Conclusion Analysis of Peer Review Form

108 Figure 8.5. Mastery of effective classroom management skills Item 5. Make good use of communication skills The char below, it clearly seen that 46 respondent acknowledge that the instructor excellence using the communication skills, and 23 feeling stisfactory. While 10 admit that the instructor using communication skill below average, particularly on item 5.5. that mention about correct, neat and orderly hand write. In addition, 21 respondent consider that it is not applicable or not performed on item 5.2. that mention about take care of majority students and walking around the class .

F. Conclusion

Teahing online is quite fun, and good experience for teacher and student. We engaged with high technology and contemporary issues in teaching. Beside that the most importan thing is teaching online could be succeed and reach the instructional goal. The student achievement and knowledge showed in good performance. In general, the praxis of instructional system design using teaching online be able to enhance student understanding of multicultural education.Refer to the result of pretest and posttest that revealed student understanding about the topic has improved from 5.142 mean of pretest to 8.928 mean of posttest. 109 In addition, feedback questionnaire students illustrated most of the students feel satisfy, and interested in the topic. Something that I have to improve on this teaching online is maintain two languages, bahasa and English in my PPT, because this teaching at two country it should be use two languages, although my focus is my students in Indonesia. 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Translater ; H.B. Jassin. Jakarta ; Balai Pustaka 111 EFFECT OF UTILIZATION CD INTERACTIVE MEDIA IN SCIENCE LEARNING MOTIVATION FOR THIRD GRADES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Experimental study in Palmerah 15 state primary school, West Jakarta Academic Year 20102011 By Mohamad Syarif Sumantri dan Rina Kristanti Faculty of Educational Jakarta State University Email : This study aims to to get empirical data on the effects media utilization Interactive CD on motivation to learn science third class Elementary School. Research with an experimental method through the design of post-test only control group. The population in this study were all students of third class Elementary School in West Jakarta. Samples were third-grade students in 15 public elementary school Palmerah, West Jakarta numbering 70 students, which is 35 students as the experimental class and 35 students as the control class. Samples were taken by using a cluster sampling technique. The data was collected using a questionnaire enclosed motivation to learn science in elementary school third grade. Data analysis techniques using t- test, at significance level α = 0.05. The test results showed t = 3.48 t table = 1.66; means H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. With the conclusion of the study is the use of interactive CD of media positive effect on the level of motivation to learn science elementary school third-grade students. The implication of this study is that teachers and parents need to know that the students motivation to learn science need to be considered because it helps the students have learned the task of accepting full responsibility, students can complete the task well, they are persistent have difficulty and optimistic attitude in learning science . In addition, teachers can utilize interactive CD of media as a source of helpful learning increases learning motivation science. Through Interactive CD of media, motivation to learn science students will be increased and learning to be effective, so the enjoyable will support the learning process in the classroom. Keywords: CD of media, learning motivation, science, elementary school Introduction In general science lessons in primary schools carried out by means of the approach through a text book. Math and science is often presented in a way classical or technical lectures by teachers at school. With classical style actually makes students easily bored and is difficult to understand the lesson presented by the teacher, the teachers role in science lessons should consider and serious in trying to improve the motivation of their students so that students can understand the subject matter with better science. In general, elementary school teachers have not been optimized to manage the classroom effectively subjects such as science teachers should emphasize the competence of science process skills through observation and practice. But most teachers will prioritize a lecture approach and students are encouraged to memorize all the material rapidly and accurately. Though the subjects of science requires the skills and knowledge that is more than just recall it. Primary school teachers have only put on the achievement of the learning outcome goals and only pay attention to the completion of a structured learning program teachers without regard to the need of students, how students learn, enthusiastic about learning or mastery learning. 