Concept of Educative Play Tool

549 to realize activity which is done by individual. One of activity need more than one intelligence, and one intelligence can be used in various fields: e all kind of those intelligences are found in all cultures in the whole world and age groups, and f when someone become adult, the intelligence is expressed through profession achievement and hobby. Logical- mathematical intelligence which is started as pattern ability in preschool years and develop to become symbolic mastery in childhood, for example, finally achieve expression maturation in profession manifestation as mathematicians, accountant and scientist.

B. Concept of Educative Play Tool

Parallel with meaning quarrying of human life which is increasingly intense, many experts begin to own big impetus to search that human development by using study and point of view based on knowledge they study. One of scholarly field which is consistently study about the existence of human development is psychology. In this case, some psychology scholars are appeared who try to explain about playing based on their own point of view. Among others are psychoanalyses point of view which is pioneered by Sigmund Freud, Learning Theory point of view, cognition development theory from Jean Piageat, Lev Vygotsky, Robert White about competences motivation and Islam religion view Sugianto, T: 1994. Connected with playing activity, Vygotsky view that playing is important variable for child‘s playing activity, particularly for development of thinking capacity. Furthermore, even Vygotsky proposed the hypothesis that the development of child‘s moral behavior also rooted from child‘s playing activity, that is when child develop empathy and understand community rule and role. Child‘s playing activities which are contain those two matters namely empathy and community rule and role facilitate the process of moral behavior development in child Solehuddin, 1997. Educative play is kind of ordinary play but contain education element. According to Adang 2006: 119 ―educative play is very pleasant activity and can become means or tool which is educating in nature.‖ Educative play can also means as activity form which is done to obtain pleasure or satisfaction from means or education tool which is used in playing activity. As for play tool which is used in this study is made from household waste material. By using this tool, children will do educative play. METHOD OF STUDY A. Method and Research Design Researcher use quantitative approach in this study, by quasi experiment method. As for research design used is nonequivalent group design Sugiono, 2008: 79. This study is conducted in two classes, namely a experiment class, and b control class. Those two classes is treated differently. Control class use conventional learning whereas experiment class use educative play method. Below are research design used by researcher: X Nonequivalent Control Groups Design Sugiono, 2008: 79 Annotation: 01: experiment class pretest 02: control class pretest 550 03: experiment class posttest 04: control class posttest X : educative play

B. Location and Subject of Study

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