Methods and Research Design DESIGN INTERVENTION Preliminary observations


5. Development of the Linguistic Intelligence Children aged 4-5 years.

The development of intelligence in childrens outcomes instrument kindergarten age 4-5 years, ie: before the action plan, the researchers first observed the situation of teaching and learning processes of teachers known group A before the new measures.

6. Place and Time Research

This study will be conducted in group A, aged 4-5 years, kindergarten Siger Gold Bandar. When the study was conducted since December of 2011 as a baseline observation, then resumed again when the second semester of the school year in progress, which is about june to agustus 2012, exactly a child enters the second half.


The research was conducted on the Gold Siger kindergarten located in the village of Telok Betong Batu Putu North sub-district of Bandar Lampung. Siger kindergarten Gold Bandarlampung chosen the backdrop of this study because the kindergarten children are still low verbal ability, learning focuses on reading, writing and arithmetic as well as teacher-centered instruction executed teacher centered is not centered on the child student centered. On the basis of these reasons, the researchers are interested in examining the relevant kindergarten deeper to explore the potential of children so that the ability to use the word orally to develop optimally.

8. Methods and Research Design

Research Methods The method used in this study is action research Action Research or action research using a mixed research approach Method Mix approach will research used qualitative and quantitative approaches.


MEASURES DESIGN CYCLE RESEARCH Action research Kemmis Mc Taggart includes four stages: 1 planning planning, 2 the action action, 3 observation observation, 4 reflection reflection. Based on the results of reflection, researchers will be able to see if there is an increase in the results of intervention measures. The method is based on collaborative action research, in the sense of empowering classroom teachers, other teachers, the principal in the process of learning by storytelling to improve linguistic intelligence of children. 312 For more details can be seen steps in each cycle in the image below:


A. Action Planning

This action research using cycles, where each cycle has the following steps: initial observation, planning, action, observation, and reflection. The steps in the cycle is the basis to formulate the next cycle. Planning study was conducted with a cycle with the following steps:

1. Preliminary observations

Activities carried out at the beginning of this observation are: a determining a research and problem to be studied; b the licenses; c exploring a research site; d collect initial Initial Assessment: 1. Observation of Teaching and Learning 2. Interview with Principal Teachers 3. Provide Early assessment through observation courage and smoothness Children 1. Conducting observations of child verbal ability results 2. Observing the activities of the learning process, particularly the interaction between children in communication, observation between the researcher and the object 3. Evaluate the ability of oral 1. Observing the learning activities in accordance second planning cycle 2. Data collection actions both 1. Observe the changes in the student after allowing for storytelling 2. Discussion with peers 3. Evaluation of the I 1. Preparation of research facilities - Setting the room - Preparing learning resources 2 Performance Indicators 1. Implement learning activities with storytelling based planning 2. Collect data on other complementary supporting the process of learning Revise and modify the learning according to the results of the first cycle of action 1. Observe the changes that 2. occur in students after the second action 3. Evaluation of the second The application of learning according to the second plan target achieved Target not achieved 313 information about the learning of linguistic kindergarten children aged 4-5 years Siger Gold Bandarlampung. 2 Planning After the observation, and then plan activities. The activities to be implemented are: 1 to determine the target of competence; 2 designing a storytelling learning methods for each cycle; 3 make SKM SKH, SKM made for the implementation of learning during one cycle while SKH made for each meeting actions in the implementation of storytelling; 4 plan activity steps for each action; 5 prepare the media; 6 developed a method of storytelling to the learning of each cycle. 3.Pelaksanaan Actions Before carrying out the action observation held prior knowledge about the childs verbal results will be compared with the results observed in the cycle. Children are given verbal skills assessment with 2 versions. The first child directly observed one by one with the instrument verbal skills, while the second child naturally assessed when children play with the observation instrument. Implementation of each cycle conducted 8 meetings. Follow-up of the learning cycle is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the process and learning outcomes storytelling. Results were analyzed for the benchmark plan the next cycle of learning.

4. observations

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