RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1 Characteristics of black bamboo

Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 409 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Characteristics of black bamboo Gigantochloa atrovilacae Widjaja was known as Bambu Hitam or black bamboo. The synonim is Gigantochloa verticillata Willd. Munro. It has local names in several region of Indonesia, namely awi hideung Sundanese and pring wulung Javanese. Its features are the stem is purplish black to black, in some places also often found in blackpurple rather mixed with green. The purple colour is prominent when it is grown in dry areas Branching begins from the middle to the end of the stem segment. There are aereal roots in the bottom of the stem segment. The stem height can reach 14 meters with diameter of 11 cm. The internodes are 30-50 cm long. The species can be propagated vegetatively by culm loggings or rhizomes. Black Bamboo grows well in the area of climate type A, B, and C with rainfall 1.800 mmyear, on lands that not waterlogged, the altitude from lowlands to 1.000 m above sea level. This species distributed naturally in Sumatera and Java. People used Black Bamboo for furniture, angklung Sundanese musical instrument, cement fiber board, paper, chopstick, and its bamboo shoots can be used as vegetable for food Widjaja, 1987 2001Heyne, 1951. Figure 1: Black Bamboo Figure 2: Plant Spacing of Black Bamboo 3.2 Silviculture technique of black bamboo The silviculture technique of Black Bamboo consists of 5 steps, namely 1 planting preparation, 2 bamboo seedling preparation, 3 planting, 4 maintenance, and 5 logging and production Sutiyono, 1990, 1992, 2014. The short description of Black Bamboo cultivation will be described as follows. 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 410 1 Planting Preparation Land to be planted with Black Bamboo must dry soil and never flooded. Before planting, the soil must be cleared from bush or weeds and if there is a tree, it must be felled. Then, plant spacing is very important to obtain high productivity and easy harvesting logging. Black Bamboo using a spacing of 8x6 mha or 210 clumpsha. But if the land is slopinghilly then the planting follow the direction of contour. A spacing between the contours can be made 2 m and a spacing within the contour of 7 m. At points of predetermined spacing, plugged solid stake from bamboo ajir that are not easily fall due to wind or hit by animals or people. In Black Bamboo cultivation we recomended to use organic fertilizers such as manure, green manure, or compost. Organic fertilizer helps the growth of bamboo seedlings. Manure can be derived from chicken dung or cattle dung. While the green manure can be derived from shrubs, reeds or leaves. Each planting hole requires 40 lt of manure or approximately 2 oil cans. The planting hole measuring 60x60x40 cm. Planting hole is then fitted with compost for 2 months until it is ready for planting. 2 Bamboo Seedlings Preparation Black Bamboo can be propagated by seed, cuttings of branches, stem cuttings and rhizom cutting. Propagation by seed is never done because it must wait for Black Bamboo bear fruit, While we have never found Black Bamboo flowering. As stated previously, Black Bamboo classified as medium sized type and do not have a prominent branches. Therefore, Black Bamboo propagation should using stem cuttings not branch cuttings. Figure 3: Black Bamboo Propagations The use of rhizom cuttings is the last alternative with consideration there in abundance, low cost, and small size. Rhizom cuttings are usually collected from the wild bamboo clump which is damaged or not maintained. Rhizom cuttings used can be small or large, not broken and looks fresh budsno cuts or bruises. The bamboo seedling then be planted in polybag. The bamboo seedlings used are that have been aged 4-5 months because of the seedlings less than 4 months are easily die. 3 Planting Planting should be done in the rainy season, such as in December, January, or February at the latest. Improper planting time causing many seeds are dead. The bamboo seedlings then released from polibag and planted in the planting holes which the soil are opened before. The polibag can be not separated especially planting in February in order to avoid damaging the roots of seedlings. Close the planting hole with excavation and then condense after flushing water so the roots contact with the ground. If planting must be done in dry season then give the grass mulch in order to maintain the soil moisture. Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 411 4 Maintenance Maintenance consists of patching, weeding, slashing shrubs, prunning, fertilization, thinning, composing the structure and the composition of stems in the clump, and managing the drainage. Not all will be described here. Fertilization is intended to stimulate stem shoots contained in rhizom in the soil and sustain the productivity of stemsclumps. Fertilizer given one times a year before rainy season. Fertilizer application by sown the deep ditch at10 cm around a clump. Table 1: The type and dosage of fertilizer for Black Bamboo Age of clump Dosis Kgha Urea TSP 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years ≥ 7 years 40 80 120 200 300 320 400 40 80 120 200 300 320 400 Then setting the structure and composition of the stems in a clump is very important in logging activities in order to get a quality stem, lifetime, and sustainable. Black Bamboo is grown in the wet climate of type A and B must be set in a grove of four generations of age, namely 1, 2, 3, and 4 years old. To get sustainable production of stem should be made composition of 25 for each age generation stems. 5 Logging and Production Logging the stems of Black Bamboo is done during the dry season in order to obtain a good quality of stems with low water content. Vise-versa in the rainy season besides water level is still high and interfere regeneration because of during the rainy season appears lot of bamboo shoots are feared to be crushed by the felled stems. While the first harvesting are done simultaneously with the first thinning, namely when clumps age of 3 years. At this first logging, no stems produced because the first generation thrunks are still small. Tabel 2: Production of Black Bamboo Stems per ha Age of clump Stem production Stemclump Stemha Kgstem Tonha 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year 7th year 8th year onwards 2 4 7 12 12 420 840 1470 2520 2520 5 10 15 20 25 2,1 8,4 22,1 46,2 57,8 The second logging done at the clumps age of 4 years which produced bigger stems than the first. The third logging and so on will be carried out every year and the felled stems are the second generation on the clumps, and so on. Stems production greater in line with age of the clumps and achieving stable and normal stem production after the age of 7 years. Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 412

