PGSD Students Ability in Teaching English at Elementary School


D. PGSD Students Ability in Teaching English at Elementary School

Several researches have been conducted to unleash the teaching ability of PGSD students in the context of English. A research conducted by Yuliariatiningsih, Yanthi, and Ananthia 2008 revealed that the difficulties faced by the PGSD teaching using English as the medium of instruction were the aspects ofvocabulary, pronunciation,and diction. Before the teaching proces, the student-teacher prepare the teaching and learning procedure lesson plan in Bahasa Indonesia which was translated into English. That thing had made their English sounds unnatural. Another research by Yanthi, Yuliariatiningsih and Setyaningsih 2010 analysed PGSD students‟ ability in developing science text for elementary school usingEnglish as the medium of instruction. The study probes that PGSD students faced difficulties in understanding about the roles of Meaning, Form, Pronunciation and Appropriacy MFPA in using English as the medium of instruction. Generally, they only focused on the mastery of the form, and tended to ignore the remaining three other aspects. Besides that difficulty, PGSD students were also experienced some difficulties in managing the classroom. It happened as the result of the lack of ability in using suitable classroom language in giving instruction to the elementary school students. METHODS Mixed method is adapted in this study to get the benefecial aspects of qualitative as well quantitative method Creswell, 2009. Qualitative approach was used to identify the process of storytelling activity in teaching English to elementary school students as well as the application of self-training model to develop PGSD students‟ storytelling skill. A descriptive method with a qualitative approach was used in this study for that identification. Whereas the quantitative approach was used to identify PGSD students‟ storytelling ability in teaching English to elementary school students by applying descriptive statistic method. According to Fraenkel and Wallen 2007: 279 this kind of research design includes measurement or repeated observation in a particular time span, before as well as after the treatment. The observation and measurement stage was conducted before and after the application of self-training model to the subjects of the research. The observation was focused on the PGSD students‟ storytelling mastery in the context of teaching English to elementary school students. The evaluation or the measurement of the output was conducted to the PGSD students‟ performance in applying storytelling in the process of teaching English at elementary school, in the context of self-training model implementation, that was designed as follows: Pre- Treatment Treatment Post- Treatment Self- training Syntax F 3 F 4 F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 P 1 P 2 P3 Table 2. Reasearch Design Note: F 3, 4, 1, 2, and so forth = Phases in the syntax of self-training learning model . P 1, 2, 3 = 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd learning activities 641 Table 2 shows the research flow and design applied in this research. Pre-treatment is the third phase of the phases in the self-training learning model . In this phase the responden carried out the English teaching activities using storytelling at elementary school. The next phase, the fourth phase, is the phase of starting the treatment process. The respondens are given directions and counsilings according to the syntax of the self- training learning model. At the end of the fourth phase, the cycle turned back to the phase of 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd and the respondens repeated the English teaching activities using storytelling for the second class, but in this phase the respondens were still in the guided by their lecturers the researchers. Then the phase cycled back to the 4 th , 1 st , 2 nd , and the 3 rd phase. At this last phase the respondens took the role of teaching English to elementary school students using storytelling for the third class activities. It was the post-treatment phase. The researchers assessed the respondens abilities in teaching English to elementary school students using storytelling.

A. Research Object and Responden

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