Interpretation The Result of Data Analysis

302 style. The students answered the item based on their learning style. The result showed that the students’ score of the first test have the mean score class A class B 8 . Then, the students’ score have difference when they answered the test based on their learning style. The results showed that the students’ score of the second test have the mean score class A 88 and class B . n the chapter page , Brown defines that learning styles as the manner in which individuals perceive and process information in learning situation. The result supported by theory about the learning style is a way to students to learn English. There are some reason how the learning style can give the way to students’ vocabulary mastery, that are about the learning style in learning process, such as the students’ will be more interesting to learn, the students will be easy to comprehend knowledge based on their learning style, the teacher will be more easy to teach the students if the teacher know the students’ learning style. Other reason was in teaching learning process, the technique or the style is the best way for teaching vocabulary. DePorter said Learning style is the way and technique that is used to learn information and knowledge. DePorter said Learning style is the way and technique that is used to learn information and knowledge. t helps students learn more fast and easier with selecting and using the appropriate learning style that they like”. t could be shown how the learning style gives the best way towards vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK N Palangka Raya. Based on the result, the visual learner had the highest score towards vocabulary mastery and auditory learner had the lowest score towards vocabulary mastery. The students will be enjoying in learning process if they can remember the vocabulary with their learning style. n this case, the writer did not found problems when conducting the study in giving the questionnaire and instrument test to the students, because the students still like to study together. 303

4. Conclusion

Based on the data obtained from the scores of vocabulary mastery test, it could be answered the problem of the study which s there significant different on learning style visual, auditory, and kinesthetic towards vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK N Palangka Raya?”. t could be answered by testing data analysis. Based on the obtained, the result showed that the mean score of class A of the tenth grade students of SMK N Palangka Raya in mastering vocabulary in the second test was 88 that was increase from the first test with mean score of , . t proven there was significant effect of learning styles towards vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK N Palangka Raya. While the mean score of class B of SMK N Palangka Raya in mastering vocabulary in the second test was that was increase from the first test with mean score of . t proven there was significant effect of learning styles towards vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK N Palangka Raya. From both means, there was different value that 8. t meant that there was different learning style of them in mastering vocabulary. The result of hypothesis test, the value of t from the test result calculation for t observed was ,8 8 . The level of significant and with df or db N + N ‐ = + ‐ = 8, t table was . and . . Since the t observed t table = ,8 8 . . Because t observed from the result was higher than t table , so a was accepted and o is rejected. t meant there is significant difference on the learning style towards vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK N Palangka Raya. The difference of problem that students of class A and class B in mastering vocabulary are: The students of class A of SMK N Palangka Raya have the higher visual style consist of students, auditory style consists of students, kinesthetic style consists of students, and multiple style consist of students. The mean score of learning style of class A was 88. The students of class B of SMK N Palangka Raya have visual style consist of students, auditory style consists of