112 Continuous learning process using lectures, reading materials, and do the problem is how to teach the less appropriate Sri Esti Wuryani D, 2006. This makes students depressed and learning are boring and tend to be less meaningful than students are encouraged to conduct individual or group practice. In general, elementary school teachers who less maximize of media and learning resources are available in the school. For example, the use of interactive science CD of media to motivate students to learn concepts more a real. Utilization instructional media according to Yudhi Munadi 2008 is one alternative that can be used to increase students motivation to learn science. Instructional media is a tool in conveying the material that students are enthusiastic and obtain better learning results. Based on the results of early observation that the information obtained by researchers studying media use by teachers is not serious. Appropriate learning media is suspected of an interactive CD. Interactive science CD media available in many primary schools. Wibowo, Thomas 2005 explains that this interactive CD media play a role in facilitating student learning significantly. Media interactive CD to help students understand the material science in accordance with the daily lives of students. For example, material changes in energy. This illustrates that the teacher must always be active, creative and initiative in tackling the problem of learning. This condition is more teacher encourages active and creative role, recall position of teachers as advisors, mentors, and an incentive for the students activities. One of the active role of the teacher is using the media in accordance with the times in the learning process. Learning by using interactive CD media is done by looking at the problem is the lack of motivation of third-grade students Palmerah 15th State Primary School This action is a preventive measure to prevent saturation of learning science. Based on the above problems, the researchers are interested to see the effect of instructional media interactive CD on motivation to learn science third grade elementary school students. Research Methods The purpose of this study was to get empirical data on the effects of media use Interactive CD on motivation to learn science 3rd grade elementary school students and the study was conducted in 15 public elementary schools Palmerah, West Jakarta. The study was conducted in February - March 2010. The research method is a method of experiment, because researchers rely on independent variables directly is research that intentionally manipulates the independent variable to see the effect that occurs in the dependent variable. Posttest study design using the design-only control group, and there are two groups chosen at random R. Experimental group and the group given no treatment is called the control group. To perform tests on independent variable group performed two static design. These two groups are assumed to have the same characteristics, namely class, age, and teaching materials, and the only difference in treatment alone. The results of measurements of the dependent variable of the two groups were compared to see the effect of the treatment. Tabel 1 Two Design Group group Treatment Posttest R E X1 Y1 R K - Y2 113 Based on the design of the study, the treatment given to the experimental group. The treatments were given in this study is to learn science by using interactive CD media and purpose of the treatment is expected to encourage higher student motivation to learn science. Treatment of 12 times with a duration of 30 minutes for the sessions. The material in each treatment according to the science of learning materials. To get data on the differences in learning motivation science experimental group and the control group, the researchers conducted an evaluation performed by instrument questionnaires given after treatment post-test. Post-test results of comparison studies measure differences in learning motivation science experimental group and control group. The target population is the entire third grade elementary school students in West Jakarta. The sample in this study is a third grade student of Palmerah public elementary school in West Jakarta. Sampling technique uses cluster sampling technique. Cluster sampling is a sampling performed not based on class or strata, but is based on a group or cluster. Sampling was conducted by: 1 Collect and take random public schools in 8 districts of West Jakarta is obtained as the first stage. 2 Take the 29 Kelurahan randomly from 1 districts of Palmerah obtained as the second stage. 3 Selecting Palmerah in 3 schools in the district which has a computer laboratory at random. 4 Based on the randomly selected 2 schools. Finally, based on the design of the study, the selected schools with third grade parallel, the class 3A as the control group and the experimental group 3B class numbering 70 students were randomly acquired of Palmerah state elementary School 15th as a sample. Data was collected using a non-test instrument used to measure students motivation. Score to measure the learning motivation is the Likert scale. In this study, the measured variable is in the form of enthusiastic, caring, and student motivation. All of these variables cannot be measured with certainty, thus enthusiasm, attention and motivation are arranged in a statement to the respondents and the results assessed in the form of a numeric value range in accordance with the criteria established researchers. From the above statement it can be described that learning motivation is a mental stimulation one to do something so that learning motivation, including the attitudes of students in learning. Validity testing showed that the results of research by using research instruments should be accounted for accuracy. Criterion is valid if the count r r table at the confidence level α = 0.05. Because the data type is a continuum of data then the formula used is the correlation r product moment person. Number of respondents test this instrument is 29 students, then the table is used as a criterion r is 0.36. Requirement that the item is said to be valid if the count r r table. But if the count r r table the item drop or otherwise invalid. Invalid item or drop, will not be included into the instrument. Reliability of the instrument with a Likert scale so that the calculation using the Cronbach alpha. Data analysis techniques to the analysis with descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the centralization tendency the data mean, median, mode, tendency the spread of the data range and standard deviation as well as making of frequency tables and histograms. Inferential statistics are used to test hypotheses and make generalizations. The requirements to be fulfilled is to test the normality of the data using Liliefors test. Test of homogeneity of variance is done by using the formula Barlett test at significance level α = 0.05, to test the hypothesis by using t test with significance level α = 0.05 the n1 = n2 and σ1 ≠ σ2. 114 Results and Discussion Calculation results of students motivation to learn science which treated of media using CD Interactive experimental group The results obtained from the study for the experimental group respondents Elementary third grade students who were treated using Interactive CD for learning science has a total score of 2893 with a highest score of 96, the lowest score of 66, and an average score of 82.66. Median value of 83, the value of mode 80 and 82, the value of the variance and standard deviation 35.23 standard deviation was 5.94. Table 2 Frequency Distribution of Learning science Motivation in III grades by treatment CD Interactive of media Class Interval Frequency Absolute Frequency Relative 66-70 1 2,86 71-75 2 5,71 76-80 10 28,57 81-85 12 34,29 86-90 7 20 91-95 2 5,71 96-100 1 2,86 Total 35 100 Based on table above can be acquired the value of the frequency and interval value of each class interval. The number of respondents were below the average of the 13 respondents, or 37.14, which means that as many as 13 students in a class have a value below the average, while those in the class average of the 12 respondents, or 34.29, which means that as many as 12 students have corresponding average value, and which is above the average grade of about 10 respondents or 28.57, which means that as many as 10 students have grades above average. The results of the calculation of learning motivation science without using an interactive CD of media Control Group The results obtained from the study for the control group respondents untreated students in the form of an interactive CD media use has a total score of 2820 with a highest score of 97, the lowest score of 59, and an average score of 80.57. The median value of 82 and a value of mode variance 83. Value 48.43, and standard deviation standard deviation was 6.96. Table 3: Frequency distribution of motivation science third class without assistance CD media interactive Control Group Class Interval Frequency Absolute Frequency Relative 59-64 1 2,86 65-70 1 2,86 71-76 7 20 77-82 11 31,43 83-88 12 34,28 89-94 2 5,71 95-100 1 2,86 total 35 100 115 Based on the table above can be acquired the value of the frequency and interval value of each class interval. The number of respondents who are under the average the 9 respondents or 25.72, which means that as many as 9 students have scores below average, while those in the class average of the 11 respondents, or 31.43, which means that as many as 11 students have corresponding average value, and which is above the average grade total 15 respondents or 42.85, which means that as many as 15 students have grades above average. Hypothesis Testing Testing this hypothesis using a t-test the tests the average difference in the two. T-test to test the two groups, the experimental and control one-shot case study with the criteria if t count t table, then H1 is accepted and if t t-table then H1 is rejected. Based on the results of hypothesis testing using t-test, the obtained value t = 3.488 and t- table value = 1.66, df = 68 value at significance level α = 0.05. From these results it is known that t count t-table, so it can be concluded that there are differences in students learning motivation science interactive CD treated with learning motivation science untreated interactive CD, where the average student motivation by using interactive CD is higher 82.66 compared to the average student motivation without the use of an interactive CD 80.57. Thus using an interactive CD of media have a positive influence on motivation to learn science. Summary results of hypothesis testing using t-test can be seen in the table, as follows: Table 4: Results of t-test Specification dk n1+n2-2 t- count t-table Significance α = 0,05 Calculation results of t-test 68 3,48 1,66 Significant Discussion of Results Through hypothesis testing, the test results are known t-count 3.48 and t-table at 1.66. With conditions t-count t-table, prove that Ho null hypothesis which states that there is a significant positive effect on the using interactive CD of media to motivate elementary students to learn science is rejected, whereas H1 alternative hypothesis which states that there is positive significantly from using interactive CD of media to motivate elementary students learn accepted science. From the research, describes the differences learning motivation in the experimental group with the control group. Motivation to learn science group given assistance interactive CD of media experimental group is better than the learning motivation the group who did not receive assistance interactive CD of media control group. It is evident that the enthusiastic students in participating in science lessons, they are spirit, accepted a task with full responsibility, able to complete the task properly, resilient and optimistic in the face of difficulties in learning, so as to make the students are motivated to learn science. This is consistent with an interactive CD of media functions expressed by Heinich, Robert, 2005. that interactive CD is of media that utilizes a computer to create and combine text, graphics, audio, video