Bibliography Students Career Issues


2. Students Career Issues

Surya 1997: 14 suggests that the problems commonly faced by students career include: 1 career information, 2 the skills to enter the career world, 3 personal information, 4 planning a future career, and 5 career adjustment. Based on these opinions, then the problem is the students career in this study is limited to issues related to career preparation: 1 information about the job, 2 the determination of employment options, 3 planning of the work, and 4 problem-solving work.

E. Results of Preliminary Study

Based on the results of data collection by a team of researchers at students showed that PGPAUD FKIP Uninus London does not yet have a model career guidance program organized in a systematic, comprehensive, and not based on student issues. In addition, career guidance programs are not being disseminated evenly to the entire faculty, so some professors there who do not understand the meaning of career guidance in more depth, and the motivation, insight, and responsibilities in implementing career guidance is still not optimal. Objective conditions appear to have been done in the field of career guidance by lecturers to students, the relationship between faculty and students seem familiar, as well as relationships with the leadership lecturers Prodi. The objective conditions are contributing factors that can be used to formulate a systematic career guidance program and comprehensive.

F. Research Methods

The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach, whereas the method is descriptive. The subject of research is that faculty and students. The research data was collected using questionnaires, observation and interviews. The stages of the research conducted in this study, is the preparation phase, data collection and processing as well as the discussion of the results of research and designing stages hypothetical model.

G. Results and Discussion

The results show that some students still feel uninformed. This is related to information in addition to being a kindergarten teacher AR. Difficult to determine the choice because the information obtained is less detailed and in-depth. Less capable of planning because the information obtained is less explain the possibilities that will occur in the future. Less able to solve the problem because career guidance given to students is not based on the analysis of the problems of students so that students are less interested and less helped in solving the problem. Components of a hypothetical model of career guidance program has been arranged consists of: objectives, materials of career guidance services, career guidance service providers requirements, career counseling techniques, and evaluation.

