Public Response to the aspect of Benefit

82 banking practitioners, government through MU ndonesian Council of Ulama should unite public perception on bank interests to release fatwa legal opinion or legal pronouncement that declare bank interests is haram forbidden , and people must switch to slamic bank based on shariah as an alternative. e. Public Response to the aspect of Social Setting Social setting aspect is a characteristic of people condition in Palangka Raya that may affect public response on Bank Muamalat ndonesia Palangka Raya Branch. That thing above can be viewed from the result of questionnaire contained in table .8. as follows: Table 1.8. Public Response to the Aspect of Social Setting Respondent’s Opinion Frequency Percentage Very low Low Normal 8 igh Very high Total 150 100 Source: Result Data of Questionnaire Source: Result Data of Questionnaire As table .8. above can be known if mostly respondents agree that social setting When author interview an slamic bank practitioner in Palangka Raya. 10 20 30 40 50 60 Very low Low Normal High Very high Series1 83 aspect has significant role for high option , while 8 choosed normal and choosed low. t means that characteristic of people condition is an important thing for slamic economics development, in this case is Bank Muamalat ndonesia Palangka Raya Branch. Based on respondent’s opinion in the table .8. above, social setting aspect has significant role for public in Palangka Raya to respond the existence of Bank Muamalat ndonesia Palangka Raya Branch.

5. Conclusion

Based on analysis result to respondents through questionnaire, so according to problem formulation in this research can be concluded as follows: . Public response to Bank Muamalat ndonesia BM Palangka Raya Branch is good positive . t showed by the result of research which mostly people in Palangka Raya respondent respond positively to the existence of Bank Muamalat ndonesia BM Palangka Raya Branch. . Public response on the aspects of product, service, socialization, benefit and social setting is conformity to the expectation. n simple words, people in Palangka Raya accept the product and they are pleased with the performance of Bank Muamalat ndonesia BM Palangka raya Branch. 84 REFERENCES A, Chotib, . Bank dalam 1slam, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang. Abdurraahman, Masduha. , Pengantar dan Asas‐asas Hukum Perdata Islam Fiqih Muamalat , Surabaya: Central Media. Alsa, A, and Santoso, F.. . 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Joint Scientific Symposium IJJSS 2016 Chiba, 20‐24 November 2016 8 Topic : Socio‐umaniora Fairytale Roles in Family Communication as Effort to Encourage Early Childhood Development: Literature Study Uha Julaeha a , Anissa Faradilla b a Communication Science Faculty, Padjadjaran University, Jalan Raya Badung‐Sumedang KM 21, Jatinangor 45363, West Java, Indonesia b Psychologic Faculty, Padjadjaran University, , Jalan Raya Badung‐Sumedang KM 21, Jatinangor 45363, West Java, Indonesia Abstract Fairytale becomes a family communication tools needed to teach moral values in children. owever, there are still a few families applying fairytale in their communication activities. ncreasingly rampant child care services prove that many parents are not confident in their ability to care for children. Moreover, anxiety of parents toward the child inaction in adapting establish parents enter their children to school as early as possible without considering the readiness of the child. This affects the creativity of parents serve communication. Whereas, the family as the smallest institution in a society authoritative the childs basic independence. The data from this research based on literature review. Based on Pupung Puspa Ardini researches data entitled Pengaruh Dongeng dan Komunikasi Terhadap Perkembangan Moral Anak Usia 7 ‐8 Tahun” with children samples which be placed on experimental class and control class between fairytale and folktale, the most average high communication skill occurs from fairy tale class. t happened because fairytale have variety plots with various vocabularies. Continuously, fairy tale able to provide reciprocal emotionally and psychologically. The seriousness of the parents in finding the fabled quality reading material is needed to support their childrens development. With consistently storytelling activity, parents have a duty to prepare the best reading material for their children and applicable to the real environment. Keywords Family Communication, Psychology, Parenting, Parent‐children nteraction, Fairytale.

1. Introduction

1.1. family communication Family communication simultaneously manipulates interpersonal communication. Family Communication more than just the exchange of words between family member. Thames, s.a. . On family communication, there are two Corresponding author. Tel.: + ‐8 ; E ‐mail address: