Mangroves Ecosystem Coastal Ecosystems

improve the fishery, 3 provide a recreation and tourism places; 4 expand the knowledge and understanding of ecosystems, and 5 provide the socio-economic benefits for coastal communities. The main goal of the conservation areas establishment on the coastal and the marine is to conserve the ecosystems and natural resources, so that ecological processes in an ecosystem can continue to progress and keeping sustained food production and environmental services for sustainable human interests. The objective of conservation areas in the coastal and marine areas are to: 1 protecting critical habitats, 2 maintain biodiversity, 3 conserve the fishery resources, 4 protecting the shoreline, 5 protecting the locations with historical and cultural value, 6 provides a location for recreation and nature tourism, 7 clustering the exploited areas, and 8 to promote sustainable marine development. Some basic principles in the management of marine conservation regional areas are as follows: a. Adaptive Management must be adaptive to changes and new information, and is also able to improve its management performance during the current assessment. b. Sustainable All activities and the utilization efforts carried out based on sustainable and ecologically principle. c. Using the Ecosystem Approach Ecosystems management focuses on managing and the ecological integrity the whole of an ecosystem, taking into account of utilization aspects. d. Dual Benefit Management must be equipped by a process or an explicit framework for the allocation of resources and decision making, especially in terms of planning and determination of marine conservation regional areas. e. Cooperation management Co-management There are several objectives that are expected from the determination of a location into the marine conservation areas DKP 2003, they are: Co-management is required to implementing the best practice approaches in the marine planning. a. Pursuing the establishment of marine natural resources conservation and the ecosystems in each region province and Regencycity so it can be supporting efforts to improve the community welfare; b. Protect and manage representative of an important ecosystem types in coastal and marine areas to ensure the long-term sustainability of ecological function; c. As an area for natural resource utilization for the recreation, tourism education, research and other forms purposes which has not contradiction with conservation principles; d. As the management program of fishery resources development and its environment by indigenous communities and or associated with traditional cultural practices e. As area for development program of natural resources and environmental interpretation, in order to support the efforts of conservation, recreation, education and research a. Coral reef resources conservation is one of the management implementation of coral reef ecosystems from damage that caused by human activity. The Marine and Fisheries Ministerial Regulation No.172008 stated that conservation areas are part of coastal areas and small islands that have a particular characteristic as a whole ecosystem is protected, preserved andor utilized sustainability to realize the sustainable management of coastal areas and small islands. This conservation area is usually protected by law, so often referred as protected areas. The objective of the conservation IUCN 1995 in Supriharyono 2007: b. Protect and manage marine and estuarine systems that can be utilized continuously in the long term and sustaining the genetic diversity; c. Protect the reduction, pressure, populations and endangered species, especially the preservation of habitat for their survival; d. Protect and manage areas that significantly are an important life cycle economically species; e. Prevent outside activities that allow damage marine protected areas; Provide continuous prosperity to the community by creating marine protected areas, save, protect and manage marine areas and estuaries which has