moluccana families 1 mgl IBA

Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 778 Figure 3: Root length of 10 families of F. moluccana with IBA treatments in MS media after 12 months subcultures After 12 months subculture, the best result of mean root length was obtained from 3 mgl IBA concentration treatment Figure 3. The concentration response curves of plant hormones are generally bell-shaped. At a too low concentration there is no effect, and at a too high concentration the added hormone is inhibitory. The optimum effect only occurs at intermediate concentrations. The formation of roots from pith fragments corresponds with the effect of auxin on rooting of cuttings, and the reduction of shoot formation with the inhibition of the outgrowth of axillary buds by auxin George Debergh, 2008. The epidermis of plants is relatively impermeable to auxin and most uptakes by explants occur via the cut surface Taiz, 2006. Roots are formed from founder cells close to the cut ends so auxin may reach these cells by diffusion.


In the present study, rejuvenation of branch as explants source in micro propagation were investigated for the establishment of vegetative micro propagation protocol efficiently in gall rust tolerant Falcataria moluccana. Rejuvenation with crumple up system provides useful technique for F. moluccana to get the juvenile phase to facilitate the difficulty in poor reactivity of explants taken from adult trees. The best results of rejuvenation and micro propagation with multi shoot sprouting ability were obtained in family 8. After 6 months micro propagation subculture, 0.5 mgl BAP in MS media give the best result for axillary buds initiation and after 12 months subculture, 3 mgl IBA in MS media give the best result for roots formation. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to thank Toni Herawan, Fithry Ardhani, Titis Budi Ekowati as researcher team for helpful discussions. We are grateful to Suprihati, Endin Izudin, Rudi Hartono and Waluyo for technical assistants. M ean of m ic ro p rop a g at ion root l en g th

F. moluccana families 1 mgl IBA

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Acta Sci. Pol., Hortorum Cultus 123 2013, 127-136. Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 780 POSTER F13 - Alternative Propagation of Petung Bamboo Dendrocalamus asper Schultes f. Backer ex Heyne without Taking Apart of Clump Merryana Kiding Allo 1 Forestry Research Institute of Makassar, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan km. 16 Makassar, 90243 Corresponding Email:; ABSTRACT Petung bamboo is the largest diameter of bamboo species found in Indonesia. The strength and durability of the fiber of Petung bamboo have been tested so many use full for bridge construction, building houses, butterfly fish in the sea, furniture and many other uses. The necessary cultivation techniques of Petung bamboo is too important for availability of raw materials of bamboo. Assuming some people are very difficult and requires a high cost for multiply bamboo, because to be done by cuttings rhizome so it must unload clumps that can be deadly clumps. The yield of research found a way to multiply the twig of branch, by soaking for 2 weeks - 1 month with the addition of liquid fertilizer in the shade up to 70 yield up to 57.77 growth. Keywords: Petung bamboo, reproduction, twig. 1. INTRODUCTION Petung bamboo in Indonesia is well known about the strength of the fiber and it’s durable. Natural stands of bambu cannot be fulfilled as well as bamboo forests of the people so as to support the industry required the development of bamboo plantations managed professionally. Strength fiber of bamboo rods approach the strength of the wood so as wood substitute material substitution, in addition to the bamboo fiber patterns petung pertained beautiful species of bamboo veneer for the material. Have a higher rate than the growth rate of trees. Another utilization of the bamboo shoots petung is as a producer of well-loved flavor with a smooth texture and sweet enough remains favoured by consumer food bamboo shoots in Asian countries. Petung bamboo Dendrocalamus asper Schultes f. Backer ex Heyne is the largest diameter of bamboo species diameter 25 centimetres, the segments of rod is 31 and getting longer up to 26 meters. The economic and ecological value of petung bamboo plants highest among of the other bamboo species. The root system have symposia, very strong, growing tightly, spread in all directions and to produce solid clumps as windbreaks plant. Another utilization of petung bamboo as a producer bamboo shoots were very popular in Asian countries because of the taste, texture quite smooth and contains high fiber. The ecological function, such a stimulation of above ground andor below ground biomass growth could potential produce more renewable energy and more C benefits to project proponents in CDM or REDD, the results appear lacking, and variables beyond biomass productivity determine ecosystem or biome C stocks and flows Důking et al. 2011. In the generally, bamboo in Indonesia have develop themselves with vegetative through rhizomes as a place to grow young shoots candidates rod, so that the development cannot be expected to grow in large numbers. Rarely found the bamboo farmers or land owners will try Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 781 to plant itself, just expected growth naturally. Lack of public awareness in the cultivation of bamboo raises concerns about the extinction of these kinds of bamboo. Because the older of the bamboo grove petung diminishing productivity may even die before flowering and fruiting due to disease, as happened in 1998 in Thailand. One of the problems of bamboo cultivation in Indonesia is preparation of seed, the generally made at the expense of productive bamboo grove and the result of the multiplication is not as expected. While attempts to wait bamboos flower and produce fruit and seeds can only occur once during the cycle of a clump. Similarly, by developing from seeds or shoots through tissue culture requires a high cost to a long time Sutyono, 1996. Conceivably, if you needs the bamboo seeds, you must ruin the clump will be sacrificed and how much manpower is needed for the job? In order for the preservation of bamboo petung can continue, it takes the bamboo cultivation techniques are easy and cheap to make it affordable for people in rural practice in order to meet the needs of both local and national. 2. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD 2.1 Location and time schedule