Chirp signal generation of PDDS method

Joint Scientific Symposium IJJSS 2016 Chiba, 20‐24 November 2016 20 The archaeological investigation of the central Jawa applying the advanced remote sensing technology Kageaki noue a , Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo b , Agus artoko c , Achmad Fama d , iroaki Kuze e


Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University, 1‐33, Yayoi‐cho, Inage‐ku, Chiba ‐shi 263‐8522 Japan


Diponegoro University, Prof. Soedarto Street, Semarang City, Central Java 50275 Indonesia Abstract Nowadays the study using Structure from Motion SfM to mapping unstructured aerial images using some commercial optical sensors onboard small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAV has been increasing in several research fields. n this study, we applied this UAV‐SfM technology for Geology and Paleontology fields, and study area is Sangiran area in central Jawa, ndonesia. Conventionally, it is difficult to get information of the sedimentation process and the layer type in Archaeological area. t is also difficult to specify the exact location and type of fossils are. Our proposed technology solved these problems by using low cost equipment, spending less time for preparation and mapping process, and providing high resolution D images with the locational and the geological information. Firstly, several photographs which were aerially shot using the commercial digital camera onboard small UAV were obtained and some fossils sample with GPS data used by digital camera collected in the study area simulteneously. Next, point clouds, high resolution D images, DSMs, Orthophotographs were generated by the calculation of those photographs data using the SfM technology. And also, to combine the image processing of Dn‐SAR with UAV‐SfM technique provide us the information of Geological both detailed and overall changes in Sangiran area. Keywords Keywords: UAV; SfM; Geology; Paleontology; Archaeology; Image processing; D‐InSAR; Sangiran; Central Jawa Corresponding author. Tel.: +8 ‐ ‐ 8 ; fax: +8 ‐ ‐ 8 . E ‐mail address: kageakichiba ‐ 21

1. Introduction

Nowadays, the remote sensing technology using small UAV and SfM Structure from Motion has been increasing. This technique is applied for several research field especially geology. This technique has the advantage for inaccessible area. Small UAV can be operated from start point to about m manually. f autopilot system of the UAV can be used, small UAV can flight about m distance. n archeological survey, the investigation was carried out in only accessible area conventionally but this technique can make us access to inaccessible area. D‐nSAR image processing is also advanced remote sensing technology. t can make sure where crustal deformation happened. n this study, both UAV‐SfM technique and D‐nSAR image processing are applied for archeological area and we want to show how effective this advanced remote sensing technology is for archeology, geology and paleontology.

2. Methods

The flowchart in this study is below. At first, the investigation concluded getting aerial photographs and collecting fossils was carried out. Next, SfM GS processing and D‐nSAR image processing have been done simultaneously. Final, both data was exported to Google Earth. 2.1. The small UAV n this study, DJ Phantom ” was used as small UAV. t can be operated easily without special knowledge about the radio‐controlled vehicle. This UAV has propellers and it is also called Quad‐Copter. t contains GPS inside body and it can adjust aerial location automatically. The size is mm mm mm, weight is g, max flight time is min, and payload limitation is about g. Figure 1. Flowchart of methods Figure 2. DJI Phantom2