Independence of Directors Members Concurrent Post of Members of the Directors Duties of the Board of Directors ABDA Share Ownership by BOD BOD Meeting

Asuransi ABDA Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report Synergizing Strength Accelerating Growth

3.5. Uji Kemampuan dan Kepatutan

Setiap anggota Direksi ABDA memiliki integritas, kompetensi dan reputasi keuangan yang baik. Hal mana dibuktikan dengan seluruh Anggota Direksi ABDA telah lulus Uji Kemampuan dan Kepatutan Fit and Proper Test oleh OJK.

3.6. Independensi Direksi

Anggota Direksi Perusahaan tidak memiliki hubungan Keuangan dan keluarga dengan anggota Direksi lain, anggota Dewan Komisaris, danatau pemegang saham lainnya yang dapat mempengaruhi kemampuannya untuk bertindak independen.

3.7. Rangkap jabatan Anggota Direksi

Anggota Direksi Perusahaan tidak ada yang merangkap jabatan sebagai Direksi atau Komisaris pada Perusahaan asuransi lainnya.

3.8. Pelaksanaan Tugas Direksi

Selama tahun 2015 Direksi telah melaksanakan tugas kepengurusan Perusahaan sesuai dengan Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan Anggaran Dasar, antara lain: • Penyusunan Rencana Bisnis Perusahaan baik Revisi RBB 2015 dan RBB 2016 • Pengelolaan asset dan keuangan serta pemenuhan target perusahaan. • Penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham dan Rapat Direksi • Pengawasan dan perbaikan proses bisnis melalui sistim prosedur yang selalu disempurnakan.

3.9. Kepemilikan Saham ABDA oleh Direksi

Posisi 31 Desember 2015, tidak ada kepemilikan saham ABDA baik sebanyak 5 atau lebih oleh anggota Direksi Perusahaan.

3.10. Rapat Direksi

Rapat Direksi dapat diadakan setiap waktu bila dipandang perlu, namun sedikitnya dilakukan secara berkala paling kurang 1 kali dalam sebulan dan Rapat dilakukan dengan mengundang Komisaris sedikitnya 4 kali dalam periode 1 tahun. Keputusan Rapat dituangkan dalam Risalah Rapat dan didokumentasikan dengan baik. Risalah Rapat ditanda tangani oleh seluruh anggota Direksi yang hadir dan disampaikan kepada seluruh anggota Direksi sedangkan Hasil Rapat bersama Dewan Komisaris dituangkan dalam Risalah Rapat ditanda tangani oleh seluruh anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Komisaris yang hadir dan disampaikan kepada seluruh anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris. Selama periode tahun 2015, Direksi ABDA telah menyelenggarakan 15 lima belas kali Rapat. Tingkat kehadiran Direksi pada Rapat Direksi tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

3.5. Fit and Proper Test

Each member of ABDA’s Board of Directors has integrity, competence, and sound financial reputationas proven that all members have passed the Fit and Proper Tests by the FSA Financial Service Authority.

3.6. Independence of Directors Members

All members of the Company’s Board of Directors have no financial or family relationship with other members Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners, andor other shareholders, which may affect hisher ability to act independently.

3.7. Concurrent Post of Members of the Directors

No member of the Company’s Board of Directors hold concurrent positions as director or commissioner in another insurance company.

3.8. Duties of the Board of Directors

In 2015, the Board of Directors has undertaken the task of management of the Company in accordance with the legislation in force and the Articles of Association, among others: • Prepared Business Plan, both the Revised RBB 2015 and 2016 • Managed asset and financial affairs as well as meeting the target. • Held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Board of Directors Meetings • Monitoring and improvement of business processes through a procedures that is continuously improving.

3.9. ABDA Share Ownership by BOD

As of December 31, 2015, no share ownership by members of the Board of Commissioners at ABDA or other Company reached 5 or more.

3.10. BOD Meeting

Meeting of Board of Directors can be held at any time whenever deemed necessary, but at least shall be carried out periodically 1 time a month and meetings with BoC shall be conducted at least 4 times in a period of 1 year. Meeting resolutions shall be recorded in the Minutes of Meeting and properly documented. Minutes of Meeting shall be signed by all members of the Board of Directors in attendance and delivered to all members of the Board of Directors, while the results of the Meeting with the Board of Commissioners shall be recorded in in the Minutes of the Meeting and signed by all members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners in attendance and delivered to all members of Directors and Board of Commissioners. During 2015, Board of Directors of ABDA convened 15 fifteen times. The attendance of Directors at Board of Directors meetings are as follows: Asuransi ABDA Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report Synergizing Strength Accelerating Growth

3.11. Penilaian Kinerja Direksi