Research Framework Coral Reefs Conditions Social Conditions

Data of social condition, collected on all villages in Pasi Island. The respondent is chosen in order to catch ideal respondent purposive sampling and respondent are as follows: society of fishermen, community leaders and government. Hereinafter the perception of chosen respondent could be evaluated by an interview, questioner and mini workshop. The public perception and MCA zoning plan is also needed as additional data. Based on their needs and interests respondents were also given the opportunity to assess and advice on the design of multipurpose zoning of MCA in Pasi Island. It also requires the information of all stakeholders communities, fishermen, local government about the activities can be done within MCA. This is certainly expected to be an input in the management model of MCA Pasi Island. Secondary Data

Secondary data being collected from document or released by some institution, i.e. Department Marine and Fisheries of Kepulauan Selayar Regency, COREMAP II Selayar, and BPS.

3.4 Boundaries and MCA Zones

Determination of boundaries and multipurpose zoning of MCA will facilitate local governments in preserving and monitoring of ecosystems in coastal regions and small islands. Steps for developing zoning maps and boundary of MCA are presented below: Figure 4 Steps for developing zoning maps and boundary of MCA.

3.4.1 Preliminary Design

Determination of preliminary design of the core zone was conducted prior to the survey based on secondary information and data that already exist. The enactment of the draft core zone will make it easier to conduct the next stage. This initial draft will be offered to stakeholders.

3.4.2 Public Consultation

The public consultation with stakeholders was conducted after preparation of the draft map MCA’s core zone to gather their perceptions of early design stage. This data is also compiled with data society conditions and the biophysical data.

3.4.3 MCA Mapping

The above data are analyzed. In this step of research, data being interpreted phases are as: 1 weighting and scoring, 2 overlay, and 3 development of boundaries and multipurpose zoning of marine conservation areas. Table 2 shows a sample presentation of MCA boundaries: Early Data and Information Early Map Public Consultation Field Survey Overlay Processing Boundary Map and Multiple-use zoning of MCA Table 3 Examples of MCA boundaries No. Point Coordínate System Longitudes Latitudes 1 2 3 n …… …… …… …… …… …… …… ……

3.5 Data Analysis

Data analysis was conducted after data collecting as a mean to answer of some question and problem of research. In this network research, data being analyzed are as follow:

3.5.1 Biophysics Data

Analyzed of biological data English et al. 1997; COREMAP II-LIPI 2007; CRITC-LIPI 2006: a. The percentage of live cover on each sites research is calculated with formula: 100 cov x oftransek Lenght coral of Lenght er = b. H ′ = - ∑ pi ln pi To analyze the value of species diversity following the formulation of Shannon diversity index H Odum 1993: with : H ′ = Shannon Diversity Indeks Pi = proportion of the abundance of individuals from one individual to i niN N = Total of individual numbers ni = Number of individual each spesies 3.5.2 Suitability Analysis for MCA Core Zone The determination of suitability criteria for the core zone of MCA was conducted by weighting and scoring based on several criteria which have been determined. Criteria for the suitability of the core zone are as follows. Table 4 Weighting and scoring for No MCA core zone Criteria Weight Category S1 Score Category S2 Score Category N Score Ecological Criteria 1 Live Reef Cover 2 50 3 25-50 2 25 1 2 Diversity of reef fish 2 H 3 3 2H3 2 H2 1 3 Total of fish species 1 ≥ 100 3 40-99 2 40 1 4 Life Form 1 10 3 5-10 2 5 1 Social Criteria 5 Economic Species 1 High 3 Middle 2 Low 1 6 Urgently of fisheries 2 Low 3 Middle 2 High 1 7 Supporting from society and government 2 High 3 Middle 2 Low 1 8 Distance from residents 1 2 Km 3 2-3 Km 2 3 Km 1 Sources: Modification from Salm et al. 2000; Soselisa 2006 Getting a core zone of the assessment criteria need to know the interval for each class of suitability which a minimum score of 12 and a maximum score of 36. The formula is as follow: ik = 36-123 = 8 With the interval class 8, then got the suitability criteria for the core zone as follows Highly Suitable S1 : score 29 - 36 : Suitable S2 : score 20 - 28 Not Suitable N : score 12 – 19

