Mapping PPG PAUD Curriculum Structure UPI


b. Mapping PPG PAUD Curriculum Structure UPI

Mapping the structure of the PPG early childhood curriculum was developed based on the structure of the curriculum UPI PPG PAUD. Mapping is essentially focused on the four competencies that should be possessed by the teacher as described in the above explanation, namely pedagogical, personality, social, and professional competence. 1. Pedagogic competence Pedagogical competence is the ability to be possessed Kindergarten teacher with regard to the characteristics of learners viewed from various aspects such as physical, moral, social, cultural, emotional, and intellectual. This implies that a kindergarten teacher should be able to master the theory of development and learning principles that educate as children as learners have the character, nature, and different interests. In addition, a teacher must be able to develop curriculum at the unit level and tailored to local needs. Teachers must be able to optimize the potential of children as learners to actualize his ability in the classroom or other learning environment, and must be able to conduct an assessment of the learning activities that have been carried out. The ability to be possessed of teachers with regard to aspects observed, namely: a. Mastery of the characteristics of learners from the physical, moral, social, cultural, emotional and intellectual. b. Mastery of developmental theory and principles of learning that educates. c. Able to develop curriculum related to the development of teaching. d. Conducting educational development. e. Utilizing information and communication technologies for the benefit of the organization of educational development. f. Facilitate the development of potential learners to actualize their potential. g. Communicate effectively, empathetic, and courteous with learners. h. Conduct assessment and evaluation processes and learning outcomes, utilizing the results of the assessment and evaluation for the sake of learning. i. Taking action to improve the quality reflective learning. 2. Competence Personality Execution of duties as a teacher should be supported by a sense of pride to be the task entrusted to it to prepare for the future quality of the golden generation. Despite severe challenges and obstacles encountered in the implementation of the task, the teacher must remain steadfast in fulfilling their duties as an educator. Education is a planned process that is progressing through the learning process. Teachers as educators must be able to influence the direction of the process in accordance with the values that are considered good and true in society. Values include norms, moral, aesthetic, and scientific, ethical behavior affects learners as individuals and as members of society. Application of good discipline in the educational process will result in mental attitude, character and strong personality learners. Teachers are required to be able to membelajarkan learners about self-discipline, learning to read, to love books, appreciate the time, learning how to learn, obey the rules discipline, and learn how to do. They will all be successful if teachers are disciplined in carrying out its duties and obligations. Teachers must have the ability relating to the stability and integrity of the personality of a teacher. These aspects are observed: a. Acting in accordance with the norms of religious, legal, social, and national culture of Indonesia. b. Present yourself as a person who is honest, noble, and role models for students and the community. c. Present yourself as a person who is steady, stable, mature, wise, and dignified. d. Shows the work ethic, high responsibility, a sense of pride to be a teacher, and self-confidence. 271 3. Social competence Teachers in the public eye and learners is the role model that needs to be emulated and merupkan kehidupanya role models in everyday. Teachers need to have social skills with the community, in order to implement an effective learning process. With these capabilities, automatic relationship with the public school will run smoothly, so that if there is a need by parents of students, the teacher will not get into trouble. Social skills include the ability of teachers to communicate, work together, get along sympathetic, and have a pleasant life. Criteria for teacher performance in relation to social competence are presented below. a. Act objectively and not discriminatory because the consideration of sex, religion, race, physical condition, family background, and socioeconomic status. b. Communicate effectively, empathetic, and courteous with fellow educators, staff, parents, and community. c. Adapting in place on duty throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia that has social and cultural diversity. d. Communicate with the communitys own profession and other professions in oral and written or other forms. 4. Competence Professionals Professional competence is the ability to be possessed of teachers in the planning and implementation of the learning process. Teachers have a duty to direct the activities of learners to achieve the learning objectives. The teachers are required to be able to convey the lesson material. Teachers should always update, and master the subject matter presented. Preparation of material self cultivated by seeking information through a variety of sources such as reading the latest books, access the internet, and keep abreast of the latest advances on the material presented. In presenting the lesson, the teacher has a role and duties as a source of material that never dry in managing the learning process. Teaching activities should be welcomed by students as an art process management lessons learned through training, experience, and willingness to learn that is never broken. Pesertadidik liveliness should always be created and continue to use teaching methods and strategies appropriate. Teachers can create an atmosphere that encourages pesertadidik to ask