and image animations to make learning fun and does not make the students easily bored. Based on the purpose of education Science teachers are required to be able to stimulate students to think reflectively, meaning how teachers design teaching so that 116 students are active, creative and responsive to a wide range of existing problems Kurrikulum IPA SD 2006. Media interactive CD prioritizing elements of interactivity. This media can provide immediate feedback on answers or responses given by the students. In addition, the CD interactive media can individually control their own pace of learning students personally. In addition, students can choose their own topic you want to study. Display interactive CD of media that can motivate students draw students to learn. This is in accordance with the statement Slavin 2009 motivation is an internal process that activates, guides, and maintains behavior over time or something that causes one to do something and to do something to survive it. When using CD media students will listen, view, and consider and interact with the subject matter is a practice and a game, then the student can understand very well and understand every new word that is contained in the interactive CD. In accordance with the opinion Hannafian 1988. The use of interactive CD of media can clarify the presentation of the message so it does not occur lesson learning activities verbalistis. Sardiman. 1999 confirms that the learning system is delivered in a single package consists of animated films, motivation, challenge, adventure, attractive graphic design, music and song, as well as an interactive system to make your students learning experience to be so enjoyable and memorable. According to analysis above research, the provision of treatment with an interactive CD of media proved to have a positive influence on students motivation. In addition, an interactive CD of media is more effective and does not require expensive, allows teachers to explain the particular subject matter science. so that the material presented is easy to understand the students. This is in accordance with the opinion of Greenberg 1998 motivation can encourage the process of generating, directing, and establish behavior toward a goal. Learning science in primary schools can be understood as an activity practiced in order to get an understanding. Media the interactive CD learning behavior consists of psychic and physical activity in an integrated and comprehensive proceed. Implementation of natural learning daily life according to Santrock, John 2008 is an activity of individuals who obtain the knowledge, attitudes, and skills learned by processing materials. Elementary science learning generally according Darmodjo, Hendro. 1993 tend to emphasize rote classical or material. This resulted in motivating students in science subjects. Proper use of media can help the learning process more enjoyable. Another thing that can be observed from the changes in students learning motivation science is influenced by the interactive CD media. In case this happens the of media influence media use interactive CD on motivation to learn science third class is a positive effect. Conclusion Based on the calculation results of testing research hypothesis, acquired t-test = 3.48 and t- table = 1.66 at significance level α = 0.05 with n = 70, the t-test is greater than t-table so that H0 null hypothesis which states that there is a significant positive effect on the using interactive CD of media on motivation to learn science students of third class rejected, whereas H1 alternative hypothesis which states that there is a significant positive effect on the using interactive CD of media on motivation to learn science elementary third grade students received. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there is a significant positive effect on the utilization of interactive CD of media on motivation to learn science elementary school third-grade students. It is evident that the students were given an interactive CD of media- 117 assisted activity more highly motivated students in learning science, with indicators that students can receive job with full responsibility, students can complete the task properly, the students being persistent have difficulty and optimism in the study compared with students who were not given assistance use interactive CD media. Implications The results of this study provide a theoretical description of the effect of using an interactive CD media on motivation to learn science Elementary School third-grade students. In maximizing the utilization of interactive CD of media as an effort to increase students learning motivation science third grade elementary school, in practice need to consider the following matters: schools need to provide enough computers for each student, teachers need to understand technology as a facilitator of students to be competent in running interactive CD application, science teachers need to master the material in accordance with an interactive CD, using interactive CD used should be appropriate to the learning objectives, and interactive CD tailored to the characteristics of the students. Thus using an interactive CD can assist teachers in implementing science learning becomes more active, effective, creative, and enjoyable. REFERENCES Darmodjo, Hendro. 1993. Pendidikan IPA . Depdikbud. Heinich, Robert, 2005. Instructional Technology and Media for Learning. New Jersey:Prentice hall. Hurlock, Elizabeth. 1991. Perkembangan Siswa, Jilid 2 . Jakarta Erlangga. J. 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Jakarta: PT Grasindo. 