yaitu “Powering the Way to Promote Capital Market Deepening

Powering The Way To Promote Capital Market Deepening PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia 111 Strategi Bisnis Business Strategy Stakeholder Financial Internal Business Process Learning Growth Peta Strategis KPEI | KPEI’s Strategic Map L1. Improve Human Capital L2. Improve Organization Capital L3. Improve Information Capital F1. Proven Financial Resilience C1. Reliable CCP in Capital Market P4. Improve Collateral Management and Securities Financing P3. Improve CCP Risk Management P2. Improve Clearing, Settlement and Guarantee Process P1. Improve Market Development Harmonization INISIATIF STRATEGIS 2014 Tahun 2014 merupakan tahun pengembangan dan penguatan peran KPEI dalam rangka mendukung pertumbuhan pasar modal Indonesia. Hal ini menjadi landasan KPEI dalam mengusung tema laporan tahunan

2014, yaitu “Powering the Way to Promote Capital Market Deepening

”. Pada tahun yang sama, KPEI juga ditunjuk menjadi koordinator pelaksanaan program pengembangan infrastruktur pasar modal. Berbagai inisiatif dilaksanakan sebagai upaya pengembangan bisnis utama perusahaan sekaligus sebagai kontribusi KPEI terhadap penentuan arah pengembangan pasar modal Indonesia ke depan. 2014 STRATEGIC INITIATIvES 2014 was the year of development and reinforcement of KPEI’s role in supporting the growth of Indonesia capital market. Thus, this becomes the foundation in presenting our 2014 annual report theme of “Powering the Way to Promote Capital Market Deepening”. In the same year KPEI was appointed as the coordinator of the implementation of capital market infrastructure development programs. Various initiatives were carried out as the efforts to develop the corporate core business, while simultaneously contributing towards the future direction of Indonesia capital market. Powering The Way To Promote Capital Market Deepening PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia 112 To realize the objectives and efforts, 4 four work programs was carried out by KPEI with IFSA, IDX, and KSEI in 2014 include enhancement e-CLEARS, settlement development with the Institutional Delivery mechanism, guarantee mechanism with new pre-emptive action scheme and policy, and implementation of General Clearing Member GCM. In addition to main programs above, in 2014 KPEI also implemented other internal work programs initiatives based on strategic themes that consisted of: • Strengthening CCP and Regulatory Roles This theme includes analysis on KPEI’s role as CCP, CCP regulatory comparisons, and regulatory formulation related to business development. • Innovative Market Development This theme consisted of optimization of Securities Borrowing and Lending SBL, SBL consultation and implementation, and the changes of Indonesia Financial Service Authority IFSA regulation about securities transaction settlement guarantee. • Capacity and Institutional Building Several initiatives included in this theme are derivative clearing system refinement, SBL Bilateral system development, Razor Release 3.2 implementation, middleware enhancement, Net Adjusted Working Capital NAWC and exchange member portfolio integration and refinement, the Enterprise Project Management EPM enhancement, networking restructuration, data center restructuration, change request service desk, blueprint career path refinement, Human Resources Information System HRIS stage 2 development, software monitoring tools expansion, and project management procedure refinement. Strategi Bisnis Business Strategy Untuk merealisasikan tujuan dan upaya KPEI tersebut, selama tahun 2014 KPEI melakukan 4 empat program kerja bersama OJK, BEI, dan KSEI diantaranya enhancement e-CLEARS, pengembangan penyele saian dengan mekanisme Institutional Delivery, mekanisme penjaminan dengan skema baru dan kebijakan preemptive action, dan im plementasi General Clearing Member GCM. Selain program kerja bersama tahun 2014 di atas, KPEI juga melaksanakan program kerja inisiatif internal lainnya berdasarkan tema strategis yang meliputi: • Strengthening CCP and Regulatory Roles Tema ini meliputi kajian peran KPEI sebagai CCP, perbandingan peraturan terkait CCP, dan penyusunan peraturan terkait pengembangan bisnis. • Innovative Market Development Tema ini terdiri dari inisiatif optimalisasi program Pinjam Meminjam Efek PME, konsultasi dan implementasi PME Bilateral, dan implementasi perubahan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan OJK tentang Penjaminan Penyelesaian Transaksi Bursa. • Capacity and Institutional Building Beberapa inisiatif yang termasuk dalam tema ini diantaranya penyempurnaan Sistem Kliring Derivatif, pengembangan sistem PME Bilateral, implementasi Razor Release 3.2, enhancement middleware, penyempurnaan dan integrasi pelaporan Modal Kerja Bersih Disesuaikan MKBD dan portfolio anggota bursa, enhancement Enterprise Project Management EPM, restrukturisasi