Penyampaian Laporan Pelanggaran Submission of the Report on Violation

587 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance PSQPSBUF4PDJBM3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data Dalam rangka menjalankan kegiatan usaha perseroan yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip good corporate governance, perseroan telah menyusun Tata Kelola Pelanggaran Whistleblowing System di Lingkungan PT Bank Pembangnan Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk sesuai dengan SK Direksi nomor 708SKDIR-KP2014 tanggal 7 Oktober 2014. Sejalah dengan hal tersebut, untuk meningkatkan peran aktif para pelapor whistleblower mengungkapkanmengadukan tindakan pelanggaran yang dilakukan para Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan pegawai, maka Perseroan telah membentuk Sistem Pengaduan Pelanggaran whistleblowing system WBS Perseroan.

1. Penyampaian Laporan Pelanggaran

Divisi Audit Internal memiliki Standar Operasional Prosedur Strategi Anti Fraud, dimana dalam SOP tersebut tercantum mekanisme pengaduanpengungkapan penyingkapan tindakan fraud danatau tindak pidana di bidang perbankan yang yang disebut whistleblowing system. 1 Setiap pegawai yang mengetahui terjadinya indikasi terjadinya fraud wajib melaporkan kepada divisi Audit Internal c.q Unit Kerja Anti Fraud atau Pemimpin Satuan Kerja masing masing disertai dengan bukti permulaan yang cukup. 2 Laporan indikasi tindakan fraud yang diterima oleh pemimpin Satuan Kerja wajib disampaikan kepada Divisi Audit Internal selambat-lambatnya 3 tiga hari kerja setelah laporan tersebut diterima. 3 Pengaduan tersebut dapat dilakukan melalui; HotlineHelpdesk Anti Fraud: 0896-1041-3373 E-mail : Fax : 022-4219176 Website : Surat : Divisi Audit Internal c.q Tim Audit Fraud Menara bank bjb Lantai 6 Jl Naripan no 12-14 Bandung 40111, Jawa Barat In order to perform the Company’s business activities in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance, the Company has developed the Whistleblowing System PT Bank Pembangunan Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk in accordance with the Decree of the Board of Directors No 708SKDIR-KP2014 dated October 7, 2014. In addition, to increase active participation of the whistleblower revealingdenouncing violations committed by the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and employees, the Company has established Whistleblowing SystemWBS of the Company.

1. Submission of the Report on Violation

The Internal Audit Division posseses a Standard Operating Procedure of Anti-Fraud Strategy, in which the mechanism of complaintdisclosurerevelation of the actions of fraud and or criminal acts in banking is contained, named the whistleblowing system. 1 Every employee who knows the indications of fraud must report to the Internal Audit division cq Anti Fraud Work Unit or the Head of the respective Work Unit BDDPNQBOJFECZTVGmDJFOUQSFMJNJOBSZFWJEFODF 2 Reports on the indications of fraud received by the Unit Head must be submitted to the Internal Audit Division no later than three 3 working days after the report is received. 3 The complaint can be channeled through; HotlineAnti Fraud Helpdesk: 0896-1041-3373 E-mail : Fax : 022-4219176 Website : Letter : Internal Audit Division cq Fraud Audit Team Menara bank bjb 6 th Floor Jl. Naripan no 12-14 Bandung 40111, West Java WHISTLEBLOWING SYSTEM WHISTLEBLOWING SYSTEM 588 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO Tata Kelola Perusahaan 5BOHHVOH+BXBC4PTJBM1FSVTBIBBO -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO

2. Sistem Perlindungan Pelapor