to release the emotional charge associated with the first two types of beliefs and then eventually replace them through reevaluation, affirmations and faith.

f. EMDR accomplishes all of the above by an ingenious technique designed by Francine