Methods Results and Discussion

127 Resnik and Stern’s List of Information Cues Information Cues Descriptions 1 Price cost of the product, value retention capability 2 Quality objective evaluation of workmanship, engineering, durability, excellence of materials, structure superiority, superiority of personnel, attention to details, or special services 3 P erformance function of the product, how well does it do function of the product, how well does it do 4 Components contents ingredients, composition, ancilliary items 5 Availability place of purchase, available period, contact phone number 6 Special offer limited time non-price details 7 Taste superiority of taste in test by a sample of potential customers 8 Nutrition specific data of nutritional content 9 P ackaging package more desirable than alternatives 10 Guarantees warranties post purchase assurance post purchase assurance 11 Safety safety features 12 Independent research research done by independent research firm 13 Company research research done by advertiser 14 New ideas new product percepts Source : Resnik and Stern 1977. Lin 1993 and Lin and Salwen 1995 reclassified the information cues into rational appeal price, quality, performance, safety and guarantees and warranties and emotional appeal taste, packaging and new ideas. An advertisement categorized informative if it contains some information, whereas emotional ad contains less information about the product and just display the performance or quality of the product claims than informative advertising.

3. Methods

Using quantitative content analysis, this research collected data from several popular tv programs targeted to children. The tv shows selected purposively based on pre-research survey to 80 elementary students in Semarang to identify most watched tv shows among children respondents. The programs are: 1 Spongebob SquarePants- 2 Si Bolang 3 Teddy Boy, 4 Tukang Bubur Naik Haji . The shows were recorded via video home system VHS during a week 2-8 June 2014. After coded the frequency of ads in the show, we merely analyzed the ads and advertisements that were repeatedly shown were considered as one sample point only. Four people coded the data. Inter-coder reliability was measured using Scott‘s Pi Coefficient and the result ranges from 0.62 to 0.91 of which interpreted as having adequate reliability.

4. Results and Discussion

The total sample of this research is 1442 advertisings which consists of 283 different advertisings. Hereabout the description of the findings. Ads Duration and F requency 128 Regarding duration and frequency of advertising, including the number of commercial break —break between the show displaying ads, duration of each commercial break, number of ads broadcasted in the commercial break, total duration of ads in the show and percentage of ads in the show are describe in the table below: Tabel 1: Ads Frequency and Duration Total duration of the show times of commercial break number of ads per commercial break Total duration of ads Percentage of ads in the show Spongebob Squarepant 60 min 3-6 min 8-14 ads 21-27 min 40 Si Bolang 30 min 4-5 min 10-14 ads 8-12 min 29 Teddy Boy 30 min 4-7 min 13-16 ads 8-12 min 30 Tukang Bubur Naik Haji 60 min 6-10 min 21-28 ads 21-25 min 38 The commercial break duration vary from 3 to 10 minutes within the shows. In prime time TV shows, the duration of commercial break can be longer, that is up to 7-8 minutes. Differences in the duration determines the difference in the number of ads that aired once a commercial break. On average, 10-15 ads played in each breaks, excluding the prime time commercial breaks that televised 21-28 ads appearing in 6-10 minutes. Product Category Advertised in Children Programs The product category on children‘s programs in this research classifies into three main categories: children products targeting children as the primary target market;; product family of products consumed by the family members, primarily targeting the mother or parents as the Purchaser and to make children as influencers to consume; and adult product-targeting adults and influencing children as their future market. The finding as described in the diagram 3. 50 ads advertised in children programs are children products primarily targeting children as their market. While the rest 26 are family product and 24 are adult products. Table 5. Produt Category Targeted to Children in Children TV Shows Jenis Snack 12 Milk 15 Instant Food 7 Soft Drinks 5 Candies 5 Children TV Shows 4 Ice Cream 4 Fastfood Restaurant 1 Toys 1 Stationery 54 129 Children products advertised on children programs found on this research is shown on the left table 5. Only 54 ads advertised products that can be consumed by children. The most advertised children products are snacks —various light foods consumed directly by children; instant foods —noodles, cereal and others; instant drinks—juice, milk, fruits based drinks and various packaged drinks; and candies. This finding shows products targeting children that advertised in children tv shows are still dominated by food--drinks and snacks. While the rest only 5 is other product categories —tv show, toys and stationary. Regarding products ranking on the most advertised products on children programs, research findings showed adult and family products; ie. adult body care products. Display frequency for this product category is the highest. Adult body care products; such as cosmetics, deodorant and hair treatment and household products, e.g. home care and cooking seasonings are advertised quite intensively during children programs. The overall products ranking advertised on children programs are shown on the right table 4. While in the table we also notice there is 1 political advertising in children tv programs. This due to the timing of data collection came along with political campaign period. Table 4. Overall Product Categories Advertised in Children TV Shows No Product Category f 1 Adult body treatment 187 16 2 Children Milk 173 15 3 Snack 136 12 4 Instant Food 82 7 5 Groceries 80 7 6 Children Body Treatment 61 5 7 Soft Drink 60 5 8 Candies 52 5 9 Drugs 51 4 10 Other Children TV Shows 48 4 11 Ice Cream 42 4 12 TeenageAdult TV Show 41 4 13 Provider Cellular 35 3 14 Others 20 2 15 Fastfood Restaurants 14 1 16 Children Drugs 13 1 17 Politics 13 1 18 Seasonings 12 1 19 Adult Milk 10 1 20 Toys 9 1 21 Stationary 3 130 Information Contents on Advertising Resnik and Stern 1977 described that information on an advertising consists of: price, quality, performancecapability, components or ingredients, usage manuals, special offering, taste, nutrition, packaging information and product guarantee, product safety, independent research findings related to products, research on product and new ideas. Reseach on advertising of 283 various products shown on children programs found that the advertising contain some information components as shown on the left table. Based on the left table, the most displayed information on advertising is product quality: 48. Even, 14 of the advertising shows merely product quality —one type of information. Products which shows merely quality information are: Berry Good, Big Babol, Big Cola, Choki-choki, Pop mie and etc. Besides quality, information on product performance is shown intensively: 43. Even, 12 of the advertising shows merely one type of information on product performance: Close up, Dove Facial Foam, Head Shoulders and other body care products. Based on samples gathered during research, there are not any advertising showing information about guarantee and product safety, even though those information are highly significant to product consumption. Similar to information on internal or external research findings on certain product consumption, only 2 of the advertising shows. Advertising is a paid communication format to direct its viewer‘s attention and concentration toward a certain proportion Lurry, 2008:23. The left table shows that majority of advertising on children emphasize on product abstract quality and performance —based on subjective claim —compared to providing guarantee, security and factual data based on research findings. Advertising has the ability to ―sell‖ abstract ideas, start practical concept of a product and certain cultural values. An advertising delivers more than just a persuasion to buy a product, moreover it manages to direct formation of values on what should be grasped on social or political life. Both in the sense of directing viewers to consume the product. The research findings show that ideal values on what is good in our society shifts more on the judgment of product quality and performance, even though not clearly showing product safety information. Related to advertising quantity of information, the research findings as displayed on next table 6 show that most advertising 83 contains only 1-2 information. Advertising with less information is categorized as emotional advertising. Merely 3 of the advertising contain more information. 