Blok Kemiskinan Total Penduduk Miskin dan Tingkat Ke miskinan

176 u 5 IMPOR t-1 + u 41. PDB 21t t = CONRT t + INV t + GOVEXP t + EKS t - IMP 42. RPDB t t = PDB t 100IHK 43. GROWTH t t = RPDB t – RPDB t-1 RPDB t-1 44. PDBKPT 100 t = PDB t POP 45. KURS t t = v + v 1 IHK t + v 2 CADEV t + v 3 D9799 + v 4 KURS t-1 + u 46. IHK 22t t = w + w 1 SKBG t + w 2 UANGBR t + w 3 AVHJTL t + w 4 PBBM t w + 5 KURS t + w 6 D98 + w 7 D02 + w 8 D05 + w 9 IHK t-1 + u 47. INFLASI 23t t = IHK t – IHK t-1 IHK t-1 48. SKBG 100 t = x + x 1 INFLASI t + x 2 D9799 + x 3 SKBG t-1 + u 24t

VII. Blok Tenaga Kerja

49. STK t = y + y 1 RUPH t + y 2 POP t + y 3 DBLJLAIN t + y 4 D04 + y 5 y D09 + 6 STK t-1 + u 50. DTK 25t t = z + z 1 RUPH t + z 2 PDB t + z 3 D9799 + u 51. UNEMPL 26t t = STK t – DTK t 52. RUPH t = aa + aa 1 STK t-1 + aa 2 DDTK t + aa 3 D98 + aa 4 RUPH t-1 + u 27t

VIII. Blok Kemiskinan

53. MISKOTA t = ab + ab 1 INFLASI t + ab 2 RUPH t + ab 3 UNEMPL t ab + 4 D9799 + u 54. MISDESA 28t t = ac + ac 1 INFLASI t + ac 2 GOVEXP t + ac 3 UNEMPL t ac + 5 D9799 + ac 6 MISDESA t-1 + u 55. PMISKIN 29t t = MISKOTA t + MISDESA 56. TMISKIN t t = MISKOTA t + MISDESA t POP t 100 177 Lampiran 3. Prog ram Estimasi Model Subsidi Harga Listrik mengg unakan Metode 2SLS dan Pros edur SYSLIN denga n Program SASETS versi 9.1 options nodate nonumber; LIBNAME IN C:\Disertasi; data datapln; set in.pln; Creating Variable; PRODSDR = TLSDR+TLSEWA; PRODTL = PRODSDR+TLBELI; TLJUAL = CLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; SUSUT = PRODTL-TLJUAL-CLISDR; AVHJTL = HJTLRTCLISRT + HJTLINDCLISIND + HJTLOTHCLISOTH CLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; BPP = BOPTLJUAL1000; HJTLRT = BPP1+m100-SUBPRT; HJTLIND = BPP1+m100-SUBPIND; HJTLOTH = BPP1+m100-SUBPOTH; PENPEM = PENPJK+PENNPJK; CLAIN = CPLHR+CPGW+CSUSUT+COTH; CBBM = QBBMPBBM1000000; CBTB = QBTBPBTB1000000; CGAS = QGASPGAS1000000; PENPEM = PENPJK + PENNPJK; SUBRT = SUBPRT CLISRT1000; SUBIND = SUBPIND CLISIND1000; SUBOTH = SUBPOTH CLISOTH1000; SUBLSTR = SUBRT + SUBIND + SUBOTH; GOVEXP = SUBLSTR + BLJLAIN; CONLIS = HJTLRTCLISRT+HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTH1000; CONRT = CONLIS + CONLAIN; PDB = CONRT + INV + GOVEXP + EKSPOR - IMPOR; RPDB = PDB100IHK; PDBKPT = PDBPOP1000; PMISKIN = MISKOTA + MISDESA; TMISKIN = MISKOTA+MISDESAPOP100; UNEMPL = STK-DTK; PDBL = PDB-PDBI; if tahun=1998 then D98=1; else D98=0; if tahun=2008 then D08=1; else D08=0; if tahun=2005 then D05=1; else D05=0; if tahun=2004 then D04=1; else D04=0; if tahun=2009 then D09=1; else D09=0; if tahun=1997 or tahun=1998 or tahun=1999 then D9799=1; else D9799=0; if tahun=2002 then D02=1; else D02=0; LCLISRT = lagclisrt; 178 LCLISIND = lagclisind; LCLISOTH = lagclisoth; LBOP = lagbop; LPBBM = lagpbbm; LPBTB = lagpbtb; LPGAS = lagpgas; LQBBM = lagqbbm; LQBTB = lagqbtb; LQGAS = lagqgas; LQBBM = lagqbbm; LQBTB = lagqbtb; LQGAS = lagqgas; LPDB = lagpdb; LKURS = lagkurs; LIHK = lagihk; LTLBELI = lagtlbeli; LPRODSDR = lagprodsdr; LMISKOTA = lagmiskota; LMISDESA = lagmisdesa; LSUBPRT = lagsubprt; LSUBPIND = lagsubpind; LSUBPOTH = lagsubpoth; LPENPJK = lagpenpjk; LSTK = lagstk; LDTK = lagdtk; LRUPH = lagruph; LRPDB = lagrpdb; INFLASI = IHK-LIHKLIHK100; GROWTH = RPDB-LRPDBLRPDB100; DDTK = difdtk; DSTK = difstk; LBLJLAIN = lagbljlain; DBLJLAIN = difbljlain; LCONLAIN = lagconlain; LINV = laginv; LEKSPOR = lagekspor; LIMPOR = lagimpor; LSKBG = lagskbg; run; proc syslin 2sls data=datapln out=hasil; endogenous prodsdr qbbm qbtb qgas pbbm pbtb pgas cbbm cbtb cgas tlbeli prodtl bop bpp clisrt clisind clisoth tljual susut subprt subpind subpoth subrt subind suboth sublstr hjtlrt hjtlind hjtloth avhjtl penpjk penpem bljlain govexp conlis conlain conrt inv kspor impor pdb rpdb growth pdbkpt kurs ihk inflasi skbg stk dtk unempl ruph miskota misdesa pmiskin tmiskin; instruments pennpjk pop pdbi pdbl cplhr clain icp pdbtb pdgas clisdr dbljlain cadev uangbr ddtk lclisrt lclisind lclisoth lbop lpbbm lpbtb lpgas lqbbm lqbtb lqgas lkurs lihk lmiskota lmisdesa lpenpjk lbljlain lstk ldtk lruph lconlain linv lekspor limpor lskbg d98 d08 d05 d09 d9799 d02 d04; PERSAMAAN STRUKTURAL; 179 BLOK PRODUKSI; 1. NILAI PRODUKSI; prod_sdr : model prodsdr = qbbm qbtb qgas lprodsdr dw; q_bbm : model qbbm = pbbm prodsdr d08 lqbbm dw; q_btb : model qbtb = pbtb prodsdr pbbm lqbtbdw; q_gas : model qgas = pgas prodsdr qbbm qbtb d9799dw; p_bbm : model pbbm = icp kurs d08 lpbbm dw; p_btb : model pbtb = pdbtb kurs pbbm lpbtbdw; p_gas : model pgas = pdgas kurs pbbm d98 d09 lpgas dw; tl_beli : model tlbeli = tljual susut d08 ltlbeli dw; 2. BIAYA OPERASIONAL; biaya_op : model bop = tlbeli cbbm cbtb cgas clain d08 lbop dw; BLOK CLISUMSI; kons_rt : model clisrt = hjtlrt pdbkpt pelrt d98 lclisrt dw; kons_ind : model clisind = hjtlind pdbi pelind d98 d09 lclisind dw; kons_oth : model clisoth = hjtloth pdbl peloth d05 d08 dw; BLOK KEUANGAN PEMERINTAH; pen_pjk : model penpjk = lpdb inflasi d98 lpenpjkdw; blj_lain : model bljlain = penpem ihk d09 lbljlaindw; BLOK SUBSIDI; subprt : model subprt = penpem d08 lsubprt dw; subpind : model subpind = penpem d08 lsubpind dw; subpoth : model subpoth = penpem d08 lsubpoth dw; BLOK INDIKATOR EKONOMI; conlain : model conlain = pdbkpt inflasi d98 d08 lconlaindw; investasi : model inv = pdb skbg d04 linv dw; ekspor : model ekspor = kurs d98 lekspordw; impor : model impor = inflasi kurs pop d98 limpordw; nil_tkr : model kurs = ihk cadev d9799 lkursdw; ihk : model ihk = skbg uangbr avhjtl pbbm kurs d98 d05 d02 lihkdw; skbg : model skbg = inflasi d9799 lskbgdw; BLOK TK; sup_tk : model stk = ruph pop dbljlain d04 d09 lstkdw; dem_tk : model dtk = ruph pdb d9799 dw; umr : model ruph = lstk ddtk d98 lruph dw; BLOK KEMISKINAN; mis_kota : model miskota = inflasi ruph unempl d9799 dw; mis_desa : model misdesa = inflasi govexp unempl d9799 lmisdesa dw; PERSAMAAN IDENTITAS; identity CBBM = CBBM + 0; identity CBTB = CBTB + 0; identity CGAS = CGAS + 0; identity PRODTL = PRODSDR + TLBELI; identity BPP = BPP + 0; 180 identity TLJUAL = CLISRT + CLISIND + CLISOTH; identity SUSUT = PRODTL - TLJUAL - CLISDR; identity SUBRT = SUBRT + 0; identity SUBIND = SUBIND + 0; identity SUBOTH = SUBOTH + 0; identity SUBLSTR = SUBRT + SUBIND + SUBOTH; identity HJTLRT = HJTLRT + 0; identity HJTLIND = HJTLIND + 0; identity HJTLOTH = HJTLOTH + 0; identity AVHJTL = AVHJTL + 0; identity PENPEM = PENPJK + PENNPJK; identity GOVEXP = SUBLSTR + BLJLAIN; identity CONLIS = CONLIS + 0; identity CONRT = CONLIS + CONLAIN; identity PDB = CONRT + INV + GOVEXP + EKSPOR - IMPOR; identity GROWTH = GROWTH + 0; identity PDBKPT = PDBKPT + 0; identity INFLASI = INFLASI + 0; identity UNEMPL = STK - DTK; identity PMISKIN = MISKOTA + MISDESA; identity TMISKIN = TMISKIN + 0; run; 181 Lampiran 4. Hasil Estimasi Model Subsidi Harga Listrik mengg unakan Metode 2SLS dan Pros edur SYSLIN denga n Program SASETS versi 9.1 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mo del PROD_ SDR De pendent Variabl e PROD SDR La bel pr od list sdr An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 4 1.422 E10 3.5541E9 68 8.31 .0001 Erro r 15 77453 435 5163562 Corr ected To tal 19 1.429 E10 Root MSE 2 272.347 31 R -Square 0 .99458 Depe ndent M ean 8 3319.85 00 A dj R-Sq 0 .99314 Coef f Var 2.727 26 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 9012.0 79 38 64.860 2 .33 0.0341 Inte rcept QBBM 1 0.0002 48 0. 000592 0 .42 0.6814 kons BBM QBTB 1 0.0014 61 0. 000641 2 .28 0.0378 kons batu b ara QGAS 1 0.0235 78 0. 009956 2 .37 0.0317 kons gas al am LPRODSDR 1 0.6250 91 0. 134072 4 .66 0.0003 lag prod li st sdr Durb in-Watso n 2.9 64902 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 56325 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Model Q_BB M Depende nt Vari able QBB M Label kons BB M An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 4 1.174 E14 2.934E13 2 5.99 .0001 Erro r 15 1.693 E13 1.129E12 Corr ected To tal 19 1.343 E14 Root MSE 1 062363. 20 R -Square 0 .87393 Depe ndent M ean 6 769845. 53 A dj R-Sq 0 .84031 Coef f Var 15.692 58 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 35351. 62 1 715819 0 .02 0.9838 Inte rcept PBBM 1 -59.60 42 40 6.5272 -0 .15 0.8854 harg a bbm PRODSDR 1 18.005 78 17 .69056 1 .02 0.3249 prod list s dr D08 1 942261 .9 1 675313 0 .56 0.5821 2008 LQBBM 1 0.8128 56 0. 251698 3 .23 0.0056 lag kons BB M Durb in-Watso n 1.3 84334 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n 0. 28658 182 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mo del Q _BTB De pendent Variabl e QBTB La bel ko ns batu bara An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 4 7.341 E14 1.835E14 30 6.41 .0001 Erro r 15 8.984 E12 5.989E11 Corr ected To tal 19 7.431 E14 Root MSE 7 73904.6 37 R -Square 0 .98791 Depe ndent M ean 1 3092044 .9 A dj R-Sq 0 .98469 Coef f Var 5.911 26 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -23018 71 95 6750.1 -2 .41 0.0295 Inte rcept PBTB 1 -891.9 32 22 41.920 -0 .40 0.6964 harg a batub ara PRODSDR 1 105.13 71 30 .94884 3 .40 0.0040 prod list s dr PBBM 1 148.71 85 18 4.1099 0 .81 0.4318 harg a bbm LQBTB 1 0.5387 98 0. 174144 3 .09 0.0074 lag kons ba tu bara Durb in-Watso n 2.1 77113 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 14084 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mo del Q_ GAS De pendent Variabl e Q GAS La bel ko ns gas a lam An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 5 1.369 E11 2.737E10 1 3.30 .0001 Erro r 14 2.881 E10 2.0578E9 Corr ected To tal 19 1.657 E11 Root MSE 4 5362.94 53 R -Square 0 .82611 Depe ndent M ean 1 89791.0 25 A dj R-Sq 0 .76400 Coef f Var 23.901 52 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 7043.2 93 90 292.91 0 .08 0.9389 Inte rcept PGAS 1 -4.757 30 2. 406312 -1 .98 0.0681 harg a gas a lam PRODSDR 1 8.0810 43 2. 823738 2 .86 0.0126 prod list s dr QBBM 1 -0.043 89 0. 009903 -4 .43 0.0006 kons BBM QBTB 1 -0.007 30 0. 015428 -0 .47 0.6436 kons batu b ara D9799 1 -37568 .6 32 424.68 -1 .16 0.2660 1997 -1999 Durb in-Watso n 2. 72214 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 36128 183 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Model P_BB M Dependen t Varia ble PBB M Label harga bb m An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 4 1.045 3E8 26132254 15 8.47 .0001 Erro r 15 2473 538 164902.5 Corr ected To tal 19 1.0 7E8 Root MSE 406.081 89 R -Square 0 .97688 Depe ndent M ean 2 044.933 29 A dj R-Sq 0 .97072 Coef f Var 19.857 95 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -988.9 33 24 5.8773 -4 .02 0.0011 Inte rcept ICP 1 66.374 29 9. 231450 7 .19 .0001 harg my Ind onesia KURS 1 0.0241 72 0. 034226 0 .71 0.4909 RpU S D08 1 1089.3 09 54 0.0136 2 .02 0.0619 2008 LPBBM 1 0.2377 59 0. 088856 2 .68 0.0173 lag harga b bm Durb in-Watso n 2.5 59031 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0 .2855 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mo del P _BTB De pendent Variabl e PBTB La bel ha rga batu bara An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 4 69755 2.4 174388.1 5 1.33 .0001 Erro r 15 50965 .11 3397.674 Corr ected To tal 19 74851 7.5 Root MSE 58.289 57 R -Square 0 .93191 Depe ndent M ean 226.380 42 A dj R-Sq 0 .91376 Coef f Var 25.748 50 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -113.3 02 13 3.5845 -0 .85 0.4097 Inte rcept PDBTB 1 2.5882 17 3. 164666 0 .82 0.4262 harg a dunia btbara KURS 1 0.0108 02 0. 008323 1 .30 0.2139 RpU S PBBM 1 0.0192 97 0. 011534 1 .67 0.1150 harg a bbm LPBTB 1 0.6019 05 0. 229380 2 .62 0.0192 lag harga b atubara Durb in-Watso n 2.4 66728 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 29173 184 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mo del P _GAS De pendent Variabl e PGAS La bel ha rga gas alam An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 6 2.293 2E9 3.822E8 6 0.29 .0001 Erro r 13 82412 937 6339457 Corr ected To tal 19 2.375 6E9 Root MSE 2 517.827 78 R -Square 0 .96531 Depe ndent M ean 1 9398.40 96 A dj R-Sq 0 .94930 Coef f Var 12.979 56 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -957.0 21 19 91.330 -0 .48 0.6388 Inte rcept PDGAS 1 763.61 72 12 24.532 0 .62 0.5437 PDGA S KURS 1 0.1071 65 0. 622349 0 .17 0.8659 RpU S PBBM 1 0.0422 18 1. 146289 0 .04 0.9712 harg a bbm D98 1 19135. 55 42 32.322 4 .52 0.0006 1998 D09 1 8717.0 81 38 44.077 2 .27 0.0410 2009 LPGAS 1 0.8572 25 0. 174680 4 .91 0.0003 lag harga g as alam Durb in-Watso n 1.6 71566 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n 0.0 33906 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion M odel TL_B ELI D ependent Variab le TLB ELI L abel l istrik b eli An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 4 3.530 4E9 8.8259E8 50 0.23 .0001 Erro r 15 26465 885 1764392 Corr ected To tal 19 3.556 8E9 Root MSE 1 328.304 31 R -Square 0 .99256 Depe ndent M ean 1 4704.95 35 A dj R-Sq 0 .99057 Coef f Var 9.033 04 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -3780. 01 15 51.305 -2 .44 0.0278 Inte rcept TLJUAL 1 0.0465 45 0. 033446 1 .39 0.1843 tota l list terjual SUSUT 1 0.3227 28 0. 153609 2 .10 0.0530 susu t tng l istrik D08 1 -2239. 34 15 05.818 -1 .49 0.1577 2008 LTLBELI 1 0.8510 06 0. 080665 10 .55 .0001 lag list be li Durb in-Watso n 2.0 06003 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n - 0.039 185 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mo del BIAY A_OP De pendent Variabl e BOP La bel to tal biay a op An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 7 5.353 E10 7.6473E9 364 5.08 .0001 Erro r 12 25175 690 2097974 Corr ected To tal 19 5.356 E10 Root MSE 1 448.438 52 R -Square 0 .99953 Depe ndent M ean 5 2073.75 01 A dj R-Sq 0 .99926 Coef f Var 2.781 51 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -937.2 26 69 7.7194 -1 .34 0.2040 Inte rcept TLBELI 1 0.7311 74 0. 198830 3 .68 0.0032 list rik bel i CBBM 1 0.9694 35 0. 055410 17 .50 .0001 kons bbm CBTB 1 1.1977 97 0. 447581 2 .68 0.0202 kons batuba ra CGAS 1 1.5838 87 0. 252380 6 .28 .0001 kons gas al am CLAIN 1 0.8083 36 0. 170700 4 .74 0.0005 peng lainny a D08 1 5086.9 99 28 86.486 1 .76 0.1034 2008 LBOP 1 0.0010 61 0. 053862 0 .02 0.9846 lag total b iaya op Durb in-Watso n 2.2 11091 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 11614 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mo del KON S_RT De pendent Variabl e CL ISRT La bel ko ns list ruta An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 5 4.227 6E9 8.4552E8 282 1.33 .0001 Erro r 14 4195 622 299687.3 Corr ected To tal 19 4.231 8E9 Root MSE 547.437 02 R -Square 0 .99901 Depe ndent M ean 3 1513.36 95 A dj R-Sq 0 .99865 Coef f Var 1.737 16 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -1009. 26 92 2.8925 -1 .09 0.2926 Inte rcept HJTLRT 1 -2.014 47 2. 019083 -1 .00 0.3354 TDL untuk r uta PDBKPT 1 0.4631 04 0. 110181 4 .20 0.0009 PDB per kap ita PELRT 1 0.5364 86 0. 155016 3 .46 0.0038 jm p el ruta D98 1 -922.6 94 61 5.1848 -1 .50 0.1559 1998 LCLISRT 1 0.5112 89 0. 160374 3 .19 0.0066 lag kons li st ruta Durb in-Watso n 2.3 19974 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 16621 186 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mode l KO NS_IND Depe ndent Va riable C LISIND Labe l kons list in dustri An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 6 2.103 9E9 3.5064E8 34 0.82 .0001 Erro r 13 13374 742 1028826 Corr ected To tal 19 2.117 2E9 Root MSE 1 014.310 77 R -Square 0 .99368 Depe ndent M ean 3 3901.03 48 A dj R-Sq 0 .99077 Coef f Var 2.991 98 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -1958. 