Middleware System Migration Middleware SOP Document Drafting Penghargaan Penerapan GCG


5. Arsitektur Middleware Transaction Gateway


1. Pengembangan Middleware


3. Server Middleware


4. Migrasi Sistem Middleware


5. Penyusunan Dokumen SOP Middleware


6. Upgrade Sistem Core Banking yang mencakup:


5. Arsitektur Middleware Transaction Gateway


1. Middleware Development


3. Server Middleware


4. Middleware System Migration


5. Middleware SOP Document Drafting


6. Core Banking System Update which includes:

B SPOU0GmDF4ZTUFNQMBUGPSNVQHSBEFUIBUJTDVSSFOUMZ VTJOH.JDSPTPGU8JOEPXT4FSWFSQMBUGPSNJOUPUIF .9QMBUGPSN C PSFBOLJOH4ZTUFNVQHSBEFUIBUJTDVSSFOUMZVTJOH UIFDPSFCBOLJOHRVBUJPOXJMMCFVQHSBEFEUPUIF OFXUFDIOPMPHZ OBNFMZUIFBOLVTJPORVBUJPO 309 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data D 6QHSBEFSPOU0GmDFQQMJDBUJPOZBOHEJHVOBLBOPMFI 4VQFSWJTPSSPOU0GmDF 5FMMFSEBOVTUPNFS4FSWJDFT ZBOHTBBUJOJNFOHHVOBLBOTJTUFN4oW Consolidated Customer Information Server o Equation Branch Automation BLBOEJMBLVLBO upgrade LFEBMBN UFLOPMPHJCBSVZBJUVBOLVTJPO8FC5FMMFS E Upgrade NFTJO server Core Banking Processing System ZBOH TFCFMVNOZB NFOHHVOBLBO NFTJO . JTFSJFTEFOHBO Operating System 0473. NFOKBEJNFTJO.1PXFSEFOHBO Operating System .J F 1FOHFNCBOHBO middleware ZBOH BLBO CFSGVOHTJ TFCBHBJQFSBOUBSBBUBVHFSCBOHUSBOTBLTJ transaction gateway VOUVLTFMVSVIBQMJLBTJMVBSZBOHNFNFSMVLBO LPOFLTJLF core banking Arsitektur Aplikasi STJUFLUVS BQMJLBTJ QFNCBHJBO layer BQMJLBTJ BEBMBI BSTJUFLUVSSFGFSFOTJZBOHIBSVTEJBDVPMFITFUJBQBQMJLBTJZBOH EJLFNCBOHLBO TFIJOHHB NFMBLVLBO QFNJTBIBO ZBOH KFMBT VOUVL layer-layer QSFTFOUBUJPO user interface QSPTFTCJTOJT EBOBLTFTEBUB 4FKVNMBIJOJTJBUJGZBOHEJSFODBOBLBO .FMBLVLBOQFSVCBIBO user-interface VOUVLNFNVEBILBO QFOHPQFSBTJBO .FMBLVLBO QFSVCBIBO GVOHTJPOBM LBSFOB QFSVCBIBO EJ TJTJCJTOJT .FMBLVLBO QFSVCBIBO JOUFSLPOFLTJ database LBSFOB QFSVCBIBO platform database Arsitektur Database 4BMBITBUVDFMBI security EBSJTJTJJOUFSOBMBEBMBIUFSCVLBOZB BLTFT MBOHTVOH UFSIBEBQ UBCFM database UBOQB NFMBMVJ BQMJLBTJ ZBOH EJSBODBOH VOUVL NFOHBLTFTOZB ,BSFOB JUV QFSMVEJMBLVLBOQFOHBNBOBOUBCFMLPOUFONFMBMVJ FOLSJQTJ EBMBN.4BHBSLPOUFOEJTJNQBOEBMBNLFBEBBOUFSFOLSJQTJ option secure encrypted database EBO NFMBLVLBO FOLSJQTJEFTLSJQTJEJUJOHLBUBQMJLBTJ 6OUVL LFNVEBIBO NBOBKFNFO SFQMJLBTJ 3 BUBV backup TFSUBFmTJFOTJ EJMBLVLBOLPOTPMJEBTJ platform VOUVL JNQMFNFOUBTJ database ZBOHNFODBLVQ LPOTPMJEBTJ.4 UJEBLUFSMBMVCBOZBL brand EBOWFSTJ LPOTPMJEBTJ server VOUVLJNQMFNFOUBTJ database EBO LPOTPMJEBTJ storage INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY D SPOU 0GmDF QQMJDBUJPO VQHSBEF UIBU JT VTFE CZ UIF SPOU 0GmDF 5FMMFS BOE VTUPNFS 4FSWJDFT 4VQFSWJTPS XIJDIDVSSFOUMZVTFTUIF4W POTPMJEBUFEVTUPNFSOGPSNBUJPO4FSWFSRVBUJPO SBODI VUPNBUJPO TZTUFN XJMM CF VQHSBEFE UP UIF OFXUFDIOPMPHZXIJDIJTUIFBOLVTJPO8FC5FMMFS E 4FSWFS VQHSBEF PG UIF PSF BOLJOH 1SPDFTTJOH 4ZTUFNXIJDIQSFWJPVTMZVTFEUIF.JTFSJFTXJUI UIF0473.0QFSBUJOH4ZTUFNJOUP.1PXFS NBDIJOFTXJUIUIF.J0QFSBUJOH4ZTUFN F .JEEMFXBSF EFWFMPQNFOU XIJDI XJMM TFSWF BT B USBOTBDUJPO JOUFSNFEJBSZ PS B HBUFXBZ USBOTBDUJPO HBUFXBZ GPS BMM FYUFSOBM BQQMJDBUJPOT UIBU SFRVJSF DPOOFDUJPOUPUIFDPSFCBOLJOH Application Architecture QQMJDBUJPO BSDIJUFDUVSF EJWJTJPO PG UIF BQQMJDBUJPO MBZFS JT B SFGFSFODF BSDIJUFDUVSF UIBU NVTU CF SFGFSSFE CZ BOZ BQQMJDBUJPOTCFJOHEFWFMPQFE DSFBUJOHBDMFBSTFQBSBUJPOPG UIFMBZFSTQSFTFOUBUJPO VTFSJOUFSGBDF CVTJOFTTQSPDFTTFT BOEEBUBBDDFTT OVNCFSPGQMBOOFEJOJUJBUJWFT 1FSGPSNVTFSJOUFSGBDFGPSFBTZPQFSBUJPO 1FSGPSNGVODUJPOBMDIBOHFTEVFUPDIBOHFTJOUIFCVTJOFTT TJEF 1FSGPSN EBUBCBTF JOUFSDPOOFDUJPO DIBOHFT EVF UP EBUBCBTFQMBUGPSNDIBOHFT Database Architecture 0OFPGUIFTFDVSJUZMPPQIPMFJOUIFJOUFSOBMTJEFJTUIFPQFO EJSFDU BDDFTT UP EBUBCBTF UBCMFT XJUIPVU HPJOH UISPVHI BO BQQMJDBUJPO EFTJHOFE UP BDDFTT JU 5IFSFGPSF DPOUFOU UBCMF TFDVSJUZ NVTU CF DPOEVDUFE UISPVHI FODSZQUJPO JO UIF .4 TP UIBU UIF DPOUFOU JT TUPSFE JO BO FODSZQUFE TUBUF PQUJPO TFDVSF FODSZQUFE EBUBCBTF BOE QFSGPSN FODSZQUJPOEFTDSJQUJPOBUUIFBQQMJDBUJPOMFWFM PS UIF FBTF PG UIF NBOBHFNFOU 3 SFQMJDBUJPO PS CBDLVQ BTXFMMBTFGmDJFODZ DPOTPMJEBUJPOQMBUGPSNGPSUIF JNQMFNFOUBUJPOPGEBUBCBTFJTQFSGPSNFE XIJDIJODMVEFT DPOTPMJEBUJPOPG.4 OPUUPPNBOZCSBOETBOEWFSTJPOT UIFDPOTPMJEBUJPOPGTFSWFSTGPSEBUBCBTFJNQMFNFOUBUJPO BOE TUPSBHFDPOTPMJEBUJPO 310 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO 4FKVNMBIJOJTJBUJGZBOHEJSFODBOBLBO Assessment TFMVSVI database QFOEVLVOH BQMJLBTJ VOUVL NFOHJEFOUJmLBTJ database ZBOH EJKBMBOLBO QBEB mode secure encrypted BUBV UJEBL TFSUB JEFOUJmLBTJ KFOJT platform .4OZB ,FNVEJBO NFOHJOEFUJmLBTJ BQBLBI query EJEBMBNBQMJLBTJOZBNFNVOHLJOLBOVOUVL EJNPEJmLBTJLF mode secure BUBVUJEBL 1SPTFT NPEJmLBTJ BQMJLBTJ ZBOH CFMVN NFOHHVOBLBO database secure BHBS query EJNPEJmLBTJ LF NPEF database secure 4FUJBQBQMJLBTJIBSVTEJKBMBOLBOTFCBHBJ QSPZFL ZBOH JOEFQFOEFO EFOHBO NFNQFSIBUJLBO B QFSFODBOBBO C QSPTFT NPEJmLBTJ source code D QFOHVKJBO E risk management F rollback management .FOFOUVLBO KFOJT platform .4 ZBOH BLBO EJHVOBLBO PMFI CBOL bjb UJEBL UFSMBMV CBOZBL MBMV NFMBLVLBO LPOTPMJEBTJ platform .4 VOUVL TFUJBQ BQMJLBTJ LF platform CBSVZBOHEJQVUVTLBOVOUVLEJHVOBLBOPMFICBOL bjb 1FOHFNCBOHBOBUBVNPEJmLBTJEPLVNFOQFOHFNCBOHBO BQMJLBTJEFOHBONFOBNCBILBOCBHJBOQFOHBUVSBO secure database EFOHBONFNCFSJLBOQFOFHBTBOCBIXBTFMVSVI database IBSVTEJ set QBEB mode secure encrypted Arsitektur Server STJUFLUVSJOJNFNQFSMJIBULBOBSTJUFLUVSCFSCBHBJLFNVOHLJOBO QFOFNQBUBO layer WJSUVBMJTBTJ 04 BQMJLBTJTFSUB.4EBMBN TFCVBI server TFIJOHHB EJQFSPMFI TVBUV LPOmHVSBTJ ZBOH QBMJOHPQUJNBM,POmHVSBTJZBOHQBMJOHPQUJNBMEBQBUEJDBQBJ EFOHBO NFNQFSIBUJLBO GBLUPSGBLUPS LJOFSKB VUJMJUBT server availability QFNJTBIBO GVOHTJ BQMJLBTJ EBO database 6OUVL server-server ZBOHEJUVOUVULJOFSKBNBLTJNVN NJTBMOZB core banking NBLBBQMJLBTJEJKBMBOLBOUBOQBWJSUVBMJTBTJBUBV UBOQB sharing QFOHHVOBBO server EFOHBO BQMJLBTJ MBJOOZB LPOmHVSBTJ 4FEBOHLBOEFNJQFOJOHLBUBOVUJMJTBTJ server BQMJLBTJBQMJLBTJTFSUB database ZBOHUJEBLNFOVOUVULJOFSKB ZBOHUJOHHJ non high performance EBQBUEJKBMBOLBOQBEB TBUV NFTJO TFDBSB CFSTBNBTBNB NFOHHVOBLBO UFLOPMPHJ WJSUVBMJTBTJ LPOmHVSBTJ BHJ database high-performance EJKBMBOLBO QBEB server EFOHBOLPOmHVSBTJQMJLBTJBQMJLBTJZBOHEJKBMBOLBOQBEB virtual server IBSVT CFSBEB QBEB [POB ZBOH TBNB EBMBN QFNCBHJBO[POBLFBNBOBO TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI OVNCFSPGQMBOOFEJOJUJBUJWFT TTFTTNFOU PG UIF FOUJSF BQQMJDBUJPO TVQQPSU EBUBCBTF UP JEFOUJGZ UIF EBUBCBTF UIBU SVOT PO UIF TFDVSF NPEF FODSZQUFE PSOPU BTXFMMBTUIFJEFOUJmDBUJPOPGJUT.4 QMBUGPSNT 5IFO JEFOUJGZJOH XIFUIFS UIF RVFSZ JO UIF BQQMJDBUJPOBMMPXTUPNPEJGZUIFTFDVSFNPEFPSOPU QQMJDBUJPO NPEJmDBUJPO QSPDFTT EP OPU VTF B TFDVSF EBUBCBTF TP UIBU UIF RVFSZ JT NPEJmFE JOUP B TFDVSF EBUBCBTF NPEF BDI BQQMJDBUJPO NVTU CF SVO BT BO JOEFQFOEFOU QSPKFDU XJUI SFTQFDU UP B QMBOOJOH C TPVSDF DPEF NPEJmDBUJPO QSPDFTT D UFTUJOH E SJTL NBOBHFNFOU F SPMMCBDLNBOBHFNFOU FUFSNJOFUIFUZQFPG.4QMBUGPSNUIBUXJMMCFVTFECZ CBOL bjb OPUUIBUNBOZ BOEUPDPOTPMJEBUFUIF.4 QMBUGPSN GPS FBDI BQQMJDBUJPO UP B OFX QMBUGPSN UIBU JT EFDJEFEUPCFVTFECZCBOL bjb FWFMPQNFOUPSNPEJmDBUJPOPGBQQMJDBUJPOEFWFMPQNFOU EPDVNFOUTCZBEEJOHTFDVSFEBUBCBTFTFUUJOHTTFDUJPOUP QSPWJEFDPOmSNBUJPOUIBUUIFFOUJSFEBUBCBTFNVTUCFTFU JOBTFDVSFNPEF FODSZQUFE Server Architecture 5IJTBSDIJUFDUVSFTIPXTUIFWBSJPVTBSDIJUFDUVSFQPTTJCJMJUJFT GPSUIFQMBDFNFOUPGUIFWJSUVBMJ[BUJPOMBZFS UIF04 BQQMJDBUJPO BT XFMM BT .4 JO B TFSWFS UIFSFGPSF PCUBJOJOH UIF NPTU PQUJNBM DPOmHVSBUJPO 5IF NPTU PQUJNBM DPOmHVSBUJPO DBO CFBDIJFWFECZUBLJOHJOUPBDDPVOUUIFGPMMPXJOHGBDUPST QFSGPSNBODF TFSWFSVUJMJUZ BWBJMBCJMJUZ TFQBSBUJPOPG GVODUJPOT BQQMJDBUJPOTBOEEBUBCBTFT PS TFSWFST UIBU EFNBOE NBYJNVN QFSGPSNBODF FH DPSF CBOLJOH UIFBQQMJDBUJPOJTSVOXJUIPVUWJSUVBMJ[BUJPOPSXJUIPVU TIBSJOHUIFTFSWFSVTFXJUIPUIFSBQQMJDBUJPOT DPOmHVSBUJPO .FBOXIJMF JOPSEFSUPJNQSPWFTFSWFSVUJMJ[BUJPO BQQMJDBUJPOT BTXFMMBTEBUBCBTFUIBUEPOPUSFRVJSFIJHIQFSGPSNBODF OPO IJHIQFSGPSNBODF DBOCFSVOUPHFUIFSJOBTJOHMFNBDIJOF VTJOHWJSUVBMJ[BUJPOUFDIOPMPHZ DPOmH PS IJHIQFSGPSNBODF EBUBCBTF SVOOJOH PO B TFSWFS XJUI DPOmHVSBUJPOQQMJDBUJPOTUIBUSVOPOBWJSUVBMTFSWFS NVTU CFPOUIFTBNF[POFJOUIFTFDVSJUZ[POFEJWJTJPO 311 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data 4FKVNMBIJOJTJBUJGZBOHEJSFODBOBLBO .FMBLVLBO assessment TFMVSVI server VOUVL NFOHJEFOUJmLBTJ B VUJMJTBTJ server C BQBLBI TVEBI NFOHHVOBLBO WJSUVBMJTBTJ D operating system ZBOH EJHVOBLBOEBOIBMoIBMMBJOZBOHCFSIVCVOHBOEFOHBO LJOFSKBEBOUJOHLBULSJUJLBMBQMJLBTJZBOHKBMBOQBEB server UFSTFCVUFSEBTBSLBOIBTJM assessment EJTVTVO mapping WJSUVBMJTBTJBQMJLBTJEBO server 1SPTFT NJHSBTJ BQMJLBTJBQMJLBTJ ZBOH NBTJI CFSKBMBO EJ single server LF EBMBN server ZBOH UFSLPOTPMJEBTJ NFOHHVOBLBO WJSUVBMJTBTJ .JHSBTJ NFOHBDV QBEB mapping IBTJM assessment 1SPTFT NJHSBTJ IBSVT EJKBMBOLBO TBUV QFSTBUV EFOHBO NFNQFSIBUJLBO B QFSFODBOBBO C QFOHVKJBO D risk management E rollback management 1SPZFL NJHSBTJ IBSVT EJMBLVLBO UFSQJTBIVOUVLTFUJBQBQMJLBTJ 1FOHFNCBOHBOBUBVNPEJmLBTJEPLVNFOQFOHFNCBOHBO BQMJLBTJ EFOHBO NFOBNCBILBO CBHJBO QFOHBUVSBO deployment BQMJLBTJEJ server Arsitektur Storage STJUFLUVS JOJ NFNQFSMJIBULBO LPOTPMJEBTJ storage EJ NBTB EFQBOVOUVLNFOKBXBCLFCVUVIBO LFNVEBIBONBOBKFNFO storage LFNVEBIBONFNGBTJMJUBTJQFSUVNCVIBOLBQBTJUBT storage LFNVEBIBO SFQMJLBTJ LFNVEBIBO LPOUSPM UFSVUBNB LFBNBOBO LFNVEBIBO backup EBO recovery NFMBMVJ Enterprise Backup Recovery Solution VOUVLTFMVSVI OPO Core-Banking 9 -JOVY Y 4FDBSB-0, JNQMFNFOUBTJmTJLOZBNVOHLJOCFSTBUV BEB logical cluster 4 Storage Area network ZBJUV 4 VOUVL Core Server EBO BUB 4USBUFHJT ZBOH QFSMV EJSFQMJLBTJ real-time LF3 4VOUVL server non-core TVCEBOTVC 4 VOUVL NFOEVLVOH UFSNJOBMUFSNJOBM user EBUB BQMJLBTJ boot 4FMBJOJUV storage UJEBLIBOZBEJUVKVLBOVOUVLNFOEVLVOH LFCVUVIBO storage EJ server UFUBQJKVHBVOUVLNFOEVLVOH storage VOUVLTFUJBQUFSNJOBMLFSKBEBOEBUBTFUJBQTUBG 4FKVNMBIJOJTJBUJGZBOHEJSFODBOBLBO .JHSBTJ storage VOUVLBQMJLBTJEBO database core banking LFTJTUFN storage 4VOUVLNFNVEBILBOQFOHFMPMBBO EBOSFQMJLBTJ31SPTFTJOJTBOHBUUFSHBOUVOHQBEB LFUFSCVLBBO platform Core Banking ZBOH EJHVOBLBO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OVNCFSPGQMBOOFEJOJUJBUJWFT TTFTTJOHUIFFOUJSFTFSWFSUPJEFOUJGZB TFSWFSVUJMJ[BUJPO C XIUFIFSBMSFBEZVTJOHWJSUVBMJ[BUJPOD PQFSBUJOHTZTUFN VTFE BOE PUIFST NBUUFST XIJDI SFMBUF UP QFSGPSNBODF BOE UIF BQQMJDBUJPO DSJUJDBM MFWFM UIBU SVO PO UIF TFSWFS BTFEPOUIFBTTFTTNFOUSFTVMUT BQQMJDBUJPOBOETFSWFS WJSUVBMJ[BUJPONBQQJOHJTDPNQJMFE 5IF NJHSBUJPO QSPDFTT PG BQQMJDBUJPOT UIBU TUJMM SVO PO B TJOHMFTFSWFSJOUPBDPOTPMJEBUFETFSWFSVTJOHWJSUVBMJ[BUJPO .JHSBUJPOSFGFSTUPUIFBTTFTTNFOUSFTVMUTNBQQJOH5IF NJHSBUJPO QSPDFTT NVTU CF FYFDVUFE POF CZ POF XJUI SFTQFDU UP B QMBOOJOH C UFTUJOH D SJTL NBOBHFNFOU E SPMMCBDLNBOBHFNFOU.JHSBUJPOQSPKFDUNVTUCFEPOF TFQBSBUFMZGPSFBDIBQQMJDBUJPO FWFMPQNFOUPSNPEJmDBUJPOPGBQQMJDBUJPOEFWFMPQNFOU EPDVNFOUT CZ BEEJOH UIF TFUUJOH TFDUJPOT JO UIF TFSWFS BQQMJDBUJPOEFQMPZNFOU Storage Architecture 5IJT BSDIJUFDUVSF TIPXT UIF DPOTPMJEBUJPO PG TUPSBHF JO UIF GVUVSFUPBEESFTTUIFOFFETPG FBTFPGTUPSBHFNBOBHFNFOU FBTFPGGBDJMJUBUJOHUIFHSPXUIPGTUPSBHFDBQBDJUZ FBTF PG SFQMJDBUJPO FBTF PG DPOUSPM TQFDJmDBMMZ TFDVSJUZ FBTF PG CBDLVQ BOE SFDPWFSZ UISPVHI OUFSQSJTF BDLVQ 3FDPWFSZ4PMVUJPOGPSBMMOPOPSFBOLJOH 9 -JOVY Y O-0 QIZTJDBMJNQMFNFOUBUJPONBZCFVOJUFE UIFSFBSF GPVS4 4UPSBHFSFBFUXPSL MPHJDBMDMVTUFS OBNFMZ 4GPSUIFPSF4FSWFSBOE4USBUFHJDBUBUIBUOFFETUP CFSFQMJDBUFESFBMUJNFUPUIF3 4GPSUIFOPODPSFTFSWFS TVCEBOTVC 4UPTVQQPSUVTFSUFSNJOBMT EBUB BQQMJDBUJPO CPPU O BEEJUJPO TUPSBHF JT OPU POMZ JOUFOEFE UP TVQQPSU UIF OFFETPGTUPSBHFPOUIFTFSWFS CVUBMTPUPTVQQPSUTUPSBHF PGFBDIXPSLUFSNJOBMBOEUIFEBUBPGFBDITUBGG OVNCFSPGQMBOOFEJOJUJBUJWFT 4UPSBHF NJHSBUJPO GPS BQQMJDBUJPOT BOE DPSF CBOLJOH EBUBCBTFT UP UIF 4 TUPSBHF TZTUFN UP GBDJMJUBUF UIF NBOBHFNFOU BOE SFQMJDBUJPO PG 3 5IJT QSPDFTT JT IJHIMZ EFQFOEFOU PO UIF PQFOOFTT PG PSF BOLJOH 312 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO BQBLBI NBTJI NFOHHVOBLBO NFLBOJTNF ZBOH TQFTJmL CBHJBO EBSJ BQMJLBTJ core banking BUBV SFQMJLBTJOZB TVEBIEJBUVSPMFITJTUFN storage OZB .FMBLVLBO assessment TFMVSVIBQMJLBTJ non core banking EBO database VOUVLNFOFOUVLBOQFNFUBBOQFOFNQBUBO BQMJLBTJ EBO database QFOEVLVOHOZB EBMBN TJTUFN storage CFSTBNB 4 storage FSEBTBSLBOIBTJM assessment TFDBSBCFSUBIBQEJMBLVLBO NJHSBTJVOUVLUVKVBOLPOTPMJEBTJ storage BQMJLBTJ non core banking FSEBTBSLBOIBTJM assessment TFDBSBCFSUBIBQEJMBLVLBO NJHSBTJ VOUVL UVKVBO LPOTPMJEBTJ storage database non core banking 6OUVL NFOJOHLBULBO LPOUSPM LFBNBOBO EBUBEBUB QFSVTBIBBO TFDBSB CFSUBIBQ TFMVSVI EBUBEBUB LFSKB QFSVTBIBBOZBOHTFMBNBJOJEJTJNQBOEJ storage NBTJOH NBTJOHEJBMJILBOLF corporate storage 4FDBSB CFSUBIBQ NFMBLVLBO LPOTPMJEBTJ Backup Recovery NFMBMVJ Enterprise Backup Recovery solution Arsitektur Keamanan STJUFLUVS LFBNBOBO EJUVKVLBO TFCBHBJ SFGFSFOTJ ZBOH NFNQFSMJIBULBOQFNCBHJBO[POBVOUVLNFOHBUVSLFBNBOBO BLTFT EB [POB CFTBS ZBJUV [POB QBMJOH LJSJ [POB UFOHBI EBO [POB LBOBO 5JOHLBU LFBNBOBO TFNBLJO LFLBOBOTFNBLJOUJOHHJLBSFOBNFMBMVJmSFXBMMmSFXBMMZBOH EJTVTVOTFDBSBCFSUBIBQ FOHBOUFLOPMPHJJNQMFNFOUBTJmSFXBMMZBOHNFNVOHLJOLBO EJ create TFDBSB logical NBLB mSFXBMM EBQBU EJTFEJBLBO EJ TFUJBQ UJUJL ZBOH IBSVT EJmMUFS EFOHBO LBSBLUFSJTUJL ZBOH CFSCFEB -BMV NFMBMVJ switch EBQBU EJUFOUVLBO routing LF mSFXBMMCFSJLVUOZBOUBSB[POBEBO[POBEBQBUEJQBTBOH TFKVNMBImSFXBMM UJEBLIBOZB EFNJLJBOQVMBBOUBSB[POB EBO[POB .;EJMFUBLLBOEJ[POB TFEBOHLBO server farm UFSNBTVL development EJMFUBLLBOEJ[POBUFSEBMBN Server server ZBOH IBSVTEJBLTFTMBOHTVOHEBSJOUFSOFU EJMFUBLLBOEJ.; 4FKVNMBIJOJTJBUJGZBOHEJSFODBOBLBO 4FDBSB CFSLBMB NFMBLVLBO penetration test PMFI QJIBL LFUJLBVOUVLNFZBLJOLBOCBIXBTJTUFNLFBNBOBOTVEBI EJ set QBEBLPOEJTJZBOHUFSCBJLVOUVLNFMJOEVOHJBLTFT JMFHBMTFSUBBTFUJOGPSNBTJQFSVTBIBBO TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI QMBUGPSNVTFE XIFUIFSUIFZTUJMMVTFBTQFDJmDNFDIBOJTN QBSUPGUIFDPSFCBOLJOHBQQMJDBUJPO PSJGJUTSFQMJDBUJPO IBTCFFOTFUCZJUTTUPSBHFTZTUFN 1FSGPSN BTTFTTNFOUT UP UIF FOUJSF OPODPSF CBOLJOH BQQMJDBUJPOT BOE EBUBCBTFT UP EFUFSNJOF UIF NBQQJOH QMBDFNFOUPGBQQMJDBUJPOBOEJUTTVQQPSUJOHEBUBCBTFJO UIFTIBSFETUPSBHFTZTUFN 4TUPSBHF BTFEPOUIFBTTFTTNFOUSFTVMUT NJHSBUJPOJTHSBEVBMMZ DBSSJFE PVU XJUI UIF QVSQPTF PG OPODPSF CBOLJOH BQQMJDBUJPOTUPSBHFDPOTPMJEBUJPO BTFEPOUIFBTTFTTNFOUSFTVMUT NJHSBUJPOJTHSBEVBMMZ DBSSJFEPVUXJUIUIFQVSQPTFPGOPODPSFCBOLJOHEBUBCBTF TUPSBHFDPOTPMJEBUJPO 5P JODSFBTF UIF TFDVSJUZ DPOUSPM PG DPNQBOZ EBUB HSBEVBMMZ BMMXPSLEBUBPGUIFDPNQBOZXIJDIIBTCFFO LFQU JO UIF SFTQFDUJWF TUPSBHF BSF USBOTGFSSFE JOUP UIF DPSQPSBUFTUPSBHF SBEVBMMZ QFSGPSN BDLVQ 3FDPWFSZ DPOTPMJEBUJPO UISPVHIUIFOUFSQSJTFBDLVQ3FDPWFSZTPMVUJPO Security Architecture 4FDVSJUZ BSDIJUFDUVSF JT JOUFOEFE BT B SFGFSFODF UIBU TIPXT UIF[POJOHUPSFHVMBUFBDDFTTTFDVSJUZ5IFSFBSFUISFFNBKPS [POFT OBNFMZ[POF GBSMFGU [POF NJEEMF BOE[POF SJHIU 5IFTFDVSJUZMFWFMJTHFUUJOHIJHIFSUPUIFSJHIUEVFUP mSFXBMMTUIBUBSFBSSBOHFEJOTUBHFT 8JUI UIF JNQMFNFOUBUJPO PG mSFXBMM UFDIOPMPHZ UIBU BMMPXT MPHJDBMDSFBUJPO UIFmSFXBMMDBOCFQSPWJEFEBUBOZQPJOUUIBU NVTUCFmMUFSFEXJUIEJGGFSFOUDIBSBDUFSJTUJDT5IFOBTXJUDI DBO EFUFSNJOF UIF SPVUJOH UP UIF OFYU mSFXBMM OVNCFS PG mSFXBMMTDBOCFJOTUBMMFECFUXFFO[POFBOE[POF OPUKVTU BTXFMMBTCFUXFFO[POFBOE[POF .;JTQMBDFEJO[POF XIJMFUIFTFSWFSGBSN JODMVEJOHUIF EFWFMPQNFOU JTQMBDFEJOUIFEFFQFTU[POF4FSWFSTUIBUNVTU CFBDDFTTFEEJSFDUMZGSPNUIFOUFSOFU BSFQMBDFEJOUIF.; OVNCFSPGQMBOOFEJOJUJBUJWFT 1FSJPEJDBMMZ QFSGPSN QFOFUSBUJPO UFTU CZ UIJSE QBSUJFT UP FOTVSFUIBUUIFTFDVSJUZTZTUFNIBTCFFOTFUJOUIFCFTU DPOEJUJPO UP QSPUFDU VOBVUIPSJ[FE BDDFTT BT XFMM BT UIF DPNQBOZTJOGPSNBUJPOBTTFUT 313 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data .FMBLVLBO assessment UFSIBEBQ LPOmHVSBTJ ZBOH UFSQBTBOH BQBLBITFTVBJEFOHBOBSTJUFLUVSQSJOTJQVOUVL LFBNBOBOZBOHUFMBIEJUFUBQLBO+JLBUJEBLTFTVBJ IBSVT TFHFSBEJMBLVLBOLPOmHVSBTJVMBOH 4BBUJOJNFTJOmSFXBMMUJEBL redundant EBONFOHHVOBLBO NFTJO ZBOH TBNB EFOHBO NFTJO core switch TFIJOHHB KJLB core switch UFSTFCVU UJEBL CFSGVOHTJ NFOHBMBNJ LFSVTBLBO NBLB GVOHTJ mSFXBMM KVHB LFNVOHLJOBO UFSHBOHHVOJTJBUJGJOJVOUVLNFNJTBILBOGVOHTJmSFXBMMEJ NFTJOZBOHCFSCFEBTFSUBUVNQBOHUJOEJINFTJOmSFXBMM Arsitektur Jaringan STJUFLUVS KBSJOHBO BEBMBI BSTJUFLUVS VOUVL NFNQFSMJIBULBO JOUFSLPOFLTJ MPHJLB LPNQPOFOLPNQPOFO VUBNB QFNCFOUVL KBSJOHBOEBUB4FDBSBVNVN TFHNFOKBSJOHBOEBSJTJTJTVNCFS EJCFEBLBO NFOKBEJ JOUFSOFU BUBV KBSJOHBO UFSCVLB JOUSBOFUBUBVKBSJOHBOJOUFSOBM TFSUB FLTUSBOFUBUBVKBSJOHBO FLTUSBVOUVLJOUFSLPOFLTJLFQJIBLQJIBL partner CJTOJT 5JEBL UFSUVUVQ LFNVOHLJOBO BEB QFNCBHJBO TVC EBSJ UJHB LBUFHPSJ EJ BUBT 4FCBHBJ DPOUPI JOUFSOFU EBQBU EJCBHJ MBHJ NFOKBEJ TVC LBUFHPSJ QFOHHVOB JOUFSOFU CFCBT ZBOH NFOHBLTFTTJUVT web CBOL bjb QFOHHVOB internet banking IBSVTNFOHHVOBLBO mode secure https TUBG bjb ZBOH TFEBOHEJOBTMVBSLBOUPSEBOQFSMVBLTFTLFKBSJOHBOJOUFSOFU NFOHHVOBLBO https EBO port LIVTVT 4FTVBJ EFOHBO BSTJUFLUVS LFBNBOBO JNQMFNFOUBTJ mSFXBMM NFOHHVOBLBO NFTJO ZBOH EBQBU EJLPOmHVSBTJ EFOHBO NVEBI TFIJOHHBEBQBUEJTFEJBLBOCBOZBLiMPHJDBMmSFXBMMw UBOQB NFMBLVLBO QFOBNCBIBO NFTJO mSFXBMM 4FNVB JOUFSLPOFLTJ TFSUB QFSBOHLBU core switch EBO router IBSVT NFOHHVOBLBO KBMVS HBOEB redundant VOUVL NFOJOHLBULBO LFBOEBMBOTJTUFN 4FKVNMBIJOJTJBUJGZBOHEJSFODBOBLBO .FMBLVLBO assessment UFSIBEBQ LPOmHVSBTJ KBSJOHBO ZBOHUFSQBTBOH BQBLBITFTVBJEFOHBOBSTJUFLUVSQSJOTJQ VOUVLKBSJOHBOEBOLFBNBOBOZBOHUFMBIEJUFUBQLBO+JLB UJEBLTFTVBJ IBSVTTFHFSBEJMBLVLBOLPOmHVSBTJVMBOH Core switch TBBU JOJ IBOZB UFSTFEJB TBUV CVBI UJEBL redundant TFIJOHHB KJLB core switch UFSTFCVU UJEBL CFSGVOHTJ NFOHBMBNJ HBOHHVBO TFMVSVI TJTUFN UJEBL CFSGVOHTJLBSFOBLPNVOJLBTJTFMVSVIKBSJOHBONFMBMVJ core switch UFSTFCVU INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1FSGPSN BTTFTTNFOUT UP UIF JOTUBMMFE DPOmHVSBUJPO XIFUIFSJUJTBQQSPQSJBUFUPUIFTFUQSJODJQMFBSDIJUFDUVSF GPS TFDVSJUZ G OPU BQQSPQSJBUF SFDPOmHVSBUJPO NVTU CF DPOEVDUFEJNNFEJBUFMZ VSSFOUMZ UIF mSFXBMM NBDIJOFT BSF OPU SFEVOEBOU BOE VTFUIFNBDIJOFBTUIFDPSFTXJUDINBDIJOF UIFSFGPSFJO UIFFWFOUUIFDPSFTXJUDIJTOPUXPSLJOH EBNBHFE UIF mSFXBMMGVODUJPOJTBMTPMJLFMZUPCFEJTSVQUFE5IJTJOJUJBUJWF JT UP TFQBSBUF UIF mSFXBMM GVODUJPO JO EJGGFSFOU NBDIJOFT BOEPWFSMBQQJOHmSFXBMMNBDIJOF Network Architecture FUXPSL BSDIJUFDUVSF JT UIF BSDIJUFDUVSF UP TIPX UIF MPHJDBM JOUFSDPOOFDUJPOPGUIFNBJODPNQPOFOUTXIJDIGPSNTUIFEBUB OFUXPSLOHFOFSBM UIFOFUXPSLTFHNFOUGSPNUIFTPVSDFDBO CFEJWJEFEJOUP UIFJOUFSOFUPSPQFOOFUXPSL JOUSBOFUPS JOUFSOBM OFUXPSL BT XFMM BT FYUSBOFU PS FYUSB OFUXPSL GPS JOUFSDPOOFDUJPOUPCVTJOFTTQBSUOFST 5IFSFJTBQPTTJCJMJUZUIFSFXJMMCFBTVCEJWJTJPOPGUIFUISFF BCPWF DBUFHPSJFT PS FYBNQMF UIF OUFSOFU DBO CF GVSUIFS EJWJEFEJOUPUISFFTVCDBUFHPSJFT GSFFJOUFSOFUVTFSTXIP BDDFTT UIF XFCTJUF PG CBOL bjb JOUFSOFU CBOLJOH VTFST NVTUVTFIUUQTTFDVSFNPEF bjb TUBGGTXIPBSFPOEVUZ 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NFOKBEJ BODBNBO UFSKBEJOZB HBOHHVBOBEBMBILFBOEBMBOEBSJTJTUFNBUBVQFSBOHLBU NVMBJ EBSJBQMJLBTJIJOHHBJOGSBTUSVLUVSSUJOZB EBMBNLFBEBBOUJEBL BEB HBOHHVBO MBJO EBSJ MVBS JOGSBTUSVLUVS 5 JOGSBTUSVLUVSOZB TFOEJSJ NFOZJNQBO QPUFOTJ HBOHHVBO LFBOEBMBOOZB UJEBL FSEBTBSLBO QFNJLJSBO UFSTFCVU CBOL bjb NFNVUVTLBO VOUVL NFOFOUVLBO BSTJUFLUVS 3 NFOKBEJ i Single DC site o Single DRC site wTFDBSBMPLBTJ UFUBQJTFDBSB TJTUFNEBQBUEJLBUBLBONFOHHVOBLBOLPOmHVSBTJi Dual DC – Single DRC w Site EJCFOUVLPMFI dual system ZBOHCFSKBMBOEFOHBOTVBUV NFLBOJTNFUFSUFOUVVOUVLTBMJOHNFN backup FOHBOLPOmHVSBTJ JOJ LFBOEBMBO TJTUFN LBSFOB LFMFNBIBO JOUFSOBM JOGSBTUSVLUVS 5 EBOBQMJLBTJEBQBUEJBUBTJEFOHBO Dual System ZBOHBEBEJ site 3BLBOCFSGVOHTJTFQFSUJGVOHTJ3QBEBVNVNOZB 4FKVNMBIJOJTJBUJGZBOHEJSFODBOBLBO .FMBLVLBO assessment VMBOHMPLBTJ3EJMPLBTJTBBUJOJ 1VSXBLBSUB EBSJCFSCBHBJTVEVUQBOEBOH EJBOUBSBOZB B LVBMJUBTJOGSBTUSVLUVS5JOUFSOBM LFMBZBLBOSVBOH3 C LVBMJUBT JOGSBTUSVLUVS FLTUFSOBM UFMFLPNVOJLBTJ D LFNVEBIBO NPCJMJUBT QFSTPOBM LFUJLB UFSKBEJ CFODBOB TFSUB E TUBOEBS assessment 3 MBJOOZB OJTJBUJG JOJKVHBNFOHLBKJLFNVOHLJOBOMPLBTJBMUFSOBUJG CBJLEBSJ TVNCFSEBZBJOUFSOBMBUBVQVOQJIBLLFUJHB1BEBBLIJSOZB IBSVTNFNCFSJLBOSFLPNFOEBTJBQBLBI3MFCJICBJL UFUBQ QBEB MPLBTJ TBBU JOJ BUBV EJSFLPNFOEBTJLBO VOUVL EJQJOEBILBOLFMPLBTJMBJOZBOHEJBOHHBQMFCJIUFQBU +JLB IBTJM assessment NFSFLPNFOEBTJLBO VOUVL NFNJOEBILBOMPLBTJ3EBOEJTFUVKVJPMFIQFSVTBIBBO NBLB JOJTJBUJG QFNJOEBIBO MPLBTJ 3 EBO CFSCBHBJ LPOTFLVFOTJOZBIBSVTEJKBMBOLBO NQMFNFOUBTJ Dual Server Core Banking EJMPLBTJVOUVL NFOJOHLBULBOLFBOEBMBO4JTUFN Core Banking EBSJSJTJLP HBOHHVBOQBEB server Arsitektur Informasi STJUFLUVSOGPSNBTJBEBMBIBSTJUFLUVSZBOHNFNQFSMJIBULBOBMJSBO JOGPSNBTJ TFDBSB HMPCBM EFOHBO NFNQFSMJIBULBO QFNJTBIBO ZBOH KFMBT BOUBSB JOGPSNBTJ PQFSBTJPOBMUSBOTBLTJPOBM EBO JOGPSNBTJVOUVLSFQPSUJOHEBOBOBMJTJTSTJUFLUVSJOJNFSVQBLBO BSTJUFLUVSUJQJLBMVOUVLBUB Warehouse BUBV Enterprise Data Warehouse EBO Business Intelligence TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DC-DRC Architecture 0OF PG UIF UISFBU UIBU JT PGUFO B UISFBU PG EJTSVQUJPO JT UIF SFMJBCJMJUZPGBTZTUFNPSBEFWJDF SBOHJOHGSPNBQQMJDBUJPOT UPJOGSBTUSVDUVSF5IJTNFBOT JOUIFBCTFODFPGJOUFSGFSFODF GSPNPVUTJEFUIF5JOGSBTUSVDUVSF UIFJOGSBTUSVDUVSFJUTFMGIPMET QPUFOUJBMJOUFSGFSFODF SFMJBCJMJUZJTOPU BTFEPOUIBU JEFB CBOL bjb EFDJEFEUPEFUFSNJOFUIF3BSDIJUFDUVSF UPCFDPNFi4JOHMFTJUF4JOHMF3TJUFwMPDBUJPOXJTF CVUUIFTZTUFNDBOCFDPOTJEFSFEUPCFVTJOHUIFiVBM 4JOHMF3wDPOmHVSBUJPO 5IF4JUFJTGPSNFECZBEVBMTZTUFNSVOOJOHPOBTQFDJmD NFDIBOJTNUPCBDLFBDIPUIFSVQ8JUIUIJTDPOmHVSBUJPO UIF SFMJBCJMJUZPGUIFTZTUFNEVFUPUIFMBDLPGJOUFSOBM5JOGSBTUSVDUVSF BOEBQQMJDBUJPOTDBOCFPWFSDPNFXJUIUIFVBM4ZTUFNJOUIF TJUFT3XJMMGVODUJPOBTUIFGVODUJPOPG3JOHFOFSBM OVNCFSPGQMBOOFEJOJUJBUJWFT 1FSGPSN SFBTTFTTNFOUT PG UIF 3 JO JUT DVSSFOU MPDBUJPO 1VSXBLBSUB GSPN WBSJPVT WJFXQPJOUT BNPOH PUIFST B UIF RVBMJUZ PG JOUFSOBM 5 JOGSBTUSVDUVSF 3 TQBDFGFBTJCJMJUZ C RVBMJUZPGUIFFYUFSOBMJOGSBTUSVDUVSF UFMFDPNNVOJDBUJPOT D FBTFPGQFSTPOBMNPCJMJUZJOUIF FWFOUPGBEJTBTUFSBTXFMMBTE PUIFS3TUBOEBSE BTTFTTNFOT 5IJT JOJUJBUJWF BMTP FYBNJOFT UIF QPTTJCJMJUZ PG BO BMUFSOBUJWF MPDBUJPO FJUIFS GSPN JOUFSOBM SFTPVSDFT PS UIJSE QBSUJFT 6MUJNBUFMZ QSPWJEJOH B SFDPNNFOEBUJPO XIFUIFSUIF3TIPVMESFNBJOBUJUTDVSSFOUMPDBUJPOPS SFDPNNFOEFEUPCFNPWFEUPBOPUIFSMPDBUJPOXIJDIJT DPOTJEFSFENPSFBQQSPQSJBUF G UIF BTTFTTNFOU SFTVMUT SFDPNNFOE UP NPWF UIF 3 MPDBUJPO BOE BQQSPWFE CZ UIF DPNQBOZ UIFO UIF 3 MPDBUJPONPWFJOJUJBUJWFBOEJUTWBSJPVTDPOTFRVFODFTNVTU CFDPOEVDUFE VBM 4FSWFS PSF BOLJOH JNQMFNFOUBUJPO BU UIF MPDBUJPO UP JNQSPWF UIF SFMJBCJMJUZ PG UIF PSF BOLJOH 4ZTUFNGSPNUIFSJTLPGJOUFSGFSFODFXJUIUIFTFSWFS Information Architecture OGPSNBUJPOBSDIJUFDUVSFJTUIFBSDIJUFDUVSFUIBUTIPXTUIFnPX PGJOGPSNBUJPOHMPCBMMZCZTIPXJOHBDMFBSTFQBSBUJPOCFUXFFO PQFSBUJPOBM USBOTBDUJPOBM JOGPSNBUJPO BOE JOGPSNBUJPO GPS SFQPSUJOHBOEBOBMZTJT5IJTBSDIJUFDUVSFJTBUZQJDBMBSDIJUFDUVSF GPS BUB 8BSFIPVTF PS OUFSQSJTF BUB 8BSFIPVTF BOE VTJOFTTOUFMMJHFODF 315 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data 1BEBEBTBSOZB JOGPSNBTJJOGPSNBTJPQFSBTJPOBMUSBOTBLTJPOBM KVHB JOGPSNBTJ monitoring KJLB EJQFSMVLBO EJKBMBOLBO QBEB platform NBTJOHNBTJOHPQFSBTJPOBMOZBEBOEJTJNQBOQBEB database PQFSBTJPOBMNBTJOHNBTJOHVOUVLNFOKBNJOLJOFSKB NBLTJNBMEBONFOKBNJOLFBNBOBOOZB FSEBTBSLBO LFCVUVIBO BOBMJTJT EJMBLVLBO QSPTFT 5- Extract, Transform, Load EBSJ database PQFSBTJPOBMLF Data Warehouse BUBV Datamart 4FMBOKVUOZB BQMJLBTJ Analytical and Report Generation BLBONFOHPMBIEBUBEBUBZBOHTVEBI UFSTFEJB EJ Data Warehouse Datamart NFOKBEJ report BUBV IBTJMBOBMJTJTZBOHEJQFSMVLBO .FOHJOHBU JOWFTUBTJ Business Intelligence BEBMBI JOWFTUBTJ ZBOHTBOHBUCFTBS TFMBNBLFCVUVIBOBOBMJTJTZBOHLPNQMFLT EBO real-time NBTJIEBQBUEJQFOVIJEFOHBOBQMJLBTJBOBMJTJT reporting ZBOH MFCJI TFEFSIBOB TFCBJLOZB JNQMFNFOUBTJ Business Intelligence EJUVOEBTBNQBJCFOBSCFOBSEJCVUVILBO Business Intelligence BLBO CFSKBMBO FGFLUJG KJLB PSHBOJTBTJ ZBOH NFOKBMBOLBO GVOHTJ i.BOBKFNFO OGPSNBTJw TVEBI NFOKBMBOLBO QFSBOOZB TFDBSB MFOHLBQ MJIBU QFOKFMBTBO NFOHFOBJ.BOBKFNFOOGPSNBTJEJCBHJBO0SHBOJTBTJ5 4FKVNMBIJOJTJBUJGZBOHEJSFODBOBLBO ,VODJ FGFLUJWJUBT QFOHFMPMBBO JOGPSNBTJ BEBMBI TFKBVI NBOB QFSBO QFOHFMPMB i.BOBKFNFO OGPSNBTJw EBMBN NFOKBMBOLBO GVOHTJOZB PMFI LBSFOB JUV QFSMV EJMBLVLBO assessment -JOHLVQ assessment ZBOHEJBOKVULBOBEBMBI TFCBHBJCFSJLVUB JEFOUJmLBTJBLUJWJUBTBQBTBKBZBOHTVEBI EJKBMBOLBOEBOBLUJWJUBTBQBTBKBZBOHCFMVNEJKBMBOLBO PMFI QFOHFMPMB iNBOBKFNFO JOGPSNBTJw C JOEFOUJmLBTJ PSHBOJTBTJ EBO job description QFOHFMPMB JOGPSNBTJ EBO QFOHFMPMB 5 EBMBN NFOKBMBOLBO GVOHTJ iNBOBKFNFO JOGPSNBTJwD QFOZVTVOBOSFLPNFOEBTJQFNCBHJBOQFSBO BOUBSBQFOHFMPMBJOGPSNBTJEBOQFOHFMPMB5 1FOHFNCBOHBO EPLVNFO LFCJKBLBO Information Governance ZBJUVEPLVNFOTFSVQBEFOHBO5 Governance UFUBQJEJCBUBTJIBOZBQBEBSBOBIQFOHFMPMBBOJOGPSNBTJ 1FOHFNCBOHBO UBLTPOPNJ MFOHLBQ JOGPSNBTJ QFSVTBIBBO TFIJOHHB NFOKBEJ SFGFSFOTJ ZBOH NVEBI VOUVL QFOHFMPMBBO TFMVSVI database Data Warehouse TFSUB Business Intelligence INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BTJDBMMZ PQFSBUJPOBM USBOTBDUJPOBM JOGPSNBUJPO PG BMTP NPOJUPSJOHJOGPSNBUJPOJGSFRVJSFE JTSVOPOFBDIPQFSBUJPOBM QMBUGPSNBOETUPSFEJOFBDIPQFSBUJPOBMEBUBCBTFUPFOTVSF NBYJNVNQFSGPSNBODFBOEFOTVSFTFDVSJUZ BTFEPOUIFBOBMZTJTSFRVJSFNFOUT 5-QSPDFTTFT YUSBDU 5SBOTGPSN -PBE JTDPOEVDUFEGSPNUIFPQFSBUJPOBMEBUBCBTF UP UIF BUB 8BSFIPVTF PS BUBNBSU VSUIFSNPSF UIF OBMZUJDBMBOE3FQPSUFOFSBUJPOBQQMJDBUJPOXJMMQSPDFTTUIF EBUBUIBUJTBMSFBEZBWBJMBCMFJOUIFBUB8BSFIPVTFBUBNBSU JOUPBSFRVJSFESFQPSUPSBOBMZTJTSFTVMUT JWFO UIBU VTJOFTT OUFMMJHFODF JOWFTUNFOU JT B IVHF JOWFTUNFOU BT MPOH BT UIF OFFE GPS DPNQMFY BOE SFBM UJNF BOBMZTJT DBO TUJMM CF NFU CZ B TJNQMFS BOBMZTJT SFQPSUJOH BQQMJDBUJPO JU XPVMME CF CFUUFS GPS UIF JNQMFNFOUBUJPO PG VTJOFTT OUFMMJHFODF UP CF QPTUQPOFE VOUJM JU JT BCTPMVUFMZ OFDFTTBSZ VTJOFTTOUFMMJHFODFXJMMCFFGGFDUJWFJGUIFPSHBOJ[BUJPOUIBU SVOTUIFiOGPSNBUJPO.BOBHFNFOUwGVODUJPOIBTCFFODBSSZJOH PVUJUTSPMFJOGVMM TFFFYQMBOBUJPOPOOGPSNBUJPO.BOBHFNFOU JOUIF50SHBOJ[BUJPOTFDUJPO OVNCFSPGQMBOOFEJOJUJBUJWFT 5IF LFZ UP JOGPSNBUJPO NBOBHFNFOU FGGFDUJWFOFTT JT UIF FYUFOU PG UIF NBOBHFS PPG iOGPSNBUJPO .BOBHFNFOUw SPMFJODBSSZJOHPVUJUTGVODUJPOT UIFSFGPSFJUJTOFDFTTBSZ UPDPOEVDUBOBTTFTTNFOU5IFSFDPNNFOEFETDPQFPG BTTFTTNFOUJTBTGPMMPXTB JEFOUJmDBUJPOPGBOZBDUJWJUJFT UIBU IBWF CFFO DBSSJFE PVU BOE BOZ BDUJWJUZ UIBU IBWF OPU CFFO DBSSJFE PVU CZ UIF iJOGPSNBUJPO NBOBHFNFOUw NBOBHFS C JEFOUJmDBUJPO PG PSHBOJ[BUJPO BOE KPC EFTDSJQUJPO PG UIF JOGPSNBUJPO NBOBHFS BOE 5 NBOBHFS JODBSSZJOHPVUUIFiJOGPSNBUJPONBOBHFNFOUwGVODUJPOD EFWFMPQNFOUPGEJWJTJPOPGSPMFSFDPNNFOEBUJPOTCFUXFFO UIFJOGPSNBUJPONBOBHFSBOEUIF5NBOBHFS FWFMPQNFOU PG UIF OGPSNBUJPO PWFSOBODF QPMJDZ EPDVNFOU XIJDIJTTJNJMBSUPUIF5PWFSOBODFEPDVNFOU CVUSFTUSJDUFEUPUIFSFBMNPGJOGPSNBUJPONBOBHFNFOU FWFMPQNFOU PG B DPNQMFUF DPNQBOZ JOGPSNBUJPO UBYPOPNZ TP JU CFDPNFT BO FBTZ SFGFSFODF GPS UIF NBOBHFNFOUPGUIFFOUJSFEBUBCBTF BUB8BSFIPVTF BT XFMMBTVTJOFTTOUFMMJHFODF 316 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO MANAJEMEN RISIKO RISK MANAGEMENT 317 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data Sistem Manajemen Risiko Sistem Manajemen Risiko yang efektif merupakan salah satu komponen yang penting dalam manajemen bank dan landasan untuk menjalankan organisasi bank dengan sehat, aman dan baik. Sistem manajemen risiko akan mengarahkan aktivitas pada misi dan tujuan bank yang sudah ditetapkan, yaitu untuk mencapai target laba jangka panjang yang terus meningkat dan berkesinambungan, serta meningkatkan alokasi permodalan secara optimal yang mendukung aktivitas operasional yang sehat. Sistem dimaksud akan membantu manajemen dalam melakukan pemantauan terhadap ketentuan dan hukum yang berlaku, kebijakan, rencana, ketentuan serta prosedur internal. Disamping itu, sistem manajemen risiko juga dapat mengurangi risiko sistemik sistemic Risk yang dapat merugikan bank baik secara material maupun immaterial. Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Risiko bank bjb berdasarkan empat cakupan: a Pengawasan aktif Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi sebagai bagian dari peran pengawasan manajemen. b Kecukupan kebijakan, prosedur dan penetapan limit sebagai pedoman penerapan manajemen risiko. D ,FDVLVQBOQSPTFTJEFOUJmLBTJ QFOHVLVSBO QFNBOUBVBO dan pengendalian risiko serta sistem informasi manajemen. d Sistem pengendalian internal yang menyeluruh. Untuk meningkatkan sustainability bank dalam menghadapi gejolak ekonomi, serta ancaman-ancaman eksternal lainnya, bank berupaya memperkuat proses manajemen risiko di setiap kegiatan usaha. Bank melakukan penyempurnaan atas kebijakan, infrastruktur dan kualitas sumber daya manusia terkait dengan pengelolaan risiko yang berpedoman kepada ketentuan Bank Indonesia, Basel II dan aturan internasional secara best practices. Selain itu, bank juga melakukan gap data analysis untuk persiapan penerapan Basel II, yang diikuti dengan action plan berupa persiapan data, sistem simulasi untuk perhitungan internal capital charge, serta perbaikan sistem penyusunan QSPmM SJTJLP BHBS NFOKBEJ MFCJI TJTUFNBUJT EBO BLVSBU Upaya tersebut dilakukan untuk mempersiapkan bank agar Risk Management System An effective Risk Management System is one of the important components in the bank’s management and foundation to perform the bank’s organization in a healthy, safe and well manner. The risk management system will direct the activities PGUIFCBOLTNJTTJPOBOEPCKFDUJWFTXIJDIIBWFCFFOEFmOFE which is to achieve the increasing and continuous long-term QSPmUUBSHFUT BTXFMMBTJNQSPWJOHUIFPQUJNJ[BUJPOPGDBQJUBM allocation that supports healthy operational activities. The system is to assist management in monitoring the applicable rules and regulations, policies, plans, provisions, as well as internal procedures. In addition, the risk management systems can also reduce the systemic risks that may be detrimental to the bank materially or immaterially. The implementation of the Risk Management System of bank bjb is based on four scopes: a Active supervision of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors as part of the management oversight role. b Adequacy of policies, procedures and limits as the guidelines for risk management. D EFRVBDZPGSJTLJEFOUJmDBUJPO NFBTVSFNFOU NPOJUPSJOH and control processes as well as management information systems. d A comprehensive internal control system. To improve the bank’s sustainability in facing the economic turmoil, as well as other external threats, the bank seeks to strengthen the risk management process in every business activity. The bank carried out improvements on the policies, infrastructures and quality of human resources associated with risk management referring to Bank Indonesia regulations, Basel II and international best practices rules. In addition, the bank also conducts gap data analysis in the preparation for the implementation of Basel II, which is followed by the action plan in the form of data preparation, simulation system for internal calculation of capital charge, as XFMM BT JNQSPWJOH UIF SJTL QSPmMJOH TZTUFN UP CFDPNF NPSF systematic and accurate. Efforts are made to prepare the 318 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO dapat mengelola risiko yang dihadapi, melakukan upaya pencegahan dan mitigasi, mencadangkan modal sehingga membantu bank dalam merencanakan arah pertumbuhan bisnis di masa depan. Evaluasi Atas Efektivitas Sistem Manajemen Risiko Sistem pengukuran risiko yang dipergunakan untuk mengukur eksposur risiko Bank sebagai pedoman untuk melakukan pengendalian dan dilakukan secara berkala. Sistem tersebut paling kurang harus dapat mengukur: a Sensitivitas produkaktivitas terhadap perubahan faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhinya, bank dalam keadaan normal maupun tidak normal; b Kecenderungan perubahan faktor-faktor dimaksud CFSEBTBSLBO nVLUVBTJ ZBOH UFSKBEJ EJ NBTB MBMV EBO korelasinya; c Faktor risiko Risk Faktor secara individual; d Eksposur risiko secara keseluruhan aggregate maupun per risiko, dengan mempertimbangkan keterkaitan antar risiko; e Seluruh risiko yang melekat pada seluruh transaksi serta produk perbankan, termasuk produk dan aktivitas baru, dan dapat diintegrasikan dalam sistem informasi manajemen Bank. Metode pengukuran dapat dilakukan secara kuantitatif danatau kualitatif. Metode pengukuran tersebut dapat berupa metode yang ditetapkan oleh Bank Indonesia dalam rangka penilaian risiko dan perhitungan modal baik berupa metode standar atau metode internal yang dikembangkan sendiri oleh Bank. Dalam rangka mengatasi kelemahan yang dapat timbul atas penggunaan model pengukuran risiko tertentu maka Bank harus melakukan validasi model tersebut. Sistem pengukuran risiko dievaluasi dan disempurnakan secara berkala atau sewaktu-waktu apabila diperlukan untuk memastikan kesesuaian asuransi, akurasi, kewajaran, dan integritas data, serta prosedur yang digunakan untuk mengukur risiko. Dalam melakukan evaluasi atas efektivitas sistem manajemen risiko bank maka satuan kerja manajemen risiko melakukan program pemantauan sebagai berikut: bank in order to manage the risks, conduct prevention and mitigation efforts, reserving the bank’s capital, assisting the bank in planning the direction of future business growth. Evaluation of Risk Management System The risk measurement system used to measure the risk exposure of the Bank as a guideline to control and perform on a regular basis. The system must be able to measure at least: a Sensitivity of products activities toward factor changes XIJDI JOnVFODF JU UIF CBOL VOEFS OPSNBM BT XFMM BT abnormal circumstances; b The tendency of changes in the factors mentioned based PO UIF nVDUVBUJPOT UIBU PDDVSSFE JO UIF QBTU BOE UIFJS correlations; c Individual Risk Factor; d Overall aggregate risk exposure and per risk, taking into account the relationship between risks; e All risks inherent in all transactions as well as banking products, including new products and activities, and can be integrated into the Bank’s management information. The measurement method can be performed quantitatively and or qualitatively. The measurement method can be methods stipulated by Bank Indonesia in the framework of risk assessment and calculation of capital both in the form of a standard method or methods developed internally by the Bank. In order to overcome the disadvantages which may arise PO UIF VTF PG TQFDJmFE SJTL NFBTVSFNFOU NPEFMT UIF Bank shall validate the model. 5IF SJTL NFBTVSFNFOU TZTUFN JT FWBMVBUFE BOE SFmOFE periodically or at any time when necessary to ensure the suitability of insurance, accuracy, fairness, and integrity of data, as well as the procedures used to measure risks. In conducting the evaluation on the effectiveness of the bank’s risk management system, the risk management unit conducts the following monitoring programs: 319 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data a Bank memiliki sistem dan prosedur pemantauan antara lain mencakup pemantauan terhadap besarnya eksposur risiko, kepatuhan limit internal dan hasil Stress Testing maupun konsistensi dengan kebijakan dan prosedur yang ditetapkan. b Pemantauan dilakukan baik oleh unit pelaksana risk taking unit maupun oleh Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko. c Hasil pemantauan disajikan dalam laporan berkala yang disampaikan kepada manajemen dalam rangka mitigasi risiko dan tindakan yang diperlukan. d Bank menyiapkan suatu sistem back up dan prosedur yang efektif untuk mencegah terjadinya gangguan disruptions dalam proses pemantauan risiko, dan melakukan pengecekan serta penilaian kembali secara berkala terhadap sistem back up tersebut. 3URÀO5LVLNR\DQJLKDGDSL3HUXVDKDDQ Tingkat risiko bank bjb secara keseluruhan hingga Triwulan IV Tahun 2015 adalah Low To Moderate dengan trend risiko stabil apabila dibandingkan dengan triwulan sebelumnya. Perkembangan bisnis bank diiringi dengan peningkatan Kualitas Penerapan Manajemen Risiko dalam seluruh aktivitas PQFSBTJPOBMOZB 3JOHLBTBO QSPmM SJTJLP TFMBNB LVSVO XBLUV 2014 untuk 8 jenis risiko yang dikelola bank adalah sebagai berikut: No Jenis Risiko Type of Risk 3URÀO5LVLNR3JTL1SPmMF bank bjb 2014 Triwulan I Triwulan II Triwulan III 1 Risiko Kredit Credit Risk Moderate Moderate Moderate 2 Risiko Pasa Market Risk Low Low to Moderate Low to Moderate 3 Risiko Likuditas Liquidity Risk Moderate Moderate Moderate 4 Risiko Operasional Operational Risk Moderate Moderate Moderate 5 Risiko Hukum Legal Risk Low to Moderate Low to Moderate Low to Moderate 6 Risiko Reputasi Reputation Risk Low to Moderate Low to Moderate Low to Moderate 7 Risiko Kepatuhan Compliance Risk Moderate Moderate Moderate 8 Risiko Strategik Strategic Risk Moderate Low to Moderate Low to Moderate Predikat Risiko Predicate Risk Moderate Moderate Moderate a The Bank has monitoring systems and procedures which include the monitoring of the risk exposure amount, compliance with internal limits and the results of the stress Testing as well as the consistency with the established policies and procedures. b Monitoring is conducted either by the implementation unit risk taking units as well as by the Risk Management Unit. c The monitoring results are presented in the periodic reports submitted to management in order to mitigate risks and the necessary action. d The bank sets an effective back up system and procedures to prevent disruptions in the process of risk monitoring, and conduct periodical assessments and re-evaluations to the back up system. 5LVN3URÀOHVDFHGE\WKHRPSDQ\ The overall risk level of bank bjb up to the Third Quarter of 2015 is Low To Moderate with a stable risk trend compared to the previous quarter. The development of the bank’s business was accompanied with an increase in the Implementation Quality of Risk Management in all operational activities. 4VNNBSZPGUIFSJTLQSPmMFTEVSJOHGPSUZQFTPGSJTL which the bank managed is as follows: 320 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO 8SD\DXQWXN0HQJHORODULVLNR Misi dan objektif dari pengelolaan risiko bank harus berpedoman kepada konsep pengendalian risiko yang terukur secara konsisten dan akurat, sehingga bank dapat NFOHBMPLBTJLBO NPEBMOZB TFDBSB MFCJI FGFLUJG EBO FmTJFO untuk kepentingan usahanya. Metodologi proses pengelolaan manajemen risiko menggambarkan secara lengkap rencana manajemen risiko yang logis yang dilaksanakan pada tiga tingkatan yang berbeda, yaitu: Level strategis, level transaksi dan level portofolio: 1. Level pertama merupakan perspektif makro. Proses dimulai dengan analisa risiko dan imbal-hasil berdasarkan rencana kerja business plan. Tahap berikutnya dimulai dengan perubahan budaya kerja yang menggambarkan pandangan bank tentang risiko. Proses ini dimulai dan menjadi tanggung jawab utama dari Dewan Direksi. Dewan Direksi berkewajiban membangun budaya risiko dan organisasi manajemen risiko, serta memasukkan proses risiko sebagai bagian yang penting dalam menetapkan rencana strategis perusahaan. Pembentukan budaya manajemen risiko memerlukan perubahan organisasi yang cukup mendasar. Hal tersebut diperlukan agar manajemen dapat menangani secara langsung masalah risiko yang dihadapi misalnya risiko pasar tingkat suku bunga, nilai tukar dan lain-lain, dan risiko kredit yang terkait dalam perjanjian dengan counterparty. Komite Manajemen Risiko bertugas untuk mengembangkan budaya risiko dan menetapkan arahan untuk seluruh aktivitas yang mengandung risiko; 2. Level kedua level transaksi dan level ketiga portofolio NFNCBIBT FMFNFO ZBOH MFCJI TQFTJmL CFSVQB LPOTFQ risiko, perangkat trading, model analisis, metodologi statistik, pengamatan data historis dan analisa pasar, yang semuanya merupakan faktor penting dalam sistim manajemen risiko yang rasional. Efforts to Manage Risks The mission and objective of the bank’s risk management shall be guided by a consistently and accurately measured risk management concept, thus the bank will be able to allocate JUTDBQJUBMNPSFFGGFDUJWFMZBOEFGmDJFOUMZGPSUIFCFOFmUPGJUT business. The methodology of the risk management process completely describes the logical risk management plans that are implemented at three different levels, namely: Strategic level, transaction level and portfolio level: 5IF mSTU MFWFM JT B NBDSP QFSTQFDUJWF 5IF QSPDFTT commenced with risk analysis and returns based on the work plan business plan. The next phase begins with changes in the work culture that describes the bank’s view of the risks. This process begins and becomes the primary responsibility of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is obliged to build a risk culture and risk management organization, as well as including the risk process as an important part in determining the company’s strategic plan. The establishment of a risk management culture requires quite a fundamental organizational change. This is necessary for the management to be able to directly manage the risk issues faced such as the market risk interest rate, exchange rate, etc., and credit risks associated with counterparties in the agreement. The Risk Management Committee is responsible for developing a risk culture and set the direction for all activities that involve risks; 2. The second level transaction level and third level QPSUGPMJP EJTDVTTNPSFTQFDJmDFMFNFOUTJOUIFGPSNPG risk concepts, trading tools, analytical models, statistical methodology, observation of historical data and market analysis, all of which are important factors in a rational system of risk management. 321 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data Proses Manajemen Risiko Unit Manajemen Management Unit 0HQHWDSNDQ7DUJHW5HYHQXH Determining Target Revenue 3HQHWDSDQ5LVN3KLORVRSK\ Determining Risk Philosophy 0HQHWDSNDQ7ROHUDQVL Determining Tolerance 3HQHWDSDQ3HOXDQJ Determining Opportunities Evaluasi Risiko Risk Evaluation Validating the Methodology 9DOLGDVL0HWRORJL Setting Target Revenue 0HQHWDSNDQ7DUJHW5HYHQXH Peta Proses Risiko Risk Process Mapping Proses Manajemen Risiko R is k M a n a g e m e n t P ro c e s s HYHO7 UDQVDFWLRQ T ra n s a c ti o n L e v e l Level Portofolio P o rt fo lio L e v e l 3URVHGXU Manajemen Risiko Risk Procedure Management Organization Organisasi Struktur Limit Limit Structure 6LVWHP 7HNQRORJL System Technology DSRUDQ Report 0RGHO5LVLNR Risk Model Instrumen Manajemen Risiko Risk Management Instrument 0RQLWRU 3HODSRUDQ Monitor Report 0HQGDWD 0HQLODL Data Collection Assessment Pengambilan Risiko Risk Taking .XDQWLÀNDVL5LVLNR Risk Quantifying ,GHQWLÀNDVL5LVLNR Risk Identifying Review Metologi Review on Methodology Rencana Usaha Business Plan Kesadaran Terhadap Risiko Risk Awareness Penetapan Peran Role Determination Proses Pengambilan Risiko Risk Taking Process Product Risk Taking Rencana Pengenalan Produk Product Risk Taking Product Induction Plan Risiko Kredit Credit Risk Rencana Pengawasan Internal Internal Audit Plan Penelitian Pasar Market Research Bank-Wide Risk Assessment Bank-Wide Risk Assessment ,MBTJmLBTJ3JTJLP 3JTLMBTTJmDBUJPO Rencana Produk Product Plan Penelitian tentang Volaritas Value at Risk, Earning at Risk Volaritas Value at Risk, Earning at Risk Factor Sensitivitas Risiko Risk Sensitivity Factor Stress Testing Stress Testing Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners Direksi Board of Directors Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners Direksi Board of Directors Risk Capital Committee Risk Capital Committee Strategy Performance Strategy Performance Executive Management Executive Management Dewan Direksi Board of Directors Risk Capital Committee Risk Capital Committee Unit Bisnis Business Unit Direksi Board of Directors Risk Capital Committee Risk Capital Committee Unit Bisnis Business Unit Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Tahapan tersebut di atas merupakan gambaran umum dari proses risiko. Proses tersebut meliputi proses pengembangan LPNQFUFOTJJOUJEBSJCBOLVOUVLNFOHJEFOUJmLBTJ NFOHVLVS mengakses, memberikan limit, menetapkan asumsi, mengelola, mengawasi dan memonitor risiko. Proses EJNVMBJEFOHBOJEFOUJmLBTJTFMVSVIQPTJTJCBOLZBOHTFOTJUJG 5LVN0DQDJHPHQW3URFHVV The abovestated stages is a general overview of the risk process. The process includes the development of core competencies of the bank to identifying, measuring, accessing, giving limit, setting assumptions, managing, supervising and monitoring the risk. The process begins with UIFJEFOUJmDBUJPOPGBMMUIFCBOLTQPTJUJPOTUIBUBSFTFOTJUJWF 322 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO terhadap risiko risk sensitive positions sampai pada proses pengambilan risiko yang merupakan dasar untuk membentuk rencana usaha selanjutnya. Perangkat kerja dan teknik tertentu diperlukan untuk mengelola risiko secara efektif seperti penyusunan laporan manajemen yang diterbitkan secara berkala sebagai bahan masukan bagi manajemen senior untuk mendapatkan gambaran keseluruhan posisi risiko dari bank. Laporan juga harus dapat memberikan gambaran tentang hasil kinerja yang mengaitkan eksposur risiko dan imbal-hasil. Proses investigasi, analisa dan evaluasi yang dilaksanakan oleh unit bisnis dan Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko dan merupakan bagian dari aktivitas harian utama dari manajemen risiko sebagai berikut: t EFOUJmLBTJ3JTJLP • Pengukuran Risiko • Evaluasi dan penyusunan posisi portofolio aset bank yang memiliki dampak potensi risiko • Evaluasi, pelaporan dan pengawasan risiko yang terjadi dan potensi risiko. • Review dampak risiko yang terjadi dan potensi risiko yang akan terjadi • Validasi kembali Proses Risiko 1SPTFT EFOUJmLBTJ QPUFOTJ SJTJLP EJMBLVLBO PMFI 1FSTFSPBO dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: 1. Pertama kali dilakukan oleh unit bisnis dengan NFOFOUVLBO QFMVBOH EBSJ BLUJWJUBT mOBOTJBM ZBOH umumnya mengandung risiko. Pada waktu menentukan BEBOZB QFMVBOH CJTOJT VOJU CJTOJT NFOHJEFOUJmLBTJ menganalisa dan mengukur risiko khususnya potensi dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh aktivitas tersebut terhadap posisiportofolio. Terhadap pengukuran risiko, unit bisnis dapat bekerja sama dengan Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko. 2. Unit Bisnis memutuskan mengambil risiko diikuti dengan proses pelaporan dan kontrol, evaluasi risiko dan manajemen portofolio terhadap eksposur risiko dimaksud. 3. Pimpinan Unit Kerja mengevaluasi kinerja berdasarkan pertimbangan risiko dan imbal-hasil yang ditetapkan oleh Dewan Direksi, dan selanjutnya melakukan penyesuaian terhadap strategi usaha secara keseluruhan. Satuan Kerja .BOBKFNFO 3JTJLP NFNCBOUV EBMBN QSPTFT LVBOUJmLBTJ dari pengukuran kinerja, namun tidak terlibat dalam proses penilaian kinerja itu. to risks risk sensitive positions up to the risk-taking process which is the basis in forming the further business plans. 8PSL JOTUSVNFOUT BOE TQFDJmD UFDIOJRVFT BSF SFRVJSFE to manage risks effectively, such as the preparation of management reports that are issued periodically as an input for the senior management to obtain an overall picture of the bank’s risk position. The report shall also be able to provide an overview of the performance results associated to exposure to risk and its returns. The process of investigation, analysis and evaluation conducted by the business units and the Risk Management Unit and is part of the main daily activity of risk management as follows: t 3JTLEFOUJmDBUJPO • Risk Assessment • Evaluation and preparation of the bank’s assets portfolio position that has potential impacts of risks • Evaluation, reporting and monitoring of risks occurring and the potential risks. • Review on the impacts of the risk occurring and the potential risks which will occur • Re-validation of Risk Processes 5IFJEFOUJmDBUJPOQSPDFTTPGQPUFOUJBMSJTLTJTQFSGPSNFECZ the company through the following steps: 1. Firstly conducted by the business unit by determining UIFQSPCBCJMJUZPGHFOFSBMmOBODJBMBDUJWJUJFTXIJDIJOWPMWF risks. When determining the existence of business opportunities, the business unit identify, analyze and measure risks, particularly the potential impacts of these activities on the positions portfolios. On the measurement of risk, the business units can cooperate with the Risk Management Unit. 2. The Business Unit decides to take the risk followed by a process of reporting and control, risk evaluation and portfolio management to the risk exposure. 3. The Unit Leader evaluates the performance based on risk considerations and the returns which was determined by the Board of Directors, and then make adjustments to the overall business strategy. The Risk Management 6OJU BTTJTUT JO UIF RVBOUJmDBUJPO PG UIF QFSGPSNBODF measurement process, but is not involved in the performance assessment process. 323 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data Pada diagram dijelaskan infrastruktur yang diperlukan agar implementasi dari proses pengelolaan risiko ini dapat berhasil, yaitu kebijakan risiko yang jelas, organisasi yang efektif dan adanya struktur kewenangan, dukungan sistem dan teknologi, sistem informasi manajemen yang baik, serta proses validasi model dan sistem. Proses manajemen risiko memerlukan komitmen dari setiap manajemen jajaran organisasi untuk mengembangkan sistem dan teknologi agar dapat mendukung komponen inti dalam pengendalian risiko. Sistem Manajemen Risiko minimal harus mampu menilai posisi, menghitung risiko dari seluruh JOTUSVNFO mOBOTJBM EBMBN NBTJOHNBTJOH WBMVUB VUBNB dimana bank menjalankan usaha, baik secara transaksi individual maupun secara agregat. Selanjutnya pelaporan disampaikan kepada Direksi serta semua unit yang terkait terhadap materi laporan dimaksud. Unit operasional harus memegang peran dalam mengakses dan me- review secara berkelanjutan kebutuhan minimum pengembangan dari sistem dan teknologi yang diperlukan aktivitas bank, untuk kemudian disetujui oleh Dewan Direksi. 3HQJHPEDQJDQ.HUDQJND3HQHUDSDQ0DQDMHPHQ Risiko 3HQJHPEDQJDQ 0HWRGRORJL Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerance GDQ Risk Limit Bank dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnis dihadapkan pada berbagai pemangku kepentingan antara lain, nasabah dan shareholder. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan nasabah atau masyarakat bank dituntut menjadi lembaga intermediasi yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan jasa keuangan masyarakat serta menjaga roda perekonomian suatu negara agar terciptanya pertumbuhan ekonomi yang positif. Di sisi lain, bank diwajibkan memenuhi tuntutan shareholder terkait tingkat bagi hasil dividen yang disaratkan atas tingkat risiko yang terkandung dalam dana yang ditanamkan oleh para pemegang saham tersebut shareholder. Dalam Implementasinya, CBOLEBMBNNFODBQBJQSPmUBCJMJUBTZBOHEJOHJOLBOIBSVT menyesuaikan dengan kemampuan bank dalam menyerap kejadian risiko karena dalam proses bisnisnya, bank tidak lepas dari 8 delapan jenis risiko yang melekat sehingga dapat menghambat dalam pencapaian strategi bisnis. Ukuran kemampuan bank dalam menyerap kejadian risiko dapat tercermin dari tingkat permodalannya, The diagram describes the infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the risk management process to be successful, which is clear risk policies, effective organization and the presence of authority structures, the support of system and technology, good management of information systems, as well as the model and system validation processes. The risk management process requires the commitment of each management of the organizations to the system and technology to be able to support the core components in risk control. The Risk Management System shall minimally able to assess the position, calculates the risk of all mOBODJBM JOTUSVNFOUT JO FBDI PG UIF NBKPS DVSSFODJFT JO which the bank perform its business, either in individual or aggregate transaction. Afterward, reporting is submitted to the Board of Directors as well as all relevant units on the reporting materials. The operational units should play a role in accessing and reviewing on an ongoing basis the minimum requirements of the development of systems and technologies needed for the activities of the bank, to be approved by the Board of Directors. HYHORSPHQW RI 5LVN 0DQDJHPHQW ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ UDPHZRUN HYHORSPHQW RI 5LVN SSHWLWH 5LVN 7ROHUDQFH DQG 5LVNLPLW0HWKRGRORJLHV In conducting business activities, Bank is faced with various stakeholders, among others, customers and shareholders. In meeting the needs of the customers or the public, Bank is required to be an intermediary institution that is able to NFFUUIFOFFETPGUIFmOBODJBMTFSWJDFTDPNNVOJUZBTXFMM as keeping the economy of a country in order to create positive economic growth. On the other hand, banks are required to meet the demands of the shareholders SFMBUFE UP UIF MFWFM PG QSPmU TIBSJOH EJWJEFOE XIJDI JT adjusted to the level of risk inherent in the funds invested by the shareholders. In the implementation, to achieve UIF EFTJSFE QSPmUBCJMJUZ UIF CBOL NVTU BEKVTU JUT BCJMJUZ to absorb risk events in its business process, the bank can not be separated from the eight 8 types of inherent risks that can impede the achievement of the business strategy. The bank’s ability to absorb risk events can be SFnFDUFEJOUIFDBQJUBMMFWFM UIFSFGPSFUIFCBOLOFFETUP consider its ability to absorb risk events in achieving its business strategy. To meet these demands, the bank is 324 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO sehingga bank dalam mencapai strategi bisnisnya perlu mempertimbangkan kemampuannya dalam menyerap kejadian risiko. Untuk memenuhi tuntutan tersebut, bank diwajibkan menentukan sejumlah risiko dimana bank bersedia untuk menerimanya dalam keselarasan tujuan guna memaksimalkan nilai kepada shareholder Risk Appetite, sejumlah risiko maksimum yang dapat diterima terkait dengan setiap pengambilan risiko yang ditetapkan Risk Tolerance, dan limit risiko yang merupakan tingkatan operasional dari toleransi risiko pada aktivitas bisnis bank Risk Limit. Pengembangan Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerance, dan Risk Limit harus dapat mengakomodir tujuan seluruh stakeholder bank yang meliputi Regulator, Pemegang Saham, Investor, Direksi, Karyawan, maupun Nasabah. Adapun tujuan dari stakeholder meliputi pemenuhan atas aspek Kepatuhan, Risiko, Permodalan, Return, maupun Pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan. Mengingat sifatnya yang menyeluruh, maka pengembangan dan pengelolaan Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerance, dan Risk Limit memerlukan komitmen bersama seluruh lini bank. Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerance, dan Risk Limit yang sedang dikembangkan oleh bank bertujuan untuk menunjang pencapaian strategi bisnis bank dengan tingkat risiko yang dapat diterima. Dalam implementasinya, akan dilakukan pemantauan secara berkala atas tingkat eksposur risiko aktual terhadap posisi pencapaian strategi bisnis bank. Adapun aspek tata kelola governance terdiri dari tiga aspek, antara lain: 1 Strategic Level Strategic Level merupakan jenjang kewenangan yang melekat pada Direksi melalui Komite Manajemen Risiko. Direksi berwenang menentukan selera risiko yang diinginkan risk appetite selaras dengan strategi bisnis bank. Disamping itu, Direksi juga berwenang untuk memberikan persetujuan atas besaran nilai Risk Tolerance dan nilai Risk Limit dengan merujuk pada Risk Appetite yang telah ditentukan. 2 Tactical Level Pengelolaan Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerance, dan Risk Limit pada jenjang Tactical Level merupakan kewenangan Divisi Manajemen Risiko. Mengembangkan metodologi risk tolerance untuk setiap jenis risiko secara bankwide. required to determine a number of risks in which the bank is willing to accept in line with the objectives in order to maximize the value to the shareholder Risk Appetite, a number of maximum acceptable risks associated with any determined risk-taking Risk Tolerance, and risk limit which is the operational level of risk tolerance on the business activity of the bank Risk Limit. The development of Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerance and Risk Limit shall be able to accommodate the objectives of all stakeholders of the bank, covering the Regulators, Shareholders, Investors, Board of Directors, Employees, and Customers. The purpose of the stakeholders include UIFGVMmMMNFOUPGUIFBTQFDUTPGPNQMJBODF 3JTL BQJUBM Return, and Sustainable Growth. Given its comprehensive nature, the development and management of Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerance and Risk Limit requires a shared commitment across the bank lines. Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerance and Risk Limit currently being developed by the bank aims to support the achievement of the bank’s business strategy with an acceptable risk level. In its implementation, regular monitoring will be conducted on the level of actual risk exposure to the position of the bank’s business strategy achievement. While the aspects of governance consists of three aspects, among others: 1 Strategic Level Strategic Level is the level of authority inherent to the Board of Directors through the Risk Management Committee. The Board of Directors has the authority to determine the desired risk appetite in line with the business strategy of the bank. In addition, the Board of Directors is also authorized to give approval on the amount of Risk Tolerance and Risk Limit values with reference to the predetermined Risk Appetite. 2 Tactical Level Management of Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerance and Risk Limit at the Tactical Level is the authority of the Risk Management Division. Developing risk tolerance methodologies for each type of risks bankwide. 325 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data 3 Operational Level Operational Level merupakan kewenangan dan dibentuk oleh setiap Risk Taking Unit dimana perannya adalah dalam menentukan besaran Risk Limit yang dapat diterima dan hasilnya dikoordinasikan dengan Divisi Manajemen Risiko. Besaran Risk Limit yang diusulkan, selanjutnya disampaikan kepada Divisi Manajemen Risiko untuk dilakukan review terkait metode perhitungan serta dalam rangka melakukan sinkronisasi dengan hasil perhitungan Risk Tolerance maupun Risk Appetite. BASEL II PILAR 3: Disclosure DWDV 3HUPRGDODQ NVSRVXU 5LVLNR GDQ,PSOHPHQWDVL0DQDMHPHQ5LVLNRDQN 3HQJXQJNDSDQ3HUPRGDODQ 6WUXNWXU3HUPRGDODQ FCFSBQB QFSLFNCBOHBO QFSBUVSBO ZBOH TJHOJmLBO mempengaruhi kondisi operasional dan bisnis bank bjb ke depan antara lain tercermin dari terbitnya Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 1426PBI2012 tentang Kegiatan Usaha dan Jaringan Kantor FSEBTBSLBO.PEBMOUJBOLZBOHNFOHLMBTJmLBTJLBO bank menjadi 4 kategori utama yaitu BUKU Bank Umum Kategori Usaha 1-4 berdasarkan jumlah modal inti bank. Masuknya modal inti bank bjb dalam kategori BUKU III membuat kegiatan usaha yang dapat dilakukan oleh bank bjb menjadi lebih luas, serta dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan nasabah dalam melakukan aktivitas kegiatan perbankannya melalui bank bjb. Per akhir Desember 2014, modal inti bank bjb mencapai Rp5,79 triliun dan berada pada kategori BUKU 3. Strategi permodalan yang efektif, kuat dan FmTJFOUFMBINFOKBEJGPLVTNBOBKFNFOTFJSJOHEFOHBO terus bertumbuhnya bank bjb menjadi bank yang semakin besar dan semakin kuat. Komponen permodalan bank didominasi oleh komponen permodalan yang bersifat permanen, dimana komponen modal inti merupakan komponen terbesar dalam struktur permodalan bank. Pada posisi bulan Desember 2014, rasio modal inti bank baik secara individual dan konsolidasi terhadap total ATMR bank mencapai 16,34 dan 15,40. Rasio tersebut RISK MANAGEMENT 3 Operational Level Operational Level is the authority and formed by each Risk Taking Unit in which the role is to determine the amount of acceptable Risk Limit and the results to be coordinated with the Risk Management Division. The proposed Risk Limit amount, is subsequently submitted to the Risk Management Division for reviews associated with the calculation method as well as to synchronize with the Risk Tolerance and Risk Appetite calculation results. BASEL II PILAR 3: LVFORVXUH RQ DSLWDO 5LVN [SRVXUH DQG WKH ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQRIWKHDQN·V5LVN0DQDJHPHQW DSLWDOLVFORVXUH DSLWDO6WUXFWXUH 4FWFSBM TJHOJmDBOU SFHVMBUPSZ EFWFMPQNFOUT BGGFDUFE the operational conditions and future of bank bjb’s CVTJOFTT BNPOH PUIFST BT SFnFDUFE JO UIF JTTVBODF of Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 1426PBI2012 on VTJOFTTDUJWJUJFTBOE0GmDFFUXPSLBTFEPOUIF BOLTPSFBQJUBMXIJDIDMBTTJmFTCBOLTJOUPNBJO categories, namely BUKU Commercial Bank Business Category 1-4 based on the amount of core capital position of the bank. bank bjb’s core capital, which is in the BUKU III category enables a more widespread business activities that can be conducted by the bank, BTXFMMBTJODSFBTFUIFDPOmEFODFPGUIFDVTUPNFST in performing banking activities through bank bjb. As of the end of December 2014, the core capital of bank bjb reached Rp5.79 trillion and is included in UIF6,6DBUFHPSZGGFDUJWF TUSPOH BOEFGmDJFOU capital strategy has been the focus of management in line with the continued growth of bank bjb to become a bigger and stronger bank. The bank’s capital component is dominated by permanent capital component, in which the core capital component is the largest capital component in the capital structure of the bank. In the December 2014 position, the bank’s core capital ratio both individually and consolidated to the bank’s total RWA reached 16.34 and 15.40. The ratio is above the provisions 326 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO berada di atas ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh Bank Indonesia dengan batasan minimum yaitu 6 baik secara individual maupun konsolidasi. Perhitungan rasio modal inti utama Common Equity Tier 1 Ratio terhadap total ATMR bank baik secara individual dan konsolidasi di bulan Desember 2014 mencapai 17,25 dan 15,34 yang berada di atas ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan Bank Indonesia dengan batasan minimum yaitu 4,50. .HFXNXSDQ3HUPRGDODQ Sebagai salah satu pengungkapan Basel II Pilar III, Bank Indonesia telah menerbitkan Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia Nomor 1437DPNP tanggal 27 Desember 2012 perihal Kewajiban Penyediaan Modal .JOJNVNTFTVBJ1SPmM3JTJLPEBO1FNFOVIBO Capital Equivalency Maintained Assets CEMA. Sehubungan hal tersebut, bank telah mengembangkan dan menerapkan metodologi untuk penerapan Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process ICAAP dimana metodologi tersebut telah dibahas dan disetujui dalam Komite Manajemen Risiko bank bjb. Laporan rasio kecukupan penyediaan modal minimum TFTVBJ1SPmM3JTJLPEJMBQPSLBOTFDBSBCFSLBMBLFQBEB Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi sebagai salah satu bentuk kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia tersebut. Pengukuran internal yang dilakukan bank telah memperhitungkan Pilar I dan Pilar II yaitu rasio LFDVLVQBO NPEBM CBOL NJOJNVN TFTVBJ QSPmM SJTJLP baik secara individual maupun konsolidasi di bulan Desember 2014 mencapai 10,28 dimana hasil QFOHVLVSBO QSPmM SJTJLP CBOL QBEB QFSJPEF UFSTFCVU berada pada level peringkat komposit Moderate. Pada posisi bulan Desember 2014, rasio kecukupan modal bank baik secara individual maupun konsolidasi mencapai 16,39 dan 16,35 sehingga rasio kecukupan modal bank tersebut berada di atas ketentuan rasio kecukupan modal bank minimum TFTVBJQSPmMSJTJLPCBOLZBJUV Sejalan telah diterbitkannya PBI Nomor 1512 PBI2013 tanggal 12 Desember 2013 perihal Kewajiban Penyediaan Modal Minimum, saat ini bank telah mempersiapkan infrastruktur yang baik dan efektif dalam rangka memastikan implementasi MANAJEMEN RISIKO set by Bank Indonesia with a minimum limit is 6 both individually or consolidated. The main core capital ratio calculation Common Equity Tier 1 ratio to total RWA of the bank both individually and consolidated in December 2014 reached 17.25 and 15.34 which is above the provisions set by Bank Indonesia with a minimum limit of 4.50. DSLWDOGHTXDF\ As one of the Basel II Pillar II disclosure, Bank Indonesia has issued the Circular Letter of Bank Indonesia No. 1437DPNP dated 27 December 2012 on the Minimum Capital Requirement in accordance to UIF1SPmMF3JTLBOEPNQMJBODFPGBQJUBMRVJWBMFODZ Maintained Assets CEMA. In relations, the bank has developed and implemented a methodology for the implementation of the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process ICAAP in which the methodology has been discussed and approved by the Risk Management Committee of bank bjb. The minimum capital adequacy reports in accordance to UIF3JTL1SPmMFBSFSFQPSUFESFHVMBSMZUPUIFPBSEPG Commissioners and Board of Directors as a form of compliance with the provisions of the Circular Letter of Bank Indonesia. Internal measurements carried out by the bank has accounted for Pillar I and Pillar II namely the minimum DBQJUBMBEFRVBDZSBUJPDPSSFTQPOETUPUIFSJTLQSPmMF both individually or consolidated in December 2014 reaching 10.28 in which the results of the bank’s risk QSPmMFNFBTVSFNFOUTPGUIFQFSJPEJTBUUIFDPNQPTJUF ranking level of Moderate. At the December 2014 position, both the individual and consolidated capital adequacy ratio of the bank reached 16.39 and 16.35, hence the bank’s capital adequacy ratio is above the provisions of the minimum capital adequacy SBUJPJOBDDPSEBODFUPUIFSJTLQSPmMFPGUIFCBOL XIJDI is 10.28. Corresponding to the issuance of PBI No. 1512 PBI2013 dated 12 December 2013 on the Minimum Capital Requirement, currently bank bjb has prepared good and effective infrastructures in order to ensure the implementation of the PBI does not interfere with 327 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data RISK MANAGEMENT PBI tersebut tidak mengganggu ekspansi bisnis dan aktivitas operasional bank bjb. Sesuai PBI tersebut, bank harus menyediakan rasio kecukupan modal NJOJNVN TFTVBJ QSPmM SJTJLP CBOL EJUBNCBI EFOHBO Capital Conservation Buffer, Countercylical Buffer dan Capital Surcharge untuk D-SIB Domestic Systemically Important Bank. Capital Conservation Buffer tersebut diperlukan oleh bank sebagai upaya penyangga buffer dalam menghadapi kerugian akibat kondisi krisis, sedangkan Countercylical Buffer dibutuhkan bank sebagai tambahan modal penyangga untuk mengantisipasi kerugian apabila terjadi pertumbuhan kredit perbankan yang berlebihan sehingga berpotensi mengganggu stabilitas sistem keuangan. Penetapan Capital Surcharge tersebut diperlukan bagi bank bjb yang telah dijadikan status bank sistemik dimana bank perlu menyediakan tambahan modal yang berfungsi untuk mengurangi dampak negatif terhadap stabilitas sistem keuangan dan perekonomian apabila terjadi kegagalan Bank yang berdampak sistemik melalui peningkatan kemampuan Bank dalam menyerap kerugian. Sebagai bentuk kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan tersebut, bank secara bertahap melakukan pengembangan berupa kesiapan database dan proses pemetaan Basel III ke dalam infrastruktur bank. Salah satunya yang dilakukan yaitu dilakukannya koordinasi diantara Divisi yang terlibat, mendesain Framework Basel III dan melakukan pengukuran serta pemantauan untuk setiap ketentuan yang diatur dalam regulasi Basel III tersebut. Seiring kondisi makroekonomi Indonesia yang masih bergejolak dan ditandai dengan rencana kebijakan The Fed yang akan menaikkan suku bunga The Fed yang berpotensi meningkatkan capital PVUnPX , gejolak nilai UVLBS EBO JOnBTJ .BOBKFNFO CBOL bjb menanggapi gejolak tersebut dengan memperkuat permodalan bank sebagai bentuk penerapan manajemen risiko yang kuat robust sehingga dapat menyerap kerugian apabila terdapat stress event dikemudian hari. Dalam rangka menjawab tantangan bisnis di era pasar bebas di kemudian hari dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat, bank selalu melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan baik dari segi produk dan jasa serta peningkatan infrastruktur manajemen risiko bank melalui analisis yang komprehensif disertai dengan its business expansion and operational activities. In accordance to the PBI, the bank shall provide a minimum capital adequacy ratio that is appropriate XJUIUIFSJTLQSPmMFPGUIFCBOLJOBEEJUJPOUPBQJUBM Conservation Buffer, Countercylical Buffer and Capital Surcharge for D-SIB Domestic Systemically Important Banks. The Capital Conservation Buffer is required by the bank as a buffer in the face of losses due to crisis conditions, while Countercylical Buffer is needed by the bank as a buffer additional capital to anticipate losses in the event of excessive credit growth which QPUFOUJBMMZ EFTUBCJMJ[FT UIF mOBODJBM TZTUFN 5IF determination of Capital Surcharge is necessary for bank bjb which has made the systemic status in which the bank needs to provide additional capital that serves to reduce the negative impact on the stability PGUIFmOBODJBMTZTUFNBOEFDPOPNZJOUIFFWFOUPGB systemic Bank failure through the increase in the Bank’s ability to absorb losses. As a form of adherence to these provisions, the bank gradually carry out developments in the form of database preparedness and the process of Basel III mapping into the infrastructure of the bank. One of them is conducted through the coordination among Divisions involved, designing the Basel III Framework and perform measurements as well as monitoring to any provisions stipulated in the Basel III regulation. Correlated with Indonesia’s macroeconomic conditions that are still volatile and marked with the policy plan of The Fed to increase the interest rates of The Fed which IBTUIFQPUFOUJBMUPJODSFBTFDBQJUBMPVUnPX FYDIBOHF SBUF BOE JOnBUJPO WPMBUJMJUZ UIF .BOBHFNFOU PG CBOL bjb responds to such volatilities by strengthening the capital of the bank as a form of a strong robust risk management implementation, enabling it to absorb losses in the event of a stressful event in the future. In order to answer the business challenges in the free market era in the future and to meet the needs of the community, the bank always make improvements and development in terms of both products and services and increase the bank’s risk management infrastructure through a comprehensive analysis 328 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO riset yang memadai sehingga dapat menjaga agar aktivitas bisnis dan operasional bank tetap prudent dan berada dalam batas toleransi risiko bank. Selain itu pula, pengembangan kerangka kerja risk appetite dan risk tolerance sering dilakukan dan dievaluasi agar kecukupan permodalan yang dimiliki bank masih memadai dan mampu meng- cover kerugian ataupun potensi risiko kerugian yang timbul dari aktivitas operasional bank. Pengelolaan modal risiko kredit bank bjb berpedoman pada Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia Nomor 136 DPNP tanggal 18 Februari 2011 perihal Pedoman Perhitungan Aset Tertimbang Menurut Risiko untuk Risiko Kredit dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Standar. Penetapan bobot risiko pada perhitungan ATMR mengacu kepada bobot risiko sesuai ketentuan Bank Indonesia dimaksud. Dalam mengukur ATMR Risiko Pasar, bank masih mempergunakan format standardized method yang meliputi perhitungan risiko suku bunga dan risiko nilai tukar. Sesuai dengan pedoman yang ditetapkan oleh Bank Indonesia, risiko pasar yang wajib dihitung oleh Bank adalah risiko suku bunga di trading book dan risiko nilai tukar di trading book dan banking book. Sebagai upaya ke tahap pengembangan internal model, bank telah memiliki sistem informasi OPICS Risk yang berfungsi dalam mengukur Value at Risk untuk setiap efek yang dikategorikan ke dalam Trading Book. Perhitungan kecukupan modal risiko operasional masih menggunakan metode basic indicator approach BIA yang dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan dari regulator. Berdasarkan metode tersebut, Perusahaan mengalokasikan modal minimum untuk risiko operasional berdasarkan historical data yaitu sebesar rata-rata dari penjumlahan pendapatan bruto gross income tahunan selama 3 tahun terakhir yang positif dikali tarif yang berlaku yaitu 15. Perhitungan kecukupan modal risiko operasional tersebut menjadi dasar dalam perhitungan ATMR Risiko Operasional. BDDPNQBOJFECZTVGmDJFOUSFTFBSDI XIJDIJOUVSOXJMM maintain the bank’s business and operational activities to remain prudent and within the limits of the bank’s risk tolerance. In addition, the development of the risk appetite and risk tolerance framework is performed regularly and evaluated to ensure the adequacy of capital owned by the bank is still adequate and able to cover losses or potential losses arising from operational activities of the bank. The capital management of bank bjb’s credit risk is based on the Circular Letter of Bank Indonesia No. 136DPNP dated February 18, 2011 on the Guidelines for the Calculation of Risk-Weighted Assets for Credit Risk by Using the Standard Approach. The determination of risk weighting in the calculation of RWA refers to the risk weight in accordance with the referred Bank Indonesia’s provisions. In measuring the RWA market risk, the bank still uses the standardized method format which includes the calculation of the interest rates risk and exchange rates risk. As an effort to the development stage of internal models, the bank already has the OPICS Risk information system that serves to assess the Value at Risk for each effects that are categorized into the Trading Book. The calculation of operational risk capital adequacy still uses the basic indicator approach BIA which is conducted in accordance with the provisions of the regulator. Based on this method, the Company allocates the minimum capital for operational risk based on the historical data that is equal to the gross income sum average over the last 3 years annual positive multiplied by the applicable rate, which is 15. The calculation of the capital adequacy of operational risk has become the basis for the calculation of RWA for Operational Risk. 329 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data 3HQJXQJNDSDQ.XDQWLWDWLI Laporan Audited dari Divisi Pengendalian Keuangan 7DEHO D 3HQJXQJNDSDQ .XDQWLWDWLI 6WUXNWXU 3HUPRGDODQDQN8PXP Rp Juta .RPSRQHQ0RGDORPSRQHQWVRIDSLWDO HVHPEHU HFHPEHU HVHPEHU HFHPEHU HVHPEHU HFHPEHU Bank .RQVROLGDVL RQVROLGDWHG Bank .RQVROLGDVL RQVROLGDWHG Bank .RQVROLGDVL RQVROLGDWHG 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 I .RPSRQHQ0RGDO RPSRQHQWVRIDSLWDO A 0RGDO,QWL RUHDSLWDO 5.792.267 6.162.193 5.350.206 5.630.554 4.650.062 5.006.557 1. Modal Disetor Paid-in Capital 2.424.073 2.424.073 2.424.073 2.424.073 2.427.073 2.427.073 2. Cadangan Tambahan Modal Supplemental Reserve Capital 3.689.779 3.713.384 3.247.719 3.188.428 2.547.575 2.564.789 3. Modal Inovatif Innovative Capital - - - 4. Faktor Pengurang Modal Inti Core Capital Deduction 321.586 15.992 321.586 15.992 321.586 15.992 5. Kepentingan Non Pengendali Non-Controlling interests - 40.728 34.045 33.687 B 0RGDO3HOHQJNDS 6XSSOHPHQWDU\DSLWDO 16.678 379.279 9.926 332.277 77.687 267.036 1. Level Atas Upper Tier 2 Upper Level Upper Tier 2 338.264 395.271 311.660 348.269 243.899 283.028 2. Level Bawah Lower Tier 2 Maksimum 50 Modal Inti Lower Level Lower Tier 2 Maximum 50 Core Capital - - 3. Faktor Pengurang Modal Pelengkap Supplementary Capital Deduction 321.586 15.992 321.586 15.992 321.586 15.992 DNWRU3HQJXUDQJ0RGDO,QWLGDQ0RGDO 3HOHQJNDS HGXFWLRQRUHDSLWDODQG 6XSSOHPHQWDU\DSLWDO - - Eksposur Sekuritisasi Securitization Exposures - - 0RGDO3HOHQJNDS7DPEDKDQ\DQJ0HPHQXKL Persyaratan Tier 3 6XSSOHPHQWDU\DSLWDO Tier 3 - - E 0RGDO3HOHQJNDS7DPEDKDQ\DQJLDORNDVLNDQ 8QWXN0HQJDQWLVLSDVL5LVLNR3DVDU 6XSSOHPHQWDODSLWDOOORFDWHGWRQWLFLSDWH Market Risk - - II 7RWDO0RGDOLQWLGDQ0RGDO3HOHQJNDS Total RUHDSLWDODQG6XSSOHPHQWDU\DSLWDO 5.808.945 6.541.472 5.340.281 5.962.830 4.572.375 5.257.601 III 7RWDO0RGDO,QWL0RGDO3HOHQJNDSGDQ0RGDO 3HOHQJNDS7DPEDKDQ\DQJLDORNDVLNDQXQWXN 0HQJDQWLVLSDVL5LVLNR3DVDU 7RWDORUHDSLWDO6XSSOHPHQWDU\FDSLWDODQG 6XSSOHPHQWDODSLWDOOORFDWHGWRQWLFLSDWH0DUNHW 5LVN 5.808.945 6.541.472 5.340.281 5.962.830 4.572.375 5.257.601 IV Aset Tertimbang menurut Risiko ATMR untuk Risiko .UHGLW 5LVN:HLJKWHGVVHWV5:IRUUHGLW5LVN 27.061.089 31.621.745 27.061.089 31.621.745 19.511.884 22.642.240 V Aset Tertimbang menurut Risiko ATMR untuk 5LVLNR2SHUDVLRQDO 5LVN:HLJKWHGVVHWV5:IRU 2SHUDWLRQDO5LVN 7.203.666 7.203.666 6.254.121 6.254.121 5.190.912 5.190.912 VI Aset Tertimbang menurut Risiko ATMR untuk Risiko Pasar 5LVN:HLJKWHGVVHWV5:IRU0DUNHW5LVN - A 0HWRGH6WDQGDU 6WDQGDUG0HWKRGV 1.183.223 1.183.223 1.164.523 1.164.523 541.385 541.385 B 0HWRGH,QWHUQDO ,QWHUQDO0HWKRGV VII 5DVLR.HZDMLEDQ3HQ\HGLDDQ0RGDO0LQLPXPXQWXN 5LVLNR.UHGLW5LVLNR2SHUDVLRQDODQ5LVLNR3DVDU ,,,,999, 0LQLPXPDSLWDOGHTXDF\5DWLR RUUHGLW5LVN2SHUDWLRQDO5LVNDQG0DUNHW5LVN,,, ,999, 16.39 16.35 15.49 15.27 18.11 18.53 4XDQWLWDWLYHLVFORVXUH Audited Report of the Financial Control Division 7DEOHD4XDQWLWDWLYHLVFORVXUHRIRPPHUFLDO DQNDSLWDO6WUXFWXUHIRURPPHUFLDODQN Rp Million 330 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO 7DEHO E 3HQJXQJNDSDQ .XDQWLWDWLI 6WUXNWXU 3HUPRGDODQDQNVLQJ Rp Juta .RPSRQHQ0RGDO Components of Capital HVHPEHU December 31, 2014 HVHPEHU December 31, 2013 HVHPEHU December 31, 2012 Bank .RQVROLGDVL RQVROLGDWHG Bank .RQVROLGDVL Consolidated Bank .RQVROLGDVL Consolidated 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 I Komponen Modal Components of Capital A DQD8VDKDXVLQHVVXQGV 1. Dana UsahaBusiness Funds 2. Modal disetor Paid-up capital B DGDQJDQ5HVHUYH 1. Cadangan umum General of reserves 2. Cadangan tujuan Purpose of reserves DEDUXJLWDKXQWDKXQODOX\DQJGDSDW GLSHUKLWXQJNDQ 3URÀWORVVIURPSUHYLRXV \HDUVFDQEHWDNHQLQWRDFFRXQW DEDUXJLWDKXQEHUMDODQ\DQJGDSDW GLSHUKLWXQJNDQ 3URÀWORVVIRUWKH\HDUDUH WDNHQLQWRDFFRXQW E DQDVHWRUDQPRGDO XQGFDSLWDOFRQWULEXWLRQ 3HQGDSDWDQNRPSHUHKHQVLIODLQQ\DNHUXJLDQ EHUDVDOGDULSHQXUXQDQSHQ\HUWDDQGDODP NHORPSRNWHUVHGLDXQWXNGLMXDO Revenue PRUHFRPSUHKHQVLYHO\ORVVHVIURPUHGXFWLRQLQ LQYHVWPHQWVLQDYDLODEOHIRUVDOH G 3HQGDSDWDQNRPSHUHKHQVLIODLQQ\DNHXQWXQJDQ EHUDVDOGDULSHQXUXQDQSHQ\HUWDDQGDODP NHORPSRNWHUVHGLDXQWXNGLMXDO Revenue PRUHFRPSUHKHQVLYHO\WKHDGYDQWDJHVGHULYHG IURPWKHGHFUHDVHLQLQYHVWPHQWVLQDYDLODEOHIRU VDOH H 5HYDOXDVLDVHWWHWDS 5HYDOXDWLRQRIÀ[HG DVVHWV I 6HOLVLKNXUDQJDQWDUD33GDQFDGDQJDQNHUXJLDQ SHQXUXQDQQLODLDWDVDVHWSURGXNWLI HVVGLIIHUHQFH EHWZHHQWKH33DQGWKHDOORZDQFHIRULPSDLUPHQW losses on earning assets J 3HQ\LVLKDQ3HQJKDSXVDQVHW33DWDVDVHW QRQSURGXNWLI\DQJZDMLEGLKLWXQJ OORZDQFHIRU VHW33RQQRQSURGXFWLYHDVVHWVWKDWPXVWEH FDOFXODWHG K 6HOLVLKNXUDQJMXPODKSHQ\HVXDLDQQLODLZDMDU GDULLQVWUXPHQNHXDQJDQGDODPWUDGLQJERRN 7KH GLIIHUHQFHLVOHVVDPRXQWRIIDLUYDOXHDGMXVWPHQWV RIÀQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWVLQWKHWUDGLQJERRN L DGDQJDQXPXPDVHWSURGXNWLIPDNV GDUL705 HQHUDOUHVHUYHVRISURGXFWLYHDVVHWV PD[RIULVNZHLJKWHGDVVHWV M DNWRUSHQJXUDQJPRGDO HGXFWLRQFRUHFDSLWDO Eksposur Sekuritisasi Securitization Exposures II 021.6,1-XPODKVG0 25,1 3,71.7RWDOVG0 III ASET TERTIMBANG MENURUT RISIKO ATMR UNTUK 5,6,.2.5,7 5,6.:,+766765:25 5,75,6. IV ASET TERTIMBANG MENURUT RISIKO ATMR UNTUK RISIKO OPERASIONAL 5,6.:,+76676 5:252357,215,6. V ASET TERTIMBANG MENURUT RISIKO ATMR UNTUK RISIKO PASAR 5,6.:,+766765:25 MARKET RISK A 0HWRGH6WDQGDU 6WDQGDUG0HWKRGV B 0HWRGH,QWHUQDO ,QWHUQDO0HWKRGV VII 56,2.:-,131,1020,1,080 8178.5,6,.2.5,75,6,.22356,211 5,6,.2365,,,,999,0,1,0803,7 4857,2 255,75,6.2357,21 5,6.105.75,6.,,,,999, MANAJEMEN RISIKO 7DEHO E LVFORVXUHV RI 4XDQWLWDWLYH DSLWDO 6WUXFWXUHIRURUHLJQDQN Rp Million 331 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data RISK MANAGEMENT 3HQJXQJNDSDQ NVSRVXU 5LVLNR GDQ 3HQHUDSDQ Manajemen Risiko 5LVLNR.UHGLW Sebagai upaya memastikan kecukupan kebijakan dan prosedur perkreditan, maka bank bjb menyusun Kebijakan Perkreditan Bank KPB yang digunakan sebagai landasan dalam pembuatan Pedoman maupun Standar Operasional Prosedur SOP perkreditan. bank bjb menerapkan proses yang ketat atas setiap penyusunan maupun perubahan atas setiap ketentuan internal bank. Penyusunan maupun perubahan atas KPB, Pedoman, dan SOP perkreditan dilakukan melalui tahapan berjenjang yang dimulai dari pembahasan pada level teknis hingga melalui persetujuan Direksi. bank bjb juga telah memiliki standar baku dalam alur penyusunan SOP sehingga dapat dihasilkan kualitas hasil yang baik. Setiap penyusunan maupun perubahan atas Kebijakan, Pedoman dan SOP perkreditan senantiasa melalui pembahasan bersama Divisi yang terkait sehingga memenuhi kecukupan JEFOUJmLBTJ EBO NJUJHBTJ SJTJLP TFSUB LFUFOUVBO ZBOH berlaku. bank bjb saat ini telah secara intensif melakukan penyempurnaan atas modelling yang digunakan dalam perhitungan tingkat risiko yang akan diambil risk appetite dan toleransi risiko risk tolerance berdasarkan modal yang dimiliki bank. Tingkat Risiko yang akan diambil merupakan tingkat dan jenis Risiko yang bersedia diambil oleh Bank dalam rangka mencapai sasaran Bank. Toleransi Risiko merupakan tingkat dan jenis Risiko yang secara maksimum ditetapkan oleh Bank. Toleransi Risiko merupakan penjabaran dari tingkat Risiko yang akan diambil. Adapun terkait dengan limit kewenangan memutus kredit saat ini bank bjb telah menerapkan mekanisme keputusan kredit secara berjenjang sesuai dengan tingkat risiko yang tercermin dari plafond pengajuan fasilitas kredit. LVFORVXUHRI5LVN[SRVXUHDQGWKH,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ of Risk Management UHGLW5LVN As an effort to ensure the adequacy of credit policies and procedures, bank bjb prepares the Bank Credit Policy CDE which is used as a basis in the preparation of the credit Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures SOPs. bank bjb applies strict processes on any preparations or amendments of any internal provisions of the bank. The preparation of and amendments to the CDE, Guidelines, and SOPs for credit are carried out through tiered stages which start from the discussion at the technical level to the approval of the Board of Directors. bank bjb also has a standard in the SOP DSFBUJPOnPXTPJUDBOQSPEVDFHPPERVBMJUZSFTVMUT Each drafting and amendment of credit policies, guidelines and SOPs always go through a review by UIFSFMBUFEJWJTJPOTUIFSFGPSFGVMmMMJOHUIFBEFRVBDZPG SJTLJEFOUJmDBUJPOBOENJUJHBUJPOBTXFMMBTDPNQMJBODF to the applicable regulations. Currently, bank bjb IBT JOUFOTJmFE JNQSPWFNFOUT PO the modeling used in the calculation of the risk appetite and risk tolerance based on the bank’s capital. Risk appetite is the level and type of risk that is willing to be taken by the Bank in order to achieve the objectives of the Bank. Risk tolerance is the maximum level and type of risk set by the Bank. Risk tolerance is a description of the risk appetite. In relations to loan approval authority limit, currently bank bjb has implemented a mechanism of credit decisions in stages according to the level of risk that is SFnFDUFEGSPNUIFNBYJNVNDSFEJUGBDJMJUZBQQMJDBUJPO 332 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO .HFXNXSDQ 3URVHV LGHQWLÀNDVL 3HQJXNXUDQ 3HPDQWDXDQ GDQ 3HQJHQGDOLDQ 5LVLNR VHUWD sistem informasi Manajemen Risiko Dalam analisa kredit, bank telah menerapkan QSPTFT JEFOUJmLBTJ BUBT QPUFOTJ SJTJLP ZBOH NFMFLBU 1SPTFT JEFOUJmLBTJ UFSTFCVU NFOKBEJ lebih optimal dengan dibentuknya Divisi yang khusus melaksanakan review dan analisa lanjutan atas potensi risiko yang melekat pada proses pengajuan fasilitas kredit. 4FCBHBJCFOUVLJEFOUJmLBTJBUBTSJTJLPLSFEJU CBOL bjb telah mengembangkan mekanisme pelaporan kredit bermasalah yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Cabang secara berkala. Pelaporan ditujukan kepada Divisi Manajemen Risiko untuk menjadi masukan dalam penyusunan strategi Manajemen Risiko. Dalam melakukan pengukuran risiko, bank bjb mengembangkan model risiko kredit melalui penggunaan Internal Credit Risk Rating ICRR dan Internal Credit Risk Scoring ICRS pada setiap pengajuan kredit. Adapun rating dan scoring yang dimiliki oleh bank bjb meliputi: • Pemeringkatan Kredit Non Ritel: - Rating Korporasi Konstruksi - Rating Korporasi - Rating SME Konstruksi - Rating SME • Pemeringkatan Kredit Ritel - Scoring Kredit Mikro Utama - Scoring Kredit Usaha Rakyat • Pemeringkatan Kredit Konsumtif - Scoring Kredit Guna Bakti - Scoring Kredit Pemilikan Rumah ICRR adalah suatu alat bantu dalam mengukur risiko kredit dalam bentuk suatu model yang digunakan untuk memprediksi tingkat kemungkinan kegagalan pembayaran oleh debitur atas fasilitas LSFEJU ZBOH EJCFSJLBO 33 .FOHLMBTJmLBTJLBO entitas perusahaankorporasi secara sistematis ke dalam suatu kelas risiko grading atau peringkat. Penggunaan ICRR bertujuan untuk menentukan peringkat bagi debitur yang mencerminkan MANAJEMEN RISIKO GHTXDF\ RI 5LVN ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ 0HDVXUHPHQW 0RQLWRULQJ DQG 5LVN RQWURO DV ZHOO DV 5LVN 0DQDJHPHQW,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHP In the analysis of credit, the bank has implemented a process of identifying inherent potential risks. The JEFOUJmDBUJPO QSPDFTT CFDPNFT NPSF PQUJNBM XJUI UIF FTUBCMJTINFOU PG B JWJTJPO XIJDI JT TQFDJmDBMMZ assigned to conduct reviews and further analysis of the inherent potential risks in the process of loan facility application. T B GPSN PG DSFEJU SJTL JEFOUJmDBUJPO CBOL bjb has developed a non performing loans reporting NFDIBOJTNXIJDIJTQFSGPSNFECZUIFSBODI0GmDF on a regular basis. The reports are addressed to the Risk Management Division to be used as input in the preparation of the Risk Management strategy. In conducting risk measurements, bank bjb develops credit risk models through the utilization of the Internal Credit Risk Rating ICRR and Internal Credit Risk Scoring ICRS in any loan application. The rating and scoring owned by bank bjb include: • Non Retail Credit Rating: Construction Corporate Rating - Corporate Rating - Contruction SME Rating - SME Rating • Retail Credit Rating - Kredit Mikro Utama Scoring - Kredit Usaha Rakyat Scoring • Consumptive Credit Rating - Guna Bakti Loan Scoring - Housing Loan Scoring ICRR is an instrument to measure credit risk in the form of a model which is utilized to predict the likelihood of default by the debtor to the granted credit facilities. 5IF 3 DMBTTJmFT DPNQBOZ DPSQPSBUJPO FOUJUJFT systematically into a risk class grading or ranking. The application of ICRR aims to determine the rank PGBEFCUPSUIBUSFnFDUTUIF1SPCBCJMJUZPGFGBVMU 1 amount. Debtors with the best rating has a Probability of Default that is close to zero. As for a lower credit rating, 333 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data RISK MANAGEMENT besaran Probability of Default PD. Debitur dengan rating terbaik memiliki Probability of Default yang mendekati nol. Adapun untuk kredit dengan rating lebih rendah, Probability of Default akan meningkat sehingga menghasilkan kurva default rate berbentuk exponential sesuai dengan penurunan rating. Tingkatan rating debitur dinyatakan dengan huruf yang meliputi 20 dua puluh peringkat berbeda yaitu: Rating .HWHUDQJDQHVFULSWLRQ AAA Outstanding AA+ Strong AA Strong AA- Strong A+ Good A Good A- Good BBB+ Average BBB Average BBB- Average BB+ Acceptable BB Acceptable BB- High Risk B+ High Risk B Watch List B- Watch List CCC+ Special Mention CCC Special Mention CCC- Substandard D Doubtful Adapun penerapan ICRS menjadi suatu keputusan persetujuan atau penolakan atas pengajuan fasilitas kredit. Dengan menggunakan ICRS maka Bank dapat memproses kredit dengan lebih baik, obyektif dan standar, serta dengan waktu proses relatif lebih cepat. bank bjb merencanakan untuk senantiasa memperbaiki sistem rating yang akan menjadi salah TBUVLPNQPOFOEBMBNNFUPEPMPHJJEFOUJmLBTJEBO pengukuran risiko kredit serta mengembangkan sistem scoring dalam pengambilan keputusan terutama kredit yang bersifat massal. Sebagai bentuk lain dari pengukuran risiko kredit, bank bjb telah melakukan estimasi kerugian yang telah diperkirakan Expected Loss serta besar the Probability of Default will increase resulting in an exponential shaped default rate curve in accordance with the rating downgrade. The rating level of debtors is expressed by letters which covers 20 twenty different ratings, namely: While the implementation of ICRS is a decision of approval or denial of an application for a credit facility. By using the ICRS, the Bank can process credit better, objective and standards, as well as a relatively faster processing time. bank bjb plans to continuously improve the rating system which will be one of the components in the NFUIPEPMPHZ PG JEFOUJmDBUJPO BOE NFBTVSFNFOU PG credit risk as well as to develop a scoring system in credit decisions for the masses. As other forms of credit risk assessment, bank bjb has conducted the Expected Loss estimations as well as the loss amount of Unexpected Loss. Expected 334 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO kerugian yang tidak diperkirakan Unexpected Loss. Expected Loss EL adalah besaran kerugian secara statistik yang diperkirakan timbul secara rata-rata dari perkiraan kerugian yang secara umum terjadi. EL didapatkan dari perhitungan Eksposur pada saat default EAD, kerugian pada saat default LGD dan probabilitas terjadinya default PD, yang diestimasi dari data probabilitas default secara historis. Sementara itu Unexpected Loss UL merupakan deviasi dari rata-rata kerugian. Perhitungan UL diperoleh dari data volatilitas secara historis historical volatility atas data default. bank bjb juga telah mengembangkan proses pemantauan risiko yang dilakukan secara berkala melalui penerbitan laporan Root Cause of Credit Risk RCCR yang disampaikan kepada Direksi dan seluruh Divisi terkait. Laporan Root Cause of Credit Risk RCCR berisi analisa perkembangan portofolio beserta kualitas kreditnya, serta tingkat konsentrasi kredit baik berdasarkan TFLUPS FLPOPNJ XJMBZBI HFPHSBmT NBVQVO debitur inti. Dalam laporan ini disampaikan pula penyebab terjadinya kredit bermasalah sehingga dapat menjadi masukan atas hal-hal yang perlu diperbaiki dalam melakukan penyaluran kredit. Dengan penerbitan laporan Root Cause of Credit Risk RCCR dapat menjadi Early Warning Signal EWS atas penurunan kualitas kredit. 6LVWHP3HQJHQGDOLDQ,QWHUQ\DQJ0HQ\HOXUXK bank bjb telah memiliki sistem pengendalian intern untuk manajemen risiko kredit dengan berpedoman pada SE BI Nomor 1323DPNP tanggal 25 Oktober 2011 perihal Perubahan atas Surat Edaran Nomor 521DPNP perihal Penerapan Manajemen Risiko bagi Bank umum. Dalam pelaksanaannya, sistem pengendalian intern untuk risiko kredit mencakup penerapan atas hal-hal sebagai berikut: - Dipenuhinya kecukupan Kebijakan, Pedoman dan Prosedur bidang perkreditan; - Dilakukannya review oleh unit kerja independen atas rancangan Kebijakan, Pedoman dan Prosedur bidang perkreditan; Loss EL is the amount of losses expected to arise from average of the common estimated losses. EL is obtained from the calculation of the Exposure at the time of default EAD, loss given default LGD and the probability of default PD, that are estimated from the default probability data historically. Meanwhile, Unexpected Loss UL is the deviation from the average loss. The calculation of UL is obtained from the historical volatility data over the default data. bank bjb has also developed a process of risk monitoring which is carried out periodically through the publication of a Root Cause of Credit Risk RCCR report which is submitted to the Board of Directors and all relevant Division. The Root Cause of Credit Risk RCCR report contains analysis of the development of the portfolio and its credit quality, as well as the level of credit concentration based on the economic sector, geographic region, or core debtors. This report also conveys the cause of non performing loans that can be the input to matters that need to be corrected in conducting loan disbursements. The publication of the Root Cause of Credit Risk RCCR report can become an Early Warning Signal EWS for the decline in credit quality. RPSUHKHQVLYH,QWHUQDORQWURO6\VWHP bank bjb already has an internal control system for the management of credit risk based on SE BI No. 1323 DPNP dated 25 October 2011 on the Amendment to Circular No. 521DPNP on the Implementation of Risk Management for Commercial Banks. In practice, the internal control system for credit risk includes the implementation of the following matters: - Adequacy of compliance with Policies, Guidelines BOE1SPDFEVSFTJOUIFmFMEPGDSFEJU - Implementation of reviews by an independent unit on the draft Policies, Guidelines and Procedures in UIFmFMEPGDSFEJU 335 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data - Dilakukannya reviewkaji ulang atas metode pengukuran risiko oleh Divisi Manajemen Risiko yang mencakup penilaian kesesuaian metode, dan asumsi yang digunakan untuk mengukur risiko; - Kaji ulang atas kepatuhan bank terhadap ketentuan internal dan eksternal bidang perkreditan. Dalam rangka optimalisasi pengendalian intern, maka bank bjb juga telah melakukan pemisahan fungsi yang jelas antara unit bisnis dan unit yang melaksanakan pengendalian sehingga bank telah menerapkan segregation of duty dan dual control dalam melakukan keputusan kredit. Pengendalian intern untuk manajemen risiko kredit juga mencakup pengawasan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi secara berkala melalui pelaporan yang disampaikan oleh Divisi Manajemen Risiko maupun pelaksanaan Risk Management Committee RMC yang beranggotakan Direksi serta pejabat eksekutif terkait. Adapun pelaksanaan rapat Komite Pemantau Risiko KPR telah dilaksanakan secara berkala yang ditujukan untuk memantau perkembangan eksposur risiko kredit sesuai dengan perkembangan terkini. - Implementation of review revision on the methods of measuring risk by the Risk Management Division which includes conformity assessment methods, and assumptions used to measure the risks; - Review on the bank’s compliance to internal and FYUFSOBMQSPWJTJPOTJOUIFmFMEPGDSFEJU In order to optimize internal control, bank bjb has also conducted a clear separation of functions between the business units and units that perform control so that the bank has implemented the segregation of duty and dual control in making credit decisions. Internal controls for credit risk management also includes oversight by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors on a regular basis through reports submitted by the Risk Management Division and the implementation of duties by the Risk Management Committee RMC consisting of the Board of Directors BOESFMBUFEFYFDVUJWFPGmDFST5IFJNQMFNFOUBUJPOPG the Risk Monitoring Committee RMC meeting has been carried out on a regular basis to monitor the development of credit risk exposures in accordance with the latest developments. 336 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO 3. Pengungkapan Kuantitatif Risiko Kredit D 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK HUGDVDUNDQ :LOD\DK²DQN6HFDUD,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOD Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQHUVLKHUGDVDUNDQ6LVD-DQJND:LOD\DK Net Receivable Based on Region :LOD\DK Region 1 :LOD\DK Region 2 :LOD\DK Region 3 :LOD\DK Region 4 Total 1 2 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah Claims on GovernmentSovereign 13.171.571 792.280 - - 13.963.851 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik Claims on Public Sector Entities 160.000 - 10.837 - 170.837 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank Claims on Banks 2.981.358 189.056 279.541 80.798 3.530.753 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal Claims Secured by Residential Property 1.360.143 1.283.380 1.058.574 696.601 4.398.698 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate - 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan Claims on Pension Loans 12.042.157 5.269.954 10.884.383 5.693.157 33.889.651 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 1.388.425 468.572 1.563.789 454.091 3.874.877 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi Claims on Corporate 1.859.511 3.023.993 622.516 859.662 6.365.682 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo Claims on Past Due Exposures - 11 Aset Lainnya Other Assets 3.005.993 60.905 94.235 70.565 3.231.698 12 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada Sharia Exposures if any - Total 35.969.158 11.088.140 14.513.875 7.854.874 69.426.047 E 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK HUGDVDUNDQ :LOD\DK ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVDL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQQDN7DEHOE Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQHUVLKHUGDVDUNDQ6LVD-DQJND:LOD\DK Net Receivable Based on Region :LOD\DK Region 1 :LOD\DK Region 2 :LOD\DK Region 3 :LOD\DK Region 4 Total 1 2 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah Claims on GovernmentSovereign 13.379.861 792.280 - - 14.172.141 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik Claims on Public Sector Entities 160.000 - 10.837 - 170.837 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - - - - - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank Claims on Banks 2.376.960 189.056 279.541 80.798 2.926.355 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal Claims Secured by Residential Property 1.360.143 1.283.380 1.058.574 696.601 4.398.698 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate - - - - - 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan Claims on Pension Loans 12.042.157 5.269.954 10.884.383 5.693.157 33.889.651 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 5.928.388 468.572 1.563.789 454.091 8.414.840 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi Claims on Corporate 1.864.365 3.023.993 622.516 859.662 6.370.536 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo Claims on Past Due Exposures - - - - - 11 Aset Lainnya Other Assets 3.045.865 60.905 94.235 70.565 3.271.570 12 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada Sharia Exposures if any - - - - - Total 40.157.739 11.088.140 14.513.875 7.854.874 73.614.628 337 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQHUVLKHUGDVDUNDQ6LVD-DQJND:LOD\DK Net Receivable Based on Region 7DJLKDQHUVLKHUGDVDUNDQ6LVD-DQJND:LOD\DK Net Receivable Based on Region :LOD\DK Region 1 :LOD\DK Region 2 :LOD\DK Region 3 :LOD\DK Region 4 Total :LOD\DK Region 1 :LOD\DK Region 2 :LOD\DK Region 3 :LOD\DK Region 4 Total 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14.227.218 587.680 - - 14.814.898 13.077.551 208.144 1.231 - 13.286.926 178.956 - 12.877 - 191.833 567.788 - 9.104 - 576.892 - - - - - - - - - - 1.680.232 174.064 107.737 63.680 2.025.713 1.961.455 82.686 62.757 42.230 2.149.128 1.215.843 1.072.660 971.402 632.089 3.891.994 558.192 443.318 460.181 234.904 1.696.595 - - - - - - - - - - 10.730.245 4.048.875 9.668.281 4.724.078 29.171.479 8.523.932 3.023.177 7.641.664 3.671.827 22.860.600 1.824.537 656.844 2.039.978 651.040 5.172.399 1.639.245 551.215 1.752.492 511.415 4.454.367 1.830.086 3.522.743 579.429 796.068 6.728.326 1.796.535 2.985.069 661.298 871.067 6.313.969 - - - - - - - - - - 1.661.232 312.964 767.517 360.431 3.102.144 1.135.997 304.828 633.020 297.446 2.371.291 - - - - - - 33.348.349 10.375.830 14.147.221 7.227.386 65.098.786 29.260.695 7.598.437 11.221.747 5.628.889 53.709.768 HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQHUVLKHUGDVDUNDQ6LVD-DQJND:LOD\DK Net Receivable Based on Region 7DJLKDQHUVLKHUGDVDUNDQ6LVD-DQJND:LOD\DK Net Receivable Based on Region :LOD\DK Region 1 :LOD\DK Region 2 :LOD\DK Region 3 :LOD\DK Region 4 Total :LOD\DK Region 1 :LOD\DK Region 2 :LOD\DK Region 3 :LOD\DK Region 4 Total 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15.102.966 587.680 15.690.646 14.046.642 208.144 1.231 - 14.256.017 178.956 - 12.877 - 191.833 567.788 - 9.104 - 576.892 - - - - - - - - - - 1.729.303 174.064 107.737 63.680 2.074.784 2.201.136 82.686 62.757 42.230 2.388.809 1.225.455 1.072.660 971.402 632.089 3.901.606 567.550 443.318 460.181 234.904 1.705.953 - - - - - - - - - - 11.282.925 4.048.875 9.668.281 4.724.078 29.724.159 8.920.106 3.023.177 7.641.664 3.671.827 23.256.774 1.841.300 656.844 2.039.978 651.040 5.189.162 1.746.027 551.215 1.752.492 511.415 4.561.149 5.032.386 3.522.743 579.429 796.068 9.930.626 4.330.612 2.985.069 661.298 871.067 8.848.046 - - - - - - - - - 1.900.418 312.964 767.517 360.431 3.341.330 1.240.102 304.828 633.020 297.446 2.475.396 - - - - - - - - 38.293.709 10.375.830 14.147.221 7.227.386 70.044.146 33.619.963 7.598.437 11.221.747 5.628.889 58.069.036 3. Quantitative Credit Risk Disclosure D LVFORVXUHRI1HW5HFHLYDEOHE\5HJLRQ²DQN2QO\ Table 2.1.a Rp Million E LVFORVXUH RI 1HW 5HFHLYDEOH E\ 5HJLRQ ² DQN RQVROLGDWHG7DEOHE Rp Million 338 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO F 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK HUGDVDUNDQ 6LVD -DQJND :DNWX .RQWUDN ² DQN VHFDUD ,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOD Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQHUVLKHUGDVDUNDQ6LVD-DQJND:DNWX.RQWUDN Net Receivable Based on Contractual Maturity 1 tahun 1 year 1 -3 tahun 1 - 3 years 3-5 tahun 3 - 5 years 5 tahun 5 years Non Kontraktual Non Contractual Total 1 2 - 1 12.316.385 855.186 79.2280 13.963.851 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 58.000 62.000 50.837 170.837 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 2.824.432 33.8736 35.3478 14.108 3.530.754 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal 11.250 16.8471 316.499 3.902.477 4.398.697 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial - 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan 25.0343 2.186.565 54.45.623 26.007.119 33.889.650 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 899.650 2.433.225 510.843 31.158 3.874.876 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 2.498.837 1.598.006 191.955 2.076.883 6.365.681 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo - 11 Aset Lainnya 3.231.698 3.231.698 12 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada Total 22.090.595 7.642.189 7.661.515 32.031.745 69.426.044 G 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK HUGDVDUNDQ 6LVD -DQJND :DNWX .RQWUDN ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQ QDN 7DEHO 2.2.b Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQHUVLKHUGDVDUNDQ6LVD-DQJND:DNWX.RQWUDN Net Receivable Based on Contractual Maturity 1 tahun 1 year 1 -3 tahun 1 - 3 years 3-5 tahun 3 - 5 years 5 tahun 5 years Non Kontraktual Non Contractual Total 1 2 - 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 12.524.675 855.186 792.280 - - 14.172.141 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 58.000 62.000 50.837 - - 170.837 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional - - - - - - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 2.220.034 338.736 353.478 14.108 - 2.926.356 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal 11.250 168.471 316.499 3.902.478 - 4.398.698 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial - - - - - - 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan 250.343 2.186.565 5.445.623 26.007.120 - 33.889.651 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 1.648.599 4.155.924 2.579.158 31.158 - 8.414.839 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 2.503.691 1.598.006 191.955 2.076.883 - 6.370.535 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo - - - - - - 11 Aset Lainnya 3.271.571 - - - - 3.271.571 12 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada - - - - - - Total 22.488.163 9.364.888 9.729.830 32.031.747 73.614.628 339 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ 7DJLKDQHUVLKHUGDVDUNDQ6LVD-DQJND:DNWX.RQWUDN Net Receivable Based on Contractual Maturity 1 tahun 1 year 1 -3 tahun 1 - 3 years 3-5 tahun 3 - 5 years 5 tahun 5 years Non Kontraktual Non Contractual Total 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 - - - 587.681 587.681 Claims on GovernmentSovereign - - - - - Claims on Public Sector Entities 76.389 53.678 154.875 16.983 301.926 Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - - - 12.877 12.877 Claims on Banks 2.784.557 1.734.250 496.530 1.028.979 6.044.316 Claims Secured by Residential Property 658.004 3.598.044 873.937 42.415 5.172.399 Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate 319 4.675 8.719 87.274 100.987 Claims on Pension Loans - 333 475 8.124 8.932 Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 5.883 103.449 317.482 3.355.260 3.782.075 Claims on Corporate 305.749 1.848.953 4.551.042 22.465.736 29.171.479 Claims on Past Due Exposures - Other Assets - Sharia Exposures if any 3.830.901 7.343.383 6.403.058 27.605.328 45.182.671 Total HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ 7DJLKDQHUVLKHUGDVDUNDQ6LVD-DQJND:DNWX.RQWUDN Net Receivable Based on Contractual Maturity 1 tahun 1 year 1 -3 tahun 1 - 3 years 3-5 tahun 3 - 5 years 5 tahun 5 years Non Kontraktual Non Contractual Total 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 - 134 - 587.681 - 587.815 Claims on GovernmentSovereign 13.466 197.032 62.613 - - 273.111 Claims on Public Sector Entities 76.389 53.678 154.875 16.983 - 301.926 Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 21.256 111.130 97.230 75.625 - 305.241 Claims on Banks 3.325.229 1.971.003 684.134 1.161.266 - 7.141.632 Claims Secured by Residential Property 873.020 3.946.375 1.395.698 1.022.826 - 7.237.918 Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate 319 4.675 8.719 87.274 - 100.987 Claims on Pension Loans - 333 475 8.124 - 8.932 Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 5.883 103.449 317.482 3.355.260 - 3.782.075 Claims on Corporate 305.749 1.848.953 4.551.042 22.465.736 - 29.171.479 Claims on Past Due Exposures - Other Assets - Sharia Exposures if any 4.621.311 8.236.763 7.272.266 28.780.774 48.911.115 Total G LVFORVXUH RI 1HW 5HFHLYDEOH E\ 5HPDLQLQJ 0DWXULW\ RI WKH RQWUDFW ² DQN RQVROLGDWHG Table 2.2.b Rp Million F LVFORVXUH RI 1HW 5HFHLYDEOH E\ 5HPDLQLQJ 0DWXULW\ RI WKH RQWUDFW ² DQN 2QO\ Table 2.2.a Rp Million 340 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO H 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK HUGDVDUNDQ 6HNWRU NRQRPL ² DQN VHFDUD ,QGLYLGXDO Tabel 2.3.a Rp Juta No Sektor Ekonomi 7DJLKDQ .HSDGD 3HPHULQWDK Claims on Government Sovereign 7DJLKDQ .HSDGDQWLWDV Sektor Publik Claims on Public Sector Entities 7DJLKDQ .HSDGDDQN Pembangunan Multilateral GDQHPEDJD Internasional Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 7DJLKDQ .HSDGDDQN Claims on Banks .UHGLWHUDJXQ 5XPDK7LQJJDO Claims Secured by Residential Property .UHGLWHUDJXQ 3URSHUWL Komersial Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Posisi Tanggal Laporan 1 Pertanian, perburuan dan Kehutanan - - - 60.803 - - 2 Perikanan 3 Pertambangan dan Penggalian - - - - - - 4 Industri pengolahan 792.280 - - 2.437 - - 5 Listrik, Gas dan Air - 10.837 - - - - 6 Konstruksi - - - 3.138 - - 7 Perdagangan besar dan eceran - - - 76.230 - - 8 Penyediaan akomodasi dan penyediaan makan minum 9 Transportasi, pergudangan dan komunikasi - - - - - - 10 Perantara keuangan - - - 2.927.781 - - 11 Real estate, usaha persewaan dan jasa perusahaan 12 Administrasi Pemerintahan, pertahanan dan jaminan sosial wajib 13 Jasa pendidikan 14 Jasa kesehatan dan kegiatan sosial - - - 49.004 - - 15 Jasa kemasyarakatan, sosial budaya, hiburan dan perorangan lainnya - - - 411.360 19.732 - 16 Jasa perorangan yang melayani rumah tangga 17 Badan internasional dan badan ekstra internasional lainnya 18 Kegiatan yang belum jelas batasannya 19 Bukan Lapangan Usaha 20 Lainnya 13.171.571 160.000 - - 4.378.964 - Total 13.963.851 170.837 - 3.530.753 4.398.696 - Posisi Tanggal Laporan Tahun Sebelumnya 1 Pertanian, perburuan dan Kehutanan - - - - - - 2 Perikanan - - - - - - 3 Pertambangan dan Penggalian - - - - - - 4 Industri pengolahan 587.681 - - - - - 5 Listrik, Gas dan Air - 12.877 - - - - 6 Konstruksi - - - 1.914 - - 7 Perdagangan besar dan eceran - - - 51.962 - - 8 Penyediaan akomodasi dan penyediaan makan minum - - - - - - 9 Transportasi, pergudangan dan komunikasi - - - - - - 10 Perantara keuangan - - - - - - 11 Real estate, usaha persewaan dan jasa perusahaan - - - 146.779 20.104 - 12 Administrasi Pemerintahan, pertahanan dan jaminan sosial wajib - - - - - - 13 Jasa pendidikan - - - 141 - - 14 Jasa kesehatan dan kegiatan sosial - - - - - - 15 Jasa kemasyarakatan, sosial budaya, hiburan dan perorangan lainnya - - - 27.282 - - 16 Jasa perorangan yang melayani rumah tangga - - - - - - 17 Badan internasional dan badan ekstra internasional lainnya - - - - - - 18 Kegiatan yang belum jelas batasannya - - - - 12 - 19 Bukan Lapangan Usaha - - - - - - 20 Lainnya 14.658.566 178.956 - 1.797.635 3.871.878 - Total 15.246.247 191.833 2.025.713 3.891.994 341 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data .UHGLW Pegawai Pensiunan Claims on Pension Loans 7DJLKDQ .HSDGD8VDKD 0LNUR8VDKD .HFLOGDQ Portofolio Ritel Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 7DJLKDQ .HSDGD .RUSRUDVL Claims on Corporates 7DJLKDQDQJ 7HODK-DWXK 7HPSR Claims on Past Due Exposures Aset Lainnya Other Assets NVSRVXUGL 8QLW8VDKD 6\DULDK DSDELODDGD Sharia Exposures if any FRQRPLF6HFWRU 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 Position Date of Report - 332.425 423.810 - - Agricultures, Hunting and Forestry Fisheries - 718 43.724 - - Mining and Quarrying - 313.172 355.482 - - Processing industry - 1.224 271.793 - - Electricity, Gas and Water - 11.778 2.452.415 - - Construction - 2.740.294 702.706 - - Big and Retail Trade Provision of Accommodation and Food Supply Drinking - 11.691 200.683 - - Transportation, Warehousing and Communications - - - - - Transitional Finance Real Estate, Rental Business, and Services Company Government Administration, the Defence and Compulsory Social Security Education Services - 92.250 34.185 - - Health and Social Services - 371.323 1.147.471 - - Community, Sociocultural, Entertainment and Other Individual Services Individual Services which Serve Households Extra Agency International Agency and Other International VTJOFTTDUJWJUJFTXIJDIBSFPUMFBSMZFmOFE Credit Recipients Non Industrial Origin 33.889.651 - 733.412 - 3.231.698 Others 33.889.651 3.874.875 6.365.681 - 3.231.698 - Total Position Date of Report Year Previous - 205.241 13.781 Agricultures, Hunting and Forestry - 44.981 7.291 Fisheries 622 5.050 92.712 Mining and Quarrying - 403.209 276.230 Processing industry - 1.663 287.145 Electricity, Gas and Water - 24.146 1.855.967 Construction - 3.692.789 809.263 Big and Retail Trade - 23.990 59.956 Provision of Accommodation and Food Supply Drinking - 15.783 232.826 Transportation, Warehousing and Communications - 1.055 - Transitional Finance - 451.619 1.873.822 Real Estate, Rental Business, and Services Company - - - Government Administration, the Defence and Compulsory Social Security - 23.596 44.648 Education Services - - - Health and Social Services - 119.543 18.350 Community, Sociocultural, Entertainment and Other Individual Services - - - Individual Services which Serve Households - - - Extra Agency International Agency and Other International - - - VTJOFTTDUJWJUJFTXIJDIBSFPUMFBSMZFmOFE - - - Credit Recipients Non Industrial Origin 29.170.857 159.734 1.380.587 - 3.102.144 - Others 29.171.479 5.172.399 6.952.578 3.102.144 Total H LVFORVXUHRI1HW5HFHLYDEOHE\FRQRPLF6HFWRU DQN2QO\7DEOHD Rp Million 342 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO I 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK HUGDVDUNDQ 6HNWRU NRQRPL ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ3HUXVDKDDQQDN7DEHOE Rp Juta No Sektor Ekonomi 7DJLKDQ .HSDGD 3HPHULQWDK Claims on Government Sovereign 7DJLKDQ .HSDGDQWLWDV Sektor Publik Claims on Public Sector Entities 7DJLKDQ .HSDGDDQN Pembangunan Multilateral GDQHPEDJD Internasional Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 7DJLKDQ .HSDGDDQN Claims on Banks .UHGLWHUDJXQ 5XPDK7LQJJDO Claims Secured by Residential Property .UHGLWHUDJXQ 3URSHUWL Komersial Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Posisi Tanggal Laporan 1 Pertanian, perburuan dan Kehutanan - - - 60.803 - - 2 Perikanan - - - - - - 3 Pertambangan dan Penggalian - - - - - - 4 Industri pengolahan 792.280 - - 2.437 - - 5 Listrik, Gas dan Air - 10.837 - - - - 6 Konstruksi - - - 3.138 - - 7 Perdagangan besar dan eceran - - - 76.230 - - 8 Penyediaan akomodasi dan penyediaan makan minum - - - - - - 9 Transportasi, pergudangan dan komunikasi - - - - - - 10 Perantara keuangan - - - 2.323.384 - - 11 Real estate, usaha persewaan dan jasa perusahaan - - - - - - 12 Administrasi Pemerintahan, pertahanan dan jaminan sosial wajib - - - - - - 13 Jasa pendidikan - - - - - - 14 Jasa kesehatan dan kegiatan sosial - - - 49.004 - - 15 Jasa kemasyarakatan, sosial budaya, hiburan dan perorangan lainnya - - - 411.360 19.732 - 16 Jasa perorangan yang melayani rumah tangga - - - - - - 17 Badan internasional dan badan ekstra internasional lainnya - - - - - - 18 Kegiatan yang belum jelas batasannya - - - - - - 19 Bukan Lapangan Usaha - - - - - - 20 Lainnya 13.379.861 160.000 - - 4.378.966 - Total 14.172.141 170.837 - 2.926.356 4.398.698 - Posisi Tanggal Laporan Tahun Sebelumnya 1 Pertanian, perburuan dan Kehutanan - 3.286 - 2 - - 2 Perikanan - - - - - - 3 Pertambangan dan Penggalian - 5.240 - - - - 4 Industri pengolahan 1 1.980 - - - - 5 Listrik, Gas dan Air - - - - - - 6 Konstruksi - 94 - - - - 7 Perdagangan besar dan eceran - - - - - - 8 Penyediaan akomodasi dan penyediaan makan minum - 218 - - - - 9 Transportasi, pergudangan dan komunikasi - - - 16 - - 10 Perantara keuangan - - - - - - 11 Real estate, usaha persewaan dan jasa perusahaan 133 232.686 - 273.095 - - 12 Administrasi Pemerintahan, pertahanan dan jaminan sosial wajib - - - - - - 13 Jasa pendidikan - 31.932 - - - - 14 Jasa kesehatan dan kegiatan sosial - 6.618 - - - - 15 Jasa kemasyarakatan, sosial budaya, hiburan dan perorangan lainnya - 10.100 - - - - 16 Jasa perorangan yang melayani rumah tangga - - - - - - 17 Badan internasional dan badan ekstra internasional lainnya - - - - - - 18 Kegiatan yang belum jelas batasannya - - - - - - 19 Bukan Lapangan Usaha - - - - - - 20 Lainnya 16.121.861 100.321 - 1.801.671 3.901.606 - Total 16.121.995 191.833 2.074.784 3.901.606 343 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data .UHGLW Pegawai Pensiunan Claims on Pension Loans 7DJLKDQ .HSDGD8VDKD 0LNUR8VDKD .HFLOGDQ Portofolio Ritel Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 7DJLKDQ .HSDGD .RUSRUDVL Claims on Corporates 7DJLKDQDQJ 7HODK-DWXK 7HPSR Claims on Past Due Exposures Aset Lainnya Other Assets NVSRVXUGL 8QLW8VDKD 6\DULDK DSDELODDGD Sharia Exposures if any FRQRPLF6HFWRU 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 Position Date of Report - 367.801 423.810 - - - Agricultures, Hunting and Forestry - - - - - - Fisheries - 25.696 43.724 - - - Mining and Quarrying - 425.752 355.482 - - - Processing industry - 56.390 271.793 - - - Electricity, Gas and Water - 340.594 2.457.269 - - - Construction - 3.071.501 702.706 - - - Big and Retail Trade - - - - - - Provision of Accommodation and Food Supply Drinking - 301.812 200.683 - - - Transportation, Warehousing and Communications - - - - - - Transitional Finance - - - - - - Real Estate, Rental Business, and Services Company - - - - - - Government Administration, the Defence and Compulsory Social Security - - - - - - Education Services - 343.965 34.185 - - - Health and Social Services - 1.209.529 1.147.471 - - - Community, Sociocultural, Entertainment and Other Individual Services - - - - - - Individual Services which Serve Households - - - - - - Extra Agency International Agency and Other International - - - - - - VTJOFTTDUJWJUJFTXIJDIBSFPUMFBSMZFmOFE - - - - - - Credit Recipients Non Industrial Origin 33.889.651 2.271.799 733.412 - 3.271.571 - Others 33.889.651 8.414.839 6.370.535 - 3.271.571 - Total Position Date of Report Year Previous - 15.669 3.457 - - - Agricultures, Hunting and Forestry - 3.995 - - - - Fisheries - 9.946 19.707 - - - Mining and Quarrying - 25.563 153.788 - - - Processing industry - 556 59.119 - - - Electricity, Gas and Water - 5.007 213.117 - - - Construction - 196.783 1 - - - Big and Retail Trade - 114.339 105.707 - - - Provision of Accommodation and Food Supply Drinking - 2.493 136.971 - - - Transportation, Warehousing and Communications - - - - - - Transitional Finance - 252.281 395.045 - - - Real Estate, Rental Business, and Services Company - - - - - - Government Administration, the Defence and Compulsory Social Security - 1.367 224 - - - Education Services - 9.735 51.820 - - - Health and Social Services - 5.104 2.303 - - - Community, Sociocultural, Entertainment and Other Individual Services - - - - - - Individual Services which Serve Households - - - - - - Extra Agency International Agency and Other International - - - - - - VTJOFTTDUJWJUJFTXIJDIBSFPUMFBSMZFmOFE - - - - - - Credit Recipients Non Industrial Origin 29.724.159 4.546.324 9.070.302 - 3.341.330 - Others 29.724.159 5.189.162 10.211.561 3.341.330 Total I LVFORVXUH RI 1HW 5HFHLYDEOH E\ FRQRPLF 6HFWRU DQN RQVROLGDWHG Table 2.3.b Rp Million 344 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO J 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ GDQ 3HQFDGDQJDQ HUGDVDUNDQ:LOD\DK²DQNVHFDUD,QGLYLGXDO Tabel 2.4.a Rp Juta No Keterangan HVHPEHUHFHPEHU :LOD\DK5HJLRQ :LOD\DK Region 1 :LOD\DK Region 2 :LOD\DK Region 3 :LOD\DK Region 4 Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Tagihan 35.969.158 11.088.140 14.513.875 7.854.874 69.426.047 2 Tagihan yang mengalami penurunan nilai impaired - a. Belum jatuh tempo 421.929 310.251 595.782 176.293 1.504.255 b. Telah jatuh tempo - 3 Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai CKPN - Individual 126.738 171.325 86.761 166.767 551.591 4 Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai CKPN - Kolektif 328.135 65.625 469.443 125.494 988.697 5 Tagihan yang dihapus buku 57.165 39.362 76.242 26.124 - K 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ GDQ 3HQFDGDQJDQ HUGDVDUNDQ :LOD\DK ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQ QDN 7DEHO 2.4.b Rp Juta No Keterangan HVHPEHUHFHPEHU :LOD\DK5HJLRQ :LOD\DK Region 1 :LOD\DK Region 2 :LOD\DK Region 3 :LOD\DK Region 4 Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Tagihan 40.157.739 11.088.140 14.513.875 7.854.874 73.614.628 2 Tagihan yang mengalami penurunan nilai impaired - - - - - a. Belum jatuh tempo 678.998 310.251 595.782 176.293 1.761.324 b. Telah jatuh tempo - - - - - 3 Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai CKPN - Individual 126.738 171.325 86.761 166.767 551.591 4 Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai CKPN - Kolektif 328.135 65.625 469.443 125.494 988.697 5 Tagihan yang dihapus buku 57.165 39.362 76.242 26.124 - 345 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVFULSWLRQ :LOD\DK5HJLRQ :LOD\DK Region 1 :LOD\DK Region 2 :LOD\DK Region 3 :LOD\DK Region 4 Total 8 9 10 11 12 2 14.916.215 10.020.308 13.308.486 6.864.598 45.109.607 Receivables - Impaired Receivables 365.878 269.294 379.390 262.498 1.277.060 a. Non Past Due - b. Past Due 92.561 195.842 98.008 102.803 489.214 Allowance for Impairment Losses - Individual 203.543 54.318 193.228 77.022 528.111 Allowance for Impairment Losses - Collective 83.811 29.567 138.634 18.940 270.952 Claims written off HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVFULSWLRQ :LOD\DK5HJLRQ :LOD\DK Region 1 :LOD\DK Region 2 :LOD\DK Region 3 :LOD\DK Region 4 Total 8 9 10 11 12 2 15.388.069 7.264.692 10.324.151 5.353.081 38.329.993 Receivables - - - - - Impaired Receivables 305.727 219.965 235.816 83.572 845.080 a. Non Past Due - - - - - b. Past Due 46.474 156.490 104.013 24.331 331.308 Allowance for Impairment Losses - Individual 171.939 40.315 90.252 46.979 349.485 Allowance for Impairment Losses - Collective 135.018 26.843 133.670 60.102 355.633 Claims written off J LVFORVXUH RI 5HFHLYDEOH DQG OORZDQFH E\ 5HJLRQDQN2QO\7DEOHD Rp Million K LVFORVXUH RI 5HFHLYDEOH DQG OORZDQFH E\ 5HJLRQDQNRQVROLGDWHG7DEOHE Rp Million 346 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO L 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ GDQ 3HQFDGDQJDQ HUGDVDUNDQ 6HNWRU NRQRPL ² DQN VHFDUD ,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOD Rp Juta No Sektor Ekonomi 7DJLKDQ Receivable 7DJLKDQ\DQJ0HQJDODPL Penurunan Nilai Impaired Receivables DGDQJDQ kerugian SHQXUXQDQ QLODL.31 ,QGLYLGXDO Allowance for Impairment Losses - Individual DGDQJDQ kerugian SHQXUXQDQ QLODL.31 Kolektif Allowance for Impairment Losses - Collective 7DJLKDQ yang GLKDSXV buku Claims Written off FRQRPLF6HFWRU HOXP-DWXK 7HPSR Non Past Due 7HODK-DWXK 7HPSR Past Due 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3RVLVL7DQJJDODSRUDQ 3RVLWLRQDWHRI5HSRUWHDU Previous 1 Pertanian, Perburuan dan Kehutanan 817.037 111.114 56.762 96.585 13.732 JULFXOWXUHV+XQWLQJDQGRUHVWU\ 2 Perikanan 1.598 LVKHULHV 3 Pertambangan dan Penggalian 44.443 1.025 5.635 1.004 2.539 0LQLQJDQG4XDUU\LQJ 4 Industri Pengolahan 1.463.370 93.733 64581 81931 45.734 3URFHVVLQJLQGXVWU\ 5 Listrik, Gas dan Air 283.855 230 171 244 4 OHFWULFLW\DVDQG:DWHU 6 Konstruksi 2.467.331 71.607 125.762 18.042 11.386 RQVWUXFWLRQ 7 Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran 3.519.230 773.646 75.754 637.340 122.101 LJDQG5HWDLO7UDGH 8 Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Penyediaan Makan Minum - 3URYLVLRQRIFFRPPRGDWLRQDQG RRG6XSSO\ULQNLQJ 9 Transportasi, Pergudangan dan Komunikasi 212.375 136.752 9.755 3.202 89 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ:DUHKRXVLQJDQG RPPXQLFDWLRQV 10 Perantara Keuangan 2.927.781 4.298 4.298 - - 7UDQVLWLRQDOLQDQFH 11 Real Estate, Usaha Persewaan dan Jasa Perusahaan - 5HDOVWDWH5HQWDOXVLQHVVDQG 6HUYLFHVRPSDQ\ 12 Administrasi Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Jaminan Sosial Wajib - RYHUQPHQWGPLQLVWUDWLRQWKH HIHQFHDQGRPSXOVRU\6RFLDO Security 13 Jasa Pendidikan - GXFDWLRQ6HUYLFHV 14 Jasa Kesehatan dan Kegiatan Sosial 175.440 19.089 7693 14305 - +HDOWKDQG6RFLDO6HUYLFHV 15 Jasa Kemasyarakatan, Sosial Budaya, Hiburan dan Perorangan Lainnya 1.949.887 108.774 148976 36783 - RPPXQLW\6RFLRFXOWXUDO QWHUWDLQPHQWDQG2WKHU,QGLYLGXDO 6HUYLFHV 16 Jasa Perorangan yang Melayani Rumah Tangga - ,QGLYLGXDO6HUYLFHVZKLFK6HUYH +RXVHKROGV 17 Badan Internasional dan Badan Ekstra Internasional Lainnya - [WUDJHQF\,QWHUQDWLRQDOJHQF\ DQG2WKHU,QWHUQDWLRQDO 18 Kegiatan yang Belum Jelas Batasannya - XVLQHVVFWLYLWLHVZKLFKDUH1RW OHDUO\HÀQHG 19 Bukan Lapangan Usaha - UHGLW5HFLSLHQWV1RQ,QGXVWULDO2ULJLQ 20 Lainnya 55.565.296 183.987 68281 131167 1.711 2WKHUV Total 69.426.045 1.504.255 - 567.668 1.020.603 198.894 Total 3RVLVL7DQJJDODSRUDQ7DKXQ Sebelumnya 3RVLWLRQDWHRI5HSRUWHDU Previous 1 Pertanian, Perburuan dan Kehutanan 216.826 44.040 - 11.250 26.470 13.732 Agricultures, Hunting and Forestry 2 Perikanan 50.955 6.732 - - 4.831 1.598 Fisheries 3 Pertambangan dan Penggalian 100.328 9.493 - 3.753 3.069 2.539 Mining and Quarrying 4 Industri Pengolahan 1.292.551 124.656 - 66.321 42.340 45.734 Processing industry 5 Listrik, Gas dan Air 301.569 137 - 240 668 4 Electricity, Gas and Water 6 Konstruksi 1.933.505 104.818 - 81.536 21.616 11.386 Construction 7 Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran 4.518.638 562.488 - 103.722 316.918 183.234 Big and Retail Trade 8 Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Penyediaan Makan Minum 82.260 60.370 - 20 9.071 - Provision of Accommodation and Food Supply Drinking 9 Transportasi, Pergudangan dan Komunikasi 247.898 16.899 - 4.558 3.698 89 Transportation, Warehousing and Communications 10 Perantara Keuangan 1.027 100 - - 72 - Transitional Finance 11 Real Estate, Usaha Persewaan dan Jasa Perusahaan 2.571.744 160.714 - 113.710 44.655 92.081 Real Estate, Rental Business, and Services Company 12 Administrasi Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Jaminan Sosial Wajib - - - - - - Government Administration, the Defence and Compulsory Social Security 13 Jasa Pendidikan 68.193 4.211 - 1.152 2.916 - Education Services 14 Jasa Kesehatan dan Kegiatan Sosial - - - - 689 - Health and Social Services L LVFORVXUH RI 5HFHLYDEOHV DQG OORZDQFHV E\ FRQRPLF6HFWRUDQN2QO\7DEOHD Rp Million 347 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data No Sektor Ekonomi 7DJLKDQ Receivable 7DJLKDQ\DQJ0HQJDODPL Penurunan Nilai Impaired Receivables DGDQJDQ kerugian SHQXUXQDQ QLODL.31 ,QGLYLGXDO Allowance for Impairment Losses - Individual DGDQJDQ kerugian SHQXUXQDQ QLODL.31 Kolektif Allowance for Impairment Losses - Collective 7DJLKDQ yang GLKDSXV buku Claims Written off FRQRPLF6HFWRU HOXP-DWXK 7HPSR Non Past Due 7HODK-DWXK 7HPSR Past Due 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 15 Jasa Kemasyarakatan, Sosial Budaya, Hiburan dan Perorangan Lainnya 168.832 13.414 - 6.971 5.171 10.661 Community, Sociocultural, Entertainment and Other Individual Services 16 Jasa Perorangan yang Melayani Rumah Tangga - - - - - - Individual Services which Serve Households 17 Badan Internasional dan Badan Ekstra Internasional Lainnya - - - - - - Extra Agency International Agency and Other International 18 Kegiatan yang Belum Jelas Batasannya 12 - - - - - Business Activities which are Not MFBSMZFmOFE 19 Bukan Lapangan Usaha - - - - - - Credit Recipients Non Industrial Origin 20 Lainnya - 235.985 - 96.102 110.215 1.711 Others Total 11.554.338 1.344.057 489.335 592.399 362.769 Total M 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ GDQ 3HQFDGDQJDQ HUGDVDUNDQ 6HNWRU NRQRPL ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQ QDN Tabel 2.5.b Rp Juta No Sektor Ekonomi 7DJLKDQ Receivable 7DJLKDQ\DQJ0HQJDODPL Penurunan Nilai Impaired Receivables DGDQJDQ kerugian SHQXUXQDQ QLODL.31 ,QGLYLGXDO OORZDQFHIRU ,PSDLUPHQW RVVHV ,QGLYLGXDO DGDQJDQ kerugian SHQXUXQDQ QLODL.31 Kolektif Allowance for Impairment Losses - Collective 7DJLKDQ yang GLKDSXV buku Claims Written off FRQRPLF6HFWRU HOXP-DWXK 7HPSR Non Past Due 7HODK-DWXK 7HPSR Past Due 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3RVLVL7DQJJDODSRUDQ 3RVLWLRQDWH RI5HSRUWHDU3UHYLRXV 1 Pertanian, Perburuan dan Kehutanan 852.414 111.114 56.762 96.585 13.732 JULFXOWXUHV+XQWLQJDQGRUHVWU\ 2 Perikanan - 1.598 LVKHULHV 3 Pertambangan dan Penggalian 69.420 1.025 5.635 1.004 2.539 0LQLQJDQG4XDUU\LQJ 4 Industri Pengolahan 1.575.951 93.733 64.581 81.931 45.734 3URFHVVLQJLQGXVWU\ 5 Listrik, Gas dan Air 339.020 230 171 244 4 OHFWULFLW\DVDQG:DWHU 6 Konstruksi 2.801.001 71.607 125.762 18.042 11.386 RQVWUXFWLRQ 7 Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran 3.850.437 773.646 75.754 637.340 122.101 LJDQG5HWDLO7UDGH 8 Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Penyediaan Makan Minum - - 3URYLVLRQRIFFRPPRGDWLRQDQG RRG6XSSO\ULQNLQJ 9 Transportasi, Pergudangan dan Komunikasi 502.495 136.752 9.755 3.202 89 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ:DUHKRXVLQJDQG RPPXQLFDWLRQV 10 Perantara Keuangan 2.323.384 4.298 4.298 - - 7UDQVLWLRQDOLQDQFH 11 Real Estate, Usaha Persewaan dan Jasa Perusahaan - - 5HDOVWDWH5HQWDOXVLQHVVDQG 6HUYLFHVRPSDQ\ 12 Administrasi Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Jaminan Sosial Wajib - - RYHUQPHQWGPLQLVWUDWLRQWKH HIHQFHDQGRPSXOVRU\6RFLDO Security 13 Jasa Pendidikan - - GXFDWLRQ6HUYLFHV 14 Jasa Kesehatan dan Kegiatan Sosial 427.154 19.089 7.693 14.305 - +HDOWKDQG6RFLDO6HUYLFHV 15 Jasa Kemasyarakatan, Sosial Budaya, Hiburan dan Perorangan Lainnya 2.788.092 108.774 148.976 36.783 - RPPXQLW\6RFLRFXOWXUDO QWHUWDLQPHQWDQG2WKHU,QGLYLGXDO 6HUYLFHV 16 Jasa Perorangan yang Melayani Rumah Tangga - - ,QGLYLGXDO6HUYLFHVZKLFK6HUYH +RXVHKROGV 17 Badan Internasional dan Badan Ekstra Internasional Lainnya - - [WUDJHQF\,QWHUQDWLRQDOJHQF\ DQG2WKHU,QWHUQDWLRQDO M LVFORVXUH RI 5HFHLYDEOHV DQG OORZDQFHV E\ FRQRPLF6HFWRUDQNRQVROLGDWHG7DEOHE Rp Million L LVFORVXUH RI 5HFHLYDEOHV DQG OORZDQFHV E\ FRQRPLF6HFWRUDQN2QO\7DEOHD Rp Million L 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ GDQ 3HQFDGDQJDQ HUGDVDUNDQ 6HNWRU NRQRPL ² DQN VHFDUD ,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOD Rp Juta 348 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO No Sektor Ekonomi 7DJLKDQ Receivable 7DJLKDQ\DQJ0HQJDODPL Penurunan Nilai Impaired Receivables DGDQJDQ kerugian SHQXUXQDQ QLODL.31 ,QGLYLGXDO OORZDQFHIRU ,PSDLUPHQW RVVHV ,QGLYLGXDO DGDQJDQ kerugian SHQXUXQDQ QLODL.31 Kolektif Allowance for Impairment Losses - Collective 7DJLKDQ yang GLKDSXV buku Claims Written off FRQRPLF6HFWRU HOXP-DWXK 7HPSR Non Past Due 7HODK-DWXK 7HPSR Past Due 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 18 Kegiatan yang Belum Jelas Batasannya - - XVLQHVVFWLYLWLHVZKLFKDUH1RW OHDUO\HÀQHG 19 Bukan Lapangan Usaha - - UHGLW5HFLSLHQWV1RQ,QGXVWULDO2ULJLQ 20 Lainnya 58.085.260 441.056 68.281 131.167 1.711 2WKHUV Total 73.614.628 1.761.324 567.668 1.020.603 198.894 Total 3RVLVL7DQJJDODSRUDQ7DKXQ Sebelumnya 3RVLWLRQDWHRI 5HSRUWHDU3UHYLRXV 1 Pertanian, Perburuan dan Kehutanan 239.762 44.040 - 11.250 26.470 13.732 Agricultures, Hunting and Forestry 2 Perikanan 55.058 6.732 - - 4.831 1.598 Fisheries 3 Pertambangan dan Penggalian 136.627 9.493 - 3.753 3.069 2.539 Mining and Quarrying 4 Industri Pengolahan 1.475.860 124.656 - 66.321 42.340 45.734 Processing industry 5 Listrik, Gas dan Air 361.857 137 - 240 668 4 Electricity, Gas and Water 6 Konstruksi 2.161.072 104.818 - 81.536 21.616 11.386 Construction 7 Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran 4.717.611 562.488 - 103.722 316.918 183.234 Big and Retail Trade 8 Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Penyediaan Makan Minum 309.972 60.370 - 20 9.071 - Provision of Accommodation and Food Supply Drinking 9 Transportasi, Pergudangan dan Komunikasi 388.709 16.899 - 4.558 3.698 89 Transportation, Warehousing and Communications 10 Perantara Keuangan 1.027 100 - - 72 - Transitional Finance 11 Real Estate, Usaha Persewaan dan Jasa Perusahaan 3.747.970 160.714 - 113.710 44.655 92.081 Real Estate, Rental Business, and Services Company 12 Administrasi Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Jaminan Sosial Wajib - - - - - - Government Administration, the Defence and Compulsory Social Security 13 Jasa Pendidikan 102.064 4.211 - 1.152 2.916 - Education Services 14 Jasa Kesehatan dan Kegiatan Sosial 68.862 - - - 689 - Health and Social Services 15 Jasa Kemasyarakatan, Sosial Budaya, Hiburan dan Perorangan Lainnya 186.961 13.414 - 6.971 5.171 10.661 Community, Sociocultural, Entertainment and Other Individual Services 16 Jasa Perorangan yang Melayani Rumah Tangga - - - - - - Individual Services which Serve Households 17 Badan Internasional Dan Badan Ekstra Internasional Lainnya - - - - - - Extra Agency International Agency and Other International 18 Kegiatan yang Belum Jelas Batasannya 12 - - - - - Business Activities which are Not MFBSMZFmOFE 19 Bukan Lapangan Usaha - - - - - - Credit Recipients Non Industrial Origin 20 Lainnya 56.803.006 235.985 - 96.102 110.215 1.711 Others Total 70.756.430 1.344.057 489.335 592.399 362.769 Total M LVFORVXUH RI 5HFHLYDEOHV DQG OORZDQFHV DVHG RQ FRQRPLF 6HFWRU DQN RQVROLGDWHG ZLWK6XEVLGLDU\7DEOHE Rp Million M 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ GDQ 3HQFDGDQJDQ HUGDVDUNDQ 6HNWRU NRQRPL ² DQN 6HFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQ QDN 7DEHO 2.5.b Rp Juta 349 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data N 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 5LQFLDQ 0XWDVL DGDQJDQ .HUXJLDQ 3HQXUXQDQ 1LODL ² DQN VHFDUD ,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOD Rp Juta No .HWHUDQJDQHVFULSWLRQ HVHPEHU HFHPEHU HVHPEHU HFHPEHU .31 ,QGLYLGXDO Allowance for Impairment Losses - Individual .31.ROHNWLI Allowance for Impairment Losses - Collective .31 ,QGLYLGXDO Allowance for Impairment Losses - Individual .31.ROHNWLI Allowance for Impairment Losses - Collective 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Saldo awal CKPN Beginning Balance - Allowance for Impairment Losses 489.214 528.111 331.308 271.641 2 Pembentukan pemulihan CKPN pada periode berjalan Net Allowancereversal for impairment losses during the year Net 2.a Pembentukan CKPN pada periode berjalan Additional allowance for Impairment Losses during the year 531.389 78.286 157.906 386.668 2.b Pemulihan CKPN pada periode berjalan Reversal for impairment losses during the year - - 3 CKPN yang digunakan untuk melakukan hapus buku atas tagihan pada peride berjalan Allowance for impairment losses used to claims written off during the year 43.028 130.198 4 Pembentukan pemulihan lainnya pada periode berjalan Other allowance reversal during the year 6DOGRNKLU.31 QGLQJDODQFH.31 1.020.603 563.369 489.214 528.111 O 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 5LQFLDQ 0XWDVL DGDQJDQ .HUXJLDQ 3HQXUXQDQ 1LODL ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQ QDN 7DEHO 2.6.b Rp Juta No .HWHUDQJDQHVFULSWLRQ HVHPEHU HFHPEHU HVHPEHU HFHPEHU .31 ,QGLYLGXDO Allowance for Impairment Losses - Individual .31.ROHNWLI Allowance for Impairment Losses - Collective .31 ,QGLYLGXDO Allowance for Impairment Losses - Individual .31.ROHNWLI Allowance for Impairment Losses - Collective 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Saldo awal CKPN Beginning Balance - Allowance for Impairment Losses 489.214 530.306 331.308 274.359 2 Pembentukan pemulihan CKPN pada periode berjalan Net Allowancereversal for impairment losses during the year Net 2.a Pembentukan CKPN pada periode berjalan Additional allowance for Impairment Losses during the year 531.389 191.114 157.906 386.145 2.b Pemulihan CKPN pada periode berjalan Reversal for impairment losses during the year 3 CKPN yang digunakan untuk melakukan hapus buku atas tagihan pada peride berjalan Allowance for impairment losses used to claims written off during the year 58.904 130.198 4 Pembentukan pemulihan lainnya pada periode berjalan Other allowance reversal during the year - - 6DOGRNKLU.31 QGLQJDODQFH.31 1.020.603 662.516 489.214 530.306 N LVFORVXUHRIHWDLOVRQ0RYHPHQWVRI,PSDLUPHQW 3URYLVLRQRQLQDQFLDOVVHWV.31DQN2QO\ Table 2.6.a Rp Million O LVFORVXUHRIHWDLOVRQ0RYHPHQWVRI,PSDLUPHQW 3URYLVLRQ RQ LQDQFLDO VVHWV .31 DQN RQVROLGDWHG7DEOHE Rp Million 350 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO MANAJEMEN RISIKO P 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK HUGDVDUNDQ .DWHJRUL3RUWRIROLRGDQ6NDOD3HULQJNDW²DQN 6HFDUD,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOD Rp Juta HVHPEHUHFHPEHU Kategori Portofolio 7DJLKDQHUVLK1HW5HFHLYDEOH Lembaga Peringkat Rating Institutions Peringkat Jangka Panjang Long-term Rank 6WDQGDUGDQG3RRU·V AAA VG VG VG LWFK5DWLQJ AAA VG VG VG 0RRG\·V Aaa DVGD VG DDVGDD 37LWFK LGQ LGQVG LGQ LGQVG LGQ LGQVG LGQ 37L5 LGU LGUVG LGU LGUVGLGU LGUVG LGU PT Pemeringkat LG LGVGLG LGVGLG LGVGLG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 25.000 70.000 65.000 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 322.138 516.376 955.784 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo 11 Aset Lainnya 12 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada Total 347.138 586.376 1.020.784 Q 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK HUGDVDUNDQ .DWHJRUL3RUWRIROLRGDQ6NDOD3HULQJNDW²DQN VHFDUD.RQVROLGDVLGHQJDQ3HUXVDKDDQQDN Tabel 3.1.b Rp Juta HVHPEHUHFHPEHU Kategori Portofolio 7DJLKDQHUVLK Net Receivable Lembaga Peringkat Rating Institutions Peringkat Jangka Panjang Long-term Rank 6WDQGDUGDQG3RRU·V AAA VG VG VG LWFK5DWLQJ AAA VG VG VG 0RRG\·V Aaa DVGD VG DDVGDD 37LWFK LGQ LGQVG LGQ LGQVG LGQ LGQVG LGQ 37L5 LGU LGUVG LGU LGUVGLGU LGUVG LGU PT Pemeringkat LG LGVGLG LGVGLG LGVGLG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 143.276 35.680 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 1.067.205 169.364 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi - - - 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo 11 Aset Lainnya 12 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada Total 1.210.481 205.044 351 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data RISK MANAGEMENT HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQHUVLK1HW5HFHLYDEOH 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ Peringkat Jangka Panjang Long-term Rank 3HULQJNDW-DQJND3HQGHN Short-term Rank 7DQSD3HULQJNDW without rating Total VG VG NXUDQJGDUL less than B- NXUDQJGDUL less than VG VG NXUDQJGDUL less than VG NXUDQJGDUL less than DVGD VG NXUDQJGDUL less than B3 3 3 3 NXUDQJGDUL less than 3 LGQVG LGQ LGQVG LGQ NXUDQJGDUL less than LGQ LGQVG LGQ LGQ LGQ NXUDQJGDUL less than LGQ LGUVG LGU LGUVG LGU NXUDQJGDUL less than ,GU ,GUVG ,GU ,GUVV ,GU ,GUVG ,GU NXUDQJGDUL less than ,GU LGVG LG LGVG LG NXUDQJGDUL less than LG LG LG LGVGLG .XUDQJGDUL less than A4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 13,963,851 13,963,851 Claims on GovernmentSovereign 10.837 170.837 Claims on Public Sector Entities - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 1.736.455 3.530.753 Claims on Banks 4.398.697 4.398.697 Claims Secured by Residential Property - Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate 33.889.651 33.889.651 Claims on Pension Loans 3.874.876 3.874.876 Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 6.365.681 6.365.681 Claims on Corporate - Claims on Past Due Exposures 3.231.698 3.231.698 Other Assets - Sharia Exposures if any - 67.471.746 69.426.044 Total HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQHUVLK1HW5HFHLYDEOH 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ Peringkat Jangka Panjang Long-term Rank 3HULQJNDW-DQJND3HQGHN Short-term Rank 7DQSD3HULQJNDW without rating Total VG VG NXUDQJGDUL less than B- NXUDQJGDUL less than VG VG NXUDQJGDUL less than VG NXUDQJGDUL less than DVGD VG NXUDQJGDUL less than B3 3 3 3 NXUDQJGDUL less than 3 LGQVG LGQ LGQVG LGQ NXUDQJGDUL less than LGQ LGQVG LGQ LGQ LGQ NXUDQJGDUL less than LGQ LGUVG LGU LGUVG LGU NXUDQJGDUL less than ,GU ,GUVG ,GU ,GUVV ,GU ,GUVG ,GU NXUDQJGDUL less than ,GU LGVG LG LGVG LG NXUDQJGDUL less than LG LG LG LGVGLG .XUDQJGDUL less than A4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 14.814.898 14.814.898 Claims on GovernmentSovereign - - 12.877 191.833 Claims on Public Sector Entities - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - - - - - - 789.144 2.025.713 Claims on Banks 3.891.994 3.891.994 Claims Secured by Residential Property - - Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate 29.171.479 29.171.479 Claims on Pension Loans 5.172.399 5.172.399 Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - 6.728.326 6.728.326 Claims on Corporate - - Claims on Past Due Exposures 3.102.144 3.102.144 Other Assets - Sharia Exposures if any 63.683.261 65.098.786 Total P LVFORVXUH 1HW 5HFHLYDEOH E\ 3RUWIROLR DWHJRU\ DQG5DWLQJ6FDOHDQN2QO\7DEOHD Rp Million Q LVFORVXUH 1HW 5HFHLYDEOH E\ 3RUWIROLR DWHJRU\ DQG5DWLQJ6FDOHDQNRQVROLGDWHG7DEOHE Rp Million 352 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO MANAJEMEN RISIKO R 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3LKDN DZDQ 7UDQVDNVL 5HYHUVH 5HSR ² DQN VHFDUD ,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOF Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable Nilai MRK MRK Value 7DJLKDQ HUVLK 6HWHODK MRK Net Claims after MRK ATMR VHWHODK after MRK 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah - - - - 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik - - - - 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional - - - - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank - - - - 5 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro dan Portofoio Ritel - - - - 6 Tagihan Kepada Korporasi - - - - 7 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada - - - - Total S 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3LKDN DZDQ 7UDQVDNVL 5HYHUVH 5HSR ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQ QDN 7DEHO F Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable Nilai MRK MRK Value 7DJLKDQ HUVLK 6HWHODK MRK Net Claims after MRK ATMR VHWHODK after MRK 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah - - - - 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik - - - - 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional - - - - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank - - - - 5 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro dan Portofoio Ritel - - - - 6 Taguhan Kepada Korporasi - - - - 7 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada - - - - Total 353 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data RISK MANAGEMENT HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 3RUWRIROLRDWHJRU\ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable Nilai MRK MRK Value 7DJLKDQ HUVLK 6HWHODK MRK Net Receivable after MRK ATMR VHWHODK after MRK 7 8 9 10 2 - - - - Claims on GovernmentSovereign - Claims on Public Sector Entities - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 568.460 2.842 568 Claims on Banks - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - Claims on Corporates - Sharia Exposures if any - 568.460 2.842 568 Total HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 3RUWRIROLRDWHJRU\ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable Nilai MRK MRK Value 7DJLKDQ HUVLK 6HWHODK MRK Net Receivable after MRK ATMR VHWHODK after MRK 7 8 9 10 2 - Claims on GovernmentSovereign - - - - Claims on Public Sector Entities - - - - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 568.460 2.842 568 Claims on Banks - - - - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - - - - Claims on Corporates - - - - Sharia Exposures if any - - - - 568.460 2.842 568 Total R LVFORVXUH RI RXQWHUSDUW\ UHGLW 5LVN 5HYHUVH 5HSR 7UDQVDFWLRQV ² DQN 2QO\ 7DEOH F Rp Million S LVFORVXUH RI RXQWHUSDUW\ UHGLW 5LVN 5HYHUVH 5HSR 7UDQVDFWLRQV ² DQN RQVROLGDWHG 7DEOH F Rp Million 354 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO T 3HQJXQJNDSDQ7DJLKDQHUVLKHUGDVDUNDQRERW 5LVLNRVHWHODK0HPSHUKLWXQJNDQDPSDN0LWLJDVL 5LVLNR.UHGLW²DQNVHFDUD,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOD Rp Juta No. Kategori Portofolio HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQHUVLK6HWHODK0HPSHUKLWXQJNDQDPSDN0LWLJDVL5LVLNR.UHGLW Net Receivable Risk Weighted after Credit Risk Mitigation Effect Lainnya Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A Eksposur Neraca 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 13.419.933 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 95.819 76.854 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 2.109.121 792.004 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal 121.812 9.252 4.193.819 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan 33.964.317 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 3.898.204 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 6.303.368 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo 11 Aset Lainnya 2.727.805 505.217 12 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada Total Eksposur Neraca B Eksposur Kewajiban KomitmenKontinjensi pada Transaksi Rekening Administratif 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 220.189 930.578 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 71 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 105.598 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal 82 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan 1 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 152.296 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 1.258.760 75.356 296.146 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo 11 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada Total Eksposur Rekening Administratif - - - - - - - C Eksposur akibat Kegagalan Pihak Lawan 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank - 571.302 5 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 6 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 7 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada 7RWDONVSRVXURXQWHUSDUW\UHGLW5LVN 571.302 355 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data ATMR RWA Beban 0RGDO Capital Expenses HVHPEHUHFHPEHU ATMR RWA Beban 0RGDO Capital Expenses 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ 7DJLKDQHUVLK6HWHODK0HPSHUKLWXQJNDQDPSDN0LWLJDVL5LVLNR.UHGLW Net Receivable Risk Weighted after Credit Risk Mitigation Effect Lainnya Others 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 Balance Sheet Exposure - 14.814.898 - - - - - - - - - - Claims on Government Sovereign 57.591 4.607 - - 191.833 - 52.934 4.235 Claims on Public Sector Entities - - - - - - - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 714.563 57.165 - 191.329 - 1.834.384 502.547 40.204 Claims on Banks 1.933.554 154.684 - - - 3.891.994 1.740.852 139.268 Claims Secured by Residential Property - - - Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate 16.982.159 1.358.573 - - - 29.171.479 14.585.740 1.166.859 Claims on Pension Loans 1.899.173 151.934 - 2.364.150 - 2.808.249 2.579.017 206.321 Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 4.805.121 384.410 9.027 2.511.887 - 4.207.412 4.709.789 376.783 Claims on Corporates - - Claims on Past Due Exposures 505.217 40.417 3.102.144 537.702 43.016 Other Assets - - Sharia Exposures if any 26.897.377 2.151.790 14.823.925 5.067.366 - - - - - 45.207.495 - - 24.708.581 1.976.686 Total Balance Sheet Exposures - Commitment and Contingencies Liabilities Exposures on Administrative Account - - - - 431.349 - - Claims on Public Sector Entities - - - Claims on Public Sector Entities - - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - - Claims Secured by Residential Property - - Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate - - Claims on Pension Loans - - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 163.144 2.039 224.252 - 224.252 17.940 Claims on Corporates - - Claims on Past Due Exposures - - Sharia Exposures if any 163.144 2.039 - - - - - - - 655.601 - - 224.252 17.940 Total Exposures on Administrative Account - - Counter party Credit Risk - - Claims on Public Sector Entities - - Claims on Public Sector Entities - - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 568 45 Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - - Claims on Corporates - - Sharia Exposures if any 568 45 7RWDO[SRVXUHVRXQWHUSDUW\UHGLW5LVN T LVFORVXUH RI 1HW 5HFHLYDEOH E\ 5LVN :HLJKWHG IWHU UHGLW 5LVN 0LWLJDWLRQ IIHFW ² DQN 2QO\ Table 4.1.a Rp Million 356 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO U 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK HUGDVDUNDQ RERW 5LVLNR 6HWHODK 0HPSHUKLWXQJNDQ DPSDN0LWLJDVL5LVLNR.UHGLW²DQNVHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQ QDN 7DEHO 4.1.b Rp Juta No. Kategori Portofolio HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQHUVLK6HWHODK0HPSHUKLWXQJNDQDPSDN0LWLJDVL5LVLNR.UHGLW Net Receivable Risk Weighted after Credit Risk Mitigation Effect Lainnya Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A Eksposur Neraca 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 14.621.677 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 95.819 76.854 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 3.116.637 121.452 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal 227.099 9.252 4.193.819 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan 34.905.183 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 4.079.415 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 9.903.313 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo 11 Aset Lainnya 2.767.677 691.146 12 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada Total Eksposur Neraca B Eksposur Kewajiban KomitmenKontinjensi pada Transaksi Rekening Administratif 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 220.189 930.578 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 71 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 105.598 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal 82 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan 1 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 152.296 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 1.258.760 75.356 424.540 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo 11 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada Total Eksposur TRA C Eksposur akibat Kegagalan Pihak Lawan 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 571.302,3 5 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 6 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 7 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada 7RWDONVSRVXURXQWHUSDUW\UHGLW5LVN 357 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data ATMR RWA Beban 0RGDO Capital Expenses HVHPEHUHFHPEHU ATMR RWA Beban 0RGDO Capital Expenses 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ 7DJLKDQHUVLK6HWHODK0HPSHUKLWXQJNDQDPSDN0LWLJDVL5LVLNR.UHGLW Net Receivable Risk Weighted after Credit Risk Mitigation Effect Lainnya Others 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 Balance Sheet Exposure - 15.690.646 - - Claims on Government Sovereign 57.591 4.607 191.833 52.934 4.235 Claims on Public Sector Entities - - - - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 781.956 62.556 240.400 1.834.384 512.361 40.989 Claims on Banks 1.970.404 157.632 3.901.606 1.744.216 139.537 Claims Secured by Residential Property - - - - Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate 17.452.592 1.396.207 - - - 29.724.159 14.940.302 1.195.224 Claims on Pension Loans 2.035.082 162.807 - 2.364.150 - 2.825.012 2.593.266 207.461 Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 8.405.066 672.405 9.027 2.511.887 - 7.409.712 7.912.089 632.967 Claims on Corporates - - - - Claims on Past Due Exposures 691.146 55.292 3.341.330 746.069 59.686 Other Assets - - - - Sharia Exposures if any 31.393.835 2.511.507 15.699.673 5.116.437 - - - - - 49.228.036 - - 28.501.237 Total Balance Sheet Exposures - Commitment and Contingencies Liabilities Exposures on Administrative Account - 431.349 - - Claims on Public Sector Entities - - - Claims on Public Sector Entities - - - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - - - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - - - Claims Secured by Residential Property - - - Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate - - - Claims on Pension Loans - - - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 227.341 18.187 280.935 280.935 22.475 Claims on Corporates - - - Claims on Past Due Exposures - - - Sharia Exposures if any 227.341 18.187 - - - - - - - 712.284 - - 280.935 22.475 Total Exposures on Administrative Account - Counterparty Credit Risk - - Claims on Public Sector Entities - - Claims on Public Sector Entities - - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 568,46 45 - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - - Claims on Corporates - - Sharia Exposures if any 568 45 7RWDO[SRVXUHVRXQWHUSDUW\UHGLW5LVN r. LVFORVXUH RI 1HW 5HFHLYDEOH E\ 5LVN :HLJKWHG IWHU UHGLW 5LVN 0LWLJDWLRQ IIHFW ² DQN RQVROLGDWHG Table 4.1.b Rp Million 358 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO V 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK GDQ 7HNQLN 0LWLJDVL5LVLNR.UHGLW²DQNVHFDUD,QGLYLGXDO Tabel 4.2.a Rp Juta No. Kategori Portofolio HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable DJLDQ\DQJLMDPLQGHQJDQ Portion Secured by DJLDQ\DQJ7LGDN LMDPLQ Unsecured Portion Agunan Collateral Garansi Guarantee Asuransi NUHGLW Credit Insurance Lainnya Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A Eksposur Neraca 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 13.419.933 13.419.933 - 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 172.673 - 172.673 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 2.901.125 344.212 2.556.913 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal 4.324.883 4.324.883 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial - 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan 33.964.317 33.964.317 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 3.898.204 - 1.862.689 2.035.515 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 6.303.368 1.872.809 4.430.559 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo - 11 Aset Lainnya 3.233.022 3.233.022 12 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada - Total Eksposur Neraca 68.217.525 - - 4.079.710 13.419.933 50.717.882 B Eksposur Rekening Administratif - 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 465.289 465.289 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik - 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank - 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal - 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial - 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan - 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel - 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 163.144 163.144 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo - 11 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada - Total Eksposur Rekening Administratif 628.433 - - - - 628.433 C Eksposur akibat Kegagalan Pihak Lawan - 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah - 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik - 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 571.302 571.302 5 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel - 6 Tagihan kepada Korporasi - 7 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada - Total Eksposure Counterparty Credit Risk 571.302 - - - - 571.302 - 7RWDO 69.417.260 4.079.710 13.419.933 51.917.617 W 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK GDQ 7HNQLN 359 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable DJLDQ\DQJLMDPLQGHQJDQ Portion Secured by DJLDQ\DQJ7LGDNLMDPLQ Unsecured Portion Agunan Collateral Garansi Guarantee Asuransi NUHGLW Credit Insurance Lainnya Others 9 10 11 12 13 2 Balance Sheet Exposure 14.814.898 14.814.898 - Claims on Government Sovereign 191.833 191.833 Claims on Public Sector Entities - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 2.025.713 191.329 1.834.384 Claims on Banks 3.891.994 3.891.994 Claims Secured by Residential Property - - Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate 29.171.479 29.171.479 Claims on Pension Loans 5.172.399 2.364.150 2.808.249 Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 6.728.326 9.027 2.511.887 4.207.412 Claims on Corporates - Claims on Past Due Exposures 3.102.144 3.102.144 Other Assets - Sharia Exposures if any 65.098.786 9.027 - 5.067.366 14.814.898 45.207.495 Total Balance Sheet Exposures Exposure Administrative Account 431.349 431.349 - Claims on Public Sector Entities - - Claims on Public Sector Entities - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - Claims Secured by Residential Property - Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate - Claims on Pension Loans - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 224.252 224.252 Claims on Corporates - Claims on Past Due Exposures - Sharia Exposures if any 655.601 - - - 431.349 224.252 Total Exposures on Administrative Account - Counterparty Credit Risk 9.748.558 9.748.558 - Claims on Public Sector Entities - Claims on Public Sector Entities - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 1.924.798 1.924.798 Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - Claims on Corporates - Sharia Exposures if any 11.673.356 - - - 9.748.558 1.924.798 7RWDO[SRVXUHVRXQWHUSDUW\UHGLW5LVN - 77.427.743 9.027 5.067.366 24.994.805 47.356.545 7RWDO


