Pride of the organization: Employees defend their company Orientation towards top achievements: ‘In our company, every- Teamwork and communication: Employees listen well and try to Supervision and leadership: Managers are really interested in the Profit o

rekan kerja mereka yang baru. Budaya tingkat ini lebih mudah untuk diubah dibandingkan dengan budaya pada tingkat yang lebih dalam. Djokosantoso Moeljono mendefinisikan corporate culture sebagai suatu sistem nilai yang diyakini oleh semua anggota organisasi dan yang dipelajari, diterapkan, serta dikembangkan secara berkesinambungan, berfungsi sebagai sistem perekat, dan dijadikan acuan berperilaku dalam organsisasi untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan yang telah ditetapkan. 97 Sedangkan good corporate culture GCC adalah “suatu kondisi di mana suatu organisasi atau perusahaan sudah mempunyai sistem nilai-nilai yang unggul, serta telah diyakini oleh semua anggota organisasi, diterapkan dan dikembangkan secara berkesinambungan, dan secara sadar menjadi sistem perekat, untuk dijadikan sebagai acuan berperilaku dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi yang telah ditetapkan. 98 Dalam hal ini, hubungan antara GCG dengan GCC sangat erat, dimana GCC merupakan sisi dalam atau hulu dari GCG itu sendiri. Kalau dikaji secara lebih mendalam, menurut Martin Hann, ada 10 sepuluh parameter budaya perusahaan yang baik 99 :

1. Pride of the organization: Employees defend their company

against unjustified critique and they say that they like working for their company; 97 Ibid, hal. 67. 98 Ibid., hal. 71. 99 Lihat , diakses pada tanggal 1 Februari 2010. Universitas Sumatera Utara

2. Orientation towards top achievements: ‘In our company, every-

body tries to do a better job’ and ‘our company is number one and that should stay so’;

3. Teamwork and communication: Employees listen well and try to

understand the ideasopinions of others and employees and managers really try to help each other;

4. Supervision and leadership: Managers are really interested in the

problems of others and it is customary to ask help when needed;

5. Profit orientation and cost awareness: All expenditures are

evaluated if they are effective or not and all members are strongly thinking about profit;

6. Employee relationships: Employees are not trying to better

themselves from the mistakes of other employees and new employees are accepted quickly;

7. Client and consumer relations: Everything is oriented towards a

better service for the customer;

8. Honesty and safety: Safety rules are strictly implemented and

everybody sees company properties as being sacred;

9. Education and development: Everybody supports education and

training programs and the company really tries to develop its employees;

10. Innovation: Systems and procedures are constantly being pursued