22 38 22.588 -0 .51 0.6171 Inte rcept HJTLIND 1 -4.829 33 5. 176824 -0 .93 0.3679 TDL untuk i ndustri PDBI 1 0.0038 27 0. 001513 2 .53 0.0251 PDB sek ind PELIND 1 158.14 25 13 4.7769 1 .17 0.2617 jm p el indu stri D98 1 -4582. 81 14 50.471 -3 .16 0.0075 1998 D09 1 -4979. 80 12 10.197 -4 .11 0.0012 2009 LCLISIND 1 0.9009 84 0. 150516 5 .99 .0001 lag kons li st ind Durb in-Watso n 2.1 49988 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 09542 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mode l KON S_OTH Depe ndent Va riable CL ISOTH Labe l kons list pl lain An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 5 1.798 8E9 3.5975E8 67 5.23 .0001 Erro r 14 7458 993 532785.2 Corr ected To tal 19 1.806 2E9 Root MSE 729.921 37 R -Square 0 .99587 Depe ndent M ean 1 7043.13 31 A dj R-Sq 0 .99440 Coef f Var 4.282 79 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -335.4 56 79 2.7118 -0 .42 0.6786 Inte rcept HJTLOTH 1 -1.086 05 3. 005888 -0 .36 0.7233 TDL u pel l ain PDBL 1 0.0036 22 0. 000382 9 .47 .0001 PDB sek lai n PELOTH 1 6.6540 27 1. 008347 6 .60 .0001 jm p el lain nya D05 1 1514.4 73 79 5.8041 1 .90 0.0778 2005 D08 1 1082.1 57 79 6.4508 1 .36 0.1957 2008 Durb in-Watso n 1.5 34954 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n 0.2 32058 187 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion M odel PEN_ PJK D ependent Variab le PEN PJK L abel p en dr pa jak An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 4 1.015 E12 2.538E11 24 1.87 .0001 Erro r 15 1.574 E10 1.0494E9 Corr ected To tal 19 1.031 E12 Root MSE 3 2394.27 16 R -Square 0 .98473 Depe ndent M ean 2 37399.2 65 A dj R-Sq 0 .98066 Coef f Var 13.645 48 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -45462 .8 22 203.79 -2 .05 0.0585 Inte rcept LPDB 1 0.1019 52 0. 034275 2 .97 0.0094 lag PDB INFLASI 1 4557.8 19 22 22.092 2 .05 0.0581 tk i nflasi D98 1 -3199 36 15 6848.5 -2 .04 0.0594 1998 LPENPJK 1 0.3228 97 0. 275790 1 .17 0.2599 lag pen pjk Durb in-Watso n 2. 13074 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n - 0.088 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mod el BLJ _LAIN Dep endent V ariable BL JLAIN Lab el blj sel sub list An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 4 4.418 E11 1.104E11 253 2.66 .0001 Erro r 15 6.541 3E8 43608490 Corr ected To tal 19 4.424 E11 Root MSE 6 603.672 48 R -Square 0 .99852 Depe ndent M ean 1 56498.0 97 A dj R-Sq 0 .99813 Coef f Var 4.219 65 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -4007. 71 43 28.064 -0 .93 0.3691 Inte rcept PENPEM 1 0.0363 47 0. 023956 1 .52 0.1500 pen pemerin tah IHK 1 193.88 56 82 .94364 2 .34 0.0337 inde ks harg a kons D09 1 103212 .5 73 36.757 14 .07 .0001 2009 LBLJLAIN 1 0.9249 40 0. 045025 20 .54 .0001 lag blj lai n Durb in-Watso n 2.5 84694 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 29662 188 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mode l SUBPRT Depe ndent Va riable SUBPRT Labe l sub per kWh u ruta An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 3 75315 3.7 251051.2 7 7.05 .0001 Erro r 16 52134 .57 3258.411 Corr ected To tal 19 80528 8.3 Root MSE 57.082 49 R -Square 0 .93526 Depe ndent M ean 153.444 42 A dj R-Sq 0 .92312 Coef f Var 37.200 76 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -30.68 97 21 .47345 -1 .43 0.1722 Inte rcept PENPEM 1 0.0004 38 0. 000101 4 .31 0.0005 pen pemerin tah D08 1 189.67 83 70 .65610 2 .68 0.0163 2008 LSUBPRT 1 0.1985 39 0. 155476 1 .28 0.2198 lag sub per kWh u ruta Durb in-Watso n 1.6 66554 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n 0.1 63421 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mode l SU BPIND Depe ndent Va riable SU BPIND Labe l sub per kWh u ind An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 3 63792 3.9 212641.3 9 9.34 .0001 Erro r 16 34250 .25 2140.641 Corr ected To tal 19 67217 4.2 Root MSE 46.267 06 R -Square 0 .94905 Depe ndent M ean 128.646 74 A dj R-Sq 0 .93949 Coef f Var 35.964 42 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -39.89 37 17 .48892 -2 .28 0.0366 Inte rcept PENPEM 1 0.0004 21 0. 000077 5 .48 .0001 pen pemerin tah D08 1 209.79 06 56 .88703 3 .69 0.0020 2008 LSUBPIND 1 0.1343 40 0. 130269 1 .03 0.3178 lag sub per kWh u ind Durb in-Watso n 2.0 91138 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 04808 189 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Model SUBPOT H Depend ent Vari able SUBPOT H Label sub pe r kWh u pel lai n An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 3 40632 3.8 135441.3 6 1.57 .0001 Erro r 16 35194 .17 2199.635 Corr ected To tal 19 44151 8.0 Root MSE 46.900 27 R -Square 0 .92029 Depe ndent M ean 17.384 00 A dj R-Sq 0 .90534 Coef f Var 269.789 90 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -104.6 86 25 .08724 -4 .17 0.0007 Inte rcept PENPEM 1 0.0003 27 0. 000072 4 .57 0.0003 pen pemerin tah D08 1 202.15 26 56 .00976 3 .61 0.0024 2008 LSUBPOTH 1 0.1103 61 0. 146312 0 .75 0.4616 lag sub per kWh u lain Durb in-Watso n 1. 67453 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n 0.1 38067 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mode l C ONLAIN Depe ndent Va riable C ONLAIN Labe l kons ruta se l list An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 5 2.211 E13 4.421E12 136 5.05 .0001 Erro r 14 4.534 E10 3.2389E9 Corr ected To tal 19 2.215 E13 Root MSE 5 6911.47 01 R -Square 0 .99795 Depe ndent M ean 1 237937. 52 A dj R-Sq 0 .99722 Coef f Var 4.597 28 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -13586 .9 41 899.65 -0 .32 0.7505 Inte rcept PDBKPT 1 110.04 89 57 .14134 1 .93 0.0747 PDB per kap ita INFLASI 1 -26.58 94 42 25.152 -0 .01 0.9951 tk i nflasi D98 1 54503. 53 28 0769.4 0 .19 0.8489 1998 D08 1 133465 .5 65 363.87 2 .04 0.0605 2008 LCONLAIN 1 0.1902 18 0. 481695 0 .39 0.6989 lag kons la in Durb in-Watso n 1.5 58858 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n 0.1 57886 190 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Model INVESTA S Depende nt Vari able IN V Label IN V An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 4 6.396 E12 1.599E12 51 3.83 .0001 Erro r 15 4.668 E10 3.1119E9 Corr ected To tal 19 6.443 E12 Root MSE 5 5784.75 11 R -Square 0 .99275 Depe ndent M ean 5 53245.2 27 A dj R-Sq 0 .99082 Coef f Var 10.083 19 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 49424. 32 49 992.16 0 .99 0.3385 Inte rcept PDB 1 0.0721 85 0. 035463 2 .04 0.0599 prod dom br uto SKBG 1 -3763. 54 21 59.890 -1 .74 0.1019 suku bunga D04 1 -1180 44 59 815.43 -1 .97 0.0672 2004 LINV 1 0.9177 95 0. 139370 6 .59 .0001 lag investa si Durb in-Watso n 2. 15814 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 09559 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion M odel EKS POR D ependent Variab le EKS POR L abel n ilai eks por An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 3 4.487 E12 1.496E12 12 6.82 .0001 Erro r 16 1.887 E11 1.179E10 Corr ected To tal 19 4.676 E12 Root MSE 1 08598.6 98 R -Square 0 .95964 Depe ndent M ean 6 19228.6 65 A dj R-Sq 0 .95208 Coef f Var 17.537 74 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -26942 .0 58 093.72 -0 .46 0.6491 Inte rcept KURS 1 13.103 76 12 .66881 1 .03 0.3164 RpU S D98 1 253373 .3 12 2246.6 2 .07 0.0547 1998 LEKSPOR 1 0.9987 71 0. 097930 10 .20 .0001 lag ekspor Durb in-Watso n 2. 64545 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 37219 191 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Model IMPO R Depende nt Vari able IMPO R Label IMPO R An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 5 3.718 E12 7.436E11 5 7.03 .0001 Erro r 14 1.825 E11 1.304E10 Corr ected To tal 19 3.901 E12 Root MSE 1 14183.0 96 R -Square 0 .95320 Depe ndent M ean 5 38494.6 75 A dj R-Sq 0 .93649 Coef f Var 21.204 13 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -26418 34 1 294399 -2 .04 0.0606 Inte rcept INFLASI 1 19088. 89 82 66.869 2 .31 0.0367 tk i nflasi KURS 1 -21.61 70 18 .65944 -1 .16 0.2660 RpU S POP 1 13.558 90 7. 126591 1 .90 0.0779 jm p enduduk D98 1 -11073 00 57 1956.2 -1 .94 0.0733 1998 LIMPOR 1 0.7375 83 0. 212300 3 .47 0.0037 lag impor Durb in-Watso n 2.3 74911 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 24298 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Model NIL_TK R Depende nt Vari able KUR S Label RpUS An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 4 2.107 7E8 52693249 4 3.78 .0001 Erro r 15 18055 342 1203689 Corr ected To tal 19 2.288 3E8 Root MSE 1 097.127 84 R -Square 0 .92110 Depe ndent M ean 6 959.000 00 A dj R-Sq 0 .90006 Coef f Var 15.765 60 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 714.76 07 56 1.5794 1 .27 0.2225 Inte rcept IHK 1 33.140 76 16 .42903 2 .02 0.0619 inde ks harg a kons CADEV 1 -0.061 75 0. 032571 -1 .90 0.0774 cada ngan de visa D9799 1 1467.3 04 70 7.3035 2 .07 0.0557 1997 -1999 LKURS 1 0.6651 05 0. 180595 3 .68 0.0022 lag RpUS Durb in-Watso n 2.4 16601 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 21295 192 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Mode l IHK Depe ndent Va riable IHK Labe l inde ks harga kons An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 9 81592 .88 9065.875 238 9.11 .0001 Erro r 10 37.94 665 3.794665 Corr ected To tal 19 81630 .82 Root MSE 1.947 99 R -Square 0 .99954 Depe ndent M ean 111.094 97 A dj R-Sq 0 .99912 Coef f Var 1.753 45 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 5.5637 70 3. 502250 1 .59 0.1432 Inte rcept SKBG 1 -0.032 42 0. 166492 -0 .19 0.8495 suku bunga UANGBR 1 0.0167 41 0. 005972 2 .80 0.0187 uang bereda r AVHJTL 1 0.0200 46 0. 014346 1 .40 0.1925 rata -rata h arga jua l PBBM 1 0.0024 28 0. 000532 4 .57 0.0010 harg a bbm KURS 1 0.0020 50 0. 000375 5 .47 0.0003 RpU S D98 1 23.000 31 5. 693268 4 .04 0.0024 1998 D05 1 12.939 38 2. 260037 5 .73 0.0002 2005 D02 1 4.2732 69 2. 210341 1 .93 0.0820 2002 LIHK 1 0.6149 20 0. 111328 5 .52 0.0003 lag IHK Durb in-Watso n 2.2 47011 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 18312 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Model SK BG Dependen t Varia ble SK BG Label suku bun ga An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 3 998.8 893 332.9631 2 3.29 .0001 Erro r 16 228.7 116 14.29447 Corr ected To tal 19 1227. 601 Root MSE 3.780 80 R -Square 0 .81369 Depe ndent M ean 14.888 00 A dj R-Sq 0 .77876 Coef f Var 25.394 97 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 2.8074 72 2. 344782 1 .20 0.2486 Inte rcept INFLASI 1 0.2906 01 0. 066540 4 .37 0.0005 tk i nflasi D9799 1 3.1056 02 3. 458889 0 .90 0.3826 1997 -1999 LSKBG 1 0.5318 85 0. 140224 3 .79 0.0016 lag suku bu nga Durb in-Watso n 1.2 05912 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n 0.2 34993 193 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Model SUP_T K Depende nt Vari able ST K Label supp T K An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 6 2.502 2E9 4.1703E8 20 1.28 .0001 Erro r 13 26934 487 2071884 Corr ected To tal 19 2.529 1E9 Root MSE 1 439.403 91 R -Square 0 .98935 Depe ndent M ean 9 7691.56 01 A dj R-Sq 0 .98443 Coef f Var 1.473 42 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 -35064 .0 21 130.04 -1 .66 0.1209 Inte rcept RUPH 1 4.9196 88 3. 796366 1 .30 0.2175 upah riil POP 1 0.4628 34 0. 261332 1 .77 0.1000 jm p enduduk DBLJLAIN 1 0.0149 04 0. 052786 0 .28 0.7821 seli sih blj lain D04 1 -1837. 59 19 81.529 -0 .93 0.3706 2004 D09 1 -2603. 15 58 45.395 -0 .45 0.6634 2009 LSTK 1 0.3476 97 0. 350796 0 .99 0.3397 lag supp TK Durb in-Watso n 2.0 09544 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 01301 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Model DEM_T K Depende nt Vari able DT K Label dem T K An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 3 1.416 2E9 4.7206E8 6 9.25 .0001 Erro r 16 1.090 6E8 6816339 Corr ected To tal 19 1.525 3E9 Root MSE 2 610.811 90 R -Square 0 .92850 Depe ndent M ean 9 0614.61 04 A dj R-Sq 0 .91509 Coef f Var 2.881 23 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 86066. 35 41 17.284 20 .90 .0001 Inte rcept RUPH 1 -8.628 50 6. 120316 -1 .41 0.1777 upah riil PDB 1 0.0045 86 0. 000332 13 .81 .0001 prod dom br uto D9799 1 3177.5 72 16 98.668 1 .87 0.0798 1997 -1999 Durb in-Watso n 0.9 37812 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n 0.3 89251 194 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Model UPA H Dependen t Varia ble RUP H Label upah rii l An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 4 15228 7.7 38071.92 1 6.66 .0001 Erro r 15 34273 .11 2284.874 Corr ected To tal 19 18656 0.8 Root MSE 47.800 36 R -Square 0 .81629 Depe ndent M ean 634.377 47 A dj R-Sq 0 .76730 Coef f Var 7.535 00 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 263.22 30 13 3.7949 1 .97 0.0679 Inte rcept LSTK 1 -0.001 67 0. 000994 -1 .68 0.1136 lag supp TK DDTK 1 0.0034 55 0. 006036 0 .57 0.5756 seli sh dem TK D98 1 -297.8 11 57 .34981 -5 .19 0.0001 1998 LRUPH 1 0.8653 21 0. 125850 6 .88 .0001 lag upah ri il Durb in-Watso n 2.0 80801 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 12683 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Model MI S_KOTA Depen dent Var iable M ISKOTA Label jm pe nd miski n kota An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 4 97305 171 24326293 1 4.12 .0001 Erro r 15 25838 381 1722559 Corr ected To tal 19 1.231 4E8 Root MSE 1 312.462 84 R -Square 0 .79018 Depe ndent M ean 1 1811.80 89 A dj R-Sq 0 .73422 Coef f Var 11.111 45 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 10198. 97 26 94.021 3 .79 0.0018 Inte rcept INFLASI 1 33.651 09 23 .45146 1 .43 0.1718 tk i nflasi RUPH 1 -3.895 11 3. 463192 -1 .12 0.2784 upah riil UNEMPL 1 0.4307 85 0. 107619 4 .00 0.0012 tk p engangg uran D9799 1 4274.2 66 96 8.2795 4 .41 0.0005 1997 -1999 Durb in-Watso n 2.3 91084 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 19787 195 The SA S Syste m Th e SYSLI N Proce dure T wo-Stage Least Squares Estimat ion Model MI S_DESA Depen dent Var iable M ISDESA Label jm pe nd miski n desa An alysis of Vari ance Sum of Mean Sour ce DF Squa res Square F V alue Pr F Mode l 5 3.332 5E8 66650336 2 3.14 .0001 Erro r 14 40322 300 2880164 Corr ected To tal 19 3.735 7E8 Root MSE 1 697.104 68 R -Square 0 .89206 Depe ndent M ean 2 3809.35 11 A dj R-Sq 0 .85351 Coef f Var 7.127 89 Pa rameter Estima tes Paramet er St andard Vari able Variable DF Estima te Error t Va lue P r |t| Labe l Intercep t 1 8359.4 62 22 79.957 3 .67 0.0025 Inte rcept INFLASI 1 25.744 96 28 .46146 0 .90 0.3810 tk i nflasi GOVEXP 1 -0.006 16 0. 003101 -1 .99 0.0668 peng pem UNEMPL 1 0.4353 92 0. 202403 2 .15 0.0494 tk p engangg uran D9799 1 4623.4 63 14 21.270 3 .25 0.0058 1997 -1999 LMISDESA 1 0.5243 80 0. 118994 4 .41 0.0006 lag jml mis kin desa Durb in-Watso n 2.5 55569 Numb er of Ob servati ons 20 Firs t-Order Autocor relatio n -0. 