Anger at her girlfriend Ann was angry with her girlfriend for Fear of touching his eyes.

Robert Elias Najemy - 45 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional The group is small, and this irritated me and made me a bit worried. So, I thought of the exercise and the tapping. I did that around four times moving from one feeling to the other, just the same way you did with me. I had such a nice evening, lots of self-confidence, and lots of thinking of you. Thank you. I do believe in your way EFT. I believe it can change lives. It has started changing mine already.

5. Fear of riding in an elevator

Alice was afraid of riding in elevators ever since her mother’s death when she was about 26 years old. She is now 40. She was also afraid of death. She chose to start with that, after a short discussion about which might be the core issue. The fear of the elevator was obviously included in the fear of death.

a. We worked on the fear of death and got it down to 1.

b. Then we worked on fear of riding in the elevator bringing the following aspects one by one

down to 1 or 0. a. Riding in the elevator

b. Being stopped in the elevator c. Not being able to breathe if it stops

d. Darkness if it stops e. Not being able to get out if it stops.

Although, when she thought of each of these aspects she had no emotional charge anymore and she was quite calm, she was still not ready for a trial run in the elevator. The elevators in Lebanon stop regularly due to electrical failures and we were on the seventh floor. I believe there were still other aspects we had not found some perhaps from before birth or some type of energy toxins working. I had to leave the next day and was unable to pursue this matter. What is interesting here, however, are the various aspects of riding, stopping, breathing, darkness and not being able to get out, which came up as we worked on each previous aspects bringing the SUD down.

6. Anger at her girlfriend Ann was angry with her girlfriend for

something she had done many years ago. She saw her girlfriend, every night in her dreams We worked on the anger on the stage in the first day of the seminar and got it down to 5. As it wasn’t moving down anymore, I asked if she felt any guilt concerning her girlfriend. She immediately answered yes she had not treated her well when she was in need and that the SUD for the guilt was a 5, just like the anger. We worked on the guilt and when it came down to zero so did the anger. She was freed from the problem and the pain, which it was creating for her. Again we see that guilt is the actual core emotion behind anger or pain.

7. Fear of touching his eyes.

For the last 40 years Dimitri was unable to touch his eyes and would cringe and shiver whenever he ever saw his wife putting in her contact lenses. During the seminar his discomfort became even greater because of the need to make the eye movements in the gamut series. At the end of the first day, I asked them all to perform 5 rounds at home before returning the next day. That night he got even worse and didn’t want to get up in the morning and had an aversion to coming to the next day of the seminar. He came and while we were doing a tapping exercise for addictions, he remembered an experience from his childhood where he was very disappointed by his parent’s indifference towards something that was important to him. He then harmed his eyes and made them red and puffy so as to get their attention. He tapped for this disappointment and rejection which he had felt during those years. After one round, he was released from that. He later informed us of what had happened explaining how simple it now seemed to him. He now perceived that what he did then was important for him and it did not matter whether or not it was important to his parents. This type of cognitive change is so indicative of EFT transformations when the energy field is put in order and the emotional static is removed. He showed us all how easy it was to touch his eyes now. And even asked his wife to take out and replace her contacts so he could check out his reaction. He was totally fine. Robert Elias Najemy - 46 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional If he had not kept it up, he would not have been healed. This verifies for me the importance of persistence on these issues. Some of us have this ability to continue even when not getting immediate results or even when getting worse. Many, however, do not. In such cases, they require a seminar or an experienced practitioner to pressure them. If he had not come to the seminar that day because his wife was coming, he might not have realized all of this and worked on it. . Chapter Eight Case Histories and a Study in Aspects in EFT Part two EFT seminars and personal appointments in Greece The names of course have been altered, except in cases were we indicate that this is the real name. Some, but not all, of these people are also involved in our self-knowledge seminars and psychology discussion groups. Many of their problems had been solved through those seminars and we are now working on what has remained. I will not mention the complete set up phrases, but only the subject of each round. In all of the cases people tapped for themselves at first so that they would learn and integrate the process. In some of the cases I then continued to tap for them for greater efficiency and economy of time, using at times the short cuts or algorithms as he calls them discovered by Dr. Callahan.

8. Inability to eat