3.5.3 Suitability Analysis for Mariculture

Determination of the feasibility for aquaculture development was conducted by weighting method. Detailed data on physical and chemical waters was used as reference in determining the eligibility criteria. The Method of scoring or weighting of each parameter is calculated with different weightings. The weights used depend on the experimental or empirical experience that has been done. The feasibility factors of aquaculture are presented in the following table: Table 5 Suitability criteria for mariculture No Parameters Weight Category Score Category Score Category Score S1 S2 N 1 Temperature o 1 C 28 – 30 3 25-27.9 or 30.1-32 2 25 or 32 1 2 Current cms 2 20 – 40 3 5-19 or 41-50 2 5 or 50 1 3 Salinity ‰ 1 30 – 33 3 28-29 or 34-35 2 28 or 35 1 4 Oxygen mgl 2 7 – 8 3 5–7 or 8–10 2 5 or 10 1 5 Visibility 2 67-100 3 33-66 2 33 1 6 pH 1 7 – 8 3 6–7 or 8–8.5 2 6 or 8.5 1 7 Substrate 2 Sand 3 Sand, Silt 2 Silt 1 8 Accessibility 1 Easy 3 Medium 2 Hard 1 9 Safety 1 High 3 Middle 2 Low 1 Source: Modification from DKP 2002, KLH 2004, Radiarta et al. 2003; Rachmansyah 2004. Getting the criteria of suitability need to know the class interval for each suitability of which a minimum score of 12 and a maximum score of 36. The formula is as follow: ik = 36-123 = 8 With the interval class 8, then got the suitability criteria for the core zone as follows Highly Suitable S1 : score 29 - 36 : Suitable S2 : score 20 - 28 Not Suitable N : score 12 – 19

3.5.4 Suitability Analysis for Marine Tourism

The determination of criteria for the suitability of marine tourism was conducted by weighting and scoring based on several parameters that have been determined and obtained from field study. The following table presented the suitability criteria for marine tourism: Table 6 Suitability criteria for marine tourism No. Parameters Weight Category S1 Scor Category S2 Scor Category N Scor 1 Visibility 2 80 3 50-80 2 50 1 2 Life coral cover 3 75 3 40-75 2 40 1 3 Coral life form 3 10 3 5-10 2 5 1 4 Reef Fishes species 3 50 3 20-50 2 20 1 5 Current velocitycms 1 0-15 3 15-40 2 40 1 6 Reef flat m 2 300 3 50-300 2 50 1 7 Depth m 1 3-15 3 1-3 16-35 2 35 1 Source: Modification from Yulianda 2007 IKW = ∑ NN maks x 100 Getting the assessment of marine tourism is important to know the suitability index for each site. The maximum values of marine tourism are 54, respectively. Suitability index of marine tourism is determined by the formula: Where: IKW = Tourism suitability index N = Parameter value weight x score N maks = Maximum value of tourism category Very Suitability S1 : score 83-100 The determination of sites as a marine tourism was conducted after calculating of IKW. The following criteria based on: Suitability S2 : score 50 - 83 Not Suitability N : score 50

3.5.5 Participative Mapping

The determination of fishing ground was conducted by participatory mapping. The respondents consist of Pasi Island fishermen who questioned with map about fishing ground on surrounding the island.

3.5.6 Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive analysis is being used to qualitative data. The qualitative data were the public perception of the zoning MCA planned; alternative activities that can be done in MCA; and other social information.

3.5.7 SWOT Analysis For Zoning Strategy

SWOT Analysis is a classical strategic instruments plan. By using the frameworks strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats, this instrument provides a simple way to predict how best to implement a strategy. SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the factors into strengths; weaknesses; opportunities; and threats that may occur in reaching a goal of a management. For this purpose the necessary assessment of the environmental aspects of the environment, both sourced from internal and external Rangkuti 2007. Internal factors that can be analyzed as follows: Strengths and Weaknesses; while external factors are as follow: Opportunities and Threats Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, the management strategies specified such as below: Figure 5 Management strategic based on SWOT analysis.

3.5.8 Spatial Analysis

In spatial analysis, the spatial mapping was conducted, firstly. The thematic maps obtain based on ecological parameters, oceanographic and social. Furthermore, the final process in spatial analysis is overlay by considering the results of the SWOT analysis so that the information obtained more sharply. In addition one of the benefits of GIS technology is its ability to process of map overlay. Of all the thematic maps are variable analyses. The overlay process could produce one map that has the spatial information of each theme which is determined for the region boundaries and zones in MCA. INTERNAL FACTORS EKSTERNAL FACTORS S Strengths. W Weaknesses T Threats SO Strategic: Minimizing the weakness strategic to avoid of threats. ST Strategic: Using the strengths strategic to making out of threats. O Opportunities SO Strategic: Using the strengths strategic for opportunities. WO Strategic: Minimizing the weakness strategic for opportunities. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Overview of Study Area Based on the results of field observations, obtained information about the general condition of research area, which consisted of geographical conditions, socio-demographic and accessibility.

4.1.1 Geographical Conditions

Pasi Island was part of Kepulauan Selayar Regency, South Sulawesi Province with the geographical position about 6 o 5 - 6 o 13 Latitude and 120 o 23 - 120 o 27 Longitude, located in adjacent to West of Selayar Island. The island is composed of 3 three villages, namely Bontolebang Village, Bontoborusu Village and Kahu-Kahu Village, which is covered area about ± 2335 ha BPS 2009 and ± 29.5 km coastline PSTK UNHAS 2007. Following is information about population data of Pasi Island residents: Table 7 Residents Data of Pasi Islan No. d Village Area Km 2 Residents Number of Family Men Women 1 2 3 Bontolebang Kahu-Kahu Bontoborusu 3.31 10.04 10.00 874 1918 1639 246 482 463 448 955 902 426 963 737 Source: Family data questionnaire 2010; BPS 2009

4.1.2 Social Demography

Of the total of 73 fishermen interviewed, Pasi Island residents depend on fisheries and agriculture sector, as the dominant livelihoods. The present of season greatly effects in their daily activities, in the east monsoon they generally work as fishermen, while in the west monsoon, the community as a farmer cashew, corn, coconut. The fishing activities is traditional, hand line and gill net are usually used to catch fishes such as coral trout, grouper, and others. 52.05 of respondents do fishing activities around the island and 38.36 in Taka Bajangan about 4 nautical miles from Pasi Island. Overall the respondents still use traditional fishing gear, nets, traps and others, they capture the majority of reef fish and feel that diminishing fish resources if compared with five years ago. Table 8 Overview of fishing conditions at Pasi Island n=73 Representation of the fishermen in Pulau Pasi can be seen in the following table: No. Description by No. of Respondent Percentage Total 1 Fishing Ground: Around Pasi Island 38 52.05 100 Taka’ Bajangan 28 38.36 Outer Pasi Island 7 9.59 2 Fishing Gears: Hand Line 42 57.53 100 Nets 20 27.40 Others 11 15.07 3 Type of Fish: Reef Fishes 65 89.04 100 Pelagic Fishes 5 6.85 Reef Pelagic Fishes 3 4.11 4 Average catchday 5 Kg 26 35.62 100 5 - 10 Kg 34 46.58 10 Kg 13 17.81 5 Fish Harvest last 5 years: 13 Increased 17.81 100 Similar 14 19.18 Decreased 46 63.01 Bontolebang Village

Bontolebang Village consists of 3 three dusun, namely Dusun Gusung Timur, Gusung Barat and Gusung Lengu’. Electric power in this village has been well, in which every house has obliged to pay electricity bill based on the number of lamps installed at home. Diesel engine of adequate power is installed in village centre. Unlike the electric facilities, the fresh water supply in this village is very poor; this may be caused by the physical character of sloping topography of the village. In addition to fishing activities, the villager is also farming reef fish groupers, coral trout, baronang and others by using step cages and floating cages. The role of women in the family can be quite large, both as housewives and family economic support. This was shown by women activity to help improve the family economy such as trading, dried fish processing and even helping their husbands in fishing equipment maintenance. In the Bontolebang village there has Microfinance Institutions MFIs Karang Indah that serves as the driving for community productive activities. Beneficiary fund MFIs so far has reached 96 people, meaning the existence of MFIs have been able to mobilize the community in productive activities COREMAP 2009. Kahu-Kahu Village

