Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 606 and the level of fecundity, while factor consisting of abiotic environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, pH, and rainfall Petzoldt and Seaman, 2010. The ability to anticipate explosions of pests through pest incidence and detect explosions at an early stage of pest development can significantly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of pest control. Based on the above description, in order to overcome the problems it is necessary to pests and biological research on the type of pest, pest ecology and how to attack the pest. Expected to know bio ecology pests, pest control can be done effectively and efficiently. The purpose of this study is to determine the type of pests on H. macrophyllus and the attack intensity. 2. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD 2.1 Materials and Equipment The materials used in this study are: stand of H. macrophyllus, crops, alcohol, and ethyl acetate. The tools used include: gauze, tweezers, brushes, killing bottle, plastic bags and bottles. 2.2 Research and data collection procedures The study was conducted at three 3 locations in Tasikmalaya, namely Tanjungjaya district, Sodonghilir district and Gunung Tanjung district, each selected three 3 permanent sample plots PSPs with a size of 20 mx 50 m. The characters were observed on each PSP is kind of pests, percentage and intensity of pest attack. This is done with the inventory, collection and identification of pests. Percentage pests calculated using the formula: Intensity of pest attack is calculated with the formula : ∑ Where: I = Intensity attack n = number of plants observed from any attack at the same category v = value scale of each category of attack Z = the value scale of the highest category of attack N = number of plants observed

2.3 Data analysis Data were analyzed using ANOVA to compare

the intensity of pests on different season and different location . Linear model used is as follows: Yijk = + Li + Jj + + εijk LiJj Yijk = the intensity of attacks = general mean Li = effect of season i Jj = effect location j LiJj = interaction of season i and location j εijk = random error at season i, location j Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 607 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Pest of

H. macrophyllus

The laboratorium of entomology LIPI Cibinong identification results showed that pest of H. macrophyllus is leaf-eating beetle Podagrica javana. Based on the classification, P. javana included in: Coleoptera Order, Chrysomelidae Family, Podagrica Genus and Podagrica javana species Figure 1. The stage of insect as pest is the larva and adult stages. According to Adewole 2010, several types of Podagrica become major pests on cultivated plants of Malvaceae family in African regions with very heavy attack as Podagrica uniformis and Podagrica sjostedti that become pests on Okra Abelmoschus esculentus, Cotton Gosypium herbaceum, Kenaf Hibiscus cannabius and Roselle Hibiscus sabdariffa. The reports of pest and host plant of P. javana in particular has not been found through a reference search. In general, many of Chrysomelidae family members is a serious pest of cultivated plants. This Family is a large beetle with approximately 1500 species Borror et al., 1996. P. javana beetle has 5 mm size with a black body and red head. This insect metamorphosis is holometabola namely egg, larva, pupa and adult insects imago. The beetle larvae feed on the leaves of host plants. Member of the family Chrysomelidae, both imago and larvae, are leaf-eaters fitofag. They are mostly small insects and often has a shiny metallic color. Pupa of these beetles is in the soil. Figure 1: Podagrica javana Figure 2. P. Javana Symptomp Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 608

3.2 Pest of crop

Crops contained in the study sites are cardamom, bananas and taro. Pest of crop only attack cardamom while the banana and taro attack by disease. Type of pests in cardamom is aphids, Pentalonia nigronervosa. Aphid attack symptoms such as leaf roll. Live aphids clustered in of the leaf. Affected leaves yellowish. However this aphid attack can still be tolerated by cardamom and does not interfere with the growth of cardamom. Based on the types of pests that attack H. macrophyllus and crops, show the different types of pests. This shows that there is no similarity between the hosts of the pests so that a combination of H. macrophyllus with cardamom, banana and taro does not create the risk of pests and displacement sustainability of host.

3.3 Pest attack symptoms

Phase larvae and imago of P. javana are stage of beetle that attack H. macrophyllus . Larvae and imago eat the young leaves of H. macrophyllus so that the leaves become perforated Figure 2. Larvae and imago attack all H. macrophyllus age. P. javana prefer to attack young plants, so that pest attack on seedlings and saplings growth rate higher than pole and tree. Podagrica spp. beetles or known as leaf beetle is causing defoliation on the leaves, causing severe damage to the plant species that bother photosynthesis and reduced fruit production as happened in Okra plant species in Africa Banful and Mochiah, 2012; Ekoja et al., 2012. According to Adewole 2010, Podagrica beetle attracted to Malvaceae possibility due to chemical content in the leaves of malvaceae in the form of phytate, tannin, terpenoids, flavonoids and crude fat.