131 Tabel 6. Percentage of Information Content in Ads Information Quality 48 Performance 43 Nutrition 19 TasteVarian 17 PlacePeriod of Buying 15 Price 8 Components contents 8 Special Offer 4 Packaging 4 Company research 2 Independent research 2 New Ideas 1 Guarantee Safety This finding fits to research by Crask and Laskey 1990. Almost all advertising in this research, especially those belong to categories of personal need, households, and foods are informative. For example, milk product shows up to five types of information on its advertising. The information is used more to anchor the benefits and advances among competitors than provide specific personality on the product. Some previous research finding indicated that information quantity of advertising depends on media characteristics and product category. Resnik finds that advertising displayed on afternoon is more informative compared to advertising on morning or noon. Resnik Stern, 1991 While this research shows that advertising during non prime time is more informative compared to prime time. This is due to number of advertising and its duration managed to be displayed. Recommendation This study found that the durat ion of the ad that aired in children‘s programs comparatively high. Based on Undang Undang Penyiaran No. 32 thn. 2002, article 46 about advertising broadcasting, paragraph 8, it is mentioned: the highest proportion of commercial advertisements for private broadcast institution is 20, while for public broadcast institution is 15 at most compared to total duration. This finding indicates the percentage of ads duration is ranging from 29 to 40 of total duration of the show. This figure far exceeds the standards set by Indonesian Broadcasting Commission KPI that is 20 maximum. In Undang Undang Penyiaran is also states that broadcasting commercial advertisements aired on the broadcast programs for children must adhere to the broadcast standard for children. While the study showed 24 of the ads that aired in the children‘s show is in the form of adult products category. Such data could be a consideration for KPI to curb the commercial broadcasting so it‘s not only feasible, but also safe for children. 132 References: Aaker, D. Norris, D. 1982. 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Vol.18No.1Spring 2008. P.39-60 MccDermott et al. 2008. A Review of The Effects, Uses and Interpretations of Commercial Messages and Activities by Children . Final Report: Univeristy of Stirling Palmer, Edward L, Young, Brian M. 2003. The fa ces of Televisual Media; Teaching, Violence, Selling to Children, 2 nd Ed . London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publisher. Resnik, A. J. B.L. Stern. 1977. An Analysis of Information Content in Television Advertising. Journal of Marketing. 41. p. 50-53 Sliburyte, Laimona. 2009. Children and Advertising: issues in Consumer Socialization P rocess . World Academy of Science, Enginering and Technology Proceeding. P. 1618-1622 Ulfa, Nurist Surayya. 2013. Mengidentifikasi P emrosesan Informasi Komersial di Televisi P ada Ana k-ana k . Unpublished research. Vina D. Myra Valmoria, Agatep. 2007. P roduct Categories And Information Content Of Television Advertisements In The P hilippines . Philippine Management Review: 2007, Vol. 14, 145-165. Wright Peter, Friedstad Marian, Boush, David M. 2008. The Development of Marketplace Persuasion Knowledge in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults . Journal of American Marketing Association Vo.24 2 Fall 2005 P. 222-233 133 GADGET : WHAT AND HOW ? INDONESIAN CHILDREN’S PERSPECTIVES ON GADGETS Endah Silawati, Hj. Setyaningsih Rachmania, Prodi PGPAUD Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kampus Cibiru ABSTRACT This article descibes the children‘s perspectives of gadget‘s hardware and program. This description is a part of the results from the study based on the fact that digital era has been mushroomed around the world and also in Indonesia. The uses of the gadgets are not just for teens and adults but also for children. Unfortunatelly, not all gadgets are suitable with the eastern characters. Most of them have program that shows pornography and violence. The children‘s perspectives will be used as the basis in developing gadgets as learning media and development especially for cognitive ability. The qualitative approaches is used in this study. Interview and questionaire are used as data collection techniques. Data of the study is analysed based on the process of data reduction and also coding.So it can be concluded in the same category and theme. Laboratory kindergarten of UPI Cibiru was the place to conduct the study decause it is related with the implemented curriculum. The result of study showed that 100 children knew computer, laptop, mobile phones, camera, TV, tabletipad, 34 children knew handycam, and 17 children knew MP3 and printer. Then, 100 watched TV, 85 often played computer, Mobile phones dan tablet, , and 50 played laptop and camera. Among many programs in gadgets, all of the children like competitive and ranked games. For boys tend to like games which have good and bad characters shown in battle like program such as subway surfer and temple run , while the girls tend to participate in games which have micro role playing such as making pizza, sushi, bakery, beauty parlor and so on. All of the children knew the function of the gadgets by looking at how the adult used them and they can also used them appropriately. It is suggested to creator of the gadget program to develop program which have educative and eastern characters but still interesting and chalenging to be played. Key words : gadget, children‘s perspectives, hard ware, program . INTRODUCTION From birth, children are immersed in a media rich world Rideout et al. 2003; Knobel 2005; Marsh 2005, 2006 in in Hayes, Taylor Wheway: 2006. In addition, media with high technology has developed rapidly around the world. This can also be felt in Indonesia. In less than 2 decades, Indonesia had the impact of the development of the technology. In the globalization era, not just the experts in technology who are influenced but also by the society. Technology is not considered to be a luxurious applications anymore and the access to get it can be done by the people everywhere. Gadget users are not limited for adults who are able to buy or use them anymore but teenagers and even children are who are still in the early ages are interested in using the gadgets. The sophistication of using gadget do not limit them to follow the trend. In some aspects, technology is benefit to be used as learning media, but in other ways, they have linitation also. According to Hayes et all 2006 gadget can help children in 134 developing their conceptual skills cognitive. In addition it is also playing media which is very fun and develop creativity. By playing gadget, children also can explore some comunicative expression, develop some skills, such as: language, mathematics, solving problem and scientific mind that are usefull for them in the future. Besides that, the positive side of gadget as learning media are: 1 Children can control their own learning 2 Giving variety of learning activities 3 Develop individual thinking skills to be logical and systematic. While the limitation of gadgets as learning media are: 1 Just effective to be used in developing cognitive and intellectual skills. 