Mitigation 7HFKQLTXH DQN 2QO\ Table 4.2.a Rp Million 360 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO 0LWLJDVL 5LVLNR .UHGLW ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQ QDN 7DEHO 4.2.b Rp Juta No. Kategori Portofolio HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQ EHUVLK Net Receivable DJLDQ\DQJLMDPLQGHQJDQ3RUWLRQ6HFXUHGE\ DJLDQ\DQJ7LGDN LMDPLQ Unsecured Portion Agunan Collateral Garansi Guarantee Asuransi NUHGLW Credit Insurance Lainnya Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A Eksposur Neraca 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 14.621.677 14.621.677 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 172.673 172.673 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional - - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 3.238.089 344.212 2.893.877 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal 4.430.170 4.430.170 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial - 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan 34.905.183 34.905.183 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 4.079.415 1.862.689 2.216.726 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 9.903.313 1.872.809 8.030.504 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo - 11 Aset Lainnya 3.458.823 3.458.823 12 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada - Total Eksposur Neraca 74.809.343 - - 4.079.710 - 70.729.633 B Eksposur Rekening Administratif 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 465.289 465.289 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik - 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank - 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal - 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial - 7 Kredit PegawaiPensiunan - 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel - 9 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 227.341 227.341 10 Tagihan yang Telah Jatuh Tempo - 11 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada - Total Eksposur Rekening Administratif 692.630 - - - - 692.630 C Eksposur akibat Kegagalan Pihak Lawan 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank 571.302 5 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel 6 Tagihan kepada Korporasi 7 Eksposur di Unit Usaha Syariah apabila ada Total Eksposure Counterparty Credit Risk 571.302 - - - - - 7RWDO 76.073.275 4.079.710 71.422.263 361 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ 7DJLKDQ EHUVLK Net Receivable DJLDQ\DQJLMDPLQGHQJDQ3RUWLRQ6HFXUHGE\ DJLDQ\DQJ7LGDNLMDPLQ Unsecured Portion Agunan Collateral Garansi Guarantee Asuransi NUHGLW Credit Insurance Lainnya Others 9 10 11 12 13 2 Balance Sheet Exposure 15.690.646 15.690.646 - Claims on Government Sovereign 191.833 191.833 Claims on Public Sector Entities - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities 2.074.784 240.400 1.834.384 Claims on Banks 3.901.606 3.901.606 Claims Secured by Residential Property - - Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate 29.724.159 156.444 29.567.715 Claims on Pension Loans 5.189.162 5.189.162 Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 9.930.626 9.027 2.511.887 7.409.712 Claims on Corporates - Claims on Past Due Exposures 3.341.330 3.341.330 Other Assets - Sharia Exposures if any 70.044.146 9.027 - 2.908.731 15.690.646 51.435.742 Total Balance Sheet Exposures Exposure Administrative Account 431.349 431.349 - Claims on Public Sector Entities - Claims on Public Sector Entities - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - Claims Secured by Residential Property - Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate - Claims on Pension Loans - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 280.935 280.935 Claims on Corporates - Claims on Past Due Exposures - Sharia Exposures if any 712.284 - - - 431.349 280.935 Total Exposures on Administrative Account Counterparty Credit Risk - Claims on Public Sector Entities - Claims on Public Sector Entities - Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - Claims on Corporates - Sharia Exposures if any - - - - - - 7RWDO[SRVXUHVRXQWHUSDUW\UHGLW5LVN - 70.756.430 9.027 2.908.731 16.121.995 51.716.677 7RWDO


