Geographical Conditions Social Demography

Table 9 Environmental condition on the coral reef site Site s Location Aquatic Environmental Conditions Temperature Depth Visibility Salinity Current °c m ‰ cms 1 Southern 31.16 10 90 32 20.83 2 Southern 31.17 4 100 32 20.83 3 Southern 30.48 10 90 31 0.55 4 Western 30.57 9 100 32 3.82 5 Western 30.56 10 80 32 3.72 6 Western 31.16 5 100 32 7.72 7 Western 31.37 10 95 32 0.59 8 Western 31.17 5 100 32 3.62 9 Southern 30.57 5 100 33 3.82 10 Southern 30.56 9 100 28 3.79 4.2.2 Visibility Fieldwork has been done obtained data Tables 9 and 10 that the visibility condition at the coral reef areas ranging from 80-100, that this condition will strongly support the growth of corals due to the sunlight intensity can penetrate the water column. At the water quality sites, the visibility levels ranging from 31- 100, this is because the site in the eastern Pasi Island is in the mangrove areas. Based on the visibility parameters, all the observation sites suitable for the development of mariculture in particular step cage and floating cages and also growth of coral reefs. The existence of dissolved material in the water column can inhibit the light penetration into the waters, so that the fotosistesa process becomes disturbed Ariyati et al. 2007. Waters visibility is one factor that can support the survival of fish in cages, where the visibility will help grouper in the process of taking food Kangkan et al. 2007. The environmental condition of Pasi Island on water quality observation sites to the suitability of mariculture can be seen in the following table: Table 10 The environmental conditions on water quality sites Site Location Aquatic Environmental Parameters Temperature Depth Visibility Salinity Current DO pH °C m ‰ cms mgl 1 Eastern 31.56 5.5 100.00 30 6.59 6.45 8.08 2 Eastern 30.48 17 58.82 34 7.44 6.95 7.82 3 Western 31.48 2 100.00 28 5.50 6.47 8.27 4 Western 30.56 3 100.00 32 7.58 6.48 8.1 5 Western 30.57 3 100.00 33 7.65 6.45 8.09 6 Western 31.37 2 100.00 32 35.00 6.95 8.13 7 Eastern 31.22 16 31.25 32 15.43 6.25 8.09

4.2.3 Temperatures

The measurement results at 17 observation sites obtained the temperature range between 30.48-31.56° C Tables 9 and 10, this temperature range is not too much variable, presumably because there is enough water movement so that helps intermittent aeration and prevent large fluctuations of the water temperature Puja et al. 2001. The range of temperature is the normal temperature range for tropical waters despite Pasi Island could be affected by cross currents of Indonesia Arlindo, where the geographical of Selayar islands is part of the Flores Sea and Banda Sea. Asmawi 1990 explained that the temperature of shallow waters is greater than the deep-sea due to having a lot of turbulence caused by winds and the dynamics of physical oceanography, raised by the wind. Temperature also affects the digestive process of fish; digestion is running very slowly at low temperatures, the opposite is more rapid in the warmer waters. Water temperature also plays an important role in supporting the growth and survival of marine organisms such as corals and reef fish. In generally, the water temperatures at the study sites are suitable to support the growth of marine organisms such as corals and reef fish.

4.2.4 Salinity

The result of the distribution of salinity measurements at Ocean of Pasi Island ranged 28-34 ‰. Salinity conditions are still quite reasonable and often found in tropical ocean regions. In the northern part of the island, was found at low salinity conditions 28‰, it is suspected because of the fresh water input from land and river on the mainland Selayar Island, where the distribution of salinity in the ocean is influenced by several factors such as water circulation patterns, evaporation, rainfall and river flow Nontji 1993. In generally, the averages of salinity at the study site showing the range can supports for the cultivation of mariculture and survival for marine organisms.

4.2.5 pH

PH scale ranges from 0 very acidic to 14 extremely alkaline. Values of pH less than 7 indicates an acidic environment while the value above 7 indicates an alkaline environment, while the pH = 7 is called the neutral. Based on the results of field measurements Table 10, note that the level of acidity around the island is 7.82-8.27. These values is slightly alkaline, but are still categorized as a pH value that can be tolerated and still normal for marine environment. pH values in waters around Pasi Island reasonable for mariculture, because in general cultivation of reef fish can grow well in a pH range between 7-8.5 Kangkan et al. 2007. The degree of acidity which are alkalis pH7 is closely related to the bottom substrate, which is the sand flats and coral reefs so that the salt content of biogenic especially calcium Ca2 + is quite high Syarani Suryanto 2006. Waters of the acidic and highly alkaline, can cause death and stop reproduction in fish Amin 2001. This is mainly due to the decrease in oxygen and increase in CO 2 content. Based on these conditions, the pH of waters in the study area is very suitable for the cultivation of white grouper, and snapper.

4.2.6 Dissolved Oxygen

Factors to be considered for raising fish in cages were dissolved oxygen ranged between 5-10 mgl Kangkan et al. 2007. The results showed that the dissolved oxygen content ranges between 6.25-6.95 mgl. Variation of dissolved oxygen content presumably because of the movement and mixing of water masses, also by the daily cycle of this parameter. The measurement results of dissolved oxygen in waters around Pasi Island showed respectable range and support for mariculture.