This village consists of 4 four dusun, namely The majority of residents work as fishermen and farmers, who in conducting its activities depending on the season.When the east monsoon, the residents work as fishermen, while during the west monsoon turned into farmers who take care of cashew crop, corn, and coconut. As a fisherman, fishing gear used are hand line and nets to catch fish such as coral trout, grouper, snapper and other fishes. Beside fishermen and farmers, there are people who work as traders and civil servants. Dusun North Kahu-Kahu, Central Kahu-Kahu, South Kahu-Kahu dan Dopa. The majority of villagers are Selayar and Makassar ethnic. In this village, the role of women in the family can be quite large, both as housewives and family economic support. This was shown by active women to develop the business of making shrimp paste that is marketed to the mainland, Selayar. Bontoborusu Village

This village consists of 4 four dusun, namely Dusun Dongkalang, Buloiya, Paoiya and Manarai. The majority of villagers are Selayar and Makassar ethnic. Livelihoods of the population are dominated by fishermen and farmers, although there is also a civil servant and seek other services such as boat traverse service. This village fishermen using traditional fishing gear to catch fish.

4.1.2 Access

Accessibility of Pasi island community to the mainland, Selayar island capital regency is relatively easy by using a motor boat jarangka’ from three villages. Pasi Island can be reached by two access points. First access through the old market at Benteng city with ± 30 minutes travel time to the Bontolebang Village, fees charged Rp. 5 000 per person. The second access through the Padang port of Bontosunggu village with ± 15 minutes travel time to Bontoborusu and Kahu-Kahu villages, the fees charged Rp. 2 000 per person for the purpose of the Bontoborusu village and Rp. 3 000 per person for the purpose to the village of Kahu-Kahu. In addition, the access road between Bontolebang village and Kahu-Kahu village has been available and taken through a permanent path. For Bontolebang village also has available land access as the other two villages but the only link between the Dusun of the village. Access from Bontolebang village to Kahu-Kahu village or Bontobarusu village can be reached or passed the sea using jarangka with a travel time ± 45 minutes. 4.2 Environmental Conditions 4.2.1 Current Current velocity observations of coral reefs location ranged from 0.55-20.83 cmsec. Current velocity was also strongly influenced by tidal processes that are in the strait area, where water mass movement will become stronger in the narrow gap even when reaching the end of the strait. I Current conditions in the Pasi Island show that in site no. 1 and 2 of coral observations has a fairly strong currents, it is suspected because of the location which is located at the end of the strait between the Pasi Island and Selayar Island. While the current velocity at the location of water quality observation of tended to be weaker, ranging between 5.50-35 cm sec. n general, the current velocity at the study site is in normal level to support the growth of reefs, while for mariculture development, conditions are relatively weak but still in the recommended values, although not in the range of the ideal that should get attention in the placement and the cages treatment Kangkan et al. 2007. While the current too strong, can interfere with the physiology of fish, whether caused by the movement of fish to against the current or because of stress. The physical of environmental condition on the coral reef sites can be seen in the following table: Table 9 Environmental condition on the coral reef site Site s Location Aquatic Environmental Conditions Temperature Depth Visibility Salinity Current °c m ‰ cms 1 Southern 31.16 10 90 32 20.83 2 Southern 31.17 4 100 32 20.83 3 Southern 30.48 10 90 31 0.55 4 Western 30.57 9 100 32 3.82 5 Western 30.56 10 80 32 3.72 6 Western 31.16 5 100 32 7.72 7 Western 31.37 10 95 32 0.59 8 Western 31.17 5 100 32 3.62 9 Southern 30.57 5 100 33 3.82 10 Southern 30.56 9 100 28 3.79 4.2.2 Visibility Fieldwork has been done obtained data Tables 9 and 10 that the visibility condition at the coral reef areas ranging from 80-100, that this condition will strongly support the growth of corals due to the sunlight intensity can penetrate the water column. At the water quality sites, the visibility levels ranging from 31- 100, this is because the site in the eastern Pasi Island is in the mangrove areas. Based on the visibility parameters, all the observation sites suitable for the development of mariculture in particular step cage and floating cages and also growth of coral reefs. The existence of dissolved material in the water column can inhibit the light penetration into the waters, so that the fotosistesa process becomes disturbed Ariyati et al. 2007. Waters visibility is one factor that can support the survival of fish in cages, where the visibility will help grouper in the process of taking food Kangkan et al. 2007. The environmental condition of Pasi Island on water quality observation sites to the suitability of mariculture can be seen in the following table: Table 10 The environmental conditions on water quality sites Site Location Aquatic Environmental Parameters Temperature Depth Visibility Salinity Current DO pH °C m ‰ cms mgl 1 Eastern 31.56 5.5 100.00 30 6.59 6.45 8.08 2 Eastern 30.48 17 58.82 34 7.44 6.95 7.82 3 Western 31.48 2 100.00 28 5.50 6.47 8.27 4 Western 30.56 3 100.00 32 7.58 6.48 8.1 5 Western 30.57 3 100.00 33 7.65 6.45 8.09 6 Western 31.37 2 100.00 32 35.00 6.95 8.13 7 Eastern 31.22 16 31.25 32 15.43 6.25 8.09