DQNRQVROLGDWHG Table 4.2.b Rp Million 362 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO X 3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU 3HQJXQJNDSDQ NVSRVXU VHW GL 1HUDFD ² DQN VHFDUD ,QGLYLGXDO7DEHO Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable ATMR sebelum MRK RWA before Credit Risk Mitigation ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable ATMR sebelum MRK RWA before Credit Risk Mitigation ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah Claims on Government Sovereign 13.419.933 - - 14.814.898 - - 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik Claims on Public Sector Entities 172.673 57.591 57.591 191.833 52.934 52.934 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - - - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank Claims on Banks 2.901.125 817.826 714.563 2.025.713 559.946 502.547 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal Claims Secured by Residential Property 4.324.883 1.933.554 1.933.554 3.891.994 1.740.852 1.740.852 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate - - - 7 Kredit Pegawai Pensiunan Claims on Pension Loans 33.964.317 16.982.159 16.982.159 29.171.479 14.585.740 14.585.740 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 3.898.204 2.923.653 1.899.173 5.172.399 3.879.299 2.579.017 9 Tagihan Kepada Korporasi Claims on Corporate 6.303.368 6.303.368 4.805.121 6.728.326 6.728.326 4.709.789 10 Tagihan Yang Telah Jatuh Tempo Claims on Past Due Exposures - - - - - - 11 Aset Lainnya Other Assets 3.233.022 - 505.217 3.102.144 - 537.702 Total 68.217.525 29.018.150 26.897.377 65.098.786 27.547.096 24.708.581 Y 3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU 3HQJXQJNDSDQ NVSRVXU VHW GL 1HUDFD ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQQDN7DEHO Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable ATMR sebelum MRK RWA before Credit Risk Mitigation ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable ATMR sebelum MRK RWA before Credit Risk Mitigation ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah Claims on Government Sovereign 14.621.677 15.690.646 - - 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik Claims on Public Sector Entities 172.673 57.591 57.591 191.833 52.934 52.934 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - - - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank Claims on Banks 3.238.089 885.219 781.955 2.074.784 569.760 512.361 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal Claims Secured by Residential Property 4.430.170 1.970.404 1.970.404 3.901.606 1.744.216 1.744.216 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate - - - 7 Kredit Pegawai Pensiunan Claims on Pension Loans 34.905.183 17.452.592 17.452.592 29.724.159 14.862.080 14.940.302 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio 4.079.415 3.059.561 2.035.082 5.189.162 3.891.872 2.593.266 9 Tagihan Kepada Korporasi Claims on Corporate 9.903.313 9.903.313 8.405.066 9.930.626 9.930.626 7.912.089 10 Tagihan Yang Telah Jatuh Tempo Claims on Past Due Exposures - - - 11 Aset Lainnya Other Assets 3.458.823 691.146 3.341.330 - 746.069 Total 74.809.342 33.328.679 31.393.835 70.044.146 31.051.487 28.501.237 X DOFXODWLRQRI5LVN:HLJKWHGVVHWVIRUUHGLW5LVN XVLQJ 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUH RI VVHWV [SRVXUHV LQ WKH DODQFH 6KHHW ² DQN 2QO\ Table 6.1.1 Rp Million Y DOFXODWLRQ RI 5LVN :HLJKWHG VVHWV IRU UHGLW 5LVN XVLQJ 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUH RI VVHWV [SRVXUHV LQ WKH DODQFH 6KHHW ² DQN RQVROLGDWHG7DEOH Rp Million 363 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data Z 3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU 3HQJXQJNDSDQ NVSRVXU .HZDMLEDQ .RPLWPHQ.RQWLMHQVLSDGD7UDQVDNVL5HNHQLQJ GPLQVWUDWLI ² DQN VHFDUD ,QGLYLGXDO 7DEHO 6.1.2 Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable ATMR sebelum MRK RWA before Credit Risk Mitigation ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable ATMR sebelum MRK RWA before Credit Risk Mitigation ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah Claims on Government Sovereign 465.289 - - 431.349 - - 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik Claims on Public Sector Entities - - - 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - - - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank Claims on Banks - - - 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal Claims Secured by Residential Property - - - 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate - - - 7 Kredit Pegawai Pensiunan Claims on Pension Loans - - - 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - - - 9 Tagihan Kepada Korporasi Claims on Corporate 163.144 163.144 163.144 224.252 224.252 224.252 10 Tagihan Yang Telah Jatuh Tempo Claims on Past Due Exposures - - - Total 628.433 163.144 163.144 655.601 224.252 224.252 [ 3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU 3HQJXQJNDSDQ NVSRVXU .HZDMLEDQ .RPLWPHQ.RQWLMHQVLSDGD7UDQVDNVL5HNHQLQJ GPLQVWUDWLI ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ3HUXVDKDDQQDN7DEHO Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable ATMR sebelum MRK RWA before Credit Risk Mitigation ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable ATMR sebelum MRK RWA before Credit Risk Mitigation ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah Claims on Government Sovereign 465.289 - - 431.349 - - 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik Claims on Public Sector Entities - - - 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - - - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank Claims on Banks - - - 5 Kredit Beragun Rumah Tinggal Claims Secured by Residential Property - - - 6 Kredit Beragun Properti Komersial Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate - - - 7 Kredit Pegawai Pensiunan Claims on Pension Loans - - - 8 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - - - 9 Tagihan Kepada Korporasi Claims on Corporate 227.341 227.341 227.341 280.935 280.935 280.935 10 Tagihan Yang Telah Jatuh Tempo Claims on Past Due Exposures Total 692.630 227.341 227.341 712.284 280.935 280.935 Z DOFXODWLRQ RI 5LVN :HLJKWHG VVHWV IRU UHGLW 5LVN XVLQJ 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUH RI RPPLWPHQWRQWLQJHQF\5HVSRQVLELOLW\[SRVXUH RQGPLQLVWUDWLYHFFRXQW7UDQVDFWLRQ²DQN2QO\ Table 6.1.2 Rp Million [ DOFXODWLRQ RI 5LVN :HLJKWHG VVHWV IRU UHGLW 5LVN XVLQJ 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUH RI RPPLWPHQWRQWLQJHQF\ 5HVSRQVLELOLW\ [SRVXUHRQGPLQLVWUDWLYHFFRXQW7UDQVDFWLRQ² DQNRQVROLGDWHG7DEOH Rp Million 364 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO \ 3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU 3HQJXQJNDSDQ NVSRVXU \DQJ 0HQLPEXONDQ 5LVLNR .UHGLWNLEDW .HJDJDODQ 3LKDNDZDQ Counterparty Credit Risk ²DQN VHFDUD,QGLYLGXDO7DEHO Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable ATMR sebelum MRK RWA before Credit Risk Mitigation ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable ATMR sebelum MRK RWA before Credit Risk Mitigation ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah Claims on Government Sovereign - - - 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik Claims on Public Sector Entities - - - 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - - - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank Claims on Banks 571.302,3 114.260.46 568,46 - - - 5 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - - - 6 Tagihan Kepada Korporasi Claims on Corporate - - - Total 571.302.3 114.260,46 568,46 ] 3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU 3HQJXQJNDSDQ NVSRVXU \DQJ 0HQLPEXONDQ 5LVLNR .UHGLWNLEDW .HJDJDODQ 3LKDNDZDQ Counterparty Credit Risk ²DQN VHFDUD.RQVROLGDVLGHQJDQ3HUXVDKDDQQDN Tabel 6.2.3 Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable ATMR sebelum MRK RWA before Credit Risk Mitigation ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 7DJLKDQ HUVLK Net Receivable ATMR sebelum MRK RWA before Credit Risk Mitigation ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Tagihan Kepada Pemerintah Claims on Government Sovereign - - - 2 Tagihan Kepada Entitas Sektor Publik Claims on Public Sector Entities - - - 3 Tagihan Kepada Bank Pembangunan Multilateral dan Lembaga Internasional Claims on Multilateral Development Banks and International Entities - - - 4 Tagihan Kepada Bank Claims on Banks 571.302,3 114.260,46 568,46 - - - 5 Tagihan Kepada Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil dan Portofolio Ritel Claims on Micro, Small, and Retail Portfolio - - - 6 Tagihan Kepada Korporasi Claims on Corporate - - - Total 571302,3 114260,46 568,46 \ DOFXODWLRQRI5LVN:HLJKWHGVVHWVIRUUHGLW5LVN XVLQJ6WDQGDUGSSURDFKLVFORVXUHRI[SRVXUH 5HVXOWLQJ LQ UHGLW 5LVN XH WR RXQWHUSDUW\ DLOXUH RXQWHUSDUW\ UHGLW 5LVN ² DQN 2QO\ Table 6.1.3 Rp Million ] DOFXODWLRQ RI 5LVN :HLJKWHG VVHWV IRU UHGLW 5LVN XVLQJ 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUH RI [SRVXUH 5HVXOWLQJ LQ UHGLW 5LVN XH WR RXQWHUSDUW\DLOXUHRXQWHUSDUW\UHGLW5LVN² DQNRQVROLGDWHG7DEOH Rp Million 365 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data DD3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU 3HQJXQJNDSDQ NVSRVXU DQJ 0HQLPEXONDQ 5LVLNR .UHGLWNLEDW .HJDJDODQ Setelmen Settlement Risk ² DQN VHFDUD ,QGLYLGXDO7DEHO Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU Nilai NVSRVXU Exposure value DNWRU Pengurang 0RGDO,QWL Core Capital Deduction ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation Nilai NVSRVXU Exposure value DNWRU Pengurang 0RGDO,QWL Core Capital Deduction ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Delivery versus payment a. Beban Modal 8 5-15 hari Capital Expenses 85-15 days b. Beban Modal 50 16-30 hari Capital Expenses 5016-30 days c. Beban Modal 75 31-45 hari Capital Expenses 7531-45 days d. Beban Modal 100 lebih dari 45 hari Capital Expenses 100more than 45 days 2 Non-Delivery versus payment Total EE3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU 3HQJXQJNDSDQ NVSRVXU DQJ 0HQLPEXONDQ 5LVLNR .UHGLWNLEDW .HJDJDODQ Setelmen Settlement Risk ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQ QDN 7DEHO 6.2.4 Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio 3RUWIROLRDWHJRU\ HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU Nilai NVSRVXU Exposure value DNWRU Pengurang 0RGDO,QWL Core Capital Deduction ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation Nilai NVSRVXU Exposure value DNWRU Pengurang 0RGDO,QWL Core Capital Deduction ATMR VHWHODK MRK RWA after Credit Risk Mitigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Delivery versus payment a. Beban Modal 8 5-15 hari Capital Expenses 85-15 days b. Beban Modal 50 16-30 hari Capital Expenses 5016-30 days c. Beban Modal 75 31-45 hari Capital Expenses 7531-45 days d. Beban Modal 100 lebih dari 45 hari Capital Expenses 100more than 45 days 2 Non-Delivery versus payment Total DDDOFXODWLRQ RI 5LVN :HLJKWHG VVHWV XVLQJ 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUH RI UHGLW 5LVN [SRVXUH 5HVXOWLQJ LQ UHGLW 5LVN XH WR 6HWWOHPHQWDLOXUH6HWWOHPHQW5LVN²DQN2QO\ Table 6.1.4 Rp Million EEDOFXODWLRQ RI 5LVN :HLJKWHG VVHWV XVLQJ 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUH RI UHGLW 5LVN [SRVXUH 5HVXOWLQJ LQ UHGLW 5LVN XH WR 6HWWOHPHQW DLOXUH 6HWWOHPHQW 5LVN ² DQN RQVROLGDWHG7DEOH Rp Million 366 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO FF3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU3HQJXQJNDSDQNVSRVXU6HNXULWLVDVL ²DQNVHFDUD,QGLYLGXDO7DEHO Rp Juta No HVHPEHU HFHPEHU HVHPEHU HFHPEHU Jenis Transaksi DNWRU Pengurang 0RGDO,QWL Core Capital Deduction ATMR RWA DNWRU Pengurang 0RGDO,QWL Core Capital Deduction ATMR RWA 7\SHRI7UDQVDFWLRQ 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 Fasilitas Kredit Pendukung yang memenuhi persyaratan Credit Enhancement facility that meets the requirements 2 Fasilitas Kredit Pendukung yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan Credit Enhancement Facility does not meet the requirements 3 Fasilitas Likuiditas Pendukung yang memenuhi persyaratan Liquidity Support Facility that meets the requirements 4 Fasilitas Likuiditas Pendukung yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan Liquidity Support Facilities that do not meet the requirements 5 Pembelian Efek Beragam Aset yang memenuhi persyaratan Various Securities Purchase Assets eligible 6 Pembelian Efek Beragam Aset yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan Various Securities Purchase Assets that do not meet the requirements 7 Eksposur Sekuritas yang tidak tercakup dalam ketentuan Bank Indonesia mengenai prinsip-prinsip kehati-hatian dalam aktivitas sekuritisasi aset bagi bank umum Exposure securities that are not included in the Bank Indonesia regulations concerning the principles of prudence in asset securitization for banks Total Total GG3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU3HQJXQJNDSDQNVSRVXU6HNXULWLVDVL ²DQNVHFDUD.RQVROLGDVLGHQJDQ3HUXVDKDDQ Anak Tabel 6.2.5 Rp Juta No HVHPEHU HFHPEHU HVHPEHU HFHPEHU Jenis Transaksi DNWRU Pengurang 0RGDO,QWL Core Capital Deduction ATMR RWA DNWRU Pengurang 0RGDO,QWL Core Capital Deduction ATMR RWA 7\SHRI7UDQVDFWLRQ 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 Fasilitas Kredit Pendukung yang memenuhi persyaratan Credit Enhancement facility that meets the requirements 2 Fasilitas Kredit Pendukung yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan Credit Enhancement Facility does not meet the requirements 3 Fasilitas Likuiditas Pendukung yang memenuhi persyaratan Liquidity Support Facility that meets the requirements 4 Fasilitas Likuiditas Pendukung yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan Liquidity Support Facilities that do not meet the requirements 5 Pembelian Efek Beragam Aset yang memenuhi persyaratan Various Securities Purchase Assets eligible 6 Pembelian Efek Beragam Aset yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan Various Securities Purchase Assets that do not meet the requirements 7 Eksposur Sekuritas yang tidak tercakup dalam ketentuan Bank Indonesia mengenai prinsip-prinsip kehati-hatian dalam aktivitas sekuritisasi aset bagi bank umum Exposure securities that are not included in the Bank Indonesia regulations concerning the principles of prudence in asset securitization for banks Total Total FFDOFXODWLRQ RI 5LVN :HLJKWHG VVHWV IRU UHGLW 5LVN XVLQJ 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUHV RI 6HFXULWL]DWLRQ [SRVXUH ² DQN 2QO\ Table 6.1.5 Rp Million GGDOFXODWLRQ RI 5LVN :HLJKWHG VVHWV IRU UHGLW 5LVN XVLQJ 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUHV RI 6HFXULWL]DWLRQ [SRVXUH ² DQN RQVROLGDWHG Table 6.2.5 Rp Million 367 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data HH3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU 3HQJXQJNDSDQ NVSRVXU GL 8QLW 8VDKD6\DULDK²DQNVHFDUD,QGLYLGXDO7DEHO 6.1.6 Rp Juta No Jenis Transaksi HVHPEHU HFHPEHU HVHPEHU HFHPEHU 7\SHRI7UDQVDFWLRQ DNWRU Pengurang 0RGDO,QWL Core Capital Deduction ATMR RWA DNWRU Pengurang 0RGDO,QWL Core Capital Deduction ATMR RWA 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 7RWDONVSRVXU 7RWDO[SRVXUH II 3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU 3HQJXQJNDSDQ NVSRVXU GL 8QLW 8VDKD 6\DULDK ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ3HUXVDKDDQQDN7DEHO Rp Juta No Jenis Transaksi HVHPEHU HFHPEHU HVHPEHU HFHPEHU 7\SHRI7UDQVDFWLRQ DNWRU Pengurang 0RGDO,QWL Core Capital Deduction ATMR RWA DNWRU Pengurang 0RGDO,QWL Core Capital Deduction ATMR RWA 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 7RWDONVSRVXU 7RWDO[SRVXUH JJ3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7RWDO 3HQJXNXUDQ 5LVLNR .UHGLW ² DQN VHFDUD ,QGLYLGXDO 7DEHO 6.1.7 Rp Juta HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7RWDO7055LVLNR.UHGLW 27.061.089 7RWDO5:UHGLW5LVNV 7RWDODNWRU3HQJXUDQJ0RGDO RUHDSLWDOHGXFWLRQ KK3HUKLWXQJDQ 705 5LVLNR .UHGLW 3HQGHNDWDQ 6WDQGDU 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 7RWDO 3HQJXNXUDQ 5LVLNR .UHGLW ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ3HUXVDKDDQQDN7DEHO Rp Juta HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 7RWDO7055LVLNR.UHGLW 31.621.745 7RWDO5:UHGLW5LVNV 7RWDODNWRU3HQJXUDQJ0RGDO RUHDSLWDOHGXFWLRQ HHDOFXODWLRQ RI 5LVN :HLJKWHG VVHWV IRU UHGLW 5LVN XVLQJ 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUHV RI [SRVXUH LQ 6KDULD LYLVLRQ ² DQN 2QO\ 7DEOH 6.1.6 Rp Million II DOFXODWLRQ RI 5LVN :HLJKWHG VVHWV IRU UHGLW 5LVN XVLQJ 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUHV RI [SRVXUHLQ6KDULDLYLVLRQ²DQNRQVROLGDWHG Table 6.2.6 Rp Million JJDOFXODWLRQ RI UHGLW 5LVN :HLJKWHG VVHWV 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUH RI 7RWDO UHGLW 5LVN 0HDVXUHPHQW DQN 2QO\ 7DEOH Rp Million KKDOFXODWLRQ RI UHGLW 5LVN :HLJKWHG VVHWV 6WDQGDUG SSURDFK LVFORVXUH RI 7RWDO UHGLW 5LVN 0HDVXUHPHQW DQN RQVROLGDWHG 7DEOH 6.2.7 Rp Million 368 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO

B. Risiko Pasar

Risiko Pasar adalah Risiko yang timbul atas portofolio pada posisi neraca dan rekening administratif termasuk transaksi derivatif, akibat perubahan secara keseluruhan dari kondisi pasar, termasuk Risiko perubahan harga option. Komponen risiko pasar meliputi : • Risiko Suku Bunga adalah risiko akibat perubahan harga instrumen keuangan dari posisi Trading Book yang disebabkan oleh pergerakan sensitivitas risiko risk factor pada setiap instrumen atau akibat perubahan nilai ekonomis modal Economic Value of Equity bank dari aktivitas Banking Book yang disebabkan oleh perubahan suku bunga. t ,MBTJmLBTJSJTJLPTVLVCVOHBNFODBLVQQVMBSJTJLP suku bunga dari posisi Banking Book yang antara lain meliputi repricing risk, yield curve risk, basis risk, dan optionality risk. • Risiko Nilai Tukar adalah risiko akibat perubahan OJMBJQPTJTJUFSCVLBWBMVUBBTJOHLMBTJmLBTJ Trading Book atau akibat perubahan posisi Devisa Neto bank Banking Book yang disebabkan oleh perubahan nilai tukar valuta asing. Risiko pasar timbul dari pergerakanperubahan tingkat suku bunga danatau nilai tukar yang mempengaruhi posisi keuangan bank khususnya terhadap rasio permodalan. Secara garis besar, manajemen risiko pasar terbagi menjadi 2 dua yaitu manajamen risiko pasar trading book dan manajemen risiko pasar banking book. Sumber risiko pasar trading book timbul dari aktivitas Dealing Room Divisi Treasuri akibat posisi terbuka bank yang terekspos pergerakan suku bunga atau nilai tukar valuta asing. Sumber risiko pasar banking book timbul antara lain disebabkan oleh perubahan stuktur portofolio neraca dan rekening adminstratif bank yang sensitif terhadap pergerakan suku bunga sehingga berdampak terhadap pendapatan bunga bersih dan yang yang disebabkan pula karena perubahan struktur portofolio neraca dan rekening adminstratif bank yang sensitif terhadap pergerakan nilaii tukar yang tercermin dari Posisi Devisa Neto bank.

B. Market Risk

Market risk is the risk arising on the portfolio over the balance sheet position and administrative accounts including derivative transactions, due to overall changes in the market conditions, including the risk of price changes in option. The components of the market risk include: • Interest rate risk is the risk due to changes in the QSJDF PG mOBODJBM JOTUSVNFOUT GSPN UIF 5SBEJOH Book position caused by the risk factor movements on any instrument or as a result of changes in the Economic Value of Equity of the bank from Banking Book activities caused by changes in interest rates. t MBTTJmDBUJPOPGJOUFSFTUSBUFSJTLBMTPJODMVEFTUIF risk of interest rate from the Banking Book positions which include repricing risk, yield curve risk, basis risk, and optionality risk. • Foreign Exchange Risk is the risk due to changes in UIF5SBEJOHPPLDMBTTJmDBUJPOPQFOQPTJUJPOWBMVF of foreign exchange or as a result of changes in the Net Open Position of the bank Banking Book caused by changes in foreign currency exchange rates. The market risk arises from movements changes in interest rates andor exchange rates which affect the CBOLT mOBODJBM QPTJUJPO QBSUJDVMBSMZ UP DBQJUBM SBUJP In general, market risk management is divided into 2 two, namely the trading book market risk management and banking book market risk management. Sources of trading book market risk arises from Dealing Room book activities’ of the Treasury Division due to the open positions of bank that are exposed to movements in interest rates or foreign exchange rates. Sources of banking book market risk arises partly due to the changes in the portfolio structure of the bank’s balance sheets and administrative accounts that are sensitive to interest rate movements impacting the net interest income and which are also due to changes in the portfolio structure of the bank’s balance sheets and administrative accounts that are sensitive to NPWFNFOUTJOFYDIBOHFSBUFTXIJDIJTSFnFDUFEJOUIF Net Open Position of bank. MANAJEMEN RISIKO 369 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data 3HQJDZDVDQ NWLI HZDQ .RPLVDULV GDQ LUHNVL Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi bertanggungjawab atas efektivitas penerapan Manajemen Risiko Pasar di Bank. Terkait wewenang dan tanggung jawab pengawasan aktif Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi bank bjb, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi selalu memperoleh informasi yang jelas mengenai evaluasi dan penerapan manajemen risiko eksposur risiko pasar, pemantauan limit secara harian serta langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh Risk Taking Unit khususnya terkait adanya pelampauan limit. Dalam pelaksanaan pengawasannya, Dewan Komisaris dibantu oleh Komite Pemantau Risiko KPR bank secara berkala melakukan pengawasan melalui koordinasi dengan Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko. Media koordinasi yang digunakan dapat berupa laporan pemantauan risiko oleh SKMR yang disampaikan kepada Komite Pemantau Risiko ataupun melalui media rapat antara kedua belah pihak. Pada implementasinya, Pelaksanaan rapat yang diadakan umumnya membahas penerapan manajemen risiko di bank bjb menyangkut diantaranya penerapan pengukuran risk tolerance SJTJLPQBTBS QFNCBIBTBOQSPmMSJTJLPZBOHCFSTJGBU material, serta kecukupan dan evaluasi metodologi danatau tools pengukuran risiko pasar yang dipergunakan Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko. Pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh Direksi adalah melalui pemantauan penerapan limit Treasury secara berkala baik terjadi pelampauan limit breach limit maupun tidak terjadi pelampauan limit, dan melakukan persetujuan atas limit yang bersifat baru ataupun setelah dilakukan perubahan. Pembahasan tentang pengelolaan risiko pasar terkait penentuan tingkat suku bunga pricing dan struktur aset kewajiban bank dilakukan dalam Rapat ALCO Asset Liability Committee sedangkan pembahasan eksposur risiko pasar dibahas dalam rapat Komite Manajemen Risiko Risk Management Committee. Sejalan dengan kebijakan manajemen risiko pasar RISK MANAGEMENT FWLYH6XSHUYLVLRQE\WKHRDUGRIRPPLVVLRQHUV DQGWKHRDUGRILUHFWRUV The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors are responsible for the effective implementation of the Bank’s Market Risk Management. In relations to the active supervision authority and responsibility of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of bank bjb, the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors always obtain clear information on the evaluation and implementation of risk management of market risk exposure, supervision of limit on a daily basis as well as steps employed by the Risk Taking 6OJUTQFDJmDBMMZSFMBUFEUPUIFMFOEJOHMJNJU In the implementation of its supervision, the Board of Commissioners is assisted by the bank’s Risk Monitoring Committee RMC periodically conduct supervision in coordination with the Risk Management Unit. The coordination media utilized can be in the form of risk monitoring reports by SKMR submitted to the Risk Monitoring Committee or through the media of meetings between the two parties. In its implementation, the meeting implemented generally discusses the implementation of risk management in bank bjb, concerning among others, the application of market risk measurement of risk tolerance, material SJTL QSPmMF EJTDVTTJPO BT XFMM BT UIF BEFRVBDZ BOE evaluation of methodologies andor market risk measurement tools used by the Risk Management Unit. Supervision carried out by the Board of Directors is through the monitoring of the implementation of the Treasury limit periodically in the event of breach limit occurrences or not, and provide limit approval that are new or after being amended. Discussions on the management of the market risk related to interest rate determination pricing and the structure of the bank’s assets and liabilities are carried at the ALCO Asset Liability Committee Meeting, while discussions on the market risk exposures are discussed in the Risk Management Committee meetings. In line with the market risk management policies regarding the stages of escalation of limit breach, any limit breaches will be informed and approved in the event of abnormal 370 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO mengenai tahapan eskalasi pelampauan limit, setiap pelampauan limit akan diinformasikan dan disetujui apabila terjadi kondisi abnormal dalam Komite Manajemen Risiko RMC. Pengelolaan risiko pasar tersebut disusun ke dalam bentuk kebijakan, prosedur, limit risiko dan hasil keputusan lainnya terkait dengan pengelolaan risiko pasar. Limit risiko pasar dan risk appetite bank dievaluasi secara periodik atau sewaktu- waktu diperlukan untuk dilakukan evaluasi sesuai dengan perubahan lingkungan bisnis bank. .HFXNXSDQ.HELMDNDQ3URVHGXUGDQ3HQHWDSDQ Limit Sebagai penerapan manajemen risiko pasar yang bersifat dinamis, Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko bank melakukan pembaharuan dan evaluasi atas kebijakan dan pedoman manajemen risiko bank secara berkala. Evaluasi pedoman pengukuran limit risiko pasar oleh Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko secara berkala dan dilakukan pembahasan dengan risk taking unit Divisi Treasury dan selanjutnya akan diajukan kepada Direksi untuk persetujuan atas pedoman dimaksud. Terkait dengan evaluasi penetapan limit Dealing Room Treasury dan ALM yang diajukan oleh Divisi Treasury, Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko melakukan evaluasi terhadap limit tersebut dengan metodologi yang telah disahkan dalam pedoman manajemen risiko bank. Limit untuk level portofolio treasury dievaluasi minimal satu tahun sekali atau dapat dilakukan lebih sering jika terdapat pergerakan volatilitas harga pasar atau perubahan business plan risk taking unit. Evaluasi analisa tersebut sekurang-kurangnya memuat informasi mengenai latar belakang perubahan limit, kondisi saat ini, dasar perhitungan dalam melakukan perubahan limit, kepatuhan terhadap regulasi dan dampak terhadap modal. .HFXNXSDQ 3URVHV ,GHQWLÀNDVL 3HQJXNXUDQ 3HPDQWDXDQ GDQ 3HQJHQGDOLDQ 5LVLNR VHUWD Sistem Informasi Manajemen Risiko Dalam melakukan penerapan Manajemen 3JTJLP NFMBMVJ QSPTFT JEFOUJmLBTJ QFOHVLVSBO MANAJEMEN RISIKO conditions in the Risk Management Committee RMC. The management of the market risk is arranged in the form of policies, procedures, risk limits, and other decision results relating to the management of market risk. The limit of the bank’s market risk and risk appetite are evaluated periodically or at any time deemed needed to be evaluated in accordance with the bank’s changing business environment. GHTXDF\RI3ROLF\3URFHGXUHDQGVWDEOLVKPHQW of Limit As an application of a dynamic market risk management, the Risk Management Unit of the bank periodically updates and evaluates the policies and guidelines of the bank’s risk management. The evaluation of the market risk limit measurement guidelines by the Risk Management Unit are conducted periodically and discussions with the risk taking unit Treasury Division are subsequently submitted to the Board of Directors for the approval of the intended guidelines. Related to the Dealing Room Treasury and ALM limit determination evaluation submitted by the Treasury Division, the Risk Management Unit evaluates the limits through methodologies that has been validated in the bank’s risk management guidelines. The limit for treasury portfolio level is evaluated at least once a year or can be carried out more frequently in the event of market price volatile movements or changes in the business plan of the risk taking unit. The analysis evaluation shall at least contain background information about limit changes, current conditions, the basis of calculations in conducting limit changes, compliance to the regulations and the impacts to the capital. GHTXDF\RI,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ3URFHVV0HDVXUHPHQW 0RQLWRULQJDQG5LVNRQWURODVZHOODVWKH5LVN Management Information System In conducting the implementation of Risk Management UISPVHI UIF QSPDFTT PG JEFOUJmDBUJPO NFBTVSFNFOU 371 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data pemantauan, dan pengendalian Risiko, serta sistem informasi Manajemen Risiko untuk Risiko Pasar sebagaimana Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia Nomor 1323DPNP tanggal 25 Oktober 2011, Bank melakukan penerapan manajemen risiko yaitu: D ,GHQWLÀNDVL5LVLNR3DVDU 1SPTFT JEFOUJmLBTJ SJTJLP QBTBS NFMJQVUJ JEFOUJmLBTJ EBSJ LBSBLUFSJTUJL QSPEVL CBSV JEFOUJmLBTJ TVNCFS SJTJLP QBTBS ZBOH EBQBU berdampak kepada transaksi yang akan dilakukan oleh Dealing Room Treasury. Proses JEFOUJmLBTJ 3JTJLP ZBOH EJTFTVBJLBO EFOHBO Risiko Pasar melekat pada aktivitas bisnis Bank yang meliputi risiko suku bunga antara lain repricing risk, yield curve risk, basis risk, dan optionality risk dan untuk risiko nilai tukar antara lain tercermin dari besarnya eksposur transaksional. Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko juga melakukan review atau evaluasi atas produk maupun aktivitas yang terekspos pengaruh pergerakan variabel pasar.

b. Pengukuran Risiko Pasar

Pengelolaan portofolio Divisi Treasuri tanpa adanya dasar pertimbangan dan penilaian risiko akan mengakibatkan kerugian di atas toleransi bank dalam menyerap kerugian. Salah satu cara dalam menanggulangi kejadian risiko yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian di atas toleransi risiko bank adalah penggunaan toleransi risiko atau limit transaksi yang diperkenankan manajemen bank. Pengajuan limit oleh Divisi Treasuri sebagai risk taking unit harus mendapatkan kajian risiko secara terukur oleh Divisi Manajemen Risiko. Pengajuan limit ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah Manajemen bank bjb dalam memahami risiko yang dihadapi serta pengelolaan risikonya. Pengajuan limit harus meliputi kriteria-kriteria sebagai berikut: Divisi Treasuri sebagai risk taking unit menerapkan “ trading” dan “hedging” secara berkala sebagai bagian dari proses RISK MANAGEMENT monitoring, and controlling risks, as well as the Risk Management information system for the Market Risk as stipulated in Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 1323 DPNP dated 25 October 2011, the Bank implements the risk management, namely: D 0DUNHW5LVN,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ 5IF NBSLFU SJTL JEFOUJmDBUJPO QSPDFTT JODMVEFT UIF JEFOUJmDBUJPO PG OFX QSPEVDU DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT JEFOUJmDBUJPO PG TPVSDFT PG NBSLFU SJTL UIBU NBZ affect the transactions that will be conducted by UIFFBMJOH3PPN5SFBTVSZ5IFSJTLJEFOUJmDBUJPO process that are adapted to the Market Risks is inherent in the Bank’s business activities which includes in the interest rates risk, among others, repricing risk, yield curve risk, basis risk and optionality risk and for foreign exchange risk BSF BNPOH PUIFST BT SFnFDUFE JO UIF BNPVOU PG transactional exposure. The Risk Management Unit also conducts reviews or evaluations on products PS BDUJWJUJFT UIBU BSF FYQPTFE UP UIF JOnVFODF PG movements in market variables.

b. Market Risk

Assessment The portfolio management of the Treasury Division with no consideration basis nor risk assessments will result in the loss of tolerance of the bank to absorb losses. One way to inhibit risk occurrences that may cause harm to the bank’s risk tolerance is the application of risk tolerance or limit transactions that are allowed by the management of the bank. The limit application by the Treasury Division as the risk taking unit must obtain a measured risk assessment by the Risk Management Division. The limit application is intended to facilitate the management of bank bjb in understanding risk as well as its management. The limit application must include the following criteria: The Treasury Division as the risk taking unit implements “trading” and “hedging” on a regular basis as part of the Treasury business management 372 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO pengelolaan bisnis Treasury khususnya bidang Treasury Trading. Pada konteks limit berbasis risiko ini, yang ditentukan adalah limit yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas Treasury. Dalam proses penerapan limit dilakukan usaha pendekatan dimana terdapat komponen- komponen yang mendukung diantaranya: a. Rencana Bisnis • Rencana bisnis harus secara luas mencantumkan tujuan dari limit yang diminta, target pasar, pendapatan yang diharapkan dan kebutuhan akan modal. Rencana tersebut harus NFOHLVBMJmLBTJLBO DBSB CBHBJNBOB limit tersebut akan dipergunakan, contoh “ trading” atau “hedging”. t QMJLBTJ MJNJU IBSVT NFOHJEFOUJmLBTJ NBUB VBOH EBO QBTBS TQFTJmL ZBOH menjadi eksposur terhadap tujuan unit bisnis. b. Persyaratan Modal dan Proyeksi Pendapatan • Divisi Treasuri meminta masukan dari Divisi Manajemen Risiko dalam mengukur alokasi modal yang harus disediakan dalam memitigasi potensi kerugian yang akan timbul. • Divisi Treasuri harus memberikan proyeksi pendapatan yang berhubungan dengan aplikasi limit. Proyeksi tersebut akan memudahkan Direksi dalam proses pengambilan keputusan persetujuan limit. F 3HQJJXQDDQKLVWRULV Divisi Treasuri dapat memberikan analisa trend market outlook dengan penggunaan historis yang ada atas eksposur risiko atau limit yang akan diterapkan. Prosedur kerja pengukuran limit unit bisnis Treasuri mempertimbangkan beberapa aspek yang dinilai cukup berpotensial dalam menimbulkan kejadian risiko. Komponen yang mendasari pengukuran limit ini adalah: MANAJEMEN RISIKO QSPDFTTQBSUJDVMBSMZJOUIF5SFBTVSZ5SBEJOHmFMEO this risk-based limit context, the limit set is related to Treasury activities. In the limit implementation process, approaches are conducted to the supporting components, among others: a. Business Plan • The business plan must broadly states the purpose of the requested limit, the target market, expected revenues and the required capital. The plan must qualify how the limit will be utilized, such as “trading” or “hedging”. t 5IFMJNJUBQQMJDBUJPONVTUJEFOUJGZBTQFDJmD currency and market becoming exposures to the business unit’s objectives. E DSLWDO5HTXLUHPHQWDQG3URMHFWHG5HYHQXHV • The Treasury Division requests input from the Risk Management Division in measuring the capital allocation that should be provided to mitigate potential losses that may arise. • The Treasury Division must provide the projected revenues associated with the limit application. The projections will facilitate the Board of Directors in the decision-making process of limit approval. F 7KH8VHRI+LVWRULFDO The Treasury Division can provide the market outlook trend analysis with the use of existing historic on risk exposures or limit which will be implemented. The Treasury business unit limit measurement working procedures consider several aspects that are assessed to have the potentials of risk occurrences. Underlying components in the measurement of limit are namely: 373 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data D DNWRU6HQVLWLYLWDV5LVLNR3DVDU Setiap aktivitas Treasuri terdapat risiko yang melekat risk inherent dimana proses dalam pengukuran risiko harus didasarkan pada sensitivitas risiko yang melekat pada aktivitas transaksi Treasuri. Faktor sensitivitas risiko pasar meliputi yaitu PV01, Duration, Vega, Gamma, Theta, Rho, dan volatilitas transaksi. E .HFXNXSDQDWD Kecukupan data diperlukan sebagai kecukupan prosedur analisis statistik dan agar analisis pengukuran terhadap risiko menghasilkan output yang memadai dan sesuai dengan eksposur risiko yang dihadapi oleh bank. Data yang diperlukan adalah data historis yang dibutuhkan guna memperkuat suatu analisis pengukuran limit risiko. F 3HQJXNXUDQ Value at Risk Model Value at Risk tersebut dipergunakan dalam mengukur dan menganalisa risiko transaksi Treasuri secara komprehensif dan terukur. Misalnya, penggunaan VaR value at risk untuk mengukur kerugianbudget loss atas aktivitas transaksi Treasury trading selain itu kegunaan model ini juga dapat mengukur perkiraan kerugian terburuk yang dapat dialami Bank dalam selang waktu tertentu pada kondisi pasar yang normal dan tingkat kepercayaan tertentu. Beberapa strategi pengelolaan risiko pasar yang dilakukan bank bjb adalah mencakup sistem dan prosedur dengan menggunakan teknik Mark To Market, Value at Risk VaR, Stress Testing, Repricing Gap Duration Gap Model atau metoda lain yang sesuai untuk mendapatkan nilai wajar eksposur secara berkala, sekaligus merupakan platform yang tepat untuk menilai posisi risiko. Pada saat ini bank bjb menerapkan metode yang mampu mengukur risiko terhadap nilai tukar yaitu dengan menggunakan Model Nilai Tukar VaR EWMA Exponential Weighted Moving Average RISK MANAGEMENT D 0DUNHW5LVN6HQVLWLYLW\DFWRU There are inherent risk in each Treasury activities in which the process of risk assessment shall be based on the sensitivity of the inherent risk in the Treasury transaction activities. The market risk sensitivity factors include PV01, Duration, Vega, Gamma, Theta, Rho, and transaction volatility. E GHTXDF\RIDWD Data adequacy is required as a statistic analysis procedure adequacy and to ensure the risk assessment analysis generates adequate output and in accordance with the risk exposure faced by the bank. The data required is historical data needed to strengthen a measurement analysis of risk limit. c. Value at Risk Assessment The Value at Risk model is used in measuring and analyzing the Treasury’s transaction risks in a comprehensive and measurable manner. For example, the use of VaR value at risk to measure budget loss over the Treasury trading transaction BDUJWJUJFT JO BEEJUJPO UIF CFOFmU PG UIJT model can also measure the expected worst loss caused to the Bank in a certain time interval in normal market conditions BOEBDFSUBJODPOmEFODFMFWFM Several market risk management strategies conducted by bank bjb include systems and procedures through the utilization of Mark To Market, Value at Risk VaR, Stress Testing, Repricing Gap and Duration Gap Model techniques or other appropriate methods to obtain a fair exposure value on a regular basis, as well as an accurate platform to assess the risk position. Currently bank bjb applied a method that is capable of measuring the risk of the exchange rate, namely the Exponential Weighted Moving Average EWMA which is equipped with Fundamental 374 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO yang dilengkapi dengan Fundamental Analysis dan Historical Simulation untuk menangkap tingkat risiko nilai tukar yang tercermin dalam Posisi Devisa Netto. bank bjb juga telah membangun model pengukuran risiko tingkat suku bunga dengan menggunakan metodologi yang dapat menangkap risiko suku bunga dari portofolio aset dan kewajiban yang sensitif terhadap perubahan suku bunga serta menentukan besaran risiko terhadap bank melalui 3FQSJDJOH1SPmMF , Duration GAP, dan Economic Value of Equity EVE. Dalam proses pengukuran potensi kerugian baik itu suku bunga dan nilai tukar dari transaksi-transaksi Treasury diukur melalui VaR simulasi historis baik secara sistem OPICS Risk maupun manual. Pengujian kelayakan internal VaR simulasi historis NFMBMVJ CBDL UFTUJOH 7B3 WT 1SPmU Loss Treasury dan dilakukan secara berkala. F 3HPDQWDXDQ5LVLNR3DVDU Aktivitas manajemen risiko dalam melakukan proses pemantauan aktivitas bisnis antara lain melalui: 1. Adanya RMA Risk Manegement Agency yang berfungsi untuk melakukan proses manajemen risiko pasar trading book melalui pemantauan limit Treasuri secara harian, misalnya ketentuan GWM, open position, budget loss, risk sensitivity limit, dan lain-lain. Sebagai upaya proses pemantauan yang efektif dan akurat, bank telah memiliki sistem OPICS Risk yang berfungsi dalam mengukur eksposur risiko trading book yang dilakukan oleh dealing room Treasury. 2. Pemantauan risiko nilai tukar banking book dilakukan melalui pemantauan Posisi Devisa Neto per 30 menit serta secara harian agar berada dalam toleransi limit internal bank dan regulasi Bank Indonesia. 3. Pemantauan risiko suku bunga banking book dilakukan melalui pengukuran Repricing GAP, Duration GAP, dan Economic Value of Equity EVE untuk melihat sensitivitas porotfolio aktiva dan pasiva bank dalam menghadapi MANAJEMEN RISIKO Analysis and Historical Simulation to capture the FYDIBOHF SBUF SJTL UIBU JT SFnFDUFE JO UIF FU Open Position. bank bjb has also developed an interest rate level measurement model using a methodology that can capture the interest rate risk from the portfolio of assets and liabilities that are sensitive to changes in interest rates as well as determine the amount of risk to the bank UISPVHI UIF 3FQSJDJOH 1SPmMF VSBUJPO 1 BOE Economic Value of Equity EVE. In the process of measuring the potential loss both in interest rates and exchange rates from Treasury transactions are measured through historical simulation of VaR both by systems OPICS Risk or manually. Internal feasibility studies of VaR historical simulation are DPOEVDUFE UISPVHI CBDL UFTUJOH 7B3 WT 1SPmU Loss Treasury and performed periodically. F 0DUNHW5LVN0RQLWRULQJ The activity of risk management in conducting business activities’ monitoring process are through, among others: 1. The existence of the RMA Risk Management Agency which serves to perform trading book market risk management process through the daily monitoring of the Treasuries’ limit, for example the provisions on minimum reserve requirement, open position, budget loss, risk sensitivity limit, and others. As an effective and accurate monitoring process effort, the bank has had the OPICS Risk system which serves to measure the trading book’s risk exposures undertaken by the Treasury dealing room. 2. Monitoring of the trading book exchange rate risk monitoring is performed through the monitoring of the Net Open Position per 30 minutes as well as daily to be in the internal bank’s limit tolerance and the regulations of Bank Indonesia. 3. Monitoring of the banking book interest rate risk conducted through the measurement of Repricing GAP, Duration GAP and Economic Value of Equity EVE to see the portfolio sensitivity of the bank’s assets and 375 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data perubahan suku bunga di masa datang. 4. Monitoring risiko sovereign Credit Default Swap 5 Year sebagai indikator penilai risiko investasi dari counterparty atau suatu negara asing melalui sistem informasi manajemen risiko. Apabila tingkat CDS NFOJOHLBU TFDBSB TJHOJmLBO NBLB VOJU bisnis harus melakukan keputusan yang menghindari kerugian yang sangat besar bagi bank. 5. Melakukan evaluasi terhadap eksposur risiko yang dimiliki oleh bank. 6. Apabila terjadi pelampauan limit, Divisi Manajemen Risiko segera melakukan pelampauan tersebut kepada Direksi. G 3HQJHQGDOLDQ5LVLNR3DVDU Strategi yang diambil oleh bank dalam proses pengendalian risiko pasar, antara lain melalui hedging, squaring position, back-to-back dan cara lain yang bertujuan untuk meng- off- set suatu transaksiposisi yang mengalami kerugian serta stress testing guna melihat ketahanan posisi keuangan bank dalam menghadapi kondisi krisis. Selain itu pula dapat digunakan untuk mentransfer risiko yang dimiliki dealing room Treasury bank sepanjang transfer risiko tersebut masih berada dalam risk limit bank. Bank juga membatasi atau melarang jenis transaksi atau instrumen tertentu untuk ditransaksikan oleh bisnis unit, serta mengurangi risiko dengan cara memberikan batas maksimum transaksi atau portofolio sesuai dengan risk appetite bank. 6LVWHP3HQJHQGDOLDQ,QWHUQ\DQJ0HQ\HOXUXK Dalam rangka pengembangan penerapan manajemen risiko yang dinamis, Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko selalu melakukan evaluasi atas kebijakan, prosedur dan limit risiko pasar secara berkala. Sebagai upaya pengendalian risiko pasar berupa kecukupan kebijakan dan prosedur Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko, kaji ulang atas kebijakan dan prosedur dilakukan oleh unit independen baik di internal ataupun pihak eksternal. RISK MANAGEMENT liabilities in encountering the changes in interest rates in the future. 4. Monitoring the sovereign risk Credit Default Swap 5 Year as an indicator of investment risk assessors of a counterparty or a foreign country through the risk management information system. In the FWFOUUIF4MFWFMJODSFBTFETJHOJmDBOUMZ the business unit must undertake decisions to avoid huge losses to the bank. 5. To evaluate the bank’s risk exposures. 6. In the event of limit breach, the Risk Management Division immediately report the breach to the Board of Directors. G 0DUNHW5LVNRQWURO The strategy adopted by the bank in the market risk control process, among others through hedging, squaring position, back-to- back and other methods that aimed to off-set a transaction position experiencing loss as well as stress testing to observe the resilience of the CBOLTmOBODJBMQPTJUJPOJOUIFGBDFPGDSJTJTO addition, it can also be used to transfer the risk of the Treasury dealing room as long as the risk transfer is still in the bank’s risk limit. The Bank also restricts or prohibits certain types of transactions or instruments to be transacted by the business unit, as well as reducing risk by providing a maximum transaction or portfolio limit in accordance with the risk appetite of the bank. RPSUHKHQVLYH,QWHUQDORQWURO6\VWHP In order to develop the implementation of a dynamic risk management, the Risk Management Unit continuously evaluates the policies, procedures and market risk limits on a regular basis. As an effort to control the market risk in the form of adequacy of policies and procedures of the Risk Management Unit, a review on the policies and procedures is carried out by an independent unit both internally or external parties. 376 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO Pelaksanaan kaji ulang dan evaluasi terhadap pengukuran risiko yang dilakukan oleh Divisi Manajemen Risiko meliputi: • Kesesuaian kebijakan, desain proses Manajemen Risiko, sistem informasi, dan pelaporan manajemen risiko bank dengan kebutuhan bisnis Bank, serta perkembangan peraturan dan praktik terbaik best practice terkait Manajemen Risiko; • Metode, asumsi, dan variabel yang digunakan untuk mengukur Risiko dan menetapkan limit risiko pasar; • Perbandingan antara asumsi yang digunakan dalam metode pengukuran risiko yang dipergunakan dengan kondisi yang sebenarnyaaktual; • Perbandingan antara limit yang ditetapkan dengan eksposur yang sebenarnyaaktual; Hasil kaji ulang Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko Divisi Manajemen Risiko yang telah dikaji ulang oleh Satuan Kerja Audit Intern SKAI akan disampaikan dalam Komite Manajemen Risiko RMC untuk kemudian diminta persetujuannya kepada Direksi. Pembahasan tersebut dilakukan pula dengan Dewan Komisaris yang dibantu oleh Komite Pemantau Risiko. Kaji ulang yang dilakukan oleh Satuan Kerja Audit Intern SKAI meliputi: • Keandalan kerangka Manajemen Risiko, yang mencakup kebijakan, struktur organisasi, alokasi sumber daya, desain proses Manajemen Risiko, sistem informasi, dan pelaporan Risiko Bank; • Proses pemantauan yang dilakukan oleh Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko; • Evaluasi atas metodologi pengukuran Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko; 3HQJXQJNDSDQ.XDQWLWDWLI5LVLNR3DVDU MANAJEMEN RISIKO The implementation of review and evaluation to the risk measurement performed by the Risk Management Division include: • The conformity of policy, Risk Management process design, information systems, and the bank’s risk management reporting with the Bank’s business needs, as well as regulatory developments and best practices related to Risk Management; • Methods, assumptions, and variables used to measure Risk and determining the market risk limits; • The comparison between the assumptions used in the risk measurement methods that are utilized and the actual conditions; • Comparison between the set limit and the actual exposure; The review results of the Risk Management Unit Risk Management Division which have been reviewed by the Internal Audit Unit SKAI will be conveyed in the Risk Management Committee RMC to be subsequently prompted for approval to the Board of Directors. The discussion is also held with the Board of Commissioners, assisted by the Risk Monitoring Committee. The review carried out by the Internal Audit Unit SKAI includes: • Reliability of Risk Management framework, which includes policies, organizational structure, resource allocation, Risk Management process design, information systems, and reporting of Bank’s Risks; • Monitoring process conducted by the Risk Management Unit; • Evaluation on the measurement methodology of the Risk Management Unit; 4XDQWLWDWLYHLVFORVXUHRIWKH0DUNHW5LVN 377 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data 7DEOH0DUNHW5LVNLVFORVXUHXVLQJ6WDQGDUGL]HG SSURDFK Rp Million LTXLGLW\5LVN Liquidity risk is the risk due to the inability of the bank to meet obligations or liabilities that have matured. This risk is due to the failure of investment management and fund investment mismatch or a liquidity shortage which leads UPUIFJOBCJMJUZPGUIFCBOLUPNFFUJUTmOBODJBMPCMJHBUJPOT at a predetermined time. Liquidity risk can be categorized as follows: • Market liquidity risk, namely the risk arising from the bank’s inability to offset a certain position with the market price due to inadequate market liquidity conditions or market disruption; • Funding liquidity risk, namely the risk arising from the bank’s inability to disburse its assets or obtain funding from other sources. FWLYH 6XSHUYLVLRQ E\ WKH RDUG RI RPPLVVLRQHUVDQGWKHRDUGRILUHFWRUV The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors are responsible for the effective implementation of Liquidity Risk Management of the Bank. In relations to the active supervision authority and responsibility of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of bank 7DEHO 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 5LVLNR 3DVDU GHQJDQ 0HQJJXQDNDQ0HWRGH6WDQGDU Rp Juta No Keterangan HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVFULSWLRQ bank bjb .RQVROLGDVL Consolidated bank bjb .RQVROLGDVL Consolidated Beban 0RGDO Capital Charge ATMR RWA Beban 0RGDO Capital Charge ATMR RWA Beban 0RGDO Capital Charge ATMR RWA Beban 0RGDO Capital Charge ATMR RWA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 Risiko Suku Bunga 85.747 1.071.834 85.747 1.071.834 88.052 1.100.645 88.052 1.100.645 Interest Rate Risk B3JTJLP4QFTJmL 85.747 1.071.834 85.747 1.071.834 88.052 1.100.645 88.052 1.100.645 B4QFDJmD3JTL b. Risiko Umum - - - - b. General Risk 2 Risiko Nilai Tukar 8.911 111.389 8.911 111.389 5.110 63.878 5.110 63.878 Foreign Exchange Risk 3 Risiko Ekuitas - - - - Equity Risk 4 Risiko Komoditas - - - - Commodity Risk 5 Risiko Option - - - - Option Risk Total 94.658 1.183.223 94.658 1.183.223 93.162 1.164.523 93.162 1.164.523 Total 5LVLNRLNXLGLWDV Risiko Likuiditas adalah risiko akibat ketidakmampuan bank untuk memenuhi kewajiban yang timbul atau kewajiban yang telah jatuh tempo. Risiko ini terjadi akibat kegagalan pengelolaan sumber dana dan penanaman dana mismatch atau kekurangan likuiditas shortage yag mengakibatkan bank tidak mampu memenuhi kewajiban keuangannya pada waktu yang telah ditetapkan. Risiko likuiditas dapat dikategorikan sebagai berikut: • Risiko Likuiditas Pasar, yaitu risiko yang timbul karena bank tidak mampu melakukan offsetting posisi tertentu dengan harga pasar karena kondisi likuiditas pasar yang tidak memadai atau terjadi gangguan di pasar market disruption; • Risiko Likuiditas Pendanaan, yaitu risiko yang timbul karena bank tidak mampu mencairkan asetnya atau memperoleh pendanaan dari sumber dana lain. 3HQJDZDVDQ NWLI HZDQ .RPLVDULV GDQ LUHNVL Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi bertanggungjawab atas efektivitas penerapan Manajemen Risiko Likuiditas di Bank. Terkait wewenang dan tanggung jawab pengawasan aktif Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi bank bjb, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi selalu memperoleh informasi yang jelas RISK MANAGEMENT 378 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO mengenai evaluasi dan penerapan manajemen risiko eksposur risiko likuiditas, pemantauan limit secara harian serta langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh Risk Taking Unit khususnya terkait adanya pelampauan limit. Dalam pelaksanaan pengawasannya, Dewan Komisaris dibantu oleh Komite Pemantau Risiko KPR bank yang secara berkala melakukan pengawasan melalui koordinasi dengan Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko. Media koordinasi yang digunakan dapat berupa laporan pemantauan risiko oleh SKMR yang disampaikan kepada Komite Pemantau Risiko maupun melalui media rapat antara kedua belah pihak. Adapun rapat yang diadakan tersebut pada umumnya membahas penerapan manajemen risiko di bank bjb menyangkut diantaranya penerapan pengukuran risk tolerance risiko likuiditas, stress testing MJLVJEJUBT QFNCBIBTBOQSPmMSJTJLPMJLVJEJUBT yang bersifat material, dan kecukupan metodologi pengukuran yang dipergunakan Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko. Pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh Direksi yaitu memantau penerapan limit Treasury secara berkala baik terjadi pelampauan limit breach limit maupun tidak terjadi pelampauan limit, melakukan persetujuan atas limit yang bersifat baru ataupun perubahannya. Pembahasan tentang pengelolaan risiko likuiditas seperti komposisi deposan inti, NBUVSJUZ QSPmMF bank dilakukan dalam Rapat ALCO Asset Liability Committee sedangkan pembahasan eksposur SJTJLP MJLVJEJUBT TFQFSUJ QSPmM SJTJLP MJLVJEJUBT ZBOH bersifat material, liquidity stress testing, dan eksposur risiko likuiditas lainnya dibahas dalam rapat Komite Manajemen Risiko RMC. Terkait limit risiko likuiditas dan risk appetite bank dievaluasi secara periodik namun dapat dipercepat sesuai dengan perubahan lingkungan bisnis bank. MANAJEMEN RISIKO bjb, the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors always obtain clear information on the evaluation and implementation of risk management of liquidity risk exposure, supervision of limit on a daily basis as well as steps employed by the Risk 5BLJOH6OJUTQFDJmDBMMZSFMBUFEUPUIFMFOEJOHMJNJU In the implementation of its supervision, the Board of Commissioners is assisted by the bank’s Risk Monitoring Committee RMC which periodically conduct supervision in coordination with the Risk Management Unit. The coordination media utilized can be in the form of risk monitoring reports by the SKMR which is submitted to the Risk Monitoring Committee or through the media of meetings between the two parties. The meeting implemented generally discusses the implementation of risk management in bank bjb concerning among others the risk tolerance measurement application of the liquidity risk, liquidity stress testing, material MJRVJEJUZ SJTL QSPmMFT BOE BEFRVBDZ PG UIF measurement methodology utilized by the Risk Management Unit. Supervision carried out by the Board of Directors is through the monitoring of the implementation of the Treasury limit periodically in the event of breach limit occurrences or not, and the provision of limit approval that are new or after being amended. Discussions on the management of the liquidity risk, such as the core EFQPTJUPST DPNQPTJUJPO NBUVSJUZ QSPmMF PG UIF bank, are carried out in the ALCO Asset Liability Committee Meeting, while discussions on the liquidity risk exposures such as material liquidity SJTL QSPmMFT MJRVJEJUZ TUSFTT UFTUJOH BOE PUIFS liquidity risk exposures are discussed in the Risk Management Committee meetings. The limit of the bank’s market risk and risk appetite are evaluated periodically or at any time deemed needed to be evaluated in accordance with the bank’s changing business environment. 379 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data .HFXNXSDQ.HELMDNDQ3URVHGXUGDQ3HQHWDSDQ Limit Sebagai upaya menghadapi permasalahan likuiditas mendasar, bank telah memiliki kebijakan dan pedoman terkait penerapan manajemen risiko likuiditas. Kebijakan dan pedoman tersebut memuat diantaranya prosedur pengukuran risiko likuiditas, stress testing likuiditas yang memuat skenario general market crisis dan bank TQFDJmD crisis. Terkait kebijakan penerapan limit gap likuiditas, prosedur eskalasi pelampauan limit, rencana kontinjensi pendanaan likuiditas, saat ini bank masih menyusun prosedur dan langkah- langkahnya bersama risk taking unit dimana untuk ke depannya akan dijadikan kebijakan aturan yang perlu dipatuhi oleh risk taking unit. Penetapan limit likuiditas yang berjalan di bank yaitu penetapan limit primary reserve, secondary reserve dan ekses reserve GWM sedangkan untuk penetapan pagu kas di Cabang Operasional dilakukan oleh Divisi Operasional. Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko selalu melakukan evaluasi atas kebijakan, prosedur dan analisis kinerja bank terhadap limit yang diterapkan. Adapun perubahan limit dilakukan oleh risk taking unit untuk kemudian dilakukan evaluasi melalui pengukuran yang telah distandardisasi oleh Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko. .HFXNXSDQ 3URVHV ,GHQWLÀNDVL 3HQJXNXUDQ 3HPDQWDXDQ GDQ 3HQJHQGDOLDQ 5LVLNR VHUWD Sistem Informasi Manajemen Risiko Kebijakan risiko likuiditas mencakup risiko yang menyebabkan bank menderita kerugian akibat meningkatnya biaya dana atau adanya hambatan keterbatasan dalam memenuhi kewajiban yang KBUVI UFNQP 4FCBHJBO CFTBS USBOTBLTJ mOBOTJBM atau komitmen mempunyai dampak terhadap likuiditas bank. Oleh karena itu, bank sangat rentan terhadap masalah likuiditas, baik bagi bank itu sendiri maupun pengaruhnya terhadap industri perbankan secara keseluruhan. Bank berkewajiban memenuhi kewajiban keuangannya secara tepat waktu sehingga bank harus mampu memelihara suatu tingkat likuiditas yang memadai setiap waktu. RISK MANAGEMENT GHTXDF\RI3ROLF\3URFHGXUHDQGVWDEOLVKPHQW of Limit As an effort to encounter fundamental liquidity issues, the bank has established policies and guidelines related to liquidity risk management. The policies and guidelines contain among others procedures for liquidity risk measurement, liquidity stress testing which JODMVEFTHFOFSBMNBSLFUDSJTJTBOECBOLTQFDJmDDSJTJT scenarios. In relations to the policy implementation of liquidity gap limits, limit breaches escalation procedures, funding liquidity contingency plan, the bank is currently still formulating the procedures and methods with the risk taking unit which in the future will be used as a policy provisions which needs to be adhered by the risk taking unit. The determination of liquidity limits which will be performed by the bank are namely the limit determination of primary reserve, secondary reserve and excess reserve of the Statutory Reserves while the determination of maximum cash at Operational Branches will be conducted by the Operational Division. The Risk Management Unit continuously evaluates the policies, procedures and performance analysis of the bank towards the applied limit. While limit changes are conducted by the risk-taking units to then be evaluated through a measurement that has been standardized by the Risk Management Unit. GHTXDF\RI,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ3URFHVV0HDVXUHPHQW 0RQLWRULQJ DQG 5LVN RQWURO DV ZHOO DV 5LVN Management Information System Liquidity risk policy covers risks that caused the bank to suffer losses due to the rising cost of funds or the presence of barriers limitations to meet its maturing PCMJHBUJPOT.PTUmOBODJBMUSBOTBDUJPOTPSDPNNJUNFOUT have impacts on the liquidity of the bank. Therefore, banks are highly vulnerable to liquidity issues, both for the bank itself and its impact on the banking industry BTBXIPMF5IFCBOLJTPCMJHFEUPNFFUJUTmOBODJBM obligations in a timely manner, therefore, the bank must be able to maintain an adequate level of liquidity at all times. 380 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO Dalam menentukan limit risiko likuiditas, bank memperhatikan kondisi likuiditas dari aktiva- pasiva bank. Likuiditas yang cukup besar perlu dikelola secara baik dan dijadikan indikator dalam menerapkan limit risiko likuiditas untuk NFOEVLVOH VQBZB QFOJOHLBUBO QSPmUBCJMJUBT bank, karena likuiditas yang cukup besar justru akan meningkatkan idle fund dan akan merugikan bagi bank terutama bank yang didanai nasabah korporasi. Gap likuiditas secara historis dapat dijadikan patokan dalam menentukan limit risiko likuiditas bagi bank. Penerapan limit likuiditas yang berjalan di bank yaitu penetapan limit primary reserve, secondary reserve dan ekses reserve GWM sedangkan untuk penetapan pagu kas di Cabang Operasional dilakukan oleh Divisi Operasional. Saat ini bank sedang mengembangkan sistem informasi pengukuran risiko likuiditas seperti maturity QSPmMF yang terintegrasi. Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko bersama Risk Taking Unit dalam tahapan integrasi sistem informasi maturity QSPmMF tersebut selalu diadakan rapat sebagai upaya mengetahui utilisasi progres yang telah dilakukan. Sistem pelaporan maturity QSPmMF valas telah terintegrasi dan tervalidasi dengan memadai sehingga pelaporannya tidak memerlukan proses manual lagi. Sebagai langkah koordinasi manajemen bank dalam menghadapi kejadian krisis likuiditas dikemudian hari, bank sedang menyusun Tim Manajemen Krisis Likuiditas Liquidity Crisis Management Team sebagai langkah antisipatif dalam menyikapi krisis likuiditas dengan menjalankan prosedur rencana pendanaan darurat sesuai dengan kerangka kerja Contingency Funding Plan Scenario yang telah ditetapkan berdasarkan hasil rapat ALCO Asset Liability Committee. MANAJEMEN RISIKO In determining the liquidity risk limits, the bank considers the liquidity condition of the bank’s assets and liabilities. Substantial liquidity needs to be managed well and used as indicators in the implementation of liquidity risk limits to support the efforts to increase the QSPmUBCJMJUZPGUIFCBOL CFDBVTFBMBSHFMJRVJEJUZXJMM increase idle funds and would be detrimental to the bank, especially banks that are funded by corporate customers. Historic liquidity gap can be used as a benchmark in determining the liquidity risk limits for a bank. The implementation of liquidity limit performed by the bank are namely the limit determination of primary reserve, secondary reserve, and excess reserve of the Statuary Reserve while the determination of maximum cash at Operational Branches will be conducted by the Operational Division. Currently the bank is developing a liquidity risk measurement information systems such as an JOUFHSBUFE NBUVSJUZ QSPmMF 5IF 3JTL .BOBHFNFOU Unit along with the Risk Taking Unit in the integration TUBHF PG UIF NBUVSJUZ QSPmMF JOGPSNBUJPO TZTUFN conduct meetings in an attempt to know the utilization of progress that have been performed. The maturity QSPmMFPGGPSFJHODVSSFODZSFQPSUJOHTZTUFNIBTCFFO TVGmDJFOUMZJOUFHSBUFEBOEWBMJEBUFEUIBUJUTSFQPSUJOH does not require any manual process. As a coordinative measure by the bank’s management in facing liquidity crisis occurrences in the future, the bank is forming the Liquidity Crisis Management Team as an anticipatory measure in response to the liquidity crisis by executing emergency procedures in accordance with the Contingency Funding Plan Scenario framework which has been established based on the ALCO Asset Liability Committee meeting results. 381 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data RISK MANAGEMENT Dalam proses pemantauan limit Risk Taking Unit, Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko selalu melakukan pemantauan limit secara harian dan dilaporkan kepada Direksi secara berkala. Adapun apabila terjadi eskalasi pelampauan limit maka akan segera dilaporkan kepada Direksi termasuk upaya contingency plan yang akan dilakukan oleh Risk Taking Unit. Terkait menuju implementasi Basel III yang terfokus kepada permasalahan likuiditas, Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko bekerja sama dengan Unit Bisnis dan Supporting Unit melakukan pengukuran dampak Basel III terhadap bank dengan melakukan simulasi perhitungan rasio LCR dan NSFR yang dibutuhkan oleh bank agar terhindari dari dampak risiko likuiditas dan kepatuhan internal maupun eksternal. 6LVWHP3HQJHQGDOLDQ,QWHUQ\DQJ0HQ\HOXUXK Dalam rangka pengembangan penerapan manajemen risiko yang dinamis, Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko selalu melakukan evaluasi atas kebijakan, prosedur dan limit risiko likuiditas secara berkala. Sebagai upaya pengendalian risiko pasar berupa kecukupan kebijakan dan prosedur Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko, kaji ulang atas kebijakan dan prosedur dilakukan oleh unit independen baik di internal ataupun pihak eksternal. Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko pun melakukan stress testing likuiditas bank bjb dan memberikan informasi kondisi kecukupan aset likuid yang dipandang memadai untuk mengcover penarikan dana oleh nasabah secara tiba-tiba dan dalam jumlah besar. Laporan tersebut diinformasikan kepada Direksi dan risk taking unit agar mendapatkan feed back dan menciptakan risk awareness. 3HQJXQJNDSDQ.XDQWLWDWLI5LVLNRLNXLGLWDV B 1SPmM.BUVSJUBT3VQJBIoBOLTFDBSBOEJWJEVBM In the Risk Taking Unit limit monitoring process, the Risk Management Unit continuously monitors the daily limit and report it to the Board of Directors on a regular basis. Limit escalation breach occurrences will be immediately reported to the Board of Directors including contingency plan efforts which will be conducted by the Risk Taking Unit. In relations to the implementation of Basel III, which focuses on liquidity issues, the Risk Management Unit is working with the Business Unit and Supporting Unit in measuring the impacts of Basel III on the bank and calculate the ratio of the LCR and NSFR required by the bank in order to avoid the impact of liquidity risk and internal and external compliance. RPSUHKHQVLYH,QWHUQDORQWURO6\VWHP In order to develop a dynamic risk management, the Risk Management Unit continuously evaluates the policies, procedures and limits for liquidity risk on a regular basis. In an effort to control the market risk in the form of the adequacy of policies and procedures of the Risk Management Unit, reviews on the policies and procedures are carried out by an independent unit by both internal and external parties. The Risk Management Unit also conducts bank bjb’s liquidity stress testing and provide information on the liquid assets adequacy conditions that are deemed TVGmDJFOUUPDPWFSBTVEEFOBOEJOMBSHFBNPVOUGVOET withdrawal by customers. The report is conveyed to the Board of Directors and the risk taking unit in order to obtain feed back and create risk awareness. 4XDQWLWDWLYHLVFORVXUHRIWKHLTXLGLW\5LVN B OEJWJEVBM3VQJBIoBOL.BUVSJUZ1SPmMF 382 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 3URÀO 0DWXULWDV 5XSLDK ² DQN VHFDUD,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOD Rp Juta 3RVSRV Post 6DQGL Code 6DOGR Balance 1 minggu 1 week I. NeracaBalance Sheet