118 URGENCY COMPUTER GAMES FOR STIMULATION THE EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT Syahrul Ismet Department of Early Childhood Education Faculty of Science and Education Padang State University E-mail: C.P. 085319107976 abstract The rapid development of communication technology of the 21st century have made the children as a digital generation. Information and communication technologies are becoming an important part integral in the lives of children, as well as participate in every stage of their development. The position of computer technology is not just a means of regular play, but it has become a medium for learning children. The availability of a variety of alternative applications of computer games specifically for children at this time, provide an opportunity for children to play and develop rapidly and the maximum. Computer games that are interesting, challenging, and provide new experiences, according to the characteristics of early childhood development. During this time, parents and teachers do not use computer games maximize and effective in stimulating the growth and development of children. The findings of the experts indicate that stimulation by utilizing a computer game can develop the potential of early childhood optimal quickly, context and integration. Keywords: computer games, child development, stimulation . Preliminary Early childhood this time, has become the digital generation, the generation that interact directly with a variety of media technologies. Various media technology, especially computers have been used by children in their play activities. So it can be said that computer technology and childrens media, at the present can not be separated. There are three major groups of generation, in conjunction with the technology, namely: 1 addict digital community, namely the generation of high-tech addiction. Generations close and hanging with digital technology; 2 digital immigrant cummunity, the generation that adapting high technology, but trying to control the use of technology for the benefit of daily; 3 digital permisive community, namely the generation of high-tech abstain. Computer technology provides much convenience to implement the learning process. The use of computers has become increasingly familiar as a medium that can assist teachers in implementing the learning. However, not many early childhood education institutions make the computer as a medium for the stimulation of early childhood development. Use of Computers for Early Childhood George S. Morison in Santrock 2009: 52 asserts, the use of computer technology at home and at school is very good for early childhood development. Kids now a generation of technology digital age digital citizen. Children grow and develop through interaction with technology. Various applications fun games for children. In fact, only nine months old baby 119 has been interacting with the computer, while sitting on the lap of her parents. This is an important fact that the children had learned directly from the computer. It is understood that the development of computers has affected the lives of young children. The interaction of children with computers into their daily activities. Through a variety of fun computer games, computer into a media option that interests the child. So it can not be denied, that the child essentially has learned directly through the use of a computer. Based on the fact that children use computer technology in everyday life, then Morrison 2004: 374 suggested that all classes of early childhood education has a technology center that includes a computer, internet access, printers, digital cameras, and educational programs software fit in the computer. These tools can be utilized to the maximum to make the learning process in the classroom, and a variety of activity centers. The same thing is explained by Ajen Dianawati 2009: 1 that the computer functions can assist student learning activities, so that the development has been utilized as a tool for learning in schools or institutions of learning guidance. The use of computers in early childhood institutions will positively impact child development. Children will have an opportunity equal access to technology, regardless of economic status. Children can develop their skills through interaction with the computer. Children can improve the performance through the use of the internet and a variety of learning software. Utilization of computers in the education of children, according to Davidson and Wright as quoted by Brewer 2007: 124-125 are based on several assumptions, namely: the use of computers becomes a social activity, the use of computer based initiation of children and direct experience, computer software to support children to explore, experiment and solve problems, offer computer learning new things, and the computer as a form of child development in the classroom. Understood from these assumptions, the use of computers in early childhood education is not just to give the child the opportunity to interact with technology. However, the computer becomes a media that is able to develop a lot of things in the child. Consequently, teachers are not only required to have a computer technical computer skills, but also able to develop the potential of children through a variety of computer learning. In accordance with the opinion of Diana Trister Dodge and Laura J Colker was quoted Parwoto 2008: 55, that the computer can provide high completeness effective learning for children. While the development of a child with a computer match depending on how they use it. In terms of age, the introduction of telematics and applications suggested by Rusman, Dedi Kurniawan and CEPI Riyana 2011: 96 begins in children and given to all levels of education. According to Catherine and Glenn de Padua 2012: 45, many researchers suggest the age of 3-4 years as the best age to start computer classes for children. When this age, children have mastered basic life skills, such as walking and talking. The basic skills of a child into capital and active in exploring computer directly. Expert opinion that the use of the computer education should start at an early age, giving confirmation that the computer system useful for the development of the child in his golden period. If the child has had basic life skills, such as walking and speaking, then these skills can already be used to interact with the computer. Computers provide many advantages in developing the potential of early childhood. Based on the description of computers and early childhood can be concluded that the development of todays computers took place rapidly. Early childhood and parents are encouraged to use the computers in the childrens learning. Age 3-4 years to the dawn of time learning the computer is good for children, because children already have the basic skills to 120 explore. The use of computers will be valuable for the development of effective and completeness of childrens learning, if tailored to the needs and interest. Computer games Stimulation Benefits for Child Development The use of computers can help the social development of children. Morrison 2008: 116 detailing the many social values of children that can be developed through learning computers, among others, self-control, self-reliance, self-confidence, positive friendships, and self-reliance activities without always being watched. During this time, the reasons for rejection of computer learning for children, because they do not develop the social aspect. When children interact with computers, children are busy with their own activities without social interaction with others. This can be overcome by teachers to design learning computer-based social development. Teachers can freely develop such social values in the design of computer-based social learning. For example, a joint project activities, provide a few chairs in the computer, working in pairs or small groups collaboration. Teachers can also provide opportunities for children to explore and then discuss their project. Next, children were asked to explain things that are found during the project activities. The use of computers can enhance a childs intelligence. According to Conny R Semiawan 2008: 55, an increase in the development of the child intelligensi, due to encouragement the childs curiosity is high curiosity is typical of human nature. In addition, the speed, accuracy, currency of the information can be obtained through the computer. Thus the enrichment occurs in brain function, which in turn increases the production of neuroglial cells are specialized cells that surround the neurons, so it will increase the number of neuronal cells. Senanda with Conny Semiawan, Bambang Warsita 2008: 140, confirms the use of computers can enhance the achievement of learning outcomes with the use of time and cost is relatively small. Children have a tremendous potential of the brain. The potential that will thrive when given the stimulation penguhubung make synapses between nerve cells more. Through computer activities that challenge the child will try to answer the curiosity, as well as a careful and fast growing practice. At the end of stimulation through the use of computers to create increasingly better intelligence and increased child. The use of computers can develop childrens creativity. This was said by Anna Craft as quoted Parwoto 2008: 55 as follows: A lot of games games computer matching with different learning activities. Children can see their own level of success, especially in basic skills, such as reading, using the keyboard, and various types of open-ended investigations. All the activities of the child is the development of childrens creativity through a computer. The use of computers to train children with a wide range of technical skills. Skills such as turn on the computer, run up and close it. In carrying out the program, the child will be involved more with the technical skills. During play, children stimulate to read, understand and are trained to use various keys on the keyboard and mouse. This makes the process of training the childs creativity flourish. According to experts, the use of computers in early childhood learning, cultivate a critical attitude in the child. By the time the child interacts with the computer, children will observe, play and develop the ability to indefinitely. Berekplorasi child as he wishes to try out new experiences. According to Blanchard 2010: 1 research Critcher 2008, Drotner and Livingston 2008, Hasebrink, Livingston, Haddon and Olafsosson 2008, Linebarger and Piotrowski 2009 concluded that children aged 3-5 years, is now able to develop various their 121 potential by learning through the media. Children can directly observe, explore, play and learn through digital media they like. Computer learning in kindergarten can develop physical motor abilities, such as: developing eye coordination, small muscles of the fingers of children, and increase their motivation to play. Parwoto 2008: 55 suggested that the computer learning, teachers have a lot to understand the use of computers for their students, because they have to guide and resolve when the child has an error in the use of computers. Motor activity is the highest activity in the childs life. Through a childs motor activity was able to rain physical and neurological coordination. Motor activity is also easy to determine, since the visible of the activities of children. When using a computer children develop physical coordination by playing a mouse, keyboard or touchscreen. According to The David and Lucie Packard 2000: 45 in addition to the development of parenting skills that are technical, computer study also establish