4.2.3 Temperatures

The measurement results at 17 observation sites obtained the temperature range between 30.48-31.56° C Tables 9 and 10, this temperature range is not too much variable, presumably because there is enough water movement so that helps intermittent aeration and prevent large fluctuations of the water temperature Puja et al. 2001. The range of temperature is the normal temperature range for tropical waters despite Pasi Island could be affected by cross currents of Indonesia Arlindo, where the geographical of Selayar islands is part of the Flores Sea and Banda Sea. Asmawi 1990 explained that the temperature of shallow waters is greater than the deep-sea due to having a lot of turbulence caused by winds and the dynamics of physical oceanography, raised by the wind. Temperature also affects the digestive process of fish; digestion is running very slowly at low temperatures, the opposite is more rapid in the warmer waters. Water temperature also plays an important role in supporting the growth and survival of marine organisms such as corals and reef fish. In generally, the water temperatures at the study sites are suitable to support the growth of marine organisms such as corals and reef fish.

4.2.4 Salinity

The result of the distribution of salinity measurements at Ocean of Pasi Island ranged 28-34 ‰. Salinity conditions are still quite reasonable and often found in tropical ocean regions. In the northern part of the island, was found at low salinity conditions 28‰, it is suspected because of the fresh water input from land and river on the mainland Selayar Island, where the distribution of salinity in the ocean is influenced by several factors such as water circulation patterns, evaporation, rainfall and river flow Nontji 1993. In generally, the averages of salinity at the study site showing the range can supports for the cultivation of mariculture and survival for marine organisms.

4.2.5 pH

PH scale ranges from 0 very acidic to 14 extremely alkaline. Values of pH less than 7 indicates an acidic environment while the value above 7 indicates an alkaline environment, while the pH = 7 is called the neutral. Based on the results of field measurements Table 10, note that the level of acidity around the island is 7.82-8.27. These values is slightly alkaline, but are still categorized as a pH value that can be tolerated and still normal for marine environment. pH values in waters around Pasi Island reasonable for mariculture, because in general cultivation of reef fish can grow well in a pH range between 7-8.5 Kangkan et al. 2007. The degree of acidity which are alkalis pH7 is closely related to the bottom substrate, which is the sand flats and coral reefs so that the salt content of biogenic especially calcium Ca2 + is quite high Syarani Suryanto 2006. Waters of the acidic and highly alkaline, can cause death and stop reproduction in fish Amin 2001. This is mainly due to the decrease in oxygen and increase in CO 2 content. Based on these conditions, the pH of waters in the study area is very suitable for the cultivation of white grouper, and snapper.

4.2.6 Dissolved Oxygen

Factors to be considered for raising fish in cages were dissolved oxygen ranged between 5-10 mgl Kangkan et al. 2007. The results showed that the dissolved oxygen content ranges between 6.25-6.95 mgl. Variation of dissolved oxygen content presumably because of the movement and mixing of water masses, also by the daily cycle of this parameter. The measurement results of dissolved oxygen in waters around Pasi Island showed respectable range and support for mariculture.