H. Bibliography

Dardji Darmodihardjo. 1988. Anak Serta Penjengjangan Pendidikan. : Makalah Konvensi Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia I. Bandung. Gedung Merdeka. Gall, M.D. 2003. Educational Research: An Introduction . Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. Miller, Frank, W. 1978. Guidance Principle and Service ,. Sidney: Charles E. Merril Publishing Company. Motensen , D.G. and Schmuller, A.M., 1964. Guidance in Today Schools. New York: John Willey Sons Inc. Robbins, Stephen, P, 1978. The Adminiatrative Process . New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India. 263 Rochman Natawidjaja, 1988. Peranan Guru dalam Pendidikan di Sekola h . Bandung: Abardin. , 1990. Fungsi Profesionalisasi Bimbingan karir dalam Pendidikan.Pada FIP IKIP Bandung. Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata. 2005. Konseling, Pembelajaran, dan Kreativitas dalam Pendidikan dan Konseling di Era Global. Bandung: Rizki Shertzer, B. and Stone. S.C., 1980. Fundamentals of Counseling. New York: Hougton Mifflin Company. 264 CRITICAL POLICY STUDY FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION TEACHERS TRAINNING PROFESSION Rudiyanto, S.Pd, M.Si 1 Ketua Rita Mariyana, M.Pd 2 Anggota Euis Kurniati, M.Pd 3 Anggota Ali Nugraha, M.Pd 4 Anggota ABSTRACT Being a professional teacher is a continuous process that refers to the basic standard with continuous performance assessment. The process of becoming a professional teacher pursued through academic education and professional education. This study aimed to describe the policy of professional education Early Childhood Education teachers to improve the professionalism of early childhood teachers. The study uses descriptive analytical research methods with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The final product of this research is the teaching profession education programs that are designed based on the results of research proven and reliable. Keywords: Professional, Teacher, Education, Early Childhood INTRODUCTION Teachers are professional educators with the primary task of educating, teaching, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students in early childhood education, formal education, primary education and secondary education PP 19: 2005 pasal 1.1. Teacher Is The Heart Of Quality Education. Bahrul Hayat, 2005 This expression implies that the teacher is one of the indicators that determine the quality of education. Good or not the quality of education will be seen from the performance and competence of teachers as educators implement the learning process. Teacher education is the key to success, with his professional duties, the teacher helps the other people students to learn and grow; foster the intellectual, personal and social citizens who entered the school Cooper, 1982. Teachers motivate students to learn, in addition to managing the classroom effectively Barry King, 1993. For the teacher should be a facilitator of learning for learners who dyed condensed by the atmosphere warm and acceptance, realness, openess, prizing, trust, empathic understanding, love, caring Rogers, 1969; Gordon, 1974; Smith, 1978; Barry King, 1993; Hendrick, 1994. Teachers should always pay attention to and understand the atmosphere of the class and the class as a cool handle, not explosive Silberman, 1970, because the language of acceptance is so powerful Gordon, 1974. The attitude of teachers affects the behavior and activities of student learning 1 Lecturer PGPAUD Indonesia University of Education 2 Lecturer PGPAUD Indonesia University of Education 3 Lecturer PGPAUD Indonesia University of Education 4 Lecturer PGPAUD Indonesia University of Education 265 Smith, 1978. The classroom atmosphere should be made into a democratic pattern of relationships me okay, youre ok Beechhold, 1971 in Prayitno, 2005 Based Educator Standards in Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 states that Teachers should have the academic qualifications and competencies as agents of learning, physical and spiritual health, as well as having the ability to achieve national education goals which include: 1. The minimum education qualification of Diploma D-IV or Bachelor S1 2. Educational background in areas or subjects taught 3. Certificate of the teaching profession at least 36 credits above the D-IV S1 In the above Government Regulation, said there are at least four competencies required of teachers as educators, including: 1 Pedagogic Competence, namely: The ability to manage the learning of learners that includes an understanding of the learners, the design and implementation of learning, evaluation of learning outcomes, and the development of learners to actualize their potential. 2 Competence Personality namely: Personality educators steady, stable, mature, wise, and dignified, become role models for students, and noble. 3 Professional Competence, which is: The ability of educators in the mastery learning material is broad and deep that enables guiding learners acquire competency. And 4 Social Competence, namely: The ability of educators to communicate and interact effectively with students, fellow teachers, staff, parents guardians of students, and the community. THEORETICAL  Teacher Competency The term competence competence in Indonesian defined as skill or ability. There are several meanings of competency, including the opinion of experts as follows. 1 Teacher competency is the ability of a teacher to her responsibility or has performed duties appropriately. Uzer Usman, 2000. The ability of a teacher to perform the duties in a responsible and decent. 2 ... is a knowledge, skills, and abilities or capabilities that a person Achieves, roomates Become part of his or her being to the exent he or she can satisfactorily perform particular cognitive, afective, and psychomotor behaviors. McAshan, 1981 in Mulyasa 2002. Competence is defined as the knowledge, skills and abilities controlled by someone who has been a part of him, so he can do the behaviors of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor as well as possible. 3 Competence is a set of knowledge, skills and behaviors that must be owned, lived, and controlled by the teacher or lecturer in performing the duties of professionalism. The teacher is a position or profession that requires specialized skills as a teacher. This job can not be done by people who do not have the expertise to undertake the activity or job as a teacher. To be a teacher is required special conditions, especially as a professional teacher must master the ins and outs of true education with a variety of other science that needs to be nurtured and developed through specific training or education period Prajabatan Usman, 2000: 5. In Big Indonesian Dictionary, is defined as a teacher who teaches his job. However, in the implementation of educational activities the teachers task is certainly not just teaching oriented skill development dimension of the realm of copyright alone but also teachers also developed the realm of feeling and intention of the learners. Because, in the perspective of 266 educational psychology of teaching, in principle, means the act of a person teacher from others learners learning, in the sense of changing the entire dimension of behavior. Shah, 1999: 222. Meanwhile, according to Surya 2003: 134-135 evaluated from a psychological standpoint as teachers are: 1 educational psychologists, means a person who understands the psychology of education and are able to practice it in his duties as an educator; 2 the artist in human relations artist in human relations, means that the teacher is the one who has the ability to create an atmosphere of human relations, especially with the students so that they can achieve educational goals; 3 forming a group group builder, which is able to create groups and activities to achieve educational goals; 4 the catalytic agent or innovator, one who is able to create a renewal to make things better; and 5 mental health workers mental hygiene workers, means that the teacher is responsible for the creation of the mental health of the students. METHOD To solve a problem in a research required regular, well-planned, carefully and continuously. While the steps that must be done to solve the problems of a study must use research methods. The study used the descriptive analytical method with quantitative and qualitative approaches, this is done by adjusting the main objective to be achieved is to describe, analyze and explain the whole of the data obtained so as to apply generally. Figure 1. Flow Research RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Professional Teacher Education Policy Studies Government Regulation No. 74 of 2008 about Teacher has outlined that the provision of teacher education institutions under the authority of educators, which can then be referred to as the supply of university-based teacher. According to these laws, the institution is a college education personnel assigned by the government to carry out a program to provide teachers in early childhood education, formal education, basic education, and or secondary education, and to organize and develop pedagogy and nonkependidikan. The teacher should have the academic qualification of at least S1 D-IV and certified educators. If a teacher has to have both, its status is recognized by the state as a professional teacher. Law No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers and the PP 74 about Teacher, has mandated that only qualified teachers S1 D-IV field of education and no field of education only qualified as a teacher. That is, if they have taken and passed the education profession. Two of these regulations outlined that participants professional education established by the minister, which is very likely based on the quota needs formations. Especially for the professional education of teachers, some of the important mandate that can be tapped on the two pieces of legislation. First, potential participants qualified professional education S1 D- IV. Second, the certificate for the teacher educator is obtained through professional education programs organized by the college that has a program to provide accredited education Identification and formulation of the problem Determinati on of research methods Data Data analysis and explanation conclusion 267 personnel, both held by the government and society, and are set by the government. Third, educator certification for prospective teachers should be done in an objective, transparent, and accountable. Fourth, the number of students each year professional training program specified by the Minister. Fifth, the program ends with the professional education competency test educators. Sixth, educator competency test is done through a written test and a performance test in accordance with the standards of competence. Seventh, implemented in a comprehensive written exam that includes mastery: 1 insight or educational foundation, understanding of learners, developing curriculum or syllabus, instructional design, and evaluation of learning outcomes; 2 the subject matter is broad and deep in accordance with the standards of the course content, subject groups, and or programs that diampunya; and 3 the concepts of scientific disciplines, technology, or art that is conceptually overshadow the subject matter, a group of subjects, and or program diampunya. Eighth, the performance test carried out in a holistic manner in the form of practice exams.

2. Design Professional Teacher Education

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