2 Individual using makes children to be less interaction in society 3 Gadget only provid virtual interacton 4 Can have radiation effect 5 regular useof gadget can give negative effect for c hildren‘s eyes The growth of a child is an amazing thing. The development of the brain of the early childhood can reach up to 80 so that this period is the most important phase in the growing process of a child. This is also known as the golden age period where the growing process of a child must reach its maximum level and positive stimulant must be given. It can be said that if a child does not have enough attention and education, the child will not have enough preparation to enter the next stage of the education and life. In consequence, children should be educated based on their learning style. According to Suyanto 2005 the learning process for the young learners must be done through playing. P lay has a key role in promoting exploration and mastery, exercising muscles and the mind, and relating to other people Schaefer et all, 2001. Gadgets, as one of the technological product can facilitate this proces of learning. For instance, by providing varieties of games or play. Hurlock Abidin, 2009 called it as a passive play. Children, these days, grow and develop in a very fast development. They can communicate and acess to various information from the small gadgets they have. The aim of the process of learning gadgets for the young learners is only limited to give comprehension and prepare them to accept the advancement of technology. Be prepared to adapt with various technological changes will influence the future life. The correct age for the young learners to learn gadgets is between 3-4 years old Hayes, et all ,2006 . At the moment, many people doubted the effectiveness of gadgets in the process of learning for the young learners when they play gadgets. They tend to passive in motoric. This is contrary with the the characteristics of the children who should be active and creative as learners. But as the era of technology, children are forced to know gadgets and technology. Therefore, as teachers for the young learners, we should be creative and we have to think hard on how to use the technology so that it will usefull for the development of the young learners. The time management of using gadgets for the young learners, is most suggested 1-2 hours per day. Playing with classmates must also be concerned because as social being, human needs other people. In maximizing the positive effect of gadget as learning media, the first step that we should do is to investigate their perspective of gadget. Therefore this study is focused on getting the perspectives views from the children, especially the Indonesia children about the use of gadgets. This study can also be hoped to be the basic development of gadget as learning media. 135 METHODS This study uses mix method in order to apply positive side of qualitative and quantitative method Creswell, 2009. Qualitative approach with descriptive method is used to identify children‘s perspectives on gadgets hardware and program. While quantitative approach by experiment method with one group pre-test and post-test design is used in identifying the uses of gadget as learning media to enhance vocabulary skills . In this article, the data presented are only focus on the perspectives of the children with qualitative approach. In addition, it is analyzed by Miles and Huberman data analisis technique Arikunto, 2002. In gathering the data, some techniques were used such as interview and quesionare. In the interview, the children were asked some open ended questions about kinds of gadgets. The questions covered some points, which are: 1 the functions of gadgets, 2 games that they usually play, 3 intensity of playing gadgets, 4 person who accompanied them in playing gadget, 5 the gadget‘s program that they like, 6 the place where they usually play gadget, 7 the way they play gadget. While the quesionares was fullfiled by the parents with the same questions. The subjects were students of TK Laboratorium UPI Kampus Cibiru and the sample were using 10 students randomly. It is assumed that all the sample have the same characteristics of age and language skills. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In collecting the data of children‘s perspectives on gadget, 7 questions have been asked, which were: 1 the function of gadgets, 2 games that they usually played, 3 intensity of playing gadgets, 4 person who accompanied them in playing gadget, 5 the gadget‘s program that they liked, 6 the place where they usually played gadget, and 7 the way they played gadget. The interview was taped and transcribed in order to analize the data. First question that was asked to the children was about their knowledge of the kinds of gadgets. They were asked whether they know 12 kinds of gadgets, which are: computer, laptop, mobile phones, camera, TV, tabletipad, MP, printer, handycam, netbook, X-box, e- reader. The result of study showed that 100 children knew computer, laptop, mobile phones, camera, TV, 34 children knew handycam tabletipad, and 17 children knew MP3 and printer. None of them knew netbook, X-box and e-reader. They said that they do not know the netbook because in Indonesia, it is also usually called as laptop. They are unfamiliar with X- box and e-reader, because in Indonesia that kinds of gadgets is rarely used. The data is described in the figure below: Figure 1. Children‘s knowledge on kinds of gadgets. Column 1: computer, laptop, mobile phones, camera, TV, tabletipad, column 2: handycam, column 3: children knew MP3 and printer and column 4: netbook, X-box, e-reader 136 The second question was about the gadget that they usually played. From the data gathered, it can be concluded that100 watch TV, 85 of the children tend to play computer, mobile phones dan tablet that other gadget, and 50 play laptop and camera. It can be assumed in this findings, that most of the family in Indonesia have TV and computer in their home, and almost all the family members have mobile phones. While not all the children often play laptop because their parents usually left them to work since it is personal tools and related to parents jobs. They are worried if the children will damage it. The children also rarely use camera because not all family have this gadget, since its function can be replaced by mobile phones. The next question was about the intensity of playing gadget. Because the children are still in the process of comprehending the time concept, the interviewer helped them in giving the answer by describing the time based on their perspectives. The result showed that most of the children usually played gadget between 1-2 hours a day. Fourth question was about personpeople that played gadget with the children. From their answers, all of them usually played it with their parents, other family members or alone and rarely with their friends. Because gadget is a personal tool, they tend to love to play it alone. Fifth question was about gadget‘s programs. Among many programs in gadget, all of the children like competitive and ranked games. Boys tend to like games which have good and bad characters shown in battle like program such as subway surfer and temple run , while the girls tend to participate in games which have micro role playing such as making pizza, sushi, bakery, beauty parlor and so on. Sixth and last question was about the place where the children play gadget and the function of gadget. From the interview it was found that they usually played it at home. While about the function, all of the children knew the functions of the gadgets by looking at how the adult used them. In addition they can also used them appropriately. From the results of study above, it can be concluded that all of the children have been engaged in gadget and many were already competent with a range of technologies. This findings is suitable with statement proposed by Marsh 2005 in Hayes et all: 2006 that preschool children are engaged in a range of complex practices in accessing websites, using interactive games on digital and satellite television, playing with mobile phones and using games consoles, such as PlayStation. Most of the children perceived gadget from its shapes. For example, when they were asked ‗what is computer?‘, most of them stated it as a box with some images in it. Their perspective is still in concrete point of view based on what they see and hear, not in the function, eventhough they know it. This finding related to the cognitive development of the children stated by Peaget Yusuf, 2002 that children in this age 5 years old still in the phase of pre operational with one of its characteristic is that their intelligence is still limited by their perspective of what they have seen in one dimension and at the same time. The tendency to choose the program is influenced by the social culture context, gender and playing development. All of the children like competitive and ranked games. They are unintrested and feel bored when played uncompetitive game. This finding is related to microgenesis playing development which assumed that children change their playing period from one game to another in the short time Abidin, 2009. In addition, Vygotsky also stated that ‗scafolding‘ should be suitable with their ‗Zone Proximal Development‘. Therefore, the games should be chalenging but not difficult. Rankedleveled games are suitable with that assumtions, because they can play challenging games appropriately with their ability. In Indonesia, most families are muslims. In their values, gender awareness are done in early years. In addition, Indonesian culture also has perspective that boys should be strong, 137 active and play phisical or war game, while girls should be play more passive. Those values and perspectives affect the tendention of game selection. Boys tend to like games which have good and bad characters shown in battle like program such