A. Aset

Assets 68.074.396 10.559.201 1. KasCash 2.720.555 2.720.555 2. Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia Placement to Bank Indonesia 7.223.854 7.223.854 a. Giro Current Accounts 4.913.672 4.913.672 b. SBI - - c. Lainnya Other Depo Facility, Term Deposit Reverse Repo 2.310.182 2.310.182 3. Penempatan pada bank lain Interbank placement 1.761.780 592.348 4. Surat Berharga Securities 7.132.083 - a. SUN 1.329.611 - 1 diperdagangkan trading - - 2 tersedia untuk dijual available for sale - - 3 dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo held to maturity 1.329.611 - 4 pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang loans and receivables - - b. Surat Berharga Korporasi Corporate Securities 5.802.472 - 1 diperdagangkan trading 722.120 - 2 tersedia untuk dijual available for sale - - 3 dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo held to maturity 5.080.352 - 4 pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang loans and receivables - - c. Lainnya Other - - 5. Kredit yang Diberikan Loans 49.207.445 22.444 a. Belum Jatuh Tempo Non Past Due 49.207.445 22.444 b. Sudah Jatuh Tempo Past Due - - 6. Tagihan Lainnya Other Receivable 28.679 - a. Tagihan atas Surat Berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali RR Claims on Securities purchased under agreements to resell RR - - b. Lainnya Other 28.679 - 7. Lain-lain Others - - 57.355.119 232.346

B. Kewajiban

Liabilities 57.587.465 36.669.803 1. Dana Pihak Ketiga Third Party Funds 52.718.663 36.615.811 a. Giro Current Accounts 21.337.907 21.337.907 b. Tabungan Saving Accounts 12.383.742 12.383.742 c. Simpanan Berjangka Time Deposits 18.997.014 2.894.162 1 Deposito on call - - 2 Deposito berjangka Time Deposits 18.997.014 2.894.162 3 Lainnya Other - - 2. Kewajiban kepada Bank Indonesia Liabilities on Bank Indonesia - - 3. Kewajiban kepada bank lain Liabilities on Other Bank 74.275 9.379 4. Surat Berharga yang Diterbitkan Securities Issued 2.396.611 - a. Obligasi Bonds 2.396.611 - MANAJEMEN RISIKO 383 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data -DWXK7HPSR Maturity PLQJJX minggu 1 weeks - 2 weeks PLQJJXEXODQ 2 weeks- 1 months EXODQ 1 -3 months EXODQ 3 - 6 months EXODQ 6 - 12 months 12 bulan 12 months 1.010.095 610.641 488.745 1.710.183 3.064.111 50.631.420 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 840.000 300.000 23.452 5.980 - - 129.982 241.382 331.885 801.436 2.224.093 3.403.305 - - 132.197 489.850 707.564 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 132.197 489.850 707.564 - - - - - - - 129.982 241.382 199.688 311.586 1.516.529 3.403.305 - - - - 1.238 720.882 - - - - - - 129.982 241.382 199.688 311.586 1.515.291 2.682.423 - - - - - - - - - - - - 40.113 69.259 133.408 902.767 840.018 47.199.436 40.113 69.259 133.408 902.767 840.018 47.199.436 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.679 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.679 - - - - - - 3.335.480 2.118.482 5.055.774 4.993.678 2.401.752 3.012.496 2.023.163 1.887.656 4.852.330 4.675.337 2.119.232 545.134 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.023.163 1.887.656 4.852.330 4.675.337 2.119.232 545.134 - - - - - - 2.023.163 1.887.656 4.852.330 4.675.337 2.119.232 545.134 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8.196 11.128 20.661 6.640 6.520 11.751 - - - - 276.000 2.120.611 - - - - 276.000 2.120.611 RISK MANAGEMENT LVFORVXUH RI 5XSLDK 0DWXULW\ 3URÀOH ² DQN 2QO\ Table 9.1.a Rp Million 384 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO 3RVSRV Post 6DQGL Code 6DOGR Balance 1 minggu 1 week b. Subordinasi Subordinated - - c. Lainnya Other - - 5. Pinjaman yang Diterima Borrowings 335.000 - a. Pinjaman Subordinasi Subordinated Borrowings - - b. Lainnya Other 335.000 - 6. Kewajiban Lainnya Other Liabilities 2.062.916 44.613 a. Kewajiban atas Surat Berharga yang dijual dengan janji dibeli kembali Repo Liability for Securities sold under repurchase agreements Repo 2.062.916 44.613 b. Lainnya Other - - 7. Lain-lain Others - - - 6HOLVLKVHWGHQJDQ.HZDMLEDQGDODP1HUDFD LIIHUHQFHVVHWVWRLDELOLWLHVLQ WKHDODQFH6KHHW 10.486.931 1.949.656 - II. Rekening Administratif Off-Balance Sheet


2IIDODQFH6KHHW5HFHLYDEOHV - - 1. Komitmen Commitments - - a. Fasilitas pinjaman yang belum ditarik Undrawn borrowing facilities - - b. Posisi pembelian spot dan derivatif yang masih berjalan Outstanding buying spot and derivative - - 1 Spot - - 2 Derivatif - - c. Lainnya Other - - 2. Kontijensi Contingencies - - -


LDELOLWLHVDODQFH6KHHW 3.083.012 445.557 1. Komitmen Commitments 1.784.439 6.366 a. Fasilitas pinjaman yang belum ditarik Undrawn borrowing facilities 1.736.998 906 b. Irrevocable LC yang masih berjalan Irrevocable L C is still running 47.441 5.460 c. Posisi pembelian spot dan derivatif yang masih berjalan Outstanding buying spot and derivative - - 1 Spot - - 2 Derivatif - - d. Lainnya Other - - 2. Kontijensi Contingencies 1.298.573 439.191 - 6HOLVLK7DJLKDQGDQ.HZDMLEDQGDODP5HNHQLQJGPLQLVWUDWLI LIIHUHQFHLQ FFRXQW5HFHLYDEOHVDQG3D\DEOHVGPLQLVWUDWLYH 3.083.012 445.557 - 6HOLVLK,,,,,, 7.403.919 26.556.159 6HOLVLK.XPXODWLI XPXODWLYHLIIHUHQFHV 26.556.159 MANAJEMEN RISIKO 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 3URÀO 0DWXULWDV 5XSLDK ² DQN VHFDUD,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOD Rp Juta 385 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data -DWXK7HPSR Maturity PLQJJX minggu 1 weeks - 2 weeks PLQJJXEXODQ 2 weeks- 1 months EXODQ 1 -3 months EXODQ 3 - 6 months EXODQ 6 - 12 months 12 bulan 12 months - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 335.000 - - - - - - - - - - - 335.000 1.304.121 219.698 182.783 311.701 - - 1.304.121 219.698 182.783 311.701 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.636.565 1.822.487 1.768.779 348.849 850.971 11.294.663 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 63.162 91.472 204.979 457.989 390.568 1.429.285 3.008 16.084 12.495 158.235 235.895 1.352.356 3.008 15.730 10.586 148.207 206.205 1.352.356 - 354 1.909 10.028 29.690 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60.154 75.388 192.484 299.754 154.673 76.929 - - - - - - 63.162 91.472 204.979 457.989 390.568 1.429.285 - - - - - - 2.388.547 1.599.313 4.772.008 3.741.484 271.791 46.189.639 28.944.706 30.544.019 35.316.027 39.057.511 38.785.720 7.403.919 RISK MANAGEMENT LVFORVXUH RI 5XSLDK 0DWXULW\ 3URÀOH ² DQN 2QO\ Table 9.1.a Rp Million 386 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO C 1SPmM .BUVSJUBT 3VQJBI o BOL TFDBSB Konsolidasi 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 3URÀO 0DWXULWDV 5XSLDK ² DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQ QDN Tabel 9.2.a. Rp Juta 3RVSRV Post 6DQGL Code 6DOGR Balance 1 minggu 1 week I. NeracaBalance Sheet

A. Aset

Assets 68.334.201 10.814.152 1. KasCash 2.760.427 2.760.427 2. Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia Placement to Bank Indonesia 7.432.144 7.432.144 a. Giro Current Accounts 5.121.962 5.121.962 b. SBI - - c. Lainnya Other Depo Facility, Term Deposit Reverse Repo 2.310.182 2.310.182 3. Penempatan pada bank lain Interbank placement 1.768.569 599.137 4. Surat Berharga Securities 7.136.937 - a. SUN 1.329.611 - 1 diperdagangkan trading - - 2 tersedia untuk dijual available for sale - - 3 dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo held to maturity 1.329.611 - 4 pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang loans and receivables - - b. Surat Berharga Korporasi Corporate Securities 5.807.326 - 1 diperdagangkan trading 722.120 - 2 tersedia untuk dijual available for sale - - 3 dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo held to maturity 5.085.206 - 4 pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang loans and receivables - - c. Lainnya Other - - 5. Kredit yang Diberikan Loans 49.207.445 22.444 a. Belum Jatuh Tempo Non Past Due 49.207.445 22.444 b. Sudah Jatuh Tempo Past Due - - 6. Tagihan Lainnya Other Receivable 28.679 - a. Tagihan atas Surat Berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali RR Claims on Securities purchased under agreements to resell RR - - b. Lainnya Other 28.679 - 7. Lain-lain Others - - 57.355.119 1.327.927

B. Kewajiban

Liabilities 56.027.192 37.127.833 1. Dana Pihak Ketiga Third Party Funds 53.214.999 37.112.147 a. Giro Current Accounts 21.337.907 21.337.907 b. Tabungan Saving Accounts 12.880.078 12.880.078 c. Simpanan Berjangka Time Deposits 18.997.014 2.894.162 1 Deposito on call - - 2 Deposito berjangka Time Deposits 18.997.014 2.894.162 3 Lainnya Other - - 2. Kewajiban kepada Bank Indonesia Liabilities on Bank Indonesia - - 3. Kewajiban kepada bank lain Liabilities on Other Bank 80.582 15.686 4. Surat Berharga yang Diterbitkan Securities Issued 2.396.611 - a. Obligasi Bonds 2.396.611 - b. Subordinasi Subordinated - - c. Lainnya Other - - MANAJEMEN RISIKO 387 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data -DWXK7HPSR Maturity PLQJJX minggu 1 weeks - 2 weeks PLQJJXEXODQ 2 weeks- 1 months EXODQ 1 -3 months EXODQ 3 - 6 months EXODQ 6 - 12 months 12 bulan 12 months 1.010.095 610.641 488.745 1.710.183 3.068.965 50.631.420 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 840.000 300.000 23.452 5.980 - - 129.982 241.382 331.885 801.436 2.228.947 3.403.305 - - 132.197 489.850 707.564 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 132.197 489.850 707.564 - - - - - - - 129.982 241.382 199.688 311.586 1.521.383 3.403.305 - - - - 1.238 720.882 - - - - - - 129.982 241.382 199.688 311.586 1.520.145 2.682.423 - - - - - - - - - - - - 40.113 69.259 133.408 902.767 840.018 47.199.436 40.113 69.259 133.408 902.767 840.018 47.199.436 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.679 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.679 - - - - - - 2.031.359 1.898.784 4.872.991 4.681.977 2.401.752 3.012.496 2.023.163 1.887.656 4.852.330 4.675.337 2.119.232 545.134 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.023.163 1.887.656 4.852.330 4.675.337 2.119.232 545.134 - - - - - - 2.023.163 1.887.656 4.852.330 4.675.337 2.119.232 545.134 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8.196 11.128 20.661 6.640 6.520 11.751 - - - - 276.000 2.120.611 - - - - 276.000 2.120.611 - - - - - - - - - - - - RISK MANAGEMENT C .BUVSJUZQSPmMF3VQJBIoPOTPMJEBUFEBOL LVFORVXUH RI 5XSLDK 0DWXULW\ 3URÀOH ² DQN RQVROLGDWHG7DEOHD Rp Million 388 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO 3RVSRV Post 6DQGL Code 6DOGR Balance 1 minggu 1 week 5. Pinjaman yang Diterima Borrowings 335.000 - a. Pinjaman Subordinasi Subordinated Borrowings - - b. Lainnya Other 335.000 - 6. Kewajiban Lainnya Other Liabilities - - a. Kewajiban atas Surat Berharga yang dijual dengan janji dibeli kembali Repo Liability for Securities sold under repurchase agreements Repo - - b. Lainnya Other - - 7. Lain-lain Others - - - 6HOLVLKVHWGHQJDQ.HZDMLEDQGDODP1HUDFD LIIHUHQFHVVHWVWRLDELOLWLHVLQ WKHDODQFH6KHHW 12.307.009 1.949.656 - II. Rekening Administratif Off-Balance Sheet


2IIDODQFH6KHHW5HFHLYDEOHV - - 1. Komitmen Commitments - - a. Fasilitas pinjaman yang belum ditarik Undrawn borrowing facilities - - b. Posisi pembelian spot dan derivatif yang masih berjalan Outstanding buying spot and derivative - - 1 Spot - - 2 Derivatif - - c. Lainnya Other - - 2. Kontijensi Contingencies - - -


LDELOLWLHVDODQFH6KHHW 3.083.012 445.557 1. Komitmen Commitments 1.784.439 6.366 a. Fasilitas pinjaman yang belum ditarik Undrawn borrowing facilities 1.736.998 906 b. Irrevocable LC yang masih berjalan Irrevocable L C is still running 47.441 5.460 c. Posisi pembelian spot dan derivatif yang masih berjalan Outstanding buying spot and derivative - - 1 Spot - - 2 Derivatif - - d. Lainnya Other - - 2. Kontijensi Contingencies 1.298.573 439.191 - 6HOLVLK7DJLKDQGDQ.HZDMLEDQGDODP5HNHQLQJGPLQLVWUDWLI LIIHUHQFHLQ FFRXQW5HFHLYDEOHVDQG3D\DEOHVGPLQLVWUDWLYH 3.083.012 445.557 - 6HOLVLK,,,,,, 9.223.997 26.759.238 6HOLVLK.XPXODWLI XPXODWLYHLIIHUHQFHV 26.759.238 MANAJEMEN RISIKO 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 3URÀO 0DWXULWDV 5XSLDK DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQ QDN Tabel 9.2.a. Rp Juta 389 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data -DWXK7HPSR Maturity PLQJJX minggu 1 weeks - 2 weeks PLQJJXEXODQ 2 weeks- 1 months EXODQ 1 -3 months EXODQ 3 - 6 months EXODQ 6 - 12 months 12 bulan 12 months - - - - - 335.000 - - - - - - - - - - - 335.000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.636.565 1.822.487 1.768.779 348.849 850.971 11.294.663 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 63.162 91.472 204.979 457.989 390.568 1.429.285 3.008 16.084 12.495 158.235 235.895 1.352.356 3.008 15.730 10.586 148.207 206.205 1.352.356 - 354 1.909 10.028 29.690 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60.154 75.388 192.484 299.754 154.673 76.929 - - - - - - 63.162 91.472 204.979 457.989 390.568 1.429.285 - - - - - - 1.084.426 1.379.615 4.589.225 3.429.783 276.645 46.189.639 27.843.664 29.223.279 33.812.504 37.242.287 36.965.642 9.223.997 RISK MANAGEMENT LVFORVXUH RI 5XSLDK 0DWXULW\ 3URÀOH ² DQN RQVROLGDWHG7DEOHD Rp Million 390 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO D 1SPmM.BUVSJUBT7BMBToBOLTFDBSBOEJWJEVBM 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 3URÀO 0DWXULWDV 9DODV ² DQN VHFDUD.RQVROLGDVLGHQJDQ,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOE Rp Juta 3RVSRV Post 6DOGR Balance -DWXK7HPSR0DWXULW\ 1 minggu 1 week PLQJJX minggu 1 weeks - 2 week s PLQJJX bulan 2 weeks- 1 months EXODQ 1 -3 months EXODQ 3 - 6 months EXODQ 6 - 12 months 12 bulan 12 months I. NeracaBalance Sheet

A. Aset

Assets 478.355 344.184 6.494 - 8.686 28.451 48.819 41.722 1. KasCash 15.319 15.319 - - - - - - 2. Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia Placement to Bank Indonesia 41.378 41.378 - - - - - - a. Giro Current Accounts 41.378 41.378 - - - - - - b. SBI - c. Lainnya Other Depo Facility, Term Deposit Reverse Repo - - - - - - - - 3. Penempatan pada bank lain Interbank placement 140.489 140.489 - - - - - - 4. Surat Berharga Securities 23.568 - - - - 19.857 3.710 - a. SUN - - - - - - - - 1 Diperdagangkan trading - 2 Tersedia untuk dijual available for sale - 3 Dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo held to maturity - 4 Pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang loans and receivables - b. Surat Berharga Korporasi Corporate Securities 23.568 - - - - 19.857 3.710 - 1 Diperdagangkan trading - - - - - - - - 2 Tersedia untuk dijual available for sale - - - - - - - - 3 Dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo held to maturity 23.568 - - - - 19.857 3.710 - 4 Pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang loans and receivables - - - - - - - - c. Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - 5. Kredit yang Diberikan Loans 242.515 146.998 - - 93 8.593 45.109 41.722 a. Belum Jatuh Tempo Non Past Due 242.515 146.998 - - 93 8.593 45.109 41.722 b. Sudah Jatuh Tempo Past Due - - - - - - - - 6. Tagihan Lainnya Other Receivable 15.087 - 6.494 - 8.593 - - - a. Tagihan atas Surat Berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali RR Claims on Securities purchased under agreements to resell RR - - - - - - - - b. Lainnya Other 15.087 - 6.494 - 8.593 - - - 7. Lain-lain Others - - - - - - - - 637.612 11.213

B. Kewajiban

Liabilities 626.399 386.509 10.522 124.860 102.839 32 1.638 - 1. Dana Pihak Ketiga Third Party Funds 492.967 264.809 4.028 124.860 97.601 32 1.638 - a. Giro Current Accounts 193.826 193.826 - - - - - - b. Tabungan Saving Accounts 37.368 37.368 - - - - - - c. Simpanan Berjangka Time Deposits 261.773 33.615 4.028 124.860 97.601 32 1.638 - 1 Deposito on call - - - - - - - - 2 Deposito berjangka Time Deposits 261.773 33.615 4.028 124.860 97.601 32 1.638 - 3 Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - 2. Kewajiban kepada Bank Indonesia Liabilities on Bank Indonesia - - - - - - - - 3. Kewajiban kepada bank lain Liabilities on Other Bank 121.700 121.700 - - - - - - 4. Surat Berharga yang Diterbitkan Securities Issued - - - - - - - - a. Obligasi Bonds - - - - - - - - b. Subordinasi Subordinated - - - - - - - - c. Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - MANAJEMEN RISIKO D 3VQJBI.BUVSJUZ1SPmMFPOTPMJEBUFEBOL LVFORVXUH RI 5XSLDK 0DWXULW\ 3URÀOH ² DQN 2QO\ Table 9.1.b Rp Million 391 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data 3RVSRV Post 6DOGR Balance -DWXK7HPSR0DWXULW\ 1 minggu 1 week PLQJJX minggu 1 weeks - 2 week s PLQJJX bulan 2 weeks- 1 months EXODQ 1 -3 months EXODQ 3 - 6 months EXODQ 6 - 12 months 12 bulan 12 months 5. Pinjaman yang Diterima Borrowings - - - - - - - - a. Pinjaman Subordinasi Subordinated Borrowings - - - - - - - - b. Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - 6. Kewajiban Lainnya Other Liabilities 11.732 - 6.494 - 5.238 - - - a. Kewajiban atas Surat Berharga yang dijual dengan janji dibeli kembali Repo Liability for Securities sold under repurchase agreements Repo 11.732 - 6.494 - 5.238 - - - b. Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - 7. Lain-lain Others - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6HOLVLKVHWGHQJDQ.HZDMLEDQGDODP1HUDFD LIIHUHQFHVVHWVWRLDELOLWLHVLQWKHDODQFH 6KHHW 148.043 1.949.656 2.636.565 1.822.487 1.768.779 348.849 850.971 11.294.663 - - - - - - - II. Rekening Administratif Off-Balance Sheet - - - - - - -


2IIDODQFH 6KHHW5HFHLYDEOHV - - - - - - - - 1. Komitmen Commitments - - - - - - - - a. Fasilitas pinjaman yang belum ditarik Undrawn borrowing facilities - - - - - - - - b. Irrevocable LC yang masih berjalan Irrevocable LC is still running - - - - - - - - c. Posisi pembelian spot dan derivatif yang masih berjalan Outstanding buying spot and derivative - - - - - - - - 1 Spot - - - - - - - - 2 Derivatif - - - - - - - - d. Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - 2. Kontijensi Contingencies - - - - - - - 436.445 13.043 2.461 1.255 30.244 188.122 165.159 36.160


Liabilities DODQFH6KHHW 68.889 - - - 1.714 65.834 1.298 43 1. Komitmen Commitments 75 - - - - 32 43 a. Fasilitas pinjaman yang belum ditarik Undrawn borrowing facilities 68.813 - - - 1.714 65.834 1.266 - b. Irrevocable LC yang masih berjalan Irrevocable L C is still running - - - - - - - - c. Posisi pembelian spot dan derivatif yang masih berjalan Outstanding buying spot and derivative - - - - - - - - 1 Spot - - - - - - - - 2 Derivatif - - - - - - - - d. Lainnya Other 367.557 13.043 2.461 1.255 28.530 122.288 163.861 36.118 2. Kontijensi Contingencies - - - - - - - 436.445 13.043 2.461 1.255 30.244 188.122 165.159 36.160 6HOLVLK7DJLKDQGDQ.HZDMLEDQGDODP5HNHQLQJ GPLQLVWUDWLI LIIHUHQFHLQFFRXQW5HFHLYDEOHV DQG3D\DEOHVGPLQLVWUDWLYH - - - - - - - 584.489 55.368 6.489 126.115 124.396 159.703 117.979 5.562 6HOLVLK,,,,,, 6HOLVLK.XPXODWLI XPXODWLYHLIIHUHQFHV 55.368 61.857 187.973 312.369 472.072 590.051 584.489 RISK MANAGEMENT 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 3URÀO 0DWXULWDV 9DODV ² DQN VHFDUD.RQVROLGDVLGHQJDQ,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOE Rp Juta LVFORVXUH RI 5XSLDK 0DWXULW\ 3URÀOH ² DQN 2QO\ Table 9.1.b Rp Million 392 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO E 1SPmM.BUVSJUBT7BMBToBOLTFDBSB,POTPMJEBTJ 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 3URÀO 0DWXULWDV 9DODV ² DQN VHFDUD3HUXVDKDDQQDN7DEHOE Rp Juta 3RVSRV Post 6DOGR DODQFH -DWXK7HPSR0DWXULW\ 1 minggu 1 week PLQJJX minggu ZHHNV weeks PLQJJX bulan ZHHNV PRQWKV EXODQ PRQWKV EXODQ PRQWKV EXODQ PRQWKV 12 bulan PRQWKV I. NeracaBalance Sheet

A. Asset

Assets 478.355 344.184 6.494 - 8.686 28.450 48.819 41.722 1. KasCash 15.319 15.319 - - - - - - 2. Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia Placement to Bank Indonesia 41.378 41.378 - - - - - - a. Giro Current Accounts 41.378 41.378 - - - - - - b. SBI - - - - - - - - c. Lainnya Other Depo Facility, Term Deposit Reverse Repo - - - - - - - - 3. Penempatan pada bank lain Interbank placement 140.489 140.489 - - - - - - 4. Surat Berharga Securities 23.567 - - - - 19.857 3.710 - a. SUN - - - - - - - - 1 Diperdagangkan trading - - - - - - - - 2 Tersedia untuk dijual available for sale - - - - - - - - 3 Dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo held to maturity - - - - - - - - 4 Pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang loans and receivables - - - - - - - - b. Surat Berharga Korporasi Corporate Securities 23.567 - - - - 19.857 3.710 - 1 Diperdagangkan trading - - - - - - - - 2 Tersedia untuk dijual available for sale - - - - - - - - 3 Dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo held to maturity 23.567 - - - - 19.857 3.710 - 4 Pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang loans and receivables - - - - - - - - c. Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - 5. Kredit yang Diberikan Loans 242.515 146.998 - - 93 8.593 45.109 41.722 a. Belum Jatuh Tempo Non Past Due 242.515 146.998 - - 93 8.593 45.109 41.722 b. Sudah Jatuh Tempo Past Due - - - - - - - - 6. Tagihan Lainnya Other Receivable 15.087 - 6.494 - 8.593 - - - a. Tagihan atas Surat Berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali RR Claims on Securities purchased under agreements to resell RR - - - - - - - - b. Lainnya Other 15.087 - 6.494 - 8.593 - - - 7. Lain-lain Others - - - - - - - - 637.612 22.944

B. Kewajiban

Liabilities 614.668 386.509 4.028 124.860 97.601 32 1.638 - 1. Dana Pihak Ketiga Third Party Funds 492.968 264.809 4.028 124.860 97.601 32 1.638 - a. Giro Current Accounts 193.826 193.826 - - - - - - b. Tabungan Saving Accounts 37.368 37.368 - - - - - - c. Simpanan Berjangka Time Deposits 261.774 33.615 4.028 124.860 97.601 32 1.638 - 1 Deposito on call - - - - - - - - 2 Deposito berjangka Time Deposits 261.774 33.615 4.028 124.860 97.601 32 1.638 - 3 Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - 2. Kewajiban kepada Bank Indonesia Liabilities on Bank Indonesia - - - - - - - - 3. Kewajiban kepada bank lain Liabilities on Other Bank 121.700 121.700 - - - - - - 4. Surat Berharga yang Diterbitkan Securities Issued - - - - - - - - a. Obligasi Bonds - - - - - - - - b. Subordinasi Subordinated - - - - - - - - c. Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - E .BUVSJUZQSPmMF3VQJBIPOTPMJEBUFEBOL LVFORVXUH RI 5XSLDK 0DWXULW\ 3URÀOH ² DQN RQVROLGDWHG7DEOHE Rp Million 393 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data 3RVSRV Post 6DOGR DODQFH -DWXK7HPSR0DWXULW\ 1 minggu 1 week PLQJJX minggu ZHHNV weeks PLQJJX bulan ZHHNV PRQWKV EXODQ PRQWKV EXODQ PRQWKV EXODQ PRQWKV 12 bulan PRQWKV 5. Pinjaman yang Diterima Borrowings - - - - - - - - a. Pinjaman Subordinasi Subordinated Borrowings - - - - - - - - b. Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - 6. Kewajiban Lainnya Other Liabilities - - - - - - - - a. Kewajiban atas Surat Berharga yang dijual dengan janji dibeli kembali Repo Liability for Securities sold under repurchase agreements Repo - - - - - - - - b. Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - 7. Lain-lain Others - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6HOLVLKVHWGHQJDQ.HZDMLEDQGDODP1HUDFD LIIHUHQFHVVHWVWRLDELOLWLHVLQWKHDODQFH 6KHHW 136.313 1.949.656 2.636.565 1.822.487 1.768.779 348.849 850.971 11.294.663 - - - - - - - II. Rekening Administratif Off-Balance Sheet - - - - - - -


2IIDODQFH 6KHHW5HFHLYDEOHV - - - - - - - - 1. Komitmen Commitments - - - - - - - - a. Fasilitas pinjaman yang belum ditarik Undrawn borrowing facilities - - - - - - - - b. Irrevocable LC yang masih berjalan Irrevocable LC is still running - - - - - - - - c. Posisi pembelian spot dan derivatif yang masih berjalan Outstanding buying spot and derivative - - - - - - - - 1 Spot - - - - - - - - 2 Derivatif - - - - - - - - d. Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - 2. Kontijensi Contingencies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Liabilities DODQFH6KHHW - - - - - - - - 1. Komitmen Commitments - - - - - - - - a. Fasilitas pinjaman yang belum ditarik Undrawn borrowing facilities - - - - - - - - b. Irrevocable LC yang masih berjalan Irrevocable L C is still running - - - - - - - - c. Posisi pembelian spot dan derivatif yang masih berjalan Outstanding buying spot and derivative - - - - - - - - 1 Spot - - - - - - - - 2 Derivatif - - - - - - - - d. Lainnya Other - - - - - - - - 2. Kontijensi Contingencies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6HOLVLK7DJLKDQGDQ.HZDMLEDQGDODP5HNHQLQJ GPLQLVWUDWLI LIIHUHQFHLQFFRXQW5HFHLYDEOHV DQG3D\DEOHVGPLQLVWUDWLYH - - - - - - - 136.313 42.325 2.466 124.860 88.915 28.418 47.181 41.722 6HOLVLK,,,,,, 6HOLVLK.XPXODWLI XPXODWLYHLIIHUHQFHV 42.325 39.859 164.719 253.634 225.216 178.035 136.313 3HQJXQJNDSDQ 3URÀO 0DWXULWDV 9DODV ² DQN VHFDUD3HUXVDKDDQQDN7DEHOE Rp Juta LVFORVXUH RI 5XSLDK 0DWXULW\ 3URÀOH ² DQN RQVROLGDWHG7DEOHE Rp Million 394 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO 5LVLNR2SHUDVLRQDO Risiko Operasional adalah risiko akibat ketidakcukupan danatau tidak berfungsinya proses internal, kesalahan manusia, kegagalan sistem, danatau adanya kejadian- kejadian eksternal yang mempengaruhi operasional bank. Risiko operasional melekat kepada seluruh aktivitas bank, oleh karena itu risiko operasional tidak dapat dihilangkan namun dapat dikendalikan melalui mitigasi risiko yang memadai. Dampak kerugian dari risiko operasional dapat berupa kerugian keuangan atau kerugian non keuangan. Bank melakukan tata kelola mengenai pengelolaan risiko operasional yang dilakukan melalui three line of defense yaitu risk taking unit sebagai lini pertahanan pertama, unit kerja Operational Risk Management sebagai lini pertahanan kedua, serta Internal Audit sebagai lini pertahanan ketiga. Lini pertahanan pertama memiliki tanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa seluruh proses operasional yang dilakukan telah sesuai dengan kebijakan dan QSPTFEVS ZBOH CFSMBLV NFMBLVLBO JEFOUJmLBTJ SJTJLP operasional serta melakukan mitigasi atas peristiwa kejadian risiko operasional. Lini pertahanan kedua yang berfungsi untuk mendukung dan memastikan unit kerja pada lini pertahanan pertama telah melakukan pengelolaan risiko secara efektif. Lini pertahanan ketiga memiliki peran untuk memastikan proses pengelolaan risiko operasional yang dilakukan oleh lini pertahanan pertama dan kedua telah berlangsung secara efektif dalam memitigasi kejadian risiko yang sudah terjadi maupun yang bersifat potensial agar tidak menimbulkan potensi kerugian bagi Bank. 3HQJDZDVDQ NWLI HZDQ .RPLVDULV GDQ LUHNVL Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi melakukan pengawasan aktif atas manajemen risiko operasional, antara lain melalui Komite Risiko baik yang berada pada level komisaris maupun direksi. Dalam pelaksanaan pengawasan aktif yang dilakukan Dewan Komisaris, dilakukan melalui Komite Pemantau Risiko. Sementara pada tingkat Direksi dilakukan melalui Komite Manajemen Risiko yang antara lain membahas mengenai 2SHUDWLRQDO5LVN 0QFSBUJPOBM SJTL JT SJTLT EVF UP JOTVGmDJFOU BOE PS failed internal processes, human error, system failure, and or the existence of external events affecting the operations of the bank. Operational risks are inherent to all bank activities, therefore operational risks can not be eliminated but can be controlled through adequate risk mitigations. The impact of operational risk losses DBO CF JO UIF GPSN PG mOBODJBM MPTT PS OPOmOBODJBM loss. The bank conducts governance on the management of operational risk, performed through the three line of EFGFOTF OBNFMZUIFSJTLUBLJOHVOJUBTUIFmSTUMJOFPG defense, the Operational Risk Management unit as the second line of defense, as well as the Internal Audit as the third line of defense. 5IF mSTU MJOF PG EFGFOTF IBT UIF SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ UP ensure that all operational processes are carried out in compliance with the applicable policies and QSPDFEVSFT DPOEVDUJOHPQFSBUJPOBMSJTLJEFOUJmDBUJPO as well as conducting mitigations on operational risk occurrence events. The second line of defense which TFSWFTUPTVQQPSUBOEFOTVSFUIFXPSLVOJUJOUIFmSTU line of defense has conducted the management of risk effectively. The third line of defense has a role to ensure that the operational risk management process DPOEVDUFE CZ UIF mSTU BOE TFDPOE MJOF PG EFGFOTF has been effective in mitigating risk events that have already occurred and that are potential in order to avoid the potential loss to the Bank. FWLYH6XSHUYLVLRQE\WKHRDUGRIRPPLVVLRQHUV DQGWKHRDUGRILUHFWRUV The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors conduct active supervision on the management of operational risk at the level of both the commissioners and directors. In the implementation of active supervision conducted by the Board of Commissioners, is conducted by the Risk Monitoring Committee. While at the level of Directors is conducted by the Risk Management Committee which among other things discussed the bank’s risk management 395 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data kebijakan manajemen risiko bank. Dalam rangka meminimalisir kejadian fraud, Direksi melakukan sosialisasi kepada seluruh karyawan mengenai pencegahan terkait fraud sebagai langkah untuk meningkatkan awareness karyawan mengenai kejadian fraud. Bank memiliki unit kerja independen yang melaksanakan pengelolaan manajemen risiko operasional secara bankwide yaitu Grup Risiko Operasional yang berada di bawah Divisi Manajemen Risiko. Unit ini memiliki peran dalam menetapkan standar dan kebijakan pengelolaan risiko operasional, dan berhubungan serta berkoordinasi dengan seluruh unit bisnis dan supporting unit untuk memastikan langkah mitigasi yang dilakukan telah cukup dan memadai untuk mencegah potensi risiko operasional. Bank melakukan pengelolaan risiko operasional pada seluruh aktivitas, dimana seluruh karyawan wajib berperan serta dalam mengelola risiko operasional pada unit kerja masing-masing serta memperhatikan kontrol yang efektif untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan terjadinya risiko yang dapat merugikan bank. .HFXNXSDQ.HELMDNDQ3URVHGXUGDQ3HQHWDSDQ Limit Bank telah memiliki kebijakan serta pedoman manajemen risiko operasional yang secara berkala dilakukan pembaharuan dan evaluasi atas kebijakan dan pedoman manajemen risiko bank tersebut. Selain itu bank juga telah memiliki kebijakan lain terkait manajemen risiko operasional, diantaranya kebijakan anti fraud, kebijakan Business Continuity Management yang didalamnya meliputi Business Continuity Plan sebagai prosedur kelangsungan usaha Bank, Emergency Response Plan sebagai prosedur tanggap darurat bencana dalam rangka penyelamatan data dan asset serta Disaster Recovery Plan sebagai prosedur kelangsungan sistem dan infrastruktur pendukung Teknologi Informasi, Kebijakan pengelolaan Teknologi Informasi. Disamping itu terkait dengan kebijakan pengembangan produk dan aktivitas baru terlebih dahulu dilakukan analisa untuk menilai risiko yang melekat terhadap aktivitasproduk tersebut. policies. In order to minimize the incidence of fraud, the Board of Directors performs disseminations to all employees regarding the preventions related to fraud as a way to increase employees’ awareness on the incidence of fraud. The Bank has an independent unit carrying out the bankwide management of operational risk management, namely the Operational Risk Group which is under the Risk Management Division. This unit has a role in setting operational risk management standards and policies, and have relations and coordinations with all business units and supporting units to ensure that the mitigation measures conducted IBWFCFFOTVGmDJFOUBOEBEFRVBUFUPQSFWFOUQPUFOUJBM operational risks. The Bank manages operational risk in all activities, in which all employees are required to participate in managing operational risk in their respective work unit as well as with regards to effective control to anticipate risks that may be detrimental to the bank. GHTXDF\RI3ROLF\3URFHGXUHDQGVWDEOLVKPHQW of Limit The bank has an operational risk management policy and guidelines that are updated and evaluated regularly on the bank’s risk management policies and guidelines. In addition, the bank also has other policies related to the management of operational risk, including anti-fraud policy, the Business Continuity Management policy in which includes the Business Continuity Plan as the Bank’s business continuity procedures, Emergency Response Plan as an emergency response procedures in order to rescue data and assets as well as the Disaster Recovery Plan as the system sustainability procedures, and Information Technology supporting infrastructures, the Information Technology management Policies. In addition, related to the new products and activities development, prior analysis to assess the risks inherent to the activityproduct is conducted. 396 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO Bank memiliki prosedur operasional untuk proses aktivitas kegiatan operasional bank yang harus dilaksanakan oleh setiap unit kerja dengan memperhatikan sistem pengendalian intern yang memadai sehingga dapat meminimalisir kemungkinan terjadinya risiko operasional pada bank. Selain itu bank memiliki kebijakan terkait limit kewenangan dalam kegiatan operasional, pemisahan tugas dan tanggung jawab pada setiap level jabatan, serta adanya approval untuk setiap eskalasi. .HFXNXSDQ 3URVHV ,GHQWLÀNDVL 3HQJXNXUDQ 3HPDQWDXDQ GDQ 3HQJHQGDOLDQ 5LVLNR VHUWD Sistem Informasi Manajemen Risiko Dalam mendukung penerapan majemen risiko PQFSBTJPOBMVOUVLQSPTFTJEFOUJmLBTJ QFOHVLVSBO pemantauan, dan pengendalian Risiko, bank telah mengembangkan alat bantu manajemen risiko yaitu: - Risk Control Self Assessment RCSA merupakan penilaian sendiri untuk mengukur eksposur risiko dari kumpulan risk register sebagai analisis potensi risiko dari kegiatan operasional bank. Penilaian RCSA mencakup assessment untuk sistem pengendalian risiko yang telah diimplementasikan bank - Key Risk Indicator merupakan tools yang digunakan untuk mengukur eksposur risiko melalui pengukuran terhadap indikator risiko yang ditetapkan sebagai key risk sebagai early warning dalam mendeteksi potensi-potensi risiko. - Loss Event Database merupakan pengumpulan data peristiwa risiko yang terjadi. Data ini bertujuan sebagai pemenuhan internal loss database sehingga bank memiliki data kerugian yang pernah terjadi pada bank selain itu data tersebut juga dapat digunakan untuk pengukuran kecukupan modal dengan metode yang lebih advance. The Bank has an operational procedure for the activities of bank operations to be performed by each unit of work by observing an adequate internal control system so as to minimize the likelihood of operational risk at the bank. In addition the bank has a policy related to the operations of the authority limit, separation of duties and responsibilities at each level positions, as well as the approval for any escalation. GHTXDF\RI,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ3URFHVV0HDVXUHPHQW 0RQLWRULQJ DQG 5LVN RQWURO DV ZHOO DV 5LVN Management Information System In support of the application of operational risk NBOBHFNFOU GPS UIF QSPDFTT PG JEFOUJmDBUJPO measurement, monitoring, and controlling risks, the bank has developed risk management instruments, namely: - Risk Control Self Assessment RCSA which is a self- assessment to measure the risk exposure of a set of risk registers as an analysis of the potential risks of bank operations. RCSA assessment includes an assessment of the risk control system which has been implemented in the bank - Key Risk Indicator is a tool that is used to measure the risk exposure through measurement against risk indicators that are set as key risks as an early warning in detecting potential risks. - Loss Event Database is a data collection of occurred risk events. This data is intended as a GVMmMMNFOU PG JOUFSOBM MPTT EBUBCBTF UIFSFGPSF UIF bank has the data of loss which occurred to the bank, in addition the data can also be used for the measurement of capital adequacy with more advanced methods. 397 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data Disamping itu bank telah menjadi anggota Konsorsium Data Kerugian Eksternal KDKE, dimana dalam konsorsium tersebut menyediakan database risk event yang terjadi pada bank lain yang tergabung dalam konsorsium tersebut dengan tetap menjaga kerahasian bank tersebut. Keikutsertaan dalam konsorsium tersebut merupakan salah satu cara untu melakukan JEFOUJmLBTJ SJTJLP TFSUB NFOJOHLBULBO awareness terhadap risk event yang terjadi pada bank lain. 1SPTFT JEFOUJmLBTJ QFOHVLVSBO QFNBOUBVBO dan pengendalian risiko operasional tersebut diperlukan dukungan infrastruktur dan sumber daya manusia yang memadai sesuai dengan lingkup dan kompleksitas bisnis bank. Untuk pengukuran risiko operasional yang terkait dengan alokasi modal dan ATMR risiko operasional, maka bank dilakukan perhitungan dengan metode Basic Indicator Approach sesuai dengan ketentuan dari regulator. 3HQJXQJNDSDQ.XDQWLWDWLIULVLNRRSHUDVLRQDO 3HQJXQJNDSDQ .XDQWLWDWLI 5LVLNR 2SHUDVLRQDO ² DQNVHFDUD,QGLYLGXDO7DEHOD Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio Portfolio DWHJRU\ HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 3HQGDSDWDQ UXWR5DWD UDWDWDKXQ WHUDNKLU Gross Income average last 3 years HEDQ0RGDO Capital Charge ATMR RWA 3HQGDSDWDQ UXWR5DWD UDWDWDKXQ WHUDNKLU Gross Income average last 3 years HEDQ0RGDO Capital Charge ATMR RWA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Pendekatan Indikator Dasar Basic Indicator Approach 3.841.955 576.293 7.203.666 3.335.531 500.330 6.254.121 3HQJXQJNDSDQ .XDQWLWDWLI 5LVLNR 2SHUDVLRQDO DQN VHFDUD .RQVROLGDVL GHQJDQ 3HUXVDKDDQ Anak Tabel 8.1.b. Rp Juta No Kategori Portofolio Portfolio DWHJRU\ HVHPEHUHFHPEHU HVHPEHUHFHPEHU 3HQGDSDWDQ UXWR5DWD UDWDWDKXQ WHUDNKLU Gross Income average last 3 years HEDQ0RGDO Capital Charge ATMR RWA 3HQGDSDWDQ UXWR5DWD UDWDWDKXQ WHUDNKLU Gross Income average last 3 years HEDQ0RGDO Capital Charge ATMR RWA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Pendekatan Indikator Dasar Basic Indicator Approach 3.841.955 576.293 7.203.666 3.335.531 500.330 6.254.121 In addition, the bank has become a member of the External Data Loses Consortium KDKE, in which the consortium provides a database of risk events which occurred at other banks that are members of UIFDPOTPSUJVNXIJMFNBJOUBJOJOHUIFDPOmEFOUJBMJUZPG the bank. Participation in the consortium is one way UP DPOEVDU B SJTL JEFOUJmDBUJPO BT XFMM BT JODSFBTJOH awareness on risk event which occurred at other banks. 5IF QSPDFTT PG JEFOUJmDBUJPO NFBTVSFNFOU monitoring and operational risk control requires the support of necessary infrastructures and adequate human resources in accordance with the scope and complexity of the bank’s business. To assess operational risk associated with capital allocation and the RWA of operational risk, the bank performed calculations with the Basic Indicator Approach method in accordance with the provisions of the regulator. 4XDQWLWDWLYHLVFORVXUHRIWKH2SHUDWLRQDO5LVN LVFORVXUHRI4XDQWLWDWLYH2SHUDWLRQDO5LVN²DQN Only Table 8.1.a Rp Million LVFORVXUHRI4XDQWLWDWLYH2SHUDWLRQDO5LVN²DQN RQVROLGDWHG7DEOHE Rp Million 398 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO Dalam penyajian informasi mengenai risiko operasional yang dihadapi, bank telah menyusun beberapa pelaporan mengenai eksposur SJTJLP PQFSBTJPOBM EJBOUBSBOZB ZBJUV QSPmM SJTJLP operasional secara bankwide yang disusun secara berkala, selain itu bank juga membuat laporan secara rutin mengenai kejadian risiko operasional berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari tools manajemen risiko, terdapat juga laporan risiko secara insidental yang dibuat sesuai dengan kebutuhan berdasdarkan risk event yang terjadi. 6LVWHP3HQJHQGDOLDQ,QWHUQ\DQJ0HQ\HOXUXK 6LVWHPSHQJHQGDOLDQLQWHUQDOGDODPSHQHUDSDQ PDQDMHPHQULVLNRPHQFDNXS • Prosedur operasional yang sesuai dengan proses aktivitas kegiatan operasional bank sehingga dapat meminimalisir kemungkinan terjadinya risiko operasional pada bank. • Kebijakan terkait limit kewenangan dalam kegiatan operasional, pemisahan tugas dan tanggung jawab pada setiap level jabatan, serta adanya approval untuk setiap eskalasi. • Pemisahan fungsi yang jelas antara antara unit bisnis dan unit pendukung dengan unit yang melaksanakan fungsi pengendalian.