4.2.7 Aquatic Substrate

Substrate types in waters around the Pasi Island, is sand and muddy sand. Type of substrate sand muddy located in mangrove areas and the squeaking of Padang, is an area that gets the greatest pressure due to the input run off from the rivers that flow into the area. Type of substrate sand and little pieces of coral are at another location, which is open sea so that the mass movement of water can wash the fine particles from the water column Kangkan et al. 2007. In generallly, the substrate around the Pasi Island is eligible for the development of mariculture in particular the step net cage and the floating net cage.

4.3 Coral Reefs Conditions

The condition of live coral cover in the waters around Pasi Island ranged from 46.66-74.83 with moderate to good category Soekarno et al. 1983. The smallest percentage of live coral cover found at site no. 6th which is 46.66, while the largest percentage of live coral cover was found in site no. 4th which is 74.83. The percentages of live coral cover on the research location, presented in the chart below: Figure 6 Percentage of live coral cover at the study sites. From the calculation of the percentage of hard coral at site no. 1, 2 and 3, obtained results that the composition of the Acropora is more dominant, while for site no.s 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 were that dominate from the groups of non- Acropora. Coral has a variety of life form, relating to the condition of aquatic environment. Various types of coral life forms are influenced by light intensity, hydrodynamics waves and currents, food availability, sediment and genetic factors. Based on coral life form, hard coral consist of Acropora and non- Acropora English et al. 1997. Percent cover of hard coral groups can be seen in the figure as follows: Figure 7 Percent cover of hard corals. This was supposedly because the site no. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are in open sea so that the trend will be more dominated by non-Acropora corals in particular for coral massive growth forms CM, whereas at site no. 1, 2 and 3 are on the more protected site so that more dominated by Acropora corals in particular to acropora branching ACB. This is consistent with statements from Sukarno et al. 1983, that coral growth is better in the areas of large waves in which the current movement can provide sufficient oxygen than the quiet and sheltered area. The formation of coral reefs require ideal conditions to support the deployment and recruitment of key species, the existence of environmental factors that support and is suitable for certain types make the dominant species in the form of coral reef Harriott Banks 2002. The dominant coral species in a habitat depends on environmental conditions or habitats where the corals were alive. More massive corals grow on the outer reef. Corals that live in protected areas from waves leeward zones has a slim and elongated form of branching, in contrast to the strong wave windward zones the growth trend is short branching shaped, strong, creeping, submasif or massive English et al. 1997; Supriharyono 2000.

4.4 Reef Fishes Condition

From the results of field observations showed that the highest numbers of individuals at site no. 2 1 578 individuals while the smallest amount in site no. 8 977 individuals. Many of reef fishes use coral reefs as a place of refuge, such as avoiding predators or strong currents Steele 1999. Besides, the habit patterns of other fish are to use the reef as a place to spawn and care for the juvenile area. For the largest number of species found at site no. 4 107 species and the least at site no. 3 47 species, whereas for fish densities obtained the highest number at site no. 2 6,31 indm2 and smallest at site no. 8 3,91 indm2. Some species of reef fishes depend on coral reefs as the place looking for food and shelter Friedlander and Parrish 1998. Differences food and feeding habits for reef fishes make their shape and has a territory that is able to provide food in accordance with their diet. Individual abundance and species for reef fish in each site can be seen in the following figure: Figure 8 Number of individuals and species of reef fishes. The result of reef fish diversity index, based on field data obtained showed that site no. 2 and 3 have the lowest score of 2,098 and 2,997 moderate diversity while for the other site have a value above 3, this shows that generally the diversity of reef fish on the Pasi Island is high, if seen from the diversity index H. Increases in the abundance and biomass of large exploited predators or space occupiers in reserves may result in the decline of prey or inferior competitors, and thus an overall decline in biodiversity Micheli et al. 2004. Individual abundance of reef fish based on the group can be seen in the following figure: Figure 9 Abundance of reef fish based on group.

4.5 Suitability Analysis for MCA Multiple Uses Zone

Regional Marine Conservation Area must have a zoning plan which is set in a simple way, making it easy to be understood and adhered to by the community. This zoning on one side intended to save the resources, or diversity of coral reefs, and on the other side for the development of marine tourism and fisheries. T o view the support of local government, community leaders and fishermen, then collected information from 87 respondents, the result is obtained 89.66 support the establishment Pasi Island as a Marine Conservation Area MCA.

