B. Theoretical Framework

In order to conduct the research, the researcher should look for some theories which are appropriately used for the research. These theories support her in solving the problem formulation. This section will be divided into two parts. Each of the part provides explanation about the contribution of the theories in answering the research problem. Firstly, this research focuses on code-mixing, which occur in a presidential candidate debate. In order to know the nature of the presidential candidate debate, the researcher used information from the General Election Commission. According to the constitution, the debates held for five times with different themes. Consequently, the researcher took all of the debates to take the data. Since the focus of the debate was only for the presidential candidate debate 2014, the researcher only focused on the five debates of presidential candidate debate 2014. Since all data were taken from the videos, the researcher took the data based on the way participants pronounced the words. Secondly, to recognize the concept of code-mixing, the researcher used the theory from Singh 1985 in Romaine‟s work 1995 states that code-mixing refers to intra-sentential code-switching. To solve the research problem about types of code-mixing, the researcher combines the theories from Muysken 2000 about the types of code-mixing to solve the problem. There are three types of code-mixing; alternation, insertion, and congruent lexicalization. Alternation is the types of code-mixing where the mixing happened between clauses in one 19 sentence. Meanwhile, insertion is the types of code-mixing where a word from language A is embedded into language B in one sentence. Moreover, congruent lexicalization is the types of code-mixing where there are two languages which have the same grammatical structure, share it in one language. 20


This chapter presents the method of the study to solve the problem which is stated in chapter I. This study intended to observe the code-mixing, which is made by the participants of presidential candidate debate. This chapter presents the discussion of research method, research setting, research participants, instruments and data gathering, data analysis technique, and the last is a research procedure.

A. Research Method

The researcher used qualitative research for this research. Qualitative research is an approach to the study of social and behavioral phenomena Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Razavieh, A. 2002. In addition, the goal of this research is a “holistic picture and depth understanding, rather than a numeric analysis of data” Ary et al., 2002. Qualitative research and quantitative research are different. According to Fraenkel and Wallen 2008, one of the differences is a qualitative researcher collects the data in a form of words or pictures and seldom involve numbers. Therefore, to analyze the data in a form of words, the researcher used observation sheet and document. The researcher used observation sheet and the transcript of the debates since it was difficult to interview the participants. According to Fraenkel and Wallen 2008, content analysis is a primary method of data analysis in qualitative research.