Stakeholders’ Perspective Financial Perspective Internal Business Process Perspective

Powering The Way To Promote Capital Market Deepening PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia 109 Strategi Bisnis Business Strategy Balanced Scorecard KPEI menggunakan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard melalui 4 empat perspektif, yaitu Stakeholder, Financial, Internal Business Process dan Learning Growth, untuk menentukan sasaran strategis beserta inisiatifnya, agar pelaksanaan kerja menjadi terarah, tepat, terukur dan dapat dicapai.

a. Perspektif Stakeholders

Perspektif stakeholders merupakan strategi Perusahaan dengan fokus peningkatan kualitas layanan terhadap pemangku kepentingan, yang terdiri dari pemegang saham, publik atau industri pasar modal market-wide dan Anggota Kliring AK. Pada tahun 2014, tujuan strategis dari perspektif stakeholder adalah reliable CCP in capital market. Selaku CCP, KPEI diharapkan memberikan layanan terbaik dan berkualitas, sehingga mampu meningkatkan kepercayaan pengguna jasa. Untuk menyempurnakan produk dan layanan jasa KPEI, perusahaan mengadakan Customer Satisfaction Survey CSS dengan melibatkan 111 AK sebagai responden. Hasil dari survei ini digunakan sebagai indikator pengukuran pencapaian tujuan strategis perusahaan yaitu indeks kepuasan AK.

b. Perspektif Financial

Perspektif Financial merupakan strategi perusahaan untuk mengelola biaya secara efektif dan menjaga sustainability kecukupan dana untuk kebutuhan operasional. Meskipun KPEI merupakan organisasi nirlaba, namun Perusahaan tetap memperhatikan posisi keuangan yang baik, untuk mendukung keberlangsungan usaha perusahaan. Pada tahun 2014 ditetapkan tujuan strategis perspektif Financial, yaitu Proven Financial Resilience yang diukur dengan indikator rasio aset lancar terhadap beban operasional dan persentase deviasi anggaran.

c. Perspektif Internal Business Process

Perspektif Internal Business Process merupakan strategi perusahaan yang berkaitan erat dengan pengembangan pasar, peningkatan proses operasional kliring dan penjaminan penyelesaian transaksi bursa, proses operasional internal, penyempurnaan metodologi manajemen risiko, serta pengembangan produk atau layanan baru. Balanced Scorecard KPEI applies the Balanced Scorecard approach with 4 four perspectives, comprising Stakeholders, Financial, Internal Business Process and Learning Growth, to determine the strategic target and its initiatives, as well as to ensure a focused, precise, measurable, and achievable performance.

a. Stakeholders’ Perspective

Stakeholders’ perspective serves as the Company’s strategy that is focused on improving service quality to stakeholders, which consists of shareholders, public or capital market industry market-wide and Clearing Members CM. In 2014, the strategic objective from the stakeholders’ perspective is a reliable CCP in capital market. As a CCP, KPEI is expected to provide the best and excellent services in order to enhance the confidence of the customers. To improve KPEI’s products and services quality, the Company carried out a Customer Satisfaction Survey CSS involving 111 CM as the respondents. The results of this survey are used as indicators in measuring the achievement of the corporate strategic objectives, known as the CM satisfaction index.

b. Financial Perspective

Financial Perspective is the Company strategy aimed to effectively manage expenditures and to maintain funding sustainability required for the operational needs. Although KPEI operates as a non-profit organization, the Company continues to emphasize on maintaining a good financial position to support its business continuity. In 2014, a financial perspective strategic objective was established, namely Proven Financial Resilience that is measured by current assets ratio to operating expenses and percentage of budget deviation.

c. Internal Business Process Perspective

Internal Business Process is a Company strategy that is closely related with market development, improvement of operational process of clearing and settlement guarantee for securities transaction, internal operational process, risk management methodology enhancement, and new product or services development. Powering The Way To Promote Capital Market Deepening PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia 110 Strategi Bisnis Business Strategy Dalam perspektif ini, KPEI menetapkan 4 empat tujuan strategis tahun 2014, yaitu: • Improve Market Development Harmonization, yang diukur dengan persentase implementasi program pengembangan pasar. • Improve Clearing, Settlement, and Guarantee Process, yang diukur dengan persentase ketepatan waktu penyelesaian transaksi dan jumlah kegagalan sistem e-CLEARS. • Improve Central Counterparty CCP Risk Management , yang diukur dengan nilai ketidakcukupan agunan. • Improve collateral management and securities financing, yang diukur dengan persentase pendapatan securities financing terhadap total pendapatan.

d. Perspektif Learning and Growth