307 It seems a lot of factors that play a role in the development of language. Humans may be born with the capacity for language. However, children develop language at the time they develop other cognitive abilities. In particular, children 4-5 years of age most children master the basics of the original language of the previous development of children using irregular forms, but some tife certain constructions such as passive expression remains difficult at this age. Several other experiments indicate the possibility that children at this age have here a difference in the ability of language to develop even more so if the child is less given the opportunity to interact more with other friends her own age. According to Piaget 1962-1993, egocentric children are not able to recognize the other persons perspective and therefore can not communicate meaningfully. Which means children are more self-centered talk that talk alone to yourself. But at the end of the preoperational period, the cognitive maturity and social experince, the children are not too self-centered and more able to perform symbolic thinking, and thus eliminating speak for themselves. Most children in any culture began to learn the language of his mother at the age of 4 years, but demikia, according to Piaget, spoken language is learned and not just happen. Explained that the motivation to learn a language is the value of adaptation to make it and, therefore, between language and social interaction can not be separated. Language will evolve and grow if there interksi, the opposite interaction occurs and runs smoothly only through language. Children communicate more effectively with parents and personal needs are met. As a result the child wants understand the words of others in order to more closely adapt to the environment in which he lives. In this sense, the spoken language for children has a value which is very beneficial in the association, so it is difficult to forget the language that has opened his mouth and moving his tongue as small as when he started learning to speak. In the same discussion Piaget argued, children learn spoken language just as if studying other ilmum, namely shaping and constructing language. Children form the rules of the language of experience. With the use of one language, and are justified by his parents, a child build language kemampunya. In general, it seems agreed that the first key to the development of childrens language is by encouraging them to use their own language in a way to talk, listen. And on reaching 5 years of age they begin to develop an awareness metaliguistik. This means that their understanding of language and how it is becoming apparent. They are ready to learn and expand the rules of the language beyond the knowledge implicit interaction with a lifelong process.


This intelligence is the ability to process words or use words effectively, both orally and in writing. Intelligent person in this field could argue, convince, entertain, or teach effectively through spoken words. This intelligence has 4 skills, namely: 1 Listening, 2 Reading, Writing 3, 4 Speaking. The purpose of developing the linguistic intelligence: a. Children are able to communicate both orally and in writing with both . b. Children have the language skills to convince others c. Children are able to remember and memorize information 308 d. Children are able to provide an explanation e. Children are able to discuss it own natural language. Smilansky in Beaty 1994 found three major functions of language in children, namely: 1 Imitating greeting adults, 2 Imagining the situation especially the dialogue and 3 Set the game. The three functions of language activity can be done in kindergarten through storytelling, retelling the story has been heard, share experiences, sociodrama or writing stories or poetry. Linguistic intelligence development can be divided into two terms, namely the non- communicative child language and communicative. And from that nonkomunikatif, its use can be seen from three things:  Children imitate what he had just heard, he unconsciously mimicking others. It is created for his own pleasure. There seems to be an element of exercise here, which is a repetition to facilitate the ability to speak even without realizing it.  Children talk alone monologue. A child sometimes speak loudly alone without going to communicate with others. Children like to speak for themselves while playing.  Monologue among friends. Seoorang children sometimes talk to yourself a little harder though he is in the midst of his friends. Some small children sitting together can speak on their own without the intention associated with another friend. Further Compbell dikutif by deciphering the language of this monologue with two things: First; Understanding of the expectations that the child does not happen. For example, he can not lift a large desk, and he spoke on the table as if the table was lifted by itself. Second, instructions that the words and actions of a child that has not terdifrensiasikan distinguishable in full. Children do not distinguish between the spoken word. While people who have verbal linguistic intelligence has the following characteristics: • Listen and respond to any sound, rhythm and various expressions of the word. • Imitate sounds of language, reading, writing and discussion. • Listening effectively, understand, decipher and remember what he says. • Speaking effectively to various audiences, objectives and know how to speak in a simple, eloquent persuasive or excited at the appropriate times. While the use of language in communicative form that, where a child starts trying to connect with other people. For example, the child tries to explain how the game works or sometimes criticize other friends. They talk to each other and respond to what is said to be his friend, though still often miscommunication between them. With the language of the expanded mind of a child, compared with the thinking at this stage of development sebalumnya always depend on the exhaustion of a child perform motor actions, thinking that using the language more quickly and widely. In general that an important key to the development of language is to encourage children to speak, listen and read stories to the intent and idea of what he says to be clear and understandable. And the importance of interaction with the environment and can name objects colors that exist in the environment. 309


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