a communication link between a child with someone else. Through various social networks on the Internet, allowing for children to connect with their friends mapun family. Not only in the form of verbal communication, even a child can also communicate through sharing his work with others. Catherine and Glenn de Padua in The David and Lucie Packard 2000: 45 also describes some of the benefits children with learning computers, namely: 1 improve childrens learning skills, it is pointed out various studies that children who use computers have better academic performance 2 stimulate childrens creativity and imagination, because even a simple computer program will be felt challenging for children, because children learn to identify problems, analyze option, and choose the best solution, 3 promote the development of personality, because the computer program allows the children make mistakes, correct, and try again without fear of being scolded. the child becomes accustomed to risk-taking, possess a more independent and more confident . From the description of the benefits of computer games to stimulate early childhood development, it can be concluded that computer games provide many benefits for children and can be tailored to the needs of development. These benefits include the social value of emotional intelligence, motor skills, creativity, real experience, critical thinking, academic ability, personality, communication and so on. The use of computers in early childhood learning can help the development of children quickly and effectively. Principles of Computer Games stimulation for young children Based on the Needs Children Early childhood is unique in its development. Between one child with other children can not be equated. Thus, the needs of each child is different. Learning computer must understand the development of children with different requirements. For that, according to Morrison 2004: 389-393 before carrying out the computer study early childhood educators need to understand a few important things. First, the teacher should be informed about the different needs of each child to technology. Such information is useful for teachers to plan lessons and assistance aktvitas different for each child. Second, the use of computer technology is designed to develop a childs social skills. This is related to the criticism that the learning computer is not able to develop a childs social. Third, teachers implement meaningful learning for children, such as discovery learning, problem solving and computer skills . 122 Understanding the different needs of children can help teachers plan effective computer learning. Since early childhood learning should address the needs of each individual childs development. Differences in individual needs, will mempengerahuhi teacher assistance to each child during learning. Play Implemented through the stimulation of a childs learning the game. Playing for children is a means to develop a variety of skills. For that developed computer-based learning game. Henniger as quoted by Morrison 2004: 468 explains the principle of the development of the game through a computer, namely: 1 shows the activity of childrens play, which can stimulate childrens physical activity, 2 the child can choose their own type of game he likes, 3 children can play directly, minimize teacher intervention on the child, 4 process-oriented game, instead of the resulting work children, 5 game stimulates imagination and kreatiftas child, 6 games with minimal risk. Principles of learning computer-based game shows the liveliness of children and benefits for development. Child during the play shown to be active, self-reliance, direct play and fun. During play children develop imagination and creativity. Development of social value The development of social values is an important part of a childs learning. Because the child will enter real life in society. The emergence of criticism of computer learning minimal social value, because as long as the computer is learning emphasizes individual activities. In fact, many of the techniques that teachers can do in developing a social value through a learning computer. According to Clement and Sarama, as quoted by Morrison 2004: 468 suggests the use of a computer can develop a childs social. For example, teachers deal with computer learning laboratory with putting a few chairs in a variety of computers and software in the computer. This will make the children interact with each other and share their experiences in working. Mentoring Children Although computer-based learning to the child, but the mentoring teachers or parents while studying computer is still needed. Because every child has the ability of the different interactions with the computer. Mentoring serves to facilitate the childrens curiosity, as well as preventing the negative of computer use. According Henniger 2013: 471, there are three forms of mentoring parents and teachers when interacting with the child in learning computers, namely as an instructor, mentor and model. As instructors, teachers and parents membelajarkan how to use technology. As counselors, teachers and parents to guide the child can adapt, so skillfully use computers. As a model, teachers and parents will always be considered about how to use a good computer. Integration of Learning Children learning computer, not just the technical skills to use the technology. But utilized integrated with learning programs that follow the child. Thus, a computer learning materials can be prepared based on the needs of the school. So that learning becomes a source of learning computer that is connected to the other childs learning experience. This is 123 supported by Henniger in Morrison 2004: 379 that pengeaturan computer centers in allows child