questions, observe, conduct experiments, as well as finding the correct facts and concepts. Therefore, teachers should use multimedia learning activities, resulting in an atmosphere of learning by doing, learning by hearing, and learn while playing, as the material context. Teachers should pay attention to the principles of didactic methodology as a science teacher. For example, how to apply the principle of apperception, attention, working groups, and other principles. In terms of evaluation, in theory and practice, the teacher must be able to carry out the evaluation or assessment in accordance with the objectives to be measured. The type of assessment used to measure learning outcomes to be true and correct. It is also expected teachers can arrange assessment instrument properly, so that the instrument is made can be used to obtain a true picture of a childs development. Ability to be held on the dimensions of the professional or academic competence can be observed from the following aspects. a. Master the material, structure, concepts, and supporting scientific mindset of teaching subjects. b. Mastering the standard of competence and basic competences subjects fields of teaching development. c. Develop subject matter of teaching creatively. d. Developing professionalism in a sustainable manner by taking action reflective e. Utilizing information and communication technology to communicate and develop themselves. 272 CLOSING 1. The process of becoming a professional teacher pursued through academic education and professional education. The process leads to increased knowledge and skills taught through the following three things: 1 the transfer of teaching experience in an authentic setting, 2 the integration of theory and practice of learning to teach in the context of practice in practice and 3 takes place collaboratively in a professional community . 2. Coaching and professional development of teachers is done through training programs and professional development in this regard is the Professional Teacher Education. based on the study of the needs of teachers in the field, the need for professional guidance essence diverse nature. The need is grouped into five categories, namely understanding of the learning context, the strengthening of mastery of the material, the development of methods of teaching, learning innovation, and experience on the latest theories. 3. Mapping the structure of the early childhood curriculum was developed based on the structure of the PPG PPG early childhood curriculum. Mapping is essentially focused on the four competencies that should be possessed by the teachers, namely pedagogical, personality, social, and professional competence. REFERENCES Hamalik, Oemar. 2004. Pendidikan Guru Berdasarkan Pendekatan Kompetensi. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara Jalal, Fasli 2002. Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Pendidikan yang Mendasar . Jurnal Ilmiah Anak Dini Usia. Vol.03 Hal.4-8. Muhibbin, Syah, 2001. Psikologi Pendidikan . Remaja Rosdakarya: Bandung. Mulyasa, E. 2006. Menjadi Guru Profesional Menciptakan Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Menyenangkan . Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya Masnifal, 2013. Siap Menjadi Guru dan Pengelola PAUD Profesional Pijakan Mahasiswa, Guru dan Pengelola TKRAKBTPA . PT Elex Media Komputindo : Jakarta Sugiyono, 2005. Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif . Bandung : Alfabeta. Sukamadinata, N.S 2005. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan . Bandung: Kerjasama Program Pascasarjana UPI dengan PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Usman Uzer, 2004. Menjadi Guru Profesional . Remaja Rosdakarya; Bandung. Language Development and Literacy in Early Childhood Education 274 275 THE INFLUENCE OF LEARNING BY LANGUAGE EXPERIENCE APPROACH TOWARD SPEAKING AND EARLY READING ABILITIES IN CHILD Quasi Experiment Study Toward Children of Group B, Kindergarden Plus Quran Al-Mansyuriyyah, Bandung Susan Maulani, M.Pd. ABSTRACT This study aim to find out how the influence of Language Experience Approach LEA toward speaking and early reading abilities in child. This study use quantitative research approach that is quasi experiment by using Nonequivalent Control Groups Design. Subjects of study are children of Group B, Kinder Garden Plus Quran Al-Mansyuriyyah, that is Group B1 as experiment class and Group B2 as control class. Each group consist of 15 children. Data which is needed in this study is speaking and early reading ability before pretest and after post test following learning by Language Experience Approach. The result of pre test and post test is analyzed by using Analysis of Independent Sample t-test, to find out enhancement difference test of speaking and early reading abilities of control class and experiment class. The result of study show that there is significant difference on speaking and early reading ability between control class and experiment class. This is happened because there is children direct involvement with object or thing, so child‘s recall is prominent from ability aspect of remembering and revealing again. The change is also seen in experiment class in which they are quicker in responding the question. In early reading ability, child is quicker in relating the word heshe read with object or picture which represent the reading. By application of Language Experience Approach learning, child obtain much eases because heshe read something whose concept has been known. Recommendations for teacher are they can use Language Experience Approach in Kinder Garden, to develop speaking and early reading abilities. The next research can promote again the application of Language Experience Approach learning in developing another aspect such as cognitive aspect or fine motor aspect. Keywords: Language Experience Approach, speaking, early reading. INTRODUCTION Background Kinder garden is one form of early childhood education which handling children ages 4 – 6 years