29591 196 Lampiran 5. Prog ram Estimasi Statistik D urbin-h me ngg unakan Metode OLS dan Pros edur AUTOREG denga n Prog ram SASETS versi 9.1 options nodate nonumber; LIBNAME IN C:\Disertasi; data datapln; set in.pln; Creating Variable; PRODSDR = TLSDR+TLSEWA; PRODTL = PRODSDR+TLBELI; TLJUAL = CLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; SUSUT = PRODTL-TLJUAL-CLISDR; BPP = BOPTLJUAL1000; HJTLRT = BPP1+m100-SUBPRT; HJTLIND = BPP1+m100-SUBPIND; HJTLOTH = BPP1+m100-SUBPOTH; PENPEM = PENPJK+PENNPJK; CLAIN = CPLHR+CPGW+CSUSUT+COTH; CBBM = QBBMPBBM1000000; CBTB = QBTBPBTB1000000; CGAS = QGASPGAS1000000; PENPEM = PENPJK + PENNPJK; SUBRT = SUBPRT CLISRT1000; SUBIND = SUBPIND CLISIND1000; SUBOTH = SUBPOTH CLISOTH1000; SUBLSTR = SUBRT + SUBIND + SUBOTH; GOVEXP = SUBLSTR + BLJLAIN; CONLIS = HJTLRTCLISRT+HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTH1000; CONRT = CONLIS + CONLAIN; PDB = CONRT + INV + GOVEXP + EKSPOR - IMPOR; RPDB = PDB100IHK; PDBKPT = PDBPOP1000; PMISKIN = MISKOTA + MISDESA; TMISKIN = MISKOTA+MISDESAPOP100; UNEMPL = STK-DTK; PDBL = PDB-PDBI; if tahun=1998 then D98=1; else D98=0; if tahun=2008 then D08=1; else D08=0; if tahun=2005 then D05=1; else D05=0; if tahun=2004 then D04=1; else D04=0; if tahun=2009 then D09=1; else D09=0; if tahun=1997 or tahun=1998 or tahun=1999 then D9799=1; else D9799=0; if tahun=2002 then D02=1; else D02=0; if tahun=1999 then Dxx=1; else Dxx=0; LCLISRT = lagclisrt; 197 LCLISIND = lagclisind; LCLISOTH = lagclisoth; LHJTLRT = laghjtlrt; LHJTLIND = laghjtlind; LHJTLOTH = laghjtloth; LBOP = lagbop; LPBBM = lagpbbm; LPBTB = lagpbtb; LPGAS = lagpgas; LQBBM = lagqbbm; LQBTB = lagqbtb; LQGAS = lagqgas; LQBBM = lagqbbm; LQBTB = lagqbtb; LQGAS = lagqgas; LPDB = lagpdb; LKURS = lagkurs; LIHK = lagihk; LTLBELI = lagtlbeli; LPRODSDR = lagprodsdr; LMISKOTA = lagmiskota; LMISDESA = lagmisdesa; LSUBPRT = lagsubprt; LSUBPIND = lagsubpind; LSUBPOTH = lagsubpoth; LPENPJK = lagpenpjk; LSTK = lagstk; LDTK = lagdtk; LRUPH = lagruph; LRPDB = lagrpdb; INFLASI = IHK-LIHKLIHK100; GROWTH = RPDB-LRPDBLRPDB100; DDTK = difdtk; DSTK = difstk; LBLJLAIN = lagbljlain; DBLJLAIN = difbljlain; LCONLAIN = lagconlain; LINV = laginv; LEKSPOR = lagekspor; LIMPOR = lagimpor; LSKBG = lagskbg; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model prodsdr = qbbm qbtb qgas lprodsdrlagdep=lprodsdr; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model qbbm = pbbm prodsdr d08 lqbbmlagdep=lqbbm; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model qbtb = pbtb prodsdr pbbm lqbtblagdep=lqbtb; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model pbbm = icp kurs d08 lpbbmlagdep=lpbbm; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; 198 model pbtb = pdbtb kurs pbbm lpbtblagdep=lpbtb; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model pgas = pdgas kurs pbbm d98 d09 lpgas lagdep=lpgas; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model tlbeli = tljual susut d08 ltlbelilagdep=ltlbeli; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model bop = tlbeli cbbm cbtb cgas clain d08 lbop lagdep=lbop; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model clisrt = hjtlrt pdbkpt pelrt d98 lclisrtlagdep=lclisrt; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model clisind = hjtlind pdbi pelind d98 d09 lclisind lagdep=lclisind ; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model penpjk = lpdb inflasi d98 lpenpjklagdep=lpenpjk; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model bljlain = penpem ihk d09 lbljlainlagdep=lbljlain; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model subprt = penpem d08 lsubprtlagdep=lsubprt; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model subpind = penpem d08 lsubpindlagdep=lsubpind; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model subpoth = penpem d08 lsubpothlagdep=lsubpoth; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model conlain = pdbkpt inflasi d98 d08 lconlain lagdep=lconlain; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model inv = pdb skbg d04 linvlagdep=linv; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model ekspor = kurs d98 leksporlagdep=lekspor; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; 199 model impor = inflasi kurs pop d98 limporlagdep=limpor; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model kurs = ihk cadev d9799 lkurslagdep=lkurs; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model ihk = skbg uangbr avhjtl pbbm kurs d98 d05 d02 lihk lagdep=lihk; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model skbg = inflasi d9799 lskbglagdep=lskbg; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model stk = ruph pop dbljlain d04 d09 lstklagdep=lstk; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model ruph = lstk ddtk d98 lruphlagdep=lruph; run; proc autoreg data=datapln; model misdesa = inflasi govexp unempl d9799 lmisdesa lagdep=lmisdesa; run; 200 Lampiran 6. Hasil Estimasi Statistik Durbin-h mengg unakan Metode OLS dan Pros edur AUTOREG denga n Program SASETS versi 9.1 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depende nt Vari able PRODSDR PRODSDR Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 774 53434.7 DFE 15 MSE 5163562 Roo t MSE 22 72 SBC 375 .125307 AIC 370.1466 45 Regress R-Squar e 0.9946 Tot al R-Squ are 0.99 46 Durbin h -3.1475 Pr h 0.00 08 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 9012 3 865 2.33 0. 0341 QBBM 1 0.0 00248 0.000 592 0.42 0. 6814 QBBM QBTB 1 0.0 01461 0.000 641 2.28 0. 0378 QBTB QGAS 1 0 .0236 0.009 956 2.37 0. 0317 QGAS LPRO DSDR 1 0 .6251 0.1 341 4.66 0. 0003 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depen dent Va riable QBBM QBBM Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 1.6 9292E13 DFE 15 MSE 1.1 2862E12 Roo t MSE 10623 63 SBC 621 .022818 AIC 616.0441 56 Regress R-Squar e 0.8739 Tot al R-Squ are 0.87 39 Durbins t 1.8593 Pr t 0.04 29 NOTE: Durbi n h can not be o btained . The t- statist ic is g iven. Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 35352 1715 819 0.02 0. 9838 PBBM 1 -59 .6042 406.5 272 -0.15 0. 8854 PBBM PROD SDR 1 18 .0058 17.6 906 1.02 0. 3249 PRODSDR D08 1 9 42262 1675 313 0.56 0. 5821 LQBB M 1 0 .8129 0.2 517 3.23 0. 0056 201 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depen dent Va riable QBTB QBTB Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 8.9 8393E12 DFE 15 MSE 5.9 8928E11 Roo t MSE 7739 05 SBC 608 .350719 AIC 603.3720 57 Regress R-Squar e 0.9879 Tot al R-Squ are 0.98 79 Durbin h -1.0041 Pr h 0.15 77 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 -23 01871 956 750 -2.41 0. 0295 PBTB 1 -891 .9317 2 242 -0.40 0. 6964 PBTB PROD SDR 1 105 .1371 30.9 488 3.40 0. 0040 PRODSDR PBBM 1 148 .7185 184.1 099 0.81 0. 4318 PBBM LQBT B 1 0 .5388 0.1 741 3.09 0. 0074 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depen dent Va riable PBBM PBBM Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 247 3537.52 DFE 15 MSE 164903 Roo t MSE 406.081 89 SBC 306 .244755 AIC 301.2660 93 Regress R-Squar e 0.9769 Tot al R-Squ are 0.97 69 Durbin h -1.3913 Pr h 0.08 21 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 -988 .9325 245.8 773 -4.02 0. 0011 ICP 1 66 .3743 9.2 315 7.19 . 0001 ICP KURS 1 0 .0242 0.0 342 0.71 0. 4909 KURS D08 1 1089 540.0 136 2.02 0. 0619 LPBB M 1 0 .2378 0.0 889 2.68 0. 0173 202 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depen dent Va riable PBTB PBTB Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 509 65.1111 DFE 15 MSE 3398 Roo t MSE 58.289 57 SBC 228 .599489 AIC 223.6208 27 Regress R-Squar e 0.9319 Tot al R-Squ are 0.93 19 Durbins t -3.1931 Pr t 0.00 35 NOTE: Durbi n h can not be o btained . The t- statist ic is g iven. Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 -113 .3018 133.5 845 -0.85 0. 4097 PDBT B 1 2 .5882 3.1 647 0.82 0. 4262 PDBTB KURS 1 0 .0108 0.008 323 1.30 0. 2139 KURS PBBM 1 0 .0193 0.0 115 1.67 0. 1150 PBBM LPBT B 1 0 .6019 0.2 294 2.62 0. 0192 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depen dent Va riable PGAS PGAS Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 824 12937.3 DFE 13 MSE 6339457 Roo t MSE 25 18 SBC 382 .358082 AIC 375.3879 56 Regress R-Squar e 0.9653 Tot al R-Squ are 0.96 53 Durbin h 0.2429 Pr h 0.40 40 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 -957 .0215 1 991 -0.48 0. 6388 PDGA S 1 763 .6172 1 225 0.62 0. 5437 PDGAS KURS 1 0 .1072 0.6 223 0.17 0. 8659 KURS PBBM 1 0 .0422 1.1 463 0.04 0. 9712 PBBM D98 1 19136 4 232 4.52 0. 0006 D09 1 8717 3 844 2.27 0. 0410 LPGA S 1 0 .8572 0.1 747 4.91 0. 0003 203 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depend ent Var iable TLBELI TLBELI Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 264 65885.2 DFE 15 MSE 1764392 Roo t MSE 13 28 SBC 353 .648899 AIC 348.6702 38 Regress R-Squar e 0.9926 Tot al R-Squ are 0.99 26 Durbin h -0.1870 Pr h 0.42 58 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 -3780 1 551 -2.44 0. 0278 TLJU AL 1 0 .0465 0.0 334 1.39 0. 1843 SUSU T 1 0 .3227 0.1 536 2.10 0. 0530 SUSUT D08 1 -2239 1 506 -1.49 0. 1577 LTLB ELI 1 0 .8510 0.0 807 10.55 . 0001 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depen dent Va riable BOP BOP Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 251 75689.7 DFE 12 MSE 2097974 Roo t MSE 14 48 SBC 361 .636542 AIC 353.6706 84 Regress R-Squar e 0.9995 Tot al R-Squ are 0.99 95 Durbin h -0.5352 Pr h 0.29 63 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 -937 .2259 697.7 194 -1.34 0. 2040 TLBE LI 1 0 .7312 0.1 988 3.68 0. 0032 TLBELI CBBM 1 0 .9694 0.0 554 17.50 . 0001 CBTB 1 1 .1978 0.4 476 2.68 0. 0202 CGAS 1 1 .5839 0.2 524 6.28 . 0001 CLAI N 1 0 .8083 0.1 707 4.74 0. 0005 D08 1 5087 2 886 1.76 0. 1034 LBOP 1 0.0 01061 0.0 539 0.02 0. 9846 204 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depend ent Var iable CLISRT CLISRT Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 419 5622.13 DFE 14 MSE 299687 Roo t MSE 547.437 02 SBC 319 .808333 AIC 313.833 94 Regress R-Squar e 0.9990 Tot al R-Squ are 0.99 90 Durbin h -1.0667 Pr h 0.14 31 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 -1009 922.8 925 -1.09 0. 2926 HJTL RT 1 -2 .0145 2.0 191 -1.00 0. 3354 HJTLRT PDBK PT 1 0 .4631 0.1 102 4.20 0. 0009 PDBKPT PELR T 1 0 .5365 0.1 550 3.46 0. 0038 PELRT D98 1 -922 .6944 615.1 848 -1.50 0. 1559 LCLI SRT 1 0 .5113 0.1 604 3.19 0. 0066 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depende nt Vari able CLISIND CLISIND Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 133 74742.3 DFE 13 MSE 1028826 Roo t MSE 10 14 SBC 345 .990593 AIC 339.0204 68 Regress R-Squar e 0.9937 Tot al R-Squ are 0.99 37 Durbin h -0.5770 Pr h 0.28 20 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 -1958 3 823 -0.51 0. 6171 HJTL IND 1 -4 .8293 5.1 768 -0.93 0. 3679 HJTLIND PDBI 1 0.0 03827 0.001 513 2.53 0. 0251 PDBI PELI ND 1 158 .1425 134.7 769 1.17 0. 2617 PELIND D98 1 -4583 1 450 -3.16 0. 0075 D09 1 -4980 1 210 -4.11 0. 0012 LCLI SIND 1 0 .9010 0.1 505 5.99 . 0001 205 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depend ent Var iable PENPJK PENPJK Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 1.5 7408E10 DFE 15 MSE 104 9388836 Roo t MSE 323 94 SBC 481 .412037 AIC 476.4333 75 Regress R-Squar e 0.9847 Tot al R-Squ are 0.98 47 Durbins t -0.6210 Pr t 0.27 27 NOTE: Durbi n h can not be o btained . The t- statist ic is g iven. Stan dard Ap prox Var iable DF Est imate E rror t Value Pr |t| Int ercept 1 - 45463 2 2204 -2.05 0. 0585 LPD B 1 0 .1020 0. 0343 2.97 0. 0094 INF LASI 1 4558 2222 2.05 0. 0581 D98 1 -3 19936 15 6849 -2.04 0. 0594 LPE NPJK 1 0 .3229 0. 2758 1.17 0. 2599 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depende nt Vari able BLJLAIN BLJLAIN Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 65 4127353 DFE 15 MSE 4 3608490 Roo t MSE 66 04 SBC 41 7.79781 AIC 412.8191 48 Regress R-Squar e 0.9985 Tot al R-Squ are 0.99 85 Durbin h -1.3543 Pr h 0.08 78 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 -4008 4 328 -0.93 0. 3691 PENP EM 1 0 .0363 0.0 240 1.52 0. 1500 IHK 1 193 .8856 82.9 436 2.34 0. 0337 IHK D09 1 1 03212 7 337 14.07 . 0001 LBLJ LAIN 1 0 .9249 0.0 450 20.54 . 0001 206 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depend ent Var iable SUBPRT SUBPRT Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 521 34.5689 DFE 16 MSE 3258 Roo t MSE 57.082 49 SBC 226 .057495 AIC 222.0745 66 Regress R-Squar e 0.9353 Tot al R-Squ are 0.93 53 Durbin h 1.0169 Pr h 0.15 46 Stan dard Ap prox Var iable DF Est imate E rror t Value Pr |t| Int ercept 1 -30 .6897 21. 4735 -1.43 0. 1722 PEN PEM 1 0.0 00438 0.00 0101 4.31 0. 0005 D08 1 189 .6783 70. 6561 2.68 0. 0163 LSU BPRT 1 0 .1985 0. 1555 1.28 0. 2198 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depende nt Vari able SUBPIND SUBPIND Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 342 50.2517 DFE 16 MSE 2141 Roo t MSE 46.267 06 SBC 217 .654809 AIC 213.671 88 Regress R-Squar e 0.9490 Tot al R-Squ are 0.94 90 Durbin h -0.2646 Pr h 0.39 57 Stan dard Ap prox Var iable DF Est imate E rror t Value Pr |t| Int ercept 1 -39 .8937 17. 4889 -2.28 0. 0366 PEN PEM 1 0.0 00421 0.000 0769 5.48 . 0001 D08 1 209 .7906 56. 8870 3.69 0. 0020 LSU BPIND 1 0 .1343 0. 1303 1.03 0. 3178 207 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depende nt Vari able SUBPOTH SUBPOTH Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 351 94.1662 DFE 16 MSE 2200 Roo t MSE 46.900 27 SBC 218 .198537 AIC 214.2156 08 Regress R-Squar e 0.9203 Tot al R-Squ are 0.92 03 Durbin h 0.8165 Pr h 0.20 71 Stan dard Ap prox Var iable DF Est imate E rror t Value Pr |t| Int ercept 1 -104 .6863 25. 0872 -4.17 0. 0007 PEN PEM 1 0.0 00327 0.000 0716 4.57 0. 0003 D08 1 202 .1526 56. 0098 3.61 0. 0024 LSU BPOTH 1 0 .1104 0. 1463 0.75 0. 4616 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depende nt Vari able CONLAIN CONLAIN Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 4.5 3448E10 DFE 14 MSE 323 8915430 Roo t MSE 569 11 SBC 505 .568523 AIC 499.594 13 Regress R-Squar e 0.9980 Tot al R-Squ are 0.99 80 Durbins t 0.8045 Pr t 0.21 84 NOTE: Durbi n h can not be o btained . The t- statist ic is g iven. Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 - 13587 41 900 -0.32 0. 7505 PDBK PT 1 110 .0489 57.1 413 1.93 0. 0747 PDBKPT INFL ASI 1 -26 .5894 4 225 -0.01 0. 9951 D98 1 54504 280 769 0.19 0. 8489 D08 1 1 33466 65 364 2.04 0. 0605 LCON LAIN 1 0 .1902 0.4 817 0.39 0. 6989 208 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depen dent Va riable INV INV Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 4.6 6791E10 DFE 15 MSE 311 1938460 Roo t MSE 557 85 SBC 503 .152795 AIC 498.1741 33 Regress R-Squar e 0.9928 Tot al R-Squ are 0.99 28 Durbin h -0.5466 Pr h 0.29 23 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 49424 49 992 0.99 0. 3385 PDB 1 0 .0722 0.0 355 2.04 0. 0599 PDB SKBG 1 -3764 2 160 -1.74 0. 1019 SKBG D04 1 -1 18044 59 815 -1.97 0. 0672 LINV 1 0 .9178 0.1 394 6.59 . 0001 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depend ent Var iable EKSPOR EKSPOR Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 1.8 8699E11 DFE 16 MSE 1.1 7937E10 Roo t MSE 1085 99 SBC 528 .094187 AIC 524.1112 58 Regress R-Squar e 0.9596 Tot al R-Squ are 0.95 96 Durbin h -1.8515 Pr h 0.03 20 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 - 26942 58 094 -0.46 0. 6491 KURS 1 13 .1038 12.6 688 1.03 0. 3164 KURS D98 1 2 53373 122 247 2.07 0. 0547 LEKS POR 1 0 .9988 0.0 979 10.20 . 