The Tasks and Responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners The Audit Committee Risk Management Committee

Asuransi ABDA Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report Synergizing Strength Accelerating Growth tugas pengawasan Dewan Komisaris juga bertugas memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi terutama dalam menjaga keseimbangan kepentingan semua pihak, khususnya kepentingan pemegang polis, tertanggung, dan para pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Dewan Komisaris juga memantau efektifitas penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan.

2.1. Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris

Dalam menjalankan tugas pengawasannya Dewan Komisaris wajib melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya dengan itikad baik, penuh tanggung jawab dan kehati-hatian. Mengindahkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan Pedoman Kerja Dewan Komisaris. Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris antara lain : • Melakukan pengawasan dan memberikan pengarahan, petunjuk serta masukan kepada Direksi dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya mengurus Perusahaan yang mencakup aspek bisnis dan aspek operasional Perusahaan. • Memantau dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan kebijakan strategis Perusahaan serta melakukan pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Direksi. • Memantau efektifitas penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik dalam setiap kegiatan usaha Perseroan pada seluruh tingkatan dan jenjang organisasi. • Dewan Komisaris dapat meminta Direksi dan atau jajaran manajemen untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang segala hal mengenai Perseroan sebagaimana diperlukan oleh Dewan Komisaris untuk melaksanakan tugas mereka. • Dalam rangka mendukung efektifitas pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya Dewan Komisaris wajib membentuk Komite antara lain : Komite Audit, Komite Pemantau Risiko, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi, Komite Tata Kelola serta melakukan evaluasi terhadap kinerja komite dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya.

a. Komite Audit

Membantu Dewan Komisaris melakukan pengawasan atas pelaksanaan fungsi Direksi dalam pengelolaan Perusahaan sesuai dengan Pedoman Kerja, Undang Undang dan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan.

b. Komite Pemantau Risiko

Membantu Dewan Komisaris untuk melakukan identifikasi, evaluasi, pengendalian dari risiko-risiko yang dihadapi Perusahaan serta melakukan monitoring dari proses manajemen risiko, sehingga potensi risiko- risiko yang dihadapi. Perusahaan dapat ditekan pada tingkat terendah yang dapat diterima oleh Perusahaan. providing advices to the Board of Directors, especially in balancing the interests of all parties, especially the interests of policyholders, insured, and other stakeholders. The Board also monitors the effectiveness of the implementation of Corporate Governance.

2.1. The Tasks and Responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners

In carrying out its supervisory duties, the Board of Commissioners must discharge their duties and responsibilities in good faith, in full of responsibility and in prudent manner. Upholding the legislation in force, the Articles of Association and the Manual of the Board of Commissioners. Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners, among others: • To supervise and provide direction, guidance and advice to help the Board of Directors in managing the Company which include business and operational aspects. • To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Company’s strategic policy and supervising the implementation of the tasks and responsibilities of the Board of Directors. • To monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance in each business activity at all levels of the organization. • BOC the right to request the Board of Directors or the management to provide an explanation regarding any aspects of the Company as required by BOC part of their duties. • To support the effective discharge of their duties and responsibilities, BOC is required to establish BOC Committees, among others: the Audit Committee, Risk Monitoring Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Corporate Governance Committee, as well as to evaluate the performance of the said committees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

a. The Audit Committee

Assisting the Board of Commissionersin supervising the implementation of the functions of the Board of Directors in managing the Company in accordance with the Code of Conduct, the Law and the Articles of Association of the Company.

b. Risk Management Committee

To assist the Board of Commissioners in the identification, evaluation, control of risks faced by the Company as well as the monitoring of the risk management process, so that the potential risks facing the Company can be mitigated according to the risk appetite of the Company. The Company’s risks are mitigated at the lowest level that can be accepted by the Company. Asuransi ABDA Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report Synergizing Strength Accelerating Growth

c. Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi