CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Prosiding INAFOR III 2015 FullIssue low rest

Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 603 areas. Based on the results of this study, there is no urban forest according the PP number 632002. It has been developed urban forest namely Taba Baru but the condition is neglected due to unclear land tenure Figure 3. Although it has not urban forest yet, there is the city park serving to beautify the city and to make it more comfortable. There are 32 city parks spread out in the city areas with a total area of 16 148 m 2 DKP, 2014. The best city park is the city office park with an area of 1,800 m 2 . Some trees cultivated on it are Krey Payung Fillicium decipiens, Glodokan Tiang Polyanthia longifolia and Mahogany Swietenia macrophylla. The local government is currently preparing Lubuk Linggau city into the Green City. In 2015 it will be built the city park covering 288 hectares complete with a variety of amenities and 60 hectares of urban forest in the sub district of North Lubuk Linggau I. Those will be complemented with camping ground. This is a continuation of the urban forest development project abandoned due to land tenure. The management of the urban forest in Lubuk Linggau city is under inter-agency coordination. BAPPEDA serves as spatial planners which work based on input from various departments. The department of Food Crops, Plantation and Forestry provides seedling to be planted. The department of Environmental Sanitation and Landscape serves as manager. Unfortunately, it does not work well. These agencies work base on their own program only. Hence, sometimes to determine the species for urban forest did not consider the biophysical condition but it base on availability of seedling only. In addition, RTH in the form of the Nature Park was managed by the Kerinci National Park Sebelat TNKS because the area is forest area.


The development of Urban Forests in the low laying coastal city and landlocked city in the region of South Sumatra and Bengkulu is top-down in the early stages of development. It was only based on the decision of the governor or mayor. Furthermore the existing urban forest is based solely on the existing of natural ecosystems, particularly the urban forest of conservation. In general, zoning functions of urban forests in low laying coastal city and landlocked city are classified into 2 types comprising: 1 public zones, managed by the government; and 2 private zones, managed by individual and corporate community. The types of plants that were cultivated in urban forest have not been based on biophysical aspects of the city, but it is usually based on the availability of seedling. In order to avoid problems in the future, policies of urban forest development should be designed as a bottom up approach and should involve many stakeholders. Overlapping among Local Government Working Units SKPDs still encountered in the development and management of urban forests. Hence, a synergy in the development of the urban forest in needed. REFERENCES Carter, E.J. 1995. The potential of urban forestry in developing countries: a concept paper. Rome: Forestry Department, Food And Agriculture Organisation Of The United Nations. Dahlan, E.N. 2004. Membangun kota kebun bernuansa hutan kota. Bogor: IPB PRESS. Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 604 Dahlan, E.N. 2011. Bentuk dan fungsi hutan kota. Accesed on 5 February 2015 Irwan, Z.D. 2008. Tantangan lingkungan dan lansekap hutan kota. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Koddeng, B. 2011. Zonasi kawasan pesisir pantai Makasar berbasis mitigasi bencana Studi kasus pantai Barambong-Celebes Convention Centre. Prosiding Hasil Penelitian Fakultas Teknik Vol 5. Desember. Group Teknik Arsitektur Kuchelmesiter, G. 2001. Urban forestry: state of the art on urban forestry. www.ruaf.orgsitesdefaultfilesurban_forestry.pdf. 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Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 605 POSTER A8 - A pest on Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb in Agroforestry System Endah Suhaendah and Aji Winara 1 1 Agroforestry Technology Research Institute Jl. Raya Ciamis-Banjar Km. 4, Ciamis, 46201, Indonesia Corresponding Corresponding Email: ABSTRACT The development of H. macrophyllus on forest agroforestry today, not in spite of the various problems encountered, one is the presence of pests. Research of pest on Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb in agroforestry systems is still very limited, the reality in the field found insect on H. macrophyllus that potentially as pest. The purpose of this study was to determine the type of pests on H. macrophyllus and to know the percentage attacks and intensity attacks. The method used in this study is exploration. The result show, types of pest that attack H. macrophyllus is Podagrica javana while crop pests is aphids Pentalonia nigronervosa on cardamom . P. javana included in: Coleoptera Order, Chrysomelidae Family, Podagrica Genus and Podagrica javana species. The stage of insect as pest is the larva and adult stages. Percentage attacks of Podagrica javana is 100, intensity attack are 25 - 61. The conclusion of this study is the intensity attack of P. javana into category rather severe attack to severe attack. Keywords: agroforestry, attack, Hibiscus macrophyllus, pest 1. INTRODUCTION Tisuk Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb. is one of wood carpentry species which developed in community forest especially in West Java Sudomo, 2012. H. macrophyllus is a mainstay of community forest farmers because relatively fast growing species and valuable Diniyati and Fauziyah, 2011; Achmad and Purwanto, 2014. This wood is versatile because it has several advantages for building houses, matches, rope and for material woven mats, walls loom and barns Heyne, 1987; Suhaendah and Siarudin, 2014 . The development of H. macrophyllus on forest agroforestry today, not in spite of the various problems encountered. One is the presence of pests. Pests are capable of causing damage directly and indirectly. Directly damage of pests are through damage of leaves, stems, fruits and seeds that can lead to lower quality and yields, while indirectly pest causes plant to lose vigoritas and be stress that also causes the loss of yields Purnomo, 2010. Status of pests and diseases that attack forest plants in a few years ago has not serious attention, because the attack still low so the research on it is becoming less. With the explosion of pests and diseases in several regions in Indonesia, the pests and diseases of forest plants currently require attention Anggraeni dan Mindawati, 2011. To make a qualitative or quantitative assessment of the risk of attacks and intensity of forest destruction, not only depend on the characteristics of the forest or the site where the pest is growing but also biological pest. The biology and characteristics of pest insect are influenced by several biotic and abiotic factors. Examples of biotic factors is the existence of predators Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 606 and the level of fecundity, while factor consisting of abiotic environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, pH, and rainfall Petzoldt and Seaman, 2010. The ability to anticipate explosions of pests through pest incidence and detect explosions at an early stage of pest development can significantly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of pest control. Based on the above description, in order to overcome the problems it is necessary to pests and biological research on the type of pest, pest ecology and how to attack the pest. Expected to know bio ecology pests, pest control can be done effectively and efficiently. The purpose of this study is to determine the type of pests on H. macrophyllus and the attack intensity. 2. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD 2.1 Materials and Equipment