0001 209 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depend ent Var iable IMPOR IMPOR Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 1.8 2529E11 DFE 14 MSE 1.3 0378E10 Roo t MSE 1141 83 SBC 533 .420778 AIC 527.4463 84 Regress R-Squar e 0.9532 Tot al R-Squ are 0.95 32 Durbin h -3.4610 Pr h 0.00 03 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 -26 41834 1294 399 -2.04 0. 0606 INFL ASI 1 19089 8 267 2.31 0. 0367 KURS 1 -21 .6170 18.6 594 -1.16 0. 2660 KURS POP 1 13 .5589 7.1 266 1.90 0. 0779 POP D98 1 -11 07300 571 956 -1.94 0. 0733 LIMP OR 1 0 .7376 0.2 123 3.47 0. 0037 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depen dent Va riable KURS KURS Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 180 55342.3 DFE 15 MSE 1203689 Roo t MSE 10 97 SBC 346 .000601 AIC 341.0219 39 Regress R-Squar e 0.9211 Tot al R-Squ are 0.92 11 Durbin h -1.6150 Pr h 0.05 32 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 714 .7607 561.5 794 1.27 0. 2225 IHK 1 33 .1408 16.4 290 2.02 0. 0619 IHK CADE V 1 -0 .0618 0.0 326 -1.90 0. 0774 CADEV D979 9 1 1467 707.3 035 2.07 0. 0557 LKUR S 1 0 .6651 0.1 806 3.68 0. 0022 210 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depen dent Va riable IHK IHK Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 37. 9466477 DFE 10 MSE 3.79466 Roo t MSE 1.947 99 SBC 99. 5238419 AIC 89.56651 92 Regress R-Squar e 0.9995 Tot al R-Squ are 0.99 95 Durbin h -0.9443 Pr h 0.17 25 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 5 .5638 3.5 023 1.59 0. 1432 SKBG 1 -0 .0324 0.1 665 -0.19 0. 8495 SKBG UANG BR 1 0 .0167 0.005 972 2.80 0. 0187 UANGBR AVHJ TL 1 0 .0200 0.0 143 1.40 0. 1925 PBBM 1 0.0 02428 0.000 532 4.57 0. 0010 PBBM KURS 1 0.0 02050 0.000 375 5.47 0. 0003 KURS D98 1 23 .0003 5.6 933 4.04 0. 0024 D05 1 12 .9394 2.2 600 5.73 0. 0002 D02 1 4 .2733 2.2 103 1.93 0. 0820 LIHK 1 0 .6149 0.1 113 5.52 0. 0003 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depen dent Va riable SKBG SKBG Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 228 .711585 DFE 16 MSE 1 4.29447 Roo t MSE 3.780 80 SBC 11 7.47506 AIC 113.4921 31 Regress R-Squar e 0.8137 Tot al R-Squ are 0.81 37 Durbin h 1.3492 Pr h 0.08 86 Stan dard Ap prox Var iable DF Est imate E rror t Value Pr |t| Int ercept 1 2 .8075 2. 3448 1.20 0. 2486 INF LASI 1 0 .2906 0. 0665 4.37 0. 0005 D97 99 1 3 .1056 3. 4589 0.90 0. 3826 LSK BG 1 0 .5319 0. 1402 3.79 0. 0016 211 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depen dent Va riable STK STK Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 2 6934487 DFE 13 MSE 2071884 Roo t MSE 14 39 SBC 359 .991383 AIC 353.0212 57 Regress R-Squar e 0.9894 Tot al R-Squ are 0.98 94 Durbins t -0.1818 Pr t 0.42 95 NOTE: Durbi n h can not be o btained . The t- statist ic is g iven. Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 - 35064 21 130 -1.66 0. 1209 RUPH 1 4 .9197 3.7 964 1.30 0. 2175 POP 1 0 .4628 0.2 613 1.77 0. 1000 POP DBLJ LAIN 1 0 .0149 0.0 528 0.28 0. 7821 D04 1 -1838 1 982 -0.93 0. 3706 D09 1 -2603 5 845 -0.45 0. 6634 LSTK 1 0 .3477 0.3 508 0.99 0. 3397 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depen dent Va riable RUPH Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 342 73.1139 DFE 15 MSE 2285 Roo t MSE 47.800 36 SBC 220 .663887 AIC 215.6852 25 Regress R-Squar e 0.8163 Tot al R-Squ are 0.81 63 Durbin h -0.6862 Pr h 0.24 63 Stan dard Ap prox Var iable DF Est imate E rror t Value Pr |t| Int ercept 1 263 .2230 133. 7949 1.97 0. 0679 LST K 1 -0.0 01669 0.00 0994 -1.68 0. 1136 DDT K 1 0.0 03455 0.00 6036 0.57 0. 5756 D98 1 -297 .8114 57. 3498 -5.19 0. 0001 LRU PH 1 0 .8653 0. 1258 6.88 . 0001 212 The SA S Syste m The AUTORE G Proce dure Depende nt Vari able MISDESA MISDESA Ordinary Least Squares Estimat es SSE 403 22300.3 DFE 14 MSE 2880164 Roo t MSE 16 97 SBC 365 .065594 AIC 359.09 12 Regress R-Squar e 0.8921 Tot al R-Squ are 0.89 21 Durbin h -1.5630 Pr h 0.05 90 Stand ard Ap prox Variabl e Vari able DF Est imate Er ror t Value Pr |t| Label Inte rcept 1 8359 2 280 3.67 0. 0025 INFL ASI 1 25 .7450 28.4 615 0.90 0. 3810 GOVE XP 1 -0.0 06162 0.003 101 -1.99 0. 0668 GOVEXP UNEM PL 1 0 .4354 0.2 024 2.15 0. 0494 D979 9 1 4623 1 421 3.25 0. 0058 LMIS DESA 1 0 .5244 0.1 190 4.41 0. 0006 213 Lampiran 7. Prog ram Validasi Model Subsidi Harga Listrik mengg unakan Metode Newton dan Pros edur SIMNLIN dengan Program SASETS versi 9.1 options nodate nonumber; LIBNAME IN C:\Disertasi; data datapln; set in.pln; PRODSDR = TLSDR+TLSEWA; PRODTL = PRODSDR+TLBELI; TLJUAL = CLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; SUSUT = PRODTL-TLJUAL-CLISDR; AVHJTL = HJTLRTCLISRT+HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTHCLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; BPP = BOPTLJUAL1000; CONLIS = HJTLRTCLISRT + HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTH1000; CONRT = CONLIS + CONLAIN; NETEKS = EKSPOR-IMPOR; PDB = CONRT + INV + GOVEXP + EKSPOR - IMPOR; RPDB = PDB100IHK; PDBKPT = PDBPOP; PDBL = PDB-PDBI; HJTLRT = BPP1+m100-SUBPRT; HJTLIND = BPP1+m100-SUBPIND; HJTLOTH = BPP1+m100-SUBPOTH; PENPEM = PENPJK+PENNPJK; CLAIN = CPLHR+CPGW+CSUSUT+COTH; CBBM = QBBMPBBM1000000; CBTB = QBTBPBTB1000000; CGAS = QGASPGAS1000000; PMISKIN = MISKOTA + MISDESA; TMISKIN = MISKOTA+MISDESAPOP100; BLJSUB = SUBLSTR + SUBLAIN1000; PENPEM = PENPJK + PENNPJK; UNEMPL = STK-DTK; if tahun=1998 then D98=1; else D98=0; if tahun=2008 then D08=1; else D08=0; if tahun=2005 then D05=1; else D05=0; if tahun=2004 then D04=1; else D04=0; if tahun=2009 then D09=1; else D09=0; if tahun=1997 or tahun=1998 or tahun=1999 then D9799=1; else D9799=0; if tahun=2002 then D02=1; else D02=0; LCLISRT = lagclisrt; LCLISIND = lagclisind; 214 LCLISOTH = lagclisoth; LBOP = lagbop; LPBBM = lagpbbm; LPBTB = lagpbtb; LPGAS = lagpgas; LQBBM = lagqbbm; LQBTB = lagqbtb; LQGAS = lagqgas; LQBBM = lagqbbm; LQBTB = lagqbtb; LQGAS = lagqgas; LPDB = lagpdb; LKURS = lagkurs; LIHK = lagihk; LTLBELI = lagtlbeli; LPRODSDR = lagprodsdr; LMISKOTA = lagmiskota; LMISDESA = lagmisdesa; LSUBPRT = lagsubprt; LSUBPIND = lagsubpind; LSUBPOTH = lagsubpoth; LPENPJK = lagpenpjk; LSUBLSTR = lagsublstr; LSTK = lagstk; LDTK = lagdtk; LRPDB = lagrpdb; LRUPH = lagruph; LCONLAIN = lagconlain; LINV = laginv; LBLJLAIN = lagbljlain; LEKSPOR = lagekspor; LIMPOR = lagimpor; LSKBG = lagskbg; INFLASI = IHK-LIHKLIHK100; GROWTH = RPDB-LRPDBLRPDB100; run; proc simnlin data=datapln dynamic simulate stat outpredict theil; endogenous prodsdr qbbm qbtb qgas pbbm pbtb pgas cbbm cbtb cgas tlbeli prodtl bop bpp clisrt clisind clisoth tljual susut subprt subpind subpoth subrt subind suboth sublstr hjtlrt hjtlind hjtloth avhjtl penpjk penpem bljlain govexp conlis conlain conrt inv ekspor impor pdb rpdb growth pdbkpt kurs ihk inflasi skbg stk dtk unempl ruph miskota misdesa pmiskin tmiskin; exogenous susut pennpjk pop pdbi cplhr clain icp pdbtb pdgas clisdr cadev uangbr d98 d08 d05 d09 d9799 d02 d04; LCLISRT = lagclisrt; LCLISIND = lagclisind; LCLISOTH = lagclisoth; LBOP = lagbop; LPBBM = lagpbbm; LPBTB = lagpbtb; LPGAS = lagpgas; LQBBM = lagqbbm; LQBTB = lagqbtb; LQGAS = lagqgas; LQBBM = lagqbbm; LQBTB = lagqbtb; LQGAS = lagqgas; LPDB = lagpdb; LKURS = lagkurs; LIHK = lagihk; LTLBELI = lagtlbeli; LPRODSDR = lagprodsdr; LMISKOTA = lagmiskota; LMISDESA = lagmisdesa; LSUBPRT = lagsubprt; LSUBPIND = lagsubpind; LSUBPOTH = lagsubpoth; LPENPJK = lagpenpjk; LSUBLSTR = lagsublstr; LSTK = lagstk; LDTK = lagdtk; LRUPH = lagruph; LCONLAIN = lagconlain; LINV = laginv; LBLJLAIN = lagbljlain; LEKSPOR = lagekspor; LIMPOR = lagimpor; LSKBG = lagskbg; LRPDB = lagrpdb; parm a0 9012.079 a1 0.000248 a2 0.001461 a3 0.023578 a4 0.625091 b0 35351.62 b1 -59.6042 b2 18.00578 b3 942261.9 b4 0.812856 c0 -2301871 c1 -891.932 c2 105.1371 c3 148.7185 c4 0.538798 d0 7043.293 d1 -4.75730 d2 8.081043 d3 -0.04389 d4 -0.00730 d5 -37568.6 215 e0 -988.933 e1 66.37429 e2 0.024172 e3 1089.309 e4 0.237759 f0 -113.302 f1 2.588217 f2 0.010802 f3 0.019297 f4 0.601905 g0 -957.021 g1 763.6172 g2 0.107165 g3 0.042218 g4 19135.55 g5 8717.081 g6 0.857225 h0 -3780.01 h1 0.046545 h2 0.322728 h3 -2239.34 h4 0.851006 i0 -937.226 i1 0.731174 i2 0.969435 i3 1.197797 i4 1.583887 i5 0.808336 i6 5086.999 i7 0.001061 j0 -1009.26 j1 -2.01447 j2 463.1043 j3 0.536486 j4 -922.694 j5 0.511289 k0 -1958.22 k1 -4.82933 k2 0.003827 k3 158.1425 k4 -4582.81 k5 -4979.80 k6 0.900984 l0 -335.456 l1 -1.08605 l2 0.003633 l3 6.654027 l4 1514.473 l5 1082.157 m0 -45462.8 m1 0.101952 m2 4557.819 m3 -319936 m4 0.322897 n0 -4007.71 n1 0.036347 n2 193.8856 n3 103212.5 n4 0.924940 o0 -30.6897 o1 0.000438 o2 189.6783 o3 0.198539 p0 -39.8937 p1 0.000421 p2 209.7906 p3 0.134340 q0 -104.686 q1 0.000327 q2 202.1526 q3 0.110361 r0 -13586.9 r1 110048.9 r2 -26.5894 r3 54503.53 r4 133465.5 r5 0.1920218 s0 49424.32 s1 0.072185 s2 -3763.54 s3 -118044 s4 0.917795 t0 -26942.0 t1 13.10376 t2 253373.3 t3 0.998771 t4 329272.9 u0 -2641834 u1 19088.89 u2 -21.6170 u3 13.55890 u4 -1107300 u5 0.737583 v0 714.7607 v1 33.14076 v2 -0.06175 v3 1467.304 v4 0.665105 w0 5.563770 w1 -0.03242 w2 0.016741 w3 0.020046 w4 0.002428 w5 0.002050 w6 23.00031 w7 12.93938 w8 4.273269 w9 0.614920 x0 2.807472 x1 0.290601 x2 3.105602 x3 0.531885 y0 -35064.0 y1 4.919688 y2 0.462834 y3 0.014904 y4 -1837.59 y5 -2603.15 y6 0.347697 z0 86066.35 z1 -8.62850 z2 0.004586 z3 3177.572 aa0 263.2230 aa1 -0.00167 aa2 0.003455 aa3 -297.811 aa4 0.865321 ab0 10198.97 ab1 33.65109 ab2 -3.89511 ab3 0.430785 ab4 4274.466 ac0 8359.462 ac1 25.74496 ac2 -0.00616 ac3 0.435392 ac4 4623.263 ac5 0.524380; PERSAMAAN STRUKTURAL; BLOK PRODUKSI; Prodsdr = a0 + a1qbbm + a2qbtb + a3qgas + a4lprodsdr; qbbm = b0 + b1pbbm + b2prodsdr + b3d08 + b4lqbbm; qbtb = c0 + c1pbtb + c2prodsdr + c3pbbm + c4lqbtb; qgas = d0 + d1pgas + d2prodsdr + d3qbbm + d4qbtb + d5d9799; pbbm = e0 + e1icp + e2kurs + e3d08 + e4lpbbm; pbtb = f0 + f1pdbtb + f2kurs + f3pbbm + f4lpbtb; pgas = g0 + g1pdgas + g2kurs + g3pbbm + g4d98 + g5d09 + g6lpgas; tlbeli = h0 + h1tljual + h2susut + h3d08 + h4ltlbeli; 2. BIAYA OPERASIONAL; bop = i0 + i1tlbeli + i2cbbm + i3cbtb + i4cgas + i5clain + i6d08 + i7lbop; BLOK KONSUMSI; clisrt = j0 + j1hjtlrt + j2pdbkpt + j3pelrt + j4d98 + j5lclisrt; clisind = k0 + k1hjtlind + k2pdbi + k3pelind + k4d98 + 216 k5d09 + k6lclisind; clisoth = l0 + l1hjtloth + l2pdb-pdbi + l3peloth + l4d05 + l5d08; BLOK HARGA JUAL; penpjk = m0 + m1lpdb + m2inflasi + m3d98 + m4lpenpjk; bljlain = n0 + n1penpem + n2ihk + n3d09 + n4lbljlain; BLOK SUBSIDI; subprt = o0 + o1penpem + o2d08 + o3lsubprt; subpind = p0 + p1penpem + p2d08 + p3lsubpind; subpoth = q0 + q1penpem + q2d08 + q3lsubpoth; BLOK PEREKONOMIAN; conlain = r0 + r1pdbkpt + r2inflasi + r3d98 + r4d08 + r5lconlain; inv = s0 + s1pdb + s2skbg + s3d04 + s4linv; ekspor = t0 + t1kurs + t2d98 + t3lekspor; impor = u0 + u1inflasi + u2kurs + u3pop + u4d98 + u5limpor; kurs = v0 + v1ihk + v2cadev + v3d9799 + v4lkurs; ihk = w0 + w1skbg + w2uangbr + w3avhjtl + w4pbbm + w5kurs + w6d98 + w7d05 + w8d02 + w9lihk; skbg = x0 + x1inflasi + x2d9799 + x3lskbg; BLOK TENAGA KERJA; stk = y0 + y1ruph + y2pop + y3bljlain-lbljlain + y4d04 + y5d09 + y6lstk; dtk = z0 + z1ruph + z2pdb + z3d9799; ruph = aa0 + aa1lstk + aa2dtk-ldtk + aa3d98 + aa4lruph; BLOK KEMISKINAN; miskota = ab0 + ab1inflasi + ab2ruph + ab3unempl + ab4d9799; misdesa = ac0 + ac1inflasi + ac2govexp + ac3unempl + ac4d9799 + ac5lmisdesa; PERSAMAAN IDENTITAS; CBBM = QBBMPBBM1000000; CBTB = QBTBPBTB1000000; CGAS = QGASPGAS1000000; PRODTL = PRODSDR+TLBELI; BPP = BOPTLJUAL1000; TLJUAL = CLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; SUSUT = PRODTL-TLJUAL-CLISDR; SUBRT = SUBPRT CLISRT1000; SUBIND = SUBPIND CLISIND1000; SUBOTH = SUBPOTH CLISOTH1000; SUBLSTR = SUBRT + SUBIND + SUBOTH; HJTLRT = BPP1+m100-SUBPRT; HJTLIND = BPP1+m100-SUBPIND; HJTLOTH = BPP1+m100-SUBPOTH; AVHJTL = HJTLRTCLISRT+HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTHCLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; PENPEM = PENPJK + PENNPJK; GOVEXP = BLJLAIN + SUBLSTR; CONLIS = HJTLRTCLISRT+HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTH1000; 217 CONRT = CONLIS + CONLAIN; PDB = CONRT + INV + GOVEXP + EKSPOR - IMPOR; RPDB = PDB100IHK; GROWTH = RPDB-LRPDBLRPDB100; PDBKPT = PDBPOP; INFLASI = IHK-LIHKLIHK100; UNEMPL = STK-DTK; PMISKIN = MISKOTA + MISDESA; TMISKIN = MISKOTA+MISDESAPOP100; run; 218 Lampiran 8. Hasil Validasi Model Subsidi Harga Listrik mengg unakan Metode Newton dan Pros edur SIMNLIN dengan Program SASETS versi 9.1 The SA S Syste m The SIMNLI N Proce dure Model Summary Model Variabl es 74 Endoge nous 55 Exogen ous 19 Parame ters 160 Equati ons 56 Number of Sta tements 91 Progra m Lag L ength 1 The SA S Syste m The SIMNLI N Proce dure Dynamic Simulta neous S imulatio n Data Se t Optio ns DATA= DATAP LN S olution Summar y V ariables Solved 55 S imulatio n Lag L ength 1 S olution Method NEWT ON C ONVERGE= 1E -8 M aximum C C 4.929E -9 M aximum I teratio ns 5 T otal Ite rations 66 A verage I teratio ns 3 .3 Obs ervatio ns Proc essed Read 21 Lagge d 1 Solve d 20 First 2 Last 21 219 The SAS Sys tem The SIMNLI N Proce dure Dynamic Simulta neous S imulatio n Desc riptive Statis tics Ac tual Pred icted Variable N Obs N Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev La bel PRODSDR 20 20 83319.9 2742 8.3 82581.4 2821 9.5 PR ODSDR QBBM 20 20 6769846 2658 460 6568554 1806 567 QB BM QBTB 20 20 1 3092045 6253 636 1 2917520 6364 381 QB TB QGAS 20 20 189791 9337 8.2 193507 6540 6.0 QG AS PBBM 20 20 2044.9 237 3.1 2014.0 230 2.7 PB BM PBTB 20 20 226.4 19 8.5 203.7 15 2.7 PB TB PGAS 20 20 19398.4 1118 1.7 19476.0 1154 4.3 PG AS CBBM 20 20 19096.0 2582 5.3 16811.2 2210 9.4 CBTB 20 20 4004.4 484 3.8 3504.4 408 2.7 CGAS 20 20 4002.8 307 6.0 4182.0 333 8.3 TLBELI 20 20 14705.0 1368 2.2 18280.7 1708 7.9 TL BELI PRODTL 20 20 98024.8 4045 9.1 100862 4511 0.2 BOP 20 20 52073.8 5309 1.9 52157.8 5336 7.1 BO P BPP 20 20 487.0 37 5.7 376.8 26 5.3 BP P CLISRT 20 20 31513.4 1492 4.0 40468.1 2225 9.9 CL ISRT CLISIND 20 20 33901.0 1055 6.2 38446.6 1520 4.7 CL ISIND CLISOTH 20 20 17043.1 975 0.1 24802.4 1572 4.5 CL ISOTH TLJUAL 20 20 82457.5 3500 8.9 103717 5305 4.2 SUBPRT 20 20 153.4 20 5.9 288.2 31 4.2 SU BPRT SUBPIND 20 20 128.6 18 8.1 249.9 28 5.1 SU BPIND SUBPOTH 20 20 17.3840 15 2.4 109.1 22 1.0 SU BPOTH SUBRT 20 20 7419.0 1061 0.8 18033.0 2270 5.6 SU BRT SUBIND 20 20 5906.8 891 2.5 13587.0 1736 4.7 SU BIND SUBOTH 20 20 1512.7 401 7.0 5860.3 929 0.0 SU BOTH SUBLSTR 20 20 14838.5 2341 6.0 37480.2 4929 4.4 SU BLSTR HJTLRT 20 20 340.1 20 3.2 93.6730 52.2 782 HJ TLRT HJTLIND 20 20 364.9 21 7.9 132.0 35.7 457 HJ TLIND HJTLOTH 20 20 476.2 25 1.6 272.7 63.1 812 HJ TLOTH AVHJTL 20 20 377.7 22 1.8 150.1 33.6 940 PENPJK 20 20 237399 232 946 491863 458 894 PE NPJK PENPEM 20 20 340764 324 422 595227 547 400 BLJLAIN 20 20 156498 152 598 188298 180 696 BL JLAIN GOVEXP 20 20 171337 173 900 225779 228 821 GO VEXP CONLIS 20 20 38169.9 3323 2.4 15642.7 817 6.1 CONLAIN 20 20 1237938 1079 761 2495308 2001 164 CO NLAIN CONRT 20 20 1276107 1112 449 2510950 2008 294 CO NRT INV 20 20 553245 582 313 1292816 1297 865 IN V EKSPOR 20 20 619229 496 075 634077 445 384 EK SPOR IMPOR 20 20 538495 453 091 511715 519 126 IM POR PDB 20 20 2081423 1896 564 4151907 3450 425 PD B RPDB 20 20 1547069 606 105 3461043 1893 955 GROWTH 20 20 7.1708 6.6 183 13.1940 23.2 721 GR OWTH PDBKPT 20 20 9.4463 8.0 609 18.8861 14.8 612 PD BKPT KURS 20 20 6959.0 347 0.4 5897.5 196 6.8 KU RS IHK 20 20 111.1 65.5 466 97.0027 47.9 534 IH K INFLASI 20 20 11.7090 15.8 989 10.2941 13.0 099 SKBG 20 20 14.8880 8.0 381 13.8194 5.5 709 SK BG STK 20 20 97691.6 1153 7.4 97962.6 1183 3.6 ST K DTK 20 20 90614.6 895 9.7 99896.1 1546 8.8 DT K UNEMPL 20 20 7076.9 307 5.3 -1933.5 461 3.0 RUPH 20 20 634.4 99.0 908 659.2 66.1 426 MISKOTA 20 20 11811.8 254 5.8 7786.1 305 9.2 MI SKOTA MISDESA 20 20 23809.4 443 4.2 15859.1 722 5.4 MI SDESA PMISKIN 20 20 35621.2 643 4.3 23645.2 1016 1.2 TMISKIN 20 20 17.1635 3.0 513 11.6857 5.3 632 TM ISKIN Statistics of fit Mean Mean Mean Abs M ean Abs R MS R MS Variable N Error Erro r E rror Error Err or E rror PRODSDR 20 -738.5 -0.638 3 37 74.1 4.8859 4529 .0 5. 8141 QBBM 20 - 201292 4.292 8 129 0530 22.1220 14389 18 26. 3181 QBTB 20 - 174525 -0.799 5 85 0120 8.0445 9801 04 9. 9698 QGAS 20 3715.8 66.940 2 718 34.4 92.1615 89455 .0 1 96.4 PBBM 20 -3 0.9721 7.693 4 2 35.9 29.5803 333 .5 42. 4280 PBTB 20 -2 2.7111 3.130 9 39. 1838 20.2908 64.82 90 30. 0409 PGAS 20 7 7.5664 -1.236 7 16 21.9 9.5240 2025 .2 11. 0704 CBBM 20 - 2284.8 11.828 6 35 77.0 38.2490 6147 .7 56. 7923 220 CBTB 20 -500.0 2.087 5 6 54.8 22.3617 1144 .6 29. 8059 CGAS 20 179.1 59.044 1 14 63.9 87.8906 1925 .2 1 67.3 TLBELI 20 3575.7 14.343 4 40 50.9 55.9120 5107 .2 72. 5914 PRODTL 20 2837.2 1.976 1 52 71.5 4.6718 6909 .6 5. 3021 BOP 20 8 4.0282 1.343 3 25 00.3 10.0927 3264 .1 13. 9837 BPP 20 -110.1 -14.713 9 1 17.4 20.9179 157 .3 22. 2246 CLISRT 20 8954.7 22.358 2 90 07.5 22.8344 11580 .6 27. 0189 CLISIND 20 4545.5 10.834 4 45 81.5 10.9435 6786 .7 14. 8870 CLISOTH 20 7759.2 37.067 5 77 89.7 37.6566 9882 .6 44. 4194 TLJUAL 20 2 1259.5 20.565 4 212 85.7 20.6486 27825 .7 24. 7994 SUBPRT 20 134.7 30.517 4 1 46.4 153.4 194 .9 2 53.8 SUBPIND 20 121.2 64.529 8 1 33.3 262.7 173 .2 4 61.9 SUBPOTH 20 9 1.7611 -85.889 2 1 04.0 250.4 134 .0 5 05.9 SUBRT 20 1 0614.0 84.395 8 108 22.8 208.7 16431 .9 3 53.7 SUBIND 20 7680.2 87.932 7 80 13.9 291.3 11722 .0 4 91.7 SUBOTH 20 4347.6 -91.557 4 45 36.0 380.1 7056 .8 7 38.5 SUBLSTR 20 2 2641.7 208. 4 233 47.5 276.1 35152 .9 6 55.8 HJTLRT 20 -246.4 -53.365 5 2 46.6 53.4622 341 .5 63. 8060 HJTLIND 20 -232.9 -45.227 5 2 33.0 45.2878 321 .1 56. 3737 HJTLOTH 20 -203.5 -31.291 0 2 03.8 31.4570 280 .5 39. 2237 AVHJTL 20 -227.6 -43.556 3 2 27.8 43.6741 315 .3 53. 3469 PENPJK 20 254463 98.863 5 25 7388 103.2 3433 94 1 13.6 PENPEM 20 254463 66.562 1 25 7388 69.5859 3433 94 77. 5164 BLJLAIN 20 3 1800.3 17.653 7 321 91.2 19.0103 42727 .0 21. 6642 GOVEXP 20 5 4442.1 24.960 5 547 35.5 26.0695 77076 .4 29. 4378 CONLIS 20 -2 2527.1 -35.981 2 226 96.4 37.1976 34447 .4 46. 7914 CONLAIN 20 1 257370 95.139 1 125 8148 95.7222 15759 36 1 05.7 CONRT 20 1 234843 91.170 8 123 5646 91.7551 15439 79 1 01.3 INV 20 739571 111. 4 74 3749 115.7 10346 37 1 37.2 EKSPOR 20 1 4848.5 5.718 0 889 95.4 13.4742 1328 21 18. 9464 IMPOR 20 -2 6779.9 -11.441 3 11 6610 30.9413 1409 84 38. 0846 PDB 20 2 070484 90.556 9 207 9161 93.8831 26245 59 1 04.7 RPDB 20 1 913975 110. 3 195 2445 114.9 23417 86 1 32.2 GROWTH 20 6.0232 -17.189 9 18. 1205 313.9 25.31 16 4 95.0 PDBKPT 20 9.4397 90.556 9 9. 4873 93.8831 11.81 65 1 04.7 KURS 20 - 1061.5 -0.035 8 18 29.5 29.9397 2049 .1 32. 8144 IHK 20 -1 4.0923 -5.834 6 16. 9917 12.5901 22.93 30 14. 1742 INFLASI 20 - 1.4149 -2.583 6 3. 7276 41.7080 5.28 98 53. 8135 SKBG 20 - 1.0686 3.974 6 3. 5948 28.3308 4.04 32 33. 0247 STK 20 271.0 0.260 2 9 93.1 0.9970 1294 .5 1. 2831 DTK 20 9281.5 9.719 5 95 47.7 10.0285 11536 .2 11. 7425 UNEMPL 20 - 9010.5 -121. 4 91 42.3 124.4 11055 .9 1 40.5 RUPH 20 2 4.7771 5.181 1 58. 2230 9.8846 70.41 43 12. 6773 MISKOTA 20 - 4025.7 -32.189 7 41 68.7 33.4454 5157 .4 41. 1561 MISDESA 20 - 7950.3 -33.604 4 79 84.1 33.8013 9925 .9 43. 5902 PMISKIN 20 -1 1975.9 -33.306 8 119 75.9 33.3068 14935 .5 42. 4461 TMISKIN 20 - 5.4777 -33.306 8 5. 4777 33.3068 6.69 50 42. 4461 Theil Fo recast Error S tatistic s MSE D ecompos ition Pr oportio ns Corr Bias Reg Dist Var C ovar In equalit y Coef Variab le N MSE R UM UR UD US UC U1 U PRODSD R 20 20 511438 0.99 0.03 0.06 0.91 0.03 0.94 0 .0518 0.0259 QBBM 20 2 .07E12 0.85 0.02 0.10 0.88 0.33 0.65 0 .1985 0.1024 QBTB 20 9. 606E11 0.99 0.03 0.03 0.93 0.01 0.96 0 .0679 0.0341 QGAS 20 8. 0022E9 0.38 0.00 0.11 0.89 0.09 0.91 0 .4250 0.2160 PBBM 20 111217 0.99 0.01 0.02 0.97 0.04 0.95 0 .1080 0.0546 PBTB 20 4202.8 0.97 0.12 0.36 0.52 0.47 0.40 0 .2177 0.1179 PGAS 20 4 101625 0.98 0.00 0.07 0.93 0.03 0.97 0 .0910 0.0453 CBBM 20 37 794110 0.98 0.14 0.27 0.60 0.35 0.51 0 .1946 0.1043 CBTB 20 1 310163 0.99 0.19 0.35 0.46 0.42 0.39 0 .1849 0.0996 CGAS 20 3 706528 0.82 0.01 0.18 0.81 0.02 0.97 0 .3850 0.1869 TLBELI 20 26 083217 0.99 0.49 0.44 0.07 0.42 0.09 0 .2573 0.1146 PRODTL 20 47 742996 0.99 0.17 0.47 0.36 0.43 0.40 0 .0654 0.0320 BOP 20 10 654215 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.99 0.01 0.99 0 .0445 0.0222 BPP 20 2 4735.0 0.99 0.49 0.45 0.06 0.47 0.04 0 .2581 0.1475 CLISRT 20 1. 3411E8 1.00 0.60 0.39 0.01 0.38 0.02 0 .3337 0.1436 CLISIN D 20 46 059744 0.98 0.45 0.48 0.07 0.45 0.11 0 .1916 0.0886 CLISOT H 20 97 665024 0.99 0.62 0.36 0.02 0.35 0.04 0 .5064 0.2031 TLJUAL 20 7. 7427E8 1.00 0.58 0.41 0.01 0.40 0.02 0 .3118 0.1356 SUBPRT 20 3 7997.0 0.93 0.48 0.38 0.14 0.29 0.23 0 .7717 0.2896 SUBPIN D 20 2 9985.4 0.94 0.49 0.37 0.14 0.30 0.21 0 .7732 0.2897 221 SUBPOT H 20 1 7945.2 0.92 0.47 0.34 0.19 0.25 0.28 0 .8955 0.3426 SUBRT 20 2. 7001E8 0.96 0.42 0.55 0.03 0.51 0.07 1 .2910 0.3981 SUBIND 20 1. 3741E8 0.96 0.43 0.53 0.04 0.49 0.08 1 .1159 0.3639 SUBOTH 20 49 798506 0.94 0.38 0.58 0.04 0.53 0.09 1 .6813 0.4710 SUBLST R 20 1. 2357E9 0.96 0.41 0.55 0.03 0.51 0.07 1 .2913 0.3987 HJTLRT 20 116604 -0.70 0.52 0.31 0.17 0.19 0.29 0 .8676 0.6827 HJTLIN D 20 103112 -0.17 0.53 0.05 0.42 0.31 0.17 0 .7605 0.5747 HJTLOT H 20 7 8698.4 0.88 0.53 0.30 0.17 0.43 0.05 0 .5238 0.3441 AVHJTL 20 9 9422.3 0.01 0.52 0.01 0.47 0.34 0.14 0 .7246 0.5355 PENPJK 20 1. 179E11 0.98 0.55 0.43 0.02 0.41 0.04 1 .0454 0.3457 PENPEM 20 1. 179E11 0.98 0.55 0.42 0.03 0.40 0.05 0 .7387 0.2716 BLJLAI N 20 1. 8256E9 1.00 0.55 0.42 0.03 0.41 0.04 0 .1979 0.0902 GOVEXP 20 5. 9408E9 1.00 0.50 0.49 0.01 0.48 0.02 0 .3198 0.1380 CONLIS 20 1. 1866E9 0.84 0.43 0.31 0.26 0.50 0.07 0 .6881 0.5095 CONLAI N 20 2. 484E12 0.98 0.64 0.34 0.02 0.32 0.04 0 .9699 0.3289 CONRT 20 2. 384E12 0.98 0.64 0.34 0.02 0.32 0.04 0 .9220 0.3178 INV 20 1 .07E12 0.97 0.51 0.47 0.02 0.45 0.03 1 .3054 0.3977 EKSPOR 20 1. 764E10 0.96 0.01 0.06 0.93 0.14 0.85 0 .1691 0.0855 IMPOR 20 1. 988E10 0.97 0.04 0.32 0.65 0.21 0.76 0 .2024 0.0996 PDB 20 6. 888E12 0.98 0.62 0.35 0.02 0.33 0.04 0 .9428 0.3229 RPDB 20 5. 484E12 0.89 0.67 0.32 0.01 0.29 0.04 1 .4141 0.4198 GROWTH 20 640.7 -0.16 0.06 0.88 0.06 0.41 0.53 2 .6242 0.7053 PDBKPT 20 139.6 0.97 0.64 0.34 0.03 0.31 0.05 0 .9617 0.3274 KURS 20 4 198887 0.93 0.27 0.36 0.37 0.51 0.22 0 .2648 0.1470 IHK 20 525.9 0.99 0.38 0.54 0.09 0.56 0.06 0 .1789 0.0972 INFLAS I 20 2 7.9822 0.95 0.07 0.16 0.77 0.28 0.65 0 .2724 0.1479 SKBG 20 1 6.3471 0.89 0.07 0.14 0.79 0.35 0.58 0 .2403 0.1277 STK 20 1 675786 0.99 0.04 0.08 0.88 0.05 0.91 0 .0132 0.0066 DTK 20 1. 3308E8 0.97 0.65 0.32 0.03 0.30 0.05 0 .1267 0.0601 UNEMPL 20 1. 2223E8 -0.44 0.66 0.28 0.06 0.02 0.32 1 .4385 0.8789 RUPH 20 4958.2 0.73 0.12 0.01 0.87 0.21 0.67 0 .1097 0.0540 MISKOT A 20 26 598790 0.31 0.61 0.18 0.21 0.01 0.38 0 .4273 0.2527 MISDES A 20 98 524065 0.54 0.64 0.22 0.13 0.08 0.28 0 .4102 0.2389 PMISKI N 20 2. 2307E8 0.47 0.64 0.22 0.14 0.06 0.30 0 .4129 0.2417 TMISKI N 20 4 4.8228 0.69 0.67 0.23 0.10 0.11 0.22 0 .3843 0.2215 222 Lampiran 9. Prog ram Peramalan Variabel Endogen Tahun 2011-2015 Model Subsidi Harga Listrik menggunakan Metode Newton dan Pros edur SIMNLIN denga n Prog ram SASETS ve rsi 9.1 options nodate nonumber; LIBNAME IN C:\Disertasi; data datapln; set in.datapln1; PRODSDR = TLSDR+TLSEWA; PRODTL = PRODSDR+TLBELI; TLJUAL = CLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; SUSUT = PRODTL-TLJUAL-CLISDR; AVHJTL = HJTLRTCLISRT+HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTHCLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; BPP = BOPTLJUAL1000; CONLIS = HJTLRTCLISRT + HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTH1000; CONRT = CONLIS + CONLAIN; NETEKS = EKSPOR-IMPOR; PDB = CONRT + INV + GOVEXP + EKSPOR - IMPOR; RPDB = PDB100IHK; PDBKPT = PDBPOP; PDBL = PDB-PDBI; HJTLRT = BPP1+m100-SUBPRT; HJTLIND = BPP1+m100-SUBPIND; HJTLOTH = BPP1+m100-SUBPOTH; PENPEM = PENPJK+PENNPJK; CLAIN = CPLHR+CPGW+CSUSUT+COTH; CBBM = QBBMPBBM1000000; CBTB = QBTBPBTB1000000; CGAS = QGASPGAS1000000; PMISKIN = MISKOTA + MISDESA; TMISKIN = MISKOTA+MISDESAPOP100; BLJSUB = SUBLSTR + SUBLAIN1000; PENPEM = PENPJK + PENNPJK; UNEMPL = STK-DTK; if tahun=1998 then D98=1; else D98=0; if tahun=2008 then D08=1; else D08=0; if tahun=2005 then D05=1; else D05=0; if tahun=2004 then D04=1; else D04=0; if tahun=2009 then D09=1; else D09=0; if tahun=1997 or tahun=1998 or tahun=1999 then D9799=1; else D9799=0; if tahun=2002 then D02=1; else D02=0; LIHK = lagihk; LPDB = lagpdb; INFLASI = IHK - LIHKLIHK100; RPDB = PDB100IHK; LRPDB = lagrpdb; 223 GROWTH = RPDB - LRPDBLRPDB100; run; proc simnlin data=datapln dynamic simulate stat outpredict theil; endogenous prodsdr qbbm qbtb qgas pbbm pbtb pgas cbbm cbtb cgas tlbeli prodtl bop bpp clisrt clisind clisoth tljual susut subprt subpind subpoth subrt subind suboth sublstr hjtlrt hjtlind hjtloth avhjtl penpjk penpem bljlain govexp conlis conlain conrt inv ekspor impor pdb rpdb growth pdbkpt kurs ihk inflasi skbg stk dtk unempl ruph miskota misdesa pmiskin tmiskin; exogenous pennpjk pop pdbi cplhr clain icp pdbtb pdgas clisdr cadev uangbr d98 d08 d05 d09 d9799 d02 d04; LCLISRT = lagclisrt; LCLISIND = lagclisind; LCLISOTH = lagclisoth; LBOP = lagbop; LPBBM = lagpbbm; LPBTB = lagpbtb; LPGAS = lagpgas; LQBBM = lagqbbm; LQBTB = lagqbtb; LQGAS = lagqgas; LQBBM = lagqbbm; LQBTB = lagqbtb; LQGAS = lagqgas; LPDB = lagpdb; LKURS = lagkurs; LIHK = lagihk; LTLBELI = lagtlbeli; LPRODSDR = lagprodsdr; LMISKOTA = lagmiskota; LMISDESA = lagmisdesa; LSUBPRT = lagsubprt; LSUBPIND = lagsubpind; LSUBPOTH = lagsubpoth; LPENPJK = lagpenpjk; LSUBLSTR = lagsublstr; LSTK = lagstk; LDTK = lagdtk; LRUPH = lagruph; LCONLAIN = lagconlain; LINV = laginv; LBLJLAIN = lagbljlain; LEKSPOR = lagekspor; LIMPOR = lagimpor; LSKBG = lagskbg; LRPDB = lagrpdb; parm a0 9012.079 a1 0.000248 a2 0.001461 a3 0.023578 a4 0.625091 b0 35351.62 b1 -59.6042 b2 18.00578 b3 942261.9 b4 0.812856 c0 -2301871 c1 -891.932 c2 105.1371 c3 148.7185 c4 0.538798 d0 7043.293 d1 -4.75730 d2 8.081043 d3 -0.04389 d4 -0.00730 d5 -37568.6 e0 -988.933 e1 66.37429 e2 0.024172 e3 1089.309 e4 0.237759 f0 -113.302 f1 2.588217 f2 0.010802 f3 0.019297 f4 0.601905 g0 -957.021 g1 763.6172 g2 0.107165 g3 0.042218 g4 19135.55 g5 8717.081 g6 0.857225 h0 -3780.01 h1 0.046545 h2 0.322728 h3 -2239.34 h4 0.851006 i0 -937.226 i1 0.731174 i2 0.969435 i3 1.197797 i4 1.583887 i5 0.808336 i6 5086.999 i7 0.001061 j0 -1009.26 j1 -2.01447 j2 463.1043 j3 0.536486 j4 -922.694 j5 0.511289 k0 -1958.22 k1 -4.82933 k2 0.003827 k3 158.1425 k4 -4582.81 k5 -4979.80 k6 0.900984 l0 -335.456 l1 -1.08605 l2 0.003633 l3 6.654027 l4 1514.473 l5 1082.157 m0 -45462.8 m1 0.101952 m2 4557.819 m3 -319936 m4 0.322897 n0 -4007.71 n1 0.036347 n2 193.8856 n3 103212.5 n4 0.924940 o0 -30.6897 o1 0.000438 o2 189.6783 o3 0.198539 p0 -39.8937 p1 0.000421 p2 209.7906 p3 0.134340 q0 -104.686 q1 0.000327 q2 202.1526 q3 0.110361 r0 -13586.9 r1 110048.9 r2 -26.5894 r3 54503.53 r4 133465.5 r5 0.1920218 224 s0 49424.32 s1 0.072185 s2 -3763.54 s3 -118044 s4 0.917795 t0 -26942.0 t1 13.10376 t2 253373.3 t3 0.998771 t4 329272.9 u0 -2641834 u1 19088.89 u2 -21.6170 u3 13.55890 u4 -1107300 u5 0.737583 v0 714.7607 v1 33.14076 v2 -0.06175 v3 1467.304 v4 0.665105 w0 5.563770 w1 -0.03242 w2 0.016741 w3 0.020046 w4 0.002428 w5 0.002050 w6 23.00031 w7 12.93938 w8 4.273269 w9 0.614920 x0 2.807472 x1 0.290601 x2 3.105602 x3 0.531885 y0 -35064.0 y1 4.919688 y2 0.462834 y3 0.014904 y4 -1837.59 y5 -2603.15 y6 0.347697 z0 86066.35 z1 -8.62850 z2 0.004586 z3 3177.572 aa0 263.2230 aa1 -0.00167 aa2 0.003455 aa3 -297.811 aa4 0.865321 ab0 10198.97 ab1 33.65109 ab2 -3.89511 ab3 0.430785 ab4 4274.466 ac0 8359.462 ac1 25.74496 ac2 -0.00616 ac3 0.435392 ac4 4623.263 ac5 0.524380; PERSAMAAN STRUKTURAL; BLOK PRODUKSI; Prodsdr = a0 + a1qbbm + a2qbtb + a3qgas + a4lprodsdr; qbbm = b0 + b1pbbm + b2prodsdr + b3d08 + b4lqbbm; qbtb = c0 + c1pbtb + c2prodsdr + c3pbbm + c4lqbtb; qgas = d0 + d1pgas + d2prodsdr + d3qbbm + d4qbtb + d5d9799; pbbm = e0 + e1icp + e2kurs + e3d08 + e4lpbbm; pbtb = f0 + f1pdbtb + f2kurs + f3pbbm + f4lpbtb; pgas = g0 + g1pdgas + g2kurs + g3pbbm + g4d98 + g5d09 + g6lpgas; tlbeli = h0 + h1tljual + h2susut + h3d08 + h4ltlbeli; 2. BIAYA OPERASIONAL; bop = i0 + i1tlbeli + i2cbbm + i3cbtb + i4cgas + i5clain + i6d08 + i7lbop; BLOK KONSUMSI; clisrt = j0 + j1hjtlrt + j2pdbkpt + j3pelrt + j4d98 + j5lclisrt; clisind = k0 + k1hjtlind + k2pdbi + k3pelind + k4d98 + k5d09 + k6lclisind; clisoth = l0 + l1hjtloth + l2pdb-pdbi + l3peloth + l4d05 + l5d08; BLOK HARGA JUAL; penpjk = m0 + m1lpdb + m2inflasi + m3d98 + m4lpenpjk; bljlain = n0 + n1penpem + n2ihk + n3d09 + n4lbljlain; BLOK SUBSIDI; subprt = o0 + o1penpem + o2d08 + o3lsubprt; subpind = p0 + p1penpem + p2d08 + p3lsubpind; subpoth = q0 + q1penpem + q2d08 + q3lsubpoth; BLOK INDIKATOR EKONOMI; conlain = r0 + r1pdbkpt + r2inflasi + r3d98 + r4d08 + r5lconlain; inv = s0 + s1pdb + s2skbg + s3d04 + s4linv; ekspor = t0 + t1kurs + t2d98 + t3lekspor; impor = u0 + u1inflasi + u2kurs + u3pop + u4d98 + u5limpor; 225 kurs = v0 + v1ihk + v2cadev + v3d9799 + v4lkurs; ihk = w0 + w1skbg + w2uangbr + w3avhjtl + w4pbbm + w5kurs + w6d98 + w7d05 + w8d02 + w9lihk; skbg = x0 + x1inflasi + x2d9799 + x3lskbg; BLOK TENAGA KERJA; stk = y0 + y1ruph + y2pop + y3bljlain-lbljlain + y4d04 + y5d09 + y6lstk; dtk = z0 + z1ruph + z2pdb + z3d9799; ruph = aa0 + aa1lstk + aa2dtk-ldtk + aa3d98 + aa4lruph; BLOK KEMISKINAN; miskota = ab0 + ab1inflasi + ab2ruph + ab3unempl + ab4d9799; misdesa = ac0 + ac1inflasi + ac2govexp + ac3unempl + ac4d9799 + ac5lmisdesa; PERSAMAAN IDENTITAS; CBBM = QBBMPBBM1000000; CBTB = QBTBPBTB1000000; CGAS = QGASPGAS1000000; PRODTL = PRODSDR+TLBELI; BPP = BOPTLJUAL1000; TLJUAL = CLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; SUSUT = PRODTL-TLJUAL-CLISDR; SUBRT = SUBPRT CLISRT1000; SUBIND = SUBPIND CLISIND1000; SUBOTH = SUBPOTH CLISOTH1000; SUBLSTR = SUBRT + SUBIND + SUBOTH; HJTLRT = BPP1+m100-SUBPRT; HJTLIND = BPP1+m100-SUBPIND; HJTLOTH = BPP1+m100-SUBPOTH; AVHJTL = HJTLRTCLISRT+HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTHCLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; PENPEM = PENPJK + PENNPJK; GOVEXP = BLJLAIN + SUBLSTR; CONLIS = HJTLRTCLISRT+HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTH1000; CONRT = CONLIS + CONLAIN; PDB = CONRT + INV + GOVEXP + EKSPOR - IMPOR; RPDB = PDB100IHK; GROWTH = RPDB-LRPDBLRPDB100; PDBKPT = PDBPOP; INFLASI = IHK-LIHKLIHK100; UNEMPL = STK-DTK; PMISKIN = MISKOTA + MISDESA; TMISKIN = MISKOTA+MISDESAPOP100; RANGE TAHUN=2011 to 2015; run; proc print data=endo_pln; run; 226 Lampiran 10. Hasil Pe ramalan Variabel Endogen Tahun 2011-2015 Model Subsidi Harga Listrik menggunakan Metode Newton dan Pros edur SIMNLIN denga n Program SASETS versi 9.1 Th e S AS Sy st e m Th e S IM N LI N P ro c ed ur e Mo de l S u mm ar y Mo de l V a ri ab l es 7 4 En do g en o us 5 6 Ex og e no u s 18 Pa ra m et e rs 16 0 Ra ng e V a ri ab l e T A HU N Eq ua t io n s 5 6 Nu mb e r o f St a te m en ts 9 1 Pr og r am La g L en g th 1 Th e S AS Sy st e m The SIMNLI N Proce dure Dynamic Simulta neous S imulatio n D ata Set Option s D ATA= RAMAL O UT= ENDO_P LN Solutio n Summa ry V ariables Solved 56 S imulatio n Lag L ength 1 S olution Range TA HUN F irst 2 011 L ast 2 015 S olution Method NEW TON C ONVERGE= 1 E-8 M aximum C C 3.322 E-9 M aximum I teratio ns 4 T otal Ite rations 20 A verage I teratio ns 4 Obs ervatio ns Proc essed Read 6 Lagge d 1 Solve d 5 First 22 Last 26 227 The SA S Syste m Obs TAHUN _TYPE_ _MODE _ _LA G_ _ERR ORS_ PRODSDR Q BBM QBT B QGAS 1 2011 PREDICT SIMULA TE 0 0 1 38352.3 9 9713 935.08 2550435 5.03 3 11248.82 2 2012 PREDICT SIMULA TE 1 0 1 45540.4 0 10127 012.05 2713855 7.17 3 34402.97 3 2013 PREDICT SIMULA TE 2 0 1 53239.6 5 10575 354.61 2886007 8.69 3 58991.92 4 2014 PREDICT SIMULA TE 3 0 1 61298.3 9 11061 525.03 3065855 3.60 3 80107.93 5 2015 PREDICT SIMULA TE 4 0 1 69734.4 9 11584 268.50 3254140 2.89 4 02084.38 Obs PBBM PBTB PGAS CB BM C BTB CGAS TLBELI PRO DTL BOP BPP 1 6583.22 703.74 0 42313. 85 6394 8.95 179 48.44 1 3170.14 40336.9 8 17868 9.37 168 150.05 1055.47 2 7129.34 743.58 4 43338. 13 7219 8.87 201 79.80 1 4492.40 42031.6 3 18757 2.02 185 871.11 1093.17 3 7566.56 781.12 5 44469. 90 8001 9.07 225 43.32 1 5964.33 43543.8 4 19678 3.49 202 916.58 1126.30 4 7958.67 819.99 0 46475. 28 8803 5.07 251 39.71 1 7665.62 45120.6 2 20641 9.01 220 999.44 1163.90 5 8367.06 857.93 7 48473. 88 9692 6.27 279 18.48 1 9490.59 46911.8 6 21664 6.34 241 386.63 1207.99 Obs CLISRT CLIS IND CLI SOTH TLJUAL SUSUT SUBP RT SUBPI ND SUBP OTH SU BRT S UBIND 1 64225.4 5 54754 .84 4033 2.46 15 9312.75 13320.0 0 552.4 63 487.6 02 282. 506 3548 2.21 26 698.60 2 68273.8 8 58447 .16 4330 7.91 17 0028.95 11063.8 9 627.5 62 552.8 86 336. 038 4284 6.09 32 314.60 3 71911.5 6 62113 .33 4613 7.33 18 0162.22 9819.5 2 696.7 87 613.8 63 382. 496 5010 7.07 38 129.08 4 75179.5 6 65758 .98 4893 9.73 18 9878.26 9316.4 5 764.1 60 673.6 02 427. 661 5744 9.21 44 295.37 5 78692.8 7 69368 .85 5176 3.42 19 9825.14 9274.3 4 829.3 69 731.4 48 471. 342 6526 5.39 50 739.70 Obs SUBOTH SUB LSTR HJTLRT HJTLIND HJTLO TH AV HJTL PENPJK PEN PEM BLJLAIN 1 11394.1 5 735 74.96 5 87.446 652.307 857.4 04 678 .082 8 70731.2 9 11150 20.36 566776.6 3 2 14553.0 9 897 13.78 5 53.065 627.742 844.5 90 652 .989 10 02936.6 2 12524 34.26 613725.6 8 3 17647.3 4 1058 83.49 5 19.616 602.540 833.9 07 628 .691 11 24143.3 5 13764 41.92 663825.1 5 4 20929.6 1 1226 74.18 4 92.853 583.411 829.3 52 610 .945 12 39963.1 0 14988 81.62 716753.7 3 5 24398.2 9 1404 03.38 4 75.260 573.181 833.2 86 601 .997 13 55260.9 7 16172 20.71 772190.9 9 O b s G O V E X P C O N L I S C O N L A I N C O N R T I N V E K S P O R I M P O R P D B 1 6 4 0 3 5 1 . 5 8 1 0 8 0 2 7 . 10 4 0 3 0 3 0 6 . 9 1 4 1 3 8 3 3 4 . 0 1 2 4 6 2 9 3 7 . 6 9 1 6 6 1 4 5 7 . 65 1 5 9 8 2 8 6 . 5 7 7 3 0 4 7 9 4 . 3 8 2 7 0 3 4 3 9 . 4 6 1 1 1 0 2 7 . 02 4 4 3 0 2 1 3 . 2 1 4 5 4 1 2 4 0 . 2 3 2 8 6 2 8 1 5 . 7 3 1 7 3 6 5 5 4 . 24 1 7 5 0 3 0 5 . 8 8 8 0 9 3 7 4 3 . 7 7 3 7 6 9 7 0 8 . 6 4 1 1 3 2 6 6 . 42 4 7 9 1 7 4 7 . 6 4 4 9 0 5 0 1 4 . 0 6 3 2 8 4 0 8 2 . 9 3 1 8 0 8 6 2 4 . 92 1 9 1 0 3 3 5 . 2 8 8 8 5 7 0 9 5 . 2 6 4 8 3 9 4 2 7 . 9 2 1 1 6 0 0 5 . 22 5 1 3 9 5 0 7 . 7 0 5 2 5 5 5 1 2 . 9 2 3 7 2 6 0 1 2 . 5 6 1 8 8 0 0 8 9 . 98 2 0 7 5 5 6 1 . 3 7 9 6 2 5 4 8 2 . 0 0 5 9 1 2 5 9 4 . 3 7 1 2 0 2 9 4 . 18 5 4 8 3 4 8 9 . 3 9 5 6 0 3 7 8 3 . 5 7 4 1 8 8 2 8 4 . 6 0 1 9 5 1 8 4 0 . 04 2 2 4 6 1 1 8 . 2 4 1 0 4 1 0 3 8 4 . 3 4 Obs RPDB GR OWTH PD BKPT KURS IHK INFLASI SKBG STK D TK UNEMPL 1 3097799 .53 8.5 9547 305 72.35 8 358.26 2 35.806 4.84886 7.67381 120003 .25 1137 35.90 6 267.35 2 3270873 .90 5.5 8701 333 49.03 7 942.80 2 47.449 4.93756 8.32392 122938 .66 1174 85.43 5 453.23 3 3424670 .77 4.7 0201 359 36.36 7 718.92 2 58.626 4.51698 8.54748 125659 .78 1211 44.86 4 514.93 4 3569490 .54 4.2 2872 384 65.52 7 679.46 2 69.660 4.26625 8.59352 128293 .22 1248 44.03 3 449.20 5 3706019 .54 3.8 2489 409 84.41 7 707.92 2 80.905 4.17003 8.59005 130885 .28 1286 30.66 2 254.62 Obs RUPH MISK OTA MI SDESA PMISKIN TMISK IN PE NNPJK POP P DBI CPLHR 1 675.695 10430 .11 177 15.71 28145.82 11.77 97 244 289.07 238934. 69 1591 058.90 10901.0 1 2 660.466 10141 .71 158 17.45 25959.16 10.69 61 249 497.64 242697. 99 1606 124.61 11936.3 5 3 642.074 9794 .99 139 94.46 23789.45 9.65 22 252 298.57 246466. 11 1635 148.97 12968.7 7 4 621.752 9406 .61 121 38.59 21545.19 8.60 99 258 918.52 250236. 64 1674 816.60 13971.0 2 5 600.071 8973 .21 101 92.11 19165.32 7.54 52 261 959.74 254008. 38 1722 599.55 14923.5 2 Obs CLAIN ICP PDBT B PDG AS CLI SDR C ADEV UANGBR D98 D08 D05 D09 D9799 D02 1 43401.2 4 90.2 06 78.99 02 7.6 578 6056 .62 100 627.74 2716.90 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 47974.7 9 95.8 36 81.10 94 8.9 973 6479 .18 105 777.04 3014.80 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 51905.5 8 100.5 49 84.02 23 9.3 368 6801 .74 110 926.35 3248.32 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 56032.9 6 104.9 04 87.54 94 10.6 763 7224 .30 115 075.65 3466.14 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 61253.4 4 109.6 42 90.00 91 11.0 158 7546 .87 120 224.95 3680.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 Obs D04 LPDB LIHK LR PDB PEL RT PELIND PELO TH m 1 0 6415530 .30 2 24.901 28526 04.74 40396 .38 4 9.5593 3132. 10 8 2 0 7304794 .38 2 35.806 30977 99.53 41222 .76 5 0.3159 3154. 65 8 228 3 0 8093743 .77 2 47.449 32708 73.90 41786 .02 5 0.9903 3177. 19 8 4 0 8857095 .26 2 58.626 34246 70.77 42126 .97 5 1.6119 3199. 74 8 5 0 9625482 .00 2 69.660 35694 90.54 43320 .80 5 2.1996 3222. 28 8 229 Lampiran 11. Prog ram Simulasi Model Subsidi Harga Listrik Tahun 2011- 2015 mengg unakan Metode Newton dan Prosedur SIMNLIN denga n Program SASETS versi 9.1 Simulasi 2a options nodate nonumber; LIBNAME IN C:\Disertasi; data datapln; set in.datapln1; PRODSDR = TLSDR+TLSEWA; PRODTL = PRODSDR+TLBELI; TLJUAL = CLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; SUSUT = PRODTL-TLJUAL-CLISDR; AVHJTL = HJTLRTCLISRT+HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTHCLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; BPP = BOPTLJUAL1000; CONLIS = HJTLRTCLISRT + HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTH1000; CONRT = CONLIS + CONLAIN; NETEKS = EKSPOR-IMPOR; PDB = CONRT + INV + GOVEXP + EKSPOR - IMPOR; RPDB = PDB100IHK; PDBKPT = PDBPOP; PDBL = PDB-PDBI; HJTLRT = BPP1+m100-SUBPRT; HJTLIND = BPP1+m100-SUBPIND; HJTLOTH = BPP1+m100-SUBPOTH; PENPEM = PENPJK+PENNPJK; CLAIN = CPLHR+CPGW+CSUSUT+COTH; CBBM = QBBMPBBM1000000; CBTB = QBTBPBTB1000000; CGAS = QGASPGAS1000000; PMISKIN = MISKOTA + MISDESA; TMISKIN = MISKOTA+MISDESAPOP100; BLJSUB = SUBLSTR + SUBLAIN1000; PENPEM = PENPJK + PENNPJK; UNEMPL = STK-DTK; if tahun=1998 then D98=1; else D98=0; if tahun=2008 then D08=1; else D08=0; if tahun=2005 then D05=1; else D05=0; if tahun=2004 then D04=1; else D04=0; if tahun=2009 then D09=1; else D09=0; if tahun=1997 or tahun=1998 or tahun=1999 then D9799=1; else D9799=0; if tahun=2002 then D02=1; else D02=0; LIHK = lagihk; LPDB = lagpdb; 230 INFLASI = IHK - LIHKLIHK100; RPDB = PDB100IHK; LRPDB = lagrpdb; GROWTH = RPDB - LRPDBLRPDB100; Simulasi 1a: Subsidi naik 10; SUBPRT = 1.1SUBPRT; SUBPIND = 1.1SUBPIND; SUBPOTH = 1.1SUBPOTH; Simulasi 1b: Subsidi turun 10; SUBPRT = 0.9SUBPRT; SUBPIND = 0.9SUBPIND; SUBPOTH = 0.9SUBPOTH; Simulasi 1c: Subsidi turun 10 dan dialihkan ke belanja lainnya; SUBPRT = 0.9SUBPRT; SUBPIND = 0.9SUBPIND; SUBPOTH = 0.9SUBPOTH; BLJLAIN = 1.01507BLJLAIN; Simulasi 1d: Harga jual tenaga listrik dinaikkan 10; SUBPRT = 0.924276041SUBPRT; SUBPIND = 0.900670044SUBPIND; SUBPOTH = 0.779026316SUBPOTH; HJTLRT = 1.1HJTLRT; HJTLIND = 1.1HJTLIND; HJTLOTH = 1.1HJTLOTH; Simulasi 2a: ICP naik 10; ICP = 1.1ICP; Simulasi 2b: ICP naik 10 dan harga jual tenaga listrik tetap; ICP = 1.1ICP ; SUBPRT = 1.075526SUBPRT; SUBPIND = 1.086092SUBPIND; SUBPOTH = 1.141369SUBPOTH; Simulasi 2c: ICP naik 10 dan Besaran subsidi listrik tetap; ICP = 1.1 ICP ; Simulasi 2d: Rupah melemah 10 terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat; KURS = 1.1KURS ; Simulasi 3a: Susut tenaga listrik berkurang 10; SUSUT = 0.9SUSUT; Simulasi 3b: Margin usaha PLN dikurangi 1; M = M - 1; Simulasi 3c: Simulasi 3a + Simulasi 3b; SUSUT = 0.9SUSUT; M = M - 1; run; 231 proc simnlin data=datapln dynamic simulate stat outpredict theil; endogenous prodsdr qbbm qbtb qgas pbbm pbtb pgas cbbm cbtb cgas tlbeli prodtl bop bpp clisrt clisind clisoth tljual susut subprt subpind subpoth subrt subind suboth sublstr hjtlrt hjtlind hjtloth avhjtl penpjk penpem bljlain govexp conlis conlain conrt inv ekspor impor pdb rpdb growth pdbkpt kurs ihk inflasi skbg stk dtk unempl ruph miskota misdesa pmiskin tmiskin; exogenous susut pennpjk pop pdbi cplhr clain icp pdbtb pdgas clisdr cadev uangbr d98 d08 d05 d09 d9799 d02 d04; LCLISRT = lagclisrt; LCLISIND = lagclisind; LCLISOTH = lagclisoth; LBOP = lagbop; LPBBM = lagpbbm; LPBTB = lagpbtb; LPGAS = lagpgas; LQBBM = lagqbbm; LQBTB = lagqbtb; LQGAS = lagqgas; LQBBM = lagqbbm; LQBTB = lagqbtb; LQGAS = lagqgas; LPDB = lagpdb; LKURS = lagkurs; LIHK = lagihk; LTLBELI = lagtlbeli; LPRODSDR = lagprodsdr; LMISKOTA = lagmiskota; LMISDESA = lagmisdesa; LSUBPRT = lagsubprt; LSUBPIND = lagsubpind; LSUBPOTH = lagsubpoth; LPENPJK = lagpenpjk; LSUBLSTR = lagsublstr; LSTK = lagstk; LDTK = lagdtk; LRUPH = lagruph; LCONLAIN = lagconlain; LINV = laginv; LBLJLAIN = lagbljlain; LEKSPOR = lagekspor; LIMPOR = lagimpor; LSKBG = lagskbg; LRPDB = lagrpdb; parm a0 9012.079 a1 0.000248 a2 0.001461 a3 0.023578 a4 0.625091 b0 35351.62 b1 -59.6042 b2 18.00578 b3 942261.9 b4 0.812856 c0 -2301871 c1 -891.932 c2 105.1371 c3 148.7185 c4 0.538798 d0 7043.293 d1 -4.75730 d2 8.081043 d3 -0.04389 d4 -0.00730 d5 -37568.6 e0 -988.933 e1 66.37429 e2 0.024172 e3 1089.309 e4 0.237759 f0 -113.302 f1 2.588217 f2 0.010802 f3 0.019297 f4 0.601905 g0 -957.021 g1 763.6172 g2 0.107165 g3 0.042218 g4 19135.55 g5 8717.081 g6 0.857225 h0 -3780.01 h1 0.046545 h2 0.322728 h3 -2239.34 h4 0.851006 i0 -937.226 i1 0.731174 i2 0.969435 i3 1.197797 i4 1.583887 i5 0.808336 i6 5086.999 i7 0.001061 j0 -1009.26 j1 -2.01447 j2 463.1043 j3 0.536486 j4 -922.694 j5 0.511289 k0 -1958.22 k1 -4.82933 k2 0.003827 k3 158.1425 k4 -4582.81 k5 -4979.80 k6 0.900984 l0 -335.456 l1 -1.08605 l2 0.003633 l3 6.654027 l4 1514.473 l5 1082.157 m0 -45462.8 m1 0.101952 m2 4557.819 m3 -319936 m4 0.322897 n0 -4007.71 n1 0.036347 n2 193.8856 n3 103212.5 n4 0.924940 o0 -30.6897 o1 0.000438 o2 189.6783 o3 0.198539 p0 -39.8937 p1 0.000421 p2 209.7906 p3 0.134340 q0 -104.686 q1 0.000327 q2 202.1526 q3 0.110361 r0 -13586.9 r1 110048.9 r2 -26.5894 r3 54503.53 r4 133465.5 r5 0.1920218 s0 49424.32 s1 0.072185 s2 -3763.54 s3 -118044 s4 0.917795 t0 -26942.0 t1 13.10376 t2 253373.3 t3 0.998771 t4 329272.9 u0 -2641834 u1 19088.89 u2 -21.6170 u3 13.55890 u4 -1107300 u5 0.737583 232 v0 714.7607 v1 33.14076 v2 -0.06175 v3 1467.304 v4 0.665105 w0 5.563770 w1 -0.03242 w2 0.016741 w3 0.020046 w4 0.002428 w5 0.002050 w6 23.00031 w7 12.93938 w8 4.273269 w9 0.614920 x0 2.807472 x1 0.290601 x2 3.105602 x3 0.531885 y0 -35064.0 y1 4.919688 y2 0.462834 y3 0.014904 y4 -1837.59 y5 -2603.15 y6 0.347697 z0 86066.35 z1 -8.62850 z2 0.004586 z3 3177.572 aa0 263.2230 aa1 -0.00167 aa2 0.003455 aa3 -297.811 aa4 0.865321 ab0 10198.97 ab1 33.65109 ab2 -3.89511 ab3 0.430785 ab4 4274.466 ac0 8359.462 ac1 25.74496 ac2 -0.00616 ac3 0.435392 ac4 4623.263 ac5 0.524380; PERSAMAAN STRUKTURAL; BLOK PRODUKSI; Prodsdr = a0 + a1qbbm + a2qbtb + a3qgas + a4lprodsdr; qbbm = b0 + b1pbbm + b2prodsdr + b3d08 + b4lqbbm; qbtb = c0 + c1pbtb + c2prodsdr + c3pbbm + c4lqbtb; qgas = d0 + d1pgas + d2prodsdr + d3qbbm + d4qbtb + d5d9799; pbbm = e0 + e1icp + e2kurs + e3d08 + e4lpbbm; pbtb = f0 + f1pdbtb + f2kurs + f3pbbm + f4lpbtb; pgas = g0 + g1pdgas + g2kurs + g3pbbm + g4d98 + g5d09 + g6lpgas; tlbeli = h0 + h1tljual + h2susut + h3d08 + h4ltlbeli; 2. BIAYA OPERASIONAL; bop = i0 + i1tlbeli + i2cbbm + i3cbtb + i4cgas + i5clain + i6d08 + i7lbop; BLOK KONSUMSI; clisrt = j0 + j1hjtlrt + j2pdbkpt + j3pelrt + j4d98 + j5lclisrt; clisind = k0 + k1hjtlind + k2pdbi + k3pelind + k4d98 + k5d09 + k6lclisind; clisoth = l0 + l1hjtloth + l2pdb-pdbi + l3peloth + l4d05 + l5d08; BLOK HARGA JUAL; penpjk = m0 + m1lpdb + m2inflasi + m3d98 + m4lpenpjk; bljlain = n0 + n1penpem + n2ihk + n3d09 + n4lbljlain; BLOK SUBSIDI; subprt = o0 + o1penpem + o2d08 + o3lsubprt; subpind = p0 + p1penpem + p2d08 + p3lsubpind; subpoth = q0 + q1penpem + q2d08 + q3lsubpoth; BLOK INDIKATOR EKONOMI; conlain = r0 + r1pdbkpt + r2inflasi + r3d98 + r4d08 + r5lconlain; inv = s0 + s1pdb + s2skbg + s3d04 + s4linv; ekspor = t0 + t1kurs + t2d98 + t3lekspor; impor = u0 + u1inflasi + u2kurs + u3pop + u4d98 + u5limpor; kurs = v0 + v1ihk + v2cadev + v3d9799 + v4lkurs; ihk = w0 + w1skbg + w2uangbr + w3avhjtl + w4pbbm + w5kurs + w6d98 + w7d05 + w8d02 + w9lihk; skbg = x0 + x1inflasi + x2d9799 + x3lskbg; 233 BLOK TENAGA KERJA; stk = y0 + y1ruph + y2pop + y3bljlain-lbljlain + y4d04 + y5d09 + y6lstk; dtk = z0 + z1ruph + z2pdb + z3d9799; ruph = aa0 + aa1lstk + aa2dtk-ldtk + aa3d98 + aa4lruph; BLOK KEMISKINAN; miskota = ab0 + ab1inflasi + ab2ruph + ab3unempl + ab4d9799; misdesa = ac0 + ac1inflasi + ac2govexp + ac3unempl + ac4d9799 + ac5lmisdesa; PERSAMAAN IDENTITAS; CBBM = QBBMPBBM1000000; CBTB = QBTBPBTB1000000; CGAS = QGASPGAS1000000; PRODTL = PRODSDR+TLBELI; BPP = BOPTLJUAL1000; TLJUAL = CLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; SUSUT = PRODTL-TLJUAL-CLISDR; SUBRT = SUBPRT CLISRT1000; SUBIND = SUBPIND CLISIND1000; SUBOTH = SUBPOTH CLISOTH1000; SUBLSTR = SUBRT + SUBIND + SUBOTH; HJTLRT = BPP1+m100-SUBPRT; HJTLIND = BPP1+m100-SUBPIND; HJTLOTH = BPP1+m100-SUBPOTH; AVHJTL = HJTLRTCLISRT+HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTHCLISRT+CLISIND+CLISOTH; PENPEM = PENPJK + PENNPJK; GOVEXP = BLJLAIN + SUBLSTR; CONLIS = HJTLRTCLISRT+HJTLINDCLISIND+ HJTLOTHCLISOTH1000; CONRT = CONLIS + CONLAIN; PDB = CONRT + INV + GOVEXP + EKSPOR - IMPOR; RPDB = PDB100IHK; GROWTH = RPDB-LRPDBLRPDB100; PDBKPT = PDBPOP; INFLASI = IHK-LIHKLIHK100; UNEMPL = STK-DTK; PMISKIN = MISKOTA + MISDESA; TMISKIN = MISKOTA+MISDESAPOP100; RANGE TAHUN=2011 to 2015; run; 234 Lampiran 12. Hasil Simulasi Peramalan Model Subsidi Harga Listrik Tahun 2011-2015 mengg unakan Metode Newton dan Pros edur SIMNLIN denga n Program SASETS versi 9.1 Simulasi 2a The SA S Syste m The SIMNLI N Proce dure Model Summary Model V ariable s 74 Endogen ous 56 Exogeno us 18 Paramet ers 160 Range V ariable TAHUN Equatio ns 56 Number of Stat ements 91 Program Lag Le ngth 1 The SA S Syste m The SIMNLI N Proce dure Dynamic Simulta neous S imulatio n Data Se t Optio ns DATA= DATA1 OUT= SIM_P LN Solutio n Summa ry V ariables Solved 56 S imulatio n Lag L ength 1 S olution Range TA HUN F irst 2 011 L ast 2 015 S olution Method NEW TON C ONVERGE= 1 E-8 M aximum C C 2.51 E-9 M