RESTRICTED FUND annual report 2015.compressed

The original consolidated financial statements included herein are in the Indonesian language PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED Tanggal 31 Desember 2015 dan as of December 31, 2015 Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut and for the year then ended DAN ENTITAS ANAKNYA AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES FINANCIAL STATEMENTS KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN 15. PERPAJAKAN lanjutan 15. TAXATION continued

b. Utang Pajak lanjutan

b. Taxes Payable continued

000831011153115 Paid 000841011153115 Paid 000201011062115 Paid 001441011162115 Paid 001451011162115 Paid 000391011262115 Paid 000191011562215 Paid 000821011362215 Paid 001431011462215 Paid 001441011462215 Paid 000271011362615 Paid 001351011320115 Paid Jumlah Total 30042015 15072015 17 21072015 900 15072015 12 11032015 04042015 500 11 P hit T k i P j k P h il B d C l l ti f P t C t I T 27052015 56 26052015 13 609 01042015 30042015 14 30042015 156 26052015 28042015 30042015 21072015 22062015 21072015 500 15072015 15 28042015 27052015 3.482 26052015 18 22062015 21072015 500 22 20032015 19042015 3.053 24072015 10032015 04042015 600 27052015 21 27032015 26042015 17.986 16 28042015 400 15072015 Date Pajak Explanation Date Tanggal Sisa Tagihan No. No. SKP SPT Payment Status SK JT Remaining tax Keterangan Tanggal Decree Maturity bill 20 22062015 Sudah Dibayar Sudah Dibayar Sudah Dibayar Sudah Dibayar Sudah Dibayar Sudah Dibayar Sudah Dibayar Sudah Dibayar Sudah Dibayar 149.684 19 22062015 Sudah Dibayar Sudah Dibayar Proses Penagihan Terakhir 23042015 Sudah Dibayar c. c. Laba rugi komersial sebelum Commercial profit loss before estimation Taksiran Pajak Penghasilan of Income tax Beda temporer: Temporary difference: Penyusutan Depreciation Amortisasi Amortization Imbalan pascakerja Post-employment benefit obligation Penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu Allowance for doubtful account Penurunan nilai persediaan Impairment in value of inventories Penurunan nilai aset Impairment of assets Beda tetap: Fixed difference: Beban tidak diperkenankan Non - deductible expense Bunga deposito Time deposit interest income Pendapatan sewa Rent revenue Beban penyusutan Depreciation expense Deviden entitas anak Dividend Subsidiaries Taksiran laba rugi fiskal Estimated fiscal income loss Tarif pajak Tax rate ▷ ▷ Taksiran pajak kini Entitas Induk Parent Entity current tax provision x 1.364.598.425 341.149.606 341.149.606 159.932.261 2014 - 25 x 1.364.598.425 25 x 639.729.044 - 159.932.261 25 x 639.729.044 25 318.083.350 264.339.639 19.799.012 19.507.513 357.933.785 363.120.364 921.165 441.369 75.288.337 33.565.788 134.016.618 151.412.657 1.364.598.425 639.729.044 14.609.419 1.332.530 158.208.213 9.092.774 4.707.213 234.036 - 62.833 16.226.831 1.873.328 154.560.846 121.777.856 2015 319.093.684 131.582.631 2015 Perhitungan Taksiran Pajak Penghasilan Badan Calculation of Parent Corporate Income Tax Estimation 1.653.175.889 912.919.557 2014 63