Influence of attitude to mathematics subject x2 with result learn mathematics Y Thereby can be concluded that attitude to mathematics subject represent variable which


2. Influence of attitude to mathematics subject x2 with result learn mathematics Y

Influence of attitude variable to mathematics subject x1 with result learn mathematics Y to analyze simple regress. result of the simple analysis get equation of Y=- 6,085+0,346X2. 30 25 20 15 10 5 -5 -10 Sikap Terhadap Mata Pelajaran Matematika Gambar 6. Regresi Sikap Terhadap Pelajaran Matematika dgn Hasil Belajar Matematika influence of attitude to mathematics subject X2 with result learn mathematics Y by using equation of Y=-6,085+0.346X2 regress, can be seen at following graphic:

3. Thereby can be concluded that attitude to mathematics subject represent variable which

enough stabilize and determine result learn mathematics. Influence of self concept academic X1, attitude toward math subject X2 together toward result of math subject Y. Next to knowing the influence between variable conception self of academic attitude and to mathematics subject by together with result learn mathematics to analyze plural regress which yield equation of Y=-23,347+0,328X1 regress + 0,226X2. Table 22 The analysis result regress and coeficient determination VARIABEL NILAI REGRESI Koefisien Determinasi Y atas X 1 Y ˆ = -14,951 + 0,407X1 37,20 Y atas X 2 Y ˆ = -6,085 + 0,346X 2 25,90 Y atas X 1 dan X 2 Y ˆ =-31,742+0.268X1+0,201X2 46,80 C. Solution of Research Result. Examination of hypothesis conclude there are positive influence and significant between self concept of academic attitude to mathematics subject by together with result learn mathematics posed at by F value count calculate equal to 38.24. CONCLUSION Self concept of academic have influence which are positive to result learn mathematics. This matter indicate that if self concept of academic class student of III elementary school of result learn mathematics also will increasing. Attitude to class student mathematics subject of third grade in Elementary School have influence which are positive to result learn mathematics. Then, manifestly attitude to mathematics subject to following the determine result learn mathematics. Then, conception self of academic attitude to 20 40 60 80 100 H as il B e la jar M a te m a ti ka 664 mathematics subject by together have influence which are positive to result learn class student mathematics of third grade in Elementary School. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brewer, Jo Ann Introduction to Early Childhood Education .USA: Pearson, 2007 Eggen, Paul and Don Kauchak, Educational Psychology : Windows of Classroom . United State: Prentice Hall, 2007 Green, Jasmine, The Causal ordering of self-concept and academic motivation and its effect on academic achievement. International Education Journal, 2006 Guay, Frederic et. all, Learning and Individual Differences: academic self concept , autonomous academic motivation, and academic achievement: Mediating and additive effects. Journal of Education Psychology .2010 Marsh, Herbert W. dan Olaf Koller. Unification of theotical models of academic self conceptachievement relation: Reunification of east and west German School system after the fall of the Berlin Wall : Contemporary Educational Psycology, 2003 Marsh. Herbert W. Self Concept Theory, Measurement and Research Into Practise : The Role of self concept in Educational Psycology : The Educational Section of British Psychology, 2006 NAEYC, Preparing Early Chilhood Profesional . Washington DC. NAEYC: 2003 Papalia, Diane et. all, Human Development. Jakarta: Kencana, 2008 Parson, Richard D. Stephanie Lewis Hinson Deborah Sardo Brown, Educational Psychology : a Practitioner- Researcher Model of Teaching Canada, Wadsworth Learning, 2001. 665 IMPROVING CHILDREN’ FINE MOTORIC SKILL THRUOGH CONTRUCTIVE PLAY Hj. Nirwana. M.Pd Postgraduate Program UNJ ABSTRACT This aimed of this to know out the learning to develop the fine motor skills by means of the activities of constructive play. This research in the kindergarden Sekolah Alam Bogor for the student in the pre -school. The method used in this research was action research who developed by Kemmis and Taggarr. Actions taken in this research consisted of two cycles; each cycle consist of ten treatment. For each cycles consisting of planning, action, monitoring, and reflection. Analiysis of the data used in this research is done with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Analysis of quantitative data obtained on increasing learning outcomes persentages from pre-intervention to the second cycles, that is from 52,94 until 94,18. This axceeds the agreement between reserchers and colaborators by 71. Based on the percentage improvement obtained the action hypothesis is accepted. Qualitative data analysis is used based on the mode analysis by Miles and Hubermen by the step : 1 data reduction, 2 data display, and 3 verification by observation, interview, affective domain, and psychomotor domain.


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