aximum I teratio ns 3 T otal Ite rations 13 A verage I teratio ns 2.6 Obs ervatio ns Proc essed Read 6 Lagge d 1 Solve d 5 First 22 Last 26 235 The SA S Syste m The SIMNLI N Proce dure Dynamic Simulta neous S imulatio n So lution R ange TA HUN = 2 011 To 2 015 Desc riptive Statis tics Ac tual Pred icted Variable N Obs N Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev La bel PRODSDR 5 5 153633 1242 1.3 154648 1314 6.2 QBBM 5 5 1 0612419 740 009 1 0535547 712 996 QB BM QBTB 5 5 2 8940589 2782 929 2 9247720 2951 528 QB TB QGAS 5 5 357367 3596 4.1 365893 4121 9.7 QG AS PBBM 5 5 7521.0 69 6.8 8347.2 83 6.3 PB BM PBTB 5 5 781.3 60.8 445 816.3 77.7 097 PB TB PGAS 5 5 45014.2 247 4.9 45183.2 259 3.5 PG AS CBBM 5 5 80225.6 1293 5.4 88412.6 1468 9.4 CBTB 5 5 22746.0 394 1.0 24058.5 468 6.7 CGAS 5 5 16156.6 250 5.9 16616.4 281 6.6 TLBELI 5 5 43589.0 256 8.6 46632.4 533 4.8 TL BELI PRODTL 5 5 197222 1498 8.9 201280 1846 2.1 BOP 5 5 203865 2873 0.2 216336 3381 7.4 BO P BPP 5 5 1129.4 59.4 853 1206.2 85.5 338 BP P CLISRT 5 5 71656.7 567 1.2 71342.3 558 3.1 CL ISRT CLISIND 5 5 62088.6 577 7.5 61185.2 519 1.3 CL ISIND CLISOTH 5 5 46096.2 450 5.6 45961.0 458 7.1 CL ISOTH TLJUAL 5 5 179841 1595 2.3 178489 1535 9.4 SUSUT 5 5 10558.8 170 4.3 15969.7 280 9.3 SU SUT SUBPRT 5 5 694.1 10 9.2 695.4 10 8.5 SU BPRT SUBPIND 5 5 611.9 96.2 227 613.1 95.5 972 SU BPIND SUBPOTH 5 5 380.0 74.2 615 380.9 73.7 755 SU BPOTH SUBRT 5 5 50230.0 1172 8.3 50094.4 1160 3.6 SU BRT SUBIND 5 5 38435.5 950 0.6 37907.2 902 1.2 SU BIND SUBOTH 5 5 17784.5 512 1.8 17777.2 513 2.5 SU BOTH SUBLSTR 5 5 106450 2634 9.8 105779 2575 6.7 SU BLSTR HJTLRT 5 5 525.6 45.3 363 607.3 16.9 399 HJ TLRT HJTLIND 5 5 607.8 32.4 018 689.6 5.4 281 HJ TLIND HJTLOTH 5 5 839.7 11.3 919 921.8 19.1 932 HJ TLOTH AVHJTL 5 5 634.5 31.1 698 716.5 5.1 161 PENPJK 5 5 1118607 190 778 1121102 189 351 PE NPJK PENPEM 5 5 1372000 197 855 1374495 196 428 BLJLAIN 5 5 666654 8129 1.0 670183 8383 5.9 BL JLAIN GOVEXP 5 5 773104 107 639 775962 109 590 GO VEXP CONLIS 5 5 113724 469 8.6 127864 1077 7.0 CONLAIN 5 5 4775053 571 959 4766659 584 785 CO NLAIN CONRT 5 5 4888777 576 615 4894523 595 530 CO NRT INV 5 5 3304827 682 363 3295456 679 257 IN V EKSPOR 5 5 1807713 114 527 1819753 125 226 EK SPOR IMPOR 5 5 1916121 256 352 1940072 253 886 IM POR PDB 5 5 8858300 1224 282 8845622 1255 504 PD B RPDB 5 5 3413771 239 809 3310162 200 733 GROWTH 5 5 5.3876 1.9 095 4.5608 1.4 227 GR OWTH PDBKPT 5 5 35861.5 410 2.4 35807.7 422 7.0 PD BKPT KURS 5 5 7881.5 28 6.5 8312.9 17 4.0 KU RS IHK 5 5 258.5 17.7 741 266.2 21.7 955 IH K INFLASI 5 5 4.5479 0.3 411 5.4766 0.5 083 SKBG 5 5 8.3458 0.3 917 8.8124 0.4 715 SK BG STK 5 5 125556 428 9.2 125582 430 5.0 ST K DTK 5 5 121168 587 3.7 121111 601 2.7 DT K UNEMPL 5 5 4387.9 159 0.2 4471.2 172 2.6 RUPH 5 5 640.0 30.1 026 639.9 29.5 711 RU PH MISKOTA 5 5 9749.3 57 8.6 9817.0 64 3.7 MI SKOTA MISDESA 5 5 13971.7 296 1.0 14069.2 300 3.9 MI SDESA PMISKIN 5 5 23721.0 353 8.4 23886.2 364 4.0 TMISKIN 5 5 9.6566 1.6 690 9.7245 1.7 115 TM ISKIN Lampiran 13. Hasil Peramalan Variabel Endogen Tahun 2011-2015 ENDO- GEN SATUAN 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Th PRODSD R GWh 138 352.4 145 540.4 153 239.6 161 298.4 169 734.5 5.24 QBBM kliter 9 713 935.1 10 127 012.0 10 575 354.6 11 061 525.0 11 584 268.5 4.50 QBTB ton 25 504 355.0 27 138 557.2 28 860 078.7 30 658 553.6 32 541 402.9 6.28 QGAS MMSCF 311 248.8 334 403.0 358 991.9 380 107.9 402 084.4 6.61 PBBM Rplt 6 583.2 7 129.3 7 566.6 7 958.7 8 367.1 6.19 PBTB Rpkg 703.7 743.6 781.1 820.0 857.9 5.08 PGAS Rp MSCF 42 313.8 43 338.1 44 469.9 46 475.3 48 473.9 3.46 CBBM Miliar Rp 63 948.9 72 198.9 80 019.1 88 035.1 96 926.3 10.96 CBTB Miliar Rp 17 948.4 20 179.8 22 543.3 25 139.7 27 918.5 11.68 CGAS Miliar Rp 13 170.1 14 492.4 15 964.3 17 665.6 19 490.6 10.30 TLBELI GWh 40 337.0 42 031.6 43 543.8 45 120.6 46 911.9 3.85 PRODTL GWh 178 689.4 187 572.0 196 783.5 206 419.0 216 646.3 4.93 BOP Miliar Rp 168 150.1 185 871.1 202 916.6 220 999.4 241 386.6 9.46 BPP Rupi ah 1 055.5 1 093.2 1 126.3 1 163.9 1 208.0 3.43 CLISRT GWh 64 225.5 68 273.9 71 911.6 75 179.6 78 692.9 5.21 CLISIND GWh 54 754.8 58 447.2 62 113.3 65 759.0 69 368.8 6.09 CLISOTH GWh 40 332.5 43 307.9 46 137.3 48 939.7 51 763.4 6.44 TLJUAL GWh 159 312.8 170 028.9 180 162.2 189 878.3 199 825.1 5.83 SUSUT GWh 13 320.0 11 063.9 9 819.5 9 316.4 9 274.3 -8.44 SUBPRT Rupi ah 552.5 627.6 696.8 764.2 829.4 10.71 SUBPIND Rupi ah 487.6 552.9 613.9 673.6 731.4 10.68 SUBPOT H Rupi ah 282.5 336.0 382.5 427.7 471.3 13.70 SUBRT Miliar Rp 35 482.2 42 846.1 50 107.1 57 449.2 65 265.4 16.49 SUBIND Miliar Rp 26 698.6 32 314.6 38 129.1 44 295.4 50 739.7 17.44 SUBOTH Miliar Rp 11 394.1 14 553.1 17 647.3 20 929.6 24 398.3 21.04 SUBLSTR Miliar Rp 73 575.0 89 713.8 105 883.5 122 674.2 140 403.4 17.57 HJTLRT Rupi ah 587.4 553.1 519.6 492.9 475.3 -5.16 HJTLIND Rupi ah 652.3 627.7 602.5 583.4 573.2 -3.18 HJTLOTH Rupi ah 857.4 844.6 833.9 829.4 833.3 -0.71 AVHJTL Rupi ah 678.1 653.0 628.7 610.9 602.0 -2.93 PENPJK Miliar Rp 870 731.3 1 002 936.6 1 124 143.4 1 239 963.1 1 355 261.0 11.72 PENPEM Miliar Rp 1 115 020.4 1 252 434.3 1 376 441.9 1 498 881.6 1 617 220.7 9.75 BLJLAIN Miliar Rp 566 776.6 613 725.7 663 825.2 716 753.7 772 191.0 8.04 GOVEXP Miliar Rp 640 351.6 703 439.5 769 708.6 839 427.9 912 594.4 9.26 CONLIS Miliar Rp 108 027.1 111 027.0 113 266.4 116 005.2 120 294.2 2.73 CONLAI Miliar Rp 4 030 306.9 4 430 213.2 4 791 747.6 5 139 507.7 5 483 489.4 8.01 ENDO- GEN SATUAN 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Th N CONRT Miliar Rp 4 138 334.0 4 541 240.2 4 905 014.1 5 255 512.9 5 603 783.6 7.88 INV Miliar Rp 2 462 937.7 2 862 815.7 3 284 082.9 3 726 012.6 4 188 284.6 14.20 EKSPOR Miliar Rp 1 661 457.7 1 736 554.2 1 808 624.9 1 880 090.0 1 951 840.0 4.11 Lampiran 13. Lanjutan ENDO- GEN SATUAN 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Th IMPOR Miliar Rp 1 598 286.6 1 750 305.9 1 910 335.3 2 075 561.4 2 246 118.2 8.88 PDB Miliar Rp 7 304 794.4 8 093 743.8 8 857 095.3 9 625 482.0 10 410 384.3 9.27 RPDB Miliar Rp 3 097 799.5 3 270 873.9 3 424 670.8 3 569 490.5 3 706 019.5 4.59 GROWTH Persen 8.60 5.59 4.70 4.23 3.82 -1.19 PDBKPT Ribu Rp 30 572.3 33 349.0 35 936.4 38 465.5 40 984.4 7.61 KURS Rp US 8 358.3 7 942.8 7 718.9 7 679.5 7 707.9 -1.98 IHK 235.8 247.4 258.6 269.7 280.9 4.47 INFLASI Persen 4.85 4.94 4.52 4.27 4.17 -0.17 SKBG Persen 7.67 8.32 8.55 8.59 8.59 0.23 STK Ribu orang 120 003.2 122 938.7 125 659.8 128 293.2 130 885.3 2.19 DTK Ribu orang 113 735.9 117 485.4 121 144.9 124 844.0 128 630.7 3.12 UNEMPL Ribu orang 6 267.3 5 453.2 4 514.9 3 449.2 2 254.6 -22.11 RUPH Ribu Rp 675.7 660.5 642.1 621.8 600.1 -2.92 MISKOT A Ribu orang 10 430.1 10 141.7 9 795.0 9 406.6 8 973.2 -3.69 MISDESA Ribu orang 17 715.7 15 817.4 13 994.5 12 138.6 10 192.1 -12.88 PMISKIN Ribu orang 28 145.8 25 959.2 23 789.4 21 545.2 19 165.3 -9.15 TMISKIN Persen 11.78 10.70 9.65 8.61 7.55 -1.06 Lampiran 14. Hasil Simulas i Model Subsidi Harga Listrik Periode Peramalan Tahun 2011-2015 ENDOGEN Nilai Dasar Sim 1a Sim 1b Sim 1c Sim 1d Sim 2a PRODSDR 153 633.0 153 654.0 153 613.0 153 613.0 154 645.0 154 648.0 QBBM 10 612 419.0 10 613 525.0 10 611 311.0 10 611 346.0 10 535 444.0 10 535 547.0 QBTB 28 940 589.0 28 946 249.0 28 934 919.0 28 935 095.0 29 247 206.0 29 247 720.0 QGAS 357 367.0 357 617.0 357 117.0 357 125.0 365 879.0 365 893.0 PBBM 7 521.0 7 515.9 7 526.0 7 525.9 8 347.0 8 347.2 PBTB 781.3 778.2 784.4 784.3 816.3 816.3 PGAS 45 014.2 44 977.6 45 050.9 45 049.7 45 184.2 45 183.2 CBBM 80 225.6 80 178.7 80 272.7 80 271.0 88 409.1 88 412.6 CBTB 22 746.0 22 655.1 22 836.9 22 833.8 24 056.8 24 058.5 CGAS 16 156.6 16 154.3 16 158.9 16 158.8 16 616.1 16 616.4 TLBELI 43 589.0 41 854.8 45 324.4 44 972.2 46 946.4 46 632.4 PRODTL 197 222.0 195 508.0 198 937.0 198 585.0 201 592.0 201 280.0 BOP 203 865.0 202 438.0 205 293.0 205 030.0 216 560.0 216 336.0 BPP 1 129.4 1 113.5 1 145.5 1 142.4 1 207.8 1 206.2 CLISRT 71 656.7 71 992.5 71 321.1 71 426.7 71 314.0 71 342.3 CLISIND 62 088.6 62 989.2 61 185.3 61 218.5 61 300.9 61 185.2 CLISOTH 46 096.2 46 224.8 45 968.9 46 091.7 45 824.7 45 961.0 TLJUAL 179 841.0 181 207.0 178 475.0 178 737.0 178 440.0 178 489.0 SUSUT 10 558.8 7 480.0 13 640.0 13 026.7 16 330.4 15 969.7 SUBPRT 694.1 763.51 624.69 624.69 641.54 695.4 SUBPIND 611.9 673.09 550.71 550.71 551.12 613.1 SUBPOTH 380.0 418 342.00 342.00 296.03 380.9 SUBRT 50 230.0 55 520.7 44 988.2 45 057.8 46 202.8 50 094.4 SUBIND 38 435.5 42 930.1 34 057.5 34 077.6 34 159.5 37 907.2 SUBOTH 17 784.5 19 616.5 15 962.7 16 006.6 13 776.8 17 777.2 SUBLSTR 106 450.0 118 067.0 95 008.4 95 142.0 94 139.1 105 779.0 HJTLRT 525.6 439.1 612.5 609.2 578.16 607.3 HJTLIND 607.8 529.5 686.5 683.1 668.58 689.6 HJTLOTH 839.7 784.6 895.1 891.8 923.67 921.8 AVHJTL 634.5 558.7 710.7 707.4 698.0 716.5 PENPJK 1 118 607.0 1 118 629.0 1 118 588.0 1 121 603.0 1 117 162.0 1 121 102.0 PENPEM 1 372 000.0 1 372 022.0 1 371 980.0 1 374 995.0 1 370 554.0 1 374 495.0 BLJLAIN 666 654.0 665 262.0 668 050.0 678 095.78 669 907.0 670 183.0 GOVEXP 773 104.0 783 330.0 763 058.0 773 238.0 764 046.0 775 962.0 CONLIS 113 724.0 100 566.0 126 708.0 126 290.0 124 133.0 127 864.0 CONLAIN 4 775 053.0 4 785 468.0 4 764 863.0 4 781 838.0 4 747 807.0 4 766 659.0 CONRT 4 888 777.0 4 886 034.0 4 891 571.0 4 908 128.0 4 871 940.0 4 894 523.0 INV 3 304 827.0 3 310 922.0 3 298 801.0 3 304 590.0 3 289 543.0 3 295 456.0 EKSPOR 1 807 713.0 1 802 701.0 1 812 737.0 1 812 573.0 1 819 974.0 1 819 753.0 Lampiran 14. Lanjutan ENDOGEN Nilai Dasar Sim 1a Sim 1b Sim 1c Sim 1d Sim 2a IMPOR 1 916 121.0 1 905 762.0 1 926 325.0 1 925 869.0 1 936 834.0 1 940 072.0 PDB 8 858 300.0 8 877 224.0 8 839 841.0 8 872 660.0 8 808 669.0 8 845 622.0 RPDB 3 413 771.0 3 464 253.0 3 364 712.0 3 378 686.0 3 301 535.0 3 310 162.0 GROWTH 5.39 5.80 4.98 5.09 4.57 4.56 PDBKPT 35 861.5 35 938.8 35 786.1 35 918.6 35 658.9 35 807.7 KURS 7 881.5 7 702.0 8 061.4 8 054.9 8 302.9 8 312.9 IHK 258.5 255.3 261.7 261.6 265.8 266.2 INFLASI 4.55 4.14 4.95 4.93 5.34 5.48 SKBG 8.35 8.15 8.54 8.54 8.76 8.81 STK 125 556.0 125 547.0 125 565.0 125 574.0 125 576.0 125 582.0 DTK 121 168.0 121 253.0 121 085.0 121 233.0 120 946.0 121 111.0 UNEMPL 4 387.9 4 293.9 4 479.9 4 341.5 4 629.9 4 471.2 RUPH 640.0 640.2 639.8 640.2 639.4 639.9 MISKOTA 9 749.3 9 694.4 9 803.2 9 741.5 9 882.6 9 817.0 MISDESA 13 971.7 13 781.2 14 159.2 13 961.0 14 286.3 14 069.2 PMISKIN 23 721.0 23 475.6 23 962.4 23 702.6 24 168.9 23 886.2 TMISKIN 9.66 9.56 9.75 9.65 9.84 9.72 Lampiran 14. Lanjutan ENDOGEN Sim 2b Sim 2c Sim 2d Sim 3a Sim 3b Sim 3c PRODSDR 154 668.0 154 647.0 153 474.0 153 634.0 153 637.0 153 638.0 QBBM 10 536 637.0 10 535 510.0 10 604 210.0 10 612 476.0 10 612 641.0 10 612 687.0 QBTB 29 253 304.0 29 247 532.0 28 899 305.0 28 940 883.0 28 941 725.0 28 941 960.0 QGAS 366 142.0 365 885.0 355 725.0 357 380.0 357 417.0 357 427.0 PBBM 8 342.0 8 347.3 7 544.4 7 520.7 7 520.0 7 519.8 PBTB 813.2 816.4 797.6 781.1 780.7 780.5 PGAS 45 146.3 45 184.3 45 228.8 45 012.3 45 007.0 45 005.5 CBBM 88 365.4 88 413.8 80 410.3 80 223.1 80 216.6 80 214.7 CBTB 23 964.9 24 061.1 23 193.5 22 741.1 22 728.3 22 724.5 CGAS 16 613.6 16 616.5 16 159.7 16 156.5 16 156.2 16 156.1 TLBELI 44 849.7 46 685.4 42 230.4 42 712.8 43 314.2 42 731.9 PRODTL 199 517.0 201 332.0 195 705.0 196 347.0 196 951.0 196 370.0 BOP 214 870.0 216 380.0 203 592.0 203 215.0 203 633.0 203 201.0 BPP 1 188.8 1 206.6 1 121.2 1 125.5 1 126.9 1 124.2 CLISRT 71 692.3 71 335.0 72 109.5 71 667.8 71 693.7 71 701.5 CLISIND 62 088.6 61 162.0 62 205.6 62 135.5 62 253.4 62 287.9 CLISOTH 46 163.2 45 958.6 46 676.2 46 097.7 46 099.6 46 100.4 TLJUAL 179 944.0 178 456.0 180 991.0 179 901.0 180 047.0 180 090.0 SUSUT 12 751.4 16 054.9 7 891.7 9 502.92 10 082.9 9 502.92 SUBPRT 777.10 694.1 700.6 694.0 693.8 693.7 SUBPIND 694.90 611.9 617.9 611.8 611.6 611.6 SUBPOTH 463.00 380.0 384.6 380.0 379.8 379.8 SUBRT 56 270.2 49 999.1 51 068.3 50 231.9 50 236.0 50 237.4 SUBIND 43 649.0 37 822.9 38 911.8 38 461.6 38 527.0 38 546.3 SUBOTH 21 707.7 17 737.0 18 256.9 17 782.1 17 776.0 17 774.2 SUBLSTR 121 627.0 105 559.0 108 237.0 106 476.0 106 539.0 106 558.0 HJTLRT 525.6 609.1 510.3 521.5 512.0 509.2 HJTLIND 607.8 691.3 593.0 603.7 594.1 591.3 HJTLOTH 839.7 923.1 826.3 835.5 825.9 823.1 AVHJTL 634.6 718.1 620.2 630.4 620.8 618.0 PENPJK 1 122 052.0 1 121 086.0 1 131 778.0 1 118 442.0 1 118 061.0 1 117 950.0 PENPEM 1 375 445.0 1 374 479.0 1 385 170.0 1 371 835.0 1 371 453.0 1 371 342.0 BLJLAIN 668 836.0 670 222.0 668 929.0 666 569.0 666 344.0 666 278.0 GOVEXP 790 463.0 775 781.0 777 166.0 773 044.0 772 883.0 772 836.0 CONLIS 113 796.0 128 131.0 111 642.0 112 997.0 111 348.0 110 867.0 CONLAIN 4 783 307.0 4 766 493.0 4 852 756.0 4 774 666.0 4 773 592.0 4 773 299.0 CONRT 4 897 104.0 4 894 624.0 4 964 398.0 4 887 663.0 4 884 941.0 4 884 166.0 INV 3 303 557.0 3 295 302.0 3 325 359.0 3 304 851.0 3 304 900.0 3 304 918.0 EKSPOR 1 814 738.0 1 819 911.0 1 839 054.0 1 807 450.0 1 806 721.0 1 806 513.0 IMPOR 1 929 121.0 1 940 249.0 1 892 035.0 1 915 545.0 1 914 303.0 1 913 926.0 Lampiran 14. Lanjutan ENDOGEN Sim 2b Sim 2c Sim 2d Sim 3a Sim 3b Sim 3c PDB 8 876 740.0 8 845 370.0 9 013 942.0 8 857 463.0 8 855 141.0 8 854 508.0 RPDB 3 364 141.0 3 309 049.0 3 436 132.0 3 415 771.0 3 420 615.0 3 422 061.0 GROWTH 5.03 4.56 5.77 5.40 5.44 5.45 PDBKPT 35 934.1 35 806.6 36 484.9 35 858.2 35 849.0 35 846.5 KURS 8 128.2 8 317.9 8 669.65 7 871.8 7 846.9 7 839.7 IHK 262.8 266.2 261.2 258.3 257.9 257.8 INFLASI 5.05 5.48 4.76 4.53 4.48 4.46 SKBG 8.60 8.82 8.48 8.33 8.31 8.30 STK 125 574.0 125 583.0 125 586.0 125 555.0 125 553.0 125 553.0 DTK 121 251.0 121 110.0 121 865.0 121 164.0 121 154.0 121 151.0 UNEMPL 4 323.6 4 472.6 3 721.6 4 390.9 4 399.4 4 401.6 RUPH 640.3 639.9 642.0 640.0 640.0 640.0 MISKOTA 9 737.4 9 817.8 9 461.5 9 749.9 9 752.1 9 752.6 MISDESA 13 801.2 14 073.0 13 532.1 13 972.7 13 975.9 13 976.8 PMISKIN 23 538.6 23 890.9 22 993.6 23 722.6 23 728.0 23 729.4 TMISKIN 9.58 9.73 9.37 9.66 9.66 9.66 Keterangan: Sim 1a: Subsidi Harga Listrik naik 10 persen Sim 1b: Subsidi Harga Listrik dikurangi 10 persen Sim 1c: Subsidi Harga Listrik dikurangi 10 persen dan dialihka n ke Belanja Lain Sim 1d: Harga Jual Tenaga Listrik d inaikka n 10 pe rsen Sim 2a: Harga Minyak Mentah Indonesia naik 10 persen Sim 2b: Harga Minya k Mentah Indo nesia naik 10 pe rsen dan Harga Jual Tenaga Listrik per kWh tetap Sim 2c: Harga Minyak Mentah Indo nesia naik 10 pe rsen dan Subsidi per kW h tetap Sim 2d: Rupiah terdepresiasi 10 persen terhadap US Sim 3a: Susut Tenaga Listrik berkurang 10 persen Sim 3b: Margin Usaha PLN dikurangi 1 persen Sim 3c: Kombinasi Sim. 3a dan Sim. 3b Lampiran 15. Data untuk Model Subsidi Harga Listrik, Tahun 1990-2010 TAHUN CLISRT CLISIND CLISOTH CLISDR SUSUT PELRT PELIND PELOTH HJTLRT HJTLIND HJTLOT H 1990 9 003.56 14 165.67 4 571.72 1 672.50 5 453.11 10 742.5 36.1 685.1 123.34 91.17 161.32 1991 10 325.75 16 026.03 5 129.47 1 788.10 5 468.25 11 617.0 36.1 743.6 125.81 112.51 187.24 1992 11 667.54 17 754.61 5 539.84 1 780.95 5 191.54 12 635.1 36.5 814.9 128.85 122.83 200.39 1993 13 140.74 19 560.98 6 260.30 1 901.22 5 857.01 14 191.4 38.8 927.2 144.71 135.29 219.46 1994 14 632.11 21 621.80 6 806.92 1 990.87 6 374.52 15 915.1 41.7 979.9 146.57 137.75 223.34 1995 17 056.94 24 722.61 7 969.21 2 260.91 7 324.70 18 325.0 45.0 1 101.6 156.83 144.79 232.77 1996 19 550.83 27 948.89 9 432.29 2 588.33 7 707.89 20 696.3 47.8 1 236.2 158.91 146.16 236.05 1997 22 698.27 30 768.81 10 844.44 3 230.30 8 888.59 23 162.5 50.7 1 427.3 161.65 149.70 239.93 1998 24 865.45 27 995.54 12 400.42 3 218.68 9 217.78 24 902.8 43.1 1 487.6 184.40 201.01 286.56 1999 26 874.78 31 337.57 13 119.72 3 224.35 9 978.96 25 825.1 42.5 1 657.0 193.80 208.56 299.27 2000 30 563.42 34 013.22 14 588.17 3 416.13 10 482.87 26 796.7 44.3 1 754.4 174.62 302.52 377.93 2001 33 339.78 35 593.25 15 587.35 3 709.87 13 261.36 27 885.6 46.0 1 986.1 253.65 361.67 445.64 2002 33 993.56 36 831.30 16 263.89 3 767.51 17 228.35 28 903.3 46.8 2 003.8 392.79 442.94 575.02 2003 35 753.05 36 497.25 18 190.65 4 039.82 18 401.64 29 997.3 46.8 2 107.0 522.48 530.32 647.27 2004 38 588.28 40 324.26 21 184.92 5 824.43 13 131.94 31 096.0 46.5 2 224.0 557.76 559.15 668.47 2005 41 184.29 42 448.36 23 398.78 5 302.43 14 237.20 32 174.9 46.5 2 338.0 563.05 569.87 678.14 2006 43 753.17 43 615.45 25 241.21 4 273.73 14 735.89 33 118.3 46.4 2 586.6 571.12 624.23 733.75 2007 47 324.91 45 802.51 28 119.39 5 229.70 15 239.20 34 684.5 46.8 2 602.4 571.76 621.32 738.42 2008 50 184.17 47 968.85 30 865.79 5 380.35 15 095.53 36 025.1 47.5 2 771.5 588.01 622.04 806.80 2009 54 945.41 46 204.21 33 432.57 5 536.04 15 047.59 37 099.8 47.9 2 970.0 589.33 644.34 838.11 2010 59 824.94 50 985.20 36 487.33 5 641.05 15 953.82 39 324.5 48.7 3 062.2 615.92 660.99 888.67 Lampiran 15. Lanjutan TAHUN TLSDR TLSEWA TLBELI QBBM QBTB QGAS PBBM PBTB PGAS CBELITL CBBP 1990 34 011.55 - 867.01 4 554 616.0 4 572 306.0 13 301 240.23 68.24 5 574.66 21.3 1 530.7 1991 37 893.61 - 837.42 5 161 272.0 4 959 108.0 15 533 257.26 66.33 6 952.31 22.7 1 828.6 1992 40 878.83 - 1 057.62 5 827 630.0 5 143 300.0 12 788 292.91 65.24 6 392.61 19.7 2 132.0 1993 45 468.58 - 1 250.17 6 341 757.0 4 732 669.0 58 271 322.91 68.66 4 951.88 19.7 2 783.0 1994 50 066.44 - 1 411.94 3 793 540.0 5 530 066.0 160 705 323.46 70.34 5 578.41 46.9 1 193.3 1995 58 210.81 - 1 193.42 2 983 427.0 5 593 402.0 220 032 345.75 72.91 6 288.19 30.7 2 970.0 1996 65 730.25 - 1 656.29 3 347 295.0 7 966 656.0 433 003 352.05 69.41 6 878.80 77.1 3 361.1 1997 74 053.66 745.98 1 819.92 4 606 076.0 9 961 959.0 228 268 343.17 60.02 6 874.79 325.2 4 338.8 1998 74 421.00 543.61 2 938.76 4 135 997.0 10 634 490.0 222 055 399.98 74.88 26 414.80 1 886.0 9 409.0 1999 80 023.75 472.96 4 279.08 4 703 164.0 11 414 098.0 236 612 500.12 140.73 21 065.44 5 082.7 9 691.8 2000 83 503.51 686.63 9 135.14 5 023 631.0 13 135 584.0 228 838 514.96 153.79 21 787.67 9 395.4 10 375.8 2001 87 587.44 767.27 13 299.21 5 399 14 027 713.0 222 421 803.73 199.60 26 8 717.1 14 007.3 220.0 073.78 2002 88 068.64 1 224.60 19 066.61 6 966 806.0 14 054 377.0 192 927 1 313.98 219.75 23 496.92 11 168.8 17 957.3 2003 90 045.75 2 435.17 20 538.76 7 613 481.0 15 260 305.0 184 304 1 691.80 230.82 21 550.40 10 834.0 21 477.9 2004 93 112.71 3 078.46 24 053.14 8 839 239.0 15 412 738.0 176 436 1 791.34 230.75 21 258.05 11 970.8 24 491.1 2005 98 176.84 3 105.25 26 087.70 9 912 558.0 16 900 972.0 143 050 2 726.86 251.55 25 323.76 13 598.2 37 355.5 2006 101 664.28 2 804.34 28 639.75 9 998 515.0 19 084 438.0 157 894 5 128.34 335.81 24 185.59 14 845.4 63 401.1 2007 107 984.12 3 257.27 31 199.40 10 688 975.0 21 466 348.0 171 209 4 881.43 338.76 23 480.99 16 946.7 65 560.0 2008 113 339.90 4 706.94 31 389.66 11 320 489.0 20 999 521.0 181 661 7 906.22 489.23 29 128.16 20 742.9 107 782.8 2009 115 433.82 5 194.53 36 168.92 9 408 905.0 21 604 454.0 266 539 5 186.77 732.32 37 998.48 25 447.8 76 235.1 2010 123 476.84 8 233.21 38 076.16 9 324 933.6 23 958 699.2 283 274 5 815.65 656.71 42 287.16 25 217.8 84 190.7 Lampiran 15. Lanjutan TAHUN CPLHR CPGW CSUSUT CLAIN BOP KURS IHK PDB GROWTH POP MISKOTA 1990 233.0 278.6 559.0 112.0 2 734.6 1 901.0 28.40 195.60 7.24 178 232.0 9 400.0 1991 339.5 307.7 629.7 161.9 3 290.1 1 992.0 31.11 227.45 6.95 181 320.4 9 166.7 1992 427.4 202.6 3 2 062.0 32.64 6.46 184 322.3 9 091.1 498.4 712.4 992.5 259.88 1993 561.7 504.4 909.0 265.1 5 043.0 2 110.0 35.83 329.78 6.82 187 231.8 8 700.0 1994 352.1 281.8 519.2 159.6 2 552.9 2 200.0 39.14 382.22 7.54 190 043.0 8 940.0 1995 808.9 758.3 1 566.5 356.4 6 490.7 2 308.0 42.52 454.51 8.22 192 750.0 9 180.0 1996 911.3 886.2 1 887.0 413.7 7 536.4 2 383.0 45.28 532.57 7.82 195 457.1 9 420.0 1997 965.4 1 068.1 2 250.7 501.6 9 449.8 4 650.0 50.47 627.70 4.70 198 163.3 13 510.0 1998 924.8 1 018.9 3 074.1 496.0 16 808.8 8 025.0 89.65 955.75 -13.13 200 867.4 17 600.0 1999 1 497.8 1 335.6 3 224.3 670.4 21 502.7 7 100.0 91.45 1 099.73 0.79 203 568.3 15 640.0 2000 1 610.3 1 802.4 3 229.6 802.4 27 215.8 9 595.0 100.00 1 389.77 4.92 206 265.0 12 300.0 2001 2 630.4 2 066.3 3 404.1 1 094.1 31 919.4 10 400.0 112.55 1 646.32 3.64 209 014.1 8 600.0 2002 3 588.8 2 583.3 15 626.8 1 420.6 52 345.6 8 940.0 123.84 1 821.83 4.50 211 816.8 13 300.0 2003 4 827.6 3 827.7 12 745.0 2 165.0 55 877.2 9 465.0 130.11 2 013.67 4.78 214 674.2 12 200.0 2004 5 202.1 5 619.4 9 547.6 2 879.8 59 710.8 9 290.0 138.43 2 295.83 5.03 217 587.5 11 400.0 2005 6 511.0 5 508.1 9 722.3 3 328.6 76 023.6 9 830.0 162.12 2 774.28 5.69 220 558.0 12 400.0 2006 6 629.1 6 719.7 10 151.0 3 481.9 105 228.2 9 020.0 172.82 3 339.22 5.50 223 041.6 14 490.0 2007 7 269.1 7 064.3 10 716.2 3 949.6 111 506.0 9 419.0 184.21 3 950.89 6.35 225 630.1 13 560.0 2008 7 619.9 8 344.2 11 372.8 4 735.1 160 597.8 10 950.0 204.58 4 951.36 6.01 228 575.0 12 770.0 2009 7 964.5 9 758.3 11 834.7 4 035.5 135 276.0 10 356.0 210.27 5 613.44 4.55 231 370.0 11 910.0 2010 9 900.6 12 954.4 12 558.5 4 286.0 149 108.1 9 085.0 224.90 6 422.90 6.10 234 181.0 11 100.0 Lampiran 15. Lanjutan TAHUN MISDESA CONRT ICP PDBTB PDGAS SKBG CADEV UANGBR M EKSPOR IMPOR 1990 17 800.0 106.39 22.31 42.75 1.84 5.07 8 661 84.6 55 852.0 54 827.0 1991 17 600.0 125.08 19.47 42.23 1.85 6.75 9 868 99.1 68 452.0 67 453.0 1992 17 242.2 135.94 18.78 41.22 1.84 5.67 11 611 119.1 83 050.0 76 438.0 1993 17 200.0 192.96 17.25 38.52 2.11 4.21 11 981 145.2 88 231.0 78 383.0 1994 19 663.3 228.12 15.87 36.40 1.87 3.63 13 158 174.5 0 101 332.0 96 952.6 1995 22 126.7 279.88 17.11 42.71 1.65 4.84 14 674 222.6 0 119 592.0 125 657.0 1996 24 590.0 332.09 20.16 42.71 2.04 5.00 19 125 288.6 0 137 533.0 140 812.0 243 244 1997 28 245.0 387.17 19.04 39.90 2.14 5.79 21 418 355.6 0 174 871.0 176 600.0 1998 31 900.0 647.82 12.47 35.82 1.92 11.31 23 762 577.4 0 506 245.0 413 058.0 1999 32 330.0 813.18 17.52 31.00 1.93 7.45 27 054 646.2 0 390 560.0 301 654.0 2000 26 400.0 848.77 28.39 29.60 3.48 5.56 29 394 747.0 0 569 490.0 423 318.0 2001 29 300.0 1 030.89 21.94 32.07 3.76 5.37 28 016 844.1 0 642 595.0 506 426.0 2002 25 100.0 1 200.98 22.46 29.98 2.99 3.26 32 037 883.9 0 595 514.0 480 815.0 2003 25 100.0 1 256.43 26.34 28.63 4.53 2.17 36 296 955.7 0 613 721.0 465 941.0 2004 24 700.0 1 476.50 36.39 43.00 5.03 1.74 36 320 1 033.9 0 739 639.0 632 376.0 2005 22 700.0 1 755.75 53.66 36.48 7.25 2.63 34 724 1 202.8 0 945 122.0 830 083.0 2006 24 810.0 2 049.63 64.27 42.35 7.29 4.01 42 724 1 382.5 1 036 320.0 855 588.0 2007 23 610.0 2 490.12 72.31 40.99 7.02 4.17 56 920 1 649.7 1 161 960.0 1 002 510.0 2008 22 190.0 3 074.76 96.13 54.76 10.06 4.17 51 639 1 895.8 1 475 119.1 1 422 902.1 2009 20 620.0 3 296.21 61.58 58.91 5.16 6.50 66 105 2 141.4 5 1 354 409.4 1 197 092.7 2010 19 923.0 3 642.00 79.40 75.71 6.63 6.50 96 207 2 471.2 8 1 580 817.8 1 475 834.1 Lampiran 15. Lanjutan TAHUN INV STK DTK RUPH PENNPJK PENPJK BLJLAIN PDBI CONLAIN GOVEXP 1990 76 196.0 77 802.3 75 850.6 480.05 15 420.1 16 084.1 19 357.9 56 926.8 111 553.4 18 953.0 1991 88 671.0 78 455.5 76 423.2 627.08 20 182.1 22 010.9 23 602.5 68 993.7 133 406.4 22 830.0 1992 101 194.0 80 704.0 78 518.4 686.64 17 662.7 24 919.3 27 680.9 78 582.8 142 914.6 26 879.0 1993 97 213.0 81 446.1 79 200.5 669.60 18 771.1 30 091.5 30 635.9 90 061.5 187 036.2 29 757.0 1994 118 707.5 85 775.6 82 038.1 748.03 19 448.0 36 665.1 35 104.3 108 100.9 221 475.7 31 014.0 1995 145 118.4 86 361.3 80 110.1 774.27 21 975.9 44 442.1 37 203.2 129 755.4 271 766.3 35 584.2 1996 163 453.4 90 109.6 85 701.8 797.22 22 653.8 48 686.3 42 181.2 153 771.3 322 675.6 40 299.2 1997 199 301.1 93 864.9 87 049.8 835.79 28 938.2 57 339.9 44 379.5 178 181.8 376 293.7 42 952.0 1998 160 326.9 92 734.9 87 672.4 534.09 30 834.5 70 934.2 51 373.3 253 737.7 634 057.8 54 415.9 1999 125 010.6 94 847.2 88 816.9 542.12 54 014.0 102 394.5 66 799.2 298 708.5 797 512.5 72 631.3 2000 309 163.8 95 651.0 89 837.7 522.41 89 422.0 115 912.5 84 703.8 385 598.0 835 658.1 90 779.7 2001 371 068.6 98 812.4 90 807.4 472.39 115 058.6 185 540.9 109 772.6 454 961.7 1 011 374.0 113 416.0 2002 389 946.5 100 779.3 91 647.2 557.48 90 181.8 214 713.4 118 891.9 507 555.5 1 192 941.5 132 219.0 2003 515 471.0 105 820.0 95 770.0 569.11 82 015.3 254 140.2 157 633.4 564 015.2 1 322 270.4 163 701.0 2004 552 292.1 103 973.4 93 722.0 589.23 72 218.9 271 022.9 189 577.2 651 325.0 1 474 658.0 191 056.0 2005 695 828.6 105 857.7 93 958.4 540.83 146 888.3 347 031.1 212 203.6 778 760.4 1 722 353.8 224 981.0 2006 847 852.2 106 388.9 95 456.9 606.32 226 950.1 409 203.0 253 587.0 929 862.2 2 021 924.9 288 080.0 2007 984 000.7 109 941.4 99 930.2 633.83 215 119.7 490 988.6 294 534.4 1 070 413.9 2 435 029.6 329 760.0 2008 1 376 539.3 111 947.3 102 552.8 625.39 320 604.6 658 700.8 340 518.7 1 379 969.1 2 915 707.2 416 866.7 2009 1 737 117.0 113 833.3 104 870.7 676.23 227 174.4 619 922.2 485 721.1 1 426 615.1 3 200 671.2 537 588.8 2010 2 086 628.8 116 527.5 108 207.8 679.49 247 176.4 743 325.9 523 858.1 1 594 300.0 3 539 023.0 581 921.3 245 Lampiran 15. Lanjutan TAHUN SUBRT SUBIND 1 SUBOTH 1 SUBPRT 1 SUBPIND 2 SUBPOTH 2 D9799 2 D98 D04 D05 D08 D09 1990 -223.0 104.9 -286.9 -24.8 7.4 -62.7 1991 -220.0 -128.2 -424.4 -21.3 -8.0 -82.7 1992 -171.0 -153.3 -477.5 -14.7 -8.6 -86.2 1993 -200.7 -114.5 -563.6 -15.3 -5.9 -90.0 1994 -1 277.1 -1 696.5 -1 116.7 -87.3 -78.5 -164.1 1995 -449.6 -354.1 -815.3 -26.4 -14.3 -102.3 1996 -518.9 -385.3 -977.9 -26.5 -13.8 -103.7 1997 -334.0 -85.0 -1 008.5 -14.7 -2.8 -93.0 1 1998 1 819.1 1 583.1 -359.7 73.2 56.5 -29.0 1 1 1999 2 892.9 2 910.7 28.5 107.6 92.9 2.2 1 2000 5 170.3 1 403.8 -498.1 169.2 41.3 -34.1 2001 4 134.2 568.9 -1 059.7 124.0 16.0 -68.0 2002 7 079.7 5 823.9 423.5 208.3 158.1 26.0 2003 3 409.2 3 193.8 -535.4 95.4 87.5 -29.4 2004 1 495.8 1 507.1 -1 524.1 38.8 37.4 -71.9 1 2005 6 064.1 5 960.9 752.4 147.2 140.4 32.2 1 2006 15 896.7 13 530.4 5 066.0 363.3 310.2 200.7 2007 16 464.4 13 664.9 5 096.3 347.9 298.3 181.2 2008 32 958.6 29 871.5 13 517.9 656.8 622.7 438.0 1 2009 25 609.2 18 993.3 7 265.1 466.1 411.1 217.3 1 2010 28 557.9 22 039.9 7 465.3 477.4 432.3 204.6 Keterangan: 1 Dihitung dengan rumus yang digunakan PLN dalam menghitung nilai subsidi listrik, yaitu: SUB = - HJTL – BPP1+m Vl istrik 246 2 Subsidi per kWh = Ju mlah subsidi per golongan pelanggan dibagi dengan jumlah konsumsi tenaga listriknya 169 LAMP IRAN 170 Lampiran1. Keteranga n Variabel yang Digunakan dalam Model Subsidi Harga Listrik No Notasi Definisi Variabel Satuan

A. Variabel Endoge n

1. PRODSDR Tenaga Listrik Diproduksi Sendiri GWh 2. QBBM Konsumsi BBM Kilo liter 3. QBTB Konsumsi Batuba ra Ton 4. QGAS Konsumsi Gas Alam MMSCF 5. PBBM Harga BBM Dalam Negeri Rpliter 6. PBTB Harga Batubara Dalam Negeri Rpkg 7. PGAS Harga Gas Alam Dalam Negeri RpMSCF 8. CBBM Pengeluaran untuk Konsumsi BBM Miliar Rp 9. CBTB Pengeluaran untuk Konsumsi Batubara Miliar Rp 10. CGAS Pengeluaran untuk Konsumsi Gas Alam Miliar Rp 11. TLBELI Tenaga Listrik yang Dibeli GWh 12. PRODTL Total Prod uks i Tenaga Listrik GWh 13. BOP Total Biaya Operasional Miliar Rp 14. BPP Biaya Pokok Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik Per kWh RpkWh 15. CLISRT Konsumsi Listrik oleh Rumah Tangga GWh 16. CLISIND Konsumsi Listrik oleh Industri GWh 17. CLISOTH Konsumsi Listrik oleh Pelanggan Lainnya GWh 18. TLJUAL Tenaga Listrik Terjua l GWh 19. SUSUT Tenaga Listrik yang Hilang atau Susut GWh 20. SUBPRT Subs idi Per kWh untuk Rumah Tangga RpkWh 21. SUBPIND Subs idi Per kWh untuk Industri RpkWh 22. SUBPOTH Subs idi Per kWh untuk Pelanggan Lainnya RpkWh 23. SUBRT Subs idi Listrik untuk Rumah Tangga Miliar Rp 24. SUBIND Subs idi Listrik untuk Industri Miliar Rp 25. SUBOTH Subs idi Listrik untuk Pelanggan Lainnya Miliar Rp 26. SUBLSTR Total Subs idi Listrik Miliar Rp 27. HJTLRT Harga Jual Tenaga Listrik untuk Rumah Tangga RpkWh 28. HJTLIND Harga Jual Tenaga Listrik untuk I ndustri RpkWh 29. HJTLOTH Harga Jual Tenaga Listrik untuk Lainnya RpkWh 30. AVHJTL Rata-Rata Harga Jual Tenaga Listrik RpkWh 31. PENPJK Penerimaan Pajak Miliar Rp 32. PENPEM Total Penerimaan Pemerintah Miliar Rp 171 Lampiran 1. Lanjutan No Notasi Definisi Variabel Satuan A. Variabel Endoge n 33. BLJLAIN Belanja Lainnya Miliar Rp 34. GOVEXP Total Pengeluaran Pemerintah Miliar Rp 35. CONLIS Pengeluaran Konsumsi Listrik Miliar Rp 36. CONLAIN Pengeluaran Konsumsi Lainnya Miliar Rp 37. CONRT Total Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Miliar Rp 38. INV Nilai Investasi Miliar Rp 39. EKSPOR Nilai Ekspor Miliar Rp 40. IMPOR Nilai Impor Miliar Rp 41. PDB Produk Domestic Bruto Miliar Rp 42. RPDB Riil PDB Miliar Rp 43. GROWTH Laju Pertumbuhan Eko nomi Persen 44. PDBKPT PDB Per Kapita Ribu Rp 45. KURS Nilai Tukar Rupiah terhadap Dollar Amerika Serikat RpUS 46. IHK Indeks Harga Konsumen 47. INFLASI Inflasi Persen 48. SKBG Tingkat Suku Bunga Persen 49. STK Penawaran Tenaga Kerja Ribu orang 50. DTK Permintaan Tenaga Kerja Ribu orang 51. UNEMPL Jumlah Pengangguran Ribu orang 52. RUPH Upa h Riil Ribu Rp 53. MISKOTA Jumlah Penduduk Miskin Kota Ribu orang 54. MISDESA Jumlah Penduduk Miskin Desa Ribu orang 55. PMISKIN Jumlah Penduduk Miskin Ribu orang 56. TMISKIN Tingkat Kemiskinan Persen

B. Variabel Eksogen

1. CADEV Cadangan Devisa Indo nesia Miliar US 2. CLISDR Tenaga Listrik yang Diko nsumsi Sendiri GWh 3. CRUTIN Biaya Rutin Miliar Rp 4. ICP Indonesia Crude Oil Price Harga Minyak Mentah Indo nesia USbarel 5, POP Jumlah Penduduk Indo nesia Ribu orang 6. PELRT Jumlah Pelanggan Rumah Tangga Ribu pelanggan 7. PELIND Jumlah Pelanggan Industri Ribu pelanggan 8. PELOTH Jumlah Pelanggan Lainnya Ribu pelanggan 9. PDBI PDB Sektor Industri Pengolahan Miliar Rp 172 Lampiran 1. Lanjutan No Notasi Definisi Variabel Satuan B. Variabel Eksogen 10. PDBL PDB Selain Sektor Industri Miliar Rp 11. PDBTB Harga Batubara Dunia USton 12. PDGAS Harga Gas Alam Dunia USMMBTU 13. PENNPJK Penerimaan Selain Pajak Miliar Rp 14. M Margin Usaha PT PLN Persero Persen 15. SKBG Suku Bunga Persen 16. UANGBR Uang Beredar Miliar rupiah 17. D Dummy Krisis Ekonomi 9799 Tahun 1997 – 1999 = 1, lainnya 0 18. D Dummy Krisis Ekonomi 98 Tahun 1998 = 1, lainnya 0 19. D Dummy Kebijakan Perluasan Pelanggan Bersubsidi 04 Tahun 2004 = 1, lainnya 0 20. D Dummy Kebijakan Perluasan Pelanggan Bersubsidi 05 Tahun 2005 = 1, lainnya 0 21. D Dummy Melonjaknya Harga Minyak Mentah Dunia 08 Tahun 2008 = 1, lainnya 0 22. D Dummy Krisis Finansial Global 09 Tahun 2009 = 1, lainnya 0 173 Lampiran 2. Ringkasan Model Subsidi Harga Listrik

I. Blok Produksi Tenaga Listrik