Problem Limitation and Formulation Concept of Multiple Intelligence

548 learning to become joyful and fun for children. This reality make many children experience the boredom and unwilling to learn by the time they continue study in next level Agustin, 2009. Based on the problem developed above, of course it is needed the correct, integrative and beneficial solution for various people. The solution offered to overcome that problem is by through the application of learning by applying educative play in developing multiple intelligence. Based on the problem developed above, thus this study focused on Learning Influence by Applying Educative Play from Household Waste Material to Develop Multiple Intelligence of Early Childhood Quasi Experiment Study Toward Children of Group B, TK Labschool UPI, Bandung City and TK Tunas Karya Subang Regency, 2014-2015 Academic Year.

B. Problem Limitation and Formulation

The background of problem explained above limit the theme of study on learning influence by applying educative play to develop multiple intelligence of early childhood. In order to get focus direction and the clarity of study construct, thus the formulation of this study problem as follow: ―how does the influence of learning by applying educative play to develop multiple intelligence of early childhood? Based on this problem formulation above, the question in this study is elaborated as follow: 1. How look like does the multiple intelligence in children of group B, TK Labschool, Bandung City and TK Tunas Karya, Subang Regency in 2014-2015 Academic Year? 2. How look like does learning program by applying educative play to develop multiple intelligence of early childhood in group B in TK Labschool Bandung City and Tunas Karya, Subang Regency in 2014-2015 Academic Year? 3. Is there significant influence from learning program by applying educative play in developing multiple intelligence of early childhood? THEORETICAL STUDY Multiple Intelligence and Educative Play Tool

A. Concept of Multiple Intelligence

According Gardner Musfiroh, 2004:24, intelligence is ability to solve the problem or generate a product which will be made in one or several cultures. In more detail, Gardner explain as follow: a the ability to solve and find the problem solution in real life; b the ability to generate new problems to be solved, and c the ability to create something rewarding in one‘s culture. Furthermore, according Gardner, the intelligence based on biology potency, which then expressed as result of genetic and environment factors interplay. Generally, normal individual capable to show the mixture of intelligence. The intelligence never encountered in pure form. In contrast, the intelligence is implanted in various symbol systems, such as language, picture, map, music notation, and mathematical symbol. Gardner Amstrong, 2003: 12 explain that multiple intelligences posses concept characteristic as follow: a all intelligences are different, but all ar equivalent. In this sense, there is no intelligence which is better or more important from another intelligence; b all intelligences are possessed by human being in degree which is not exactly the same. All intelligences can be explored, grown and developed optimally; c there are many indicators of intelligence in each intelligence. By practicing, someone can build the power of intelligence possessed and reduce the weaknesses, d all different intelligences work together 549 to realize activity which is done by individual. One of activity need more than one intelligence, and one intelligence can be used in various fields: e all kind of those intelligences are found in all cultures in the whole world and age groups, and f when someone become adult, the intelligence is expressed through profession achievement and hobby. Logical- mathematical intelligence which is started as pattern ability in preschool years and develop to become symbolic mastery in childhood, for example, finally achieve expression maturation in profession manifestation as mathematicians, accountant and scientist.

B. Concept of Educative Play Tool

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