4.5.1 Core Zone

Core zone of a marine conservation area is expected to be able to maintain biodiversity and preservation of existing resources in the region. Selection of the location of the core zone should be considered with good, not only based on ecological parameters, but also must consider the social parameters, especially the support of the community, so expect the existence of the core zone can be maintained with high public participation. The following table presents the results of conformity assessment for the core zone at the study site: Table 11 Suitability locations for the MCA core zone Site Geographical Position South East Value Category Criteria 1 06°1221.29 120°2528.45 25 S2 Suitable 2 06°1241.83 120°2505.73 20 S2 Suitable 3 06°1251.30 120°2423.54 29 S1 Highly suitable 4 06°1159.39 120°2336.53 30 S1 Highly suitable 5 06°1051.01 120°2322.75 30 S1 Highly suitable 6 06°0844.02 120°2331.45 23 S2 Suitable 7 06°0720.10 120°2400.77 26 S2 Suitable 8 06°0633.48 120°2412.60 27 S2 Suitable 9 06°0535.83 120°2507.18 29 S1 Highly suitable 10 06°0544.50 120°2534.29 25 S2 Suitable Results of processing suitability for the core zone, it was found that the location is very suitable for the core zone is sites no. 3, 4, 5 and 9. At the site no. 9 are Marine Protected Area MPA formed by Bontolebang Village community; this will certainly be very supportive in the placement of the core zone at the site no. 9. MPA was formed since 2007, and located on the north of Pasi Island. The assessment focuses on the percentage live coral cover, reef fish diversity and community support and local government. The optimal size for biodiversity conservation should have a large size to protect fish stocks and increase recruitment to an area adjacent to the fishing ground Hastings Botsford 2003. Benteng Dongkalang Kahu-Kahu Tg. Gosong P. Selayar P. Pasi 6 °1 3 3 6 °1 3 3 6 °1 2 6 °1 2 6 °1 3 6 °1 3 6 °9 6 °9 6 °7 3 6 °7 3 6 °6 6 °6 6 °4 3 6 °4 3 120°2230 120°2230 120°2400 120°2400 120°2530 120°2530 120°2700 120°2700 120°2830 120°2830 N E W S 1 2 Km Sekala 1:120.000 Peta Kesesuaian Zona Inti Sesuai Sangat Sesuai Daratan Sungai Garis Pantai Keterangan: Penutupan LahanTipe Substrat: Karang Campur Pasir Kebun Lamun Campur Pasir Mangrove Pasir Pemukiman TegalLadang Terumbu Karang Kedalaman m: 5 - 10 0 - 5 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 50 50 - 100 100 6 °2 6° 2 6 °0 6° 120°20 120°20 120°40 120°40 Figure 10 The suitability map of core zone.

4.5.2 Sustainability Fisheries Zone

Tabel 12 Sustainable fisheries zone is the area that can be utilized by local communities in conducting activities such as catching fish by using an environmentally friendly fishing gear, and the development of environmentally friendly mariculture. The results of conformity assessment for the cultivation zone are presented in the table below: Suitability locations for m Site ariculture zone Geographical Position South East Value Category Criteria 1 120°2558.00 6°0637.90 31 S1 Highly suitable 2 120°2601.92 6°0627.97 29 S1 Highly suitable 3 120°2532.44 6°0607.21 31 S1 Highly suitable 4 120°2541.31 6°0614.32 30 S1 Highly suitable 5 120°2459.08 6°0627.26 31 S1 Highly suitable 6 120°2446.12 6°0648.59 30 S1 Highly suitable 7 120°2529.00 6°0756.60 23 S2 Suitable From the calculation for the suitability of aquaculture zone, it was found that site no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are at very appropriate criteria, while site no. 7 located at appropriate criteria to be used as the location of marine aquaculture. The village is located on the northern part of Pasi Island, where the location is divided into 2 areas: first, on the west side destined for reef fish aquaculture stand cage method, because the relatively shallow depth ranges from 2-3 meters, secondly, on destined for the east side of reef fish aquaculture using floating net cages because the conditions into a relatively higher range between 5.5-17 meters. Although the assessment results for site no. 7 categorized into suitable for cultivation, but its development must consider the elements of accessibility and security because of its location far from the settlement.