labor mengkasesnya on any learning and development activities of children use the computers as a core part of the school. Selection Software Computer programs for early childhood learning is growing by leaps and bounds. Various types of software can be selected according to need. To be optimally useful as a source of childrens learning, teachers need to pay attention to the principles in the use of the software. According to Brewer 2007: 124-15 kids computer software selection refers to the technical aspects, aspects of learning, aspects of content and developmental aspects. Technical aspects, such as operating the buttons that are used, how to run programs, save and print work. Aspects of learning, such as voice and image support, equal parts of the display, the ability to give feedback. Aspects of the content, in the form of the material to be studied children like the information, processes, capabilities, and level of difficulty of each level. Aspects of development, such as a game program according to the childs age. In line with Brewer, D Brown Phylis Morrison 2004: 387 describes some of the considerations when choosing software teachers: 1 The application matches the specifications of the computer, because it is associated with the operating system, memory, speed and color, 2 the application in accordance with the standard curriculum taught objectives, 3 applications adapt to the development of age, 4 application of fun to play. NAEYC National Association of Early Young Children in Morrison 466-467 have established the principles of computer learning for young children is the reference in the development of childrens computer learning. Principles are: 1 teachers use of computers to adjust for age, the differences of each child, as well as cultural differences, 2 computer learning stimulates cognitive and social development, 3 the computer must be integrated into the childs learning environment so easy to use a child any other learning, 4 all children have access to computers in the class, 5 software used should depict reality in the community and used as a problem-solving strategies, 6 early childhood professionals and parents work together to realize the hardware and software that is suitable for children, 7 early childhood educators need training to be a professional, so that learning becomes the better computer . It is understood that the principles of software selection is very important in learning computer. Since the control over the software into computer-based learning activities. In general, the software used should be appropriate to the needs of early childhood, children develop a range of skills, and is easy when operated. Conclusion Computer games can be used to stimulate the development of early childhood, from the age of 3 years. Media use of computer games can be included in learning activities at school early childhood kindergarten. Many benefits accrue to children through the game due to a computer, such as motor skills, academic intelligence, social values, to solve problems, and so on. To implement an effective stimulation computer games for childrens development, the teacher refers to the principles of stimulation computer games for children. 124 Bibliography Blanchard, Jay dan Terry Moore. The Digital World of Young Children: Impact on Emergent Literacy . State University, 2010. Brewer, Jo Ann. Introduction to Early Childhood Education Preschool Through Primary Grades . Boston: Pearson, 2007. Dianawati, Ajen. Belajar Komputer Untuk Anak . Jakarta: Wahyu Media, 2009. Henniger, Michael, L. Teaching Young Children. Washington: Pearson, 2013. Morrison, George S. Early Childhood Education Today. Colombus: Pearson, 2004. Morrison, George S. Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education . Alih Bahasa Dasar-Dasar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini oleh Suci Romadhona dan April Widiastuti. Jakarta: Indeks, 2008. Rusman, Dedi Kurniawan dan Cepi Riyana. Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi dan Komunikasi . Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2011. h. 96 Parwoto. Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran dan Motivasi Terhadap Kreativitas Anak Dalam Bermain Komputer. Studi Eksperimen pada Anak TK Pangudiluhur, Jakarta Selatan . Disertasi: PPs UNJ, 2008. Santrock, John W. Children . Alih bahasa Masa Perkembangan Anak oleh Verawaty Pakpahan dan Wahyu Anugraheni. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika, 2009. Semiawan, Conny R. Belajar dan Pembelajaran Prasekolah dan Sekolah Dasar. Jakarta: Indeks, 2008. The David and Lucie Packard Foundation. Jurnal The Future of Children . Volume 10 number 2 fallwinter 2000. Title Children and Computer technology. http:www.princeton.edufutureofchildrenpublicationsjournalsjournal_detailsindex. xml?journalid=45 diakses 30 Desember 2012. Warsita, Bambang. Teknologi Pembelajaran Landasan dan Aplikasinya . Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2008. 125 CONTENTS OF ADVERTISING IN CHILDREN TELEVISION SHOWS Nurist Surayya Ulfa Department of Communication, Diponegoro University This study is a content analysis of advertisings aired at several television children programs in Indonesia. Based on the analysis of 1.442 ads, it is found that the duration of ads are generally about 4-5 minutes, with 10-15 advertisings aired. While in prime time show, the duration is increasing to 7-8 minutes and aired 24-27 ads. The proportion of ads is 50 children products. Meanwhile, 83 ads is emotional advertising that contains only 1-2 informations and only 3 ads is informative of which contains 4-5 informations. Keyword: information contents, advertising, children television programs

1. Background of The Study

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