Operational Risk Risk Management

1 62 62 The Companys policy in applying risk management, must at least includes the followings: a. Due regard to alignment between strategy, processes, human resource, finance, technology, the environment, and knowledge understanding on the Company goals. b. Increase commitment, responsibility, awareness and participation of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and all Employees. c. Establish policies that can support the successful implementation of risk management, including system and standard procedure agreed between the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. d. Prepare the required human resources, including the risk of the competent assessor. e. Develop a methodology that is able to measure risk accurately measurable and predictable. f. Apply monitoring system monitoring and continuous evaluation as well as follow-up on the feed back from stakeholders. g. Encourage active participation from all levels of the Company which allows the best risk participation according to the agreed to achieve business goals. h. Disclose transparently any risks that can significantly affect the value of the Company to the parties concerned.

6. Employment

PT SUCOFINDO PERSERO in maintaining relationship with the Employees is always based on the principle of mutual respect and appreciate the rights and obligations of each other. The Company is committed to put the Mutual Work Agreement as a foundation of the rights and obligations of the Company and Employees that must be adhered consistently and consequently. Policy and procedure of human resources management, such as the promotion, demotion, mutation, education and training, social security, health care as well as reward and punishment procedures, are developed based on the principles agreed upon in the Mutual Work Agreement. The Company continuously implements policies and procedures of human resources management consistently.