as ‗subway surfer‘ and ‗temple run‘, while the girls tend to participate in games which have micro role such as ‗pizza frenzy‘. CONCLUTION Nowdays, from birth, children are immersed in a media rich world Rideout et al. 2003; Knobel 2005; Marsh 2005, 2006 in Hayes et all, 2006. They also connected to technology media and have their own perspectives on it. Their perspectives is important in order to make those tools give positive effect for their development. The result of study showed that 100 children knew computer, laptop, mobile phones, camera, TV, tabletipad, 17 children knew MP3 and printer, and 34 children knew handycam. Then, 85 often played computer, Mobile phones dan tablet, 100 watched TV, and 50 played laptop and camera. Among many programs in gadget, all of the children like competitive and ranked games. For boys tend to like games which have good and bad characters shown in battle like program such as subway surfer and temple run , while the girls tend to participate in games which have micro role playing such as making pizza, sushi, bakery, beauty parlor and so on. All of the children knew the fuction of the gadget by looking at how the adult used them and they can also used them appropriately. It is suggested to creator of the gadget program to develop program which have educative and eastern characters but still interesting and chalenging to be played. REFERENCES Abidin, Yunus. 2009. Bermain, Pengantar Bagi Penerapan Pendekatan Beyond Centres and Circle Time BCCT Dalam Dimensi PAUD. Bandung: Rizqi Press Arikunto, S. 2002. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. Creswell, J. W. 2009. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches third ed.. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc. Hayes, Mary. Whitebread, David. Taylor, Chris Wheway, David et all 2006. ICT in the Early Years. New York: Mc Graw Hill Yusuf, Syamsu 2002. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. Schaefer, Charles. Reid, Steven. Archer, Jill. Bay-Hinizh, April. et all 2001. Game Play. Canada: John Wiley Sons Inc Suyanto, Slamet 2005. Dasar-Dasar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Yogyakarta: Hikayat 138 APPLICATION SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS PROCESSING WITH VBA AND INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA BRANCHING LINEAR Researcher: Rita Mariyana, M.Pd Chairman 1 Asep Deni Gustiana, M.Pd Member 2 This study aims to develop to improve the quality of learning by making statistical data processing tools are easy to understand, easy to use by following the flow andtisctaaltis methods so that students can quickly perform data processing in both subjects for task completion and the completion of an essay, a thesis or a dissertation. To describe the results of a study to improve the quality of learning with this statistical tool research uses descriptive method, the purposive sampling technique to students taking statistics courses in early childhood teacher education study program Indonesia University of Education. Data from the study, questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentary studies analyzed by quantitative and qualitative techniques. The final product of this study is to improve the quality of products tools of statistical data processing and statistical learning media courses are quickly understood and easily used not only for Early Childhood Education students but for students taking a statistics course. Keywords: Tools, Learning Media, Linear Branching, Data Processing, Statistics Background The development and progress of education is strongly influenced by the development of science and technology. The emergence of a wide range of technology product can be harnessed and used in the field of education, as well as providing opportunities to the teachers and to improve the quality of education through improved teaching and learning process. The computer as a medium for learning with software that is programmed properly in accordance with the principles of learning is an appropriate means to assist teachers in teaching-learning process. As noted by Nana Sudjana and Ahmad Rivai: The subject matter, feedback, illustrations, summaries, and questions packed into a package of learning programs, so as to create educational interaction between students and the learning package individually 3 Learning is a complex process that occurs in everyone and lasts a lifetime. The change of behavior in the self-learner is a sign someone has done a study on the process itself, both changes that are knowledge cognitive and skills psychomotor or related to values and attitudes affective. Effective learning process must start from direct experienceconcrete and then leads to a more abstract experience. Verbal information tends to be boring. With the media, the messages that are abstract subjects can be visualized, so that students are interested in what they learn. The taste of this interest will impact the growth of motivation that will directly improve student learning outcomes. Computer-based learning programs offer a dynamic learning program that is assumed to be better. With computer- based learning package models are packed with a good tutorial is expected to result in the learning process better with indicators of improved student learning outcomes. 1 Rita Mariyana, Lecturer Indonesia University of Education. 2 Asep Deni Gustiana, Lecturer Indonesia University of Education. 3 Nana Sudjana, Ahmad Riva‘i. Teknologi Pengajaran . Sinar Baru dan Lembaga Penelitian IKIP Bandung : 1989. Hal 137. 139 Limitation and Problem Formulation In this study the use of instructional media in the form of a computer application used to explain the statistics lecture material is packaged in an application tool VBA-based statistical data processing and learning tool tutorial type branching models linear branching. Related to the above, it is a common problem in this study is formulated as follows: What is the effect of the application of statistical data processing tools and media-based learning VBA computer-based tutorial-type branching models linear branching to improve learning outcomes statistics course. To measure differences in the effect of instructional media application processing aids VBA-based statistical data and computer-based learning programs tutorial-type branching linear models is to compare the scores of students learning outcomes using the application program aids VBA-based statistical data processing and computer-based models of learning media tutorials type of branching branching linear, between before treated with post-treated. Based on the identification by the researchers, to better guide the present study, there is a restriction problem on the following matters: 1. The student as the research object. More specifically, the study was limited in early childhood teacher education students who took a statistics course. 2. The application program aids VBA-based statistical data processing and computer-based instructional media to be tested is the model of tutorial-type branching branching and the type of straight linear which is a product of the researcher. 3. The results of the study measured the cognitive aspects of learning outcomes C1 level knowledge, C2 understanding and C3 application 4. Motivation to learn is measured is how much attention and interest of students to computer-based learning programs to help their understanding of the course material More specifically, the research problem is formulated as follows: How does the application program aids VBA-based statistical data processing and computer- based instructional media type of branching branching and the type of straight linear to increase student learning outcomes in the cognitive aspects of C1 knowledge, C2 understanding, and C3 application ? In general, this study aims to determine the effect of application of statistical tools and models of computer-based instructional media tutorial type branching branching and the type of straight linear to the improvement of learning outcomes and learning motivation of students in the eye Statistics courses in early childhood teacher education program of study. Method The method used in this study was a quasi-experimental method, which is one of the main characteristics of this methodniost performed random assignment, but rather use an existing group of subjects. 4 4 Mohammad Ali. Strategi Penelitian Pendidikan. 1993. Angkasa : Bandung. Hal 145. 