The Formulation of the Research The Objective of the Research

564 In the fact, the dance learning which is focused on the children is still far from the expectation, the dance learning process still focuses on the teachers. The students just learn passively, they just follow the instruction or movements from the teachers, they tend to don‘t think critical, creative, and innovative. Based on the fact above, the writer is interested in doing a research, titled ― The Development of Dance Learning Based on Malay Culture in Improving the creativity of the Young Learners.‖

B. The Formulation of the Research

The problem of the research is formulated in the following question : What is the suitable dance learning model based on Malay Culture that can improve the creativity of the young learners in kindergarten? Based on three phases of research, those are pre model development, model development, and model application, the writer formulated the problems of the research, those are : 1. Is there any kindergarten which has applied the dance learning model Based on Malay Culture for young learners? 2. How is the application of the dance learning Based on Malay Culture by the teachers of young learners in the kindergarten? The phase of model development, in the following questions : 3. What is the suitable dance learning model Based on Malay Culture that can improve the creativity of the young learners in the kindergarten? 4. What is the suitable learning design Based on Malay Culture that can improve the creativity of the young learners in the kindergarten? The phase of model application, in the following questions : 5. How is the procedure of dance learning Based on Malay Culture application which can improve the creativity of the young learners in the kindergarten? 6. How is the effect of the dance learning model Based on Malay Culture application to the creativity of the young learners in the kindergarten?

C. The Objective of the Research

The purpose of this research is to create a dance learning model Based on Malay Culture in improving the creativity of the young learners. Based on the objective, so the aim of this research can be divided into three steps of the application, those are : Pre model development, the aim is to know : 1. The kindergarten which has developed the dance learning based on Malay Culture for the young learners. 2. The application of dance learning based on Malay culture by the teachers of young learners in the kindergarten Model development, the aim is to know : 3. Dance learning model based on Malay culture that can improve the creativity of the young learners in the kindergarten. 4. Dance learning design Based on Malay Culture that can improve the creativity of the young learners in the kindergarten. 565 Model application, the aim is to know : 5. The procedure of the application of dance learning based on Malay culture that can improve the creativity of the young learners in the kindergarten. 6. The effectiveness of the application of dance learning based on Malay culture that can improve the creativity of the young learners in the kindergarten.

D. The Needs of the Research

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