jaringan, restrukturisasi data centre , change request service desk, penyempurnaan blueprint career path , pengembangan Human Resources Information System HRIS tahap 2, perluasan software monitoring tools , dan penyempurnaan prosedur manajemen proyek. Powering The Way To Promote Capital Market Deepening PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia 113 Strategi Bisnis Business Strategy • Harmonization and Smart Globalization Inisiatif yang termasuk dalam tema ini adalah pelaksanaan penilaian mandiri terkait peran KPEI sebagai CCP berdasarkan rekomendasi International Organization of Securities Commissions IOSCO- Principles of Financial Market Infrastructure PFMI, pelaksanaan pelatihan dan Focus Group Discussion FGD, penyempurnaan manual book, kegiatan CSS, dan pelaksanaan capacity building AK. Selain itu, pencapaian dibidang hubungan internasional berhasil dilaksanakan KPEI melalui penandatanganan MoU dengan Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc JASDEC, Japan Securities Clearing Corporation JSCC, Japan Securities Finance JSF dan China Central Depository and Clearing CCDC. Di tahun yang sama, KPEI menyelenggarakan workshop dengan Japan Securities Finance JSF sebagai bentuk kelanjutan kerjasama. KPEI juga resmi tercatat sebagai anggota dari CCP12, sebuah organisasi Central Counterparty CCP dunia dan anggota Pan Asia Securities Lending Association PASLA, asosiasi dari perusahaan yang aktif dalam menjalankan bisnis pinjam meminjam efek di pasar Asia. STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN TAHUN 2015 KPEI merumuskan rencana kerja strategis dalam rangka mempersiapkan diri menghadapi perubahan, baik di industri pasar modal Indonesia maupun pasar modal secara global. Untuk itu, KPEI telah menyusun Roadmap Pengembangan Bisnis periode 2012-2015, yang implementasinya dikelompokan menjadi pengembangan bisnis inti dan elemen pendukung. Strategi ini digambarkan melalui Roadmap Pengembangan Bisnis sebagai berikut: • Harmonization and Smart Globalization Initiatives included in this theme are the implementation of self-assessment related to KPEI’s role as CCP based on recommendation from International Organization of Securities Commissions IOSCO- Principles of Financial Market Infrastructure PFMI, the implementation of training and Focus Group Discussion FGD, the refinement of manual book, the implementation of CSS, and the implementation of CM capacity building. In addition, KPEI’s achievements in international relations were delivered through the signing of MoU with Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc JASDEC, Japan Securities Clearing Corporation JSCC, Japan Securities Finance JSF and China Central Depository and Clearing CCDC. In the same year, KPEI conducted workshops with Japan Securities Finance JSF as part of continued cooperation. KPEI also became an official member of CCP12, a global Central Counterparty CCP organization, and a member of the Pan Asia Securities Lending Association PASLA, an association of companies that actively engages in the securities borrowing and lending business in the Asian markets. 2015 DEvELOPMENT STRATEGY KPEI formulated strategic business plan to prepare the Company in facing changes, both from domestic and global capital markets. For that purpose, KPEI has developed a Business Development Roadmap for the 2012-2015 periods, by grouping its implementations into core business and supporting element development. This strategy is illustrated by the Business Development Roadmap as follows: Powering The Way To Promote Capital Market Deepening PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia 114 Strategi Bisnis Business Strategy Roadmap Pengembangan Bisnis KPEI KPEI’s Business Development Roadmap Securities Financing Bilateral Scheme Margin Financing Repo Bilateral SLB Regular SLB New Collateral Management System - Member Interface - Instruction Management - Cross Market - Reinvestment - Allocation Coll. Based Transaction Management - Valuation Exchange Trading Bond Exchange Trading Interest Rate Futures Bond Index StockEquity Equity Option Futures Risk Monitoring Data Warehouse Collateral Management Pre Deal Check New Risk Management System Risk Management Process Plan LiveProcution In ProgressDevelopment Clearing Pr ocess Implementation of BK as Settlement Agent General Clearing Member GCM STPClearing by SID Enchancement Architecture System e-CLEARS Continious Settlement with Intraday Facility Tahun 2015 KPEI akan melakukan beberapa pengembangan pada bisnis utama perusahaan, seperti pengembangan sistem untuk perhitungan buy in PME, pengembangan sistem REPO, pengembangan sistem terkait auction Initial Public Offering IPO saham, pengembangan PME Bilateral, implementasi peraturan OJK terkait penjaminan penyelesaian transaksi bursa, perhitungan exposure derivative SPAN dan risk methodology assessment . In 2015, KPEI will conduct a number of developments on the corporate