Strength Zoning Strategy Based on SWOT Analysis

Table 14 The coordinate boundary points of MCA Pasi Islan No. of Point d Coordinates East South 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 120°2431.57 120°2316.12 120°2247.82 120°2334.98 120°2540.74 120°2548.08 120°2518.39 120°2428.46 120°2518.57 120°2641.52 6°0448.92 6°0728.21 6°1049.43 6°1309.85 6°1309.85 6°1130.30 6°1056.30 6°1016.47 6°0851.95 6°0553.89 A multiple uses zoning approach provides high levels of protection for specific areas whilst allowing a range of reasonable uses, including certain extractive activities, to continue in other zones Day 2002. Laurel and Bradbury 2006 suggest larval dispersal distances in fishes increase substantially with latitude, suggesting marine reserves in temperate climes should be larger than those in the tropics. On the Great Barrier Reef Australia, zoning has proven capable to handling the conflict of marine resources utilization Pressey and McNeill Day 2002. 1996 in Day 2002 1. Ecologically - it recognizes temporalspatial scales at which ecological systems operate and ensures the entire GBR remains viable as a functioning ecosystem; consider such broad-area integrated management with zoning more effective than a series of small, isolated highly protected areas because: 2. Practically - it is easier to manage; it buffers and dilutes the impacts of activities in areas adjacent to highly protected ‘core’ areas; and 3. Socially - helps to resolve and manage conflicts in the use of natural resources and ensures all reasonable uses can occur with minimal conflict. Figure 13 The zoning map of MCA Pasi Island . 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

5.1 Conclusion

1. Environmental parameters on the research area had a normal category for the growth of marine organisms such as corals and reef fish. Generally, the condition of live coral cover in the field ranged from moderate to good category, while for the diversity of reef fishes is high 2. . The core zone of MCA Pasi Island located at southwest of the island sites 3, 4, 5 and 9 of coral reefs observation 3. . The mariculture zone located on the north and east of the island water quality observation sites. East side to the development of floating net cages KJA, and the West side to development of step net cage KJT 4. . The marine tourism zone located on the Northwest side of the Pasi Island 5. . Fishing zone is placed on areas outside the core zone, mariculture and marine tourism zone, based on participatory map of fishing ground by local communities 6. . The boundary of MCA Pasi Island which also represents the outer limit of fishing zone has a distance about 500 meters from the reef flat that surrounds the island.

5.2 Recommendation

1. Required regulation PERDA, which can support the existence of MCA Pasi Island in supporting sustainable use of resources 2. . Further research is needed, by taking more data so that it has better information 3. . Necessary good cooperation between all parties communities, local government and private to managed the MCA Pasi Island.