Kegiatan yang terkait dengan GCG selama tahun 2009

Laporan Tahunan 2009 Annual Report 145

27.5. Kegiatan yang terkait dengan GCG selama tahun 2009

No. TANGGAL DATE KETERANGAN DESCRIPTION 1 6 Januari 2009 6 January 2009 Bank DKI melakukan kick off revitalisasi Grup Audit Intern yang disebut dengan Program TOPI Transparan, Objektif, Profesional dan Independen. Bank DKI carried out a kick off to the Internal Audit Group revitalization program called TOPI Transparent, Objective, Professional and Independent 2 13 Maret 2009 13 March 2009 Bank DKI selenggarakan Seminar Setengah Hari bersama Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi RI dengan tema “Mencegah dan Memberantas Korupsi di Lingkungan BPD dengan narasumber Direktur Gratifikasi KPK, Lambok Hutauruk. Bank DKI held a half day seminar in coordination with the Republic of Indonesia Commission for Anti Corruption under the theme of “How to Prevents and Againsts Corruption at CPD surroundings” with Gratification of KPK Director. Lambok Hutauruk as a speaker 3 11 Agustus 2009 11 August 2009 Bank DKI berpartisipasi dalam Pelatihan Peran Bank Dalam Mencegah serta Memberantas Kejahatan Perbankan, TIndak Pidana Perbankan dan Implementasi APUPPT yang diselenggarakan oleh Forum Komunikasi Direktur Kepatuhan BPD SI, dabn Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan PPATK. Bank DKI is participated on the Workshop “Role of the Bank To Prevent and Against Banking Criminal, Banking Civil Act and the Implementation of AML PFT” which was held by Communication Forum of BPD SI Compliance Director, and the reporting and analysis of financial transactions centers PPATK. 4 21 Oktober 2009 21 October 2009 Bank DKI selenggarakan Seminar dengan tema “Implikasi Acquit Et DeCharge atas Kepengurusan dan Pengawasan Perusahaan di Lingkungan BUMD” dalam Forum Komunikasi BUMD dengan mengundang Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan DKI Jakarta dan sejumlah ahli ekonomi sebagai pembicara. Bank DKI held a Seminar under the theme “The implication of Acquit Et De Charge on Managing and Monitoring the Co,panies on SOE Environment” under the SOE Communication Forum whichh also invite the Financial Supervisory Board of DKI Jakarta Province and a number of economic specialist as a speaker 5 7-10 Desember 2009 7-10 December 2009 Bank DKI berpartisipasi dalam Pelatihan Peran Bank dalam Mencegah Serta Memberantas Kejahatan Perbankan, Tindak Pidana Perbankan dan Implementasi APUPPT yang diselenggarakan oleh Forum Komunikasi Direktur Kepatuhan BPD SI, dan Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan PPATK. Bank DKI is participated on the Workshop “Role of the Bank To Prevent and Against Banking Criminal, Banking Civil Act and the Implementation of AML PFT” which was held by Communication Forum of BPD SI Compliance Director, and the reporting and analysis of financial transactions centers PPATK. 6 23 Desember 2009 23 December 2009 Bank DKI mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai Perusahaan Terpercaya oleh The Indonesian Institute Corporate Governance IICG bersama Majalah SWA pada Corporate Governance Perception Index CGPI. Band DKI received an accolades as a Trusted Company which was held by the Indonesian Institute of Corporate Governance IICG and SWA Magazine on the event of Corporate Governance Perception Index CGPI.

27.5. The 2009 GCG Related Activity