3.3 Production cost of black bamboo plantation 3.4.1 Labor

Labour needs of Black Bamboo plantation in the first year is quite large because there are planting preparatory activities, bamboo seedling preparation, planting, and maintenance. Whereas in second, third, and fourth year only need for maintenance labour. In the fifth year start to do logging harvesting the bamboo stems and in the sixth year gradually add the labour for logging accordance with the increase in production. In the seventh year onwards, the need of labour for logging is remain because the stem production remains as well. Tabel 3: Prediction of Labor Use for Black Bamboo Plantation No. Description Labor use 1 1st year 93.77 HOK 2 2nd year 29,41 HOK 3 3rd year 31,37 HOK 4 4th year 31,58 HOK 5 5th year 71,37 HOK 6 6th year 81,37 HOK 7 7th year onwards 81,37 HOK 3.4.2 Production Cost The production cost of Black Bamboo cultivation consists of the cost of purchase of bamboo seedling, fertilizer and labour. In the first year, the production cost to be incurred relatively quite large for planting preparation. The production costs are varying in 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th year subsequently and the fixed production cost in the 6th and 7th year. After the 7th year onwards the production cost are the same, which consists the purchase cost of fertilizer and harvesting cost. To note, in the 7th year and so, there is no maintenance cost due to in the bamboo cultivation when do logging continuously every year is equal to perform maintenance the clumps. If not done logging the stems continuously, the clumps will be damaged and less productive. Table 4: Production cost of Black Bamboo Plantation No. Description Production Cost Rp 1 1st year 6.591.950 2 2nd year 1.263.350 3 3rd year 1.497.750 4 4th year 1.897.950 5 5th year 3.497.950 6 6th year 4.047.950 7 7th year onwards 4.247.950 3.4 Economy analysis of black bamboo plantation Economics analysis in this paper uses the profitabilityproject investment analysis. This study was performed to determine whether the cultivation of bamboo is profitable or not. The study uses the assumption that: 1 the project life of 15 years, 2 interest rate discount rate of 6, 3 production of bamboo stems to follow the prediction of bamboo production, and 4 production, input prices, and output stable after the 7th year. The results of the calculation of investment analysis in the table 5 and the casflow calculation in annex 1. Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 413 Table 5: Result of Project Investment Criteria on Black Bamboo Plantation Criteria Value Feasibility Cultivation Indicator Result NPV 29.148.617,89 NPV 0 Feasible Net BC │-2,95│ Net BC 1 Feasible IRR 13 IRR DR Feasible PP 9 year Feasible 3.4.1 Net Present Value NPV The result of NPV shows the NPV of benefits earned during period to reach IDR 29.148.617,89 NPV0. The NPV value indicates the Black Bamboo plantation will generate additional benefits now IDR 29.148.617,89. Based on investment criteria on NPV, the business is feasible to run. 3.4.2 Net Benefit Cost Ratio Net BC The value on Net BC is │-2,95│, it indicates that additional net benefits gained would increase by IDR 2,95 million per additional investment cost of IDR 1 million. Value Net BC is greater than one means that any increase in the cost of cultivation would yield greater benefits than costs are added. Based on the analysis of Net B C then the cultivation of bamboo feasible. 3.4.3 Internal Rate of Return IRR IRR analysis used to see how much the return on the invested effort. IRR shows the discount rate that results in NPV equal to zero with percentage units. The investment criteria is done by comparing the value of IRR with the interest rate. Based on the IRR of 13 percent means that the return on invested capital is 13 percent. IRR value is greater than the value of the interest rate used by 6, then the cultivation of bamboo feasible. 3.4.4 Payback Period PP Analysis payback period measures how fast return on investment in a business. The payback period occurred in the 9th or 6th harvest. Currently the 9th year return on capital investment, including the purchase of land and other investments of bamboo cultivation reached break- even point. Based on the criteria of investment payback period is still in the life of the project, then the cultivation of bamboo feasible. The results of a financial analysisinvestment criteria shows that the cultivation of Black Bamboo worth the effort. Investment criteria shows NPV IDR 29,148,617.89 0, Net BC │ -2.95│ 1, and IRR 13 DR 6, and a payback period of the 9th year of the project is still within the age of 15 years. These results indicate that Black Bamboo cultivation economically promising profits. In addition to the financial benefits to be derived from the cultivation of bamboo, there are various other advantages such as ensuring the supply of bamboo for bamboo processing industry and bamboo market, improving the quality of bamboo, supporting bamboo processing industry by providing the availability of qualified bamboo and according to the market requirements, keeping the natural sustainability with no harvesting bamboo in the forest, using non-productive land, as well as the economic impact to the surrounding community land cultivated by absorbing labor. Ecologically bamboo plants have the ability to maintain the environmental balance because its root system can prevent erosion and regulate the water system and can grow in marginal land. Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 414 Bamboo has fibrous roots so useful for the protection from soil erosion. Thus the water storage capacity maintained, redud ruof, infiltiltration and soil water storage increases. The conditions useful to overcome the water crisis. Bamboo plants also produce a lot of litter, much more than other vegetation, making it useful in improving soil hydrological properties Bharati, 2002.