A1 Group A2 Group B1 Group B2 Group Play Group KB

527 mainan 30 kerincingan Kubus pola Jam kayu Buah-buahan Terompet 31 Kotak angka Rantai geometri Tamborin 32 Kotak huruf Bombig huruf Marakas 33 Kotak jenis buah Bombig gerigi Kereta plastik 34 Puzzle jigsaw Yoyo Penumbuk 35 Uang mainan Surat gulung Alat masak 36 Alat mekanik Laptop mainan Alat dokter 37 Alat tata rias Jam matahari Balok segitiga 38 Setrika mainan Timbangan Balok pasak warna 39 Sandal mainan Pasak geometri 40 Timbangan balok Pasak kincir 41 Miniatur rumah ibadah Pasak biasa 42 Maket rumah, gunung, sawah Bongkar pasang plastik 43 Mixed Lego 44 Teropong mainan Bola 45 Bombig biasa dan peluru Helikopter mainan 46 Rambu lalu lintas Pancingan ikan kayu 47 Papan tulis mainan Papan pukul 48 Kolam bebek 49 Aquarium APE which is exposed above on-display in each classroom and used for childrens play activities are based on the theme set forth in the plan of weekly activity RKM and plan daily activities RKH. However, at rest, the child is allowed to play APE in the classroom. APE APE-based multiple intelligences is that when utilized to develop the child as a whole, which is developing more than one intelligence linguistic, logical-mathematical, music, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Here is the result of observations for each group, both groups A1, A2, B1, B2 and KB:

a. A1 Group

The data obtained for the A1 group, it can be said that there is an APE APE-based multiple intelligences. Looking at the form and methods of using, all APEs can develop more than one of intelligences in children. Of the thirty existing APE, all can develop childrens intelligence at least 2 intelligence. Thus, APE in group A1 is based APE multiple intelligences.

b. A2 Group

APE contained in the classroom can be said as the group A2 APE-based multiple intelligences. Same with APE in group A1, see the form as well as methods of using, all APE in group A2 is able to develop more than one of intelligence in children. Of the thirty existing APE, all can develop childrens intelligence at least 3 intelligence. Thus, APE in group A2 is based APE multiple intelligences. 528

c. B1 Group

Display APE in classroom group B1 showed that APE is an APE-based multiple intelligences. It is also evident from the forms and methods of utilization, namely: all of APEs can develop more than one of intelligence in children. Of the forty-seven existing APE, all can develop childrens intelligence at least 2 intelligence. Thus, APE in B1 group is the APE based multiple intelligences.

d. B2 Group

The results of the review of APE in the classroom group B2, it can be said that there is an APE based multiple intelligences. Of forms and methods of using, APEs can develop more than one of intelligence in children. Of the thirty-eight existing APE, all can develop childrens intelligence at least four intelligence. Thus, the APE is in an APE-based group B2 multiple intelligences as well.

