pH Dissolved Oxygen Environmental Conditions .1 Current

thus an overall decline in biodiversity Micheli et al. 2004. Individual abundance of reef fish based on the group can be seen in the following figure: Figure 9 Abundance of reef fish based on group.

4.5 Suitability Analysis for MCA Multiple Uses Zone

Regional Marine Conservation Area must have a zoning plan which is set in a simple way, making it easy to be understood and adhered to by the community. This zoning on one side intended to save the resources, or diversity of coral reefs, and on the other side for the development of marine tourism and fisheries. T o view the support of local government, community leaders and fishermen, then collected information from 87 respondents, the result is obtained 89.66 support the establishment Pasi Island as a Marine Conservation Area MCA.

4.5.1 Core Zone

Core zone of a marine conservation area is expected to be able to maintain biodiversity and preservation of existing resources in the region. Selection of the location of the core zone should be considered with good, not only based on ecological parameters, but also must consider the social parameters, especially the support of the community, so expect the existence of the core zone can be maintained with high public participation. The following table presents the results of conformity assessment for the core zone at the study site: Table 11 Suitability locations for the MCA core zone Site Geographical Position South East Value Category Criteria 1 06°1221.29 120°2528.45 25 S2 Suitable 2 06°1241.83 120°2505.73 20 S2 Suitable 3 06°1251.30 120°2423.54 29 S1 Highly suitable 4 06°1159.39 120°2336.53 30 S1 Highly suitable 5 06°1051.01 120°2322.75 30 S1 Highly suitable 6 06°0844.02 120°2331.45 23 S2 Suitable 7 06°0720.10 120°2400.77 26 S2 Suitable 8 06°0633.48 120°2412.60 27 S2 Suitable 9 06°0535.83 120°2507.18 29 S1 Highly suitable 10 06°0544.50 120°2534.29 25 S2 Suitable Results of processing suitability for the core zone, it was found that the location is very suitable for the core zone is sites no. 3, 4, 5 and 9. At the site no. 9 are Marine Protected Area MPA formed by Bontolebang Village community; this will certainly be very supportive in the placement of the core zone at the site no. 9. MPA was formed since 2007, and located on the north of Pasi Island. The assessment focuses on the percentage live coral cover, reef fish diversity and community support and local government. The optimal size for biodiversity conservation should have a large size to protect fish stocks and increase recruitment to an area adjacent to the fishing ground Hastings Botsford 2003.