Draft Competency PPG PAUD UPI


3. Draft Competency PPG PAUD UPI

PP 74 Year 2005 on mandates that teacher training and professional development for teachers includes pedagogical guidance, personality, social, and professional. Coaching and professional development of teachers referred accomplished through training and professional development in this regard is the Professional Teacher Education. The program focuses on four competencies above. However, based on the study of the needs of teachers in the field, the need for professional guidance for a variety of its essence. The need is grouped into five categories, namely understanding of the learning context, the strengthening of mastery of the material, the development of methods of teaching, learning innovation, and experience on the latest theories. The results of the needs analysis and dietakan formulated in the draft PPG PAUD graduate competencies as follows; Competency PPG ECD UPI No COMPETENCE SUB COMPETENCE 1 Able to develop curriculum 1.1. Selecting appropriate learning materials to the childs developmental level 1.2. Applying pembelajran development model for early childhood 1.3. Develop an integrated learning program, contextual and meaningful according to the childs developmental level 2 Ability to develop a learning plan 2.1. Develop a complete learning design, integrated to various age groups and institutions. 2.2. Develop learning materials based on the theme 2.3. Creating instructional media 2.4. Develop learning scenarios 2.5. Developing assessment instruments and evaluation processes and learning outcomes 3 Able to organize learning that educates 3.1. Utilizing information and communications technology 3.2. The learning environment that is safe, comfortable and pleasant to facilitate the learning process 3.3. Organize learning through play that stimulates the development of children in an integrated manner in accordance with the development 4 Able to carry out assessment of learning 4.1. to evaluate the process and outcomes of learning 4.2. Analyzing the results of the assessment 4.3. Documenting the results of the assessment 4.4. Using the results of the assessment and evaluation information to design a stimulation program development 4.5. Communicate results of assessment and evaluation to stakeholders 5 Able to develop sustainable quality learning 5.1. Reflect on the learning that has been implemented 5.2. Utilizing the results of reflection weeks to the development of learning activities 6 Has the attitude and behavior as early childhood teachers 6.1. Communicate effectively, empathy and courtesy to the children 6.2. Being polite in accordance with the norms 6.3. Dressed neat, attractive and cheerful 269

4. Design Curriculum Early Childhood Program Teacher Professional

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