RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Development of the Linguistic Intelligence Children aged 4-5 years. Place and Time Research LATAR RESEARCH

310 it and to tell a story. Children learn how to talk with others and acquire conversational skills yng diperlukn for social acceptance and leadership roles. Storytelling is an activity that a person does to another person orally with or without the tool about what the tool should be submitted in the form of messages, information or just a fairy tale to be heard with a sense of fun, because the person who presents the story convey it interesting. Story telling is an activity that is very beneficial to childrens brain development, sharpening the intellect and imagination of children, improving the ability to speak and communicate, build character of children, warms relationships of parents and children, and others. In line with the opinion of the benefits Moeslichatoen storytelling to instill honesty, courage, loyalty, friendliness, sincerity, and positive attitudes that others in the family life, school, and outside of school. Provide a number of social knowledge, moral values, and religious, providing a learning experience that can develop cognitive abilities, effective, and psychomotor each child, providing a unique learning experience and interesting, and the juice can be thrilling, uplifting, and lead to preoccupation separate and allow the development dimension of feeling. Characteristics of language skills of children aged 5 years are: 1 It can use more than 2,500 vocabulary, 2 the scope of the spoken vocabulary concerning the child; color, size, shape, taste, smell, beauty, speed, temperature, difference, ratio, distance, surface coarse-grained, 3 5-year olds are able to perform the role as a good listener, 4 can participate in a conversation, children are able to listen to other people talk and respond to the conversation, 5 that are made by children aged 5 years has been related to a variety of commentary on what is done by himself and others, as well as what he saw. Children at the age of 5 years are able to perform self-expression, writing, reading, and even poetry. From the above description of the development of language skills usin children 4-5 years of age have the ability to start learning characteristics develop listening skills in order to facilitate interaction with the environment. On the basis of the teachers ability to optimize the childs ability to speak with children appreciate the initiative and interaction with their peers based on reasonable mind itself.


Methods of Intervention Measures In Kemmis Mc Taggart includes four stages: 1 planning planning, 2 the action action, 3 observation observation, 4 reflection reflection. The spiral model of action research aims to improve learning practices and improve the quality of teaching and learning process. Reasons studies using action research is a practice improvement efforts through the provision of education and action to improve practice in a professional learning in the classroom. Form of action research in this study is to provide an act of the subject under study by using the method of storytelling independent variables to determine its effect on improvement of linguistic intelligence is the ability to use the spoken word. 311

5. Development of the Linguistic Intelligence Children aged 4-5 years.

The development of intelligence in childrens outcomes instrument kindergarten age 4-5 years, ie: before the action plan, the researchers first observed the situation of teaching and learning processes of teachers known group A before the new measures.

6. Place and Time Research

This study will be conducted in group A, aged 4-5 years, kindergarten Siger Gold Bandar. When the study was conducted since December of 2011 as a baseline observation, then resumed again when the second semester of the school year in progress, which is about june to agustus 2012, exactly a child enters the second half.


The research was conducted on the Gold Siger kindergarten located in the village of Telok Betong Batu Putu North sub-district of Bandar Lampung. Siger kindergarten Gold Bandarlampung chosen the backdrop of this study because the kindergarten children are still low verbal ability, learning focuses on reading, writing and arithmetic as well as teacher-centered instruction executed teacher centered is not centered on the child student centered. On the basis of these reasons, the researchers are interested in examining the relevant kindergarten deeper to explore the potential of children so that the ability to use the word orally to develop optimally.

8. Methods and Research Design

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