core business, such as the development of a system to calculate buy-in SBL, REPO system development, system development related to Initial Public Offering IPO share auction, Bilateral SBL development, implementation of IFSA regulatory on securities transaction settlement guarantee, calculation of SPAN derivative exposure, and risk methodology assessment. Powering The Way To Promote Capital Market Deepening PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia 115 Strategi Bisnis Business Strategy Selain itu dari sisi teknologi informasi, KPEI akan melakukan pengembangan arsitektur teknologi e-CLEARS, implementasi Razor SPAN, implementasi sistem kliring derivatif, penyusunan IT Strategic Plan ITSP, pengembangan teknologi dan infrastruktur implementasi BCM, serta pengelolaan keamanan informasi dengan menerapkan Information Security Management System ISMS. Selain pengembangan bisnis utama dan sistem teknologi informasi, strategi pengembangan bisnis juga diterapkan pada fungsi pendukung perusahaan. Saat ini, fungsi pendukung KPEI meliputi aspek keuangan, SDM, manajemen proyek, portal knowledge management, service desk , dan implementasi website KPEI yang baru. On information technology, KPEI will develop e-CLEARS technology architecture, implementation of SPAN Razor, implementation of derivative clearing system, formulation of IT Strategic Plan ITSP, development of technology and infrastructure to implement BCM infrastructure, and management of information security through the application of Information Security Management System ISMS. In addition to the development of core business and information technology systems, business development strategy is also applied on the corporate supporting functions. KPEI’s supporting functions currently consist of finance, HR, project management, knowledge management portal, service desk, and the implementation of KPEI’s new website. Untuk mewujudkan lembaga kliring dan penjaminan yang handal, KPEI tidak berhenti berbenah, menata organisasi, mengembangkan menyusun rencana strategis jangka pendek dan jangka panjang perusahaan. Didukung oleh kemampuan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten, teknologi informasi yang aman dan canggih, infrastruktur yang kuat dan didukung penuh oleh SRO lainnya, pemerintah dan para pelaku pasar modal To actualize a reliable clearing and guarantee Institution, KPEI continues moving forward, conducts better improvement, and carries out proper organization, as well as setting both short-term and long-term corporate strategic plans. Driven by the human resources competence skill, secure and sophisticated information technology, advanced infrastructures, as well as full support of other SROs, government and the capital market communities Fungsi Pendukung Supporting Functions Batik Grompol, memiliki filosofi berkumpul atau bersatu, kekompakan, kerjasama, persaudaraan. Batik Ceplok symbolizes the freshness, peacefulness, orderliness and tranquility of life. Powering The Way To Promote Capital Market Deepening PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia 118 Sumber Daya Manusia dan Umum Human Resources And General Affairs Sumber Daya Manusia dan Urusan Umum merupakan fungsi pendukung perusahaan yang turut menjadi faktor penentu kemajuan KPEI. Program berbasis kompetensi yang mengedepankan profesionalisme dalam menyediakan kebutuhan Perusahaan menjadi agenda utama untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya Human Resources and General Affairs as a supporting function of the corporate becomes an important factor in KPEI’s growth. The competency-based programs that prioritize professionalism in accommodating corporate needs become the main agenda in enhancing the quality of resources Powering The Way To Promote Capital Market Deepening PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia 119 Sumber Daya Manusia dan Umum Human Resources And General Affairs SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA SDM Seiring dengan perkembangan perusahaan, SDM kian menjadi faktor penentu bagi kemajuan KPEI. Menyadari hal tersebut, tahun 2014 KPEI menerapkan strategi berupa kelanjutan program restrukturisasi organisasi, sekaligus memfokuskan peningkatan kualitas pengelolaan SDM yang berbasis kompetensi. Hasil dari program restrukturisasi organisasi, KPEI mempunyai 10 sepuluh Divisi yang membawahi 21 dua puluh satu Unit dan 2 dua Spesialis, dan pada tahun 2014 seluruh posisi manajer lini sudah dilengkapi. PENGELOLAAN SDM 2014 Mengantisipasi dinamika tahun 2014 dengan banyaknya tantangan baik internal maupun eksternal, implementasi strategi SDM dilakukan sesuai dengan program yang telah ditetapkan. Beberapa fokus pengelolaan SDM di tahun 2014 meliputi inisiatif kegiatan, pengembangan kompetensi, program knowledge management KM dan survei. Inisiatif Kegiatan Inisiatif kegiatan yang dilakukan SDM pada tahun 2014 meliputi:

1. Harmonisasi Remunerasi SRO