e. Play Group KB

Data obtained from the review of the APE for birth control, it can be said that there is an APE based multiple intelligences. Looking at the form and methods of using, all APEs can develop more than one of intelligence in children. Of the forty-nine existing APE, all can develop childrens intelligence at least 3 intelligence. Thus, existing APE APE-based KB is multiple intelligences. One way to develop a holistic child development is through multiple intelligences approach. The purpose of the multiple intelligences approach is through a treatment learning activities or utilization of instructional media in this case is APE, can develop children thoroughly to develop more than one existing intelligence in children. APE which is based on multiple intelligences in the utilization can develop more than one of intelligence in children. APE which is based on multiple intelligences is also a fun thing and does not make a child tired bored. APE shall be in accordance with the characteristics of early childhood. Researcher tried to examine the existing APE in TK-KB Pedagogia, whether based on multiple intelligences or not. APE which is contained in TK-KB Pedagogia have guidelines or ways of utilization. How to use the APE known through observation APE incorporating user as well as through interviews with teachers of TK-KB Pedagogia only limited to how to use the APE, is not the reality of the use of the learning process. Looking at the above results, it can be said that the APE is in TK- KB Pedagogia had based on multiple intelligences as an APE can develop more than one of intelligence in children. Indicators that each can develop multiple intelligences APE embodied in the development of each intelligence indicator 7 intelligences according to the theory revealed by Howard Gardner. The review was limited to the review carried out on objects in the form of any object that can be seen from the form of concrete real as well as methods of using. In this case, the interference of the object of life human teachers has not been the focus of research. Interviews with teachers is only in the how to use existing APE and not on the reality of the implementation of the learning process. Teacher tutors intervene in the use of APE is very influential on learning outcomes. However it has been revealed earlier that this study was limited to a review of any object on the object. With this limited study, it appears that the APE- contained in group A1, A2, B1, B2, and KB qualify as APE-based multiple intelligences. Each APE can develop more than one of existing intelligence in children. The intelligence will be maximized when the APE developing fully utilized according to its function. 529 CONCLUSION Based on the research that has been done, the researcher can conclude that the APE which is contained in TK-KB Pedagogia is APE based multiple intelligences. Seeing the results of observation and review of existing APE in TK-KB Pedagogia, APEs have a form and manner that the use of at least two intelligences can develop in children. Given that APE based multiple intelligences which is able to develop more than one child in their utilization of intelligence, the APE in TK-KB Pedagogia is an APE based multiple intelligences. REFERENCES Ahmad Rohani. 1997. Media Instruksional Edukatif . Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. Anggani Sudono. 2000. Sumber Belajar dan Alat Permainan untuk P endidikan Anak Usia Dini . PT. Grasindo. Jakarta. Arief Furchan. 1992. Pengantar Metoda Penelitian Kualitatif . Usaha Nasional. Surabaya. Badru Zaman. 2010. 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APE Kreatif Ala TBIF. www.tbif.wordpress.com . 530 LOGICAL THINKING ABILITY CHILDREN’S STIMULATION OF “KLING- KLING BYOK ” GAMES AT RA MASYITHOH I BATURSARI By: Maria Denok Bekti Agustiningrum PAUD’s Lecturer - FIP IKIP Veteran Semarang mariadenokrocketmail.com mdenok14gmail.com Abstract : The most important part of cognitif is to think logically, through to think logically each individual is equipped to solve the problems which will appear in their life.nA individual is able to have the maturity to think logically if from the early age obtain continuously and sustainably stimulation. Learning program in early childhood institutions able to accommodate the needs of children‘s cognitive development from an early age, so traditional games can choose theacher. Traditional games in Indonesia has many kinds and varieties, from those diversity, ―Kling-kling Byok‖ games became one of the games conducted in RA Masithoh I Batursari. ―Kling-Kling Byok‖ games considered able to stimulate the logical thinking ability of preoperational age‘s children caused by ―Kling-Kling Byok‖ games able to meet the rules of the logical thinking stages through how to play. The stages in the form of 1 Sorting; 2 Classification; 3 Desentering ; 4 Reversibility, 5 Conservation. Key Words: Traditional Games, “Kling-kling Byok”, Think Logically. INTRODUCTION Cognitive is the individual inherent ability which adheres since birth along with the other individuals ability such as: motor physical refine-coarse, Affective, Social and Emotional. One of the step in cognitive ability is logical thinking, logical thinking ability is obtained through stimulation since an early age Robert, 2008: 24. Logical thinking is required in the life order of human being, through the logical thinking human being should be able to solve problems that arise in life. Logical thinking ability is an ability acquired through a stimulation and experience. The right stimulation within development period be able to maximize logical thinking ability of individuals because of the cognitive ability stimulation carried out continuously - constantly and continuously must be occurred by people who are around children Robert, 2008: 48. Teachers as one of the people who were in the closest neighborhood to an early child become one of the responsible person for the childs cognitive stimulation. A teacher has a function as a facilitator, motivator, information, communicators, transformers, agent of change, innovator, counselor, evaluator, and administrator Dahar: 2012, to carry out these tasks so a teacher of Early Child Education expected to choose appropriate learning methods and learning media which suitable for the stage of early child development in the teaching and learning process. The learning process is going on and performed by an early child through games, Teachers can use the playing method so it becomes a fun learning for children, because of playing according to Bettelhem in Hurlock 1978 is an activity which occurred on the basis of a pleasure and without considering the final result, The activities carried out voluntarily, without coercion or pressure from outsider. Play activities affect all six