Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 667 POSTER A26 - Food Sources of Forest Vegetation Can Potentially Support The National Food Security Dominicus Martono 1 1 The Centre for Forest Products Research and Development, Bogor, Indonesia. Corresponding Email: ABSTRACT Government policy in the food security program is set to expand its food source alternatives in addition to rice, maize and cassava. Food sources of forest vegetation potential for substitution and development are tuber porang Amorphopallus onchopillus Prain, sago Metroxylon sagoo L, and breadfruit Artocarpus altilis Forsberg. The third type is capable of providing a wide variety of products from results of utilization. Its high nutritional and long endurance a good storage opportunity as a source of food reserves. Nature is easily grown in a variety of condition tolerant land has had the opportunity for the development and expansion of the plant. So the third type of forest vegetation can be categorized as alternative food sources are seeded. Keywords: food source, potential, forest vegetation, tuber porang, sago, breadfruit.


Indonesia population encourages the use of land for settlement and increased food needs, now an estimated 45 million tonnes needs of rice a year Kompas, 2015. This state if not addressed food security be vulnerable which can be progressively decreased the quality of human life and political stability. To fullfill the needs of food into policy by the Government this is because of the strategic nature as national food security. Source of staple food for this is rice, maize and cassava. For an alternative food sources as substitutes for supporting food security should look for other nutritional sources suffice and able to reliably. To address the need to obtain food resources from forests as well as the expansion of substitution of variation type of food source. If it relies solely on the expansion of food land by held new rice fields in addition to the high cost.


Method in the analysis to get the kind of commodity that is selected as a source of food substitution of forests is the analysis of the intrinsic nature of the description, which is owned and a chance to be accepted by society at large areas. The basic criteria for the analysis of the selection of commodities i.e., high potential and spread of dispersal, are already capable of cultivated society widely, if easy will be developed for new plant, tolerant plantings at various land conditions, are able to live on land marginal, carbohydrate content meet the nutrition and nutrition in lieu of post-harvest processing, mastered, variations in the utilization of broad, long endurance storage is good.