E. Risiko Hukum

Risiko Hukum adalah risiko akibat tuntutan hukum danatau kelemahan aspek yuridis. Kelemahan aspek yuridis antara lain disebabkan adanya tuntutan hukum, ketiadaan peraturan perundang-undangan yang mendukung, atau kelemahan perikatan seperti tidak dipenuhinya syarat sahnya kontrak dan pengikatan agunan yang tidak sempurna. Risiko hukum antara lain dapat bersumber dari pada operasional, perjanjian dengan pihak ketiga, ketidakpastian hukum dan kelalaian penerapan hukum, hambatan dalam proses litigasi untuk penyelesaian klaim, serta masalah yurisdiksi antar negara. 3HQJDZDVDQ NWLI HZDQ .RPLVDULV GDQ LUHNVL Para pihak yang berkepentingan terkait dengan risiko hukum yaitu Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan In presenting the information on operational risks faced, the bank has developed a number reports on operational risk exposure among others, CBOLXJEFPQFSBUJPOBMSJTLQSPmMFUIBUJTQSFQBSFE periodically, in addition, the bank also create reports on a regular basis on operational risk events based on data obtained from the risk management tools, there are also incidental risk reports that are made in accordance with the requirements based on occurring risk events. RPSUHKHQVLYH,QWHUQDORQWURO6\VWHP 7KH LQWHUQDO FRQWURO V\VWHP LQ WKH LPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIULVNPDQDJHPHQWLQFOXGH • Operational procedures that are in accordance with the activities of bank operations so as to minimize the likelihood of the bank’s operational risk. • Policies related to the limit authority in operational activities, separation of duties and responsibilities at each level positions, as well as the existence of approval for any escalation. • A clear separation of functions between the business units and the supporting units with units that perform the control functions.

E. Legal Risk

Legal risk is the risk due to lawsuits andor weakness in the juridical aspects. Weakness in the juridical aspects are among others due to lawsuit, the absence of supporting laws and regulations, or contract weaknesses such as non-compliance with the terms of the contract’s validity and imperfect collateral contract. Legal risks can be derived from, among others, the operation, the agreement with the third party, legal uncertainties and the negligence in the application of the law, the obstacles in the litigation process for the settlement of claims, as well as jurisdictional issues between countries. FWLYH 6XSHUYLVLRQ E\ WKH RDUG RI RPPLVVLRQHUVDQGWKHRDUGRILUHFWRUV Stakeholders associated with the legal risk are the Board of Commissioners, Directors and all 399 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data seluruh karyawan bank, dimana para pihak tersebut bertanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan risiko hukum. Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi memantau risiko hukum antara lain melalui pelaporan risiko hukum serta laporan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan legal. Dalam pelkasanaan pengelolaan risiko hukum bank telah memiliki unit kerja khusus yang menangani permasalahan di bidang hukum yang terdiri dari bagian litigasi dan non litigasi. Unit yang menjalankan fungsi pengelolaan tersebut risiko hukum tersebut adalah Divisi Hukum yang berada di bawah Direktorat Operasional dan telah terpisah dari fungsi pengelolaan risiko kepatuhan. .HFXNXSDQ.HELMDNDQ3URVHGXUGDQ3HQHWDSDQ Limit Bank telah memiliki kebijakan serta pedoman Manajemen risiko hukum yang secara berkala dilakukan pembaharuan dan evaluasi atas kebijakan dan pedoman manajemen risiko bank tersebut. Selain itu bank juga telah memiliki kebijakan dan prosedur dalam pengelolaan di bidang hukum untuk memastikan bahwa aktivitas bank telah sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang- undangan serta peraturan lainnya yang berlaku, sehingga bank dapat terhindar dari risiko hukum. Selain itu bank telah memiliki standardisasi dokumen hukum bagi produk dan layanan bank yang dilakukan review secara berkala sesuai dengan perkembangan bisnis bank. Bank juga melakukan kajian risiko hukum untuk setiap produk dan aktivitas baru sebagai langkah untuk memitigasi risiko hukum. .HFXNXSDQ 3URVHV ,GHQWLÀNDVL 3HQJXNXUDQ 3HPDQWDXDQ GDQ 3HQJHQGDOLDQ 5LVLNR VHUWD Sistem Informasi Manajemen Risiko Dalam kecukupan proses penerapan manajemen SJTJLP CBOL NFMBLVLBO JEFOUJmLBTJ QFOHVLVSBO pemantauan dan pengendalian atas risiko hukum oleh Divisi Hukum. Divisi Hukum tersebut bertindak sebagai “ legal watch” yang menyediakan analisis advis hukum kepada seluruh pegawai pada setiap jenjang organisasi, selain itu juga berfungsi dalam employees of the bank, where the parties are responsible for the management of legal risk. The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors monitors the legal risks, among others, through the legal risk reporting and other reports relating to legal. In the implementation of legal risk management, the bank has a special unit that handles legal issues which consists of litigation and non-litigation division. The units performing the legal risk management function is the Legal Division which is under the Directorate of Operations and has been separated from the compliance risk management functions. GHTXDF\ RI 3ROLF\ 3URFHGXUH DQG VWDEOLVKPHQWRILPLW The bank has a legal risk management policy and guidelines that are updated and evaluated regularly on the bank’s risk management policies and guidelines. In addition, the bank also has other policies related to the management of legal risk to ensure that the bank’s activities have been in accordance with the provisions of the regulations as well as other applicable legislations, therefore the bank will be able to avoid legal risks. In addition, the bank has had a standardized legal documents for products and services of the bank which are reviewed on a regular basis in accordance with the bank’s business development. The bank also perform legal risk assessments for each new products and activities as a measure to mitigate the legal risk. GHTXDF\ LQ WKH 3URFHVV RI ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ 0HDVXUHPHQW0RQLWRULQJDQG5LVNRQWURODV well as Risk Management Information System In terms of the adequacy of risk management implementation process, the bank conducts JEFOUJmDBUJPO NFBTVSFNFOU NPOJUPSJOH BOE control of legal risk through the Legal Division. The Legal Division acts as a “legal watch” that provides analysis legal advice to all employees at every level of the organization, also serves to provide a 400 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO memberikan opini legal dalam setiap perjanjian kerja sama yang akan dilakukan oleh bank. Bank dalam melakukan pengelolaan risiko hukum dibantu oleh konsultan hukum untuk penanganan kasus hukum yang terjadi, dimana hal tersebut dilakukan untuk memitigasi dampak risiko hukum yang lebih luas. Dalam melakukan pengendalian risiko hukum bank melakukan beberapa hal diantaranya yaitu: - Proses kajian hukum dan pemberian opini atas produk serta layanan bank termasuk aktivitas dan produk baru - Terdapat standardisasi dokumen hukum bagi produk dan layanan bank - Kaji ulang terhadap dokumen-dokumen legal yang berlaku yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan bisnis - Kebijakan dan prosedur hukum yang memadai - Melakukan penanganan kasus hukum yang dibantu juga oleh konsultan hukum apabila diperlukan - Membantu unit-unit terkait dalam penanganan kasus hukum - Memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan hukum kepada unit-unit terkait - Mendokumentasikan setiap kejadian risiko hukum dan jumlah potensi kerugian akibat risiko hukum tersebut. 6LVWHP3HQJHQGDOLDQ,QWHUQ\DQJ0HQ\HOXUXK Sistem pengendalian internal yang menyeluruh dalam proses pelaksanaan manajemen risiko hukum dilaksanakan secara berkala oleh Divisi Hukum dan berkoordinasi dengan Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko dan Satuan Kerja Audit Internal. 5LVLNR.HSDWXKDQ Risiko Kepatuhan adalah risiko akibat bank tidak memenuhi danatau tidak melaksanakan peraturan perundang-undangan dan ketentuan yang berlaku. Pengelolaan risiko kepatuhan dilakukan melalui penerapan sistem pengendalian intern yang konsisten. legal opinion on any collaboration agreement to be performed by the bank. In managing the legal risk, the bank is assisted by a legal counsel for the handling of legal issues that occur, in which it is conducted to mitigate the impact of a broader legal risks. In conducting the legal risk control, the bank conducts several things such as: - Legal review process and providing opinion on the bank’s products and services including new activities and products - Standardized legal documents for the bank’s products and services - Review of the prevailing legal documents that are tailored to the business development - Adequate legal policies and procedures - Handling legal cases which is also assisted by legal counsel if necessary - Assist related units in handling legal cases - Provide legal information and knowledge to relevant units - Document every legal risk occurrence and the amount of potential loss due to the legal risks RPSUHKHQVLYH,QWHUQDORQWURO6\VWHP Comprehensive internal control system in the implementation process of the legal risk management is conducted periodically by the Legal Division and in coordination with the Risk Management Unit and the Internal Audit Unit. RPSOLDQFH5LVN Compliance risk is the risk due to the inability of the bank to comply andor implement the applicable legislations and regulations. Compliance risk management is conducted through the application of a consistent internal control system. 401 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data 3HQJDZDVDQ NWLI HZDQ .RPLVDULV GDQ LUHNVL Para pihak yang berkepentingan terkait dengan risiko Kepatuhan yaitu Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan seluruh karyawan bank, dimana para pihak tersebut bertanggungjawab dalam pengelolaan risiko kepatuhan. Penerapan prinsip dan budaya kepatuhan dimulai dari komitmen Dewan komisaris dan Direksi untuk memenuhi seluruh ketentuan yang berlaku. Kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan dan peraturan yang berlaku merupakan tanggung jawab dari seluruh jajaran organisasi termasuk Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan seluruh karyawan. Struktur organisasi dalam melakukan pengelolaan risiko kepatuhan, bank telah membentuk unit kerja kepatuhan yaitu Divisi Kepatuhan yang bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa seluruh unit yang ada di bank telah mematuhi pada peraturan-peraturan tersebut. Sementara penanggung jawab atas kepatuhan suatu unit terhadap setiap peraturan yang berlaku berada pada setiap risk taking unit. .HFXNXSDQ.HELMDNDQ3URVHGXUGDQ3HQHWDSDQ Limit Bank telah memiliki kebijakan serta pedoman Manajemen risiko kepatuhan yang secara berkala dilakukan pembaharuan dan evaluasi atas kebijakan dan pedoman manajemen risiko bank tersebut. Selain itu bank juga telah memiliki kebijakan mengenai Kebijakan Program Anti Pencucian Uang APU dan Pencegahan Pendanaan Terorisme PPT yang diantaranya membahas mengenai transaksi-transaksi yang mencurigakan serta pengkinian data nasabah, ,FCJKBLBO NFOHFOBJ 1FOHFOEBMJBO SBUJmLBTJ yang bekerja sama dengan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi KPK dan terdapat Prosedur Kepatuhan untuk unit kerja. FWLYH 6XSHUYLVLRQ E\ WKH RDUG RI RPPLVVLRQHUVDQGWKHRDUGRILUHFWRUV Stakeholders associated with the Compliance risk are the Board of Commissioners, Directors and all employees of the bank, where the parties are responsible for the management of compliance risk. Application of the compliance principles and culture starts from the commitment of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors to comply with all applicable regulations. Compliance to the applicable rules and regulations is the responsibility of all levels of the organization including the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors, and all employees. The organizational structure in managing compliance risk, the bank has established a compliance unit, namely the Compliance Division which is responsible to ensure all units in the bank has complied with these regulations. While the party Responsible for the compliance of a unit to any applicable regulations are in each risk taking unit. GHTXDF\ RI 3ROLF\ 3URFHGXUH DQG VWDEOLVKPHQWRILPLW The bank has a compliance risk management policy and guidelines that are updated and evaluated regularly on the policies and guidelines of the bank’s risk management. In addition, the bank also has a policy regarding the Anti Money Laundering AML and Countering the Financing of Terrorism CFT Policy, in which discussed among others suspicious transactions as well as updating the customer data, Policy on Gratuity Control in cooperation with the Corruption Eradication Commission KPK and the presence of the Compliance Procedure for work units. 402 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO Bank telah memiliki kebijakan mengenai pelaporan kepatuhan melalui compliance sheet kepada unit kerja terkait. Selain itu terkait dengan produk dan aktivitas baru terlebih dahulu dilakukan analisa untuk menilai kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan yang berlaku dalam penerbitan produkaktivitas tersebut. .HFXNXSDQ 3URVHV ,GHQWLÀNDVL 3HQJXNXUDQ 3HPDQWDXDQ GDQ 3HQJHQGDOLDQ 5LVLNR VHUWD Sistem Informasi Manajemen Risiko Dalam kecukupan penerapan proses manajemen SJTJLP CBOL NFMBLVLBO JEFOUJmLBTJ QFOHVLVSBO pemantauan dan pengendalian atas risiko kepatuhan melalui risk taking unit. Dalam NFMBLVLBOJEFOUJmLBTJTFSUBQFOHVLVSBOBUBTSJTJLP kepatuhan dilakukan oleh unit kerja kepatuhan dengan melakukan pemantauan atas penerapan kepatuhan di semua unit kerja. Dalam melakukan pengendalian risiko kepatuhan bank melakukan beberapa hal diantaranya yaitu: - Melakukan kajian terhadap kebijakan dan prosedur internal bank, serta pengajuan produk dan aktivitas baru - Melakukan sosialisasi peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku kepada karyawan untuk mendukung terciptanya budaya kepatuhan. - Melakukan pemantauan atas pelaksanaan prinsip kehati-hatian bank. - Melakukan pemantauan atas Risiko Kepatuhan. - Implementasi Program Anti Pencucian Uang dan Pencegahan Pendanaan Terorisme APU- PPT 5FSEBQBU LFCJKBLBO QFOHFOEBMJBO HSBUJmLBTJ ZBOH EJLFMPMB 6OJU 1FOHFOEBMJBO SBUJmLBTJ yang bekerja sama dengan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi KPK termasuk sosialisasi kepada karyawan untuk meningkatkan awareness karyawan terkait QFOHFOEBMJBOHSBUJmLBTJ - Melakukan sosialisasi atas peraturan eksternal terbaru kepada unit kerja. The bank has a policy in reporting compliance through the compliance sheet to related units. In relations to new products and activities, analysis to assess compliance with the applicable provisions is conducted prior to the issuance of the product activity. GHTXDF\ LQ WKH 3URFHVV RI ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ 0HDVXUHPHQW0RQLWRULQJDQG5LVNRQWURODV well as Risk Management Information System In the process of risk management adequacy, UIF CBOL DPOEVDUT JEFOUJmDBUJPO NFBTVSFNFOU monitoring and control of compliance risk through UIF SJTL UBLJOH VOJU O UIF JEFOUJmDBUJPO BOE measurement of the compliance risk carried out by the compliance unit to monitor the implementation of compliance in all work units. In controlling compliance risk, the bank conducts several things such as: - Reviewing of the bank’s internal policies and procedures, as well as the proposal of new products and activities - Socializing the applicable rules and regulations to employees to support the creation of a culture of compliance. - Monitoring the implementation of the bank’s prudent principles. - Monitoring the Compliance Risk. - Implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism AML-CFT - The existence of gratuity control policies managed by the Gratuity Control Unit in cooperation with the Corruption Eradication Commission KPK including dissemination to employees to increase employees’ awareness regarding gratuity control. - Socializing the latest external regulations to the work units. 403 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data Dalam penyajian informasi mengenai risiko kepatuhan yang dihadapi, bank telah menyusun beberapa pelaporan-pelaporan mengenai FLTQPTVSSJTJLPLFQBUVIBOEJBOUBSBOZBZBJUVQSPmM risiko kepatuhan secara bankwide yang disusun secara berkala, selain itu bank juga membuat laporan secara rutin mengenai kejadian risiko kepatuhan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari tools manajemen risiko, terdapat juga laporan penerapan kepatuhan kepada manajemen 6LVWHP3HQJHQGDOLDQ,QWHUQ\DQJ0HQ\HOXUXK Sistem pengendalian internal yang menyeluruh dalam proses pelaksanaan manajemen risiko hukum dilaksanakan secara berkala oleh Divisi Kepatuhan dan berkoordinasi dengan Satua Kerja Manajemen Risiko dan Satuan Kerja Audit Internal.

G. Risiko Stratejik

Risiko Stratejik adalah risiko akibat ketidaktepatan dalam pengambilan danatau pelaksanaan suatu keputusan stratejik serta kegagalan dalam mengantisipasi perubahan perubahan lingkungan bisnis. Risiko ini timbul antara lain karena bank menerapkan strategi yang kurang sejalan dengan visi dan misi bank, melakukan analisis lingkungan stratejik yang kurang komprehensif danatau terdapat ketidaksesuaian rencana stratejik. Selain itu risiko stratejik juga timbul karena kegagalan dalam mengantisipasi perubahan lingkungan bisnis, mencakup kegagalan dalam mengantisipasi perubahan teknologi, perubahan kondisi ekonomi makro, dinamika kompetisi di pasar, dan perubahan kebijakan dari regulator. 3HQJDZDVDQ NWLI HZDQ .RPLVDULV GDQ LUHNVL Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi melakukan penetapan serta pengarahan mengenai strategi bisnis bank sesuai dengan tugas dan kewenangannya. Dalam melakukan strategi bisnis tersebut disesuaikan dengan tingkat risiko yang dapat diterima oleh bank. Selain itu, Bank juga melakukan penyesuaian In presenting information on compliance risks faced, the bank has developed a number of reportings on compliance risk exposure among others bankwide DPNQMJBODFSJTLQSPmMFUIBUJTDSFBUFEQFSJPEJDBMMZ JO addition, the bank also prepares regular reports on compliance risk events based on data obtained from the risk management’s tools, there are also reports of adherence implementation to the management RPSUHKHQVLYH,QWHUQDORQWURO6\VWHP A comprehensive internal control system in the process of legal risk management implementation is carried out periodically by the Compliance Division in coordination with the Risk Management Unit and the Internal Audit Unit. 6WUDWHJLF5LVN Strategic risk is the risk due to inaccuracies in the making and or implementation of a strategic decision as well as failure to anticipate changes in the business environment. This risk arises partly because the bank’s strategy is not in line with the bank’s vision and mission, strategic environmental analysis that is less comprehensive, and or a strategic plan mismatch. In addition, strategic risk also arises due to the failure to anticipate changes in the business environment, including failures to anticipate changes in technology, changes in the macroeconomic conditions, the competition dynamics in the market, and policy changes from the regulator. FWLYH 6XSHUYLVLRQ E\ WKH RDUG RI RPPLVVLRQHUVDQGWKHRDUGRILUHFWRUV The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors determine as well as direct the bank’s business strategy in accordance with their duties and authority. In its implementation, the business strategy is tailored to the level of risk that is tolerable by the bank. In addition, the Bank also 404 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO strategi-strategi jangka pendek, jangka menengah maupun jangka panjang sejalan dengan arah bisnis dan perkembangan kondisi internal serta perkembangan kondisi eksternal. Dalam menerapkan strategi bisnis tersebut dituangkan dalam rencana bisnis bank RBB yang penyusunannya ditetapkan oleh Direksi dengan meminta persetujuan dari Dewan Komisaris. Direksi mengarahkan kepada masing-masing unit kerja untuk mengimplementasikan rencana bisnis bank tersebut untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Dalam melakukan pengelolaan strategi bank, Direksi dibantu oleh Divisi Perencanaan Strategis dalam memonitor implementasi strategi bank termasuk implementasi rencana bisnis bank. Selain itu dilakukan analisa implementasi rencana bisnis dan melaporkan hasil analisa kepada Direksi. Seluruh unit bisnisunit pendukung bertanggung jawab dalam membantu Direksi menyusun perencanaan stratejik dan mengimplementasikan strategi yang telah ditetapkan secara efektif. Unit-unit tersebut juga bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa pengelolaan risiko stratejik telah sesuai dengan kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan. .HFXNXSDQ.HELMDNDQ3URVHGXUGDQ3HQHWDSDQ Limit Bank telah memiliki kebijakan serta pedoman manajemen risiko stratejik yang secara berkala dilakukan pembaharuan dan evaluasi atas kebijakan dan pedoman manajemen risiko bank tersebut. Penyusunan rencana bisnis bank RBB merupakan perencanaan strategis untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah bank tetapkan. Sehingga dalam penyusunan kebijakan disesuaikan dengan rencana bisnis bank yang dapat mendukung dalam pencapaian tujuan strategis bank. performs adjustments to short term, medium term and long term strategies in line with the direction of the business and the development of internal and external conditions. In the implementation, the business strategies are outlined in the bank’s business plan RBB, in which the preparation was determined by the Board of Directors and requesting the approval of the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Directors directs each work unit to implement the bank’s business plan to achieve its intended purpose. In conducting the bank’s strategy management, the Board of Directors is assisted by the Strategic Planning Division in monitoring the implementation of the bank’s strategy, including the implementation of the bank’s business plan. Furthermore, the business plan implementation analysis and the reporting of the analysis results to the Board of Directors are also conducted. All busines supporting units are responsible for assisting the Board of Directors to prepare the strategic planning and implementing the determined strategy effectively. These units are also responsible for ensuring that the strategic risk management is in accordance with the established policy. GHTXDF\ RI 3ROLF\ 3URFHGXUH DQG VWDEOLVKPHQWRILPLW The bank has had strategic risk management policies and guidelines that are updated and evaluated regularly on policies and guidelines of the bank’s risk management. The preparation of the bank’s business plan RBB is a strategic planning to achieve the goals that have been set by the bank. Thus, the preparation of policies are tailored to the bank’s business plan to support the achievement of the strategic objectives of the bank. 405 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data .HFXNXSDQ 3URVHV ,GHQWLÀNDVL 3HQJXNXUDQ 3HPDQWDXDQ GDQ 3HQJHQGDOLDQ 5LVLNR VHUWD Sistem Informasi Manajemen Risiko Dalam kecukupan penerapan proses manajemen SJTJLP CBOL NFMBLVLBO JEFOUJmLBTJ QFOHVLVSBO pemantauan dan pengendalian atas risiko TUSBUFKJLBOLNFMBLVLBOJEFOUJmLBTJ QFOHVLVSBO dan pemantauan risiko stratejik dengan melakukan pemantauan atas pencapaian kinerja bank dengan rencana bisnis bank yang telah ditetapkan, selain itu bank memperhatikan perubahan kondisi lingkungan bisnis untuk dilakukan penyesuaian kepada strategi yang akan diambil oleh bank, bank melakukan pengembangan bisnis dengan memperhatikan tingkat risiko yang dapat diterima oleh bank, serta melakukan pemantauan terhadap posisi bisnis bank. Adapun upaya pengendalian yang dilakukan untuk risiko stratejik adalah dengan melakukan analisa atas pencapaian kinerja bank, mengambil langkah- langkah stratejik yang dirasa perlu sebagai respon terhadap perubahan kondisi bisnis, melakukan business review atas pencapaian kinerja bisnis secara berkala. 6LVWHP3HQJHQGDOLDQ,QWHUQDQJ0HQ\HOXUXK Dalam pengendalian internal untuk risiko stratejik bank melibatkan seluruh lini bisnis perusahaan serta kegiatan pengendalian yang dipantau pula oleh Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko dan Satuan Kerja Audit Internal. + 5LVLNR5HSXWDVL Risiko Reputasi adalah risiko akibat menurunnya tingkat kepercayaan stakeholder yang bersumber dari persepsi negatif terhadap bank. Hal ini antara lain disebabkan oleh adanya pemberitaan media dan atau rumor mengenai Bank yang bersifat negatif, serta adanya komunikasi bank yang kurang efektif. GHTXDF\ LQ WKH 3URFHVV RI ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ 0HDVXUHPHQW0RQLWRULQJDQG5LVNRQWURODV well as Risk Management Information System In terms of adequacy of risk management process implementation, the bank performs JEFOUJmDBUJPO NFBTVSFNFOU NPOJUPSJOH BOE control on strategic risks. The bank conducts JEFOUJmDBUJPO NFBTVSFNFOU BOE NPOJUPSJOH of strategic risks by monitoring the bank’s performance achievement with the bank’s business plan which has been established, in addition, the bank considers changes in the business environment to perform adjustments to the strategies which will be adopted by the bank, the bank conducts business developments by taking into account the level of risks that can be accepted by the bank, as well as monitoring the bank’s business position. Meanwhile, control efforts conducted for the strategic plan are by conducting the bank’s performance achievement analysis, taking strategic steps deemed necessary in response to the changing business conditions, conducting business reviews on the achievement of the business performance on a regular basis. RPSUHKHQVLYH,QWHUQDORQWURO6\VWHP In internal control for strategic risk, the bank involves all its business lines as well as control activities that are also monitored by the Risk Management Unit and the Internal Audit Unit. + 5HSXWDWLRQ5LVN Reputation risk is the risk due to the reduced levels of TUBLFIPMEFSTDPOmEFODFUIBUPSJHJOBUFTGSPNOFHBUJWF perceptions of the bank. This is partly due to the presence of negative media andor rumors about the Bank, as well as the bank’s communication that is not very effective. 406 MANAJEMEN RISIKO bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO 3HQJDZDVDQ NWLI HZDQ .RPLVDULV GDQ LUHNVL Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi memantau mengenai efektivitas penerapan Manajemen Risiko Reputasi di Bank. Terkait wewenang dan tanggung jawab pengawasan aktif Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi bank bjb, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi selalu memperoleh informasi yang jelas mengenai evaluasi dan penerapan manajemen risiko eksposur risiko reputasi. Struktur organisasi untuk melakukan pengelolaan terhadap risiko reputasi, bank telah membentuk unit kerja tersendiri yang mengelola risiko reputasi yaitu Divisi Corporate Secretary dan Divisi Jaringan dan Layanan, unit kerja tersebut berfungsi untuk melakukan pengelolaan terhadap reputasi bank dan mengatur mengenai standar layanan di kantor cabang sebagai langkah untuk memitigasi risiko reputasi. .HFXNXSDQ.HELMDNDQ3URVHGXUGDQ3HQHWDSDQ Limit Bank telah memiliki kebijakan serta pedoman Manajemen risiko reputasi yang secara berkala dilakukan pembaharuan dan evaluasi atas kebijakan dan pedoman manajemen risiko bank tersebut. Bank juga telah memiliki kebijakan mengenai standar pelayanan yang harus dilakukan oleh unit kerja operasional, hal tersebut dilakukan untuk meminimalisir terjadinya risiko reputasi akibat kurang memadainya pelayanan bank, terdapat juga kebijakan mengenai penanganan keluhan nasabah. Selain itu bank telah memiliki call center sebagai sarana untuk melayani masyarakat yang membutuhkan jasa perbankan serta penyampaian permasalahan terkait dengan bank. Terkait hubungan dengan pihak investor bank telah memiliki unit kerja investor relationship yang melakukan komunikasi dengan pihak investor. Bank juga melakukan manajemen risiko reputasi dengan melakukan aktivitas public relations, corporate social responsibility dan respon yang cepat terhadap penanganan keluhan yang masuk kepada pihak bank. FWLYH 6XSHUYLVLRQ E\ WKH RDUG RI RPPLVVLRQHUVDQGWKHRDUGRILUHFWRUV The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors monitor the effectiveness of the Reputation Risk Management in the Bank. In relations to the Active Supervision of authorities and responsibilities by the Board of Commissioners and Directors of bank bjb, the Board of Commissioners and Directors always obtain clear information on the evaluation and implementation of the risk exposure of the reputation risk management. The organizational structure for managing the reputation risk, the bank has established a separate unit to manage the reputation risk, namely the Corporate Secretary Division and the Network and Services Division, these units serve to manage the bank’s reputation and determine UIFTUBOEBSETPGTFSWJDFJOCSBODIPGmDFTBTBTUFQ to mitigate the reputation risk. GHTXDF\ RI 3ROLF\ 3URFHGXUH DQG VWDEOLVKPHQWRILPLW The bank has had reputation risk management policies and guidelines that are updated and evaluated regularly on policies and guidelines of the bank’s risk management. The Bank also has a policy regarding service standards that must be performed by operational units, this is done to minimize the reputation risk due to the lack of adequate banking services, there are also policies regarding the handling of customer complaints. Furthermore, the bank also have a call center as a means to serve the people who need banking services as well as submitting problems associated with the bank. In relations to relationships with bank investors, the bank already has the investor relationship unit to communicate with the investors. The bank also performs reputation risk management by conducting the activities of public relations, corporate social responsibility and rapid response to complaints to the bank. 407 RISK MANAGEMENT bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data .HFXNXSDQ 3URVHV ,GHQWLÀNDVL 3HQJXNXUDQ 3HPDQWDXDQ GDQ 3HQJHQGDOLDQ 5LVLNR VHUWD Sistem Informasi Manajemen Risiko Dalam kecukupan penerapan proses manajemen SJTJLP CBOL NFMBLVLBO JEFOUJmLBTJ QFOHVLVSBO pemantauan dan pengendalian atas risiko SFQVUBTJBOLNFMBLVLBOQSPTFTJEFOUJmLBTJEBO pengukuran risiko reputasi dengan memantau jumlah keluhan nasabah kepada bank melalui call center ataupun petugas bank serta memantau mengenai tindakan penyelesaian atas keluhan tersebut, selain itu dilakukan pematauan juga terhadap jumlah pemberitaan terhadap bank yang dimuat di media massa. Dalam melakukan pengendalian atas risiko reputasi bank memiliki call center serta mengadakan coaching clinic bagi karyawan dengan memberikan training atau pelatihan mengenai standar layanan dengan tujuan bank dapat memberikan pelayanan dengan lebih baik kepada nasabah baik eksternal maupun internal sebagai salah satu langkah mitigasi terhadap potensi risiko, selain itu bank menekankan kepada seluruh karyawan bahwa reputasi bank harus benar-benar dijaga, bank juga memberikan informasi yang jelas kepada nasabah mengenai produkaktivitas bank sebagai langkah dalam memitigasi risiko. Disamping itu dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan frontliner yang merupakan garda depan bank dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada nasabah, bank telah mengadakan program bank bjb Service Excellent Award BBSEA. 6LVWHP3HQJHQGDOLDQ,QWHUQ\DQJ0HQ\HOXUXK Bank telah memiliki unit kerja khusus dalam proses pelaksanaan manajemen risiko reputasi yang mencakup pengawasan secara berkala atas pemberitaan negatif dan keluhan yang berdampak pada reputasi bank dan kegiatan pengendalian yang dipantau oleh satuan kerja manajemen risiko. GHTXDF\ LQ WKH 3URFHVV RI ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ 0HDVXUHPHQW0RQLWRULQJDQG5LVNRQWURODV well as Risk Management Information System In the adequacy of risk management implementation process, the bank conducts JEFOUJmDBUJPO NFBTVSFNFOU NPOJUPSJOH BOE control on reputation risks. The bank conducts JEFOUJmDBUJPO NFBTVSFNFOU BOE NPOJUPSJOH PG the reputation risk by monitoring the number of customer complaints to the bank through the call DFOUFS PS CBOL PGmDFST BT XFMM BT NPOJUPSJOH UIF settlement process on the complaints, furthermore, monitoring is also conducted to the numbers of reporting on the bank that are published in the mass media. In conducting the control on the reputation risk, the bank has a call center as well as organized coaching clinics for employees by providing trainings regarding service standards with the aim for the bank to be able to provide better services to both external and internal customers as one of the mitigation measure for potential risk, in addition, the bank emphasized to all employees that the bank’s reputation should really safe guarded, the bank also provide clear information to customers regarding the productsactivities of the bank as a step to mitigate risks. Furthermore, in improving the quality of services of the frontliners who are the vanguard of the bank in providing services to the customers, the bank has organized the bank bjb service excellent award BBSEA program. RPSUHKHQVLYH,QWHUQDORQWURO6\VWHP The bank already has a special unit for the reputation risk management implementation process that includes regular supervision on negative publications and complaints that have an impact on the bank’s reputation and control activity that is monitored by the risk management unit. 408 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance 409 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data • Kepatuhan 521 Compliance • Audit Internal 540 Internal Audit • Audit Eksternal 548 External Audit • Sistem Pengendalian Internal 549 Internal Control System • Perkara Hukum 554 Legal Cases • Akses Informasi Data Perusahaan 556 Access to Company Information • Kode Etik 578 Code of Conduct • Budaya Perusahaan 582 Corporate Culture • Whistleblowing System 587 Whistleblowing System • Tata Kelola Perusahaan di bank bjb 410 Good Corporate Governance at bank bjb • Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham RUPS 430 General Meetings of Shareholders GMS • Dewan Komisaris 442 Board of Commissioners • Komite Di Bawah Koordinasi 464 Dewan Komisaris Committees Under the Coordination of the Board of Commissioners • Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris 486 Secretary of The Board of Commissioners • Direksi 488 Board of Directors • Komite Di Bawah Koordinasi Direksi 506 Committees Under the Coordination of the Board of Directors • Sekretaris Perusahaan 518 Corporate Secretary 410 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO Pelaksanaan Tata Kelola Perusahaan terus dikembangkan seiring dengan pertumbuhan dan target yang ingin dicapai bank bjb, sehingga operasional Bank dilaksanakan sesuai praktik perbankan yang terbaik. bank bjb sebagai bank umum yang mengemban misi sebagai penggerak dan pendorong laju pertumbuhan perekonomian daerah, sangat menjunjung tinggi prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang baik dan menyadari pentingnya penerapan prinsip-prinsip tersebut di setiap langkah usaha Bank demi kepentingan para pemangku kepentingan seperti nasabah, investor, pemegang saham, dan masyarakat umum, termasuk pegawai serta pihak lainnya. Tujuan Penerapan GCG Tujuan yang diharapkan dalam penerapan GCG merupakan manifestasi dari penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG di lingkungan bank bjb. Penerapan prinsip GCG ini dimulai dari komitmen, kemudian telah dilaksanakan secara berkesinambungan oleh struktur maupun para pemangku kepentingan GCG bank bjb secara terintegrasi. Tujuan atau outcome yang ingin dicapai dari pelaksanaan GCG di lingkungan bank bjb ini sejalan dengan pedoman yang telah ditetapkan oleh Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance KNKG, yaitu memuat 8 delapan prinsip EBTBS LFTJOBNCVOHBO VTBIB FmTJFOTJ LFNBOGBBUBO CBHJ masyarakat, ketaatan terhadap peraturan, perlindungan konsumen, pelestarian lingkungan, obyektivitas penilaian mandiri dan penilaian GCG dari pihak lain. Berdasarkan prinsip dasar tersebut, tujuan yang dapat diwujudkan melalui penerapan prinsip GCG di lingkungan bank bjb adalah: 1. Mampu memelihara kesinambungan usaha, sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan harapan pemangku kepentingan secara berkelanjutan. .BNQV NFXVKVELBO FmTJFOTJ TFCBHBJ IBTJM EBSJ kemampuan dan kapabilitas dalam mengelola bank. 3. Mampu memberikan manfaat melalui berbagai kegiatan dan pelayanan bagi masyarakat dan perekonomian nasional. 4. Senantiasa menaati segala peraturan perundang- undangan, nilai-nilai etika umum perbankan, serta ketentuan internal bank sesuai dengan prinsip dasarnya sebagai lembaga kepercayaan. Implementation of corporate governance continues to be developed in line with the Company’s growth and targets to be achieved by bank bjb, thus the Bank operations will be conducted in accordance with banking best practise. bank bjb as a commercial bank is on a mission as the force and the driver of regional economic growth, upholding the principles of Good Corporate Governance GCG and realize the importance of implementing these principles in every step of the bank’s actions in the interest of the stakeholders such as customers, investors, shareholders and the general public, including employees and other parties. The Objectives of GCG implementation The objectives in the implementation of GCG is the manifestation of the application of the principles of good corporate governance in bank bjb. Implementation of GCG begins from the commitment, then carried out continuously and integratedly by the GCG structure and stakeholders of bank bjb. The objectives or outcomes to be achieved from the implementation of GCG in the bank bjb are in line with the guidelines set by the National Committee on Governance Policy KNKG, which contains eight 8 basic principles: TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ FGmDJFODZ CFOFmU UP TPDJFUZ BEIFSFODF to regulations, consumer protection, environmental preservations, objectivity of GCG independent assessment and appraisal by other parties. Based on these basic principles, the objectives which can be realized through the application of the principles of good corporate governance in bank bjb include: 1. Being able to maintain business continuity, so as to meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders in a sustainable manner. CMF UP SFBMJ[F FGmDJFODZ BT B SFTVMU PG UIF BCJMJUZ BOE capability to manage the bank. CMFUPQSPWJEFCFOFmUTUISPVHIBWBSJFUZPGBDUJWJUJFTBOE services for the community and the national economy. 4. Always obey all laws and regulations, common ethical values of banking, as well as the internal regulations of the bank in accordance with its basic principles as an institution of trust. TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN DI bank bjb GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AT bank bjb 411 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data 5. Mampu melindungi kepentingan dan kebutuhan nasabah sebagai konsumen. 6. Mampu berperan aktif dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. 7. Mampu melakukan self assessment yang menghasilkan penilaian obyektif mengenai kondisi penerapan GCG di bank. Komitmen Penerapan GCG Komitmen pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip GCG di lingkungan bank bjb di antaranya tercermin melalui penerbitan pedoman pelaksanaan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi bank bjb Nomor: 931SKDIR2007 tentang Pedoman Good Corporate Governance. Pedoman ini mendapat pengesahan dari Dewan Komisaris melalui surat tertanggal 3 Oktober 2007 yang menyatakan persetujuannya terhadap Pedoman GCG. Pedoman pelaksanaan GCG tersebut mengalami pembaruan dan pengembangan sebagai wujud komitmen bank bjb dalam melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip GCG secara berkesinambungan di lingkungan Bank. Pembaruan dan perkembangan penerapannya, antara lain diwujudkan melalui surat keputusan Direksi agar terdokumentasi, sehingga dapat terlaksana secara berkesinambungan. Beberapa pembaruan dan perkembangan tersebut, antara lain: • Surat Keputusan Direksi bank bjb Nomor: 709SKDIR- KP2014 tentang Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku Code of Conduct PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. • Surat Keputusan Direksi bank bjb Nomor: 713SKDIR- KP2014 tentang Pedoman Laporan Harta Kekayaan di Lingkungan PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. • Surat Keputusan Direksi bank bjb Nomor: 714SKDIR- KP2014 tentang Standar Operasional Prosedur Laporan Harta Kekayaan di Lingkungan PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. • Surat Keputusan Direksi bank bjb Nomor: 711SKDIR- ,1 UFOUBOH 1FEPNBO 1FOHFOEBMJBO SBUJmLBTJ EJ Lingkungan PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. • Surat Keputusan Direksi bank bjb Nomor: 712SK DIR-KP2014 tentang Standar Operasional Prosedur 1FOHFOEBMJBO SBUJmLBTJ EJ -JOHLVOHBO 15 BOL Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. 5. Able to protect the interests and needs of customers as consumers. 6. Able to play an active role in maintaining and improving social and environmental responsibility. 7. Able to perform self assessment that produces an objective assessment on the condition of the GCG implementation in the bank. Commitment on the Implementation of GCG The commitment on the implementation of corporate governance principles in bank bjb JT SFnFDUFE UISPVHI UIF issuance of guidelines for the implementation based on the Decree of the Board of Directors of bank bjb No. 931SK DIR2007 on the Guidelines for Good Corporate Governance. The Guidelines was approved by the Board of Commissioners through the letter dated October 3, 2007 which declared its approval on the GCG Guidelines. The Guidelines for the implementation of GCG is experiencing renewal and development as bank EME· s commitment in implementing the principles of GCG in a sustainable manner within the Bank. The renewal and development, among others, is embodied by the Decree of the Board of Directors in order to be documented, thus may be implemented on an ongoing basis. Some of the updates and development include: • Decree of the Board of Directors of bank bjb No. 709SK DIR-KP2014 on the Business Ethics and Code of Conduct of PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. • Decree of the Board of Directors of bank bjb No. 713SK DIR-KP2014 on the Guidelines for Wealth Report within PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. • Decree of the Board of Directors of bank bjb No. 714SK DIR-KP2014 on the Standard Operating Procedures for the Wealth Report in PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. • Decree of the Board of Directors of bank bjb No. 711 SKDIR-KP2014 on the Guidelines for the Control of SBUJmDBUJPOJO15BOL1FNCBOHVOBOBFSBI+BXBBSBU dan Banten Tbk. • Decree of the Board of Directors of bank bjb No. 712 SKDIR-KP2014 on the Standard Operating Procedures GPSUIFPOUSPMPGSBUJmDBUJPOJO15BOL1FNCBOHVOBO Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. 412 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO • Surat Keputusan Direksi bank bjb Nomor: 968SKDIR- KP2014 tentang Pedoman Komite Manajemen Risiko. • Surat Keputusan Direksi bank bjb Nomor: 708SKDIR- KP2014 tentang Tata Kerja Pelaporan Whistleblowing di Lingkungan PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. Berdasarkan Prinsip Dasar Pedoman Good Corporate Governance Perbankan Indonesia yang dikeluarkan oleh Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance 2013, merupakan manifestasi komitmen penerapan GCG mengacu pada 7 tujuh hal, yaitu: 1. Bank memilik rumusan visi dan misi yang realistis. 2. Bank memiliki nilai-nilai perusahaan yang menggambarkan sikap moral bank yang baik dalam pelaksanaan usahanya. 3. Bank memiliki pedoman tata kerja Dewan Komisaris dan tata kerja Direksi dalam menjalankan peran dan tugasnya. 4. Bank memiliki rumusan etika bisnis dan pedoman perilaku perusahaan yang penyusunannya dilakukan dengan melibatkan organ perusahaan dan jajaran di bawahnya. Etika bisnis dan pedoman perilaku ini telah dijalankan secara berkesinambungan. 5. Dalam menjalankan fungsi sebagai lembaga intermediasi dan sebagai bagian dari dunia bisnis, harus peduli dan berperan aktif dalam menjaga kelestarian sumber daya alam dan lingkungan hidup. 6. Bank memiliki peraturan perusahaan atau perjanjian kerja bersama yang dapat menjamin kepastian hal dan kewajiban para pihak, sehingga mendukung suasana kerja yang kondusif. 7. Bank memiliki whistleblowing system untuk memungkinkan diperolehnya laporan dan pengaduan serta saran dan kritik dari pegawai dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Komitmen acuan ini sudah berjalan secara berkesinambungan di lingkungan bjb, yang di antaranya dibuktikan melalui berbagai pedoman yang diterbitkan melalui keputusan manajemen. Termasuk pengembangan dan pembaruannya, sesuai dengan perkembangan regulasi maupun standar etika di lingkungan perbankan dan perusahaan pada umumnya. Mekanisme Penerapan GCG Sesuai dengan pedoman GCG Perbankan yang dikeluarkan oleh KNKG, pedoman GCG yang telah dibuat harus disosialisasikan kepada seluruh jajaran bank secara • Decree of the Board of Directors of bank bjb No. 968 SKDIR-KP2014 on Guidelines for the Risk Management Committee. • Decree of the Board of Directors of bank bjb No. 708 SKDIR-KP2014 on the Whistleblowing Procedures in PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. Based on the Basic Principles of the Guidelines for the Indonesian Banking Good Corporate Governance issued by the National Committee on Governance 2013, is a manifestation of the commitment to the implementation of GCG which refers to 7 seven points, namely: 1. The bank posses realistic formulation of vision and mission. 2. The bank posses corporate values that describe the bank’s good moral attitude in the implementation of its business. 3. The Bank posses work guidelines for the the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in carrying out its role and duties. 4. The Bank posses business ethics and the guidelines for corporate behavior of which the formulation is carried out with the involvement of the company’s organs and subordinates. The business ethics and code of conduct shall be performed on an ongoing basis. 5. In carrying out its functions as an intermediary institution and as part of the business world, the bank should be concerned and should take an active role in conserving natural resources and the environment. 6. The bank posses company regulations or collective work agreements to ensure certainty of the terms and obligations of the parties, thus supporting a conducive working atmosphere. 7. The Bank posses a whistleblowing system to enable the provision of reports and complaints as well as suggestions and criticism from the employees and other stakeholders. This reference commitment has been running continuously in bank bjb, among others proven through various guidelines issued through the Management’s decisions, including the developments and its updates, in accordance with the development of regulations and ethical standards in banking and company in general. Mechanism of GCG Implementation In accordance to the GCG Guidelines of Banking issued by KNKG, the GCG Guidelines should be disseminated to all levels of the bank on an ongoing basis. In addition, the TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN 413 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data implementation process should be documented, among others as the proof of implementation. In line with this provision, the mechanism of GCG implementation in bank bjb always adheres to the guidelines related to GCG, which was formulated with reference to the regulation. The guidelines included in the technical provision is socialized in order to always be part of the daily implementation of corporate governance in the Bank. This mechanism of implementation or GCG application is a manifestation of the implementation of the Bank’s commitment to sustainable performance of GCG. The mechanism of implementation include: Analysis of the Corporate Regulations and Best Practices The analysis on the development of regulations is the implementation of bank bjb’s compliance function towards the regulations which continue to grow, both nationally and internationally. The Bank also makes the Company’s best practices as part of the reference for the implementation of bank bjb’s business practices. Compliance towards the regulations must be carried out by the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and all employees in the organization of the Bank. Compliance must be seen as a function which is an integral part of the Bank’s business activities, as any failure of compliance may cause compliance risk, reputation risk, and other risks. berkesinambungan. Selain itu, proses pelaksanaannya perlu didokumentasikan, yang di antaranya sebagai alat bukti pelaksanaan. Sejalan dengan ketentuan tersebut, mekanisme pelaksanaan GCG di lingkungan bank bjb selalu berpijak pada pedoman terkait GCG, yang dilahirkan dengan mengacu pada regulasi. Pedoman yang ditutunkan dalam ketentuan teknis tersebut senantiasa disosialisasikan agar selalu menjadi bagian dari pelaksanaan tata kelola usaha sehari-hari di lingkungan Bank. Mekanisme pelaksanaan atau penerapan GCG ini merupakan manifestasi atas pelaksanaan komitmen Bank terhadap kinerja GCG yang berkelanjutan. Adapun mekanisme penerapannya adalah sebagai berikut: Analisa Regulasi dan Praktik Perusahaan Terbaik Analysis of the Corporate Regulations and Best Practices Pedoman Prinsip dan Pelaksanaan GCG Principles and Guidelines for the Implementation of GCG Sosialisasi Implementasi Socialization Implementation Pendokumentasian dan EvaluasiDocumenting and Evaluation Analisa Regulasi dan Praktik Perusahaan Terbaik Analisis terhadap perkembangan regulasi merupakan pelaksanaan atas fungsi kepatuhan bank bjb terhadap regulasi yang terus berkembang, baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Bahkan Bank juga menjadikan praktik perusahaan yang terbaik sebagai bagian dari acuan penerapan praktik bisnis bank bjb. Kepatuhan terhadap regulasi wajib dilaksanakan oleh Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan seluruh pegawai dalam organisasi Bank. Kepatuhan harus dilihat sebagai fungsi yang merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari aktivitas bisnis Bank, karena setiap kegagalan pelaksanaan kepatuhan dapat menyebabkan risiko kepatuhan, risiko reputasi, dan risiko lainnya. GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 414 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO Pedoman Pelaksanaan Prinsip-prinsip GCG Komitmen pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip GCG di lingkungan bank bjb di antaranya tercermin melalui penerbitan pedoman pelaksanaan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi bank bjb Nomor: 931SKDIR2007 tentang Pedoman Good Corporate Governance. Pedoman ini mendapat pengesahan dari Dewan Komisaris melalui surat tertanggal 3 Oktober 2007 yang menyatakan persetujuannya terhadap Pedoman GCG. Dari pedoman umum tersebut, di antaranya dituangkan dalam bentuk Surat Keputusan Direksi bank bjb Nomor: 709SK DIR-KP2014 tentang Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku Code of Conduct PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. Prinsip-Prinsip Utama Dalam menerapkan Good Corporate Governance GCG, bank bjb berpedoman sepenuhnya pada 5 lima prinsip utama yaitu keterbukaan, akuntabilitas, pertanggung jawaban, independensi, dan kewajaran. Kelima prinsip ini juga dijadikan dasar dalam penetapan Kebijakan Umum Direksi Tahunan KUDT. KUDT merupakan pedoman penyusunan Rencana Bisnis Bank yang disusun setiap tahun dan merupakan landasan pelaksanaan tugas seluruh unit organisasi bank bjb. Pencantuman prinsip GCG dalam KUDT bertujuan untuk mewujudkan keseragaman, kesatuan bahasa, kesamaan pandangan, dan kesatuan gerak langkah operasional serta memastikan bahwa seluruh jajaran Bank selalu berpedoman pada GCG dalam menjalankan pekerjaannya sehari-hari. Dalam rangka meningkatkan penerapan praktik GCG secara menyeluruh di bank bjb seperti yang dipersyaratkan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, kami telah merancang dan menyempurnakan pedoman kebijakan serta panduan implementasi GCG sesuai ketentuan yang diatur di dalam Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 84PBI2006 tanggal 30 Januari 2006 sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 814PBI2006 tanggal 5 Oktober 2006 serta Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 912DPNP Tanggal 30 Mei 2007 tentang pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance bagi Bank Umum. Guidelines for the Implementation of GCG Principles The commitment to the implementation of corporate governance principles in bank bjb JT SFnFDUFE UISPVHI UIF issuance of implementation guidelines based on the Decree of the Board of Directors of the bank bjb No. 931SKDIR2007 on the Guidelines for Good Corporate Governance. The Guidelines was approved by the Board of Commissioners through the letter dated October 3, 2007 which declared its approval of the GCG Guidelines. From this general guidelines, which among others is manifested in the form of bank bjb’s Board of Directors Decree No. 709SKDIR-KP2014 on the Business Ethics and Code of Conduct of PT Bank Pembangunan . Main Principles In implementing GCG, bank bjb JTGVMMZHVJEFECZ mWF LFZ principles namely transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness. These principles are used as the basis in determining the Annual Public Policy of the Board of Directors KUDT. KUDT is preparing guidelines for The Business Plan which is prepared every year and are the foundation for all unit duties of bank EME·V organizations. The inclusion of GCG as the main principle in the KUDT aims to achieve uniformity, unity of language, common vision, and unity of operational steps and to ensure that all levels of bank bjb will always be guided by GCG principles in running the day-to-day work. In order to improve the implementation of Good Corporate Governance practices at the bank EME·V overall practice as required by Bank Indonesia, Banks have designed and perfected bank bjb policy guidelines as well as guide the implementation of GCG in accordance with Bank Indonesia as stipulated in Bank Indonesia’s Regulation No. 84PBI2006 dated January 30, 2006, and as amended by Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 814PBI2006 dated October 5, 2006 and Circular Letter of Bank Indonesia 912DPNP Date May 30, 2007 concerning the implementation of Good Corporate Governance for Banks. TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN 415 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan bank bjb telah merumuskan pedoman tata kelola perusahaan yang baik GCG sejak tahun 2007, melalui penerbitan Surat Keputusan Direksi bank bjb Nomor: 931SKDIR2007 tentang Pedoman Good Corporate Governance. Pedoman ini mendapat pengesahan dari Dewan Komisaris melalui surat tertanggal 3 Oktober 2007 yang menyatakan persetujuannya terhadap Pedoman GCG. Dalam perjalanannya, pedoman ini telah melahirkan pedoman-pedoman lain secara parsial, NJTBMOZB QFOHFOEBMJBO HSBUJmLBTJ code of conduct, serta laporan harta kekayaan. Komitmen GCG

a. Visi dan Misi

Bank telah memiliki visi dan misi yang dijadikan pedoman jangka panjang dalam menjalankan kegiatan usaha bank bjb. Visi dan misi ini mencerminkan tujuan yang akan dicapai oleh Bank di masa yang akan datang.

