Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 533 et al, 2013; d as a source of meat and income as well as support the economy of rural households Hurtado-Gonzales and Bodmer, 2004. In the previous year there was no limit on the hunted Timor deer so it was a main factor that cause the population decrease. Garfinkel at all. 2010 said that the history describe that uncontrolled hunting game affected the wildlife population. Furthermore, to conserve Timor deer on Torong Padang Cape should change the rules and regulations. Angulo and Based on Villafuerte 2003, limiting the hunting games are needed to increase the population of Timor deer. Hunters also have to know the population before did hunting thus they could estimate the number of animals that can be hunted. There are some ways to preserve the population such as changing the period of hunting, the number of days hunting, the number of hunters and the number of hours for hunting per days. Baar Tribe should had awareness about sex ratio and age composition when they did a hunting game. This is important to gain the sustainability. All this time they do not aware so that the sex ratio will be imbalance. The same case occurred on Wasur National Park – Papua that showed the age composition was abnormal because of the female deer was hunted excessively Andoy, 2002. Angulo and Based on Villafuerte 2003, limiting the hunting games are needed to increase the population of Timor deer. Hunters also have to know the population before did hunting thus they could estimate the number of animals that can be hunted. There are some ways to preserve the population such as changing the period of hunting, the number of days hunting, the number of hunters and the number of hours for hunting per days. As in the management of natural resources, the need to involve local communities that exist and recognize the value of cultural and traditional knowledge of species and habitats Hurtado-Gonzales and Bodmer, 2004. The conservation efforts Torong Padang Cape and Timor deer in it could involve the local community so that if people around already feel the benefits, they will participate in conservation action. 4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 4.1 Conclusion - Tradition hunting system which is conducted at Torong Padang Cape area only can be done for once a year and using traditional equipment such as horse, dog, spear, tempuling and knife. It is prohibited to use modern weapon such as shotgun or rifle. - The society of Baar Tribe do the conservation with implement the tradition regulation and limited hunting which is only conducted once a year .

4.2 Recommendation

- The government can support the local wisdom of Baar tribe society by making the regulation that can facilitate and strengthen the tradition regulation which is exist in society, especially about tradition hunting. - The government needs to promote intensively about biology aspect of Timor deer and its conservation . REFERENCES Alikodra, H. S. 2010. Teknik Pengelolaan Satwa Liar dalam rangka Mempertahankan Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia. Bogor: IPB Press. Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 534 Andoy, E.E.S. 2002. Studi Populasi Rusa Timor Rusa timorensis dan Perburuan oleh Penduduk di Desa Poo, Tomer dan Sota dalam Taman Nasional Wasur Merauke . Skripsi. manokwari: Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Papua. Angulo, E. and Villafuerte, R. 2003. Modelling hunting strategies for the conservation of wild rabbit populations. Biological Conservation, 115, 291 –301. Bollen, E.G. and W.L. Robinson. 2003. Wildlife Ecology and Management. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Bungin, B. 2012. Analisis Data Penelitian Kualitatif, Pemahaman Filosofis dan Metodologis ke Arah Penguasaan Model Aplikasi. jakarta: Rajawali Pers. Fischer, A., Kerezi. V., Arroyo. B., Mateos-Delibes, M., Tadie, D, Lowassa, A., Krange, O., and Skogen, K. 2013. Delegitimising hunting – Discourses over the morality of hunting in Europe and eastern Africa. Land Use Policy, 32, 261 –270. Garfinkel, A.P., Young, D.A., and Yohe, R.M. 2010. Bighorn hunting, resource depression, and rock art in the Coso Range, eastern California: a computer simulation model. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37, 42 –51. Hurtado-Gonzales, J.L. and Bodmer, R.E. . 2004. Assessing the sustainability of brocket deer hunting in the Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo Communal Reserve, northeastern Peru. Biological Conservation, 116 : 1-7. Iqbal, A. 2004. Analisis Daya Dukung Habitat Dan Model Dinamika Populasi Rusa Bawean Axis kuhlii di Suaka Margasatwa Pulau. Disertasi. Bogor: Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Pattiselanno, F. and Mentansan, G. 2010. Kearifan Tradisional Suku Maybrat dalam Perburuan Satwa Sebagai Penunjang Pelestarian Satwa. Makara - Sosial Humaniora, 14 2, 75-82 Primack, R.B., Supriatna, J., Indrawan, M., and Kramadirata, P. 1998. Biologi Konservasi. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia. Weckel, M. and Rockwell, R. F. 2013. Can controlled bow hunts reduce overabundant white-tailed deer populations in suburban ecosystems ?. Ecological Modelling, 250, 143 –154. Sumadi, A., Utami, S., and Waluyo, E.A. 2008. Pendekatan Model Sistem dalam Kebijakan Pengelolaan Populasi Rusa Cervus Timorensis Mul. Schl. 1844 di Taman Nasional Baluran. Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam, V3, 201-215. Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 535 PAPER F14 - Genetic Improvement of Calliandra calothyrsus for Qualified Wood Energy Rina Laksmi Hendrati 1 1 Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement, Yogyakarta. Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar Km 15, Purwobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Telp and faX +62-0274-896080. Corresponding Email: ABSTRACT Calliandra calothyrsus, a very fast growing species for high quality wood energy, has been grown abundantly all over Indonesia. Recently since 2013, this very easy growing species that fix nitrogen, has been in high demand. Its seeds are requested by many stakeholders for renewable energy plantations to provide raw materials for wood energy supply, which is triggered by soaring wood pellet demand by developed countries including Korea, Europe and USA. Harvesting from yearly coppices while maintaining the main tree to grow for 15-20 years, make this species ideal not only for wood energy production but also for climate change mitigation, increasing soil fertility, preserving soil water and avoiding erosion. The research is aimed to conduct its breeding and find out best characters for selecting genetically improved individuals. Genetic materials from 10 populations collected from Sumatera, Java, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara and Papua, comprising of 120 families were tested in a progeny test designed with; 120 family x 4 trees x 5 blocks. Selection was based on productivity and quality aimed for wood energy purpose including wood pellet. Volume has very high individual-heritability value of 0.5. Diameter has significant correlation with lignin content, and related to calorific value, which make diameter an important trait for selection. Both volume and diameter are chosen as characters for selection which produce genetic gain of 75 for volume with MAI estimation of 65m3hayr. Very high possibilities for cloning of this species promise deployment of improved genotypes to establish populations for productions. Keywords: Calliandra calothyrsus, genetic, improvement, wood energy, wood pellet