This study to get the kind of commodity that is selected as a source of food is tuber porang Amorphopallus onchopillus Prain, sago Metroxylon sagoo L, and breadfruit Artocarpus altilis Forsberg. The discription of the third species are elaborate in below. Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 668 3.1 The potentials and the spread of dispersal 3.1.1 Porang Amorphopallus onchopillus Prain Potential plant tuber porang is considerable spread in the province of West Nusa Tenggara, Central Java and East Java, each tuber porang cultivated hectares capable of producing approximately 6 tonneshayear in East Java while in West Nusa Tenggara ± 3 tonneshayear. Plant tuber porang scattered in 23 districts in East Java with the production in 2007 broad 14,764.9 Ha production 13,485.0 tonnes, the Forestry Department in 2008 download acre 31,763 ha with the production of 17,581 tonsyear. A great potential in the hole 4,845 tons Madiun 1,429 tons, Ngawi 130 tons, Banyuwangi 180 tons, Jember 2,250 tons, Magetan 135 tons, Bojonegoro, 142 tons. The society is aiming at porang ± 10 thousand of families Forestry Jatim, 2012. The value of exports in 2006 amounted to 77,828 kg of glucomannan Trade Office of East Java, 2012. 3.1.2 Sago Metroxylon sagoo. L The potential plant sago is large enough an estimated 6 million hectares in the coastal swamps of the eastern coast of Sumatra, the Riau Islands, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua, Indonesia. Two million more residents rely food source of sago. Spacious well-equipped stands are not recorded but once so its export production of flour in 2002 amounted to 247.80 tonnes; 2003:21,27 tons: 2004: tons of 388.76 in addition, the greater is the need for Internal Affairs Directorate general of rehabilitation and social forestry. Forestry Department, 2007. Extensive plant sago Palms in Papua about 513,000 ha with the production of 135 tonnes and involve farmers 1,680 Statistics Indonesia Province of Papua, 2007. Each stem height and size-dependent sago stems are capable of producing flour range from 100 kg to 200 kg. Sago plants known to have 5 sub species but many sago is flour M. sagoo. L some call this type of M. rumphii Mart Rostiwati, 2013 3.1.3 Breadfruit Artocarpus altilis Forsberg The potential plants breadfruit large enough that is almost the entire private’s forest region in Indonesia, various name Suune Ambon, Amo North Maluku, Urknem or Beitu Papua, Karara Bima ,Sumba and Flores, Aek Rote, Naunu Timor, Hatopul Batak, Bakara South Sulawesi. Growing also in Sumatra and Kalimantan in addition, quite a number in Java, Madura. Breadfruit Papua big and heavy protein content and nutrients but lower than the breadfruit madurese rich in vitamins and protein and high carbohydrate Adinugraha et al, 2014. Based on a large and distinguished fruit flesh color cultivars. Statistically a potential is not clear except in Java each district there are a large number of data stands. Each of the stands are aged above 10 years capable of generating 50 – 80 pieces, season fruit twice a year, each different area of ripeness Martono, 2012. 3.2 Cultivation technique 3.2.1 Cultivation technique plant porang bulbs Plant porang grows on land under forest with shines 40, augmented with seeds a shape like frog on the end of the leaf and saplings of bulbs. Saplings or seed tuber of a seed katak germinated after sufficient age approximately 6 months were planted under the stands. Harvest tubers was ± 3 years marked yellow leaves withered. Fertilizing with organic and chemical fertilizers were able to enlarge the tuber Perhutani East Java, 2009. Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 669 3.2.2 Cultivation technique plant sago Sago can grow well in the land of coastal swamp lowland. Top soil to a depth of 80 – 110 cm of soil acidity and pH 3.5 was able to grow even though during the rainy season flooded. To spread plant of the breed can be saplings or seedlings from seeds, the seeds germinated after sown in marshy land on the Strip, planted after the leaves come out. Planting in the columns of a 4 x 5 m. Saplings in clumps not more than 5, the rest for seeds. Marginal land or swamp forest fit only for sago Rostiwati, 2013. 3.2.3 Cultivation technique of breadfruit Breadfruit in general grows on land private forest property rights as ordinary folk, forest on infertile lands or marginal land. To spread and broads culture in root cuttings, cuttings and shoots in tissue culture research trials. Nurseries on raised, after cultivated age ± 6 months planted on private forest or buffer forest, or people on the land of sandy loam and a little marshy also was able to grow Adinugraha et al , 2014. 3.3 Nutritional and nutrition 3.3.1 Nutritional content of tuber porang Fiber in flour dissolved in water, pure protein 3.42, gluten-free flour, starch 10,24, contain no fat, low calories i.e. 3 Kcal100 g of material suitable for diabetics. The main form of glucomannan carbohydrate 64,98, as the hidrokoloid polysaccharide composed of D- glucose and D-mannose. Widjanarko, 2010. 3.3.2 Nutritional content of sago flour Chemical composition in every 100 grams of flour sago consists of 355 CAL calories, 0.7 g protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 14 grams carbohydrates, 84,7 Gr. water, 13 mg phosphorus, 11 mg calcium, 1.5 grams of iron Haryanto and Pangloli, 1992. Source of carbohydrates for communities in the area of marshy forests. 3.3.3 Nutritional content of breadfruit Carbohydrate levels of young breadfruit 18,84, after a little old carbohydrate levels is 76.67 and breadfruit cutting yield old 82,72 after raw chips produced dry increased to 83,8. Yield in the dry flakes is 40 and flour yields is 14.5 -16.1. Levels of carbohydrate flour 84.4. Protein levels on chips about 6.04-7.1 with moisture content of 11-12. 1,6604 breadfruit starch density gml have met the SNI 06-4591 – 1998 dekstrosa monohidratSNI flour for food products Martono, 2012. 3.4 Post-harvest processing, utilization and durability of storage 3.4.1 Post-harvest processing and durability of the tuber porang storage Post-harvest processing porang after loading wont be matter in wash, on the cutting machine as crispschips, drained 20 and yield in beef to be itchy flour yield of 50. Made flour glucomannan yield 50. Endurance porang flour and dry yeast free if able to hold 6 months, once made of raw sashimi, noodle dry endurance can be 2 years. Porang uses a variety of food products namely, sashimi, konyaku, noodle, jelly. Utilization fields of pharmaceutical active ingredients glucomannan as a binder of chemical drugs in tablets, capsules, syrup thickener wrapping, adhesive cosmetics. Industrial fields as the amplifier and paper shiny. Substitute cellulose in the film as an adhesive, textile yarn fiber amplifier. Durability of flour until 6 months and after made the material dried noodlesjely capable of 2 years. The active ingredient is glucomannan to pharmaceutical durability save capable ± 4 years Perhutani East Java, 2009 Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 670 3.4.2 Post harvest processing and durability sago flour storage The core after cut short shredded grated with a grater results in mechanical, soak the water and sifted while squeezed cider to take starch , the core of which is deep soaking for 3 – 5 days, starch is dried, once dry sifted separating fibers that get carried away. Dried sago flour capable stored ± 6 – 9 months depending on how storage and drought of flour. Martono, 1992. In the form of noodlesvermicelli capable stored ± 2 years. Sago flour can be processed many kinds of food. 3.4.3 Post-harvest processing and durability breadfruit storage Breadfruit peeled, sequeze cuting to dried chips flakes made of raw endurance is capable of 6 months. Flakeschips made of flour should meet the standard of food raw materials will hold up to 2 years, flour, starch and modified starch from as high economic value polysaccharide and durable as well as usability. Various types of processed food. Dekstrin processed into starch for medicinal chemistry. Binder durability is capable of 4 years Martono, 2012