Spatial Analysis Data Analysis

Village, fees charged Rp. 5 000 per person. The second access through the Padang port of Bontosunggu village with ± 15 minutes travel time to Bontoborusu and Kahu-Kahu villages, the fees charged Rp. 2 000 per person for the purpose of the Bontoborusu village and Rp. 3 000 per person for the purpose to the village of Kahu-Kahu. In addition, the access road between Bontolebang village and Kahu-Kahu village has been available and taken through a permanent path. For Bontolebang village also has available land access as the other two villages but the only link between the Dusun of the village. Access from Bontolebang village to Kahu-Kahu village or Bontobarusu village can be reached or passed the sea using jarangka with a travel time ± 45 minutes. 4.2 Environmental Conditions 4.2.1 Current Current velocity observations of coral reefs location ranged from 0.55-20.83 cmsec. Current velocity was also strongly influenced by tidal processes that are in the strait area, where water mass movement will become stronger in the narrow gap even when reaching the end of the strait. I Current conditions in the Pasi Island show that in site no. 1 and 2 of coral observations has a fairly strong currents, it is suspected because of the location which is located at the end of the strait between the Pasi Island and Selayar Island. While the current velocity at the location of water quality observation of tended to be weaker, ranging between 5.50-35 cm sec. n general, the current velocity at the study site is in normal level to support the growth of reefs, while for mariculture development, conditions are relatively weak but still in the recommended values, although not in the range of the ideal that should get attention in the placement and the cages treatment Kangkan et al. 2007. While the current too strong, can interfere with the physiology of fish, whether caused by the movement of fish to against the current or because of stress. The physical of environmental condition on the coral reef sites can be seen in the following table: Table 9 Environmental condition on the coral reef site Site s Location Aquatic Environmental Conditions Temperature Depth Visibility Salinity Current °c m ‰ cms 1 Southern 31.16 10 90 32 20.83 2 Southern 31.17 4 100 32 20.83 3 Southern 30.48 10 90 31 0.55 4 Western 30.57 9 100 32 3.82 5 Western 30.56 10 80 32 3.72 6 Western 31.16 5 100 32 7.72 7 Western 31.37 10 95 32 0.59 8 Western 31.17 5 100 32 3.62 9 Southern 30.57 5 100 33 3.82 10 Southern 30.56 9 100 28 3.79 4.2.2 Visibility Fieldwork has been done obtained data Tables 9 and 10 that the visibility condition at the coral reef areas ranging from 80-100, that this condition will strongly support the growth of corals due to the sunlight intensity can penetrate the water column. At the water quality sites, the visibility levels ranging from 31- 100, this is because the site in the eastern Pasi Island is in the mangrove areas. Based on the visibility parameters, all the observation sites suitable for the development of mariculture in particular step cage and floating cages and also growth of coral reefs. The existence of dissolved material in the water column can inhibit the light penetration into the waters, so that the fotosistesa process becomes disturbed Ariyati et al. 2007. Waters visibility is one factor that can support the survival of fish in cages, where the visibility will help grouper in the process of taking food Kangkan et al. 2007. The environmental condition of Pasi Island on water quality observation sites to the suitability of mariculture can be seen in the following table: