Selection of Customer bjb Kredit Guna Bhakti Pola Channeling


F. Pemilihan Nasabah


F. Selection of Customer

QQMZ4FMFDUJWF4FMMJOHJOMFOEJOH 2. Conduct market segmentation with a focus on the principal debtor, seek to increase assets management and strive to develop new markets. MIKRO 149 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data MICRO KINERJA 2014 Pada 24 September 2014, bank bjb menandatangani 1FSKBOKJBO ,FSKB 4BNB 1,4 ,SFEJU JOUB 3BLZBU ,3 CFSTBNB 1FNFSJOUBI 1SPWJOTJ +BXB BSBU ZBOH NFSVQBLBO 5BIBQ ,F7 TFUFMBI UJHB UBIBQ TFCFMVNOZB EJSFBMJTBTJLBO pada tahun 2013. Pada tahap IV, Pemerintah Provinsi +BXB BSBU BLBO NFOZFSBILBO LFNCBMJ BOB FSHVMJS ,3 TFCFTBS 3Q NJMJBS LFQBEB CBOL bjb dengan jangka waktu pengembalian 5 tahun sejak penandatangan PKS dan Kesepakatan Bersama. FSEBTBSLBO EBUB QPTJTJ HVTUVT UPUBM SFBMJTBTJ ,3 TFCFTBS 3Q NJMJBS EFOHBO outstandingbaki debet TFCFTBS 3Q NJMJBS 5PUBM EFCJUVS QBEB TFHNFO JOJ TFCBOZBLEFOHBOQFOZFSBQBOUFOBHBLFSKBTFCBOZBL 23.245 orang. Pencapaian tersebut didukung dengan jaringan Kantor bank bjb ZBOHUFMBIUFSTFCBSEJ8JMBZBI1SPWJOTJ+BXB BSBU EFOHBO KVNMBI ,BOUPS BCBOH EBO ,BOUPS Cabang Pembantu. 6OUVLLJOFSKBQFOZBMVSBO QFSUVNCVIBOQPTJTJLSFEJULFMPMBBO Divisi Mikro dari Desember 2013 sampai Desember 2014 NFOHBMBNJ QFSMBNCBUBO TFIJOHHB NFOKBEJ 3Q USJMJVO 4LJN,SFEJU.JLSP6UBNBNFNJMJLJLPOUSJCVTJTFCFTBS BUBVTFCFTBS3Q NJMJBSEBSJUPUBMQFOZBMVSBOLSFEJUEJ sektor mikro. Sedangkan ekspansi kredit kelolaan Divisi Mikro sepanjang UBIVO NFODBQBJ 3Q USJMJVO EFOHBO run off 3Q triliun. Sehingga, pertumbuhan neto tahunan YoY mencapai 3Q NJMJBS EBQVO QFSUVNCVIBO P VNCFS PG Account Kelolaan Divisi Mikro dari Desember 2013 sampai EFOHBO FTFNCFS NFOVSVO BUBV TFCBOZBL BLVO Untuk Pendapatan Bunga Kredit Yang Diberikan PBKYD Divisi Mikro hingga Triwulan IV tahun 2014, mencapai 3Q NJMJBS BUBV UVSVO EJCBOEJOH QFSJPEF ZBOH TBNBUBIVOTFCFMVNOZB ZBOHNFODBQBJ3Q USJMJVO 1FOZVNCBOHQFOEBQBUBOUFSCFTBSEJQFSPMFIEBSJLSFEJUZBOH EJTBMVSLBO PMFI SVQ .JLSP ZBJUV TFCFTBS 3Q NJMJBS ZBOHNFMBNCBU EJCBOEJOHFTFNCFS Sedangkan kredit bermasalah atau PO 1FSGPSNJOH -PBO 1- Gross hingga akhir tahun 2014 mencapai 22,7. ,POEJTJJOJMFCJIUJOHHJ EJCBOEJOHLBOUBIVOZBOH sebesar 11,3. 2014 PERFORMANCE On September 24, 2014, the Bank signed a cooperation BHSFFNFOUPO,SFEJUJOUB3BLZBU ,3 XJUIUIFPWFSONFOU PG 8FTU +BWB 1SPWJODF OBNFMZ 1IBTF 7 BGUFS UIF UISFF previous stages being realized in 2013. In the fourth stage, the Government of West Java Province will be hand back the ,33FWPMWJOHVOEPG3QCJMMJPOUPCBOL bjb with a tenor PGZFBSTTJODFUIFTJHOJOHPGUIFHSFFNFOU Based on the data on the position in August 2014, total SFBMJ[BUJPO PG ,3 XBT 3Q CJMMJPO XJUI PVUTUBOEJOH EFCJUPG3QCJMMJPO5PUBMEFCUPSTJOUIJTTFHNFOUXFSF XJUI FNQMPZNFOU BCTPSQUJPO PG QFPQMF 5IJT BDIJFWFNFOU XBT TVQQPSUFE CZ CBOL bjb T 0GmDF OFUXPSL spread in the West Java Province with a number of 33 CSBODIFTBOETVCCSBODIFT For the performance distribution, the growth of credit managed CZ UIF .JDSP JWJTJPO GSPN FDFNCFS VOUJM FDFNCFS FYQFSJFODFEBTMPXEPXOBOECFDBNF3QUSJMMJPO5IF .BJO .JDSPDSFEJU TDIFNF DPOUSJCVUFE PS 3Q billion of the total lending in the micro sector. .FBOXIJMF UIF FYQBOTJPO PG DSFEJU NBOBHFE CZ UIF .JDSP JWJTJPOEVSJOHUIFZFBSSFBDIFE3QUSJMMJPOXJUISVO PGG3Q5SJMMJPO5IVT UIFBOOVBMOFUHSPXUI :P: SFBDIFE 3Q CJMMJPO 5IF HSPXUI PG P VNCFS PG DDPVOUT NBOBHFE CZ UIF .JDSP JWJTJPO GSPN FDFNCFS UP FDFNCFS EFDSFBTFE PS BT NVDI BT accounts. Credit Interest Income PBKYD of the Micro Division until the PVSUI2VBSUFSPGSFBDIFE3QCJMMJPO EFDSFBTJOH CZPWFSUIFTBNFQFSJPEJOUIFQSFWJPVTZFBS XIJDI XBT3QUSJMMJPO 5IF MBSHFTU DPOUSJCVUPS UP SFWFOVF XBT DSFEJU FYUFOEFE CZ UIF.JDSPSPVQ BNPVOUJOH3QCJMMJPO BEFDSFBTFPG 24.30 compared to the position in December 2013. .FBOXIJMF HSPTT OPOQFSGPSNJOH MPBOT 1- VOUJM UIF FOE of 2014 reached 22.7, an increase of 11.4 compared to 2013, which amounted to 11.3. 150 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO Berikut ini tabel kinerja usaha kredit mikro bank bjb dalam tiga tahun terakhir. 3Q+VUB LFDVBMJP 3Q.JMMJPO FYDFQUP Skim Kredit Desember 2014 December 2014 Desember 2013 December 2013 Desember 2012 December 2012 Credit Scheme NoA Value NoA Value NoA Value 8JMBZBI 30.585 1.880.010 33.382 3FHJPO 8JMBZBI 10.553 3FHJPO 8JMBZBI 30.375 1.824.157 35.584 31.272 3FHJPO 8JMBZBI 528.005 3FHJPO Jumlah 79.962 4.505.840 95.384 5.363.482 83.707 4.550.811 Total RENCANA 2015 BMBN SFODBOB TUSBUFHJT 1FSVTBIBBO EJ CJEBOH QFOZBMVSBO kredit di tahun 2015, bank bjb akan fokus pada sektor produktif, UFSVUBNBVOUVLTLBMBVTBIBNJLSP LFDJMNFOFOHBIBNVO hal itu dilakukan tetap dengan menjaga prinsip kehati-hatian. Dari sisi target pertumbuhan untuk kredit mikro, bank bjb memperkirakan bisa meraih peningkatan 10 dibandingkan EFOHBO SFBMJTBTJ UBIVO BM JOJ EJEVLVOH PMFI LPOEJTJ eksternal dan internal. Dari sisi eksternal, kondisi perekonomian secara umum diperkirakan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014. Sedangkan dari sisi internal, sejak Desember 2014 bank bjb telah mengembangkan organisasi unit usaha mikro menjadi TFUJOHLBUJSFLUPSBU TFIJOHHBSVBOHHFSBLOZBNFOKBEJMFCJI leluasa. 6OUVL NFODBQBJ UBSHFU ZBOH UFMBI EJUFUBQLBO TFKVNMBI JOJTJBUJGTUSBUFHJUFMBIEJTJBQLBO EJBOUBSBOZB 1. Program PESAT 1SPHSBN JOJ EJLFOBM EFOHBO 1SPHSBN 1FNCFSEBZBBO LPOPNJ BTBCBI 5FSQBEV BUBV EJTFCVU EFOHBO 145 4USBUFHJ ZBOH BLBO EJKBMBOLBO NFMBMVJ 145 EJBOUBSBOZB B 1FNCFSEBZBBO OBTBCBI NJLSP QSB QVSOBCBLUJ EBO purnabakti b. Penjaringan pelaku usaha potensial dengan menggunakan nasabah eksis sebagai “ entry point”. The following table describes the performance of the PNQBOZTNJDSPDSFEJUJOUIFMBTUUISFFZFBST 2015 PLAN OUIFPNQBOZTTUSBUFHJDQMBOTJOMFOEJOH UIFBOL will focus on the productive sectors, in the micro, small and medium enterprises. This will be performed while maintaining the principle of prudence. From the growth target for micro credit, bank bjb estimates to achieve a 10 increase compared to the realization in 2014. 5IJTJTTVQQPSUFECZUIFFYUFSOBMBOEJOUFSOBMDPOEJUJPOT SPN UIF FYUFSOBM TJEF UIF FDPOPNJD DPOEJUJPO JT HFOFSBMMZ expected to be better compared to the condition in 2014. Meanwhile, from the internal side, since December 2014 bank bjb has transformed the micro business unit into the level of Directorate thus having more opened space of movement. To achieve the targets set, a number of strategic initiatives IBWFCFFOQSFQBSFE JODMVEJOH 1. PESAT Program This program is known as the Integrated Customer Economic Empowerment or referred to PESAT. The strategies that will be implemented through PESAT JODMVEF B NQPXFSJOHDVTUPNFSTNJDSP QSFSFUJSFEBOESFUJSFE C FUXPSLJOH PG QPUFOUJBM CVTJOFTT PQFSBUPST VTJOH FYJTUJOHDVTUPNFSTBTUIFiFOUSZQPJOUw MIKRO 151 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data D 1FOFUSBTJUFSIBEBQLFMPNQPLNBTZBSBLBUZBOHCFMVN tersentuh oleh bank. E .FOKBMJOLFSKBTBNBEFOHBOJOTUJUVTJQFNFSJOUBIZBOH membidangi UMKM. 5BSHFUZBOHJOHJOEJDBQBJEBSJQSPHSBNTUSBUFHJTUFSTFCVU BEBMBI a. Menciptakan dan membentuk “ loyal” customer, sehingga melapangkan jalan untuk mengembangkan bisnis nasabah secara berkelanjutan mengingat LBSBLUFSOZBMFCJIUFSKBHBEJCBOEJOHLBOOBTBCBICBSV b. Menumbuhkan potensi calon nasabah di kalangan NBTZBSBLBUEBOLPNVOJUBT D .FOHJOUFHSBTJLBOBOUBSBVQBZB maintenance nasabah ZBOHBEBEFOHBO1FOKBSJOHBO pre-customer. E FSTBNB QFNFSJOUBI NFOKBEJ BHFO QFNCFSEBZB kewirausahaan. Adapun target komposisi sasaran PESAT, terutama NFSVQBLBOLPOTVNFOZBOHCFSBTBMEBSJOBTBCBI existing, ZBJUV TFCFTBS 4JTBOZB IBTJM LFSKB TBNB EFOHBO pemerintah 30 dan pengembangan melalui komunitas 20. 3FODBOB TUSBUFHJT MBJO ZBOH BLBO NFOEVLVOH VQBZB QFODBQBJBOUBSHFUUBIVOBEBMBI a. Di bidang komunikasi dan pemasaran 4USBUFHJJOJ EJBOUBSBOZBEJMBLVLBONFMBMVJ gathering dengan bantuan bagian pemasaran, pembuatan media komunikasi, sosialisasi restrukturisasi kredit, serta membuka potensi top up bagi debitur existing ZBOHNFNJMJLJSJXBZBULSFEJUZBOHTFIBU b. Pengembangan infrastruktur JCJEBOHQFOHFNCBOHBOJOGSBTUSVLUVS EJBOUBSBOZB EJMBLVLBO EFOHBO NFOZJBQLBO QFOEJEJLBO CBHJ BDDPVOU PGmDFS , 2 pengembangan loan origination system, 3 pengembangan waroeng bjb. D 1FOFUSBUJPOPGUIFHSPVQPGQFPQMFUIBUOPUZFUSFBDIFE CZUIFBOL d. Collaborate with government agencies in charge of MSME. 5BSHFUTUPCFBDIJFWFEGSPNUIFTUSBUFHJDQSPHSBNBSF B SFBUF BOE FTUBCMJTI iMPZBMw DVTUPNFST UIVT QBWJOH UIF XBZ GPS EFWFMPQJOH DVTUPNFS CVTJOFTT JO B sustainable manner given their characters are more maintained than new customers. b. Cultivate the potential of prospective customers in the TPDJFUZBOEDPNNVOJUZ c. Integrate the efforts of maintenance of existing DVTUPNFSTXJUIQSFDVTUPNFSFUXPSLJOH d. Together with the Government becomes an entrepreneurial empowerment agent. 5IF UBSHFU PG 145 JT FTQFDJBMMZ UIF DVTUPNFST GSPN existing customers, which amounted to 50. The rest is the result of cooperation with the government 30 and UISPVHIDPNNVOJUZEFWFMPQNFOU 2. Another strategic plan that will support the efforts to BDIJFWFUIFUBSHFUTBSF B OUIFmFMEPGDPNNVOJDBUJPOTBOENBSLFUJOH 5IJT TUSBUFHZ BNPOH PUIFST XJMM CF DPOEVDUFE through gathering with the help of marketing, creation of communication media, dissemination of loan restructuring, as well as opening the potential of top- VQTGPSUIFFYJTUJOHEFCUPSTXJUIIFBMUIZDSFEJUIJTUPSZ b. Infrastructure development The development of infrastructure will be conducted CZ QSFQBSJOH UIF FEVDBUJPO GPS BDDPVOU PGmDFST UIFEFWFMPQNFOUPGMPBOPSJHJOBUJPOTZTUFN UIF development waroeng bjb. MICRO 152 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO MIKRO c. Jaringan kerja sama 6OUVL KBSJOHBO LFSKB TBNB EJ BOUBSBOZB EJMBLVLBO dengan Pemerintah Pusat dalam hal ini Kementerian 5FLOJT EBO 1FNFSJOUBI 1SPWJOTJ +BXB BSBU BNVO tetap terbuka kemungkinan untuk kerja sama dengan pihak atau lembaga lain. d. Pemilihan nasabah Perusahaan juga akan melakukan pemetaan potensi LSFEJUQSPHSBNEJXJMBZBILFSKBCBOL bjb dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan debitur existing kelolaan Kredit Program. Selain itu, bank bjb akan melakukan QFOFUSBTJQBEBKBSJOHBOLPQFSBTJZBOHNFNJMJLJLJOFSKB baik setelah melakukan analisis data dari Dinas Koperasi. Pada saat bersamaan, bank bjb akan menghentikan TFNFOUBSB QFOZBMVSBO stop selling bagi Cabang ,1ZBOH1-OZBEJBUBTFOHBOCFHJUV EBQBU MFCJIGPLVTEBMBNNFOVSVOLBOUJOHLBU1-TFSUBUFUBQ secara pro aktif dalam melakukan penagihan. e. Pengembangan produk 5BL LBMBI QFOUJOHOZB EBMBN SBOHLB NFOJOHLBULBO kinerja usaha di bidang mikro, bank bjb akan terus melakukan inovasi pengembangan produk agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan nasabah. c. Cooperation network Cooperation network will be established with the FOUSBM PWFSONFOU JO UIJT DBTF UIF .JOJTUSZ PG Technical and the local Government of West Java 1SPWJODFPXFWFS UIFQPTTJCJMJUZGPSDPPQFSBUJPOXJUI other institutions remains to be opened. d. Customer selection 5IF DPNQBOZ XJMM BMTP DPOEVDU DSFEJU QPUFOUJBM mapping program in the working areas of bank bjb and maintain good relationships with the existing EFCUPSTNBOBHFECZUIFSFEJU1SPHSBNOBEEJUJPO the bank bjb will penetrate the cooperative network XJUIHPPEQFSGPSNBODFBGUFSUIFBOBMZTJTPGEBUBGSPN the Department of Cooperatives is conducted. At the same time, the bak bjb XJMMUFNQPSBSZTVTQFOE the disbursement stop selling for BranchesKCP with 1-BCPWFZEPJOHTP UIFBOLDBOCFNPSF GPDVTFEPOMPXFSJOHUIFMFWFMPG1-BOESFNBJOQSP active in collection. e. Product development RVBMMZ JNQPSUBOU JO PSEFS UP JNQSPWF CVTJOFTT QFSGPSNBODF JO UIF mFME PG NJDSP CBOL bjb will continue to innovate the development of products to suit customer needs. 153 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data MICRO 154 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO INTERNASIONAL TRESURI INTERNATIONAL TREASURY 155 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data INTERNASIONAL bank bjb NFOBXBSLBO MBZBOBO BLUJWJUBT QFSCBOLBO NFMBMVJ produk transaksi Trade Finance and Services dan remittance ZBOH EJEVLVOH PMFI CBOL LPSFTQPOEFO Depository Correspondent, dengan 22 PTUSP DDPVOU TFSUB counterparties BOLTBOEPOBOLT , agen remitansi di 4 negara Asia, serta kerja sama strategis dengan berbagai pihak. Di tahun 2014, fee based income ZBOH EJQFSPMFI EBSJ aktivitas Trade Finance and Services EBO3FNJUBOTJCFSIBTJM NFODBUBULBO QFODBQBJBO NFMFCJIJ UBSHFU ZBOH EJUFUBQLBO BMJOJEJEVLVOHPMFICFSCBHBJGBLUPS BOUBSBMBJOQFSCBJLBO MBZBOBO JOGSBTUSVLUVS QSPNPTJ EBMBN CFSCBHBJ LFHJBUBO ZBOH NFOEVLVOH QFOJOHLBUBO USBOTBLTJ QFSEBHBOHBO EBO SFNJUBOTJTFSUBBEBOZBUBSHFUNBSLFUCBSVNFMBMVJUSBOTBLTJ kepada nasabah maupun counterparty bank. Trade Finance bank bjb NFOBXBSLBO CFSCBHBJ QSPEVL EBO MBZBOBO LPNQSFIFOTJG CBHJ QBSB QFOHVTBIB ZBOH CFSHFSBL EBMBN CJEBOH VTBIB ZBOH CFSLBJUBO EFOHBO FLTQPS JNQPS QFSEBHBOHBO MPLBM NBVQVO VTBIB MBJOOZB 1SPEVL CBOL INTERNATIONAL bank bjb offers banking services through the product Trade Finance and Services transactions and remittance supported CZDPSSFTQPOEFOUCBOLT FQPTJUPSZPSSFTQPOEFOU XJUIPTUSPDDPVOUT BOEDPVOUFSQBSUJFT BOLTBOE POBOLT SFNJUUBODFBHFOUTJOTJBODPVOUSJFT BTXFMMBT strategic alliances with various parties. In 2014, fee-based income derived from Trade Finance BOE 4FSWJDFT BT XFMM BT 3FNJUUBODF NBOBHFE UP SFDPSE BO BDIJFWFNFOUFYDFFEJOHUIFUBSHFUTFU5IJTJTTVQQPSUFECZ B WBSJFUZ PG GBDUPST BNPOH PUIFST TFSWJDFT JNQSPWFNFOU JOGSBTUSVDUVSF QSPNPUJPOJOBWBSJFUZPGBDUJWJUJFTUIBUTVQQPSU the increase of trade transactions and remittance as well as the new target market through transactions to the bank’s customers and counterparties. Trade Finance bank bjb offers a comprehensive range of products and services for entrepreneurs engaged in activities related to exports and imports, local trade and other businesses. bank bjb TQSPEVDUTDBOCFVTFEBTMPOHBTUIFQBZNFOUNFUIPE 156 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO bjb CJTB EJNBOGBBULBO TFQBOKBOH NFUPEF QFNCBZBSBOOZB menggunakan Letter of Credit LC ataupun Surat Kredit FSEPLVNFOBMBNFHFSJ 4, BUBVQVO guarantee dan Standby Letter of Credit ZBOH NFOHBDV LFQBEB LFUFOUVBO JOUFSOBTJPOBM ZBOHEJBOUBSBOZB t 1FOFSCJUBO-4, • Collection -4, t FHPTJBTJ • Diskonto • Shipping Guarantee • Guarantee • Standby Letter of Credit 5JEBLIBOZBJUV CBHJQBSBQFOHVTBIBZBOHEBMBNNFOKBMBOLBO LFHJBUBO VTBIBOZB UJEBL NFOHHVOBLBO TLFNB QFNCBZBSBO dengan menggunakan Letter of Credit maka dapat ditawarkan CFSCBHBJMBZBOBOUSBOTBLTJ EJBOUBSBOZB • Open Account Financing • Bill Collection Financing Guna terus meningkatkan pertumbuhan bisnis dan peningkatan fee based income, selain mendorong aktivitas USBEFmOBODF dan remitansi pada tahun 2014, peran Financial Institution sebagai salah satu QSPmU DFOUFS dalam bisnis perbankan terus dikembangkan, melalui pemasaran produk QSPEVLBOUBSCBOL5SBOTBLTJBOUBSCBOLZBOHTBBUJOJTVEBI berjalan dan memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan fee based income adalah produk Guarantee under Counter Guarantee dan Counterparty Bank Trade Financing ZBOH UFMBINFODBUBULBOWPMVNFUSBOTBLTJZBOHDVLVQTJHOJmLBOEJ banding tahun 2013. Trade Financing BOUBSCBOL UFSTFCVU NFNJMJLJ QPUFOTJ ZBOH cukup besar sebagai kontributor penambah fee based income. Produk ini diharapkan juga dapat membawa bank bjb TFKBKBSEFOHBOCBOLCBOLCFTBSMBJOOZBEBMBNCJEBOH Trade Finance and Services. Produk Remitansi Selain melalui produk USBEFmOBODF EBMBNVQBZBNFOEVLVOH pencapaian fee based TFSUB NFNCFSJLBO QFMBZBOBO QSJNB LFQBEB NBTZBSBLBU MVBT QSPEVL SFNJUBOTJ UFSVT NFOFSVT dikembangkan dan dipromosikan agar dapat dimanfaatkan PMFI NBTZBSBLBU MVBT ZBOH NFNFSMVLBO MBZBOBO QFSCBOLBO uses the Letter of Credit LC or Letter of Credit with Domestic PDVNFOUBUJPO 4, PS HVBSBOUFFT BOE TUBOECZ MFUUFS of credit, which refers to the international regulations, which JODMVEF t 1VCMJTIJOH-4, t PMMFDUJPO-4, t FHPUJBUJPO • Discount • Shipping Guarantee • Guarantee t 4UBOECZ-FUUFSPGSFEJU PU POMZ UIBU GPS FOUSFQSFOFVST DPOEVDUJOH UIF CVTJOFTT operation without the Letter of Credit as the scheme