Kekuatan Pelaksanaan GCG Problems, Action Plan, and Target Deadline Strength of Implementing Good Corporate Governance

Laporan Tahunan 2009 Annual Report 143

27.3. Permasalahan, Rencana Tindak Lanjut dan Target Waktu

Sesuai Kertas Kerja Self Assessment Good Corporate Governance , disimpulkan bahwa dalam implementasi Pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance periode Desember 2009, masih terdapat beberapa kelemahan yang perlu segera ditindaklanjuti, antara lain sebagai berikut: No. PERMASALAHAN MATTER ARISING RENCANA TINDAK LANJUT FOLLOW UP PLAN TARGET WAKTU DEADLINE 1 Komposisi Dewan Komisaris belum sesuai dengan ketentuan Bank Indonesia, yaitu jumlah Komisaris Independen paling kurang 50 dari jumlah anggota Dewan Komisaris. The Composition of the Board of Commissioner have not complied with Bank Indonesia regulation, whereby the number of Independent Commissioner should comprise to 50 from the total member of the Board of Commissioners. Mengoptimalkan proses pengangkatan Komisaris dan Komisaris Independen yang baru dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa. The optimization of the appointment a new Commissioner and Independent Commissioner at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. September 2010 September 2010 2 Bank belum mengangkat anggota terbaru dari Komite Audit, Komite Pemantau Risiko serta Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi The Bank have not appoint a new member for the Audit Committeee, Risk Oversight Committeee as well as the Remuneration and Nomination Committeee. Mengoptimalkan proses pengangkatan anggota Komite Audit, Komite Pemantau Risiko serta Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi setelah pengangkatan anggota Dewan Komisaris. The optimization of the appointment process for the Audit Committeee, Risk Oversight Committeee as well as the Remuneration and Nomination Committeee members after the appointment of the Board of Commissioner. September 2010 September 2010 3 Pemantauan Kepatuhan Bank terhadap Komitmen action plan penyelesaian temuan hasil pemeriksaan yang telah dibuat perlu ditingkatkan. Monitoring the Compliance of the Bank towards action plan for the settlement of the audit findings need to be improved. Mengoptimalkan upaya penyelesaian Komitmen Bank sesuai target waktu yang telah disepakati. The optimization of the Bank’s Commitment effort to meet the agreed targeted time. Setiap Bulan Every Month 4 Pelaksanaan tugas audit intern Bank cukup efektif, kuailtas pelaksanaan fungsi audit intern perlu ditingkatkan. The implementation of duties from the Bank’s internal audit is quite effective, the quality of implementing the internal audit function needs to be improved. Melakukan peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas sumber daya manusia auditor SKAI serta perbaikan sistem pelaporan dan pemantauan tindak lanjut temuan audit oleh auditee. Undertakes the enhancement of quantity and quality of human resources SKAI auditor and the improvement for reporting and monitoring system for audit findings by the auditee. Desember 2010 December 2010 5 Beberapa jenis risiko belum memiliki Buku Pedoman Perusahaan yang memadai dan pembangunan data serta sistem belum dapat dilaksanakan. Several type of risk which have not been supported with adequate Guideline Books and the development of data and system have not been undertaken. Menyusun Buku Pedoman Perusahaan untuk seluruh risiko serta membangun Pengendalian Risiko. Formulation of the Bank’s Guideline Book for the entire risk and the formulation of Risk Control . September 2010 September 2010 6 Pelaporan internal Bank belum didukung dengan Sistem Informasi Manajemen SIM yang handal. The Bank’s internal report have not been supported with the reliable Management Information System MIS. Mengembangkan Sistem Informasi Manajemen SIM yang handal. Develop a reliable Management Information System MIS. Desember 2010 December 2010 7 Realisasi Rencana Bisnis Bank RBB tahun 2009, belum sepenuhnya sesuai target. The realization of the Bank’s Business Plan BBP of 2009 which have not completely meet the target Melakukan evaluasi atas progress RBB tahun 2009 melalui Rapat Pengurus, Rapat Direksi dan Rapat Manajemen. Conduct an evaluation towards the progress of 2009 BBP through the Executive Meeting, Board Meeting and the Management Meeting Secara Berkala Bulanan Regularly per Month