140 Figure 1. Road Map Research The study was conducted on the student, the experimental group using statistical tools and application media computer-based learning programs branching and the type of straight linear. TABLE 1. TREATMENT OF EACH VARIABLE IN RESEARCH Independent Variable x Defendant Variable y Computer-Based Learning Program, application program tools of statistical data processing based VBA learning outcomes Y 1 X 1 The design used in this research is the design of pre-test post-test using the experimental groups without random assignment. The research design can be seen in Table 2. TABLE 2 RESEARCH DESIGN GROUP PRE-TEST TREATMENT POS-TEST A Y 1 X 1 Y 2 Remarks: A : The experimental group Y1: pretest experimental group Y2: Posttest experimental group X1: The treatment for the experimental group In the design of this study, subjects were taken in the form of a class without random assignment. Do not do this due to the random assignment is not possible to change the class researchers who have been there before, to determine the subject of research into 141 experimental groups. Then on the consideration that the groups in a class are usually already established, then if researchers form new groups feared would cause damage to the nature of the atmosphere of the class. On the basis of this consideration a group of researchers using existing classes and to experiment with these groups with quasi-experimental methods. The steps undertaken in the use of quasi-experimental design in this study are as follows: 1. Determine the experimental group A 2. To the experimental group was given a pre-test Y1 3. Providing treatment in the form of the use of statistical tools application modifications and types of computer-based learning program branching branching X1 4. To the experimental group was given a post-test Y3 to determine the ability of the end or the result of learning 5. Testing equality of pre-test results and the experimental group post-test results of the experimental group. 6. After conducting experiments and post-test questionnaire given to the experimental group to determine differences in the influence of the program on student learning 7. scoring against any motivation questionnaire answers according to answer key 8. Cultivate questionnaire results for the experimental group. Benefits Research 1. Benefits for Education Technology Disciplines This study is expected to be material and aids learning media especially statistics course. Application of this statistical tool can be the solution, especially for statistical data processing technology field of education, especially in maximizing the use of computer facilities in early childhood teacher education laboratory computer. 2. Benefits and Workforce Education Lecturer As a matter of information for educators as well as those who pay attention to the implementation and development of learning programs that use computers to assist in the teaching-learning process at all levels of educational institutions. 3. Benefits for Students The results of research into the use and application of statistical tools of computer-based instructional media program branching and linear model of this tutorial is expected to be used to solve problems in education and helping statistical data processing for thesis. 4. Benefits for Other Researchers For other researchers who are interested to study about the use of statistical tools and the application of instructional media. The results of this study can be used as input and preliminary studies to understand the use of computers in the manufacture of media with different variables and more problems. 5. Product Benefits for general research The products produced in the form of statistical data processing tools can be used for wider society not only to help data processing statistics for education alone but can be used for other fields wider. Subjects Research Subjects in this study were students who took a statistics course in Early Childhood Teacher Education Indonesia University of Education Bandung. The study population was students taking statistics courses in Teacher Education of Early Childhood Program Indonesia University of Education Bandung. Random sampling is a sampling technique that is done by giving opportunities or opportunities to all members of the population to be sampled. Thus obtained samples are expected a representative sample. 142 System Design and Application Flowchart Here is a diagram of the system design VBA Excel statistical tools that have been developed: The image above displays a flowchart workflow application tool of statistical data processing based Excel VBA. Beginning of test instruments, normality test, correlation, and regression test the average difference both for parametric and non-parametric. Evaluation, Implementation and Application Overview Evaluation 1. Subject Test As an instructional media development research activities, products must go through a testing phase beforehand. The test is intended to obtain data that can be used to determine the quality of the resulting product. The process of testing is done through two processes, namely the expert test, and the test group. 2. Testing Expert The test performed by a qualified expert data processing research. This stage is useful for the evaluation of the data processing is different whether it is appropriate or the outcome should be. Applications tested whether the presence or absence of irregularities logic. 3. Trials Group Experiments conducted on a group of students who took the early childhood teacher education courses Statistics. This procedure is useful for the assessment of whether the application of statistical tools based on Excel VBA built to run well to calculate the results of research. 4. Testing Instrument Main Menu Instrument Test  Validity  Reliability  Level of Difficulty  Distinguishing Correlation and Regression Test  Pearson Correlation  Rank Spearman Correlation  Single Regression  Multiple Regression  One-Way Anova  Two Way Anova Normality Homogeneity Test  Kolmogorov Smirnov Test  Skewness Kurtosis Test  Chi Squared Test  F-Max Homogeneity Test  Leveane Test Non Parametric Test  Wilcoxon Test  Mann Whitney Test  Friedman Test Parametric Test  T-Paired Sample Test  T-Independent Sample Test  Z test 143 Testing instrument in the development of research-based statistical tools data processing excel VBA using a Likert Scale questionnaire instrument with four options. The review conducted by the expert testing instruments of research. 5. Analysis of Test Results Data analysis of the results obtained aims to determine the response to the development of statistical tools basedtdaaprocessing Excel VBA that has been made. Questionnaires were then analyzed using analysis approach Summated item scales of Likert Scale Kothari, 2004: 83, in which the final score is obtained by using the formula: From the scores of each of the questions, and then converted into the following categories Suharsimi, 2010: 192;riK, 2o0th0a4: 85: 76 - 100 = very good, 51 - 75 = good, 26 - 50 = not good , 0 - 25 = not good Implementation 1. Software OS Windows XP SP3 Windows 7 Visual Basic Application of Excel MS Office 2010 2. Installation To install this application program steps must be taken: a. Copy the application program to the hard drive b. Open the master file, it will display the password confirmation request. Select the menu is read only. c. Once the application program is open, save as and name with a user name that is the subject, grade, and school name will be the subject of analysis of multiple-choice items. This step is the last step in the installation. Application overview Main form The main form in the application is a spreadsheet application where there is a title, and the main menu of statistics, ranging from test instruments, test for normality, correlation, regression and parametric tests and non-parametric tests. Pictures of the main application form 144 Sub Main Form Sub main form is a worksheet that displays menus that are more specific calculations which we will choose what we will use to process statistical data. Pictures Sub Form Test Instruments Pictures Sub Form normality and homogeneity test Sub Form Image Correlation and Regression CLOSING Application software development tools of statistical data processing with VBA and linear branching instructional media created to assist teaching and learning statistics by considering the ease and simplicity of the process so that learners can quickly implement. Making an application designed to accept a variety of input and ideas to help students, especially students of early childhood education to be easier to understand statistics. 145 This application was developed several objectives such as learning effectiveness and efficiency of learning, innovative learning, motivate learners and independent learning to do. To be able to be optimized, teaching materials can be tailored to the ability of learners. REFERENCES Jhon, Walkenbach, 2007. Excel VBA for Dummies. Indiana : Wiley Publishing Riva‘i, Ahmad, Sudjana, Nana, 1989. Teknologi Pengajaran . Bandung: Sinar Baru dan Lembaga Penelitian IKIP Bandung. Santoso, Singgih 2002. Mengolah Data Statistik Secara Proposional . Jakarta : Elekmedia Komputindo Sudjana, 2005. Metode Statistika . Bandung : Tarsito Suharsimi 1998. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek . Jakarta : Rineka Cipta 146 Parenting 148 149 PARENTING PERCEPTION ON EMPING MELINJO’S WORKERS TO THE 2-TO-3-YEAR-OLD CHILDREN IN BATANG REGENCY Yubaedi Siron 1 , Nurul Shofiatin Zuhro 2 Postgraduate Studies of State University of Jakarta 1, 2 ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to describe and explain the parenting perception on emping melinjo‘s workers in the Batang Regency, Central Java. This study used qualitative methods. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed by data reduction, data display, and research data verification. The results showed that the perception of parents in looked after their children on 2-to-3 year olds have many different types of parenting. Permissive parenting is the most often and dominant which applied by emping Melinjo‘s workers. Parents tend to let the children develops and playing by itself. There are some parents have treated their children well and use authoritative parenting but it rarely applied by emping Melinjo‘s workers. Some parents more often use authoritarian parenting when the price of emping melinjo is raising on the market. Parents will asked their children to do other activities they like, in other word the parents would have a longer time to focused on their work. Keywords: Parenting perception, parenting, emping Melinjo workers, children 2-3-year-olds. INTRODUCTION Children development at age 2-3 depend on their parent‘s role. The good parenting on this step will affected in the next life steps. Children at age 2-3 should get appropriate parenting from their parent during that period of age. Conditions and development of 2-to-3- year-olds children has an important role as foundation of development for the next life stages. The policy of the Republic of Indonesia No. 4 of 1979 on Child Welfare chapter 9 states that the parents takes responsibility to create the welfare of children spiritually, physically and socially. Hill, Waldfogel, Brooks, Gunn, Hann on Papalia and Feldman 2014: 218-219 cites the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth NLSY research to 6144 children whom the mother worked full-time in the early birth of infant are more likely to showed negative results on cognitive ability and behavior at age 3 to 8 years than children whom the mother worked part-time or not working at all during the early birth. In that conditions, children which had bad circumtances family showed less negative impact on cognitive rather than the child with the good one. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development NICHD had 900 longitudinal children studies that stated when a mother works at early birth of infant, it would have negative impacts on childrens cognitive development from age 15 months to 3 years old if the mother works for 30 hours or more per week. The problem is that the several society have not been giving their best attention to their child in aged 2-3 years yet. Though that age is a very critical period in child development, physical, motor, cognitive, language, social, emotional, and moral values. Emping Melinjo‘s worker cases in Batang on emping Melinjo cluster centers is also worrying. The majority of parents of children aged 2-3 years prefer to do fulltime job as emping melinjo worker. In fact, age of 2-3 years is vulnerable period that need intensive care to support child development. 150 Emping Melinjo Melinjo chips snack is the kind of traditional chips made from Melinjo seed Gnetum gnemon. There are s everal type of emping melinjo‘s product. Emping Melinjo is traditional home industry. The worker processed the seed into chips in their home with traditional tools or kits e.g. pethik hammer and tatakan made from stone. In the regencyof Batang, there are few numbers of early childhood cere centers that serve 2-to-3-year-old children needs. In the regency there are 19 ECE services for 2-to-3- year-old are still centralized in the city 9 ECE services for 2-to-3-year-old in the district of Batang, 2 in the district of Limpung, 2 in the district of Bawang, 1 ECE services for 2-to-3- year-old in District of Gringsing, Subah, Reban, and Warung Asem. In fact, most of the emping Melinjo‘s workers scattered in some citysides, far from the center of towndistrict which has ECE care centers. The ECEs service for 2-to-3-year-old also spend a large costs that the emping melinjo‘s workers can not sustain. It becomes interesting studies to examined about parenting perceptions to emping melinjo‘s workers, and how emping melinjo‘s workers would raise their 2-to-3-year-old children with limited costs to access appropriate educations. The implication is it can be used as a reference for local government to creat educational policy fo r the children of emping melinjo‘s workers. Parenting Perception Stenberg 2009: 81 stated perception occurs as environmental objects impart the structure of the informational medium that ultimately impinges on sensory receptors, leading to internal object identification. Perception is a cognitive process to give meaning to the stimulus of the environment that can be captured through the senses Sigit, 2003: 17. Perception is one of the psychological factors that contribute substantially to the participation of parents in early childhood education. In looking at the same event object, which is obtained by a persons understanding may be different from others because they have a different perception. Perceptions of parents of early childhood education is no direct connection through the senses of sight and hearing, and no interference interpretations and thoughts. Parents perceive early childhood education with a sedentary position, so it is always the same and stable in its position. Hangestiningsih 2008: 334 stated that the way parents develops their perception of early childhood education is determined by the condition of internal or personal characteristics. This condition can be categorized as internal needs, attitudes, motivations, expectations, past experiences, personality, and education. Parental perceptions of early childhood education has certain characteristics. The most prominent characteristics of the parents are usually the most decisive perception formed. The current situation also affects the perception of the parents perceptions about early childhood education was formed. Parenting on Early Childhood Harvard Family Research Project 2006: 2 stated that parenting was the family involvement process that includes the attitudes, values, and practices of parents in raising young children. Nurturing, warm, and responsive parent –child relationships and parental participation in child-centered activities relate to positive learning outcomes in early childhood. Family is an informal education that is essential for children. The integrity of a family, especially parent were needed by the children. Parent role strove to help the 151 children to internalize the moral values, to be recognized and understood, precipitated, and personalized in children. Fahrudin, 2011: 135. Children at 2-3-year-olds Jacobsen, H., Moe, V., Ivarson, T., Wentzel-Larsen, T. Smith, L. 2013: 666 stated that research has underscored the importance of early years development, nurturing caregiving environments on brain development, and the importance of positive brain- environment inter-action during the first 2 years of life also been documented by research on foster care and adoption. Children are active learner for each aspect of their development. They need constant experiences to help them refine emerging social, cognitive, physical and language competencies. Improved large and fine motor control allows them to become more independent. They need indoor and outdoor play activities that will encourage practice and enjoyment of their motor skills. Wortham, 2006: 94. METHODS Subject on this study is 35 people whose children are at 2-to-3-year-old. Subject recruited in snowball sampling technique. Data gathering will be stopped if the data were saturated. The technique of collecting data through observation, interview and documentation. The interviews were audio-recorded with the permission of the interviewees. The participants were encouraged to follow issues and angles of particular interest to them. The examination technique used is triangulation of data sources. Data were taken for 5 months. December 2013-February 2014 and June-July 2014 Analysis of the data used in this study using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and verification. The interviews were transcribed verbatim in Javanesse language and translated into English so that the authors could discuss the interview data together to examine and compare the data within and across the categories to finalize themes. The transcriptions and the translations of interviews were then returned to the interviewees to ensure that the original and translated transcripts accurately expressed their views. The study focused on several villages in the district Limpung. Limpung district serve as a focus because of the biggest centers in the district of Batang emping melinjo, so the icon is in the district town dubbed as Limpung as a Empings City with the Emping melinjo worker as a mascot sculpture at the city central. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on observastion, rating scale, and interviews about parenting perception on emping melinjo‘s worker to their 2-to-3-year-old children, found that perceptions of parenting in the emping melinjo workers are varied. Permissive parenting is most frequently applied by emping Melinjo workers. Parents not taking care about children activitiesa, what they do, what they will, how they behave, to whom they socialized, why they choose somethind and where their children were playing, and when the children got appropriate time to do their certain activities. For the emping Melinjo‘s worker as parents, their work productivity will increased if there were no any disturbance from family members, especially their children. So they would let their children do anything with less parents control. Children were left to play alone or in pairs of group, as a play on the ground, playing with their parents‘ working kits, learned to eat by themselves with less control and grew on thier own. Children experimented himself with his surroundings e.g playing in sanitary line, 152 dusty yard, etc. As performed by NGS-one of respondent- to her daughter, she left her daughter play with no time limitation and left her exploring the garden near his home by herself. Even if she did not want to have shower when she had her shower time in the morning, NGS would let her daughter and not persuaded her to have shower. NGS said: Nyong arep ngedusi nek awan bae sekalian kotore. Palingan, si bocah angel nek dikon adus. ...―I will have shower her in afternoon as she got her body dirty after play whole day. Guess she would not want to shower when she has her playing time in the morning‖... On the other hand, in terms of snacking time, parents were become more authoritarian and not allow the child to got their will. As performed by MK-the other respondent- to her son in buying snack peddlers. MK would not buy her son snack he want due her family‘s bad economic circumtances. MK said: ..Tak jaraken ben nangis nek njaluk jajan pas nang umah ora ana duwit. ... I left him crying when he asked for snacks because I have no money‖... BKB team on BKKBN 2013 stated that parents do not set boundaries of behavior and let the child do things according to his own desires. Children who have permissive parenting type will grow as unconfindent children, likes to hurt others, selfish, not self-sufficient and less responsible. Parents with authoritarian parenting type were too force their will or rules. Started from shower time, eating, and napping time. Toilet training treatment from them was also force the children. Children will be bathed in certain time regardless of the children mood or wants. Others were crying hysterically when they had their shower time and the parents still kept on going, as same as meal time. Some parents forced their children to eat without considering the childs appetite and pleasure. Parents would forced to feed their children though the child cried or ran away to avoid eating. BKB team on BKKBN 2013 stated that authoritarian parents force children to follow what the parents want. Parents would make a variety of rules that must be obeyed by their children without care about their children‘s feeling or oppinion. If the child did not follow the rules, the parents would tend to give harsh physical punishment. Authoritarian parents are not comnforts the child and have a poor relationship with them. This parenting style shows parents‘ domination that the children should have to obey the rules correctly, and doing whatever they said or advised. Children would feel depressed, withdrawn and does not believe in parents. In addition, children who experienced authoritarian parenting type would grow into a less confident, aggressive and have difficulties in learning process at school and makes their friends away. Georgiou, Fousiani, Michaeli-des, Stavrinides 2013:69 found that authoritarian parenting type was also positively associated with bullying and victimization at school. The main contribution of the present study is the finding that vertical individualism significantly mediates the relationship between authoritarian parental style and bullying propensity. Some emping Melinjo‘s workers also apply authoritative parenting. Children are given the freedom to do a play activity. As with choosing toys, playground references, and playmates. But the authoritative attitude of parents in this case is almost tangent to the permissive attitude, which tends to make the omission in facilitating their children. BKB team on BKKBN 2013 stated that authoritative parenting appreciate the interest of the child, but also emphasizes the ability to follow social rules. Parents appreciate the childs ability to make decisions, childrens interests, opinions and personality of the child. Parents which were authoritative, being warm in affection to the 153 child and the child but did not hesitate to expect good behavior, assertive in setting the rules at home, and limit restrictions. They explain why the child should not do a thing. However, with this style of parenting as parents can trapped in excessive compromise with the child so that it can be manipulated by children. Moreover, Gul and Noor 2010:69 found a positive correlation between authoritative parenting style and self-esteem among stammering individuals. The result indicates a negative correlation between authoritarian and permissive parenting styles and self-esteem among stammering individuals. Gullan, LeRoy, Boxer, and Mahoney 2014:303 said that positive parent-child activities directly related to children‘s internalizing and externalizing problems, and modified the nature of the association between the parenting alliance and internalizing problems in families. Interestingly, in families where parents engaged in fewer positive activities with their children, a strong parenting alliance actually related to greater child internalizing problems. CONCLUSION Based on the results and the discussion about parenting perception of the emping melinjo‘s worker, It can be conclude that the parenting perception were high variatively. Permissive strategy were dominant in the emping melinjo worker. In the other hand some parents also apply authoritative behavior to the children. Furthermore, there are some parents also were being authoritarian in educating their 2-to-3- year-old children. REFERENCES Fahruddin. 2011. Peran Keluarga Dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini . Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini. Volume 5 Nomor 1 April 2011. Halaman 135-156. ISSN 1693-1602 Georgiou, S. N., Fousiani, K., Michaelides, M., Stavrinides, P. 2013. Cultural value orientation and authoritarian parenting as parameters of bullying and victimization at school . International Journal of Psychology. Vol. 48 Issue 1, p69-78. 10p. Gul, S., Noor, R. 2010. The Effect of Parenting Styles on Self-Esteem of Individuals Suffering from Stammering. Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 4 Issue 2, p69-78. Gullan, R.L., LeRoy, M., Boxer, P., Mahoney, A. 2014. Interaction Between the Parenting Alliance and Parent – Child Activities in a Clinic-Referred Sample of 2 to 18-year-olds . Journal Child and Family Studies 23:303 –311. Hangestiningsih, Endang. 2008. Mengoptimalkan Partisipasi Orang Tua dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini . Wacana Akademika. Vol. 3 No. 4 Juli, 305-392. Harvard Family Research Project. 2006. Family Involvement Makes a Difference. Evidence that Family Involvement Promotes School Succes for Every Child of Every Age . No 1 in A series. Spring. Jacobsen, H., Moe, V., Ivarson, T., Wentzel-Larsen, T. Smith, L. 2013. Cognitive Development and Social Emotional Functioning in Young Foster Children: A Follow- up Study from 2 to 3 Years of Age . Child Psychiatry Human Development. 44:666-677. Papalia, Diane E. Dan Feldman, Rith Duskin. 2014. Menyelami Perkembangan Manusia. Edisi 12 Buku 1. Translated by Fitriana Wuri Herarti. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika. Sigit, Suhardi. 