Vision and mission Corporate Values Code of Conduct Guidelines for the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors

415 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan bank bjb telah merumuskan pedoman tata kelola perusahaan yang baik GCG sejak tahun 2007, melalui penerbitan Surat Keputusan Direksi bank bjb Nomor: 931SKDIR2007 tentang Pedoman Good Corporate Governance. Pedoman ini mendapat pengesahan dari Dewan Komisaris melalui surat tertanggal 3 Oktober 2007 yang menyatakan persetujuannya terhadap Pedoman GCG. Dalam perjalanannya, pedoman ini telah melahirkan pedoman-pedoman lain secara parsial, NJTBMOZB QFOHFOEBMJBO HSBUJmLBTJ code of conduct, serta laporan harta kekayaan. Komitmen GCG

a. Visi dan Misi

Bank telah memiliki visi dan misi yang dijadikan pedoman jangka panjang dalam menjalankan kegiatan usaha bank bjb. Visi dan misi ini mencerminkan tujuan yang akan dicapai oleh Bank di masa yang akan datang.

b. Nilai-nilai Perusahaan Corporate Value

Perumusan nilai-nilai perusahaan corporate value dan perilaku utama budaya perusahaan dilakukan oleh Manajemen dengan menggali nilai-nilai yang ada dalam tubuh Perusahaan. Budaya perusahaan bank bjb harus selaras dengan visi dan misi bank bjb dan adaptif terhadap perubahan dunia perbankan. Oleh karena itu apabila budaya yang telah ada sudah tidak sejalan dengan visi, misi, dan perkembangan dunia perbankan, maka perlu dilakukan perubahan budaya dengan menggali nilai-nilai baru yang muncul.

c. Etika Perusahaan

Merupakan standar tata perilaku yang menjadi acuan setiap insan bank bjb, termasuk di dalamnya adalah Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, serta seluruh pegawai dalam mengelola perusahaan.

d. Pedoman Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Pedoman Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi bank bjb mengacu pada regulasi yang terkait seperti Undang- Undang Perseroan Terbatas serta regulasi dari otoritas di bidang jasa keuangan, maupun regulasi lain yang relevan. Pedoman tersebut mengatur struktur, tugas dan tanggung jawab, pembagian tugas, etika kerja, rapat, organisasi, dan hubungan kerja dari Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, yang dijadikan acuan bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya masing- masing. Guidelines on Corporate Governance bank bjb has formulated guidelines for good corporate governance GCG since 2007, through the issuance of the Decree of the Board of Directors of Bank bjb No. 931SK DIR2007 on the Guidelines for Good Corporate Governance. The Guidelines was approved by the Board of Commissioners through the letter dated October 3, 2007 which declared its approval of the GCG Guidelines. Along the way, the Guideliens produced other guidelines partially, among others UIF HVJEFMJOFT GPS HSBUJmDBUJPO DPOUSPM DPEF PG DPOEVDU BT well as wealth report. GCG Commitment

a. Vision and mission

The Bank has a vision and mission which becomes the bank bjb’s long-term guidelines in conducting its business BDUJWJUJFT5IJTWJTJPOBOENJTTJPOSFnFDUUIFPCKFDUJWFTUP be achieved by the Bank in the future.

b. Corporate Values

The formulation of the corporate values and the major behavior of the corporate culture is carried out by the Management by exploring the values that exist in the body of the Company. bank bjb’s corporate culture must be aligned with the vision and mission of the Bank and must be adaptive to the changes in the banking world. Therefore, if the existing culture is already not in line with the vision, mission, and the development of the banking world, thus a change of culture should be carried out by exploring new emerging values.

c. Code of Conduct

This is the standard code of conduct which becomes the reference for every personnel of bank bjb, including the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, as well as all employees in managing the company.

d. Guidelines for the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors

The Guidelines for Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of bank bjb refers to the related regulations such as the regulation on Limited Liability Company as XFMMBTUIFSFHVMBUJPOTJTTVFECZUIFBVUIPSJUJFTJOUIFmFME PGmOBODJBMTFSWJDFT BTXFMMBTPUIFSSFMFWBOUSFHVMBUJPOT The Guidelines regulates the structure, duties and responsibilities, division of tasks, work ethics, meetings, organization, and the working relationship of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, which is used as a reference for the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in carrying out its respective duties and functions. GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 416 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO

e. Hubungan Industrial