old. According the experts, this age is golden age in which in this age children have period of sensitivity. Children begin sensitive to receive various development efforts for their potency, included language development. In communicating, language is important tool for everyone. Through language, someone or child will capable to develop the ability to mingle with others. The mastery of this skill in social environment is began with mastery of language ability. Without language, someone will not capable to communicate with others. Child‘s speaking ability toward others is important requirement in order to become part of group in hisher environment. By speaking ability, children are accepted easier by their peers. Beside, by ability to speak well and confidently, child can influence 276 others or peers who behaved less good to become polite. Good speaking ability can also become modality for child to become leader in hisher environment, compared to child who doesn‘t have good speaking ability. From explanation above, it can be concluded that speaking ability is very important to be developed since earlier. That development is done by giving appropriate and effective stimulation. In addition to speaking, another language ability which is no less important is reading ability. Speaking and reading have tight connection, as revealed by Tarigan 1994: 3 that ―there is very tight relationship between the development of spoken language and readiness of reading.‖ Beside that, speaking ability is also very influential toward reading ability. In a ccord with Loban‘s study in 1960 Endah Susilawati, 2006 that: Show interestedness of language art, the group of children who where high in general language ability were also high in reading ability, while those who were low in general language ability were also low in reading ability. Children who were high in spoken language ability will influence their reading ability, while children who were low in spoken language ability were also low in reading ability. Speaking and reading ability will also success if speaking and reading learning is designed and implemented with joy joyful learning and appropriate with children development.. The atmosphere which is joyful and full of passion will make children like and able to enjoy various activities included speaking and reading activity, because one of children characteristic is their short term concentration. Thus when the activity is joyful and full of passion, it will make children endure in that activity. One of approach which is used to develop speaking and reading ability is Language Experience Approach LEA. Learning by Language Experience Approach principally use child experience as teaching material of speaking and reading, begin with direct experience, than teacher and child discuss child experience. From that experience teacher make some notes or record of experience, it could be simple pictures or pictures sequence which is labeled in accord with child‘s experience, it could be words which are spoken by child then written by teacher. It could be combinations of picture and word which more detail. Child experience become priority in speaking and reading learning because learning which related with closest thing and meaningful for child will make child easier to learn it. This is supported by one of characteristic which is very prominent in the way of early children learn that is their behavior orientation abound with here and now situation so all learning efforts departed from what is brought by children because new understanding can be build if students willing and capable to relate new things they find with what they had been known and understood before Musthafa, 2008 : 89. Language experience approach also can integrate language skill components, because child learn to read in communication context where reading occur in speaking and listening combination, such as stated by Fisher 1977 ―The Language experience approach is based on the interrelatedness of language and reading. Pupil learn to read in a communication context where reading occur in conjunction with talking, listening. 277 Miller Dhieni, 2005 : 5.18 stated ―the power of language experience approach particularly is enable children to use their own experience as learning material of speaking and reading.‖ Based on the elaboration of problem above, this study focused on Learning Application by Language Experience Approach in enhancing early speaking and reading abilities toward Kinder Garden children. Aims 1. To find out whether there is difference of speaking ability between children who get Language Experience Approach treatment experiment group with children who do not get Language Experience Approach treatment. 2. To find out whether there is difference of early reading ability between children who get Language Experience Approach treatment experiment group with children who do not get Language Experience Approach treatment. The Benefit of Study 1. Theoretical Benefit It is hoped that the result of this study can prove empirically about learning influence by language experience approach in enhancing speaking ability and early reading ability of Kinder Garden children. 2. Practical Benefit It is hoped the result of this study is beneficial for Kinder Garden teachers in developing language ability particularly speaking ability and early reading ability by Language Experience Approach. The Method of Study The method which is used in this study is experiment method by using Quasi Experiment Design. The form of this quasi experiment design is non equivalent Control Group Design. This study was conducted in Kinder Garden Plus Koran Almansyuriyyah, Gegerkalong Bandung. The subjects of this study are children of group B, age of 5 – 6 years old. Two classes are determined as experiment group and control group. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Language Experience Approach

1. Definition of Learning Experience Approach

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