2003. Esensi Perilaku Organisasional. Yogyakarta: BPFE. Stenberg, Robert J. 2009. Cognitive Psychology. Fifth Edition. International Student Edition . USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. The policy of the Republic of Indonesia No. 4 of 1979 on Child Welfare. 154 Tim BKKBN. 2013. Menjadi Orang Tua Hebat dalam Mengasuh Anak . Jakarta: Bina Keluarga Balita, Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional. Wortham, Sue C. 2006 . Early Childhood Curriculum. Developmental Childhood Curriculum. Fourth Edition . New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. 155 PARENTAL MEDIATION ON TELEVISION’S VIEWING BEHAVIOR Sri Widowati Herieningsih. Department of Communication, Diponegoro University, Semarang PREFACE In spite to the fact that children have recently exposed and experienced to various updated media, television remains a dominant medium to children. Watching television is attracting to children, as to other segments of audience due to its practical simplicity and affordability. Studies indicated that children watch a lot of television program, as a sole activity as well as a companion to other activities such as eating or playing with their toys Gunter, 2007:18. Parents, in many cases, also consider television sets as baby sitters to their children. They believe that television is an effective tool to keep their children occupied while they are doing their things. Research also pointed out that many parents prefer to see their children watching television at home than wandering around the neighborhood. In many occasions when children moans, loosing appetites, or reluctant to do their ho mework‟s, parents put their children in front of the television sets to cope with it, nonetheless a bigger issue should emerge because television is not a good baby sitter. Concerns on the children‟s high exposure to television programs leads to its poor impact onto children. Leaving alone children to grow along with television is putting danger into their development. Researches on the negative effect of television on children that have long been conducted since 1960s stated that television had influence children‟s cognition, affection, and behavior. The information-processing approach of research tradition explained that young children are prone to television content because of their limited cognitive ability to process television contents and narratives. Children are also lack of comprehension in discerning facts from fantasies, that make them get the wrong idea about realities that come from television, and could lead to imitating improper behaviors. Bandura Littlejohn, 2009: 298 in his social learning theory assumed that a person learn by observing herhis environment. A child understand certain behavior by imitates attracting models in herhis surroundings. Bandura further argued that people collect information from their environment and use it as guidance to behave and do things. Among those of the environment is surely the mass media. In spite of the abundant critics to television content, particularly those related to children program and children audience, nothing much had been done to change the Indonesian television system. There are powerful political forces and huge economical interests at play. The existing regulation Broadcasting Regulation article 32 of year 2002 is not sufficiently regulate the television content, especially regarding its relation to the protection of children audience. The Indonesia Broadcasting Commission KPI also enforces a content rating system based on proper age classification. Still, it is not adhered by all television content. Dan Blake Porter, 2001:35 explained the significance of media literacy in 5 points. First, we need media literacy because we are living in a media environment. Second, media literacy stress on critical perspective. Third, being media literate is part of the citizenship. Fourth, media literacy encourage an active participation of audience. And fifth, media literacy helps us understand communication technology better. One of the many activities of media literacy that focuses on children is Parental Mediation. Parental mediation is considered as the most effective method of eliminating the negative effect on children Buijzen et al, 2007. In parental mediation, parents accompanying their children to watch television, implementing 156 rules of watching television, or helping their children to interpret and discuss the television content. Parental attitudes to television were important. Children who were heavy users, or who watched proportionately more of commercial stations, had parents who were less likely to express concern over the negative side effects of watching television. Such children also tended to have parents who perceived less need to control their child‟s use of the medium Gunter, 1990: 184. The ideal parental mediation requires parents to always critical to television content, and they should be able to discern the proper content from television. Parents understanding of television content‟s rating is also the significant aspect to parental mediation. Yet, not all parents conducting parental mediation, and it leads to questions of parents consumptions of television program, parents understanding of television ratings, and the parental mediation that they conducted. This study used survey method for a total number of 205 sampling units, drawn purposively in Jakarta and Semarang area. FINDINGS 1. TELEVISION CONSUMPTION. Children‟s television viewing behavior are somehow related to their family‟s pattern of television viewing. In such case, mothers usually have the most significant role in shaping their children‟s viewing habit. The number of television sets owned in a household varies from 1 to 6 sets. More than half of the respondents had only one television set 58, fewer had 2 units 26, and the least had 3-6 television sets 16. This figure implies advantages as well as threat to parental mediation. Having only one television set in the house will make children to share it with the other family members. This lead to the second benefit, that is control over children viewing behavior by other members of the family. On the other hand, there are potential risk for children when they exposed to adult television contents when they were watched by the older family members. Related to the number of television sets owned, was how the family placed it in the house. Family that had only one television set, almost all placed it in the living room 92,7. But family with two or more television sets faced a crucial placement point of their television sets. Installing a television set to a children‟s room was a direct threat to the children that exposed them to improper television contents, unlimited duration of television viewing, and without any supervision from their parents. Placing television set in the child‟s room is a risky decision because its huge impact to children, psychologically, socially, physically, and spiritually. Who watch the most television programs at home? Actually children are the main audience of television 86,6 percent, then followed by their mothers 55,6. For most cases in the family, their television sets were turned on for an average of 9 hours each and everyday 52,2, some between 5-8 hours 30,7, and only a few 17,1 between 1-4 hours. The conditions will certainly provide unintended exposure to children around the television sets whatever the programs are. So, a mixture of the quantity of television sets, careless placement of television sets, a limited choice of pro-child television contents, and boundless access to the „always-on-television-sets‟, is indeed a „minefield‟ to our children on the subject of negative television effects. Moreover, children are undeniably the main audience of television at home. The average amount of time spent to watch television programs was quite enormous. About half of the sample 50,7 stated that their children spent 4-7 hours daily to watch television programs, few even more than 7 hours 8,3. Only 41 percent of the children 157 spent 1-3 hours daily watching television. The figure shows how excessive children spent their times to watch television, compare to any other activities children of 12 and under supposed to do, including school. It is worrisome indeed. Then again, mothers‟ television viewing habit is another significant factor to be scrutinized. The amount of time spent by mothers on television in week days usually correspond to their children‟s school and homework routines. The majority of mothers 52,7, watch television for 3 hours or less daily, 33,7 percent spent 4-7 hours, and the rest spent more than 7 hours on television. On week ends, they spent more hours than week days.


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