b. Nilai-nilai Perusahaan Corporate Value

Perumusan nilai-nilai perusahaan corporate value dan perilaku utama budaya perusahaan dilakukan oleh Manajemen dengan menggali nilai-nilai yang ada dalam tubuh Perusahaan. Budaya perusahaan bank bjb harus selaras dengan visi dan misi bank bjb dan adaptif terhadap perubahan dunia perbankan. Oleh karena itu apabila budaya yang telah ada sudah tidak sejalan dengan visi, misi, dan perkembangan dunia perbankan, maka perlu dilakukan perubahan budaya dengan menggali nilai-nilai baru yang muncul.

c. Etika Perusahaan

Merupakan standar tata perilaku yang menjadi acuan setiap insan bank bjb, termasuk di dalamnya adalah Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, serta seluruh pegawai dalam mengelola perusahaan.

d. Pedoman Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Pedoman Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi bank bjb mengacu pada regulasi yang terkait seperti Undang- Undang Perseroan Terbatas serta regulasi dari otoritas di bidang jasa keuangan, maupun regulasi lain yang relevan. Pedoman tersebut mengatur struktur, tugas dan tanggung jawab, pembagian tugas, etika kerja, rapat, organisasi, dan hubungan kerja dari Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, yang dijadikan acuan bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya masing- masing. Guidelines on Corporate Governance bank bjb has formulated guidelines for good corporate governance GCG since 2007, through the issuance of the Decree of the Board of Directors of Bank bjb No. 931SK DIR2007 on the Guidelines for Good Corporate Governance. The Guidelines was approved by the Board of Commissioners through the letter dated October 3, 2007 which declared its approval of the GCG Guidelines. Along the way, the Guideliens produced other guidelines partially, among others UIF HVJEFMJOFT GPS HSBUJmDBUJPO DPOUSPM DPEF PG DPOEVDU BT well as wealth report. GCG Commitment

a. Vision and mission

The Bank has a vision and mission which becomes the bank bjb’s long-term guidelines in conducting its business BDUJWJUJFT5IJTWJTJPOBOENJTTJPOSFnFDUUIFPCKFDUJWFTUP be achieved by the Bank in the future.

b. Corporate Values

The formulation of the corporate values and the major behavior of the corporate culture is carried out by the Management by exploring the values that exist in the body of the Company. bank bjb’s corporate culture must be aligned with the vision and mission of the Bank and must be adaptive to the changes in the banking world. Therefore, if the existing culture is already not in line with the vision, mission, and the development of the banking world, thus a change of culture should be carried out by exploring new emerging values.

c. Code of Conduct

This is the standard code of conduct which becomes the reference for every personnel of bank bjb, including the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, as well as all employees in managing the company.

d. Guidelines for the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors

The Guidelines for Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of bank bjb refers to the related regulations such as the regulation on Limited Liability Company as XFMMBTUIFSFHVMBUJPOTJTTVFECZUIFBVUIPSJUJFTJOUIFmFME PGmOBODJBMTFSWJDFT BTXFMMBTPUIFSSFMFWBOUSFHVMBUJPOT The Guidelines regulates the structure, duties and responsibilities, division of tasks, work ethics, meetings, organization, and the working relationship of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, which is used as a reference for the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in carrying out its respective duties and functions. GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 416 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO

e. Hubungan Industrial

Hubungan antara manajemen yang diwakili oleh Direksi dengan pegawai di bank bjb dituangkan dalam Perjanjian Kerja. Perjanjian ini mengacu pada regulasi yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia, yang mengatur kesepakatan antara bank bjb dengan para pegawai.

f. Struktur Kebijakan Bank

Kebijakan pokok bank terdiri dari dua peringkat, yaitu Pedoman GCG dan Pedoman Kebijakan Manajemen.

g. Prinsip GCG

Secara umum, penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG harus diwujudkan sekurang-kurangnya namun tidak terbatas pada: • Pelaksanaan RUPSRUPSLB yang sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuannya serta diselenggarakan berdasarkan ketentuan umum yang berlaku. • Pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. • Kelengkapan data pelaksanaan tugas Komite-Komite baik di tingkat Komisaris maupun Direksi dan Satuan Kerja yang menjalankan fungsi Internal Audit Bank. • Penerapan fungsi kepatuhan, auditor internal dan auditor eksternal. • Penerapan manajemen risiko, termasuk sistem pengendalian internal. • Penyediaan dana kepada pihak terkait dan penyediaan dana besar. • Rencana Strategis Bank. • Transparansi kondisi keuangan dan non-keuangan Bank.

h. Penilaian Mandiri

Sejalan dengan penerapan GCG, Bank harus melakukan penilaian mandiri self-assessment atas pelaksanaan GCG di Bank minimal satu kali dalam setahun. Hasil penilaian pelaksanaan GCG merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan pelaksanaan GCG.

i. Kepedulian terhadap Lingkungan

Perseroan memiliki komitmen untuk ikut bertanggung jawab terhadap pelestarian lingkungan secara berkelanjutan. Komitmen ini tercermin dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan.

j. Tanggung Jawab terhadap Nasabah

Perseroan memiliki komitmen yang tinggi untuk memenuhi tanggung jawab kepada konsumen dan nasabahnya. Bagi bank bjb, nasabah merupakan rekan utama dalam setiap langkah pengembangan usaha yang dilakukan Perseroan. Oleh karena itu, bank bjb menempatkan e. Industrial Relations The relationship between the Management, represented by the Board of Directors with the employees of bank bjb is set forth in the Employment Agreement. This agreement refers to the regulation set by the Indonesian government, which regulates the agreement between bank bjb with its employees.

f. Structure of Bank Policy

The Bank’s main policy consists of two levels, namely the GCG Guideliens and the Management Policy Guidelines.

g. Principles of GCG

In general, the application of the principles of good corporate governance shall be realized at least but not limited to: • Implementation of AGM EGM in accordance with the purposes and objectives, held under the applicable general rules. • Implementation of duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. • Completion of data on the implementation of tasks of the Committees both at the level of Board of Commissioners or Board of Directors and the work unit that runs the Bank’s Internal Audit function. • Implementation of the functions of compliance, internal audit and external audit. • Implementation of risk management, including the internal control system. • The provision of funds to related parties and large exposures. • The Bank’s Strategic Plan. t 5SBOTQBSFODZPGmOBODJBMBOEOPOmOBODJBMDPOEJDUJPO of the Bank.

h. Self Assessment

In line with the implementation of GCG, the Bank should undertake an independent assessment self-assessment on the implementation of GCG in the Bank at least once a year. The result of assessment on the implementation of GCG is an integral part of the GCG Report.

i. Concern for the Environment

The Company has a commitment to take responsibility for the preservation of the environment in a sustainable NBOOFS5IJTDPNNJUNFOUJTSFnFDUFEJOUIFJNQMFNFOUBUJPO of corporate social responsibility.

j. Responsibilities to the Customers

5IF PNQBOZ IBT B TUSPOH DPNNJUNFOU UP GVMmMM JUT responsibilities to the consumers and customers. For bjb bank, the customer is the main partner in every step of the TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN 417 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data kepuasan nasabah sebagai prinsip dasar dalam setiap pelayanannya. Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Perubahan status Perseroan sebagai bank publik melalui penawaran umum perdana saham pada tahun 2010 menjadi inspirasi bagi bank bjb untuk terus-menerus meningkatkan kualitas demi mewujudkan diri menjadi 10 Bank Terbesar dan Berkinerja Baik di Indonesia. Perbaikan prosedur dan cara LFSKB EJMBLVLBO VOUVL NFODJQUBLBO FmTJFOTJ EBO FGFLUJWJUBT dalam menyelesaikan setiap pekerjaan. Implementasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Good Corporate Governance secara menyeluruh dan berkesinambungan dinilai menjadi faktor utama tercapainya pertumbuhan usaha yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi para pemangku kepentingan. Penerapan sekaligus sosialisasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan bank bjb di antaranya dilakukan melalui Code of Conduct bank bjb yang menjadi acuan perilaku bagi Komisaris, Direksi dan seluruh pegawai Perseroan dalam mengelola perusahaan guna mencapai visi, misi dan tujuan perusahaan. Salah satu etika perilaku yang terdapat pada code of conduct yaitu standar etika untuk menghindari benturan kepentingan dan penyalahgunaan jabatan serta etika untuk tidak menerima HSBUJmLBTJEBMBNCFOUVLBQBQVOZBOHCFSIVCVOHBOEFOHBO jabatan, dan sebagaimana diketahui salah satu cakupan dalam pelaksanaan GCG yaitu penanganan benturan kepentingan. Kegiatan-kegiatan yang menjadi bagian pelaksanaan GCG didokumentasikan, baik dalam bentuk regulasi maupun pencatatan kegiatan, seperti pada pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan yang merupakan bagian dari proses pelaksanaan GCG. bank bjb juga melakukan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan tersebut agar pedoman maupun aturan pelaksanaannya selalu dapat dimutakhirkan sesuai dengan perkembangan regulasi dan praktik bisnis terbaik yang terbaru. Struktur GCG Struktur GCG bank bjb meliputi struktur organ perusahaan dan kebijakan bank dalam rangka pelaksanaan usaha. Bank juga memasukkan beberapa aspek penting yang mendukung organ perusahaan, yaitu Komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris dan Komite di bawah Direksi. Company’s business development. Therefore, bank bjb prioritizes customer satisfaction as the basic principle in every service. Implementation of Corporate Governance Changes in the Company’s status as a public bank through the initial public offering of shares in 2010 became the inspiration for bank bjb to continuously improve its quality in order to bring itself to become one of the 10 Largest Banks with Good Performance in Indonesia. Improvement of procedures BOE XPSL NFUIPE JT QFSGPSNFE UP DSFBUF FGmDJFODZ BOE effectiveness in completing each task. Implementation of Good Corporate Governance GCG thoroughly and continuously is considered to be a major factor in the achievement of business growth that can provide added value for stakeholders. Implementation and socialization of Corporate Governance in bank bjb among others is conducted through the Bank’s Code of Conduct which becomes the reference for the behavior of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and all employees of the Company in managing the company in order to achieve the vision, mission and objectives of the Company. One of the ethical conducts contained in the code of conduct JTUIFFUIJDBMTUBOEBSETUPBWPJEDPOnJDUTPGJOUFSFTUBOEBCVTF of authority as well as the ethics to not accept gratuities of any kind associated with the position, and is known as one of the DPWFSBHFBTXFMMBTUIFIBOEMJOHPGDPOnJDUTPGJOUFSFTU Activities that are part of the GCG implementation is documented, either in the form of regulations as well as record of activities, such as the implementation of corporate social responsibility which is part of the GCG implementation process. bank bjb also conducted an evaluation on the implementation so that the guidelines and implementation rules can always be updated according to the development of regulations the latest business best practices. GCG Structure The GCG structure of bank bjb includs the structure of the Company’s organs and the Bank’s policies in the implementation of its business. The Bank also incorporate several important aspects that support the organs of the Company, namely the Committees under the Board of Commissioners and the Committees under the Board of Directors. GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 418 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO

a. Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham

RUPS merupakan organ tertinggi di bank bjb, yang memegang seluruh otoritas yang tidak dilimpahkan kepada Dewan Komisaris ataupun Direksi. Pelaksanaan RUPS dilakukan melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan RUPST dan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa RUPSLB.

b. Dewan Komisaris

Dewan Komisaris merupakan organ perusahaan yang menjalankan fungsi pengawasan atas kebijakan pengurusan, jalannya pengurusan pada umumnya, baik mengenai bank maupun usaha bank. Dewan Komisaris juga memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi. Dewan Komisaris bersifat independen. Di lingkungan bank bjb, anggota Dewan Komisaris menandatangani Surat Pernyataan Independensi.

c. Direksi

Direksi merupakan organ Perseroan yang memiliki wewenang serta bertugas dan bertanggung jawab secara kolegial dalam mengelola Bank. Secara garis besar, masing-masing Direktur dapat melaksanakan tugas dan mengambil keputusan sesuai dengan pembagian tugas dan wewenangnya. Direksi bertanggung jawab terhadap pengelolaan Bank agar dapat menghasilkan keuntungan dan memastikan kesinambungan usaha Bank sesuai dengan anggaran dasar dan peraturan perundang- undangan.

d. Komite-komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris

Di lingkungan bank bjb, komite-komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris adalah: Komite Audit, Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi, serta Komite Pemantau Risiko.

e. Komite-komite di bawah Direksi

Sedangkan di bawah Direksi, komite-komite yang dibentuk adalah: Komite Manajemen Risiko, Komite Kebijakan Kredit, Komite Pengarah Teknologi Informasi, Komite ALCO Asset Liability Committee, dan Tim Peneliti dan Pertimbangan Masalah Kepegawaian TPPMK. Hubungan antara Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Sesuai dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 84PBI2006 tanggal 30 Januari 2006 sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 814PBI2006 tanggal 5 Oktober 2006 serta Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 912 DPNP tanggal 30 Mei 2007 tentang Pelaksanaan GCG bagi bank umum, Perseroan telah sejak lama menerapkan

a. General Meeting of Shareholders

GMS is the highest organ in bank bjb, which holds all of the authorities that are not delegated to the Board of Commissioners or Board of Directors. GMS is performed through the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders AGM and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders EGM.

b. Board Of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners is an organ of the Company that exercises the oversight function over the policies of management, the management in general, both of the bank and the bank’s business. The Board of Commissioners also provides advice to the Board of Directors. The Board of Commissioners is independent. In bank bjb, members of the Board of Commissioners sign the Statement of Independence.

c. The Board of Directors

The Company’s Board of Directors is the organ that has the authorities and the duties and responsibilities in managing the Bank collegially. Broadly speaking, each Director may carry out the tasks and make decisions in accordance with the division of duties and responsibilities. The Board of Directors is responsible for the management of the Bank JOPSEFSUPHFOFSBUFQSPmUTBOEFOTVSFUIFTVTUBJOBCJMJUZ of the Bank’s business in accordance with the articles of association and the regulations.

d. Committees under the Board of Commissioners

In bank bjb, the committees under the Board of Commissioners are: the Audit Committee, Remuneration and Nomination Committee, and the Risk Oversight Committee.

e. Committees under the Board of Directors

Whereas the committees under the Board of Directors are: the Risk Management Committee, Credit Policy Committee, Information Technology Steering Committee, ALCO Committee Asset Liability Committee, and the Team of Research and Advisory on Employment Issues TPPMK. The relationship between the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors In accordance with Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 84 PBI2006 dated January 30, 2006 as amended by Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 814PBI2006 dated October 5, 2006 and Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 912DPNP dated 30 May 2007 regarding the implementation of GCG for commercial banks, the Company has implemented the TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN 419 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data pemisahan tugas, fungsi dan tanggung jawab Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris. Selain itu, tidak terdapat hubungan keluarga baik horisontal maupun vertikal, termasuk hubungan karena pernikahan, sampai derajat ketiga, antara sesama anggota Direksi, atau antar anggota Direksi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris, atau sesama anggota Dewan Komisaris. Mengacu pada Pedoman GCG yang dikeluarkan oleh KNKG, hubungan kerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi adalah hubungan check and balances, dengan prinsip bahwa kedua organ tersebut mempunyai kedudukan yang setara. Keduanya memiliki tugas untuk menjaga kelangsungan usaha Bank dalam jangka panjang dan memiliki tujuan akhir untuk kemajuan dan kesehatan Bank. Dengan alasan tersebut, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi harus memiliki kesamaan visi, misi, nilai-nilai perusahaan dan strategi Bank. Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi juga harus menyetujui bersama rencana kerja jangka panjang, rencana kerja dan anggaran tahunan serta hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan ketentuan perundang-undangan dan GCG. Corporate Governance Assessment Sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia Nomor 1515 DPNP tanggal 29 April 2013 perihal Pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance Bagi Bank Umum, Self Assessment Pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance bank bjb selama tahun 2014 yang berlandaskan pada prinsip dasar yaitu transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency, dan fairness. Sesuai dengan hasil penilaian sendiri self assessment Pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance bank bjb tahun 2014 memiliki peringkat “Baik”. Berdasarkan analisis terhadap seluruh kriteriaindikator penilaian tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa:

A. Governance Structure

1. Faktor-faktor positif aspek governance structure Bank adalah: • Komposisi Pengurus Bank pada posisi Desember 2014 yaitu Direksi berjumlah 7 tujuh orang dan Dewan Komisaris berjumlah 7 tujuh orang. division of tasks, functions and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners. In addition, there are no family relations either horizontally or vertically, including the relationship due to marriage, to the third degree, among members of the Board of Directors, or between members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners, or among the members of the Board of Commissioners. In accordance with the corporate governance guidelines issued by KNKG, the working relationship of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors is the check and balances relations, with the principle that the two organs have equal position. Both have the duty to maintain the continuity PG UIF BOLT CVTJOFTT JO UIF MPOH UFSN BOE IBWF UIF mOBM objective of the progress and health of the Bank. For that reason, the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors must have a common vision, mission, values and strategies of the Bank. The Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors must also jointly approve the long-term work plan, annual work plan and budget as well as matters related to the implementation of the statutory provisions and GCG. Corporate Governance Assessment In accordance with Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 1515 DPNP dated 29 April 2013 concerning the implementation of Good Corporate Governance for Commercial Banks, Self Assessment Implementation of Good Corporate Governance bjb banks during 2014, which is based on the basic principle, namely transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness. In accordance with the results of self-assessment self- assessment Implementation of Good Corporate Governance 2014 bank bjb has a rating of “Good”. Based on the analysis of all the criteriaindicators that assessment, concluded that:

A. Governance Structure

1. The positive factors positive of the Bank’s governance structure aspect are: • The composition of the Management of the Bank as of December 2014 was: 7 seven members of the Board of Directors and seven 7 members of the Board of Commissioners. GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 420 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO • Telah terdapat struktur tata kelola Bank Komisaris, Direksi, Komisaris dan Satuan Kerja sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan telah terdapat kebijakan serta prosedur bagi kegiatan usaha bank; • Terdapat penguatan fungsi kepatuhan khususnya budaya kepatuhan melalui fungsi quality assurance, dengan melaksanakan komitmen- komitmen Bank terhadap Otoritas Jasa Keuangan OJK dan otoritas pengawas lainnya, patuh terhadap peraturan-peraturan internal, Peraturan Bank Indonesia dan Perundang-undangan lainnya, serta melaksanakan fungsi quality assurance secara konsisten serta memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola yang baik dan azas-azas perbankan yang sehat. 2. Faktor-faktor negatif aspek governance structure Bank adalah: • Pemenuhan Sumber Daya Manusia sampai saat ini masih dalam proses rekrutmen sesuai struktur organisasi Bank.

B. Governance Process

1. Faktor-faktor positif aspek governance process Bank adalah: • Implementasi pelaporan atas komitmen dilaksanakan Divisi Kepatuhan sesuai dengan ketentuan struktur organisasi bank bjb. • Pelaksanaan fungsi quality assurance bank bjb dilakukan dengan pengisian compliance checklist terhadap permohonan kajian. 2. Faktor-faktor negatif aspek governance process Bank adalah: • Terdapat komitmen Bank yang masih dalam proses penyelesaian.

C. Governance Outcome

1. Faktor-faktor positif aspek governance outcome Bank adalah: • Pelaksanaan quality assurance di bank bjb merupakan peningkatan kepatuhan Bank terhadap ketentuan yang berlaku. 2. Faktor-faktor negatif aspek governance outcome Bank adalah: • Masih terdapat temuan yang berulang. • The Bank’s governance structure Commissioners, Directors, and Work Units was in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislations and the policies and procedures for the Bank’s business have been established; • There was a strengthening of the compliance function, especially the culture of compliance through the quality assurance functions, by performing the Bank’s commitments to the Financial Services Authority FSA and other regulatory authorities, adherence to internal regulations, Bank Indonesia Regulations and otherlegislations, as well as carry out the function of quality assurance consistently and with regard to the principles of good governance and the principles of sound banking. 2. The negative factor of the Bank’s governance structure aspect is: t VMmMMNFOU PG VNBO 3FTPVSDFT VOUJM OPX JT still in the process of recruitment based on the organizational structure of the Bank.

B. Governance Process

1. The positive factors of the Bank’s governance process aspect are: • Reporting on the commitments undertaken by the Compliance Division was in accordance with the provisions related to Bank bjb organizational structure. • The function of Bank bjb’s quality assurance was QFSGPSNFE CZ mMMJOH UIF DPNQMJBODF BTTFTTNFOU checklist to the review proposal. 2. The negative factor of the Bank’s governance process aspect is: • There is a commitment of the Bank which is still in the process of completion.

C. Governance Outcome

1. The positive factor of the Bank’s governance outcome aspect is: • Implementation of quality assurance in bank bjb SFnFDUTBOJODSFBTFJOUIFBOLTDPNQMJBODFXJUI the applicable provisions. 2. The negative factor of the Bank’s governance outcome aspect is: : t 5IFFYJTUFODFPGSFDVSSJOHmOEJOHT TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN 421 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data Hasil Penilaian Sendiri Pelaksanaan GCGGCG Implementation Self Asseesment PeringkatRating HÀQLVL3HULQJNDWHÀQLWLRQRI5DWLQJ 2 Mencerminkan Manajemen Bank telah melakukan penerapan Good Corporate Governance yang secara umum baik. Hal ini tercermin dari pemenuhan yang memadai atas prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance. Apabila terdapat kelemahan dalam penerapan prinsip Good Corporate Governance, NBLBTFDBSBVNVNLFMFNBIBOUFSTFCVULVSBOHTJHOJmLBO dan dapat diselesaikan dengan tindakan normal oleh manajemen Bank The Bank’s Management has implementated good corporate HPWFSOBODF5IJTJTSFnFDUFEJOUIFBEFRVBUFGVMmMMNFOUPG the principles of good corporate governance. If there is a weakness in the application of the principles of good corporate HPWFSOBODF UIFOJOHFOFSBMUIFXFBLOFTTJTMFTTTJHOJmDBOU and can be solved with normal actions conducted by the Bank’s Management. Peningkatan Kualitas dan Efektivitas GCG Pentingnya program peningkatan kualitas dan efektivitas penerapan GCG di lingkungan bank bjb dimanifestasikan melalui sejumlah program, yang antara lain sosialisasi QSPHSBN QFOFSBQBOQFEPNBOQFOHFOEBMJBOHSBUJmLBTJ serta pedoman laporan harta kekayaan. Program-program tersebut sangat penting untuk mendukung penerapan prinsip GCG yang berkualitas secara berkesinambungan. Program peningkatan kualitas dan efektivitas GCG ini tidak hanya berlaku bagi karyawan bank bjb, tetapi juga untuk seluruh organ Bank. Mulai dari Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, hingga seluruh pegawai. Bahkan dalam implementasinya, segala pemangku kepentingan yang terkait dengan bank bjb termasuk dalam koridor peningkatan pelaksanaan prinsip- prinsip GCG. Sejumlah program yang telah dilaksanakan sepanjang tahun 2014, antara lain: • Melaksanakan penyempurnaan compliance sheet bagi bidang-bidang operasional dan non-operasional secara bertahap. • Memantau pelaksanaan hasil pemeriksaan Bank Indonesia dan pemantauan terhadap komitmen Divisi dan Kantor Cabang atas hasil pemeriksaan Divisi Audit Internal. t .FNCVBU 4JTUFN QMJLBTJ ,PEJmLBTJ ,FUFOUVBO OUFSOBM Perseroan. • Melakukan pemantauan terhadap transaksi-transaksi Keuangan untuk dilakukan analisa lebih mendalam terhadap potensi terjadinya Transaksi Keuangan Mencurigakan. Improving the Quality and Effectiveness of GCG The importance of improving the quality and effectiveness of GCG implementation at bank bjb is manifested through a number of programs, which includes the socialization of QSPHSBNT BQQMJDBUJPOPGUIFHVJEFMJOFTGPSHSBUJmDBUJPO control, as well as the guidelines for wealth report. Those programs are very important to support the application of the principles of good corporate governance with quality on an ongoing basis. The program to improve the quality and effectiveness of good corporate governance does not only apply to the employees of bank bjb, but also to all organs of the Bank. Starting from the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, to all employees. Moreover, in its implementation, all stakeholders related to bank bjb are included in the corridor of the improvement of GCG principles implementation. A number of programs have been implemented throughout 2014, amont others: t 3FmOFE UIF DPNQMJBODF TIFFU GPS PQFSBUJPOBM BOE OPO operational areas in stages. • Monitored the results of the examination by Bank Indonesia and monitored the commitment of the Division and Branch 0GmDF PO UIF SFTVMUT PG UIF FYBNJOBUJPO CZ UIF OUFSOBM Audit Division. t SFBUFEBOOUFSOBMQQMJDBUJPO4ZTUFNPOUIFPEJmDBUJPO of the Internal Rules of the Company. t POEVDUFE NPOJUPSJOH PG mOBODJBM USBOTBDUJPOT GPS NPSF in-depth analysis on the potential of the occurrence of Suspicious Transactions. GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 422 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO • Melaksanakan kegiatan sosialisasi melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan APU-PPT terhadap karyawan bank bjb dalam rangka meningkatkan pemahaman atas penerapan program APUPPT di unit kerja terkait, dan meningkatkan pemahaman atas risiko pencucian uang dan pendanaan terorisme. t 5FSEBQBULFCJKBLBOQFOHFOEBMJBOHSBUJmLBTJZBOHEJLFMPMB 6OJU1FOHFOEBMJBOSBUJmLBTJZBOHCFLFSKBTBNBEFOHBO Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi KPK termasuk sosialisasi kepada karyawan untuk meningkatkan awareness LBSZBXBOUFSLBJUQFOHFOEBMJBOHSBUJmLBTJ • Melakukan sosialisasi atas peraturan eksternal terbaru kepada unit kerja. • Melakukan sosialisasi peraturan dan perundang- undangan yang berlaku kepada karyawan untuk mendukung terciptanya budaya kepatuhan. Tindak Lanjut Tahun 2015 Untuk tahun 2015, program peningkatan kualitas dan efektivitas penerapan GCG di lingkungan bjb, di antaranya akan dilaksanakan: • Sosialisasi Upaya Peningkatan Budaya Kepatuhan Sosialisasi upaya peningkatan Budaya Kepatuhan yang telah disusun dalam Rencana Bisnis Bank Tahun 2015 kegiatan sosialisasi yang bertujuan meningkatkan Budaya kepatuhan dengan rencana sosialisasi sebagai berikut: No Action Plan TW I TW II TW III TW IV Action Plan 1 Penyampaian sosialisasi Budaya Kepatuhan baik melalui program pendidikan dan pelatihan pegawai. ð ð ð ð Submission of Culture of Compliance good socialization through educational programs and employee training. • Peningkatan Budaya Kepatuhan Melalui Fungsi Quality Assurance Quality Assurance dilakukan dengan sistematis dan terbuka yang ditetapkan dalam model compliance checklist untuk memberikan suatu keyakinan yang memadai bahwa ketentuan, sistem dan prosedur serta kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan oleh Bank terkait bidang supporting maupun business sudah sesuai dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia dan Peraturan terkait termasuk peraturan internal bank. • Pemenuhan Komitmen Implementasi pelaporan atas komitmen dilaksanakan Divisi Kepatuhan sesuai dengan ketentuan struktur organisasi bank bjb serta mengusulkan pemenuhan • Conducted socialization through education and trainings on APU-PPT to bank bjb employees in order to improve the understanding of the implementation of the APUPPT programs in related work units, and increase the understanding of the risk of money laundering and UFSSPSJTNmOBODJOH t .BOBHFE UIF QPMJDZ PO HSBUJmDBUJPO DPOUSPM UISPVHI UIF SBUJmDBUJPOPOUSPM6OJUJODPPQFSBUJPOXJUIUIFPSSVQUJPO Eradication Commission KPK including the socialization to employees to increase the awareness of employees SFMBUFEUPUIFDPOUSPMPGHSBUJmDBUJPO • Socialized the latest external regulations to the work units. • Socialized the rules and regulations that apply to employees to support the creation of a culture of compliance. Follow-ups in 2015 For 2015, the programs to improve the quality and effectiveness of GCG implementation in bank bjb, will among others include: • Socialization on the Efforts to Improve Compliance Culture Socialization on the efforts to improve compliance culture that had been prepared in the Bank’s Business Plan 2015 Socialization activities aimed at improving the culture of compliance with the plan of socialization as follows: • Improvement of Compliance Culture Through the Quality Assurance Function Quality Assurance will be performed systematically and openly, which is set out in the compliance checklist model to provide a reasonable assurance that the regulations, systems and procedures and business activities DPOEVDUFECZUIFBOLSFMBUFEUPUIFmFMEPGTVQQPSUJOH or business are in compliance with Bank Indonesia Regulations and the related regulations including the bank’s internal regulations. ‡ XOÀOOPHQWRIRPPLWPHQWV Report on the commitments is carried out by the Compliance Division in accordance with the provisions of the organizational structure of bank bjb and the proposal TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN 423 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data komitmen Bank yang disampaikan oleh DivisiUnit Kerja, Kantor Wilayah dan Kantor Cabang dimasukan sebagai salah satu komponen penilaian kinerja dalam Balance Score Card. ‡ ,PSOHPHQWDVL3HQJHORODDQUDWLÀNDVLGDQ+.31 1. Berkesinambungan melakukan sosialisasi serta membagikan Kontrak KomitmenPakta Integritas untuk ditandatangani oleh Segenap Organisasi bank bjb 2. Melakukan pengelolaan Compliance Sheet Unit 1FOHFOEBMJBOSBUJmLBTJ 3. Menyatakan kepada Stakeholder mengenai Penerapan 1SPHSBN1FOHFOEBMJBOSBUJmLBTJ • Melakukan Pemantauan Terhadap Kegiatan Pengkinian Data Nasabah. 1. Penyusunan Laporan Rencana Pengkinian Data Nasabah Tahun 2015 dan Laporan Realisasi Pengkinian Data Nasabah Tahun 2014 telah dilaksanakan dan dilakukan selama bulan Januari 2015. 2. Pemantauan pengkinian data nasabah pada Tahun 2015 berfokus pada pencapaian target masing-masing Kantor Cabang dan KCP berdasarkan komitmen yang telah dibuat pada Laporan Rencana Pengkinian Data Nasabah. • Melakukan Pemantauan Terhadap Transaksi Nasabah. 1. Pemantauan transaksi nasabah dalam rangka pemenuhan kewajiban Pelaporan terkait penerapan APUPPT kepada PPATK. 2. Pemantauan akan dikembangkan seiring dengan pengembangan aplikasi AML yang bekerja sama dengan Vendor Ahli penyedia aplikasi AML, diharapkan dengan aplikasi AML yang baru proses pemantauan transaksi akan lebih efektif dilaksanakan. • Review Prosedur Pelaksanaan Enhanced Due Diligence EDD Kantor Cabang. Pelaksanaan EDD akan diterapkan melalui pembuatan Formulir khusus terkait dengan data-data nasabah berisiko tinggi dengan lebih lengkap yang berbeda dengan formulir pembukaan rekening yang hanya sesuai untuk proses Costumer Due Diligence CDD. Perubahan Komposisi Pengurus Perseroan Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas, Direksi merupakan organ Perseroan yang berwenang dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas pengurusan Perseroan untuk kepentingan Perseroan, sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan. UP GVMmMM UIF DPNNJUNFOUT JT DPOWFZFE CZ UIF JWJTJPOT 8PSL6OJUT 3FHJPOBM0GmDFTBOESBODI0GmDFTBTPOF of the components of performance assessment in the Balance Score Card. ‡ ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI WKH 0DQDJHPHQW RI UDWLÀFDWLRQ And LHKPN 1. Continuously socialize and distribute the Commitment Contract Integrity Pact to be signed by the organization of bank bjb .BOBHF UIF PNQMJBODF 4IFFU PG UIF SBUJmDBUJPO Control Unit 3. Declare to the Stakeholders the Application of SBUJmDBUJPOPOUSPM1SPHSBN • Conduct Monitoring on the Activities of Customer Data Update. 1. Preparation of the Report on the Plan on Customer Data Updates in 2015 and the Report on the Realization of Customer Data Update in t 2014, which had been implemented and carried out during the month of January 2015. 2. Monitor the customer data update in 2015 focused on UIFBDIJFWFNFOUPGUIFUBSHFUTJOFBDICSBODIPGmDF BOETVCCSBODIPGmDFCBTFEPODPNNJUNFOUTNBEF in the Report on the Plan on Customer Data Update. • Conduct Monitoring on Customer Transactions. .POJUPS DVTUPNFS USBOTBDUJPOT JO PSEFS UP GVMmMM UIF reporting obligation related to the APUPPT to PPATK. 2. Monitoring will be developed along with the development of AML application in cooperation with the Vendor expert in AML application providers. It is expected that with the new AML application, the transactions monitoring process can be implemented more effectively. • Review the Procedures for Enhanced Due Diligence RIWKHUDQFK2IÀFHV EDD will be implemented through the creation of a special form related to the data of customers with high-risk which is more complete and different with the account opening form which is only appropriate for the process of Customer Due Diligence CDD. Changes in Composition of the Management of the Company In accordance with Act No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Company, the Company’s Board of Directors is the authorized organ fully responsible for the management of the Company GPSUIFPNQBOZTCFOFmUTJOBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIFHPBMTBOE objectives of the Company. GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 424 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO Begitu juga dengan Dewan Komisaris, yang merupakan organ Perseroan. Tugas dan tanggung jawabnya adalah melakukan pengawasan dan memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi serta memastikan penerapan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik Good Corporate GovernanceGCG pada seluruh tingkatan atau jenjang organisasi. Dalam industri perbankan, penentuan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris melibatkan regulator di bidang keuangan, dalam hal ini Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Karena itu, penentuan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris bukan hanya otoritas pemegang saham, walaupun kemudian ditetapkan melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. Di lingkungan Perseroan, sepanjang tahun 2014 telah mengalami dua kali Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa RUPSLB untuk menentukan komposisi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris yaitu pada tanggal 1 Juli 2014 dan tanggal 19 Desember 2014. Pada tanggal 1 Juli 2014, Perseroan menyelenggarakan RUPSLB di Bandung, yang menghasilkan keputusan, di antaranya: a. Memberhentikan dengan hormat Bien Subiantoro selaku Direktur Utama Perseroan, Arie Yulianto selaku Direktur Perseroan dan Djamal Muslim selaku Direktur Perseroan. b. Mengangkat Ahmad Irfan selaku Direktur Perseroan terhitung sejak berlakunya perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan yang telah disetujui dalam RUPS Luar Biasa dimaksud. Dengan demikian susunan Pengurus Perseroan menjadi sebagai berikut: Dewan Komisaris Komisaris : Muhadi Komisaris Independen : Achmad Baraba Komisaris Independen : Klemi Subiyantoro Komisaris Independen : Yayat Sutaryat Komisaris Independen : Rudhyanto Mooduto Direksi Direktur Kepatuhan dan Manajemen Risiko : Zaenal Aripin Direktur : Ahmad Irfan Similar with the Board of Commissioners which is an organ of the Company. The duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners are to supervise and provide advices to the Board of Directors, as well as ensure the application of the principles of good corporate governance GCG at all levels or ranksof the organization. In the banking industry, the appointment of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners involve regulators JO UIF mOBODJBM mFME JO UIJT DBTF UIF JOBODJBM 4FSWJDFT Authority. Therefore, the appointment of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners is not only the authority of the shareholders, even if later determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders. During the year 2014, the Company performed two Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders EGM to determine the composition of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, namely on July 1, 2014 and December 19, 2014. On July 1, 2014, the Company’s EGM was held in Bandung, which resulted in the following decisions: a. Dismiss with respect Bien Subiantoro as the President Director of the Company, Arie Yulianto as a Director of the Company and Djamal Muslim as a Director of the Company. b. Appoint Ahmad Irfan as a Director of the Company since the application of the amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company which has been approved in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders referred to. Thus, the composition of the Management of the Company became: Board of Commissioners Commissiner : Muhadi Independent Commissiner : Achmad Baraba Independent Commissiner : Klemi Subiyantoro Independent Commissiner : Yayat Sutaryat Independent Commissiner : Rudhyanto Mooduto Board of Directors Director – Compliance and Risk Management : Zaenal Aripin Director : Ahmad Irfan TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN 425 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data Pada tanggal 19 Desember 2014, Perseroan kembali menyelenggarakan RUPSLB di Bandung, dengan keputusan diantaranya: B .FOHBOHLBU 5BVmFRVSBDINBO 3VLJ TFMBLV ,PNJTBSJT Utama dan Wawan Ridwan selaku Komisaris b. Mengangkat Ahmad Irfan selaku Direktur Utama c. Mengangkat Agus Gunawan, Benny Santoso, Fermiyanti, Nia Kania dan Suartini selaku Direktur Selain hal tersebut, RUPSLB juga memberikan wewenang kepada Direktur Utama untuk menetapkan pembagian bidang kerja Direksi dengan melaporkan hasil keputusan tersebut kepada Dewan Komisaris. Dengan demikian, susunan Pengurus Perseroan sejak ditutupnya Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa RUPSLB dimaksud menjadi sebagai berikut: Dewan Komisaris ,PNJTBSJT6UBNB 5BVmFRVSBDINBO3VLJ Komisaris : Muhadi Komisaris : Wawan Ridwan Komisaris Independen : Achmad Baraba Komisaris Independen : Klemi Subiyantoro Komisaris Independen : Rudhyanto Mooduto Komisaris Independen : Yayat Sutaryat Direksi Direktur Utama : Ahmad Irfan Direktur : Zaenal Aripin Direktur : Agus Gunawan Direktur : Benny Santoso Direktur : Fermiyanti Direktur : Nia Kania Direktur : Suartini Selanjutnya, sesuai dengan Surat Keputusan Direktur Utama Nomor 1022SKDIR-CS2014 tanggal 29 Desember 2014 tentang Penetapan Susunan Direksi, telah ditetapkan susunan Direksi Perseroan yaitu sebagai berikut: Direktur Utama : Ahmad Irfan Direktur Kepatuhan dan Manajemen Risiko : Zaenal Aripin Direktur Mikro : Agus Gunawan Direktur Operasional : Benny Santoso In December 19, 2014, the Company held the another EGM in Bandung, with the following decisions: B QQPJOU 5BVmFRVSBDINBO 3VLJ BT UIF 1SFTJEFOU Commissioner and Wawan Ridwan as Commissioner b. Appoint Ahmad Irfan as the President Director c. Appoint Agus Gunawan, Benny Santoso, Fermiyanti, Nia Kania and Suartini as Directors In addition, the EGM also gave authorization to the President Director to establish the division of tasks of the Board of Directors and report the results of the decision to the Board of Commissioners. Thus, the composition of the Management of the Company since the closing of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the 4IBSFIPMEFST . CFEFmOFEBTGPMMPXT Board of Commissioners 1SFTJEFOUPNNJTTJPOFS 5BVmFRVSBDINBO3VLJ Commissioner : Muhadi Commissioner : Wawan Ridwan Independent Commissiner : Achmad Baraba Independent Commissiner : Klemi Subiyantoro Independent Commissiner : Rudhyanto Mooduto Independent Commissiner : Yayat Sutaryat Board of Directors President Director : Ahmad Irfan Director : Zaenal Aripin Director : Agus Gunawan Director : Benny Santoso Director : Fermiyanti Director : Nia Kania Director : Suartini Furthermore, in accordance with the Decree of the President Director No. 1022SKDIR-CS2014 dated December 29, 2014 on the Establishment of Board of the composition of the Board of Directors, the composition of the Board of Directors of the Company has been determined as follows: President Director : Ahmad Irfan Director – Compliance and Risk Management : Zaenal Aripin Director – Micro : Agus Gunawan Director – Operational : Benny Santoso GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 426 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO Director – Consumer : Fermiyanti Director – Finance : Nia Kania Director – Commercial : Suartini The Program to Improve the Quality and Effectiveness of GCG bank bjb is aware of the importance of improving the quality of good corporate governance in a structured and tiered manner. To that end, bank bjb holds programs related to the improvement of the Quality and Effectiveness of GCG. In 2014 the programs included: Direktur Konsumer : Fermiyanti Direktur Keuangan : Nia Kania Direktur Komersial : Suartini Program Peningkatan Kualitas dan Efektivitas GCG bank bjb menyadari pentingnya peningkatan kualitas Tata Kelola Perusahaan secara terstruktur dan berjenjang. Untuk itu bank bjb menyelenggarakan program-program yang terkait dengan Peningkatan Kualitas dan Efektivitas GCG. Di tahun 2014 program-program yang dilaksanakan antara lain adalah: KeteranganDescription TanggalDate TempatLocation Train for Trainer Train for Trainer 27-29 Januari 2014 January 27-29, 2014 Inhouse bank bjb Train for Trainer Salesmanship For Service People Train for Trainer Salesmanship For Service People 17-19 Februari 2014 February 17-19, 2014 Inhouse bank bjb Train for Trainer Harta Kekayaan Negara Train for Trainer State Assets 6 Mei 2014 May 6, 2014 Jakarta TOT Lanjutan Piloting Pembentukan Tunas Integritas dan Pembangunan Sistem Integritas Organisasi Advanced TOT Piloting the Establishment of Cadres of Integrity and Development of Organization Integrity System 2-4 Desember 2014 December 2-4, 2014 Inhouse bank bjb KeteranganDescription TanggalDate TempatLocation Pelatihan Change Agent Change Agent Training 13 November 2014 November 13, 2014 Inhouse bank bjb TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN 427 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data Informasi Penting Lain Terkait GCG

1. Penghargaan Penerapan GCG

Konsistensi bank bjb dalam melaksanakan penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG di lingkungan Bank telah mendapatkan apresiasi dari pemangku kepentingan yang berkompeten. Untuk tahun 2014, penghargaan penerapan GCG diberikan oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi KPK. Lembaga tersebut menilai bahwa bank bjb telah memenuhi komitmen terhadap penerapan larangan menerima HSBUJmLBTJ EJ MJOHLVOHBO BOL ZBOH NFSVQBLBO CBHJBO penting dalam pelaksanaan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik. Penghargaan dari KPK pada tahun 2014 itu adalah i6. FOHBO +VNMBI -BQPSBO SBUJmLBTJ 5FSCBOZBL dan 96,14 Tepat Waktu Tahun 2014” yang diberikan pada tanggal 9 Desember 2014. 8QLW3HQJHQGDOLDQUDWLÀNDVL Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2001 UFOUBOH1FNCFSBOUBTBO5JOEBL1JEBOB,PSVQTJ HSBUJmLBTJ adalah pemberian dalam arti luas, yakni meliputi pemberian uang, barang, rabat discount, komisi, pinjaman tanpa bunga, tiket perjalanan, fasilitas penginapan, perjalanan wisata, pengobatan cuma-cuma, dan fasilitas lainnya. SBUJmLBTJ UFSTFCVU CBJL ZBOH EJUFSJNB EJ EBMBN OFHFSJ maupun di luar negeri dan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan sarana elektronik atau tanpa sarana elektronik. Ketentuan tersebut tidak berlaku jika penerima NFMBQPSLBO HSBUJmLBTJ ZBOH EJUFSJNBOZB LFQBEB ,PNJTJ Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Bagi bank bjb QFOHFOEBMJBO HSBUJmLBTJ NFSVQBLBO bagian penting dari proses pelaksanaan penerapan GCG di lingkungan Bank. Karena itulah, Bank telah membentuk 6OJU 1FOHFOEBMJBO SBUJmLBTJ TFCBHBJ XVKVE LPNJUNFO menciptakan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik dan bersih agar tercipta kinerja GCG yang berkesinambungan. Other Important Information Related to GCG

1. Awards on GCG Implementation