604 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO operasi fernia, dan Kampung Nutrisi. Kampung Nutrisi ini dilaksanakan di 5 RW di Kecamatan Braga Kota Bandung dengan kegiatan, meliputi pemberian paket nutrisi, pemberian paket sembako, dan penyuluhan gizi buruk. 5. Kegiatan lainnya adalah program rutin bank bjb yang dilakukan pada masa liburan anak sekolah, yaitu kegiatan khitanan massal. Pada tahun 2014 bank bjb melaksanakan khitanan massal di Kabupaten Tangerang dengan jumlah peserta khitan sebanyak 200 anak yang diadakan Kegiatan khitanan massal rutin diselenggarakan setiap tahun di kota-kota besar di Indonesia.


Kebijakan Perseroan memiliki komitmen yang tinggi untuk memenuhi tanggung jawab kepada konsumen dan nasabahnya. Bagi bank bjb, nasabah merupakan rekan utama dalam setiap langkah pengembangan usaha yang dilakukan perseroan. Oleh karena itu, bank bjb menempatkan kepuasan nasabah sebagai prinsip dasar dalam setiap pelayanannya. Pengembangan budaya layanan pada tahun 2013 diarahkan kepada terciptanya services culture. Hal itu dilakukan melalui implementasi Pengembangan Budaya Layanan di seluruh outlet bank bjb, implementasi TUBOEBSEJTBTJBTQFLmTJL Premises di seluruh outlet bank bjb dan evaluasi implementasi pengembangan budaya layanan di seluruh outlet bank bjb. Standar ukuran yang digunakan seperti tercatat dalam kategori bank umum nasional penilaian Bank Service Excellent Monitoring BSEM versi MRI Marketing Research Indonesia. bank bjb juga telah membuat pedoman standar pelayanan, roadmap, dan blue print sebagai acuan dalam membangun budaya layanan bank bjb. Road Map membangun budaya layanan disusun berupa tahapan target yang harus dicapai selama tiga tahun. Hal ini dijadikan pedoman dalam penyusunan inisiatif strategis dan rencana kerja. Braga District of Bandung with activities, including the provision of nutritional packages, provision of food packages, and poor nutrition counseling. 5. Another activity is the routine bank bjb program that is conducted during the school holidays, namely the mass circumcision activity. In 2014 bank bjb carried out the mass circumcision activity in the Tangerang Regency with a total of 200 children participating in the activity. The mass circumcision activity is regularly held every year in major cities in Indonesia.


Policy 5IF PNQBOZ IBT B TUSPOH DPNNJUNFOU UP GVMmMM JUT responsibilities to consumers and customers. For bank bjb, the customer is the main partner in every step of the development efforts of the company. Therefore, bank bjb put customer satisfaction as a basic principle in each of its services. The development of the services culture in 2013 is directed to the creation of services culture. This was conducted through the implementation of the Cultural Services Development across the bank bjb outlets, the implementation of physical Premises physical aspect at all outlets of bank bjb and implementation evaluation of the development of services culture throughout bank bjb outlets. Standard measurements are used as recorded in the category of national banks of Bank Monitoring Service Excellent BSEM version of MRI Marketing Research Indonesia. bank bjb has also created the services standard guidelines, road map and blue print as a reference in building the services culture of bank bjb. Road Map to build the services culture prepared target stages to be achieved over three years. This is used as a guidelines in the preparation of strategic initiatives and action plans. TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN 605 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibility POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data a. Tahun 2012-2013 sebagai tahun “ The Best Ten in Service” dengan target menjadi 10 besar di antara bank umum nasional di Indonesia dan 10 besar scoring index layanan versi MRI. b. Tahun 2013-2014 sebagai tahun “ The Best Seven in Service” dengan target menjadi 7 besar di antara bank umum nasional di Indonesia dan 7 besar scoring index layanan versi MRI. c. Tahun 2014-2015 sebagai tahun “ The Best Five in Service” dengan target menjadi 5 besar di antara bank umum nasional di Indonesia dan 5 besar scoring index layanan versi MRI. 1. Penyempurnaan Buku dan Video Standar Layanan 2. Pembuatan Sistem Aplikasi Service Measurement 3. Penyelesaian Buku Panduan Standarisasi Aspek Fisik Aspek Premises 4. Implementasi Pengembangan Budaya Layanan, termasuk aspek fisik pada 8 outlet pilot 5. Evaluasi Implementasi pada 8 outlet pilot 6. Program Quick Win Pencapaian 10 Besar MRI 1. Improving the Books and Videos on Services Standard 2. Preparing the Service Measurement Application System 3. Completion of Guidelines for Standardization of Physical Aspects Premises 4. Implementing Service Culture Development, including physical aspects on 8 pilot outlets 5. Evaluating the Implementation of 8 pilot outlets 6. Quick Win Program to Achieve MRI Best 10 1. Implementasi Pengembangan Budaya Layanan di seluruh outlet bank bjb 2. Implementasi standarisasi aspek fisik Premises di seluruh outlet bank bjb 3. Evaluasi Implementasi Pengembangan Budaya Layanan di seluruh outlet bank bjb 4. Terciptanya service culture 5. Program Quick Win Pencapaian 7 Besar MRI 1. Implementing Service Culture Development in all of bank bjb outlets 2. Implementing the Standardization of Physical Aspects Premises in all of bank bjb outlets 3. Evaluating the Implementation of Service Culture Development in all of bank bjb outlets 4. The establishment of service culture 5. Quick Win Program to Achieve MRI Best 7 1. Sustainability Program Pengembangan Budaya Layanan 2. Sustainability Service Culture 3. Perbaikan Business Process 4. Program Quick Win Pencapaian 5 Besar MRI 1. Sustainability Program for Service Culture Development 2. Sustainability Service Culture 3. Improving Business Process 4. Quick Win Program to Achieve MRI Best 5 2012 “The Best Ten In Service” 2013 “The Best Ten In Service” 2014 “The Best Ten In Service” a. 2012-2013 as “The Best Ten in Service” year with the target of becoming the top 10 commercial bank in Indonesia and top 10 in the MRI version of services scoring index. b. 2013-2014 as “The Best Seven in Service” year with the target of becoming the top 7 commercial bank in Indonesia and top 7 in the MRI version of services scoring index. c. 2014-2015 as “The Best Five in Service” year with the target of becoming the top 5 commercial bank in Indonesia and top 5 in the MRI version of services scoring index. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 606 bank bjb Laporan Tahunan 2014 LIUJTBS4BIBN0CMJHBTJ OBMJTB1FNCBIBTBOBUBT,JOFSKB1FSTFSPBO 5BUB,FMPMB1FSVTBIBBO Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan -BQPSBO,FVBOHBO,POTPMJEBTJBO BUB1FSVTBIBBO TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Pada Tahun 2013, bank bjb melakukan implementasi budaya layanan dan aspek premises di seluruh outlet bank bjb dengan melakukan monitoring per semester di seluruh kantor cabang. Kegiatan tersebut dilakukan Divisi Jaringan dan Layanan. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan di seluruh outlet bank bjb, Divisi Jaringan dan Layanan melakukan Kegiatan apresiasi atau penghargaan kepada karyawan, yaitu program BBSEA bank bjb Service Excellence Award. Kegiatan ini diadakan rutin setiap tahun, sebagai wujud penghargaan kepada para frontliner teller, customer service, satpam, dan supervisor. Seleksi program BBSEA dilakukan mulai dari tahap seleksi awal di kantor cabang masing-masing. Kemudian, seleksi tingkat wilayah yang meliputi aspek soft competency kemampuan berkomunikasites lisan dan kualitas data dan hard competency roleplay, tes tulis, performance, dan seleksi tingkat nasional yang meliputi pemberian training classical, table manner, tes roleplay, dan persentase hasil benchmarking. Sedangkan pengumuman pemenang dilaksanakan pada acara awarding BBSEA. Selain penghargaan dari kategori frontliner dan supervisor, saat awarding diumumkan pula penghargaan pelayanan bagi CBDLPGmDF terbaik, cleaning service terbaik, cabang pelayanan terbaik kategori Pemda dan Non-Pemda, serta KCP pelayanan terbaik. Untuk mendukung kegiatan peningkatan pelayanan kepada nasabah, Divisi Jaringan dan Layanan melakukan evaluasi pelayanan melalui: a. BSEM Bank Service Excellence Monitoring. b. External mystery shopping untuk mengukur performa layanan dan memperoleh gambaran mengenai customer experience terhadap actual service delivery dari layanan bank bjb. c. Self Assessment. d. Monitoringpendampingan. e. Customer Satisfaction Index. Implementation Activities In 2013, bank bjb conducts the implementation of the services culture and the premises aspect in all bank bjb by performing supervision semi annually in all branches. The activity was conducted by the Networks and Services Division. To improve the quality of service in all outlets of bank bjb, the Network and Services Division conducts the awards or appreciation activities to employees, namely the BBSEA bank bjb Service Excellence Award program. This activity is held regularly every year, as a form of tribute to the frontliner tellers, customer service, security guards, and supervisors. The selection for the BBSEA program is carried out TUBSUJOH GSPN UIF JOJUJBM TFMFDUJPO JO FBDI CSBODI PGmDF Then, regional selection, covering aspects of soft competency the ability to communicateoral test and data quality and hard competency roleplay, written tests, performance, and the national selection which includes providing classical training, table manner, roleplay test, and the percentage of benchmarking results. The winner announcement is conducted at the BBSEA awarding ceremony. In addition to the award for the frontliner and supervisors category, during the award, the best services for back PGmDF CFTUDMFBOJOHTFSWJDFT CFTUCSBODITFSWJDFTJOUIF Government and Non Gevernment category, as well as CFTUTVCCSBODIPGmDFXFSFBMTPBOOPVODFE To support the improvement of services to customers, the Network and Services Division perform evaluation services through: a. BSEM Bank Service Excellence Monitoring. b. External mystery shopping to measure the performance of the service and obtain a descrition of the customer experience to the actual service delivery of bank bjb services c. Self Assessment. d. Monitoringmentoring. e. Customer satisfaction Index. 607 bank bjb Annual Report 2014 4UPDL0CMJHBUJPOJHIMJHIUT .BOBHFNFOUJTDVTTJPOOBMZTJTPOPNQBOZ1FSGPSNBODF Good Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibility POTPMJEBUFEJOBODJBM4UBUFNFOUT Corporate Data CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Dampak KeuanganBiaya dari pelaksanaan kegiatan Pelaksanaan kegiatan tanggung jawab perusahaan kepada para konsumen tidak memiliki dampak keuangan karena dana untuk kegiatan ini telah dianggarkan pada tahun yang bersangkutan dan sesuai dengan Rencana Bisnis Bank. Perlindungan Nasabah

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