of QBZNFOU UIFBOLPGGFSTBXJEFSBOHFPGUSBOTBDUJPOTFSWJDFT JODMVEJOH • Open Account Financing • Bill Collection Financing To enhance business growth and increase fee-based income, JO BEEJUJPO UP FODPVSBHJOH USBEF mOBODF BOE SFNJUUBODF JO UIFSPMFPGUIFJOBODJBMOTUJUVUJPOBTPOFPGUIFQSPmU centres in the banking business continues to be develop, through the marketing of products among banks. The interbank USBOTBDUJPOT XIJDI BSF DVSSFOUMZ SVOOJOH BOE DPOUSJCVUJOH to the increase of fee-based income are Guarantee under PVOUFSVBSBOUFFBOEPVOUFSQBSUZBOL5SBEFJOBODJOH XIJDI SFDPSEFE TJHOJmDBOU USBOTBDUJPO WPMVNF DPNQBSFE UP UIFZFBS The interbank Trade Financing has considerable potential as a contributor to enhance fee-based income. This product is also expected to bring bank bjb equal with other major banks in the mFMEPG5SBEFJOBODFBOE4FSWJDFT Remittance Products O BEEJUJPO UISPVHI USBEF mOBODF QSPEVDUT JO UIF FGGPSU UP support the achievement of fee-based and provide excellent services to the general public, remittance products are DPOUJOVPVTMZEFWFMPQFEBOEQSPNPUFEGPSUIFCFOFmUPGUIF XJEFSDPNNVOJUZXIPSFRVJSFCBOLJOHTFSWJDFTJOUIFSFNPUF INTERNASIONAL TRESURI 157 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT Management Discussion Analysis on Company Performance Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data sampai ke pelosok daerah. Produk remitansi tersebut mencakup bjb transfer valas, Western Union, maupun bjb quickcash. Produk bjb quickcash NFSVQBLBO TJTUFN ZBOH EJCBOHVO secara internal oleh bank bjb. Produk ini akan diintegrasikan EFOHBO TJTUFN SFNJUBOTJ ZBOH EJNJMJLJ PMFI BHFO SFNJUBOTJ di empat 4 negara, sehingga memberikan keleluasaan LFQBEBQFOHJSJNVBOHEJMVBSOFHFSJVOUVLNFNJMJIMBZBOBO penerimaan uang di dalam negeri melalui cash to cash, cash to bjb account, cash to non bjb account. bank bjb CFSIBSBQ EBQBU NFNCFSJLBO LFOZBNBOBO bertransaksi dengan menggunakan bjb quickcash bukan IBOZB LFQBEB OBTBCBI UFUBQJ KVHB LFQBEB BHFO SFNJUBOTJ ZBOHBLBOCFLFSKBTBNBEFOHBOCBOL bjb BMJUVEJXVKVELBO EFOHBO EJMBLVLBOOZB QFOHFNCBOHBO TJTUFN TFDBSB berkesinambungan agar dapat memenuhi ekspektasi dari para remitting agent ZBOHCFLFSKBTBNB TFIJOHHBLFHJBUBO SFNJUBOTJ BLBO NFOKBEJ MFCJI FGFLUJG FmTJFO EBO EBQBU diandalkan. JOHHB TBBU JOJ QFOHFNCBOHBO ZBOH CFSLFTJOBNCVOHBO tersebut telah berhasil menampilkan berbagai alternatif solusi ZBOHEBQBUEJNBOGBBULBOPMFIQBSB remitting agent rekanan bank bjb sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Mulai dari Desktop Solution, Host to Host EBOZBOHNBTJIUFOHBIEJLFNCBOHLBO ZBJUV Web Portal. Perusahaan berpandangan bahwa bisnis dalam bidang remitansi cukup menjanjikan. Karena