27.4. Kekuatan Pelaksanaan GCG

PT Bank DKI memiliki komitmen untuk menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance GCG secara konsisten. Komitmen tersebut diwujudkan dengan melakukan langkah-langkah peningkatan praktik GCG antara lain:

27.3. Problems, Action Plan, and Target Deadline

In accordance with the Good Corporate Governance Self Assessment Working Paper, the implementation of Good Corporate Governance for the period of December 2008 continues to show a number of weaknesses that need to be rectiied which includes, among others, the following:

27.4. Strength of Implementing Good Corporate Governance

PT Bank DKI upholds the commitment to consistently implement the principles of Good Corporate Governance GCG. This commitment is evident by undertaking several steps to enhance GCG practices that includes: 144 Laporan Tahunan 2009 Annual Report 1. Bank DKI telah membentuk unit kerja khusus yang menangani pelaksanaan program Anti Pencucian Uang dan Pencegahan Pendanaan Terorisme, yaitu Unit Kerja Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah UKPN yang angsung dibawah supervisi Direktur Kepatuhan sebagaimana Keputusan Direksi No. 16 Tahun 2009 tanggal 3 Februari 2009 tentang Penyempurnaan Struktur Organisasi PT Bank DKI. 2. Berpartisipasi dalam penghargaan Corporate Governance Perception Index CGPI tahun 2009 yang diselenggarakan oleh The Indonesian Institute of Corporate Governance IICG dan majalah SWA dengan hasil penilaian untuk peserta Non Emiten-Non BUMN Keuangan Kategori Terpercaya. 3. Membuat Piagam GCG sebagaimana telah diberlakukan dengan Keputusan DIreksi No. 268 Tahun 2009 tanggal 31 Desember 2009 tentang Pemberlakuan Piagam GCG PT Bank DKI dan didistribusikan kepada seluruh karyawan PT Bank DKI. 4. Dalam rangka meningkatkan efektiitas fungsi manajemen risiko, Bank DKI telah bekerjasama dengan konsultan untuk menerapkan Enterprise Risk Management ERM. ERM merupakan suatu pengelolaan risiko perusahaan secara menyeluruh dan terintegrasi, yang menyelaraskan visi dan misi dengan strategi pemilihan risk appetite dan risk tolerance serta tindakan mitigasi yang akan dilakukan sehingga tujuan perusahaan dapat dicapai. PT Bank DKI Dewan Komisaris Direksi The Board of Commissioners The Board of Directors Mara Oloan Siregar Winny Erwindia Komisaris Utama Caretaker Direktur Utama President Commissioner Caretaker President Director 1. Bank DKI has formulate a special working unit responsible to handle the implementation of Anti Money Laundering and Preventive Funding for Terorism, which is Know Your Customer Working Unit UKPN under direct supervision of Compliance Director as stipulated on Directors Decree No. 16 of 2009 dated 3 February 2009 regarding the Completion of PT Bank DKI Organizational Structure. 2. Participate on the 2009 Corporate Governance Perception Index Awards which was held by The Indonesian Institute of Corporate Governance IICG and SWA magazine and resulted in the assessment result of “Trusted” for Non Issuer-Non-Financial SOE category. 3. Bank DKI has formulated the Good Corporate Governance Company Charter that has been implemented trough Directors Decree No. 268 of 2009 dated 31 December 200 regarding the Application of GCG Charter of PT Bank DKI and distributed to the entire employee of the Bank. 4. In order to enhance the effectiveness of risk management function, Bank DKI is working closely with consultant to implement the Enterprise Risk Management ERM. ERM deined as a thorough and integrated risk management that harmonizes vision and mission with the strategy of risk appetite and risk tolerance as well as mitigation act which will be conducted to achieve the Bank’s objective. Laporan Tahunan 2009 Annual Report 145

27.5. Kegiatan yang terkait dengan GCG selama tahun 2009