aspects of child 531 development, namely the aspects of self-awareness, emotional, social, communication, cognition and motor skills. Catron Allen, 1999: 20. Preoperational age has an age limit between 2-6 years, in those age, the childs cognitive abilities are being developed in accordance with the stimulation they got. Sampling of group aAnwagiteh range 3-4 years intended to limit the scope of observation so that more focused in observing. The use of the method Kling-Kling Byok game also be the right choice for children in the group age of 4-5 years, or often referred to as Group A in RA Masithoh I Batursari because this game has performed by teacher of Group A, which is Mrs. Sartini for 2 semesters. Researchers assume the selection of Kling-Kling Byok game as an appropriate selection because of traditional game is a game that has several advantages, among which are: a Rule of the game comes from the local community normsb; Equipment and medium of the game comes from the environment; c Slightly cost incurred; d Becomes an identity of the local culture. Looking at some advantages of the traditional game becomes an appropriate option when it was used in the medium of cognitive abilities increase of children Ken Achroni, 2012: 16-17. So in this research, the hypothesis is Kling-kling Byok game be able to stimulate thinking skills of children in group A at RA Masyithoh I Batursari. RESEARCH METHODS The research approach which used in this study is a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach with observation method in this study have purposive sample characteristic which by means of record all child activities in Group A at RA Masyithoh Batursari to the amount of 15 childrens with an age range of 4-5 years along with the classroom teacher Mrs. Sartini. The reason is because RA Masyithoh I Batursari is an Early Child Education Institution which consistent to use Kling-Kling Byok games in the learning process during a year. Observation method used as a way to observe all the behavior which is seen in a certain time period, in this case from the beginning of the Kling - Kling Byok game prepared until the final stage of this game Nusa, 2013:7170.-All subject activities which involved are the teacher Mrs. Sartini, Principal and 15 children in group A becomes the observation objective. Observation method is a method that is able to accommodate some observations aspects to development stage through a little notes interrelated between behavior change of one with the other after stimulation through presenting Kling-Kling Byok game Singgih, 2012: 65. Observation which researchers do is a natural observation and controlled observation, with the following steps: a. Do not change the research setting At this stage the researchers conducted an observation and record the initial conditions of learning classroom setting, the number of students; students age; condition of teachers, condition of principals without adding or decreasing anything had happened until the end of the observations were made. This is done so that researchers can objectively look at the ongoing learning process. The implementation process of observation into implementation of Kling-Kling Byok game performed during the first semester of study. b. As a researchers directly involved but were not part of the Kling-Kling Byok games. At this stage, the researcher is a person in learning setting, but do not become part of the Kling-Kling Byok game; it is intended so that the researcher can be more accurate in making records in connection with the whole process is in progress. Minimizing the loss 532 of observation pieces in the Kling-Kling Byok game and combine it so that becomes a complete and continuous observation. c. Observe and make a chronological notes from the early games in the preparation stage, the game progresses to the final stage of the game which reviews conducted by teacher Mrs. Sartini. This chronological notes is required as part of the meaning and data analysis conducted by researchers, this process is important to create a chronological order to be consistent and logical. At this stage it appears some of the differences in behavior between children with one another; differences in behavior between the start of the game with repetition during the game; differences in the child‘s ability behavior when the game was first performed with good repeating game from one child to another. d. Give meaning to every event notes during the observation. This meaning is intended to explain a facts that occurred in group A at RA Masyithoh I Batursari associated with cognitive theory of logical thinking, whether stimulation occurs after playing and li d n u g r - i K ng linKg Byok game ? These meaning to describe the overall results of observations with all of the notes which appear as a part of the initial data analysis process. The data analysis in this study using the Event Analysis of Ericson theoretical approaches in Nusa 2013: 86-87 and then proceed to data technical validity through 4 phases: 1 Credibility, namely through the observation extension of objects and subjects were observed, namely the ongoing process Kling-Kling Byok game, so does not happen to observation. Then the next step is to triangulate the data that is checking data from the beginning to the end in the form of double check to the Piagets theory of logical thinking source. And then sort the chronological behavior changes of childrenin group A at RA Masyithoh I Batursari. Check on observations with information resources which were teachers and principals through interviews and documents that founded. 2 Transferability, namely: using research in other places which similar, in this case of similarity context Nusa, 2013: 93. At this stage, the researchers compared this study with Ni Nyoman Serati and Nur Hayati study results in the form of research titled: Motion and Song Traditional Java Games To Stimulate Early Child Social Skills. 3 Confirmability Test, which performed by reconfirming the analysis results with the people involved in this research. In this case, a class teacher of Group A and headmaster of RA Masyithoh I Batursari. DISCUSSION 1. Implementation of Kling-kling Byok game in RA Masyithoh I Batursari A. Definition of Kling-kling Byok game Kling-Kling byok game can be found in various regions in Indonesia, both in Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, with a different name Keen, 2012: 51-n 53. The ames for Kling-Kling byok game in some areas in Indonesia are: engklek , ingkling , Sudamanda, Sudah mandah, jlong jling, lempang , atau dampu . The similar game with the different rules in the United Kingdom called Hopscotch. Hopscotch game is supposedly very old and starting from the Roman empire period. 533

B. How to Play

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