Suitability Analysis for Marine Tourism

fish resources if compared with five years ago. Table 8 Overview of fishing conditions at Pasi Island n=73 Representation of the fishermen in Pulau Pasi can be seen in the following table: No. Description by No. of Respondent Percentage Total 1 Fishing Ground: Around Pasi Island 38 52.05 100 Taka’ Bajangan 28 38.36 Outer Pasi Island 7 9.59 2 Fishing Gears: Hand Line 42 57.53 100 Nets 20 27.40 Others 11 15.07 3 Type of Fish: Reef Fishes 65 89.04 100 Pelagic Fishes 5 6.85 Reef Pelagic Fishes 3 4.11 4 Average catchday 5 Kg 26 35.62 100 5 - 10 Kg 34 46.58 10 Kg 13 17.81 5 Fish Harvest last 5 years: 13 Increased 17.81 100 Similar 14 19.18 Decreased 46 63.01 Bontolebang Village

Bontolebang Village consists of 3 three dusun, namely Dusun Gusung Timur, Gusung Barat and Gusung Lengu’. Electric power in this village has been well, in which every house has obliged to pay electricity bill based on the number of lamps installed at home. Diesel engine of adequate power is installed in village centre. Unlike the electric facilities, the fresh water supply in this village is very poor; this may be caused by the physical character of sloping topography of the village. In addition to fishing activities, the villager is also farming reef fish groupers, coral trout, baronang and others by using step cages and floating cages. The role of women in the family can be quite large, both as housewives and family economic support. This was shown by women activity to help improve the family economy such as trading, dried fish processing and even helping their husbands in fishing equipment maintenance. In the Bontolebang village there has Microfinance Institutions MFIs Karang Indah that serves as the driving for community productive activities. Beneficiary fund MFIs so far has reached 96 people, meaning the existence of MFIs have been able to mobilize the community in productive activities COREMAP 2009. Kahu-Kahu Village

This village consists of 4 four dusun, namely The majority of residents work as fishermen and farmers, who in conducting its activities depending on the season.When the east monsoon, the residents work as fishermen, while during the west monsoon turned into farmers who take care of cashew crop, corn, and coconut. As a fisherman, fishing gear used are hand line and nets to catch fish such as coral trout, grouper, snapper and other fishes. Beside fishermen and farmers, there are people who work as traders and civil servants. Dusun North Kahu-Kahu, Central Kahu-Kahu, South Kahu-Kahu dan Dopa. The majority of villagers are Selayar and Makassar ethnic. In this village, the role of women in the family can be quite large, both as housewives and family economic support. This was shown by active women to develop the business of making shrimp paste that is marketed to the mainland, Selayar. Bontoborusu Village

This village consists of 4 four dusun, namely Dusun Dongkalang, Buloiya, Paoiya and Manarai. The majority of villagers are Selayar and Makassar ethnic. Livelihoods of the population are dominated by fishermen and farmers, although there is also a civil servant and seek other services such as boat traverse service. This village fishermen using traditional fishing gear to catch fish.

4.1.2 Access

Accessibility of Pasi island community to the mainland, Selayar island capital regency is relatively easy by using a motor boat jarangka’ from three villages. Pasi Island can be reached by two access points. First access through the old market at Benteng city with ± 30 minutes travel time to the Bontolebang