itu, persaingan baik dengan bank maupun non bank menjadi semakin ketat. Dalam LPOUFLTJOJMBI QSPNPTJNFOKBEJBLUJWJUBTZBOHTBOHBUQFOUJOH QFSBOOZB UFSVUBNBEBMBNIBMQFOJOHLBUBO brand awareness produk remittance bank bjb. STRATEGI .FOHJOHBU QFSTBJOHBO ZBOH TFNBLJO LFUBU LIVTVTOZB EJ bidang remitansi, bank bjb telah merealisasikan serangkaian TUSBUFHJ BHBS MBZBOBO ZBOH EJCFSJLBO 1FSVTBIBBO UFUBQ NFNCFSJLBO LFOZBNBOBO CBHJ QFMBOHHBO TFLBMJHVT NFOJOHLBULBOQFOFUSBTJQBTBSFOHBOTFNBLJOCBOZBLOZB QFOHHVOB KBTB ZBOH EJUBXBSLBO PMFI QSPEVL JWJTJ Internasional ini, perolehan fee based income bank bjb juga dapat meningkat. BSFBT5IFSFNJUUBODFQSPEVDUTJODMVEFCKCGPSFJHODVSSFODZ transfers, Western Union, and bjb quickcash. bjb RVJDLDBTIJTBTZTUFNCVJMUJOUFSOBMMZCZCBOL bjb. This QSPEVDUXJMMCFJOUFHSBUFEXJUIUIFSFNJUUBODFTZTUFNPXOFE CZ UIF SFNJUUBODF BHFOUT JO GPVS DPVOUSJFT UIVT HJWJOH nFYJCJMJUZ GPS NPOFZ TFOEFST GSPN PWFSTFBT UP DIPPTF UIF TFSWJDFUPSFDFJWFUIFNPOFZJOUIFDPVOUSZUISPVHIDBTIUP cash, cash to bjb account, cash to a non bjb account. bank bjb hopes to provide the convenience of transacting XJUIUIFVTFPGCKCRVJDLDBTIOPUPOMZUPDVTUPNFST CVUBMTP to the remittance agents who will work with bank bjb. This is SFBMJ[FE UISPVHI UIF EFWFMPQNFOU PG UIF TZTUFN PO BO PO going basis in order to meet the expectations of the remittance agents working together with bank bjb, thus the activities of SFNJUUBODFXPVMECFNPSFFGGFDUJWF FGmDJFOUBOESFMJBCMF Until now, the continuous development has managed to EJTQMBZBWBSJFUZPGBMUFSOBUJWFTPMVUJPOTUIBUDBOCFVUJMJ[FEBT OFFEFECZUIFSFNJUUJOHBHFOUTQBSUOFSTPGCBOL bjb, starting GSPNFTLUPQ4PMVUJPO PTUUPPTU BOEUIFXFC1PSUBMXIJDI is still being developed. 5IF PNQBOZ CFMJFWFT UIBU UIF SFNJUUBODF CVTJOFTT JT promising. Therefore, the competition either with banks and OPOCBOLTBSFCFDPNJOHJODSFBTJOHMZTUSJOHFOUOUIJTDPOUFYU QSPNPUJPOCFDPNFTBOBDUJWJUZUIBUIBTBWFSZJNQPSUBOUSPMF FTQFDJBMMZ JO UFSNT PG JODSFBTJOH CSBOE BXBSFOFTT PG CBOL bjb’s remittance product. STRATEGY JWFOUIFJODSFBTJOHMZUJHIUDPNQFUJUJPO FTQFDJBMMZJOUIFmFME of remittance, bank bjb has realized a series of strategies GPS UIF TFSWJDFT QSPWJEFE CZ UIF PNQBOZ UP DPOUJOVF UP provide convenience for customers, while increasing market penetration. With the increasing number of users of services PGGFSFE CZ UIF OUFSOBUJPOBM JWJTJPOT QSPEVDUT CBOL bjb’s BDRVJTJUJPOPGGFFCBTFEJODPNFNBZBMTPJODSFBTF INTERNATIONAL TREASURY 158 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ Analisa Pembahasan atas Kinerja Perseroan 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO FCFSBQBJOJTJBUJGZBOHEJKBMBOLBOTFQBOKBOHUBIVO EJ BOUBSBOZBBEBMBI

A. Pemasaran dan Promosi