Multicultural Education Marking of Affective Non-Aptitude


B. Multicultural Education

Ki Hajar Dewantara explained that education has a meaning as a guide in the growth of childrens lives, education means everything that leads the power of nature is on the children in order for them as human beings and as members of the public safety and happiness it can be reached as high Hasbullah, 2009. Sudjana in Ruyadi Yadi 2008: 59 uses the term to refer to a variety of cultural education, multicultural education or cross-cultural education. According Sudjana diverse cultural education that is part of human relationships education human relations education, which is related to the integrity of the development of human culture and its interaction with the environment. John W. Santrock 2010: 184 explains that multicultural education is education that respects diversity and accommodate the diverse perspectives of multicultural groups on the basis of a regular basis. Another opinion expressed Multicultural education is a human being with a unique dalammemandang attitude regardless of race, culture, gender, sex, physical condition or economic status of a person Skeel in Dasim Budimansyah. Dasim added Multicultural Education multicultural education is an educational strategy that utilizes the diversity of the cultural backgrounds of the learners as one of the power to form a multicultural attitude. James Banks 1993: 3 in Choirul Mahfud 2010: 175 defines multicultural education as education for people of color. That is, you want to explore the differences of multicultural education a necessity the grace of god sunatullah. We can conclude multicultural education is an education that is given to students, which is in the process of learning and its application look unique human regardless of race, culture, gender, sex, physical condition or economic status, and make the difference as a gift that could complement each other as well as the lack of concern would have understood each other.

C. Early Childhood Learning

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