3.4 Percentage and attack intensity

Percentage and attack intensity of P. javana beetle are presented in Table 1. Table 1 shows, the pest attack on H. macrophyllus relatively rather heavy to severe category with percentage attack reach 100. Based on the extent intensity of pest attack, P. javana classified as a major pest for H. macrophyllus. The new type is first reported to be pest of H. macrophyllus. Meanwhile other types namely P. sjostedti reported to be a major pest on Okra with attack intensity reached 80 Adewole, 2010. Table 1: Percentage and attack intensity of P. javana District Plot Dry season Wet season Percentage Intensity Percentage Intensity Tanjungjaya Plot 1 100 58,25 100 50 Plot 2 100 50,5 100 47 Plot 3 100 27,8 100 25,7 Average 100 45,52 100 40,9 Sodonghilir Plot 1 100 42,5 100 32,3 Plot 2 100 59,3 100 57 Plot 3 100 55 100 30 Average 100 52,27 100 39,77 Gunungtanjung Plot 1 100 55 100 52,3 Plot 2 100 53,8 100 43 Plot 3 100 61 100 55 Average 100 56,6 100 50,10 Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 609

3.5 Ecological effect on the attack intensity of P. javana

The development of pests is influenced by various factor, one of this factor is ecology aspect. Two aspects of ecology used as parameter measured in this study are season and growth rate of H. macrophyllus represented by location. Based on analysis, influence of season and location of attack intensity show that season and location of each study significantly affect the intensity of attacks, while the interaction between season and location was not significant Table 3. Attack intensity of P. javana in dry season was higher 51.46 than rainy season 43.59. This condition showed that the influence of rainfall was significant to attack intensity of P. javana. This is similar to Fasunwon and Badjo 2010, that rainfall had significant effect on populations of Podagrica, while temperature and humidity had no significant effect. Moreover, based ANOVA test of regression models which presented in Tables 4 and 5, show that precipitation effect was significant linear with a reduction of rainfall as indicated by negative value constant or increasing rainfall then decreasing attack intensity of P.javana. The rain can directly affect the populations of pests, when large rain, many pest are dead, especially influential in the growth and activity of pests. The effect of rain on pest life can be directly mechanically or indirectly to air and soil condition. Mechanical influences intended as pounding of raindrops on insects or in habitat. Heavy rain can lead a lot of beetles fall and die, causing a significant reduction of pest population. Table 4: Further test results of location infleunce to attack intensity of P. javana Location Intensity of attack Tanjungjaya 43,1917a Sodonghilir 46,0000a Gunungtanjung 53,3333b Table 3: Analysis results of season and location influence to P. javana intensity attack Sum square df Mean square F Sig. Corrected Model 13175,125a 5 2635,025 12,491 ,000 Intercept 812535,025 1 812535,025 3851,658 ,000 Season 5577,469 1 5577,469 26,439 ,000 Location 6580,717 2 3290,358 15,597 ,000 Season Location 1016,939 2 508,469 2,410 ,091 Error 74678,850 354 210,957 Total 900389,000 360 Corrected Total 87853,975 359 Note: = significant significantly different Table 5: Analysis ANOVA results for linear regression Sum square df Mean square F Sig. Regresi 11748,674 2 5874,337 27,556 0,000 Residu 76105,301 357 213,180 Total 87853,975 359 Note: = significant significantly different Bogor, 21-22 October 2015 610 Effect of location represents the growth rate of H. macrophyllus. Table 4 shows that attack intensity in Gunungtanjung 53.3 was significantly different from attack intensity in Sodonghilir and Tanjungjaya. The growth rate of H. Macrophyllus in Gunungtanjung dominated with seedlings and saplings compared to Sodonghilir and Tanjungjaya that dominated with pole and tree. Larvae and imago P. javana prefer to attack young plants, so that pest attack on seedlings and saplings growth rate higher than pole and tree. Table 6: Value constants and coefficients for linear regression B KB t Sig. Constant 49,175 3,078 15,976 0,000 Season -7,872 1,539 -5,115 0,000 Location 5,071 ,942 5,380 0,000 Note: = significant significantly different Regression models obtained are as follows: Y = 49,175 - 7,872X 1 + 0,571X 2 Description: Y = attack intensity X1 = season X2 = location Similarly, the results of the regression analysis showed that the constant of location is positive or higher composition of seedlings and saplings of H. Macrophyllus make higher the attack intensity of P. javana. Food abundant of pest affect pest population increase that cause an increase attack intensity.

3.6 Pest control

Pest control can be done by botanists genetic, biological, chemical, physical, mechanical and cultivation techniques. Based on the study, influence of ecological factors on pest attack intensity, the silvicultural techniques such as setting planting patterns and species composition can be used as a pest control techniques. Meanwhile, based on the reference, some kind Podagrica can be controlled with plant extracts such as Jatropha curcas L extracts Onunkun, 2012, sugar apple Musa et al., 2013 and Piper guenensis Mobolade et al., 2014, whereas chemical insecticides that can be used are lambdacyhalothrin Adewole, 2010 and Cypermethrin Mobolade et al., 2014.


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